HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014 - Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Member Lists .44%NTeR S 0 � CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA E- * O 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 Incorporated WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708-2799 • 1959 Telephone(407)327-1800 i4,CO0 WE11`" PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE Page 1 Of 2 MEMBERS: LOCATION: Seat One: City Of Winter Springs Municipal Building(City Hall) Mr.Arnie Nussbaum,Chairperson 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs,Florida 32708 687 Andover Circle -Commission Chambers Winter Springs,Florida 32708 Telephone: (407)359-0849 [Residence] MEETING DATES: email: arnie687 @aol.com Regular Meetings Are Usually Held On The First Tuesday Of Each Term Expires: January 2015 (February/May/August/November)Quarter Seat Two: MEETING TIME: Mr. Arthur Gallo,Vice Chairperson 6:00 p.m. 199 Nandina Terrace Winter Springs, Florida 32708 2014 REGULAR MEETING SCHEDULE: Telephone: (407)977-4353 [Residence] Tuesday, February 4,2014 email: artgallo @cfl.rr.com Tuesday, May 6,2014 Term Expires: January 2015 Tuesday,August 5,2014 Tuesday,November 4,2014 Seat Three: Mr.Arsenio Calle STAFF REPRESENTATIVES: 110 Arrowhead Court Mr. Chris Caldwell, Director,Parks And Recreation Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Department Telephone: (407)366-2091 [Residence] Mr. Mike Barclay, Recreation Superintendent, Parks And email: acalle12 @bellsouth.net Recreation Department Term Expires: January 2015 Mr.Brian Dunigan,Recreation and Special Events Coordinator, Parks And Recreation Department Seat Four: Ms. Yvonne Froscher TERM OF SERVICE: 623 Sailfish Road 4 Years Winter Springs,Florida 32708 Telephone: (407)327-2020 [Residence] email: yifr@earthlink.net Term Expires: January 2015 Seat Five: Mr. Geoffrey Kendrick 1184 Trotwood Boulevard Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Telephone: (407)928-7398 [Residence] email: geoffk @cfl.rr.com Term Expires: January 2015 DOCS/advisoryboardsandcommittees/parksandrecreationadvisorycommmittee/all I/meetings/20I4memberlist-page I.xls Revised 2/11/2014 'toNTER S o`` A CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA Uy 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 mcom•�•r•a WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708-2799 • 1954 Telephone(407)327-1800 Q°0 WEIR' PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE Page 2 Of 2 MEMBERS: LOCATION: At Large: City Of Winter Springs Municipal Building(City Hall) Mr.James Van Kleunen 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708 1208 Cheetah Trail -Commission Chambers Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Telephone: (407)303-3667 [Mobile] MEETING DATES: email: jvankl @aol.com Regular Meetings Are Usually Held On The First Tuesday Of Each Term Expires: January 2015 (February/May/August/November)Quarter At Large: MEETING TIME: Mr. Rick Lecky 6:00 p.m. 1155 Duncan Drive Winter Springs,Florida 32708 2014 REGULAR MEETING SCHEDULE: Telephone: (407)719-0614 [Mobile] Tuesday, February 4,2014 email: RLLecky @gmail.com Tuesday,May 6,2014 Term Expires: January 2015 Tuesday,August 5,2014 ts2i Tuesday,November 4,2014 At Large: Vacant �a�c' ,- STAFF REPRESENTATIVES: Mr. Chris Caldwell, Director, Parks And Recreation de- � �' Department Mr. Mike Barclay, Recreation Superintendent, Parks And //�� Recreation Department "t Term Expires: January 2015 Mr. Brian Dunigan, Recreation and Special Events Coordinator, Parks And Recreation Department At Large: Ms.Clare Mumey TERM OF SERVICE: 1133 Dappled Elm Lane 4 Years Winter Springs,Florida 32708 Telephone: (407)977-3453 [Residence] email: cbm11339 @cs.com Term Expires: January 2015 DOCS/advisoryboardsandcommittees/parksandrecreationadvisorycommmittee/al I I/meetings/2014memberl ist-page2.xls Revised 2/11/2014 NTER �C SA ° /S• CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 2 * 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 U Incorporated WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708-2799 • 1959 TELEPHONE:(407)327-1800 (yO WE111°`i FACSIMILE:(407)324-4753 WEBSITE:www.winterspringsfl.org PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE Page 1 Of 2 MEMBERS: LOCATION: Seat One: City Of Winter Springs Municipal Building(City Hall) Mr. Arnie Nussbaum,Chairperson 1126 East State Road 434,Winter Springs,Florida 32708 687 Andover Circle -Commission Chambers Winter Springs,Florida 32708 Telephone: (407)359-0849 [Residence] MEETING DATES: email: arnie687 @aol.com Regular Meetings Are Usually Held On The First Tuesday Of Each Term Expires: January 2015 (February/May/August/November)Quarter Seat Two: MEETING TIME: Mr. Arthur Gallo,Vice Chairperson 6:00 p.m. 199 Nandina Terrace Winter Springs,Florida 32708 2014 REGULAR MEETING SCHEDULE: Telephone: (407)977-4353 [Residence] Tuesday,February 4,2014 email: artgallo @cfl.rr.com Tuesday,May 6,2014 Term Expires: January 2015 Tuesday,August 5,2014 Tuesday,November 4,2014 Seat Three: Mr.Arsenio Calle STAFF REPRESENTATIVES: 110 Arrowhead Court Mr.Chris Caldwell,Director,Parks And Recreation Winter Springs,Florida 32708 Department Telephone: (407)366-2091 [Residence] Mr.Mike Barclay,Recreation Superintendent,Parks And email: acalle12 @bellsouth.net Recreation Department Term Expires: January 2015 Mr.Brian Dunigan,Recreation and Special Events Coordinator, Parks And Recreation Department Seat Four: Ms.Yvonne Froscher TERM OF SERVICE: 623 Sailfish Road 4 Years Winter Springs,Florida 32708 Telephone: (407)327-2020 [Residence] email: yifr @earthlink.net Term Expires: January 2015 Seat Five: Mr.Geoffrey Kendrick 1184 Trotwood Boulevard Winter Springs,Florida 32708 Telephone: (407)928-7398 [Residence] email: geofflc @cfl.rr.com Term Expires: January 2015 DOCS/advisoryboardsandcommittees/parksandrecreationadvisorycommmittee/alll/meetings/2014memberl ist-page l.xls Revised 2/26/2014 z CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 • I959 l^c•P•�j WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708-2799 TELEPHONE: (407)327-1800 Q00 wE 03`' FACSIMILE: (407)324-4753 WEBSITE:www.winterspringsfl.org PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE Page 2 Of 2 MEMBERS: LOCATION: At Large: City Of Winter Springs Municipal Building(City Hall) Mr. James Van Kleunen 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs,Florida 32708 1208 Cheetah Trail -Commission Chambers Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Telephone: (407)303-3667 [Mobile] MEETING DATES: email: jvankl @aol.com Regular Meetings Are Usually Held On The First Tuesday Of Each Term Expires: January 2015 (February/May/August/November)Quarter At Large: MEETING TIME: Mr. Rick Lecky 6:00 p.m. 1155 Duncan Drive Winter Springs, Florida 32708 2014 REGULAR MEETING SCHEDULE: Telephone: (407)719-0614 [Mobile] Tuesday, February 4,2014 email: RLLecky @gmail.com Tuesday, May 6,2014 Term Expires: January 2015 Tuesday,August 5,2014 Tuesday,November 4,2014 At Large: Pending STAFF REPRESENTATIVES: Mr. Chris Caldwell, Director, Parks And Recreation Department Mr. Mike Barclay, Recreation Superintendent,Parks And Recreation Department Term Expires: January 2015 Mr. Brian Dunigan, Recreation and Special Events Coordinator, Parks And Recreation Department At Large: Ms. Clare Mumey TERM OF SERVICE: 1133 Dappled Elm Lane 4 Years Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Telephone: (407)977-3453 [Residence] email: cbm11339 @cs.com Term Expires: January 2015 DOCS/advisoryboardsandcommit tees/parksandrecreationadvisorycommmittee/all I/meetings/2014memberl ist-page2.xls Revised 2/26/2014 TER o- CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA U * 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 Incoryorated WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708-2799 • 1959 Telephone(407)327-1800 Qoo wE-oko PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE Page 1 Of 2 MEMBERS: LOCATION: Seat One: City Of Winter Springs Municipal Building(City Hall) Mr.Arnie Nussbaum,Chairperson 1126 East State Road 434,Winter Springs,Florida 32708 687 Andover Circle -Commission Chambers Winter Springs,Florida 32708 Telephone: (407)359-0849 [Residence] MEETING DATES: email: arnie687 @aol.com Regular Meetings Are Usually Held On The First Tuesday Of Each Term Expires: January 2015 (February/May/August/November)Quarter Seat Two: MEETING TIME: Mr.Arthur Gallo,Vice Chairperson 6:00 p.m. 199 Nandina Terrace Winter Springs,Florida 32708 2014 REGULAR MEETING SCHEDULE: Telephone: (407)977-4353 [Residence] Tuesday,February 4,2014 email: artgallo @cfl.rr.com Tuesday,May 6,2014 Term Expires: January 2015 Tuesday,August 5,2014 Tuesday,November 4,2014 Seat Three: Mr.Arsenio Calle STAFF REPRESENTATIVES: 110 Arrowhead Court Mr. Chris Caldwell,Director,Parks And Recreation Winter Springs,Florida 32708 Department Telephone: (407)366-2091 [Residence] Mr.Mike Barclay,Recreation Superintendent,Parks And email: acalle12 @bellsouth.net Recreation Department Term Expires: January 2015 Mr.Brian Dunigan,Recreation and Special Events Coordinator, Parks And Recreation Department Seat Four: Ms.Yvonne Froscher TERM OF SERVICE: 623 Sailfish Road 4 Years Winter Springs,Florida 32708 Telephone: (407)327-2020 [Residence] email: yifr@earthlink.net Term Expires: January 2015 Seat Five: Mr. Geoffrey Kendrick 1184 Trotwood Boulevard Winter Springs,Florida 32708 Telephone: (407)928-7398 [Residence] email: geoffk @cfl.rr.com Term Expires: January 2015 DOCS/advisoryboardsandcommittees/parksandrecreationadvisorycommmittee/alll/meetings/2014memberl ist-page 1.xls Revised 3/25/2014 4041-EA,S 0 t CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 .10 to WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708-2799 • i 1959 ( • Telephone(407)327-1800 /40 .>64 WE-ox PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE Page 2 Of 2 MEMBERS: LOCATION: At Large: City Of Winter Springs Municipal Building(City Hall) Mr. James Van Kleunen 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs,Florida 32708 1208 Cheetah Trail -Commission Chambers Winter Springs,Florida 32708 Telephone: (407)303-3667 [Mobile] MEETING DATES: email: jvankl @aol.com Regular Meetings Are Usually Held On The First Tuesday Of Each Term Expires: January 2015 (February/May/August/November)Quarter At Large: MEETING TIME: Mr.Rick Lecky 6:00 p.m. 1155 Duncan Drive Winter Springs,Florida 32708 2014 REGULAR MEETING SCHEDULE: Telephone: (407)719-0614 [Mobile] Tuesday,February 4,2014 email: RLLecky @gmail.com Tuesday,May 6,2014 Term Expires: January 2015 Tuesday,August 5,2014 Tuesday,November 4,2014 At Large: Mr.Kenneth Greenberg STAFF REPRESENTATIVES: 1635 White Dove Drive Mr.Chris Caldwell,Director,Parks And Recreation Winter Springs,Florida 32708 Department Telephone: (786)586-6351 [Mobile] Mr.Mike Barclay,Recreation Superintendent,Parks And email: greengoldkg @gmail.com Recreation Department Term Expires: January 2015 Mr.Brian Dunigan,Recreation and Special Events Coordinator, Parks And Recreation Department At Large: Ms. Clare Mumey TERM OF SERVICE: 1133 Dappled Elm Lane 4 Years Winter Springs,Florida 32708 Telephone: (407)977-3453 [Residence] email: cbm11339 @cs.com Term Expires: January 2015 DOGS/advisoryboardsandcommittees/parksandrecreationadvisorycommmittee/alll/meetings/2014memberlist-page2.xls Revised 3/25/2014 C 1�NTER S .. '�.. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA �` 2 GI 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 U . Y/ WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708-2799 TELEPHONE: (407)327-1800 coo WES�Jy� FACSIMILE: (407)324-4753 WEBSITE:www.winterspringsfl.org PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE Page 1 Of 2 MEMBERS: LOCATION: Seat One: City Of Winter Springs Municipal Building(City Hall) Mr.Arnie Nussbaum,Chairperson 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs,Florida 32708 687 Andover Circle -Commission Chambers Winter Springs,Florida 32708 Telephone: (407)359-0849 [Residence] MEETING DATES: email: arnie687 @aol.com Regular Meetings Are Usually Held On The First Tuesday Of Each Term Expires: January 2015 (February/May/August/November)Quarter Seat Two: MEETING TIME: Mr.Arthur Gallo,Vice Chairperson 6:00 p.m. 199 Nandina Terrace Winter Springs,Florida 32708 2014 REGULAR MEETING SCHEDULE: Telephone: (407)977-4353 [Residence] Tuesday,February 4,2014 email: artgallo @cfl.rr.com Tuesday,May 6,2014 Term Expires: January 2015 Tuesday,August 5,2014 Tuesday,November 4,2014 Seat Three: Mr.Arsenio Calle STAFF REPRESENTATIVES: 110 Arrowhead Court Mr. Chris Caldwell,Director, Parks And Recreation Winter Springs,Florida 32708 Department Telephone: (407)366-2091 [Residence] Mr. Mike Barclay,Recreation Superintendent,Parks And email: acalle12 @bellsouth.net Recreation Department Term Expires: January 2015 Mr. Brian Dunigan,Recreation and Special Events Coordinator, Parks And Recreation Department Seat Four: Ms.Yvonne Froscher TERM OF SERVICE: 623 Sailfish Road 4 Years Winter Springs,Florida 32708 Telephone: (407)327-2020 [Residence] email: yifr@earthlink.net Term Expires: January 2015 Seat Five: ' ` Mr.Geoffrey Kendrick lt. 1184 Trotwood Boulevard Winter Springs,Florida 32708 }, Telephone: (407)928-7398 [Residence] � � � email: geoffk @cfl.rr.com 3C'`Term Expires: January 2015 *Pc47.3 ?-1_411)) DOCS/advisoryboardsandcommittees/parksandrecreationadvisorycommmittee/alll/meetings/2014memberl ist-page 1.xls Revised 5/7/2014 (411714TE7? $il z CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA O 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 `, Incopo 1111 'n WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708-2799 TELEPHONE: (407)327-1800 1'c,-, 1,,,NP FACSIMILE: (407)324-4753 WEBSITE: www.winterspringsfl.org PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE Page 2 Of 2 MEMBERS: LOCATION: At Large: City Of Winter Springs Municipal Building(City Hall) Mr. James Van Kleunen 1126 East State Road 434,Winter Springs,Florida 32708 1208 Cheetah Trail -Commission Chambers Winter Springs,Florida 32708 Telephone: (407)303-3667 [Mobile] MEETING DATES: email: jvankl @aol.com Regular Meetings Are Usually Held On The First Tuesday Of Each Term Expires: January 2015 (February/May/August/November)Quarter At Large: MEETING TIME: Mr. Rick Lecky 6:00 p.m. 1155 Duncan Drive Winter Springs,Florida 32708 2014 REGULAR MEETING SCHEDULE: Telephone: (407)719-0614 [Mobile] Tuesday,February 4,2014 email: RLLecky @gmail.com Tuesday,May 6,2014 Term Expires: January 2015 Tuesday,August 5,2014 Tuesday,November 4,2014 At Large: d ..4(S,fSrc..44 14: Mr.Ken Greenberg y STAFF REPRESENTATIVES: 1635 White Dove Drive 4 -,.,.. si`1,r.�. Mr.Chris Caldwell,Director,Parks And Recreation Winter Springs,Florida 32708 Department ^ � Telephone: (786)586-6351 [Mobile] ,-.c' Mr. Mike Barclay,Recreation Superintendent,Parks And ', email: greengoldkg @gmail.com 1'N1-14. °--3 Recreation Department Term Expires: January 2015 t*4.-�,�. ,e_t( Mr.Brian Dunigan,Recreation and Special Events Coordinator, _. e Parks And Recreation Department --VAt Large: Ms.Clare Mumey TERM OF SERVICE: 1133 Dappled Elm Lane 4 Years ,y- , Winter Springs, Florida 32708 •t Telephone: (407)977-3453 [Residence] email: cbm11339 @cs.com '•` 4 Term Expires: January 2015 /,.p),/ • DOCS/advisoryboardsandcommittees/parksandrecreationadvisorycommmittee/alll/meetings/2014memberl ist-page2.xls Revised 5/7/2014 stos TEA, CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA CO 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 • `n°°rp°�•t•d • WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708-2799 `1959 TELEPHONE:(407)327-1800 Goo WETR FACSIMILE: (407)324-4753 WEBSITE:www.winterspringsfl.org PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE Page 1 Of 2 MEMBERS: LOCATION: Seat One: City Of Winter Springs Municipal Building(City Hall) Mr.Arnie Nussbaum,Chairperson 1126 East State Road 434,Winter Springs,Florida 32708 687 Andover Circle -Commission Chambers Winter Springs,Florida 32708 Telephone: (407)359-0849 [Residence] MEETING DATES: email: arnie687 @aol.com Regular Meetings Are Usually Held On The First Tuesday Of Each Term Expires: January 2015 (February/May/August/November)Quarter Seat Two: MEETING TIME: Mr.Arthur Gallo,Vice Chairperson 6:00 p.m. °7 S i`"",`�"�/°/ 199 Nandina Terrace ��� O&- Et-("�` 4 Winter Springs,Florida 32708 2014 REGULAR MEETING SCHEDULE: Telephone: (407)977-4353 [Residence] Tuesday,February 4,2014 email: artgallo @cfl.rr.com Tuesday,May 6,2014 Term Expires: January 2015 Tuesday,August 5,2014 Tuesday,November 4,2014 Seat Three: Mr.Arsenio Calle STAFF REPRESENTATIVES: 110 Arrowhead Court Mr. Chris Caldwell,Director, Parks And Recreation Winter Springs,Florida 32708 Department Telephone: (407)366-2091 [Residence] Mr. Mike Barclay,Recreation Superintendent,Parks And email: acallel2 @bellsouth.net Recreation Department Term Expires: January 2015 Mr.Brian Dunigan,Recreation and Special Events Coordinator, Parks And Recreation Department Seat Four: Ms. Yvonne Froscher TERM OF SERVICE: 623 Sailfish Road 4 Years Winter Springs,Florida 32708 Telephone: (407)327-2020 [Residence] email: yifr@earthlink.net Term Expires: January 2015 Seat Five: Mr.Ken Greenberg 1635 White Dove Drive Winter Springs,Florida 32708 Telephone: (786)586-6351 [Mobile] email: greengoldkg @gmail.com Term Expires: January 2015 DOCS/advisoryboardsandcommittees/parksandrecreationadvisorycommmittee/alll/meetings/2014memberlist-page 1.xls Revised 8/6/2014 J4�NTER OF -- S'p .. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA O 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 U ^�^�^*at� WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708-2799 • 1959 TELEPHONE:(407)327-1800 ,~caa WE-01-...# FACSIMILE:(407)324-4753 WEBSITE:www.winterspringsfl.org PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE Page 2 Of 2 MEMBERS: LOCATION: At Large: City Of Winter Springs Municipal Building(City Hall) Mr. James Van Kleunen 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs,Florida 32708 1208 Cheetah Trail -Commission Chambers Winter Springs,Florida 32708 Telephone: (407)303-3667 [Mobile] MEETING DATES: email: jvankl @aol.com Regular Meetings Are Usually Held On The First Tuesday Of Each Term Expires: January 2015 (February/May/August/November)Quarter At Large: MEETING TIME: ` O- ` t � Mr.Ri k Lecky 6:00 p.m. y°7 " 1155 Duncan Drive Winter Springs,Florida 32708 2014 REGULAR MEETING SCHEDULE: Telephone: (407)719-0614 [Mobile] Tuesday,February 4,2014 email: RLLecky @gmail.com Tuesday,May 6,2014 Term Expires: January 2015 Tuesday,August 5,2014 Tuesday,November 4,2014 At Large: Mr. Louis Chaves STAFF REPRESENTATIVES: 1051 Deer Run Drive Mr. Chris Caldwell,Director,Parks And Recreation Winter Springs,Florida 32708 Department Telephone: (407)719-9685 [Mobile] Mr. Mike Barclay,Recreation Superintendent,Parks And email: Louisdc @mac.com Recreation Department Term Expires: January 2015 Mr.Brian Dunigan,Recreation and Special Events Coordinator, Parks And Recreation Department At Large: Ms.Clare Mumey TERM OF SERVICE: 1133 Dappled Elm Lane 4 Years Winter Springs,Florida 32708 Telephone: (407)977-3453 [Residence] email: cbm11339 @cs.com Term Expires: January 2015 DOCS/advisoryboardsandcommittees/parksandrecreationadvisorycommmittee/all I/meetings/2014memberl ist-page2.xls Revised 8/6/2014