HomeMy WebLinkAboutCommission Remains in Turmoil-1998 Commission remains "It's a lawsuit," said Guthrie. workshop on March 30 to resolve the BY LETTY LINHART Commissioner David McLeod asked matter. that Partyka"pull back his suit"in light Partyka said he would not sign the A phalanx of planners presented pretty of this ordinance, and pointed out that pictures to an overflow crowd of citizens the commission had ruled at the first at Monday's Winter Springs commission March 16th meeting that the charter said <<You � re meeting, but the real news was made at "nominate," not appoint, and that was 5:30p.m. with the continuation of the designed to avoid this kind of March 16 meeting. confrontation. Commissioner Michael Blake, Guthrie said that the ordinance missing commenting to the suit Partyka versus provides for two things: automatic the commissioners, read into the record removal, but with due process of a the whole a Winter Springs ordinance that calls for certified letter and a public hearing on the automatic removal of any officeholder the removal. He said"there are a lot of filing suit against the city. "Is Paul unknowns, and I'd like to research the IO' n t" Partyka still mayor,then,and would any matter." of our proceedings with him as chair be Blake moved that the commission called into question?" Blake asked. initiate an investigation of ordinance 585 - Winter Springs Acting City Attorney Bob Guthrie was as pertains to Paul Partyka and his suit Mayor Paul Partyka asked to comment, and he said,"It's an in the 18th circuit court.Guthrie said he ordinance of the city. It's concise and would investigate and come back tot he straightforward. I'd like an opportunity commission at the next meeting. to review it,but I see nothing to suggest Then McLeod, citing a letter from that its not valid. I'd like to see if its Partyka attorney Robert Pleus which ordinance to hire an outside attorney to analogous to state law...." asked for comment from Attorney J represent the city in the lawsuit. Holland, 9 C/D 3 Partyka interjected that his suit was Liang, asked that Liang be removed Knight was the only firm responding to d not for damages, but was asking for from the Pension Board because of his Guthrie and City Attorney Frank declaratory relief. (The commissioners suit against the city. The motion passed Kruppenbacher's notice to hire. had ruled that Partyka couldn't fire the 3-0 with Commissioners Ed Martinez "You're missing the whole point," city attorney and appoint a new one; and Robert Miller absent. Partyka insisted. "The idea of the suit is Partyka contended that the city's charter Commissioner Cindy Gennell stated to determine the mayor's job description," gave him that authority and was asking that in this interim period before the he said. the courts to rule on the meaning of the ruling on Partyka's mayoralty, she had Victor Dover and Robert Gray of charter.)"I'm not suing the city,"Partyka concerns about his signing ordinances Dover, Kohl &Partners, Charles Wilson said,stating that he didn't think his action and checks, and suggested a meeting/ of Gibb's Planning Group,Forest Michael, was consistent with the ordinance. ■ in turmoil of Michael Design Associates,and Bruce square, Magnolia Square, as a W.S. Commission Stephenson of Rollins College all greenspot for art festivals with a presented slides to the assembled crowd performance terrace. Continued from page 1 of the town center visioning sessions' The planners also proposed a network according to the planner's outcomes Dover showed parks, of new street,thus relieving one citizen's specifications."If they don't want neighborhoods, commercial uses, and concerns about students from the High to build that way,then they can be stated that the citizens of Winter Springs School coming through the new town on a slower track to get an had indicated they wanted an image center neighborhood. approval for their plans,"he said. consistent with the bright future of their Stephenson pointed out the felicitous The three commissioners town. "Step one, tonight, is to approve geography of the location, as a midpoint accepted the plan unanimously. It this image, and Step 2 is to design a on the trail between Ocoee and Lake will be made available to the specific code for the town center,"he said. County,and showed pictures of what had citizens in booklet form, City He indicated later in his talk that the row happened to downtown Dunedin, FL., Manager Ron McLemore said. houses and the three story buildings and once the trail went through. In other business, the pension the proposed grocery store could not be In the public comment section of the plan for city employees was built under existing city code. program, Developer Michael Schrimsher approved on second reading, and Wilson had completed a study of the said he owned three of the four corner's the Cascells property was viability of commercial uses and of the proposed town center and was approved for sending to the recommended that 92,500 square feet be concerned about the plan. "If the city is Department of Community Affairs dedicated to that purpose,with 35,000 or telling someone what to do with their for review. "There will be ample that being an upscale market for food,that property, they should buy it," he said, opportunity for a public hearing a hotel be included,that 10,000 square feet continuing that his initial meeting with the later,"McLemore said. be devoted to a pharmacy ,4,800 square planning resulted in something that didn't Other action on Battle Ridge feet as restaurants, and 4,800 be food bear any similarities to what he wanted. and Tuscawilla Tract 15 second specialty stores like ice cream parlors and "There's a lot we like,a lot we don't. I'd hearing was continued until April bagel stores. Cards and gifts would get say about half of it.I urge you not to adopt 13. 2,500 and personal services such as hair the concept," Schrimsher said. I The meeting adjourned at 10:15 and nails care would get 3,500. Wilson Dover said there was nothing regulatory p.m. after Gennell suggested the also recommended a bank at 8,000 square about the plans, and that the market will commissioners chip in and buy feet. push development."We ask,are we on the Partyka a VCR so he wouldn't With graphics including a map of right track?" and recommended the city hurry out to watch the Oscars. "projects to be completed in our amend its code and have a fast track generation," the planners proposed the approval system for anyone building center of town be at 434 and Tuskawilla See "Commission"page 11 9�/U 3 a Rd, with a park to the west and a