HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014 11 05 Public Hearing 503 Ordinance 2014-34 SR 434 Overlay RewritePLANNING & ZONING BOARD
ITEM 503
November 5, 2014
Public Hearing
REQUEST: The Community Development Department — Planning Division requests that the
Planning & Zoning Board consider Ordinance 2014-34, the re -write of the State Road 434 Corridor
Vision Plan.
SYNOPSIS: The State Road 434 Corridor Vision Plan was adopted by the City Commission in 1997
with the goal of encouraging and providing for enhanced property development in the State Road 434
corridor. It divided the State Road 434 corridor into two separate areas, the New Development area and
the Redevelopment area. The New Development area standards currently apply to all properties
adj acent to the State Road 434 right-of-way from Hayes Road eastward to the easternmost boundary of
the city limits with the exception of all properties within the Town Center and Greeneway Interchange
District (GID). The Redevelopment area standards apply to all properties from U. S. 17-92 eastward to
Hayes Road. A reading reveals these two standards to be duplicative with the exception of several
minor details. Over time, the standards have become out-of-date, and provide less flexibility in the
development process than are provided in other areas of the City. It is Staff s opinion that it does not
make logical sense to separate the State Road 434 corridor into two different areas that utilize the same
regulations with the exception of several details. Over the past 17 years, the quality of development in
both areas of the City under the auspices of these regulations has risen. Staff undertook the task of this
update in order to modernize the regulations to make the standards contained within them more
flexible, and to provide a better end result in the quality of development for all properties adjacent to
the State Road 434 corridor.
• Applicant name and address and authorized representative: City of Winter Springs, 1126
East State Road 434, Winter Springs, FL 32708.
• Property owner's name(s): Not applicable
0 Property addresses: Not applicable
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• Property Parcel ID numbers: Not applicable
• Current FLUM Designations: Not applicable
• Current Zoning Designations: Not applicable
• Previously Approved Development permits such as conditional use, waiver, or variance (if
any): Not applicable
• Development Agreements (if any): Not applicable
• Pending Code Enforcement Actions (if any): Not applicable
• City Liens (if any): Not applicable
Florida Statutes 163.2511-163.3246: (Provides that land development regulations for municipal
planning be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan).
Florida Statute 166.041 Procedures for adoption of ordinances and resolutions.
Florida Statute 316.2126
Winter Springs Charter Article IV. Governing Body.
Section 4.06. General powers and duties.
Section 4.15. Ordinances in General.
City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan
Winter Springs Code of Ordinances, Chapter 20, Article VI State Road 434 Corridor Vision Plan
For some time, an update of the State Road 434 Corridor Vision Plan has been warranted. Overtime,
the standards have become out-of-date, and provide less flexibility in the development process than
are provided in other areas of the City. Additionally, it does not make logical sense to separate the
State Road 434 corridor into two different areas that are under the same regulations with the
exception of a relatively small number of details. Staff has prepared Ordinance 2014-34, which
details changes to consolidate and update the State Road 434 Corridor Vision Plan.
A breakdown of the updates to the code are as follows:
Division 2 - General Design Standards for New Development Area. This has been re -tilted
"Design Standards".
Section 20-463 — Applicability to New Development overlay zoning district. This has been
revised to have the standards apply to all properties adj acent to the State Road 434 right-of-way
(inclusive of the entire parcel adj acent thereto) from U. S. 17-92 to the easternmost boundary of
the City of Winter Springs with the exception of properties within the Town Center District
and Greeneway Interchange District (GID), which are subject to other regulations set forth in
the City Code.
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• Section 20-464 - Building height. This section has been revised to permit buildings to be
constructed up to five (5) stories in height.
• Section 20-465 - Setbacks. More flexibility has been written into this section by permitting
buildings to be setback within a set minimum/maximum range without a mandatory minimum
distance from property lines as was previously required. Additionally, no maximum distance
from property lines was written into the Code. The update provides a maximum setback
distance from property lines to prevent buildings from being setback very far from property
lines which can cause developments to have large expanses of parking lots in front of the
• Section 20-467 — Off-street parking and driveway requirements. This section has been
amended to adopt the parking and driveway requirements of the Town Center which has no
maximum or minimum standards, but permits applicants to provide a study to determine how
much parking is truly necessary.
Section 20-468 — Landscaping. This section is now re -titled "Large -footprint buildings". This
section requires: 1) buildings with a footprint exceeding 20,000 square feet in area must have
the appearance that they are wrapped in liner buildings, 2) creates a connected system of
walkable street frontages to adjacent buildings or outparcels in order to permit pedestrians to
walk quickly and safely to these areas without having to drive within the same development,
and 3) requires loading docks, service areas, and trash disposals to not face rights -of -way or
residential areas if possible. The landscaping section has been struck and will be provided
within a new landscaping chapter in the Code of Ordinances.
• Section 20-471 - Utility lines. This section has been revised to require new and relocated utility
lines to be constructed and installed underground when possible, and permits an exception for
transformer boxes to be setback at least 15-feet from a right-of-way.
Section 20-472 - Corridor Access Management. This section has been amended to encourage
shared parking facilities and to require parking facilities for bicycles.
Section 20-473 — Building and screening design guidelines. This section has been amended to
specify certain building materials that can be used on projects constructed within the State
Road 434 corridor, and requires building facades that are visible from a public street or
adj acent property to contain transparent windows covering from fifteen (15) percent to seventy
(70) percent of the wall area. Additionally, this section has been amended to require buildings
with multiple storefront entries to incorporate continuous overhangs or arcades in the design to
promote pedestrian activity between storefronts and to shield pedestrians from excessive sun,
heat, and rain.
• Section 20-474 —Development Agreement. This section has been amended to require Staff to
document whether fire department capabilities exist if a building over five (5) stories in height
is requested by an applicant prior to negotiating this change into a Development Agreement.
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Division 3 - General Design Standards for Redevelopment Area. This division of the Code has
been repealed.
While there is no direct fiscal impact to the City, staff is of the opinion that the proposed new code
language will facilitate more diversified development and increase the chance of local businesses
remaining viable over the long term, which will have a positive fiscal impact to the City's tax base.
COMMUNICATION EFFORTS: The Meeting Agenda and this Agenda Item have been forwarded
to the Planning and Zoning Board members and are available on the City's Website, LaserFiche, and
the City's Server. The Agenda has been forwarded to the Mayor and City Commission; City Manager;
and City Attorney/Staff. Additionally, the Meeting Agenda has been sent to media/press
representatives, all Homeowner's Associations on file with the City, all individuals who have
requested Agenda information, Department Directors; and also posted outside City Hall; posted inside
City Hall with additional copies available for the general public.
Staff recommends the Planning & Zoning Board forward a recommendation of approval to the City
Commission of Ordinance 2014-34, the re -write of the State Road 434 Corridor Vision Plan.
A. Ordinance 2014-34
Attachment "A"
WHEREAS, the City is granted the authority, under § 2(b), Art. VIII of the State
Constitution, to exercise any power for municipal purposes, except when expressly prohibited by
law; and
WHEREAS, the City Commission previously established, in 1997, the S.R. 434 Corridor
Vision Plan pursuant to Ordinance No. 675; and
WHEREAS, the City Commission desires to streamline the regulations for the S.R. 434
Corridor Vision plan, to eliminate redundancies in the existing Code, and to provide greater
flexibility in new development and redevelopment within the S.R. 434 corridor; and
WHEREAS, the City Commission desires to eliminate the segregation of the existing
redevelopment and new development overlays and to utilize one comprehensive State Road 434
Overlay District; and
WHEREAS, on November 5, 2014, the Planning and Zoning Board reviewed the
proposed Code amendments recommended by City staff and recommended approval; and
WHEREAS, the City Commission also hereby finds that this Ordinance is consistent with
the City's Comprehensive Plan, particularly Future Land Use Policy 1.4.5, which encourages infill
development appropriate to the neighborhoods adjacent to the 434 Corridor and which further
encourages a vertical mix of uses to promote a live -work environment in the S.R. 434 Overlay; and
WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, hereby finds this
Ordinance to be in the best interests of the public health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of
Winter Springs.
Section 1. Recitals. The foregoing recitals are hereby fully incorporated herein by
reference as legislative findings of the City Commission of Winter Springs.
Section 2. Amendment to Chapter 20, Zoning. The City of Winter Springs Code,
Chapter 20, Zoning, is hereby amended as follows: (underlined type indicates additions and
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str-ikeetrt type indicates deletions. It is intended that the text in Chapter 20 denoted by the
asterisks shall remain unchanged from the language existing prior to adoption of this ordinance):
Sec. 20-461. Intent.
The purpose and intent of this specialized overlay zoning district is to encourage and
provide for enhanced property development within the S.R. 434 commercial corridor. Some of the
objectives to be attained through the establishment of this district include: enhancement of the
eammer-eial states of the corridor; o,a,,etio,, f vistial disc-.,etio,, th-,,,,,.h , if0f,,, S
provision of architectural design guidelines to create a unifying theme over time;
protection of adjacent residential land uses; and v,,.,�e protection of property values.
Sec. 20-462. Creation.
In addition to, and supplemental to, other zoning and land development regulation
requirements heretofore and hereafter, the S.R. 434 Corridor Overlay District includes additional
regulations to promote the orderly development and redevelopment of the corridor, which shall be
applied through imposition and mapping of an overlay district. The regulations are in addition to
and not in substitution of the underlying zoning district regulations which shall also remain
applicable to the overlay zone. The overlay district design standards will govern development
within the corridor and will control where conflicts between regulations occur.
Sec. 20-463. Applicability .
Distr-iet whiek ineltides all pr-epei4ies adjaeent te the S.R. 434 right ef way f+em Hayes Read
eastward te the easteHimest betindafy ef the City ef Winter- Spr-ings with &Eeltfsien(s) indieft+ed i.H.
O-di nee Ne 675The following design standards shall apply to the State Road 434 Overlay
District which includes all properties lying within the corporate limits of the City of Winter
Springs adjacent to the S.R. 434 right-of-way (inclusive of the entire parcel adjacent thereto) from
U.S. 17/92 to the easternmost boundary of the City of Winter Springs with the exception of
properties within the Town Center District, and Greeneway Interchange District (GID), which are
subject to other regulations set forth in the City Code.
Sec. 20-464. Building height.
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No building shall exceed fifty five (55) feet five (5) stories in height. For the purpose of
these design standards, building height shall be measured from ground level to the highest point of
the coping of a flat roof or the mean height level between eaves and ridge for gable, hip or gambrel
roofs. Cupolas, spires, domes, pinnacles, chimneys, penthouses and similar architectural features
may be erected to a height greater than any limit prescribed in this Code provided, each feature
does not exceed 600 square feet in area and does not extend more than 30-feet above the
designated height limit. Building height is measured as the vertical distance from the lowest point
on the tallest side of the structure to the top of the cornice, eave or similar architectural feature.
Sec. 20-465. Setbacks.
(a) It is the intent of the City to create a sense of place along the S.R. 434 Overlay corridor
It has been determined that a zero -foot (0) setback allows flexibility in site and building design
and eliminates suburban sbrawl. Buildings that are constructed to the broberty line are encouraued
se�b eke set fei4 , be',...,: Improvements shall be subject to the following minimum and maximum
setback requirements from all property lines:
S.R. 434 5n Minimum 0-feet, Maximum 100-feet 15 feel,
Collector Street 3€eet Minimum 0-feet, Maximum 50-feet 15 feet
Internal Street 15 feet Minimum 0-feet, Maximum 25-feet 15 feet
Side � nTvzccrMinimum 0-feet, Maximum 10-feet 5 feet
Rear 10 feet Minimum 0-feet, Maximum 10-feet 5 feet
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(4b) The followings improvements are specifically excluded from the setback
(1) Steps and walks:
(2) Landscaping and landscape berms;
(3) Planters three (3) feet in height or less; or
(4) Other improvements such as balconies, stoops, and awnings Ras may be permitted
under applicable regulations of the city.
The board
for- the
planning and zoning
will eansider-
any r-equest
of stieh athe.r-
. within a sethaek,
detefmining to
only after- a
the design
review and r-eeammeadation.
whether- r-eeammead
eity eansent,
review ma-y eafisider-,
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infafmation doetimentation
owner's -den and responsibility
be by the de..*,..
board in
provide stieh
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as ma-y
board that the
order- justify
a review
will not -adversely aff-eet-adj aeent
pr-apeFty owners.
Sec. 20-466. Reserved. .
Sec. 20-467. Off-street parking and driveway requirements.
The parking and driveway requirements for the Town Center set forth in Section
20-324(8)(a),(d), and (f) shall apply in the district.
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Sec. 20-468. bandseapi Lame footprint buildings.
Buildings with a footprint greater than twenty thousand (20,000) square feet should be
built with the following special limitations:
A. Where practical, buildings should have the appearance of being wrapped in a liner
of smaller buildings with doors and windows facing the right-of-way or parking
area. This will be a primary consideration for staff as aesthetic review for buildings
are considered pursuant to Chapter 9, Article X11 of this Code.
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B. To encourage use by pedestrians and decrease the need for solely auto -oriented
patronage, large -footprint buildings must provide a connected system of walkable
street frontages to adjacent buildings and outparcels.
C. Where bossible_ loadinu docks. service areas and trash diSDosal facilities shall not
face rights -of -way or residential areas. Where it is not possible to meet this
requirement, adequate buffering/screening shall be provided.
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pr-aeedur-es. Fei4ile sail, ffee E)f lime r-aek, pebbles Ew ather- eanstftietion debris shall
be used in all plantingI3�
(3) The owner- of a site shall be responsible for- all landse-ping se as to present a neatt,
used where a-vailable, based the fallowing cheer- c�
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The zirrga irrysccnrnrarr-oc-crcr'rgncaimcrvpciiccccrcvpr-cvcnc-vizmimnizti
RIH Off fOfirFigation water- eate�eadways,driveways, ancrzadjuceat
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to -seet on; and the * Lira being ., 1; the orris .f the athe - :.we
(2) lines
I. .
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buildings,FEw retail r
steref eat building if l.,v,,aseapi gis pr-avided the
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design reyi2w avcar-d t'rcit are damaged Aw r-emoved Shall a -replaeed-vith nev.,
See. `n 469. Buffers and walls. Reserved.
(1) The develapef�pr-apei4y owner- shall be responsible for- the pur-ehase, installatieff,-
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Staf,ti,. ate - ono tia areas fna-ybe et if designed to be , ai4 E) f a . ate -
I. .
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i I
4i I
Sec. 20-470. Reserved.
Sec. 20-471. Utility lines.
All new and relocated utilitv infrastructure shall be constructed
and installed underground to the maximum extent feasible and possible consistent with law
and industry standards. All new or relocated utility lines, pipes, conduit and similar infrastructure
within the district shall be constructed and installed beneath the surface of the ground unless the
City determines that soil, topographical, or any other compelling site condition makes
undergrounding unreasonable and impracticable.
b) Incidental utilitv abburtenances including transformer boxes. switch boxes. and
pedestal mounted boxes shall not be required to be constructed and installed underground.
However, such appurtenances shall be constructed and installed at locations approved by the City
with maximum consideration given to visual screening, buffering, and other aesthetic and
practical on and off -site visual and safety considerations. Such appurtenances shall be set back a
minimum of fifteen (15) feet from anv right-of-way. Visual screening techniaues shall include
landscape materials and masonry constructions
(c) Easements shall be required for the construction and installation of all utility
infrastructure unless a written determination by the utility is submitted which provides that an
easement is not needed to secure permission to use the property on which the infrastructure is
All new er- r-eleea+ed tttilit-y
lines the designated be
within eei+ider- shall eenstFde4ed
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b o for- t o 4
v"r0s -�wtb
estal matiated eleetri
by the deter-mination
be installed the development
eity shall an site of any
this The to the
approved after-
of seetion. aeeessar-y easements allow
Sec. 20-472. Corridor access management.
(a) A system of joint use curbed driveways and cross access easements shall be
established whe- feasible along the S.R. 434 Corridor and the building site shall incorporate
the following:
(1) A cross access corridor extending the entire length of each block served to provide
for driveway separation (consistent with the F.D.O.T. access classification system
and standards).
(3-)(2LStub-outs and other design features to make it visually obvious that the abutting
properties may be tied in to provide cross -access via a service drive.
(4)LILA unified access and circulation system plan that includes coordinated or shared
parking areas is encouraged wherever feasible.
(b) Shared parking areas are strongly encouraged and parking facilities for bicycles
shall be provided. shall be per-fnit4ed a red I i Ftir-ed par -king spaees if peak demand per-iods
ro proposed land uses ,a not eeetir- at the safne tifne periads—
(c) n,, iant to this seeIn furtherance of corridor access management, property
owners shall:
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(1) Record an easement in the public records allowing cross access to and from other
properties served by the joint use driveways and cross access or service drive;
(2) Record an agreement in the public records that remaining access rights along the
thoroughfare will be dedicated to the city and pre-existing driveways will be closed
and eliminated after construction of the j oint-use driveway.
(3) Record a joint maintenance agreement in the public records defining maintenance
responsibilities of property owners.
(d) The city engineer may reduce required separation distance of access points, e�Eeept
as evided i «`, where they prove impractical, provided all of the following requirements are
(1) Joint access driveways and cross access easements are provided where feasible in
accordance with this section.
(2) The site plan incorporates a unified access and circulation system in accordance
with this section.
(3) The property owner shall enter a written agreement with the city, recorded in the
public records, that pre-existing connections on the site will be closed and
eliminated after construction of each side of the joint use driveway.
Sec. 20-473. Building and screening design guidelines.
(a) Projects shall include but not be limited to the following materials_ eansiste t .,,:*''
fnateria4s used in the-area-aeeeptable fnateri-als inElude stucco, split -faced or decorative concrete
block, reinforced concrete with tile, "hardie-plank" siding, termite resistant wood, and brick and
terra cotta accent material. hiappr-apr-iate fnateririver- r-aEl, tinne�'��er- (tiapainted),
shake r-aa ,r-efleetive/3 erglass, and fnetal sklk+,—,. Materials should be of high quality and well
crafted. Any building facade that is visible from a public street or adjacent property shall contain
transparent windows covering from fifteen (15) percent to seventy (70) percent of the wall area.
(b) Mechanical equipment and appurtenances, including but not limited to air
conditioner units, ventilation equipment, refrigeration systems, heating units, etc., must be
screened so that they are not visible from any public right-of-way and adjacent residential zoning
districts. The screen shall consist of a solid wall, facade, or suitable landscaping. parapet or at''�r
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V_c . Such screening material shall extend at least one (1) foot above the object to be screened.
Said landscaping must be maintained in a fashion so as to continue to provide the intended
screening. If landscaping is utilized, the plantings must be an evergreen plant material that is high
enough within one (1) year of planting to provide a screen which will screen the entire unit. If
roof -top mechanical equipment is utilized, said equipment shall be screened with a parapet that
extends at least one (1) foot above the equipment that is screened. A cornice shall delineate the top
of the parapet. in the ease of satellite dishes, they shall be ser-eened ffafnview ffafn gr-atiad level of
adj aeeat rights of way and pr-apei4ies by buildings, dense landseaping or- ser-een walls. Thedes; -n
review board may per-mit dishes an buildings if no pai4 of the dish is visible ffafn the gr-atifid Of
stir-r-atifidi Sethaeks for- antennas and satellite dishes shall be the safne as the building
(c) All storage areas and dumpsters shall be screened from view from the right-of-way
and from adjacent residential zoning districts and be located in an enclosure that is consistent with
the architectural design of the principal structure. Se een. .. —ele eensis *y
v,,binat: o 4 Landscaping measuring at least 36-inches in height at the time of planting must be
provided around all dumpster enclosures. and apaque building fnate -ials if building fnate -ia4s are
(d) Side and rear elevations of buildings visible from a public street or adjacent
property shall be designed in the same architectural style as the main facade, with the exception of
transparent window requirements.
(e) All doors for service entrances or bays shall not face a public street unless they are
screened to obscure service activities.
(f) Outparcels shall conform to the architectural, signage, and landscape theme of the
overall project_ and must share ., internal ., e with the e -a4 r o
(g) Newspa,'_.' ��� and other -Eh Wending machines, and ATM's; pay
telephones and tr-as reepta lee shall be located within the building, ee -Af,,,.tef Oat
ar-ehitee � . [ib! e and eansi steat with the adj aeeat buil ding and other- site details and fnti4
meet building sethaeks. Trash receptacles shall be encased in a decorative enclosure that is
architecturally compatible with the building.
(h) Exterior lighting shall be a cut-off light source to protect adjacent properties from
glare. All exterior lighting shall be consistent and compatible throughout the project.
(i) Buildings with multiple storefront entries are aged to shall incorporate
continuous overhangs or arcades in the design of ffeat faeades as-appFopfate-to promote
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pedestrian activity and to shield pedestrians from excessive sun, heat, and rain. This element will
be a component of the aesthetic review of the building pursuant to Chapter 9, Article XII of this
0) Backflow preventers and other above ground valves shall be screened so they are
not visible from the street right-of-way using either landscaping or an opaque building material
(k) Drive-thru pick up windows shall not ffeaen S.R.4 be visible from surrounding
residential properties and rights -of -way.
Sec. 20-474. Development agreement.
Any developer may propose to enter into a development agreement with the city designed
to set forth terms and conditions appropriate to meet the circumstances of the specific proposed
development. Such development agreement shall be reviewed and approved by the city
commission. The city commission may vary the standards of this division, including building or
perimeter setbacks, parking standards, signage, and other standards. If an increase in building
height beyond fifty five (55) feet -five (5) stories is requested, the city 60ffifflissiOR staff must
document that fire department capabilities are adequate to address the change. Stleh
c-Consideration of a height over five (5) stories shall be based on building site constraints or
physical characteristics of the p rei4y; pr-evided seeif ea4l h,,. eve that any stieh
for a eanstr-ained site shall only be eansider-ed by the e4y eammission and be memorialized in a
development agreement if enhanced perimeter landscaping or buffering is provided to assure that
the objectives of this article are achieved.
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10 feet 5 feet
(1) Steps apis
ffajl� aee:r.rj.%V.Ww. .
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within a sethaek, only after- a
review and r-eeammeadation.
limiting the their- the
fallawiag� the
to hardship
without seepe E)f review,
e�Eteat whieh any e�Eists
the the
eanseat or- objeetions of adjaeeat pr-ape4y owners;
and (iv)
aatidr-e and use of pr-apas
doetimeat I *
be by the design
in to to the design
I r-equested
board that the intftision
order- justify
the is
review of additional
within nor-fna4 sethaeks
employees, visitors and eampanyvehieles.
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. .............
The fallowing landseape standards establish the i i - - iter-ia for- the developmen
the 6E)FFidE)F.
pr-aeedur-es. Fei4ile sail, ffee E)f lime r-aek, pebbles Ew ather- eanstftietion debris shall
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fnater-ia4, ineluding sad, shall be pr-amptly r-eplaeed Ew shall be treated to Fest0r-e
healthy g to aehieve a unifafm ear-anee.
mn-v^ff Ofiriigatfon water- eate sdriveways, and adjueeat
PJIIS•�t <� ?l�J l9�li9:�!\�4117\\97lii�ii��J!\:i9:���97tS4119�\1•f!\:�SR�4ll
the inte 4ded however-
that landseaping the triangular-
all within ar-
finished Pedestrian be
(2) above
—grade. sidewalksshall
area unless another- safe er-ossingis pr-ovideE�.-
feet ffam the
The triangular- be
(3) edge of any
defined -as-
aeeess way pa-vement. area shall
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trees; ski gr-Emad eaves
sss�:e�:�r:�ss�resseeare�esrsnsr.��. rerrs�sr.�s�r�.. . . ........... .
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hedge ; t o however-, -ed; t-ee planting is fo-
ii eases, ho0 0
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the faeade E)f the building and pa-ved areas whether- a par -king area, dFive E)r- sidewalk
as deser-ibed below.
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(1) The develapef�pr-apei4y owner- shall be responsible for- the pur-ehase, installatieff,-
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City of Winter Springs
Ordinance 2014-34
Page 27 of 31
(d) lily
joint dFiveways
feasible in
(1) aeeess and er-ass aeeess easements are
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City of Winter Springs
Ordinance 2014-34
Page 28 of 31
satellite dishes, they shall be ser-eened ffafn view ffafn gr-Emad level E)f adja6efit rights Of Way afid
by buildings, dense landSISapifig OF Wr-eea walls. The design review bE)ar-d may per-mit
dishes E)a buildings if ne pai4 E)f the dish is visible ffam the gr-Emad Of stir-r-Efflfidifi.,
Sethaeks for- antennas and satellite dishes shall be the same as the building sethaeks. -
City of Winter Springs
Ordinance 2014-34
Page 29 of 31
I i Ii. I � I- I - I
Section 3. Repeal of Prior Inconsistent Ordinances and Resolutions. All prior
inconsistent ordinances and resolutions adopted by the City Commission, or parts of prior
ordinances and resolutions in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict.
Section 4. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, word or
provision of this ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of
competent jurisdiction, whether for substantive, procedural, or any other reason, such portion shall
be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision, and such holding shall not affect the
validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance.
Section 5. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately
upon adoption by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida.
City of Winter Springs
Ordinance 2014-34
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ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, in a regular
meeting assembled on the day of , 2014.
Approved as to legal form and sufficiency for
the City of Winter Springs only:
Legal Ad Published:
First Reading:
Second Reading:
Effective Date:
City of Winter Springs
Ordinance 2014-34
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