HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014 10 28 Public Hearing 500 - WS-1 Code Enforcement Division Pf,1_11c-E ria�ios ► Case: 2014CE001870 Address: 114 Murphy Rd. Owner: Martha Horvath Violation : City Ord. 13-2(e) Stagnant Pool Date of Service: October 3, 2014 Inspector — Jim Flannigan ; .5 snr ,, Code Enforcement Division POLICE ria�ios ► • I received a complaint in regards to a stagnant pool • I observed through the fence the pool is stagnant. • The Seminole County Health Department was notified and added chemicals for the mosquito larve. • Notice of Violation was mailed on August 10, 2014. The notice was signed for by Cheryl Newmann on August 13, 2014. The envelope was also returned with a notice "Return to Sender" and the address marked out. ; .5 ,� , s Code Enforcement Division POLICE v r io ios ► • There has been no contact with the owner. • The Notice of Code Board hearing was posted at the property and City Hall on October 4, 2014. • The Hearing notice was also mailed on October 3, 2014. The United States Postal Service website indicates that the notice was not "deliverable as addressed". The return receipt was returned unsigned there was no envelope with it. __. • ,,-,-.., _ •1-.•-.- ., ---. ;•,-,,-.,:-.',,;',.i'c ' - .- ; '' • -7k=r< ,•-e--"(' -t* "''..,--t2:7';'":',::-.:,- 7_ 7.-' '. - "'",.... • -14 .■ , ...'' s.;-i,S.,YA . .,..-.. -;, , ,'47,„'..14,';r,",.,;:.-7,:,..;..',k..,,'' ,., e■ ,.40,-, ,,,‘.,, ..e.J. .. ' ...-:,; ':0‘.-:Irs. %....,i...;,. .,,, , ..., . ' ,':, ',.'.' ...-:: , .,1,;:.,.0.;'44,-.*:. -,..,. - - ,• ..,,,,.;1!,..111J,,,.:.':.:-74.,.‘i,....,:",..:_1-4.-_,..1.-11.1tir'4...--,4...ix...... 1=4, -'.; Alt, . '0' it r. .,4"-Allrirrft. ''.t'. '-N-':..,4:I,*'' .. 4,„f,,'i .-i:;v 0.," t"i:'.- ":*::'.,C2.! 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Stagnant Pool s%.5 ,� , s Code Enforcement Division POLICE v r io ios ► In regards to this case, I am recommending the owner be given until November 19, 2014, and if found in non-compliance a fine of $200.00 a day be imposed.