HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015 01 12 Regular 600 Proposed Review - Standards for Multi-Family Rental Projects COMMISSION AGENDA
ITEM 600 Public Hearin s
Regular X
January 12, 2015 KS RS
Regular Meeting City Manager Department
The Community Development Department requests that the City Commission receive and
review the proposed standards for new multi-family developments in the City, and provide
direction to staff regarding proposed standards for new multi-family developments in the
At the November 17, 2014 Special Meeting, the following motion was made by
Commissioner Cannon in regards to multi-family uses in the City:
In response to the City Commission's directive given during the November 17, 2014 Special
Meeting, staff is bringing forward a list of suggested standards by which the Commission
can review and analyze future requests for multi-family residential developments. After
review by and input from the Commission, staff will proceed with certain text amendments
to include specific development standards for multi-family developments in the City's Code
of Ordinances. If directed by the Commission, future multi-family developments could
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require a conditional use or special exception approval from the City Commission.
The Comprehensive Plan lists the following policies in regards to multi-family development:
City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan - Future Land Use Element
Policy 2.2.4: Mixed Uses. Permit a variety of mixed uses consistent, compatible, and in
harmony with the Town Center Goal and the Town Center District Code, including single
family residential, multiple family residential, commercial retail and services, public
services and buildings, parks, and schools, through the enactment of creative and flexible
land development regulations. (Ord. 2012-OS)
Policy 2.2.6: Residential Density. Support the desired commercial activity and urban
character desired for the Town Center by encouraging high density residential development
consistent with the Town Center Goal and Town Center District Code and encourage a
minimum average residential density of seven (7) units per acre, unless the type of unit
would warrant a lesser density while still meeting the intent of the Town Center District
Code. (Ord. 2012-OS)
Policy 2.2.8: Intensity. Encourage higher intensity development in the Town Center subj ect
to the Town Center District Code. (Ord. 2012-OS)
City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan - Housing Element
Policy 1.1.15: Support the desired commercial activity and urban character desired for the
Town Center by encouraging high density residential development subj ect to the Town
Center District Code. (Cross Reference: Future Land Use Element, Policy 2.2.6); (Ord.
Policy1.1.4: Encourage the development/redevelopment of property that will
integrate diverse choices of housing.
Policy 1.1.8: Limit the development of housing with a density greater than 18 dwelling
units per acre (DUA), to the Town Center and the U.S. 17-92 Community Redevelopment
Area (C.R.A.) Corridor. Development of higher density housing must take reasonable and
appropriate steps to minimize or eliminate adverse impacts to adjacent established
residential neighborhoods through site layout, orientation of buildings, and a transition of
densities. (Cross Reference: See Future Land Use Element, Policy 1.4.2)
Policy 1.1.9: Higher density housing developments (9.1 DUA and higher) shall be required
to take reasonable and appropriate steps to ensure adequate property management
techniques to ensure a safe and livable development at all times.
Policy 1.1.10: Amend the City`s land development regulations to include criteria allowing
multi-family housing in commercially zoned areas contingent on the developer preserving
greenspace either onsite or elsewhere in the City.
Policy 1.1.15: Support the desired commercial activity and urban character desired for the
Town Center by encouraging high density residential development subj ect to the Town
Center District Code. (Cross Reference: Future Land Use Element, Policy 2.2.6); (Ord.
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Policy 1.3.7: Promote mixed use developments, which include provisions for a wide variety
of housing types and prices, in large tract developments, except within the Greeneway
Interchange District.
The City Commission has directed staff to look at more detailed and specific development
standards with regard to multi-family developments within the City. Based upon staff s
review of design criteria for multi-family and the intent of the City Commission to employ
certain design standards for the review of multi-family development proposals, the
following standards are proposed for consideration. These standards should not be
considered an exhaustive list, but rather a list of standards that staff feels is most appropriate
given the context of development in the City.
The purpose and intent of the proposed standards is as follows:
. To encourage better design and site planning.
. To ensure that new multi-family development is sensitive to the character of the
surrounding neighborhoods.
. To enhance the built environment for pedestrians in higher-density areas.
. To provide for the development of neighborhoods with attractive, well-connected
streets, sidewalks, and trails that enable convenient, direct access to neighborhood
centers, parks, and transit stops.
. To ensure adequate light, air, and readily accessible open space for multi-family
development in order to maintain the public health, safety, and welfare.
. To ensure the compatibility of dissimilar adjoining uses.
. To maintain or improve the character, appearance, and livability of established
neighborhoods by protecting them from incompatible uses, excessive noise,
illumination, loss of privacy, and similar significant impacts.
. To encourage creativity and flexibility in the design of multi-family developments in
a manner that maximizes unique site attributes and is compatible with the character
and intensity of adj oining land uses.
The following standards can be used in both staff s and the Commission's review and
consideration of multi-family projects. Some will be more applicable than others for a
given proj ect given the scope and context of that proj ect.
List of proposed standards for review:
. The bulk and scale of the apartment development shall be similar to and consistent
with the surrounding neighborhood as evaluated by the bulk of buildings adjacent,
abutting and surrounding the proposed development. All buildings should be
designed to be consistent with and compatible to the existing architectural pattern of
the surrounding neighborhood.
. Useable porches and stoops should form a predominant motif of the building design
and be located on the front and/or side of the building. Useable front porches are at
least eight(8)feet deep and extend more that 30 percent of the fa�ade.
. All rooftop equipment shall be screened from view.
. Use a modified street grid system where most buildings in a development front on a
street. Where no public streets exist, create a modified grid street system within the
. Locate parking areas behind the building and access such parking from alley-type
driveways. If driveway access from streets is necessary, minimum width driveways
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that provide adequate fire-fighting access should be used.
. Provide each building with direct pedestrian access from the main street fronting the
building and from the back where the parking is located.
. An alternative site design option could be to orient the buildings into U-shaped
courtyards where the front door/main entry into the building is from a front
courtyard. Access to the courtyard from the rear parking area should be through a
well-lighted breezeway or stairway. This alternative will work where a development
abuts and arterial or major collector street where the quality of living could be
enhanced with the building facing into a courtyard. The buildings would still be
located between the street and the parking lot. Employment of this alternative does
not allow the rear of buildings to be situated along street frontages.
. Garage doors are not permitted on the front elevation of any building.
. All building elevations visible from the street shall provide doors, porches, balconies,
and/or windows. A minimum of 60 percent of front elevations, and a minimum of 30
percent of the side and rear building elevations shall meet this standard. "Percent of
elevation" is measured as the horizontal plane (linear feet) containing doors, porches,
balconies, terraces, and/or windows. This standard shall apply to each full and partial
building story.
. Apartment buildings shall provide detailed design along all elevations. Detailed
design shall be provided by using as many of the following architectural features on
all elevations as appropriate for the proposed building type and style. Features may
vary between rear, side, and front elevations and may include, but not be limited to,
the following:
1. Dormers
2. Gables
3. Recessed entries
4. Covered porch entries
5. Cupolas or towers
6. Pillars or posts
7. Eaves (minimum ten-inch proj ection which may include gutters).
8. Off-sets in building face or roof(minimum 16 inches)
9. Window trim (minimum 4 inches wide) or shutters (operable or of sufficient
width to cover one-half of the window).
10. Bay windows
11. Balconies
12. Decorative patterns on exterior finishes (e.g. wainscoting, watermarks,
expression lines, ornamentation, and similar features).
13. Decorative cornices and roof lines (for flat roofs)
. Development sites should be designed to minimize the need for fences and walls that
inhibit or discourage pedestrian use of sidewalks or paths, isolate neighborhoods, or
separate neighborhoods from main roads.
. If wall or fences are used, place pedestrian breaks and/or crossings at frequent
intervals where a fence, wall, or other landscaped area separates a sidewalk from a
. Employ small setbacks, indentations, stepped fence or wall heights, or other means of
breaking up the wall or fence surface and height.
. Employ different textures, color or materials (including landscape materials) to break
up the wall's surface and add visual interest.
. If fencing is required, repeat the use of building materials on fence columns and/or
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. Recreation centers should be directly connected by a series of walkways/sidewalks to
all buildings within the development. These walkways/sidewalks should be barrier
free, landscaped, and lighted with fixtures not exceeding fifteen (15')feet in height.
The following matrix indicates which zoning districts permit multi-family developments
either via permitted or conditional use, and the respective maximum density for each district:
Use oning District ermitted Use Conditional aximum
classification se required ensity
Residential -lAAA o o /A
-C 1 0 0 /A
-lAA o o /A
-lA o o /A
-1 0 0 /A
-3 es es (multi-use Sixteen (16)
rojects that nits per acre
'nclude a
ertical mix of
ses designed
along the
rinciples of
he Town
G 1 o es ine (9)units
er acre
C-2 o es ine (9)units
er acre
C-3 o es wenty-one
21) units per
-1 0 0 /A
-U o o /A
Town Center es (permitted o er Policy
'n transects T3, .2.6 of the
4, and TS) uture Land
se Element of
lan, no
ensity in
own Center
Regular 600 PAGE 5 OF 7-January 12,2015
GID o es (provided wenty-one
esidential use 21)units per
shall not cre
occupy more
han twenty-
ive percent
(25%) of the
otal floor area
of a proposed
ultiple use
CC o o /A
UD ermissible /A stablished
ses established ith
ith evelopment
evelopment greement
Staff would like the City Commission to consider whether multi-family uses should be
remain a permitted use in the zoning districts where they are current allowed or whether
they should be conditional uses/special exceptions subject to certain review standards. If
the City Commission decides to make multi-family uses a permitted use in a zoning district,
then the City Commission should consider whether the maximum density should be
maintained or adjusted, and provide direction to staff accordingly.
There is no immediate direct fiscal impact associated with this agenda item.
This Agenda Item has been electronically forwarded to the Mayor and City Commission,
City Manager, City Attorney/Staff, and is available on the City's Website, LaserFiche, and
the City's Server. Additionally, portions of this Agenda Item are typed verbatim on the
respective Meeting Agenda which has also been electronically forwarded to the individuals
noted above, and which is also available on the City's Website, LaserFiche, and the City's
Server; has been sent to applicable City Staff, Media/Press Representatives who have
requested Agendas/Agenda Item information, Homeowner's Associations/Representatives
on file with the City, and all individuals who have requested such information. This
information has also been posted outside City Hall, posted inside City Hall with additional
copies available for the General Public, and posted at five (5) different locations around the
City. Furthermore, this information is also available to any individual requestors. City Staff
is always willing to discuss this Agenda Item or any Agenda Item with any interested
The Community Development staff recommends that the City Commission consider and
discuss the information contained in this agenda item and provide staff with direction as to
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whether they wish to adopt these standards for incorporation into the City's Code of
Ordinances. Additional standards may be recommended for incorporation and, if the
Commission desires, a text amendment will be processed to add the review standards to the
Code and to require conditional use/special exception consideration for future apartment
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