HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014 - Board of Trustees �oNTER 4 so CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA z 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708-2799 c TELEPHONE: (407)327-1800 c wE.�FyJy FACSIMILE: (407)324-4753 WEBSITE:www.winterspringsfl.org BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEMBERS: LOCATION: Seat One: City Of Winter Springs Municipal Building(City Hall) Mr. Frank Mundo,Vice-Chairperson 1 126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708 1622 Eagle Nest Circle -Commission Chambers Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Telephone: (407)977-6697 [Mobile] MEETING DATES: email: frankmmundo @gmail.com Regular Meetings Are Usually Held On The Second Tuesday Of Each Term Expires: January 1, 2018 Quarter(February/May/August/November) Seat Two: MEETING TIME: Ms. Barbara Watkins,Chairperson 5:30 p.m. 1603 Cougar Court Winter Springs, Florida 32708 2014 REGULAR MEETING SCHEDULE: Telephone: (407)365-9831 [Residence] Tuesday, February 11,2014 email: cpabarbara @aol.com Tuesday, May 13,2014 Term Expires: January 1, 2016* Tuesday,August 12,2014 NOTE: Tuesday, November 11, 2014 is a City Holiday Seat Three: therefore, no Regular Meeting is scheduled for November Mr.Brian Fricke 102 Bridgewood Court STAFF REPRESENTATIVES: Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Mr. Shawn Boyle, Director, Finance And Administrative Telephone: (407)353-6016 [Mobile] Services Department email: bfricke @fmcretire.com Term Expires: January 1,2018 TERM OF SERVICE: 4 Years* Seat Four: Vacant t *Ordinance 2010-14(Excerpt) Sec. 14-52. Board of trustees. (d) Staggering of Terms. Beginning in January,2012, seats two(2)and four(4)shall be appointed to four(4)year Term Expires: January 1,2016* terms expiring in January 2016,and seats one(1),three(3) and five(5)shall be appointed to two(2)year terms Seat Five: expiring in January,2014. Thereafter, all appointments shall Vacant remain staggered and shall be made for a term of four years." Term Expires: January 1,2018 DOCS/adv isoryboardsandcommittees/boardoftrustees/alll/meetings/2014memberlist.xls Revised 3/5/2014 J��NTER CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA > z * 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 U �^cor0 9 n WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708-2799 TELEPHONE: (407)327-1800 4coowESR�`' FACSIMILE: (407)324-4753 WEBSITE:www.winterspringsfl.org BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEMBERS: LOCATION: Seat One: City Of Winter Springs Municipal Building(City Hall) Mr. Frank Mundo,Vice-Chairperson 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs,Florida 32708 1622 Eagle Nest Circle -Commission Chambers Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Telephone: (407)977-6697 [Mobile] MEETING DATES: email: frankmmundo @gmail.com Regular Meetings Are Usually Held On The Second Tuesday Of Each Term Expires: January 1,2018 Quarter(February/May/August/November) Seat Two: MEETING TIME: Ms.Barbara Watkins,Chairperson 5:30 p.m. 1603 Cougar Court Winter Springs, Florida 32708 2014 REGULAR MEETING SCHEDULE: Telephone: (407)365-9831 [Residence] Tuesday, February 11,2014 email: cpabarbara @aol.com Tuesday, May 13,2014 Term Expires: January 1,2016* Tuesday,August 12,2014 NOTE: Tuesday, November 11, 2014 is a City Holiday Seat Three: therefore, no Regular Meeting is scheduled for November Mr. Brian Fricke 102 Bridgewood Court STAFF REPRESENTATIVES: Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Mr. Shawn Boyle,Director, Finance And Administrative Telephone: (407)353-6016 [Mobile] Services Department email: bfricke @fmcretire.com Term Expires: January 1,2018 TERM OF SERVICE: 4 Years* Seat Four: Pending *Ordinance 2010-14(Excerpt) Sec. 14-52. Board of trustees. (d) Staggering of Terms. Beginning in January,2012, seats two(2)and four(4)shall be appointed to four(4)year Term Expires: January 1,2016* terms expiring in January 2016, and seats one(1),three(3) and five(5)shall be appointed to two(2)year terms Seat Five: expiring in January,2014. Thereafter, all appointments shall Vacant remain staggered and shall be made for a term of four years." ke Te in Expires: January 1,2018 DOCS/advisoryboardsandcommi ttees/boardoftrustees/all I/meetings/20I 4memberlist.xls Revised 6/24/2014 J40NTER CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA U 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 • I959 'n�'�'*•�•" • WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708-2799 s TELEPHONE: (407)327-1800 GOco) FACSIMILE: (407)324-4753 WEBSITE:www.winterspringsfl.org BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEMBERS: LOCATION: Seat One: City Of Winter Springs Municipal Building(City Hall) Mr. Frank Mundo,Vice-Chairperson 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708 1622 Eagle Nest Circle -Commission Chambers Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Telephone: (407)977-6697 [Mobile] MEETING DATES: email: frankmmundo @gmail.com Regular Meetings Are Usually Held On The Second Tuesday Of Each Term Expires: January 1,2018 Quarter(February/May/August/November) Seat Two: MEETING TIME: Ms. Barbara Watkins,Chairperson 5:30 p.m. 1603 Cougar Court Winter Springs, Florida 32708 2014 REGULAR MEETING SCHEDULE: Telephone: (407)365-9831 [Residence] Tuesday,February 11,2014 email: cpabarbara @aol.com Tuesday, May 13,2014 Term Expires: January 1,2016* Tuesday,August 12,2014 NOTE: Tuesday, November 1I, 2014 is a City Holiday Seat Three: therefore, no Regular Meeting is scheduled for November Mr.Brian Fricke 102 Bridgewood Court STAFF REPRESENTATIVES: Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Mr. Shawn Boyle, Director,Finance And Administrative Telephone: (407)353-6016 [Mobile] Services Department email: bfricke @fmcretire.com Term Expires: January 1,2018 TERM OF SERVICE: 4 Years* Seat Four: Pending *Ordinance 2010-14(Excerpt) Sec. 14-52. Board of trustees. (d) Staggering of Terms. Beginning in January,2012, seats two(2)and four(4)shall be appointed to four(4)year Term Expires: January 1, 2016* terms expiring in January 2016,and seats one(1),three(3) and five(5)shall be appointed to two(2)year terms Seat Five: expiring in January,2014. Thereafter,all appointments shall Pending remain staggered and shall be made for a term of four years." Term Expires: January 1,2018 DOC S/advisoryboardsandcommittees/boardoftrustees/al I I/meetings/20I 4memberl ist.xls Revised 7/29/2014