HomeMy WebLinkAboutAthletics-1991/1996 Secret buyer outplays city for golf ownership
By Elaine Bennett club, which the city considered Dick Rozansky in January to review
OF THE� � buying last June for$4.8 million. the offer.
Most recently, commissioners were Some commissioners questioned
reviewing records to determine whether it was a reasonable invest-
WINTER SPRINGS — Owners of whether to sign a lease-purchase ment.
the Winter Springs Golf Club have agreement with a Roca Raton corn- Other commissioners, however,
broken off negotiations for the city to pany that offered to finance the liked the idea of a mun
buy the 18-year-old course. course over.20 years with a tax-free ti- course,which they said
Dan Wood, managing general part- nancial package. many people to afford to play sa-
ner for the golf club, and its owner, Under that agreement,the co peSltythosee on fixed
Deutsmark Golf Properties Partner- would have bought the golt , Wand Uhl
eorni I ioh
ship, have told city commissioners residential land and 1.063 acres of night that the new buyers lb.
that another interested buyer has met commercial property and leased them close on the properties within 60 days.
the acres of land zoned for residences,5a city to the would have the a year.n The He said they had promised to keep.
1.063acre commercial payments money— the heree open tetheruski
parcel and Son generated$10.2 million — with m hen 'They have met our asking said.. "We
acres Road d 4d zoned commercial on the lease pi the golf course. have When for the properties,"would b Wood said. for
State Read didn't the lease expired,the course. would ha the believe it would be inappropriate time ef-
the ei of't the disclose for price golf paidm i buy the askede. the city it spend any more tyre or ef-
the name of the buyer for the golf Commissioners asked City Manager fort"on its review.
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City may put up basketball 'hoop
after ordering others rerrmoved
By Elaine Bennett City Attorney Prank Rruppen- Sturgeon's Sr,G.E. Starch-
OF THE Sesnatscvv bather had warned that the city er,to take down a basketball hoop.
would be liable if someone was in- that he had placed in the right of
WINTER SPRINGS Home- lured playing in the street or if a way in front of his house at 755
-motorist stook a child. Maple Court for his son's 9th
owners who put up basketball Elizabeth Sturgeon argued that birthday.
hoops and poles too close to city there is no traffic near the basket- Starcher said he removed the
streets must take them down im- ball goal, which is located in the goal because he was unemployed
mediately,but the city may install easement between the street and and could not afford to pay a fine
a goal at a nearby city park. sidewalk near several barricades it one was imposed.
Last week, commissioners de- the city set up at the dead-end City codes
nied a second plea by a parent to Portion of Lancewood. structures — such basketball
keep up a hoop and stanchion at She said children playing bas- stanchions — uc rights oP
the dead end of Lancewood Court, ketball in the street would be no g way.
where children in the Foxmoor different than children skate- Anyone who violates the 'ordi-'
neighborhood have played for 14 boarding, riding bicycles or bat- ordi-
nance could face a fine of up to
years. ting balls back and forth. $250 for each,daysthe violation
Commissioner Cindy Kaehler, Sturgeon's family was issued a continues.
though, asked City Manager Dick warning June 4 by the city's code "You have not been singled
Rozansky to find out if the city enforcement officer to remove the out," Commissioner Don Jonas
can install a hoop and pole for the goal. told Sturgeon. "If we allow one to
children at a nearby city park off The warning came a day after remain in the right of way, then
Fruitwood Avenue. the officer issued a warning to others will want to do the same."
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Repairs may ground
ball field's opening
By Elaine Bennett sioners the park will be ready for
grand opening activities, which
OF THE SS:rnask STAFF will include the Winter Springs
Art Festival.
WINTER SPRINGS — Nails, Construction crews started work
glass and wood have seeped up- on the first phase of the 59-acre
ward through clay near some of park south of Lake Jesup more
the ball fields at Central Winds than a year ago.
Park. Phase I includes fields for sec-
That problem,along with other cer, baseball and softball; a play-
construction flaws, have workers ground; a multipurpose field; bi-
rushing to make repairs for the cycling and hiking paths; picnic
scheduled Dec. 5 opening of Win- areas; restrooms; a concession
ter Springs'newest park. stand; a scorekeeper; mainte-
City Manager Dick Rozansky nance buildings and parking.
said workers are repairing the When the $4.8 million park is
fields and cleaning up construe- completed within the next five
tion debris, which was discovered years,it will have fields for soccer
during a recent inspection. and softball; Little League base-
City inspectors also have hired ball, Babe Ruth and T-ball
electricians to repair several lights leagues; tennis, racquetball, bas-
that were improperly grounded. ketball and volleyball courts; a
Those workers also are replacing shuffleboard area; a recreation
some corroded light factures. center;an observation deck;pavil-
Despite those problems, Ro- ions; an amphitheater and a per
zansky has assured city commis- fanning arts stage.
`s ' Springs adding
ti5 f
x , : tore golf at park
�?�q"�N •eat "It's unique," he said, "because there is
aarYStbilkit no other city in Central Florida that has
"d• come up with a similar project."
Several business owners have pledged to
,a. $' • i GS — Plans are under help build portions of the course or donate
4_'; for an 3&hoI miniature golf course at construction materials, Whitsett said. The
•r'ty's 59-acre Central Wmds Park south city likely will name holes on the course
- Tesup. after contributing businesses,he added.
. •*ecreation director Glenn Whitsett said "The City Commission has given us hill
'a,. sinners,residents and business support, and the citizen response is out-
•rt for the expressed tremendous sup- standing," Whitsett said. "This project is
• project, which could open as one that isn't just fun for one age group It
arty as November and start generating will be a place for entire families to enj '."
( de for the second phase of construction The park already has four softball/
• t the park off State Road 434. ball fields, a scorekeeper/concession build-
The course would be located on a quarter- ing, a T-ball field, soccer field, tot lot and
parcel adjacent to a proposed amphi- volleyball sand court.
h •ter in the central portion of the park Phase II would include a playground,rec-
reation center/office, picnic pavilions, ten-
"Our purpose is to offer another type of nis courts and shelter, performing arts
••n'for. is and charge a structure,outdoor amphitheater,fishing ga-
y7}ilt fagApag t people can of zeta and shuffleboard,racquetball and bas-
''dya ketball courts.
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October 20, 1994
Women's tennis results
Tuscawilla Country Club Heninger will now advance to the
hosted the local rounds ofthe BMW regional championship at Palm
Women'sTennis Challenge on Oct. Coast.
9,and four students at Oviedo High BMW is sponsoring over 90
School will reap unexpected bent- tournaments throughout the coun-
fits. try,with winning tSams moving up
The home team won the dou- to the top matches later this year.
bles tournament,edging Heathrow
Country Club 17-12 in points.The
$1,000 first prize is being donated
toOviedoHigh School's tennis pro-
gram, and it will likely be broken Senior women's tennis
in tofour$250schdlarshipsforplay- The Ralph C.Wilson,Jr,In- Divisions will be in age 35,
ers, according to coach Don vitational "Les Grandes Dames" 45,55,65 and 75 singles and dou-
Gustafson. Senior Women's Tennis Classic bles.Theentry fee is$40 perperson
will be held at beautiful Tuscawilla per event,and all entries must be at
Denise Ward and Cathy Country Club on Thursday-Sun- the club by Saturday,Oct. 29.
Heninger defeated Twila Bellairs day;Nov. 3-6, 1994. USIA and FTA rules will
and Bev Lugering in the finals with The event is sponsoredby the apply,and Tuscawillafeatures clay
scores of 6-2, 6-2. Ward and BuffaloBifs,andteamownerRalph courts.
C. Wilson,Jr,has offered$15,000 For specifics and informa-
in prize money. Such tennis greats bon call Craig Uttley at 365-6556
as JoAnne Russell,Dodo Cheney, or Mary Ann Plante at 628-1682.
Mona Gurreant,Olga Palafox and The public is invited to attend all
Trish Faulkner will be competing. matches.
Around town. . . transportation and maintenance de- Individual winners from Jackson
partments. She has worked for the Heights were Kristin Calhoon,4th;
Spring League Registration for School Board 20 }rears. Runners-up Josh Strazalko, 6th; Melissa
the Winter Springs Basketball League were Joan Cameron,a kindergarten McDermott,10th;John Roth,11th;
will be on Feb. 11 at the Indian Trails teacher's assistant at Midway El- and Katie Wootten,15th.Also,lack-
Middle School gym from 9 a.m.to 2 ementary, and Debi Moon, a trans- son Heights students are wrapping up
p.m. The cost is $45 until Feb. 12. Portaation dispatcher. . . Barbara their annual participation in Pennies
Late registration is $50. Tryouts for Nauditt of Indian Trails Middle for Pasta leukemia flmdraiser. There
team selections will be held at lack- School in Winter Springs was named is still time to give.Last year students
son Heights Middle School and Seminole County American History raised$4,973 end placed first nation-
Oviedo High School on Saturday and Teacher of the Year. . . Eleven 8th ally in a selected market. In Central
Sunday,M a r c h 4 and 5.Each player graders f r o m Jackson Heights Middle Florida 167 schools are involved . .
must attend one of the tryouts. . . School won second place among 25 Michelle Mayo;an Indian Trails 7th
RSVP,the Retired and Senior Wlan- other teams in the Algebra I division grader,received a$500 savings bond
teerPiogrant,is looking for wlunteers of the Mu Alpha Theta mathematics for placing 2nd in the Seminole
for many non-profit organizations in competition last month at toBeach. County Memotial Day Essay Contest.
Seminole County.Positions available Feb. 13-17
include office duties, grocery shop- I Indian nails Feb.13-1School will
ping and other jobs. For more inkr- host the Ho
mation call 323-4440. . . Semoran Hogan Hoopster Basketball
Junior Woman's Club of the General Camp the first week of intersession
Foundation of Woman's Clubs,meets from 8 a.m. to noon. Cost is $65
on the third Monday of each month which includes a T-shirt. The camp
at 7:30 p.m.The meetingsare held at is open to boys and girls in grades 5
Harbor School on Red Bug Road.The
through 8.For more information,call
public is invited to attend.For more Coach Hall at 359-7533 ext. 258,or
information contact Linda Henderson, Mrs.Hogan at 359-7533 ext.257.
Membership Chairman,at 695-1783. The second WSBL Spring
..Seminole County Capter 921 of the Intersession Basketball School will be
Council for Exceptional held at Jackson Heights Middle
ceporthe 995 Go For School. Grabs 1-5 will attend from
seeking donations Rfle fo March h 17.Go For 9 am.to 12:30 p.m., and grades 6-8
the Green Raffle on March ln.money Raffle will attend from 1:30 to 5 p.m. The
to sup support many,and school pr ucts for cost is$70 for the session. Re stra-
in support mauy school penducts for
exceptional education students.Prizes non forms are available at most Semi-
wo,andonated r fcate dinners for
note County elementary and middle
two.and gift certificates.
schools.A second session will be held
February 20-24.
People in the news. . .
Edna S. White, the school dis-
trict office receptionist and switch-
. board operator,is Seminole County's
1995 School-Related Employee of the
year. She was selected among 50
nominees from each county school,
the district office in Sanford and the 93 qq..o a 0 /
Little league will hit the field for 2nd year
By K Robert May Winter Springs • GARDEN CLUB
or raeewrNsc STAFF THE NEXT meeting of the
The Little League also has a fall Winter Springs Community Gar-
season that emphasizes instruc- den Club will be at 7:30 p.m.
The Winter Springs Little lion rather than competition. For March 9. The club's monthly
League starts its spring season more information about league ac- meetings usually include a project
Saturday with the introduction of tivities, call (407)263-5829 and or speaker,refreshments and a so-
teams and exhibition games at leave a message. cial time.
Central Winds Park on State Road • CHICKEN BARBECUE Guests and prospective mem-
434. ' hers are welcome. Interested per-
PLANS ceremonies,emceed by PLANS ARE being readied for sons can call Margaret Hannah at
the Wmter Springs Civic Associ-
Tom Casper, will start at 10 a.m. ation's chicken barbecue May 15. 695-0610 for more details and the
with remarks by Bob Morgan, The barbecue, to be at the Civic location of the meeting.
president, and Greg Miller, first Center at 400 N. Edgemon Ave., The purpose of the club is to
vice president. Exhibition games will benefit the South Seminole stimulate interest in gardening,
lasting 45 minutes will begin at 11 Christian Sharing Center, said cooperate in the protection of na-
a.m.and conclude by 3:45 p.m. Robert S. Pissarro, association live plants and birds, and to en-
In its second year, the league president. • courage public planting and road-
takes the field with 44 teams with Admission to the barbecue, side improvements.
at least 12 players on each roster. starting at 1 p.m.,is$4 in advance. Projects undertaken by the club
Thirty of the teams have business The public is invited. during the year include food bas-
sponsors, said spokeswoman Deb- The civic association meets at kets for the needy, donations to
bie Gillespie. 7:30 p.m. the second Thursday of local charities and adoption of a
,Divisions include T-ball for 5- each month at the Civic Center. In wounded eagle at the Birds of
and 6-year-olds, rookie teams for addition to Pizzurro, officers in- Prey Center,Maitland..
7- and 8-year-olds, minor teams elude Art Hoffman, first vice Have some Winter Springs
for 9- and 10-year-olds, major president; Kenneth Haines, sec- news? Let K. Robert May know.
teams for 11- and 12-year-olds, and vice president; Pat Ferring, Items should be mailed to 1210
junior teams for 13-and 14-year- treasurer, Lurene Lyzen, record- Swan St.,Winter Springs 32708,or
olds, senior teams for ages 15 and ing secretary, and Deboris New- faxed to 830-2459. Or you may call
16.There also are girls senior soft- man,corresponding secretary. (407) 695-8829 weekday mornings.
ball teams for ages 14 to 16 and For information about the also- Items are due 10 days before publi-
women's major softball teams. ciation,call Pizzurro at 695-0297. cation.
c15o0A 3
Winter Springs Basketball League is now
registering for the 1996 spring season
Winter Springs Basketball League is now accepting registrations for the
spring season.Registration forms can be picked up at Oviedo High School,
Jackson Heights Middle School,Indian Trails Middle School,and UCF gym
sites during weekend games.
Forms are also available in the administration offices at most Seminole
County public schools.Registration maybe mailed,or onsite registration will
be at Indian Trails and Jackson Heights on Saturday,Feb.24 from 9 a.m.to 3
Also being accepted at this time are registrations for WSBL's Winter
Intersession Basketball School.The school will be held at Jackson Heights
Middle School for students who attend blue track schools ion grades one
through eight.
Students may register for one or two weeks of the basketball school,to
be held February 12-16 and February 19-23 from 9 a.m.to 12:30 p.m.daily.
For further information call 321-5282.
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