HomeMy WebLinkAboutWomen's Club-1988/1995 Rucker-Fox
marry in fib"
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�GENEV a church of the
. a was the scene May 14 of
__the wedding of Michelle Rene
Rucker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs
Jerry Rucker of Geneva and Loras
Allen Fox, son of Mr. and Mrs. C.
- Lee Fox of Waterloo, Iowa
1 `; '� The bride was given in marriage
r " C a e • t by her father, and the double-
4. ' o.) a ringceremony was performed by the
Z o Rev. Donald Crabtree,pastor of the
° V, Geneva Church of God. The altar
ew , with a huge cross in the background
Tii C was highlighted by the 14-branch 17,c = gold-toned candelabra holding white
V o�, C candles
o U C The white lace wedding gown was
% c C. of traditional style featuring a fitted
O Z a bodice with sequins, long mutton
a , v o, a sleeves and a trailing lace-bordered
iv train.The lace headpiece gracefully
y '' : o% fell Into the long veil with the blusher
, t .r" '� . delicately framing her face. The
V o h .� •::J! bnde's bouquet contained pink and
white silk apple blossoms and roses r
y '' o ► nestling on a white Bible.
oThe maid of honor was Miss
o . .= v Michelle Hora and bridesmaid was
i 1 ` , g o -`a Miss Tammy Peterson, both of
o Geneva,who were gowned in pastel
ZS' pink formals. Flower girl Jennifer
a n e McKeown was attired in a white lace
' U r A •a dress with blue sash and carried a
r y te tiny blue and white nosegay.•
t ,� a ° Best man was the groom's brother
..,„ ;• •� n o Mark Fox, with his other brother,
!° ~ _ a• y o, F Mick Fox,acting as groomsman and
« o V E the bride's brother,Joseph Rucker,
"'> : •> " z serving as ring bearer. Ushers were
• E V v c respective brothers Jason Rucker and
oil o
o f 4 ♦ Tom Fox. All the men in the wed-
Qi -I °h' ° ding procession wore white
�� o &-. i boutonnieres.
i 3 to 0 0o o The Rev. Charles McKeown,un-
+� 1 '� o ` •o p cle of the bride and pastor of the
. \ Q ..o t served communion and ereadf Scrip-
�_ o, >; i c., tures to the bridal couple.
e o J Music was provided by Mr. and
Mrs Dan Crabtree playing the guitar
and piano, respectively with vocal
solos by the wife and Miss Ginger
The reception was held in the
community hall with Mrs. Thad
Bellflower as hostess. The serving
/ table with its pink, blue and white
color scheme was complemented by
the three-tier wedding cake outlined
i in silver, Hawaiian punch,fin er
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Women's club has busy schedule ahead
By K. Robert May Winter Springs Kindergarten:Nicole Janney,
OF THE sonraisrnrr Jennifer Osburn, Joel Merchant,
Jonathan Alleock and William
The Tuscawilla Women's Club • LAST MEETING Christon;
will elect officers,conduct afund- THE WINTER Springs Garden First Grade: Renee Hansford,
raiser and enjoy a dinner show as Club will wrap up another year Neil Schmidt, , Michelle a le Maria
part of a busy April schedule. with its spring social in April and Lauren Trench, Mlcheile Marla
a regular meeting in May. The and Robbie Castle;
An election of officers for 1995- club does not meet during the Second Wayne Sh gradA: x Nee Rtevg, ,
98 tops the business agenda at the summer. Haves and Me a N Noe, Trevor
club's il3rig�r Wed at 8 p.m. Members will enjoy an evening Harris
TThird grade:Chelsea Horton,
April 13 in the performance on April 6 of the Luke Balagla, Alda Rodrigues,
musical Sugar at the Mark Two Amy Van Epps and Kristen
There will also be a anent our Dinner Theater in Orlando. Spann;
tine to mice funds. Members are The last regular meeting of the Fourth grade: Nicole Brewer,
asked to se f a craft b or other year will be at 7:30 p.m.May 11 in Vanessa Roman.,Pameika Mitch
aske t addition,Sim Showalter, the home of a member. For de- ell,Jordan Winter,Crystal Boyce
tails, call Margaret Hannah at and John Paul Ziino;
president of Showalter Aviation,
will talk about her aviation career. (907)695-0610. Fifth grade: Lackesha Martin,
• BOOK IT WINNERS Relit McLaughlin, Casey Mc-
On April 22, members, spouses WINTER SPRINGS Elementary Donald,Caroline Merriam,Katie
and guests will enjoy Wild Bill's School announced its top readers Lieiers and Monica'ballast'.
Wild West Dinner Show at Fort Li- in the Book It program,a national Have some Winter Springs
berty in Kissimmee. Deadline for reading and incentive program news? Let K Robert May know.
reservations is April 17. For more sponsored by Pizza Hut. Items should be mailed to 1210
information,call(907)388-5112. The top readers are: Swan St., Winter Springs 32708.
X15"0 3 30
Tuscawilla women to install club officers
By K. Robert May Super students by grade indud-
orrrasaarsacsrus , Winter Springs ed Alyssa Colamarino, kindergar-
4 Wednesday night basketball Josh Tyree, second � first grade;
Sandra grade;and Ashley president of be ginning The Y program, now te- Lawrence, third grade; and Am-
installed as en' iClub at a the just fou its ma second year, recruited bar Wyko students fourth grade.t
Tuscawilla Women's Club at a tun- just four teams a year ago. Named students of the month
cheon May 25 at the. Heathrow Team rosters are limited to eight by their teachers were Renee
Country Club. ' . playyers with only four players al- Tutchton, Timothy Lancaster,
The luncheon, the last event of lowed on the two-basket short court Jessica Peters, Trade Foy, Fran-
the year for the club,will begin at at any one time.At the end of each cisco Arias and Nicole Sobo-
11:30 am.Tickets are$11,and the eight-game season,a tournament is lewske, kindergarten; Kerrie Mc-
deadline for reservations is May staged and the champions are Laughlin, Kyle Monroe, Tommy
19. awarded T-shirts. Players are from Bellew, Sarah. Kolb, Natalie
Other officers to be installed for Winter Springs, Oviedo and por- Strachn and Amanda Wilson,
the 1995-98 year include Toni bons of east Orange County. They first grade; Crystal Lancaster,
Igler, first vice president; Bea compete at Jackson Heights Middle Valerie Maddox, Alex Nee and
Schaffer, second vice.president; ,School,Oviedo. Kasandra.Willingham, second
Dods Wittig,third vice president; Current league play is in its grade;
Judy Henn, corresponding sec- third week,but another round be- Ryan Ruziskey, Sean McKee,
retary; Phyllis Walter, treasurer;. gins July 19. Teams that want to L....ly Gentry, LoriJenen Brazier
Lee Hyde; historian, and Mae sign up can do so until July 12. and Adrian Cheung, third grade;
Jean Burch,parliamentarian. Entry fee is$180 per team. Rebecca.Butt,Nicole Bush,Jesse
Bridge awards also will be pre- To register,call Greg Patterson, Mars, Erin Paulsen and Melissa
sented at the luncheon. For reser- Eastside YMCA program director, Lee, fourth grade; and Adrienne
vations and additional informs- at(407)359-9622, Sekula, Chad Hunter, Brandi
tion,call Carole Gray at(407)365- • SUPER STUDENTS Kent and Erica Alvia,fifth grade.
A welcome coffee isbeing DEVON DIAZ, a fifth-grader, Have some Winter Springs
planned for late.August to begin. earned "super student of the news? Let K. Robert May know.
the new year, and monthly meet- month" honors for March at Win- Items should be mailed to 1210
ings will resume in September.
ter Springs Elementary School. Swan St., Winter Springs 32708,or
• ADULT resume sumo in BALL - For his effort, he was the guest faxed to (407)830-2459. Or you
of the South Seminole Sertoma may can (407)695-8829 weekday
THE EASTSIDL YMCA has Club at its weekly breakfast meet- mornings.Items are due 10 days
fielded 12 teams for its adult 4 on ing. before publication.
Winter Springs
Club women 7: WINTER SPRINGS
win district TheIts/break-Ins
• Tuskawilla Trail, 900 block, be-
level awards tween 12 p.m. April 21 and May 6. A
took took another man's dog without his
• WINTER SPRINGS AWARDS permission and moved out of state with
By K. Robert May Reading, writing and drawing it.
continue to earn awards for du- • State Road 434, 100 block, 12
OF THE SEIMNEL STAFF dents at Winter Springs Elemen- p.m.April 1 and 2 p.m.May 5.Someone
Lary School. stole$1,850 worth of Items horn a unit at
The Semoran Junior Women's A third grader, Mary Bergmen, a public storage business.
Club won several awards for its was named artist of the month for Auto thefts/burglaries
volunteer community efforts at March. Authors of the month, by • Belle Avenue,1200 block,between
the recent District 7 Junior Night grade, are Kris Vite and Andrew 5 p.m. May 3 and 5:11 p.m. May 6.
of the General Federation of Wom- Morgan, kindergarten; Marilyn Someone broke into a motor home
en's Clubs. Roy,first grade;Jordan Hare,sec- parked at a public storage facility and
Members took a second place in and grade; Mariangela Pagan, tooka SslSaton valued at$300,a micro-
leadership and third place in third grade; Bryan Jarvinen, wave men walled MROO Mid wctW°n
home life. Certificates of apprecia- fourth grade, and Kelli McLaugh- vajuist at Nit
lion were presented to Sarita tin,fifth grade.
Forbes, programs; Paula Kar- The following students were • gay Aworan 7200 dock,
marketing, and Lynne Book It Top Readers: 6 p.m. May 5 and 4:06 p.m .
Breckon, fund-raising. Mary Kindergartgen — Nicole Jan- Someone broke into a motor free
Weeks was nominated for Out- nay, Jennifer Osburn, Joel Mer- parked at a public storage facility.Noth-
standing Junior Clubwoman. chant,Jonathan Allcock and Wil- ing was missing.
The Semoran club meets at 7:30 liam Christon. • Belle Avenue, 1200 block,between
p.m. the third Monday of each First Grade—Renee Haosford, 8 p.m. May 5 and 5:30 p.m. May 6.
month at the Harbor School, 3955 Nell Schmidt, David Baldinell, Someone broke into a motor home
Red Bug Lake Road.For member- Lauren Trench, Michelle Maria parked at a public storage facility. Noth-
ship information, call Linda Hen- and Robbie Castle. ing was taken.
demon at(407)695-1783. Second grade — Asha Long,
•p.m. Avenue,5 and tz00 7:30 p.m.between
B 7:30 Belle May 5 rid ]:30 p.m. Mee 6.
• INDIAN TRAILS WINNERS Wayne Stalin,Alex Nee,Trevor Someone broke Into a motor home
JESSICA APPLER, a seventh Harris and Ariella NourieL parked at a public storage facility. Nom-
grader at Indian Trails Muddle Third Grade—Chelsea Horton, ing was taken.
School, was awarded the "grand Luke Balagia, Aida Rodriquez, • Kenka Court,600 block,between 7
level" in the annual Duke Univer- Amy Van Epps and Kristen p.m.May 5 and 8 a.m. May 6.Someone
si Talent Search, based on her Spano. stole a hip pouch with tools in it valued
ty Fourth grade — Vanessa Ito- at$250 from an unlocked car parked at
Scholastic Aptitude Test scores. a house.
She has been invited to the na- man, Tameika Mitchell, Jordan • Seneca Boulavam,1800 block,be-
tonal awards program in North Winter, Crystal Boyce and John tween 6 p.m.May 5 and 10 a.m. May 6.
Carolina in June. Paul Ziino. Someone stole a radar detector valued
Ten other Indian Trails stu- Fifth grade—lackesba Martin, at$195 from an unlocked car parked at
dents qualified as state finalists Kelli McLaughlin, Casey Mc- a house.
for their SAT scores. They have Donald,Caroline Morrison,Katie
been invited to attend the state Lieffers and Monica Tyminski. Battery
awards celebration in Gainesville Have some Winter Springs • Edgemon Avenue, 6:40 p.m. May
in June. news? Let K Robert May know. 4.Two men got into a fight.
The students are David Bar- Items should be mailed to 1210 • George Street,400 block,May 5.A
owski, Alan Clampitt-Holsen- Swan St., Winter Springs, 32708, woman was charged with battery after
beck,Nicole Creams, Katie Grif- or faxed to (407)830-2459. she bit a man on the leg.
fin,David Magana,Jeffrey Morri- • Rhoden Lane, 100 block, 12:15
Michael Santo, Brooke Sei- a.m. May 9. A man was charged with
cal,t, Lindsay Voirin and Erin battery after he grabbed a woman
around the neck, pulling her to the
Wiens. gf r t9 S.II ground.
Community notes 1
Florida Women's Clubs wins first place 1
By K. Robert May Winter Springs include Nicole Janney, kindergar-
OF �, ten; Ashley Lansing, second
THE SENTINEL grade, and Brittany Barker,third
of the Winter Springs AARP grade.
Gail Hill-Smith, member of the Chapter. Named students of the month
Semoran Junior Woman's Club and The meeting will begin at 1:30 are:
president of the Florida Junior p.m. at the Senior Center, 400 N. Kindergarten: Silver Stevens,
Cubs, accepted a first place award Edgemon Ave. In addition to the Joshua Crooke, Carolina Araujo,
recently on behalf of the Florida speaker, there will be a business Ashley Mosley and Amanda
Federation of Women's Clubs. meeting and refreshments. Rode;
The presentation was made at Seniors are welcome to join the First grade: Lindsey Brown,
the 104th International Conven- new chapter; which received its Mehgan Grinage, Stephen Paul-
tion of the General Federation of charter in January. "We're grow- seeq Sabrina Hernandez, Jeremy
Women's Clubs in Seattle in June. ing at a good pace, but we would Limones and Sabrina Dorman;
The Florida Federation took top like more seniors to join for meet- Second grade: Garrett Bowling,
honors for its programs on child ings and functions," said Ernie Lindsey Bell, Mark Rabette and
abuse prevention, illiteracy and Batter,president. Samantha Hangman;
safety for older Americans. For more information,call Bette Third grade: Houston Hanna,
Founded in 1890,the intemation- Sumple, membership chairman, Ryan MacArthur, Tara Hodge
al organization represents 8,000 at(407)895-0285. and Wendell Colon;
community-based women's clubs. • SUPER STUDENT Fourth grade: Mary Beth Bai-
• AARP MEETING DESHAWN WALTERS, a ley, Brittnee Newman, Steven
PAT JIMISON,founder and ex- fourth-grader, is Winter Springs Rovira and Jacob Black;
ecutive director of the Alzheimer Elementary School's super stu- Fifth grade: Shyanne Watson,
Resource Center, Inc., will speak dent of the month for June. Frances Orennin,Lynn Maxey,Ben
Monday at the "monthly meeting Other super students, by grade, Thierfelder and Gisela Bonilla
Winter Springs leaders
hope to trim budget
Springs commissioners plan a
workshop at 7 p.m.Monday at City '
Hall to review the budget before
setting a tentative tax rate.
The mayor and commissioners '
are interested in cutting the
proposed$18.8 million budget for
the year beginning Oct 1 so
residents do not face a property
tax increase.ovd 7;e96-1