HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014 10 28 Regular 600 - WS-2, WS-3, WS-4, WS-5, WS-6 The following documents were distributed by Corporal
Jim Flannigan during Public Hearings — Non-Compliance
Cases Agenda Number "600" at the Code Enforcement
Board Meeting on October 28, 2014.
Evidence Exhibits
WS - 2
WS — 3
WS - 4
WS - 5
WS - 6
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Item 4'ifflee tUsd Delvss'y Is desired. D
Point your name end eddies an the reverse X D
eo that. can.return the dead to you. C.Dean tof Delivery
• Attach trige card to the beck of the maIi iece, F 41 •l
Or on the front K space permits. D.Is delivery address diked Iron item 17 • Yes
1. Mick Palletised' to: if YE%enter delivery addess below No
to/IAN Lady. ' Cdrel
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Ankile Nu"'ber 7012 0470 0001 2132 6606
PS Form T.; ,1'ebmary 2004
Dorneedn'EAsium Receipt 1025954240540
k822- Or iceagei,
300 North Moss Road•Wintsr Springs,FL 32708
Kevin P.Brunelle
Chief of Police
August 10, 2014
Ronald G Lesage &Corey A Folan
31 N Cortez Ave
Winter Springs Fl 32708
Re: Case 2014CE002002 31 N Cortez Ave Winter Springs FL
Notice of non-compliance
An inspection on August 10, 2014 of above mentioned property noted the following violation(s)
of Winter Springs City Code(s)/Ordinance(s):
Junk and Debris City Code 13-2 E
Junk Vehicle City Code 12-53
Resident has been previously sent to code board and has been found in violation of city code.
This notice is to inform you that you are in violation of the Code Board Order. A daily fine of $100
per day is now being imposed on the property until the violation is resolved and inspected by a
code inspector. You will be notified of Code Board hearing and total amount of fine will be
requested for each day in violation. A lien will be placed on the property until such time the fine
is paid.
Sincere) •
im Flannigan
Code Enforcement Specialist
407-327-1000 ext. 448
Enclosures: 13-2 city code
Certified Mail 7012 3050 0000 4543 5164
• C.A.L.E.A. and JH
State of Florida Accredited Agency 0<nThifl
Items 1,2,and 3.Also complete A. Stin.ture
▪ Item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. / 0 Aant
• Print your name and address on the reverse X L1r �!� JCLAOdreesee
so that we Can return the Card to you. B. /,.. C.Date of Delivery
• Attach this cord to the beck of the mnilpisc e, fU C t�! S//3 4r Si T
or Tip. specs a D. Is ddrwy address dillesht from Nam 1? C7 Vs.
1. ArtN*Addrwad to: If YES,weer d.every address below: 0 No
e & Corey A Folan
1 Nino. tez A e
3. s«�.iyp.
Vinter Springs FI 32708
Certified Mar 0 Priority MaMExpraes"
0 Registered 0 Return Receipt for Mwoh■rdlee
0 Insured Me 0 Collect on Delivery
/v c4eb V,PM-2- 4. Rsatcted Delivery?,(Ema Fee) 0 Yee
2. Article Number 7012 3050 0000 4543 5164
(Warren from aeMce lobo0
PS Fonn 3811,July 2013 Domestic Return Receipt
Ill Complete items 1,2,and 3.Also complete A. Sigfl, ture
item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired.
X 0 Agent
• Print your name and address on the reverse 0 Addressee
so that we can return the card to you. B. -7...2.by(Printed Name) C.Date of Delivery
I Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, 4114.- 7 f(
or on the front if space permits.
D. Is delivery address different from Item 1? 0 Yes
1, Article Addressed to: If YES,eater delivery address below: 0 No
Ronald Lesage&corey Folan
31 N.Cortez Ave.
Winter Springs,FL 32708
3. Service Type
%Certified Mail° D Priority Mail Express'
0 Registered ja Return Receipt for Merchandise
0 Insured Mail 0 Collect on Delivery
iqc500 2coz ne.,0 4. Restricted Delivery?(Extra Fee) 0 Yes
2. Article Number "'
7012 3050 0000 4543 1685
(Transfer from service tabep
PS Form 3811,July 2013 Domestic Return Receipt
The undersigned swears and affirms that the property known as:
31 N. Cortez Ave. & 1126 E. SR. 434 (City Hall)
City of Winter Springs case number
Has been posted with
Notice of Code Board Hearing notice
Also noticed by Certified Mail through the
United States Postal Service.
Property Posted • ..
Jim Flannigan
The above signed person has sworn to this statement on T day of O, .✓20 /4.
t vtagaerY .wa tt
'+ °�`:
Notary Signature MANDY L MINNETTO,.� �,
Stam p' ) `�'' EXPIRES May 11, 2018
(407)398-0153 FloridaNOtaryService.com