HomeMy WebLinkAboutMissing Children Center-1988/1992/1995 • ay) u! SSawsnq mat r. olw UIOS
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Circus to aid missing children
Winter Springs show is fund-raiser for organization
By Elaine Bennett north of the municipal building. Be-
„orna SENTINEL STAFF tween 8 a.m.and 10 a.m.the day of the
circus, elephants will help put up the• big top, which covers about 16,000-
WINTER SPRINGS — Relive child- square-feet and measures about a half
hood dreams at an old-fashioned,three- acre.
ring circus Tuesday. Adult tickets for the shows can be
Jungle cats, bears, elephants, clowns • bought at a discount prior to the event
and trapeze artists will perform under for$8 at the Missing Children Center at
the big top at two shows at the city's 59- 204 East S.R. 434, between Moss and
acre Central Winds Park. Hayes roads. Free tickets for children
Sponsored by Missing Children Inc, 12 years and younger also can be
Allan C. Hill's Great American Cirrus picked up at the center. Tickets at the
will mil into town to help benefit the gate cost$12 for adults and $5 for chil-
non-profit organization, which helps dren.
families locate missing children. Dependent solely on donations, the
Performances are scheduled for 5 Missing Children Center received a
p.m. and 8 p.m. at the park on State
Road 434,just south of Lake Jesup and Please see CIRCUS, 1-4
Center supports victimized families
=cm; from I-1 as a coordinating agency among
missing children,parents and law
$1,000 gilt last week from the Alta- enforcement. It also provides di-
monte Springs Police Depart- rect crisis support to families, im-
ment. Last month, a $1,122 dona- plements educational preventive
tion was given the center from the programs, distributes information
proceeds of a Walk-A-Thon spon- and photographs of children na-
sored by Winter Springs police. tionwide,and serves as a network-
ing system, connecting families to
Joan Thompson, executive di- support resources.
rector of the center,started the or- It also helps establish fluids for
the skeletal et after the discovery of families who can't afford the ex-
the skeletal remains of her niece,
Vickey Wills, in Bithlo on Oct. 18, pence of having a child returned
from 1983. The 14-year-old was last meat they areas,helps law enforce-
seen alive on April 25, 1983,at her ment to locate missing children
school bus,stop. and refers runaways to shelters.
Donations can be made to Miss-
Until the center opened, no 10- ing Children Center Inc., 264 East
cal agencies were set up to help Highway 434, Winter Springs,
families victimized by the trauma 32708. For more information, call
of a missing child.The center acts 113274403.
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Missing Children's Day
8 years later, the heartache goes on
BY DARRELL JOHNSON Highlighting the evening was a for me."
STAFF REFORThROF THE OVIEEO VOICE moving account by Charles and Marie Corporal Beau Taylor of the
An Orlando Magic playoff game Hooper of Lake Mary. Their grand- Oviedo Police Department said,
kept the attendance to less than last daughter,Kathy Engles,disappeared "There is a common misconception
year's 200, but about 80 people from Seminole County on May 25, that law enforcement agencies all over
showed up Thursday night, May 25, 1987, exactly eight years ago last the country are out there looking for
to observe Missing Children's Day at Thursday. No clue as to her where- these missing children.That's just not
the Missing Children Center in Win- abouts has ever been found. true."
ter Springs. Daryl Meyers is currently on Organizations like the Missing
Florida's death row, convicted of Children Center are the key,he said,
Kathy's murder,even though her body a grass-roots effort by ordinary people
was never found.His is the only case who know what it's like,who have a
in Florida history in which a capital missing child, or who simply care
conviction was handed down based about the welfare of America's future
solely on the suspect's own bragging. leaders.
He was accused and convicted Winter Springs Police Chief
based on statements he made to fel- Charles Sexton called for better coor-
low inmates while in prison for an dination between law enforcement
unrelated crime.He reportedly related organizations.
details known only to investigators. Winter Springs police recently
He also referred to where her body picked up a juvenile runaway from
might be found, but search attempts Texas,he said,and they could not do
yielded nothing. anything because there was no Florida
While her husband told a som- case number. They called Missing
ber audience about the heartbreak and Children Center and a temporary
frustration they felt as the case moved home was found for the child until her
on, Mrs. Hooper dabbed at her eyes mother could fly in and pick her up.
with a handkerchief and said noth- "There is no way to count the tax-
ing. payers' money that MCC saves," he
Sandy Allen held a framed pic- said. "Police just don't have the re-
ture of her daughter,Amanda,in front sources.MCC has a great relationship
of her as she read a poem about the with all the law enforcement agencies
value of a daughter to her mother. they deal with."
Amanda Allen disappeared last Au- Following the program everyone
gust, and is reportedly with a non- present lit candles as a memorial to
blood uncle 23 years her senior. those lost and a sign of hope for chil-
Meredith Miller,who will repre- dren who are out there somewhere.It
sent Sanford in the Miss Florida coo- was also a sign of strength for the
petition,is a volunteer at the Missing families of missing children.
Children Center and sang during the Missing Children Center is a
ceremony. She joined the organza- non-profit organization supported
/ Lion, she says, because it was some- mainly by donations and volunteer
.5 0 6 a / thing she believed in:When she first efforts. It has assisted in the recovery
walked through the,door, though, "I of more than 1,000 children,most of
immediately felt like it was the place them runaways.
Missing Children Center ;
on the lookout; needs
your help in rescue efforts
Imagine for a moment that your -
most precious loved one did not come Anyone having information con-
home.After making several calls,you cerning Stephanie Crane or Sara
realize that he or she has vanished. Woods are encouraged to contact the
On April 25, 1983, a loved per- Missing Children Center at 327-4403.
Also taking calls is the Custer County
son,Vickey Wills,was last seen at her Sheriff(208)879-2232 or The Kevin
bus stop.All efforts made by her fam- ,t.^
Collins Foundation(800)272-0012. ..
ily,friends and law enforcement agen- According to Joan Thompson,
cies failed.
On October 18, 1983, Vickey's the center's executive director,there
is no waiting period to report a miss- }
remains were found in Bithlo,Florida. - r-
ing child. (For an adult, the waiting 171` , +7
At that time there was no o agency in
Central Florida to assist the family of period is 3 days.) Unless the report %.
involves a case of legal custody,the ;"�`
a missing child.Efforts were made by
area volunteers and by Vickey's fam-
police will begin searching immedi-
ily to open Missing Children Center, azely. .a
Ms.Thompson cites other shock-
Inc., in Winter Springs. 3
The Center is one of only three ing statistics:Each year in this coon- -
recognized child recovery agencies in try, more than two million children
Florida.Each week The Oviedo Voice are reported missing. Of them, t ,
will run a story on one of these chit- 200,000 are parentally kidnapped and
dren with the hope that someone 50,000 are criminally kidnapped. J
5,000 are found not alive. 2,000 are
somewhere may have information that Stephanie Crane
never identified.
could lead to the child's discovery. _' "
Stephanie Crane is a 4-foot 2- of allowing a child to walk alono.Wat-
inch tall,75-pound ten-year-old white �, = ents should teach their children to
female with blue eyes and brown hair. -r never go to a stranger, andrehearse
She was last seen on October l 1,1993, .?t lines to use if a stranger approaches I
in Challis, Idaho. A 550,000 reward them.Most of the shoulds and should
is offered if your information leads to *4 note are common sense.
her discovery. The Missing Children Center is
Sara Anne Woods is a 5-foot-tall, a publicly supported not-for-profit of
96-pound, 14-year-old white female ganization and provides all service's
with blue eyes and curly dark brown free of charge. The staff offeis crisis'
hair.She was last seen on August 18, support to families and operates a 24-,
1993, in Frankfort,New York.lroni- hour HELP line.Its primary function
tally,she was wearing a pink T-shin ,4 is to assist families of missing chil
with the words "Guess Who?' em- dren by distributing information and
broidered on the front,and was wear- Sara Ann Woods photographs nationwide. ,
ing turquoise shorts and brown san- The rest are deemed"classified"
dais. runaways. (Running away is not a
crime in Florida, so in these cases,
police are only required to file a re-
port.)In Florida alone,there are more
than 4,000 missing children on any 950 9 iy
given day.
Education to increase public un-
derstanding and awareness are much
needed in today's society,Ms.Thomp-
son maintains. Carpools and buddy
systems should always be used instead
Missing Children Center is Winter
Springs local link to our future
BY LISA NEES are short on time,you can contribute so far this year.
Each year thousands of children a tax-deductible donation of money or Still missing are(in alphabetical
disappear in the state of Florida.Cur- office supplies. All donations can be order): Angela Albert, Amanda and
rently, 38 children are still reported sent to the Missing Children Center, Heidi Allen, Carla Aponte, Vickie
missing in Central Florida. Inc. at 264 East SR 434, Winter Balling, Tiffany Betancourt, Casey
The organization established to Springs, Florida, 32708. The items Bohum,GinaBrooks,Foley Children,
deal with this epidemic is Missing most in demand are letter-size office Lacey Chrisler, Stephanie Crane,
Children Center, Inc., in Winter paper, index cards,tape,paper clips, James Desmond, Michael Dunahee,
Springs. A non-profit organization, glue sticks,white out,and pencils. Kathy Engles, Linda Garcia, Raina
Missing Children Center works with Also needed are a computer, Gaudreau,Shanthyia Greene,Patricia
law enforcement to help parents lo- monitor, and printer.Any comments Grogg, Andrew Hernandez, Mark
cate a missing child. The or articles for the newsletter are ap- Himebaugh, Laura Hotzler, Kristin
organization's credo is"our children preciated. Johnson, Christy Luna, Susan
are our future,and we must do every- The Oviedo Voice will run a story Mitchell, Jeanne North,Andrea Par-
thing possible to ensure that they have each week on one of the missing chil- sons,Ashley and Kimberly Plowman,
a safe future." dren. If you, or anyone you know, Shannon Potter,Kali Poulton,Jamie
If you would like to volunteer, have seen any of the children listed Smoot, Ronisha Thomas, Benji and
please contact the office at(407)327- below, please contact the center im- Sara Tipton, Americo Vespucci,
4403 between 9:00 a.m.and 5:00 p.m. mediately. At least seven Central Karras Watson, Shasta White, and
daily. If you would like to help but Florida children have been recovered Vickey Wills.
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Village Marketplace gets tenant
The long-empty anchor spot in the Village Marketplace rental agent and a member of Winter Springs Commerce
shopping center on State Road 434 should be buzzing with and Industry Board, expects the furniture store to give the
activity soon. A Badcock Home Furnishings Center is entire center a boost. Badcock, based in Mulberry, has
pledging to renovate the space left years ago by Winn-Dix- more than 325 stores in seven Southern states. It has not
ie's closing. Jim Lup of Duke Properties, the property's set an opening date for the Winter Springs store.