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2015 03 04 Public Hearing 502 Nursery Road Warehouse Final Engineering Plan and Aesthetic Review
PLANNING & ZONING BOARD AGENDA ITEM 502 March 4, 2015 Meeting Consent Information Public Hearing X Regular REQUEST: The Community Development Department — Planning Division requests that the Planning & Zoning Board consider: 1) Final Engineering Plan, and 2) Aesthetic Review for Nursery Road Warehouse, Phase III, a 12,000 square foot warehouse building located on the north side of the intersection of Nursery Road and Talmo Street, east of U.S. 17-92. SYNOPSIS: The applicant is requesting approval of a Final Engineering Plan and Aesthetic Review for a 12,000 square warehouse building within the Nursery Road warehouse complex, which received Final Engineering Plan approval in 2004. The subj ect property is approximately 6.6 acres in size and is zoned C-2 (General Commercial). The warehouse building will be constructed over the existing retention pond located on the rear (eastern) portion of the subject property. In addition, the applicant is requesting Aesthetic Review approval for the proposed building. The City Commission approved Aesthetic Review plans for Building three in 2004, for Building five in 2005 and for Buildings one and four in 2006. The architectural elevations proposed for this building are consistent with the previously approved architectural elevations. CONSIDERATIONS: APPLICANT AND PROPERTY INFORMATION: • Applicant name and address and authorized representative: Final Engineering Plan - Julian Coto, 122 Wilshire Boulevard, Casselberry, Florida, 32707. Aesthetic Review - Brian C. Reece, P.O. Box 640, Winter Park, Florida 32790. • Property owner's name(s): Reeco Properties, LLLP • Property addresses: 1065 Nursery Road • Property Parcel ID numbers: 33-20-30-503-0000-019A 0 Current FLUM Designations: Commercial March 4, 2015 Planning & Zoning Board Agenda, Item 502 Page 2 of 5 • Current Zoning Designations: C-2 (General Commercial) • Previously Approved Development permits such as conditional use, waiver, or variance (if any): Final Engineering Plans approved March 8, 2004. Aesthetic Review for Building three approved July 12, 2004, Aesthetic Review for Building five approved November 28, 2005, Aesthetic Review for Buildings one and four approved August 14, 2006. • Development Agreements (if any): Binding Development Agreement, August 1, 2002. Book: 04522, Page: 1817 • Pending Code Enforcement Actions (if any): No known pending Code Enforcement actions • City Liens (if any): No known liens APPLICABLE LAW. PUBLIC POLICY. AND EVENTS City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan Winter Springs Code of Ordinances, Chapter 9, Land Development Winter Springs Code of Ordinances, Chapter 9, Article XH - Minimum Community Appearance and Aesthetic Review Standards Winter Springs Code of Ordinances, Chapter 20, Zoning Binding Development Agreement August 1, 2002. Book: 04522, Page: 1817 DISCUSSION: Final Engineering Plan The Final Engineering Plan proposes the construction of a 12,000 square foot warehouse building located on the rear (eastern) portion of the Nursery Road Warehouse complex. The Final Engineering Plans were originally approved by the City Commission in 2004. The warehouse building is proposed to be constructed over the existing retention pond that is located on the rear portion of the site. A new stormwater management area will be constructed adjacent to the south of the proposed building. Access to this portion of the site will be provided via an existing curbcut located on Nursery Road. An existing concrete block wall was previously constructed along Nursery Road and between the site and the adjacent residential neighborhood that is located in unincorporated Seminole County. As stipulated in the Development Agreement, no uses which generate obnoxious odors and excessive noise are permitted on this portion of the property. Additionally, the Development Agreement limits operating hours of businesses located on this portion of the property between 6:00 am and 9:00 pm. According to the parking data provided by the applicant, 313 existing parking spaces are located on the entire site, with eight (8) being handicap spaces. The Final Engineering Plan proposes the removal of 19 existing parking spaces on site. Twelve (12) new parking spaces will be added including one (1) handicap parking space. A total of 306 parking spaces will be provided on the entire site, with nine (9) being handicap parking spaces. This results in a loss of seven (7) parking spaces on the entire site. The amount of parking that is proposed to be provided on site is in compliance with the amount required in the Code of Ordinances. March 4, 2015 Planning & Zoning Board Agenda, Item 502 Page 3 of 5 The Final Engineering Plan is consistent with all applicable provisions of the Code of Ordinances, and the Development Agreement that was approved by the City Commission in 2002. Aesthetic Review The attached Aesthetic Review package includes all of the submittal requirements for aesthetic reviews as set forth in Section 9-600 through 9-607 and include the following: (a) a site plan; (b) elevations illustrating all sides of structures facing public streets or spaces; (c) illustrations of all walls, fences, and other accessory structures and the indication of height and their associated materials; (d) elevation of proposed exterior permanent signs or other constructed elements other than habitable space, if any; (e) illustrations of materials, texture, and colors to be used on all buildings, accessory structures, exterior signs; and (f) other architectural and engineering data as may be required. The procedures for review and approval are set forth in Section 9-603. The City Commission may approve, approve with conditions, or disapprove the application only after consideration of whether the following criteria have been satisfied: (1) The plans and specifications of the proposed project indicate that the setting, landscaping, proportions, materials, colors, textures, scale, unity, balance, rhythm, contrast, and simplicity are coordinated in a harmonious manner relevant to the particular proposal, surrounding area and cultural character of the community. The project is Nursery Road Warehouse, Phase III, a 12,000 square foot warehouse building located on the north side of the intersection of Nursery Road and Talmo Street, east of U.S.17- 92. The design of the proposed building is consistent with previously approved architectural elevations that were approved by the City Commission in 2004, 2005, and 2006. The architectural elevations include architectural design elements such as split face CMU (concrete masonry unit), color banding, metal awnings over entry doors, and metal roof and wall panels. These are elements that are common for a warehouse building. The architecture is consistent with the style of architecture that has been provided on site, and within the surrounding area. (2) The plans for the proposed project are in harmony with any future development which has been formally approved by the City within the surrounding area. The design of the proposed building is consistent with the architecture that is provided on the other buildings on site and is in harmony with the surrounding developments in the area. (3) The plans for the proposed project are not excessively similar or dissimilar to any other building, structure or sign which is either fully constructed, permitted but not fully constructed, or included on the same permit application, and facing upon the same or intersecting street within five hundred (500) feet of the proposed site, with respect to one or more of the following features of exterior design and appearance: (A) Front or side elevations, (B) Size and arrangement of elevation facing the street, including reverse arrangement, (C) Other significant features of design such as, but not limited to: materials, roof line, hardscape improvements, and height or design elements. March 4, 2015 Planning & Zoning Board Agenda, Item 502 Page 4 of 5 The design of the proposed building is consistent with the architectural styles with the other buildings that are located on site and is typical of those that are located within the surrounding area. This project represents a positive addition to the City of Winter Springs. Significant design features include split face CMU (concrete masonry unit), color banding, metal awnings over entry doors, and metal roof and wall panels. These are elements that are common for a warehouse building. (4) The plans for the proposed project are in harmony with, or significantly enhance, the established character of other buildings, structures or signs in the surrounding area with respect to architectural specifications and design features deemed significant based upon commonly accepted architectural principles of the local community. The proposed project enhances the character and overall aesthetics of the site and the surrounding area. The City of Winter Springs is comprised of diverse architectural styles and, therefore, the proposed project represents a positive addition to this area of the City. (5) The proposed project is consistent and compatible with the intent and purpose of this Article, the Comprehensive Plan for Winter Springs, design criteria adopted by the city (e.g. Town Center guidelines, SR 434 design specifications) and other applicable federal state or local laws. The proposed project is consistent and compatible with the Comprehensive Plan and the design specifications and architectural styles that are provided along the U.S.17-92 corridor, and with the existing buildings on site. The final architectural plans will be reviewed for compliance with all building code criteria. (6) The proposed project has incorporated significant architectural enhancements such as concrete masonry units with stucco, marble, termite -resistant wood, wrought iron, brick, columns and piers, porches, arches, fountains, planting areas, display windows, and other distinctive design detailing and promoting the character of the community. The project has incorporated a number of features such as split face CMU (concrete masonry unit), color banding, metal awnings over entry doors, and metal roof and wall panels. These are elements that are common for a warehouse building. The project is consistent in design with the previously approved buildings located on site, and provides distinctive design details that promote the character of the City of Winter Springs. FISCAL IMPACT: The construction of the warehouse building will add commercial taxable value to the City's tax rolls. March 4, 2015 Planning & Zoning Board Agenda, Item 502 Page 5 of 5 COMMUNICATION EFFORTS: The Meeting Agenda and this Agenda Item have been forwarded to the Planning and Zoning Board members and are available on the City's Website, LaserFiche, and the City's Server. The Agenda has been forwarded to the Mayor and City Commission; City Manager; and City Attorney/Staff. Additionally, the Meeting Agenda has been sent to media/press representatives, all Homeowner's Associations on file with the City, all individuals who have requested Agenda information, Department Directors; and also posted outside City Hall; posted inside City Hall with additional copies available for the general public. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Planning & Zoning Board recommend approval of: 1) Final Engineering Plan, and 2) Aesthetic Review for Nursery Road Warehouse, Phase III, a 12,000 square foot warehouse building located on the north side of the intersection of Nursery Road and Talmo Street, east of U.S. 17-92 subject to the satisfaction of the attached staff review comments prior to these items being placed on a City Commission agenda. ATTACHMENTS: A. Final Engineering Plan, Nursery Road Warehouse, Phase III B. Architectural Renderings C. Final Engineering Plan, approved 2004 D. Staff review comments C' aee�nmeoe ^a^ Construction Plans For Nursery Road Warehouses Phase III Section 33, Township 20 South, Range 30 East winter Springs, Florid¢ Seminole County Legal Description EE d*. w e (EEN IAIEREIL' ,es EEEE AND FnG zos NEE. of E REroROEo AMONG FILE El ps7. IINIEL " , COON " FLORIDA AND BEING MORE PARIICULARLI DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS FEE' EASIEILI IF LIFE III E L OF OF 'AID L" I 'AD 'oo FEE' 'ENG MEAUED ALONG LIFE NORLI L N E AND ALONG 'HE .111 LNE OF SAID EEE Eo 3HENaoiN of eEcINNiNc. a Facility Address 7065 Nursery Road Winter Springs, Florida 32789 Tree Survey Provided By Survey Provided By 4000r�/GHl Sl//�4fyS A cec a M.2 p �'�r ° s 0 ° SURVEYING, LLC (407) 894�6314�3 657 Nmnr �a sa, � Project it Location Map Owner Wayne P. Reece REECO Properties, LLLC 561 Virginia Avenue Winter Park Florida 32789 V,Excel Eoaioeerioa ENVIRONNENTYL & [IvlI [NGiN[EnS e� woa� woziein, www,E EIENNNEEa 11. "I', N0 2 OF 17 J � v z � z Cc" — z 5 "s 1. 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SHEET OF 11 o ] + e T i T e 4 + 10 L a� 8 u � �gm 9ecu ,a Attachment "B" �#k __- _ .��uuwn.y e _ E ggalilt $ a (T v ) Elevation (South rwwe) e 5{a lU 2 J lL � Pn W _ cn 3 rrioe 0^vim/ tkf 9 _aaewm-' t O €49 iL�J Elevation(EaslFacade] _ w -1� if I $ 2 3 F]erat4n North FaraGe .f = _ 6� j P , Elevation West Facade ' Oj T ant' ,e + + e7'ttl 3Q 5 6 Ekratpn tI.- F-de e Fr E;e c of ie C 2 E]eva[lon Ead Facade �� a ��� a� 3 E7evatlon North Facade �� a ey a�3E F Y�' S ; EEGG P 4 E7eratlon W6t Famde i 1 + Q + $g B AAmkur— e , -� + \\ }ƒ §§ 901, . q2, ■ n (| A 1) | �_,. � � =�pA 6.0 ! �)! [© �} §§ r ._c_ _ _�, �\ + , , . , , . . , y . , , , 4-+ � f � � � , !Ila" = 1v � �� a• , !|!!| §ƒ ,�|!| �- a a� �/. � § ■ * 4L, IAR FllCALAR-,,j< �\ � � � � ; +� PIC 02 TAX PARCEL n'S 33-20-30-503-0000-01901019A/019UO19E FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLANS �j FOR NURSERY RSERY ROAD WAREHOUSES APPLICANT: PHIL REECE 56IVIRCINA DRIVE WINTER PARK,FLORIDA 32789 TEL.: (407) 647-0911 FAX: (407) 647-6491 CIVIL ENGINEER: RICHARD M. LAPINSKY,P.C., INC. l08 ESSEX DRIVE LONGWOOD,FLORIDA 32779 TEL_ (407) 788-3687 FAX: (407) 788-8069 GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER: PROFFSSIONAL SERVICES INDUS7RIESINC. 1748 33RD STREET OR/ANDO,FLORIDA 32809 - TEL: (407) 304-5560 FAX: (407) 304-5561 SURVEYOR: MARK CAULF/ELD,PSM 616 PARKWOOD AVE. ALTAMONTE SPRINGS,FLORIDA 32714 TEL (407) 869-9989 FAX: (407) 869-9.537 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT THOMAS C. PETERSON, ASLA 3361 PELHAM ROAD. ORLANDO,FLORIDA 32803-1033 TEL.: (407) 897-4492 FAX: (107) 897-2153 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA OCTOBER 2003 \o N o PROJECT J SITE J' NURSERY PiD 434 SEC. 2, RGE. 30 E, TWP. 20 S LOCATION MAP N.T.S. RICHEARD M. ]LABINSKY, P.]E., INC. C—, ki,g Eagi.—i.g S—i- - EE-0007932 108 E.... ➢ i- lL..X—d, Fl-iZ. 32779 Pl. (407) 788-3687 F.. (407) 788-8069 DRAWING INDEX Cl COVER SHEET C2 SPECIFICATIONS & GENERAL NOTES C'3 MASTER PLAN C4 PAVING & GRADING PLAN C5 , WATER AND SEWER PLAN GO OFFSITL UTILITY EXTENSIONS 7-C8 PAVING & DRAINAGE SECTIONS & DETAILS C9-C12 WATER AND SEWER DETAILS Go LIFT STATION PLAN C14 DEMOLITION PLAN Li SITE LANDSCAPE PLAN III SITE IRRIGATION PLAN PROJECT NO. LATEST Rr lSiON. I is IEN PH E— Oil IEI: N�Rl A 10 Sl I— Ati — �xri4— �E S E op INUAT- 4— Ilo .—ImIll —1— T� —RNEINEl TI ED —El --TS Ra,A IE— MME 222: 2t Ell IMT IG zn, `�A n' I I:— R—E ?8— 111, T!.Il E 'T T— I All E TI— —L Al sA— r� AT Id �.L.I�N6 S, —11 TIEEI —L �E —1� 4 R LI, A. -ET Itt 1A, 1-1 T� RNN,�NILLU.�%4.ARIA r4 A.A�,ZONE I I of IE I lt RE4 E 4 —TIOM OF —L w`anNITI� A C D IN— SR�Nt, Marv. a 4, F�tT RNTIPNI"I IMA T�T44 T', T! I IT—TUIEI " TTI 11 —41' SHEET N0. - n'I'lo no,., To uirLc TaEi rz"IN IIN ur .- , LF N ovc zo LF x• =n.0a .O E.�,nAT�n� Exo oT �.xE,.x anT xnx<naaa=.�E L,xEa m<xxnLE O ti z8 'NO CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD V RIFV CATION OF Ek ISTING UTILIT 1Es PRIORETD TACTOF CONS TRU CTIDN. LIATIONS SHOWN APE DASED ON BEST AVAILABLE DATA, THERE MAY DE OTHER DTIL (TIES NOT SHOWN y wAl 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL REPLACE LANDSCAPE AND ISO AND IRRIGATION ALONG R/W OISTDq BED DDRING CONSTRDCTI. IN � „ >m A ,q� 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE AS —BUILT ELEVATIONS AT ALL CRDSSINOS x w W Q Dy AND VDRIF, HORIZONTAL LOCATIONS OF EXISTING LINES. 4 Z by 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WITH AND MAINTAIN ACCESS TO ALL PRDPERTY INNERS ALONG ROADWAY. W xpakk [( mkfu aM a w� dN �� °a ET NO. C6 a�IEI. ree5 °ETEeIT PHIII �re ry re �A�rvT afar a _Ll —P P_ rellry �o ry �T.ErvIreI TIP, 1_1 ,� , Ererery re.TEre Tre ref �EoreET, os,, T. oa.°ao ��:�� — - - - - — - - - - - - - —E 1. —1, —TiP T Q 11TE PP ND 1P TYPICAL PARKING SECTION A A IIRKING W A;HH 1IRK— T, aA ITPI T.P. DUMPSTER PAD & ENCIOSURE TYPE 'C'MNTIL STRUCTURE nnSHCTOOMPTAr'ToISU3opIIEVgl�T�A�L�aE' TYPICAL PARKING SECTICN B B IL D-1 PL 1 VI K1. 2� IIPI I P—Ill 111K Tn 1 12 �2 I1PK T� T2' I D5, I TYll I PL TIP TIP. S 1 T IE 1 11 1— xx ............. .......... u '2 11 —IT. TIrel.lsOMI�AICITEID,reSTUare�s�EE"918�CE�ID SECTION E-E TYPICAL PARKING A —TO 7 1. 1 11P u TYPICAL PARKING SECTION C-C a IL IPIVE IL DRIVI R. P-- I 1T1 TYPE I I PHI I TIPE I 111— .11 0. SHEET NO. 111 T _,�TPT P E —1, C 7 T� �P� 1� P-11 � PEEDED TYPICAL PARKING SECTION F-F TYPICAL PARKING SECTION D D k'n Ali a,�s: I �e�.w. TYPE TCURB STANDARD VALL EY CROSS(N MITERED RR SECTION 7' MI'WICURB TYPICAL SIDEWALK SECTION �T CONSTRUCTION a0F A 511T FENCE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL —"IT"" SFEET NO C8 —11. 1-1 All IE-1— —11 T'11 IT L T 11 —All— STANDARD SEPARATION STATEMENT FOR WATER/ SFWFR CONFLICTS x4a aE �xk wx, ,.Tox= .x,.. �w,E ,E�TMuN In µ.m x,. eo�x�xEreaE„E Tc. ogTM u x mm z NIT— IIAI NIILII .T °I 1111 °l 11— fBO NSTA— 1�, IIITIIN 1111 All —— 1-- .1 —111 AL SHEET NO. C9z. —ERFIr VNVE-- ANo X* ""' "" FINK RESTORATION -TYPICAL OF MAJOR OPEN c �DTIS,: lll�TID ll:NNTI 1— TI ,TT —T— T� I T ll��T� 1111 1— lIT �Z T�T �T �l 111TI. T DI I IDMPR 1-1 —1—H ... %0N7B' —N T11 1 11 TI �l 1—�— �l Rj�llll- - — — — — — — — — — u M., ?-/ AUIF al —E—E 10 1— N.TEI; —N. NT'.EIT' ANI I I S�EFT NO. T1.1 1�%"X 17 1 IT, T%, ��T TEI .11T EIT 1� 1� A _N—TTIl II —T E 11.1—BLI —H .11T 9E —11IT BLI —1 —111 TEI—L El —T—I CIO 1 CVANE ASSEMBLY INE M�ER —ER A22 PIPE TDENT FICATInN 11F L111L 111F.NG TI I oeeEa TY11[ AL 171,ITY PIPE Deno ego RE CATION MATERIALS , E �sewea IrTyTp ED WALTEoR FC[ AIMED WATER TI I'll 'T. ��TZZTIT AM VMX2 mm Nu wq 11 FT A _3Whom _ET NO. c 11 ..... ...... 77 NIT- %T21 T —.-I . 'T'�% 1s 11 1 I.. ':'�� 11— FORCE MNN SHEET NO C12 CONTROL PANEL DETAIL <,uwLH'T _KEG , <. ITI sRLENo oFu.LP HO HF... .HECK .... .L NPp LLTT I. s B.T. a„B BOMMINT� �.zI.O. R�A oaT Ga4o MEBHaNIcaL sEA� .,�, "- �. EIIIA TI e-= IIIIA Eu PNH aM 4 T°°"°T. .°alaL_.L"aN CJ W qb0 m w"L"E o Warr HEATER, -Paolo .°°u. o d' IIRVM I �vEN „ SHUT OFF vaLVE hq 4 x 4 PANEL �I LaR.EST avalLaBLE .PEN x. VA_ILHIT B11.x 1ALANH a ,k ,~ 0 4„ W • m ALSIOL E LOBRINa To o `J Z c - ouu. POINTS CONC. VALVE HOx w/COVER 5p IO BCTTOM - ' Ti.sO MIN.6" 1 �2 Ti _ e" REF 3' MIN. — .. IIIOTOT III z^�nx- NCO - 5"H. 0.V.C. FLANGE AND CASKET C 0 ¢ w/ G.S. BOLTS ..x N O DRESSER COUPLING. , F _- 4" MIN. SCH. 40 F.V.C. sTAIN_ESS STEEL All IT (LARGE3 SIZE MAY BF REQUIRED) IN ILARGER I xE M v D R[au I RFD s. S. U -CLAMPS RAM -NECK GASKET SFGAI. ' - - TIAN.E ° _ S-E DETA 1. A NIN rvr or STATION i Icouou lT Loc. _MIN. 9' "U" SUPPORT CHANN=L S" MIN. �E� LEVEL CONTROL GMITLFLS W°rz,e 1-1 v°L RUBBER BOOT MANHOLE C OUPL=NG (FACTORY=NSTA_LEDIull LEV'fl CONTROL SWI TL11F5 N/s TAINLE$S ST_ELSTRA' h, oc. 3I Pos IT H.L. ON EL, ss. za LL Z L.L. ON EL.sa. �e G" P.V.L.—ERSTOP � — — � O CC INV. EL. s5.2 H.L. OFF eaTe L.� PIPE IB"RPVC 1 15 m 6 C.C. E.W. O pR AS REG'D�- L.L. OFF s2 TB 5' /�2P�IMPQ OPORTS 6" EL. s2.2a - BUT. EL.62. to E 2" .... .: .' .... ,.. '. .. '. � .. ...... WET WELL SEOIONAL ELEVATION 91T9->� 6," CROSS SEC ION H Q U N. T.S. - SIZE TO PREVEN' FLOTATION) N.T.S. �� a -- O WIJNo eAD FOR-LjATIDI — WET DIM HIM pIM DIN DIM K REF I IMDIM DIM DIM RIM DIMWILL.A., „„G„ .,H,.„ DIA. O.,t^ &° f ,a�,P.os�xa+u"FL.P"F.E E" old`"°d°E O O -, , -- `°°°"LAN VIEW aHiNE �xx.aa°Oa...„>LL .. °.xE° °"° MINT"�Nw „� °.x.„Wa,°.)oB� aS;E&Y.. T- _, own LEss H .,RI - aq.WF. kt�' "E'�99?'.9'N'.d'YR_Eo„o .- °I"RT o � O .,`.- - 5�%q6p"M�7Ma °F B"ILI.°RE, "RAM"]NECK" S°OUEEZEw*OU T'X O w "I a1 PE °x .. "TT"°"B° L,,.L . �°.xTic )PREFORMED ^RAM NECKa JDINT PERMITTING VISUAL INSPECT oN °'7NN�rO"B�T ws, NT" �I° CNOLE O _\ J BE INc COMPOUND IOR ERUAL) Al°P°"LiY OF °OLPN°AYYX°V°` OPEN JO_N- P'-ACED BEFORE INSTALLATION „„„,". ,, M,Ls„� - PFOTEcr_vE PAPER wRaPPLD JOINT SEALING DETAIL SHEET No. OF�T,T" L aE .LPPL,.° rt," P° N. T. s. C 3 PREPARE A'_L SJR-ACES N.T.S. CLOSED JOINT �- DETAIL "A° N.T.S. wwvauss+nEr✓nnvur wu'rRvn_ .ors u m N AREA TO REMAIN UNDISTURBED ° DURING DEMOLITION TOSAVE TO SAVE TREES re va.< I r 4. i C3. ------------------------ s r . - - 5 sr x — 0 �{ � IT — — — — TREE TREE PRorEcrroN Rt uurRE,uE rs PROTECT ION AREA +: S�� PROHIBITEDo - Tll IA ............. .00uo ory wz _.�,. TREE PROT �fj} xorE. NOTES: DEMOLITION PERMIT REQUIRED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. TREE '_ To consTac _ PROTECTION BARRICADE DETAIL BUILDING 3 ON EAST END OF SITE. MAY BE CONSTRUCTED AS PHASE 2A PRIOR TO DEMOLITION OE Ek ISTING STRUCTURES. NO CLEARING IS TO COMMENCE UNTIL TREE PROTECTION BARRIERS ARE IN PLACE ANDAPPROVED BY CITY ARBORIST. �B� I xsaiorT u eo�n4�NA�=gx�e.�x�sruofl�x,rYacsee evilli In fora a er ,e � W U yE`•mE a pp T T — �— }I YAF185I y oe 'u°h�c°rsAxr. nur xeoc ,. vacs c IMI - e.a,m�. REE REMO AL AND RETAINAGE NOTES:w wwema«omKv rwnxv n su aLL ae vAovvEv ar cmrtrwcro2 see marmr a.pLay. E �1 x ..mm�aao+rr wun� -,. mK, p.uv� - .�....a w, �n TW:o�. mx,w.w".":. ` �s I a �e .LL raw SHRUB MD GROUND 19 PLANRNG DETAIL ~~~~ PLANT LEGEND -""`""` �. I� - >�AN— x_ sv�� o� oEsce�euon slc s� cReor RA.N n A/s �., z„EEEs s uA O ULIREEo Allis .- z GAL Mix/ IS SAL. vo Me + An e., TDTNEEs io �� ➢=w (1EITNEaN`«A.N.LIA) IN/ _ ao mEEs ,D PE �;} (sLAEl NE) z MIN/ 30 AL . 0 x., ,e TREES """`. v avn C, QIJANAS onn) Nuo �� onwa ru, nem ,vnreu„xw 3 L£ Pvq,E (H 2 ,/zcacAL IN/ GAL.A/s ,s cAknNk E cnNav TREES cHM NA/s TREES sP ErttuT IALM)xs/ Lc. ROOMALLI NDERSTGRY IA 15 zTN/As u(aooa0aN cza"HT ao A35cAl o TM. S nTOP.am cww.�mxms.aer Po�.•ww... // .. zzc va ssMUMIs szs -„ vIBUM M MN 34 3s'ACArrP. N/A " HEnnc�NTNE _ wv v„W�yemn mi $i—. .E./T.s.0. GOD Po (na HA) N/A N/A ALI nusrtwT"s„:...mwF w.uE ' r 17 L-1 ao�cgscs�v nn[ns TGLALANEDIT:11G- TREE PLANTING PETAL N.T I I' \ I ICI I II _ I I o �T I -----_ - -- o ����""n or urr cRa :.� NOTESzCP cr s F.s>•� n r, a o�.r a. r vo soanmsmn. P n noox s. P �s I�I I I � - GENERAL NOTES WavA n e[cb a. Pun rdvP aslse r cvr a I zvn s I . Lar ra — I II'I I I Ali I i I Aoz Pdoox x. nw.w sree mr�m, P n eoix e. � Aor rP i , ------------ HEAD DETAILELECTRIGAL VALVE i-z cc-TROLLERDETAIL NOZZLE CHART ZONE CHART �re7 10NL c o ttPc �rTreuN T anTF n ° — --- .. .. ���.. . . .. . ... �. . . »« 2 Nor Elevation /cyB Elev a m East Elevation w k } % « LL.. kUl Lu L $2 a 0 w z � w � � Attachment "D" From: Brian Fields To: "Julian Coto" Cc: "breece80"; Randy Stevenson; Bobby Howell Subject: RE: Brian - Nursery Road Warehouses Resubmittal Date: Thursday, February 12, 2015 4:37:04 PM Julian, Regarding the final engineering plans, all comments have been addressed except for the following comments from Engineering: 1. Sheet 8. Storm pipe P-1 is called out as PVC. Please change to RCP or HDPE unless there is a specific reason PVC is specified. 2. The storm pipe along the east side of the new building is called out as ADS N-12. Since this pipe is deep and close to the building, RCP may be a better option, or ADS N-12 HP. (This is your option) 3. Sheet 9. Callout the top of wall elevations for the retaining wall and baffle wall. 4. Sheet 10. On the water service, there is no need for the 6-inch gate valve on the east side of the driveway 5. Sheet 10. Move the water service away from the sanitary sewer lateral where shown on top of each other. 6. Sheet 14. The details for the orifice sump on the lower left do not match the orifice shown on the CS-1 detail (correctly) on the same sheet. 7. Sheet 15. A toe wall is recommended at the pond end of the boat ramp. 8. Sheet 16. A fire hydrant detail is shown but it does not appear that any new hydrants are shown — please clarify. For the DA modification, items to be addressed include: 9. Add a new section 5.2 identifying the new improvements to be added in Phase 3 as depicted on the final engineering plans that will be approved in conjunction with the DA amendment. 10. Delete Section 7 regarding the Park Property Donation since this has been addressed previously. The plans are scheduled for the next P&Z Meeting on March 4, then it can go to the City Commission after the above comments have been addressed and the City Attorney review/modification of the DA are complete. Brian Fields, P.E. City Engineer City of Winter Springs 407-327-7597 (office) 321-388-2757 (cell) From: Brian Fields Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2015 1:31 PM To: 'Julian Coto' Subject: RE: Brian - Nursery Road Warehouses Resubmittal Julian, the submittal has been received and distributed for review. We will return any comments by the end of the day on Thursday, February 12. Brian Fields, P.E. City Engineer City of Winter Springs 407-327-7597 (office) 321-388-2757 (cell) From: Julian Coto [mailto:Julian(a)Excelengineers.comI Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2015 9:25 AM To: Brian Fields Subject: FW: Brian - Nursery Road Warehouses Resubmittal From: Julian Coto [mailto:Julian(a)Excelengineers.comI Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2015 3:02 PM To: 'bfields@wintersprings.org'; 'bfields2@cfl.rr.com' Cc: 'Bran Reece' Subject: Brian - Nursery Road Warehouses Resubmittal Good Afternoon Brian; Attached please find a .zip file with the response to the City's comments along with all supporting documentation requested and a revised site plan. Please review the attached submittal and let me know if it is satisfactory. Thank you very much. An Advocate for Your Project Julian R. Coto, P.E. 0fl Tel.: 407-260-2292, xt 102 Web: www.excelengineers.com Dedicated to Your Success UNCIVIL ENGINEERING