HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015 01 27 Public Hearing 500 - New Case - 944 March Hare CourtCODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD AGENDA ITEM 500 REQUEST: January Regular Meeting Informational Consent Public Hearings X Regular The Code Enforcement Board is requested to review this Agenda Item. Kevin P. Brunelle Chief of Police July 25, 2014 William Horter 944 March Hare Ct. Winter Springs, FL 32708 WINTER SPRINGS POLICE DEPARTMENT 300 North Moss Road • Winter Springs, FL 32708 Business (407) 327 -7999 • Fax (407) 327 -6652 Case: 2014CE001932, 944 March Hare Ct. Notice of Code Violation An inspection on July 25, 2014 of above mentioned property noted the following violation(s) of Winter Springs City Code(s) /Ordinance(s): Exterior Walls IPMC 304.6 Overhang Extensions IPMC 304.9 No Building Permit City Ord. 6 -4 Please correct these violations by: Exterior walls have raw concrete block showing Overhangs have no vent covers Siding being replaced /installed with no building permits - Contact Christy Garred 407 - 327- 1800ext.305 Within Five (5) days after notification. Failure to correct the violation(s) and to notify the Winter Springs Code Enforcement of said corrections by the date will result in charges being brought against you before the City of Winter Springs Code Enforcement Board which has the power to levy fines up to $250.00 per day per violation for every day that you remain in violation. Sinc ly, C ris i Flanniga Winter Springs Code Enforcement 300 N. Moss Rd. 407 - 327 -1800 ext. 466 Enclosures: City Ord. 6 -4, IPMC 304.6 & 304.9 Certified Mail: 7012 3050 0000 4543 0671 C.A.L.E.A. and State of Florida Accredited Agency • U SPS. corn® - U SPS Tracking TM English Customer Service USPS Mobile 1000fo 6 aUSPSCOM QUick ods Sl-Jp a l:)ackage USPS TrackingT"" I iradlkllhing INuirrtll ber 70123050000045430671 Page 1 of 2 [ Iro&]Gt ON USPS.COM ON ABOUT.USPS.COM Avai ° "tio Ili" is Postal Product: Features: AbOUt USPS I lorne > N::.3LJs line ss C"Ustorneir Gateway > Feirrns of Use > Certified Mai ITM Newsiroorn > "I"ext UIjpdates DATE & TIME STATUS OF ITEM LOCATION If' iin4l]l Uljpdates July 29, 2014, 1:32 pm Nc>,flce If ,,,,.eft (Nc> Authc>idzed WINTER Postal ExIj,,.)loireir > Re&lpleiriit Avai!]alblle) SPRINGS, FL 32708 National IPoctal MUseUrn > We aEEei,np�ed Eo deliver YOUr iiEei,n a� 132 pi'Tl 0111JUly 29, 2014 ilin WIN ]"ER RRI IN G,1"")' , 1I 1.... "2708 and a noHce was left becaUse an &JEhoirized recipieni as no� available. YOU irnay arrainge redelivery by visiHing �M?� ...... ..... . ... ............................................................... Y or calling or nay pick UID Ehe !�ei,n a� Ehe Pos� Office ilindir aEed on Ehe inoH ce. IIf Ehis !Eei,yl iIS Undlaii,ned after 15 days Ehen !E will be rekirined Eo Ehe sender. lnfori,naHon, If available, iIS Upda ed periodically Elhir'()Ugh()Uu Ehe day. I Please check again IIaLer. July 29, 2014 , 8-59 am Out for Delivery WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 July 29, 2014 , 8-49 am Sorting Complete WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 July 29, 2014 , 6-34 am Arrived at Unit WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 July 29, 2014 , 3-13 am Departed USPS Facility MID FLORIDA, FL 32799 July 29, 2014 , 2-48 am Arrived at USPS Facility MID FLORIDA, FL 32799 July 28, 2014 , 11-25 pm Departed USPS Facility ORLANDO, FL 32862 July 28, 2014 , 10-38 pm Arrived at USPS Facility ORLANDO, FL 32862 Aii'mlthe�r [��`Ia&��age What's your tracking (or receipt) number? rrack It LEGAL ON USPS.COM ON ABOUT.USPS.COM OTHER USPS SITES Pirivacy IPoIllicy > Goveirnirnent Services > AbOUt USPS I lorne > N::.3LJs line ss C"Ustorneir Gateway > Feirrns of Use > �::.3LJY Stairrq'.)s & Shq,.) > Newsiroorn > Postal Ins�1'.)ectoirs > F01A > Pirint a I abel with IPostage > USPS Service Aleirts > lnslj.)ectoir Geneiral > �No FEAF', Act IEIEO IData > C"Ustorneir Service > Foirrns & PUblications > Postal ExIj,,.)loireir > Deliveiring SdUfions to the I ast V Wile > C"aireeirs > National IPoctal MUseUrn > Site IIndex > a �"'i �) 1, 11 (-"1.qpyirighff',,) 2014 USPS. All Rights Reseirved ilaol! i -1!7'�R!F� i � WT https:Htools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction?qtc tLabdsl=70123050000045430671 8/6/2014 AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING The undersigned swears and affirms that the property known as: 944 March Hare Ct. City Of Winter Springs case number 2014CE001932 has been posted with Notice of Code Violation on 8 -15 -14 after attempting to mail the notice by Certified Mail through the United States Postal Service. Property Posted by: Christi Flannigan t The above signed person has sworn to this statement on 1 -th day of 201q. Notary Signature IX`,- MANDY L MINNETTO MY COMMISSION #FF106727 Stamp: Stam s.+ EXPIRES May 11, 2018 (407) 388 -0153 Fkwidallota service.com ]OVISC►d Sill N 01 Cl) co Q T) CD or gym, ) (D s o (I o a I-I'Alf r=1 O CT O O C3 Ln C3 m nj ra 0 r*- wl c A LU LU o c z O 00 Z OD tai iu 4 Qj cz to r 0 s. u E CZ fxn w 9 z w 0 Z i ul la Z W -3 r14 I Lo Rr tr Ij (Tj ti%N 7ER F `SA O 4 F � Z O U y t, CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD, COMPLAINT NO: 2014CE001932 PETITIONER, vs. RESPONDENT PARCEL OWNER: HORTER WILLIAM B III 944 MARCH HARE CT WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 NOTICE OF CODE BOARD HEARING Please take notice that at 5:30 P.M. on January 27 , 20_15_ the Code Enforcement Board will hold a hearing to determine why you should not be found in violation of the City Code as follows. The hearing will be held at the Winter Springs City Hall located at 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida. Address of Violation: 944 MARCH HARE CT WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 Property Owner Name: HORTER WILLIAM B III Property Owner Address: 944 MARCH HARE CT WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 The cited violations are as follows: IPMC 304.6 Exterior Walls raw concrete on exterior walls IPMC 304.9 Overhang Extensions missing vent covers If the Code Enforcement Board finds your property in violation of the above referenced City Code (s) you can be fined up to $250.00 per day for each day the violation continues and you can be charged for the costs that are incurred by the city in prosecuting the case. In the event violation fines and the costs are not paid within a reasonable time there can be a lien filed against the property in accordance with Florida State Statute Section 162.09. The hearing is conducted within guidelines of City of Winter Springs Code 2 -60 and Florida State Statutes Chapter 162. You may appear in person or by an authorized representative. If you choose to not attend the hearing you can lose your right to present facts in this case. You have the right to present evidence, exhibits, written and oral testimony. The Code Board will subpoena witnesses on your behalf upon written request to the Code Board through the City Of Winter Springs Clerk's Office. In the event that you appeal the Order of the Code Enforcement Board, you will be required to have an official record of the proceedings. You may, at your own expense, arrange for the official transcript of the testimony and evidence presented at the hearing. I certify a copy of this document was sent by Certified Mail on 12/9/2014 , posted on the property, and at a government office as per Florida State Statute 162. Certified Number: 70110470000363164173 The text of the associated violations, as it appears in the Municipal Code, is stated below: IPMC.3 -304 -6 - Exterior Walls All exterior walls shall be free from holes, breaks, and loose or rotting materials; and maintained weatherproof and properly surface coated where required to prevent deterioration. IPMC.3 -304 -9 - Overhang All overhang extensions including, but not limited to canopies, marquees, signs, metal Extensions awnings, fire escapes, standpipes and exhaust ducts shall be maintained in good repair and be properly anchored so as to be kept in a sound condition. When required, all exposed surfaces of metal or wood shall be protected from the elements and against decay or rust by periodic application of weather - coating materials, such as paint or similar surface treatment. Jim Flannigan U SPS. corn® - U SPS Tracking TM Page 1 of 2 English Customer Service USPS Mobile Register/ Sign In g TM F7 CUstairneir Service LISPS T rackin Have questions? We're here to help. ................... -" .................... .............. ............... ...................... aura(, ,-IIkllhing Il NUnilbeir: 70110470000363164173 Your itern arrived at our JSi::. 'S f cillft i n (.')RLAN1..)(.'), 32862 on January 10, 2015 at 827 prn. -rhe itern is currenfly in transit to the destination. Inforrnation, if availllallbl�e, is ulpdated jperiodical1y throughout the day. [::1� ease checlk again Illatcr, January 9, 2015 , 4:17 am Departed LISPS Facility FORT MYERS, FL 33913 January 9, 2015 , 12:55 am Arrived at LISPS Facility FORT MYERS, FL 33913 January 7, 2015 , 9:43 am Unclaimed WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 December 16, 2014, 2:20 Notice Left (No Authorized WINTER pm Recipient Available) SPRINGS, FL 32708 December 16, 2014, 8:29 Arrived at Unit WINTER am SPRINGS, FL 32708 December 16, 2014, 5:17 Arrived at LISPS Facility MID FLORIDA, FL 32799 am December 16, 2014, 4:01 Departed LISPS Facility ORLANDO, FL 32862 am December 16, 2014, 1:04 Arrived at LISPS Facility ORLANDO, FL 32862 am iii iolt[„'ier Pa6kage Tracking (or receipt) number ................................................................................ Firack It https:Htools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction?qtc tLabdsl=70110470000363164173 1/12/2015 U SPS. corn(g) - U SPS Tracking TM HELPFUL LINKS ON ABOUT.USPS.COM OTHER USPS SITES Contact Us About USPS Home Business Customer Gateway Site Index Newsroom Postal Inspectors FAQs USPS Service Updates Inspector General Forms & Publications Postal Explorer Government Services National Postal Museum Careers Resources for Developers Copyright © 2015 USPS. All Rights Reserved. Page 2 of 2 LEGAL INFORMATION Privacy Policy Terms of Use FOIA No FEAR Act EEO Data Search or Enter a Tracking Number https:Htools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction?qtc tLabd s1= 70110470000363164173 1/12/2015