HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015 05 20 Consent 300 Unapproved Minutes from the May 28, 2014 Regular Meeting CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES OAK FOREST WALL AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING MAY 28, 2014 (RESCHEDULED FROM MAY 8, 2014) CALL TO ORDER The Regular Meeting of Wednesday, May 28, 2014 (Rescheduled from May 8, 2014) of the Oak Forest Wall and Beautification District Advisory Committee was called to Order at 5:33 p.m. by Chairperson Judy Converso in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). Roll Call: Chairperson Judy Converso, present Vice-Chairperson Robert Carril,present Committee Member Robert Bond,present Committee Member Richard Lane, present Committee Member Brian Oliver,present Assistant to the City Clerk Sean Beaudet, present Committee Member Richard Lane led the Pledge of Allegiance. No Agenda Changes were noted. REGULAR AGENDA- PART I REGULAR 600. Office Of The City Clerk The Office of the City Clerk Requests The Oak Forest Wall And Beautification District Advisory Committee Hold An Election For The Position Of Chairperson For Calendar Year 2014. "I WILL NOMINATE JUDY (CONVERSO) FOR CHAIR(PERSON)." MOTION BY VICE-CHAIRPERSON CARRIL. SECONDED BY COMMITTEE MEMBER OLIVER. DISCUSSION. NO OTHER NOMINATIONS WERE PRESENTED. CHAIRPERSON CONVERSO STATED, "I WILL ACCEPT THE NOMINATION." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS,FLORIDA MINUTES OAK FOREST WALL AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING-MAY 27,2014 (RESCHEDULED FROM MAY 8,2014) PAGE 2 OF 7 VOTE: CHAIRPERSON CONVERSO: AYE + VICE-CHAIRPERSON CARRIL: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER BOND: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER OLIVER: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER LANE: AYE MOTION CARRIED. REGULAR 601. Office Of The City Clerk The Office of the City Clerk Requests The Oak Forest Wall And Beautification District Advisory Committee Hold An Election For The Position Of Vice- Chairperson For Calendar Year 2014. "I WILL NOMINATE BOB BOND." MOTION BY VICE-CHAIRPERSON MEMBER CARRIL. SECONDED BY COMMITTEE MEMBER LANE. DISCUSSION. NO OTHER NOMINATIONS WERE PRESENTED. COMMITTEE MEMBER BOND REMARKED, "I WILL ACCEPT." VOTE: VICE-CHAIRPERSON CARRIL: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER BOND: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER OLIVER: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER LANE: AYE CHAIRPERSON CONVERSO: AYE MOTION CARRIED. AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS 100. Not Used. INFORMATIONAL AGENDA INFORMATIONAL 200. Not Used. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS,FLORIDA MINUTES OAK FOREST WALL AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING-MAY 27,2014 (RESCHEDULED FROM MAY 8,2014) '°' PAGE3OF7 r.y PUBLIC INPUT Chairperson Converso opened "Public Input". No one spoke. mett Chairperson Converso closed "Public Input". CONSENT AGENDA CONSENT 300. Office Of The City Clerk The Office Of The City Clerk Requests The Oak Forest Wall And Beautification District Advisory Committee Review And Approve The June 13, 2014 (Rescheduled From May 9, 2013) Oak Forest Wall And Beautification District Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes. MOTION TO "ACCEPT AS WRITTEN, THE MINUTES FROM LAST YEAR." MOTION BY COMMITTEE MEMBER LANE. SECONDED BY COMMITTEE MEMBER CARRIL. DISCUSSION. VOTE: VICE-CHAIRPERSON BOND: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER OLIVER: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER LANE: AYE CHAIRPERSON CONVERSO: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER CARRIL: AYE MOTION CARRIED. 400. REPORTS Assistant to the City Clerk Sean Beaudet mentioned to the Oak Forest Wall and Beautification District Advisory Committee that the Board and Committee Appreciation Dinner would be held on Saturday, July 19th, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. at the Tuscawilla Country Club. Discussion. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS,FLORIDA MINUTES OAK FOREST WALL AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING-MAY 27,2014 p- —� (RESCHEDULED FROM MAY 8,2014) PAGE 4 OF 7 iira PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA PUBLIC HEARINGS Mad 500. Not Used. i° I •:•+ AGENDA NOTE: REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS "602" AND "603" WERE ADDRESSED SIMULTANEOUSLY. •• REGULAR AGENDA- PART II REGULAR 602. Community Development Department — Urban Beautification Services Division Urban Beautification Services Division Requesting the Oak Forest Wall and Beautification District Advisory Committee Receive An Update On The Current Budget And Review and Discuss the Draft FY15 Budget. REGULAR 603. Community Development Department — Urban Beautification Services Division Urban Beautification Services Division Requesting the Oak Forest Wall and Beautification District Advisory Committee Receive An Update On Maintenance Items And Progress Report. Mr. Steven Richart, Urban Beautification Manager, Community Development Department presented the Agenda Item and covered the current Budget Report. Of special note, Mr. Richart pointed out that ninety-seven percent (97%) of the Assessment revenue had been collected thus far for the year. Discussion. Continuing, Mr. Richart addressed "Utility Expenses". He noted that seventy-four percent (74%) of the budgeted amount had already been spent, due to the previously approved new plants, sod, sprinklers, and the usage of additional water. Mr. Richart added that if more Funds were needed, they could be taken out of the "Grounds" account to cover this overage. No objections were noted. Also mentioned were increased costs for landscaping. Mr. Richart informed the Committee that the Contractor had changed unexpectedly and the price for landscaping increased from roughly eleven thousand dollars ($11,000.00) to thirteen thousand dollars ($13,000.00) per year with the next available, lowest bidder. Further comments followed. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS,FLORIDA MINUTES OAK FOREST WALL AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING—MAY 27,2014 (RESCHEDULED FROM MAY 8,2014) PAGE S OF 7 To curb further anticipated rising costs, Mr. Richart stated, "We are going to ask to increase the Maintenance Assessment by six dollars ($6.00) an E.R.U. (Equivalent Resident Unit)." Much discussion ensued on the upkeep of the community, keeping the Fund Balance up in case of an emergency, and ensuring that a proper Fund Balance is maintained,per Florida Statutes. Mr. Richart briefly covered the Debt Service Budget and mentioned that the original loan to build the Oak Forest Wall will be repaid in 2017; that a few Oak Forest residents already had prepaid toward the Debt Service Loan, and the remaining resident's annual Assessment could decrease significantly with the payoff of the original loan. Next, Mr. Richart addressed the 2015 Fiscal Year Draft Budget, and noted that the report included the previously suggested six percent (6%) increase, which was the maximum allowable increase without having a Referendum. The Annual Assessment would increase from fifty-seven dollars ($57.00) to sixty-three dollars ($63.00). Further comments followed on the report. More discussion ensued on the change of the landscape vendor and the increasing costs of landscaping in general. Committee Member Lane inquired about the possible installation of dog waste disposal stations. Mr. Richart noted that he and Committee Member Carril had met to discuss possible placement options; and that Committee Member Carril did not believe the stations were necessary and dog owners should already be cleaning up the waste. Mr. Richart mentioned the stations are rather expensive to operate and remarked, "You all should really decide if that's what you want to do. We might want to rethink it. But, if you all want them, I can have it done next week. Think about it and we can come back to it." In refocusing on the 2015 Fiscal Year Draft Budget, Mr. Richart noted, "If you don't recommend to the (City) Commission that we do the six dollar ($6.00) increase, it is going to take off roughly fifty-six hundred dollars ($5,600.00) — of Fund Balance, which is not good." Further, Mr. Richart said he was concerned with unexpected emergencies in the Assessment area and/or maintaining the level of service without an increase. Discussion. Tape 1/Side B CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS,FLORIDA MINUTES OAK FOREST WALL AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING-MAY 27,2014 (RESCHEDULED FROM MAY 8,2014) PAGE 6 OF 7 Additionally, Mr. Richart noted that when the original loan is paid off in June 2017, each homeowner will see a savings of seventy two dollars ($72.00) on their tax bill. The maintenance fees of the assessment district would remain. The projected maintenance of the Oak Forest Wall was addressed next, to which Mr. Richart showed information related to the various aspects of brick wall maintenance and gave examples of processes that would be used on the Oak Forest Wall. Much discussion. In referencing to discussion at last year's meeting, Mr. Richart briefly mentioned that the decorative posts that were placed at Winter Springs Boulevard to prevent vehicles from parking on the grass were working. Summarizing his presentation, Mr. Richart requested the Oak Forest Wall and Beautification District Advisory Committee Vote on the 2015 Fiscal Year Draft Maintenance Budget. "I WOULD RECOMMEND THAT WE, AS THE OAK FOREST WALL (AND BEAUTIFICATION DISCTRICT ADVISORY) COMMITTEE, RECOMMEND TO THE COMMISSION THE SIX DOLLAR ($6.00) ASSESSMENT FEE (INCREASE) BE GRANTED." MOTION BY CHAIRPERSON CONVERSO. SECONDED BY COMMITTEE MEMBER LANE. DISCUSSION. VOTE: COMMITTEE MEMBER OLIVER: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER LANE: AYE CHAIRPERSON CONVERSO: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER CARRIL: AYE VICE-CHAIRPERSON BOND: AYE MOTION CARRIED. Following, Mr. Richart referenced the Debt Service Fund Budget and stated, "There is a possibility that when we pay this Note off, we might have some money left in the Fund Balance for a capital project." Possible options were discussed in length. In regards to the approval of the Debt Service Fund Budget, Chairperson Converso inquired, "So, it is a matter of we recommend as written?" Mr. Richart replied, "You could. You could recommend it as written. You could recommend reducing the Assessment." "I MAKE A MOTION TO ACCEPT IT AS WRITTEN." MOTION BY COMMITTEE MEMBER LANE. SECONDED BY VICE-CHAIRPERSON BOND. DISCUSSION. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS,FLORIDA MINUTES OAK FOREST WALL AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING—MAY 27,2014 (RESCHEDULED FROM MAY 8,2014) PAGE 7 OF 7 VOTE: C=7 COMMITTEE MEMBER LANE: AYE CHAIRPERSON CONVERSO: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER CARRIL: AYE VICE-CHAIRPERSON BOND: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER OLIVER: AYE MOTION CARRIED. Next, the Oak Forest Wall and Beautification District Advisory Committee readdressed dog waste disposal stations. Chairperson Converso noted that the residents that she sees walking dogs already pick up after their pets and wasn't sure the stations were necessary. Mr. Richart agreed that the stations may not be necessary. Committee Member Lane replied, "Let us drop it." Committee Member Carril said, "It's an added expense we don't need." No objections were noted. Tape 2/Side A • PUBLIC INPUT Chairperson Converso opened "Public Input". No one spoke. Chairperson Converso closed "Public Input". ADJOURNMENT Chairperson Converso adjourned the Regular Meeting at 7:10 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: SEAN BEAUDET ASSISTANT TO THE CITY CLERK NOTE: These Minutes were approved at the ,2015 Oak Forest Wall and Beautification District Advisory Committee Regular Meeting.