HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014 10 28 Public Hearing 502 - New Cases - 1507 Woodsglen DriveCODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD AGENDA ITEM 502 REQUEST: October Regular Meeting Informational Consent Public Hearings X Regular The Code Enforcement Board is requested to review this Agenda Item. Kevin P. Brunelle Chief of Police August 14, 2014 Eleanor Kasper 1507 Woodsglen DR Winter Springs, FL 32708 WINTER SPRINGS POLICE DEPARTMENT 300 North Moss Road • Winter Springs, FL 32708 Business (407) 327 -7999 • Fax (407) 327 -6652 Case: 2014CE002190, 1507 Woodsglen Dr Notice of Code Violation An inspection on August 13, 2014 of above mentioned property noted the following violation(s) of Winter Springs City Code(s) /Ordinance(s): Overhang Extensions IPMC 304.9 Please correct these violations by: Repair vent screens - several holes in screen and rag inside large hole Vent screens are to prevent rodent from entering residence within ten (101 days after notification. Failure to correct the violation(s) and to notify the Winter Springs Code Enforcement of said corrections by the date will result in charges being brought against you before the City of Winter Springs Code Enforcement Board which has the power to levy fines up to $250.00 per day per violation for every day that you remain in violation. Sincerely, { 2 Code Ins pe or Terri Guerra Code Enforcement Specialist 407 - 327 -1000 ext. 427 Enclosures IPMC 304.9 Certified Mail: 70110470000363160489 C.A.L.E.A. and State of Florida Accredited Agency.r tk i' ut lJ w Wo c o N Z o N � 00 V N W � N O V !L a m vF �o M. w = N V O 00 C '.Rn /7S wo�j pa11eW �. 41OZ121 /80 ` ti O r D�� o rn SZ£OSO£8fStr0 ti, w Q. Li E-' Ir nn Z i m N V m Z H O r r1 m u AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING The undersigned swears and affirms that the property known as: 1507 Woodsglen Dr City Of Winter Springs case number 2014CE002190 has been posted with Notice of Code Violation on 09/08/14 after attempting to mail the notice by Certified Mail through the United States Postal Service. Property Posted by: Terri Guerra n 0 1 L 'CLU-mn- The above signed person has sworn to this statement on 8 day of q- 201q. Notary Signature Stamp: " " "'• CHRISTI 0 FLANNIGAN Notary Public - Stan of Florida • My Comm. Expires Oct 20, 2016 Commission i EE 211871 Bonded Tirau0 NatbW Notary Assn. CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD, PETITIONER, v. Eleanor Kasper RESPONDENT CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD COMPLAINT NO: 2014CE002190 ADDRESS: 1507 Woodsglen Dr. Winter Springs, FL 32708 STATEMENT OF VIOLATION AND NOTICE OF HEARING PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT AT 5:30 P.M. ON THE 28 DAY OF October 120149 AT THE CITY HALL, 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434, WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD WILL HOLD A HEARING TO DETERMINE WHY YOU SHOULD NOT BE FOUND IN VIOLATION OF THE CITY CODE AS FOLLOWS: LOCATION /ADDRESS WHERE VIOLATION EXISTS: 1507 Woodsglen Dr. Winter Springs, FL 32708 NAME AND ADDRESS OF OWNER OF RECORD: Eleanor Kasper 1507 Woodsglen Dr. Winter Springs,FL CITY CODE SECTION VIOLATED: IPMC 304.9 FIRST OBSERVED: 8 -13 -14 DESCRIPTION OF VIOLATION: Overhang extensions have holes with rags shoved into them UNLESS YOU: (1) CORRECT THIS VIOLATION BY: 10 -24 -14 IF THE BOARD FINDS YOU IN VIOLATION OF THE CITY CODE AS STATED ABOVE, YOU MAY BE FINED UP TO TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS ($250.00) PER DAY FOR EACH DAY THE VIOLATION CONTINUES, BE CHARGED COSTS INCURRED BY THE CITY IN PROSECUTING THIS CASE AND IF SUCH FINE AND COSTS ARE NOT PROMPTLY PAID, MAY RESULT IN A LIEN AGAINST YOUR PROPERTY, PURSUANT TO FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 162.09. THIS HEARING SHALL BE CONDUCTED PURSUANT TO SECTION 2 -60 OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, AND FLORIDA STATUTES CHAPTER 162. YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO APPEAR IN PERSON OR BY AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO PRESENT EVIDENCE, EXHIBITS, AND WRITTEN OR ORAL TESTIMONY. THE CODE BOARD WILL SUBPOENA WITNESSES IN YOUR BEHALF UPON WRITTEN PETITION TO THE BOARD. PLEASE GOVERN YOURSELF ACCORDINGLY. IF YOU DESIRE TO APPEAL THE ORDER OF THE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD, YOU WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS. FOR THIS PURPOSE YOU MAY, AT YOUR EXPENSE, ARRANGE FOR A VERBATIM TRANSCRIPT OF THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE PRESENTED AT THE HEARING. YOU ARE HEREBY ADVISED THAT YOU OR YOUR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE MAY ATTEND THE CODE BOARD HEARING. OTHERWISE, IF YOU FAIL TO ATTEND IN PERSON OR BY REPRESENTATIVE, YOU MAY LOSE YOUR RIGHT TO A HEARING AND THE CODE BOARD MAY ORDER A DEFAULT AGAINST YOU FINDING YOU IN VIOLATION OF THE CITY CODE AS STATED ABOVE. I certify a copy of this document was sent by Certified Mail on Certified Number: 7012 3050 0000 4543 1746 Enclosed: IPMC 304.9 Day of October . 20 14 . SIGNATURE OF CODE INSPECTOR Jim Flannigan TYPED NAME OF CODE INSPECTOR 407 - 327 -1800 Ext.448 Police Dept. TELEPHONE NUMBER AND DEPARTMENT AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING The undersigned swears and affirms that the property known as: 1507 Woodsglen Dr. & 1126 E. SR. 434 (City Hall) City of Winter Springs case number 2014CE002190 Has been posted with Notice of Code Board Hearing notice 10 -4 -14 on Also noticed by Certified Mail through the United States Postal Service. Property Posted Jim Flannigan The above signed person has sworn to this statement on L14'1 day of (k fV19 120 1_4. ME, �� Notary Signature MANDY L MINNETTO Stam `= MY COMMISSION #FF106727 p �� d��� EXPIRES May 11, 2018 (007) 398.0153 FloridallotaryServfce.com U SPS. corn® - U SPS Tracking TM English Customer Service USPS Mobile 1000fo 6 aUSPSCOM QUick ods Sl"-Jp a l:)ackage USPS TrackingT"" I iradl lhing IN uirrtlber 70123050000045431746 Page 1 of 2 Search J&1:1S.com or track 1::::1adkages S ii.ulll iiir° Send I Mad an age yr 0 U I M a iIII sl°Iqp LIS iriess Sdb`1JGr1S CLIStOirneir Service Have questions? We're here to help. .................... - [ Iro&]Gt ON USPS.COM Pirivacy Policy > Avai ° "tio Ili" is Postal Product: Features: F01A > Pirint a I abel with IPostage > �No FEAF', Act IEIEO IData > Certified Mai ITM "I"ext U�jpdates DATE & TIME STATUS OF ITEM LOCATION Eiin4l]l U Updates October 11, 2014, 12:58 am Departed t..J&PS IFacliilllliity FORT MYERS, FL 33913 YOUr !�ei,n departed OUr L)I ."") 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October 10, 2014 , 9-09 pm Arrived at USPS Facility FORT MYERS, FL 33913 October 7, 2014, 10-24 am Undeliverable as Addressed WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 October 7, 2014, 9-43 am Out for Delivery WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 October 7, 2014, 9-33 am Sorting Complete WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 October 7, 2014, 8-23 am Arrived at Unit WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 October 6, 2014, 9-13 pm Departed USPS Facility ORLANDO, FL 32862 October 6, 2014, 8-33 pm Arrived at USPS Facility ORLANDO, FL 32862 Aii'mlthe�r [��`Ia&��age Tracking (or receipt) number rrack It LEGAL ON USPS.COM Pirivacy Policy > Goveirnirnent Services > Feirrns of Use > N ::.3LJY Stairrq'.)s & Shq,.) > F01A > Pirint a I abel with IPostage > �No FEAF', Act IEIEO IData > C"Ustorneir Service > Deliveiring SdUfions to the I ast VWille > Site Ilnr.ex > (-"1.qpyirighff',,) 2014 USPS. 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