HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014 06 23 Public Hearing 501 Creative Inspiration Journey School Conditional Use Request COMMISSION AGENDA
ITEM 501
Public Hearings X
June 23,2014 KS RS
Regular Meeting City Manager Department
The Community Development Department — Planning Division requests the City
Commission consider a Conditional Use request for Creative Inspiration Journey School,
which is proposed to be located at 780 East State Road 434.
Staff has received a Conditional Use application for Creative Inspiration Journey School,
located at 780 East State Road 434, the site of the former Kee-Wee Entertainment complex
and, originally, an Eckerd pharmacy. Creative Inspiration Journey School will consist of a
childcare center and school that is run in an environmentally conscious manner. According
to the owner, the school will be licensed for approximately 207 students ranging from 6
weeks through 12 years of age.
Conditional Uses are permitted only upon approval of the City Commission. The
Commission may impose reasonable conditions on any approved conditional use to the
extent deemed necessary and relevant to ensure compliance with applicable criteria and
other applicable provisions of the city code and comprehensive plan. The burden is on the
applicant to demonstrate that the application meets the conditional use criteria set forth in
the City Code and other provisions of applicable law.
• Applicant name and address and authorized representative: Patty Marquis, 1123
Seafarer Lane, Winter Springs, FL 32708.
• Property owner's name(s): Allsee Investment, LP c/o AC Global Managment, LLC
• Property addresses: 780 East State Road 434
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• Property Parcel ID numbers: 34-20-30-5AW-0000-031A
• Current FLUM Designations: Commercial
• Current Zoning Designations: C-1 (Neighborhood Commercial)
• Previously Approved Development permits such as conditional use, waiver, or
variance (if any): Not applicable
• Development Agreements (if any): There was a previous Development Agreement
between ECK-Winter Springs 9, Inc. and the City of Winter Springs signed April 26,
2000 by ECK-Winter Springs 9, Inc. for the development of the old Eckerd Drug
store on the property. This agreement is not relevant to the current request.
• Pending Code Enforcement Actions (if any): No pending Code Enforcement Actions
• City Liens if any): No City liens. $2969.18 is owed to the City in outstanding
utility bills that have not been paid. The current applicant is not a party to this
outstanding lien.
Florida Statutes 163.2511-163.3246: (Provides that land development regulations for
municipal planning be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan).
Florida Statute 166.041 Procedures for adoption of ordinances and resolutions.
Winter Springs Charter Article IV. Governing Body.
Section 4.06. General powers and duties.
Section 4.15. Ordinances in General.
Winter Springs Code of Ordinances, Chapter 20, Section 20-234 (5). Conditional Uses C-1
(Neighborhood Commercial) zoning district
Winter Springs Code of Ordinances, Chapter 20, Section 20-421 Public, Private and Charter
School and daycare center siting criteria.
City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan -Future Land Use Element
Objective 1.11: Public Schools.
The City shall implement standards for the siting of public schools to increase the
quality of life and local educational opportunities for its citizens.
Policy 1.11.3: Protection of Adjoining Uses. Minimize detrimental impacts from
new schools on residential neighborhoods, nursing homes and similar uses through proper
site location, configuration, design layout, access, parking, traffic controls and buffers.
Policy 1.11.11: Consistency with Code and Interlocal Agreements. Require public
schools to develop consistent with the 2007 Interlocal Agreement for Public School
Facility Planning and School Concurrency As Amended January 2008, the City's
Comprehensive Plan, and the City's Code of Ordinances.
City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan -Public Schools Facilities Element
Objective 1.6: Ensuring Compatibility with Surrounding Land Uses,
Encouraging Co- location with Appropriate City Facilities, Location in Proximity to
Residential Areas to be Served and Function as a Community Focal Point The City
shall ensure compatibility of school facilities with surrounding land use through the
Public Hearings 501 PAGE 2 OF 11-June 23,2014
development review process and shall encourage, to the extent feasible, co-location of
new schools with compatible City facilities, and the location of school facilities to serve as
community focal points.
Policy 1.6.1: Allowable Locations of School Sites and Compatibility
Standards. Allow school sites within any land use designation in the City except
Conservation and
Industrial. (Cross Reference Future Land Use Element, Policy 1.11.1). Ensure compatibility with
adjacent land uses will be ensured through the following measures:
• New school sites within the City must not be adjacent to any noxious industrial
uses or other property from which noise, vibration, odors, dust, toxic materials,
traffic conditions or other disturbances would have a negative impact on the
health and safety of students.
• An assessment of critical transportation issues, including provision of adequate
roadway capacity, transit capacity and bikeways, shall be performed for
proposed school sites prior to any development to ensure safe and efficient
transport of students.
• New school sites must comply with the City's land development regulations
and must minimize potential detrimental impacts on adjacent uses by providing
sufficient on-site parking, sufficient internal vehicular circulation to ensure that
unsafe stacking of vehicles on access roads does not occur, containment of off-
site light spillage and glare, and reduction of off-site noise through compliance
with the City's buffer requirements.
• New school sites in shall have safe ingress and egress for pedestrians, bicycles,
cars, buses, service vehicles and emergency vehicles. High schools should be
located with access to collector or arterial roads, rather than relying solely on
local roads.
The applicant is requesting approval of a Conditional Use for Creative Inspiration Journey
School, which is proposed to be located at 780 East State Road 434. The subject property
was originally developed as an Eckerd drugstore, and was most recently utilized as the Kee-
Wee entertainment district. According to the owner, Creative Inspiration Journey School
claims that it will be an upscale, private monthly tuition based educational program using
high quality world renowned curriculums that will attract a high demographic population.
The school is intended to draw students not only from the City of Winter Springs, but from
many of the surrounding cities. The school will be an environmentally conscious school
which will utilize many green practices such as recycling, and the use of natural playground
Pursuant to Section 20-33(d) of the City Code, "all conditional use recommendations and
final decisions shall be based on the following criteria to the extent applicable:
1. Whether the applicant has demonstrated the conditional use, including its proposed
scale and intensity, traffic-generated characteristics, and off-site impacts, is
compatible and harmonious with adjacent land uses, and will not adversely impact
land use activities in the immediate vicinity.
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The design of the site allows traffic to flow smoothly by having two points of access
from State Road 434 and State Road 419. Further, each access point is configured at
or near an existing signalized intersection which will improve pedestrian and vehicular
safety and traffic flow in and out of the site. Signalized intersections are a crucial
traffic flow component of any school site of significant size. According to the owner,
drop-off times for the school will be staggered, with operating hours between 6:30 am
and 6:30 pm. Parents will be required to park their cars and come into the building to
sign their children in and out. This will alleviate concerns regarding vehicles queuing
into the adjacent roadways because trips will be staggered and vehicles will be
required to park. The site is located at the intersection of two major roadways and is
in a commercial area. There are no residential uses immediately adjacent to the site.
The proposed use is compatible and harmonious with the surrounding area and will
not adversely impact land use activities in the immediate vicinity. No activities would
be planned that might produce noises or sounds that could adversely impact nearby
residential areas in the evenings.
This site is located at a signalized intersection of two state arterial streets, which enhances the safe and efficient
access to and from the proposed daycare. The traffic signal facilitates access to and from the site in all directions,
and it provides safe pedestrian access from the surrounding public sidewalks to the daycare. The traffic signal,in
conjunction with the site's three access driveways, allows vehicles to enter and exit the site without having to make
u-turns. Having the traffic signal in the immediate project vicinity also enables the surrounding street network to
better absorb the peak traffic demand from the daycare, which is much lower than for schools due to the lower
student capacity and the dispersed drop-off and pickup operations.
2. Whether the applicant has demonstrated the size and shape of the site, the proposed
access and internal circulation, and the design enhancements to be adequate to
accommodate the proposed scale and intensity of the conditional use requested. The
site shall be of sufficient size to accommodate design amenities such as screening,
buffers, landscaping, open space, off-street parking, and similar site plan
improvements needed to mitigate against potential adverse impacts of the proposed
The site was originally permitted as an Eckerd drugstore in 2000. During the original
site plan review process, access and internal circulation were approved in
accordance with the State Road 434 New Development overlay plan, which
governs the design aspects of the site. This original design is suitable for the
proposed use and does not require any substantial modifications. Importantly, the
access and internal circulation were planned from two different access points in order
to accommodate traffic flow across and off the site. Additionally, screening buffers,
landscaping, open space, and off-street parking were provided in accordance
with all applicable City Code criteria and this aspect of the original site design is still
substantially suitable for the proposed use. The site plan that is attached for the
school proposes 55 off-street parking spaces that are currently provided on site. This
will accommodate the amount of parking that is anticipated for the school use.
According to the owner, drop-off times for the school will be staggered between
6:30 am and 9:30 am,with operating hours between 6:30 am and 6:30 pm. Parents
will be required to park their cars and come into the building to sign their children
in and out. This will alleviate concerns regarding vehicles queuing into the adjacent
3. Whether the proposed use will have an adverse impact on the local economy,
Public Hearings 501 PAGE 4 OF 11-June 23,2014
including governmental fiscal impact, employment, and property values.
The existing building is currently vacant. Not only will a new business be established
at the site, no existing businesses will be displaced or negatively impacted by the
proposed school. Therefore, there will not be an adverse impact on employment and
the local economy from this standpoint. However, Per Florida Statute, daycare
centers and schools are non-profit organizations that are exempt from the payment of
ad valorem taxes. Once constructed, these uses pose negative effects on the City's
infrastructure and services that are not reimbursed by the end user through the
payment of ad valorem taxes. In response to this, the owner has agreed to enter into a
PILOT (Payment in Lieu of Taxes) program or other mutually agreeable option with
the City to offset any adverse impacts that may occur to the City for services that may
be rendered. The facility would pay normal ad valorem taxes until said time as the
facility meets that state requirements for tax exempt status; at which time the PILOT
agreement or other option would come into effect. According to the Seminole County
Property Appraiser's office, the school would not qualify for tax exempt status for ad
valorem taxes until said time as the school purchases the property. As long as the
school leases the property, all ad valorem taxes will be paid.
4. Whether the proposed use will have an adverse impact on the natural environment,
including air, water, and noise pollution, vegetation and wildlife, open space, noxious
and desirable vegetation, and flood hazards.
The school is proposed at an existing building and site which are well suited for this
type of use. Further, the existing site will not require substantial modifications.
Therefore, no adverse impacts on the natural environment are anticipated.
5. Whether the proposed use will have an adverse impact on historic, scenic, and
cultural resources, including views and vistas, and loss or degradation of cultural and
historic resources.
The use is proposed on an existing site with an existing building that has been used in
the past as a pharmacy and an entertainment complex. Therefore, no adverse
impacts on historic, scenic, and cultural resources, including views and vistas, and
loss or degradation of cultural and historic resources are anticipated.
6. Whether the proposed use will have an adverse impact on public services, including
water, sewer, surface water management, police, fire, parks and recreation, streets,
public transportation, marina and waterways, and bicycle and pedestrian facilities.
The use is proposed on an existing site that is currently serviced by City water and
sewer. As previously mentioned, the owner has agreed to enter into a PILOT
(Payment in Lieu of Taxes) program or other mutually agreeable option with the City
to offset any adverse impacts in regards to City services that may be rendered. In
accordance with the State Road 434 New Development Overlay requirements, a
bicycle rack will be required to be provided on site. The Florida Department of
Transportation (FDOT) has off-site roadway improvements programmed which
include sidewalk and crosswalk improvements which will help improve pedestrian and
bicycle access to the site and surrounding area. Additionally, bicycle access is available
from the Cross-Seminole Trail, which is approximately one-quarter (1/4) mile away
from the site. The route from the trail to the site has public sidewalks along the entire
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7. Whether the proposed use will have an adverse impact on housing and social
conditions, including variety of housing unit types and prices, and neighborhood
The Conditional Use being requested is for a daycare center and school, which is not
a residential use. Therefore, no adverse impact on housing and social conditions,
including variety of housing unit types and prices, and neighborhood quality is
Additionally, Section 20-421 establishes 14 criteria which must be satisfied prior to the City
Commission approving a Conditional Use for a daycare center or school. All schools and
daycare centers must be deemed compatible with surrounding land uses by the City before
any development permit may be issued for a new school or daycare center or the expansion
of an existing school or daycare center. The aforementioned staff comments regarding the
general conditional use criteria (1 through 7) are incorporated by this reference as part of
staff s comments related to the following 14 criteria to the extent not restated below. The
14 criteria must also be considered specifically with respect to schools:
1. The location of the school must serve as a focal point for the community and shall not
have an adverse impact on neighborhood quality and harmony.
The proposed school is located at the intersection of State Roads 419 and 434, which
are the two major arterial roadways in the City. The proposed school is in a highly
visible location at an existing signalized traffic intersection. The school is proposed to
be located in a building that was constructed in 2000 and the design of the site will
substantially stay the same. Locating the school in this location does not appear to pose
any negative impacts on neighborhood quality and harmony, and should provide an
exterior maintenance program to "upgrade" the property's appearance.
2. A comprehensive assessment of critical transportation issues, including provision of
adequate roadway capacity, transit capacity and bikeways shall be performed for a
proposed school prior to any development to ensure safe and efficient transport of
students to and from school.
The proposed use is a daycare center and school limited to approximately 207
students. The amount of traffic that is typically generated from this type of use poses
less demand on the surrounding roadway network than the pharmacy and
entertainment complex that were previously located on the property. Additionally,
drop-off times for the school will be staggered, with operating hours between 6:30 am
and 6:30 pm. Parents will be required to park their cars and come into the building to
sign their children in and out. This will alleviate concerns regarding vehicles queuing
into the adjacent roadways.
3. New school sites must minimize potential detrimental impacts on adjacent uses by
providing sufficient on-site parking, sufficient internal vehicular circulation to ensure
that unsafe stacking of vehicles on access roads does not occur, containment of off-
site light spillage and glare, and reduction of off-site noise through compliance with
the City's buffer requirements.
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The site was originally permitted as an Eckerd drugstore in 2000. During the original
site plan review process, access and internal circulation were approved in
accordance with the State Road 434 New Development overlay plan, which
governs the design aspects of the site. Additionally, screening buffers,
landscaping, open space, and off-street parking were provided in accordance
with all applicable City Code criteria. The site plan that is attached for the school
proposes 55 off-street parking spaces that are currently provided on site. This
will accommodate the amount of parking that is anticipated for the school use.
According to the owner, drop-off times for the school will be staggered, with
operating hours between 6:30 am and 6:30 pm. Parents will be required to park
their cars and come into the building to sign their children in and out. This will
alleviate concerns regarding vehicles queuing into the adjacent roadways. The
majority of the activities will be conducted inside the building, with children playing
outside at appointed times. The amount of noise generated by the play activities
is not anticipated to be more or less than that generated by a typical
playground at a school.
4. Demonstrate whether the size and shape of the site, the proposed access and internal
circulation, recreational amenities, and the design enhancements proposed will be
adequate to accommodate the scale and intensity of the proposed development. The
site shall be of sufficient size to accommodate design amenities such as screening,
buffers, landscaping, open space, off-street parking, drop off and pick-up zones, and
other similar site plan improvements needed to mitigate against potential adverse
impacts of the proposed use.
The applicant has prepared a site plan which depicts how the site will be configured
as a school use. Access to the site will be from both State Roads 434 and 419.
Two play areas will be constructed on the site. The amount of open space provided
on the site will be in accordance with State of Florida laws for child care centers.
Screening buffers, landscaping, open space, and off-street parking have been
provided in accordance with all applicable City Code criteria. The site plan
that is attached for the school proposes 55 off-street parking spaces that are
currently provided on site. This will accommodate the amount of parking that is
anticipated for the school use. According to the owner, drop- off times for the
school will be staggered between 6:30 am and 9:30 am, with operating hours between
6:30 am and 6:30 pm. Parents will be required to park their cars and come into the
building to sign their children in and out.
5. Demonstrate whether the proposed school use is compatible and harmonious with
adjacent land uses by avoiding location next to incompatible existing land uses such
as bars and alcoholic establishments, industrial and high intensity commercial uses,
adult oriented businesses, and potentially noxious uses that could materially be
harmful to children or interfere with an educational environment.
The proposed use is located in an existing building that has previously been an Eckerd
pharmacy and an entertainment complex known as Kee-Wee. There are no bars and
alcoholic establishments, industrial and high intensity commercial uses,
adult oriented businesses, and potentially noxious uses that could materially be
harmful to children or interfere with an educational environment that are adjacent
Public Hearings 501 PAGE 7 OF 11-June 23,2014
land uses. The proposed use is compatible and harmonious with adjacent land uses.
The proposed school will not displace or negatively impact any existing businesses on
the site or vicinity.
6. Demonstrate whether or not the new school site will adversely impact land use
activities in the immediate vicinity by providing appropriate and sufficient buffering,
on-site parking, internal vehicular circulation to ensure safe stacking of vehicles
with no interference to adjacent road access and traffic patterns.
The site is heavily buffered from the State Roads 434 and 419 frontages and has
mature oak trees growing along each frontage. The site was originally designed to
accommodate internal vehicular circulation. The two previous uses located on the
property had more average daily vehicular trips than the proposed school use with
approximately 207 students. No issues regarding internal vehicular circulation are
7. Demonstrate whether construction of off-site improvements are necessary or not,
including but not limited to: signalization, installation of deceleration lanes, roadway
striping for crosswalks, safe directional/warning signage and installation of
At the State Road 419 driveway, an eastbound State Road 419 right turn deceleration
lane was constructed for Eckerd's. The nearest major intersections are State Road
419 at State Road 434, State Road 434 at Hayes Road, and State Road 419 at Layer
Elementary School, all of which are currently signalized. Furthermore, the site is
located at an existing signalized traffic light which will regulate safe pedestrian and
vehicular access to and from the site. Based on the existing improvements in the site
vicinity, along with the estimated daily trip generation for the day care being at or
below the trip generation for the drugstore, no additional off-site improvements are
required or recommended.
8. Demonstrate that facilities such as sanitary sewer and potable water will be available
at the time demanded by the new school site, and that services such as public safety
can be provided.
The subject property is currently connected to City water and sewer service. The
subject property is currently provided police protection by the Winter Springs
Police Department and fire protection by the Seminole County Fire Department.
9. Demonstrate whether or not the proposed use will have an adverse impact on public
services, including water, sewer, surface water management, police, fire, parks a
nd recreation, streets, public transportation, and bicycle and pedestrian facilities.
The use is proposed to be located on a site that is currently serviced by City water and
sewer. The owner has agreed to enter into a PILOT (Payment in Lieu of Taxes)
program or other mutually agreeable option with the City to offset any adverse
impacts in regards to the cost of City services that may that may be rendered. In
accordance with the State Road 434 New Development Overlay requirements, a
bicycle rack will be required to be provided on site. The Florida Department of
Transportation (FDOT) has off-site roadway improvements programmed which
Public Hearings 501 PAGE 8 OF 11-June 23,2014
include sidewalk and crosswalk improvements which will help improve pedestrian and
bicycle access to the site and surrounding area.
10. New school sites shall have safe means of ingress and egress for pedestrians,
bicycles, cars, buses, service vehicles and emergency vehicles. High schools and
other major school facilities shall be located with access to collector or arterial
roads, rather than relying solely on local roads.
The site has 55 parking spaces, which is sufficient to support the drop-off/pickup
operations for a day care with 207 students. Drop-off and pickup times are spread
over several hours, thus there are no car lines. Students are normally walked from
parked vehicles to the school for drop-off and vice versa for pickup. The site has
acceptable service and emergency vehicle access, which has been confirmed by the
Seminole County Fire Marshal. Safe pedestrian access is available from the existing
sidewalk along State Road 434, which has a direct sidewalk connection to the day
care's front entrance.
11. Ensure compliance with the United States Department of Transportation's Safe Route
to Schools initiative.
The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) has off-site roadway
improvements programmed which include sidewalk and crosswalk improvements
which will help improve pedestrian and bicycle access to the site and surrounding
area. Additionally, bicycle access is available from the Cross-Seminole Trail, which is
approximately one-quarter (1/4) mile away from the site. The route from the trail to
the site has public sidewalks along the entire route.
12. Demonstrate that safe road, bicycle, and sidewalk connections to and from proposed
school sites will be provided.
Safe pedestrian access is available from the existing sidewalk along State Road 434,
which has a direct sidewalk connection to the daycare's front entrance. FDOT is
planning to construct a new sidewalk along State Road 419 and crosswalk
improvements at the State Road 419 / State Road 434 intersection, both of which
should be complete in late 2014. The site has safe vehicular driveway access to both
State Road 419 and State Road 434. These driveway connections were installed as
part of the original Eckerd's project and were located a safe distance away from the
State Road 419 / State Road 434 intersection. Bicycle access is available from the
Cross-Seminole Trail, which is approximately one-quarter (1/4) mile away from the
site. The route from the trail to the site has public sidewalks along the entire route.
13. Demonstrate that the proposed use will not have an adverse impact on the local
economy, including governmental fiscal impact, employment, and property values.
The existing building is currently vacant. Not only will a new business be established
at the site, no existing businesses will be displaced or negatively impacted by the
proposed school. Therefore, there will not be an adverse impact on employment and
the local economy from this standpoint. However, Per Florida Statute, daycare
centers and schools are non-profit organizations that are exempt from the payment of
Public Hearings 501 PAGE 9 OF 11-June 23,2014
ad valorem taxes. Once constructed, these uses pose negative effects on the City's
infrastructure and services that are not reimbursed by the end user through the
payment of ad valorem taxes. In response to this, the owner has agreed to enter into a
PILOT (Payment in Lieu of Taxes) program or other mutually agreeable option with
the City to offset any adverse impacts that may occur to the City as a result of the cost
for services that may be rendered to the daycare/school. The facility would pay normal
ad valorem taxes until said time the facility meets that state requirements for tax
exempt status; at which time the PILOT agreement or other option would come into
14. Demonstrate that negative fiscal impacts on the City for City services which are not
covered by general ad valorem taxes, assessments, permit fees, and service
charges are mitigated against by the school.
The owner has agreed to enter into a PILOT (Payment in Lieu of Taxes) program
or other mutually acceptable option with the City to offset any adverse impacts that
may occur to the City for the cost of services rendered to the daycare/school.
According to the Seminole County Property Appraiser's office, the school would not
qualify for tax exempt status for ad valorem taxes until said time as the school
purchases the property. As long as the school leases the property, all ad valorem
taxes will be paid.
Per Florida Statute, daycare centers and schools are non-profit organizations that are
exempt from the payment of ad valorem taxes. Once constructed, these uses pose negative
effects on the City's infrastructure and services that are not reimbursed by the end user
through the payment of ad valorem taxes. In response to this, the owner has agreed to enter
into a PILOT (Payment in Lieu of Taxes)program or other mutually acceptable option with
the City to offset any adverse impacts associated to the cost for services that may be
rendered by the City. The facility would pay normal ad valorem taxes until said time the
facility meets that state requirements for tax exempt status; at which time the PILOT
agreement or other option would come into effect.
This Agenda Item has been electronically forwarded to the Mayor and City Commission, City Manager, City
Attorney/Staff, and is available on the City's Website, LaserFiche, and the City's Server. Additionally, portions of this
Agenda Item are typed verbatim on the respective Meeting Agenda which has also been electronically forwarded to the
individuals noted above, and which is also available on the City's Website,LaserFiche, and the City's Server; has been
sent to applicable City Staff, Media/Press Representatives who have requested Agendas/Agenda Item information,
Homeowner's Associations/Representatives on file with the City,and all individuals who have requested such information.
This information has also been posted outside City Hall,posted inside City Hall with additional copies available for the
General Public,and posted at five(5)different locations around the City.Furthermore,this information is also available to
any individual requestors. City Staff is always willing to discuss this Agenda Item or any Agenda Item with any interested
The property has been posted with a yellow sign noting the date and time of the public hearing.
Staff recommends the City Commission approve the Conditional Use permit application
submitted by Creative Inspiration Journey School to be located at 780 East State Road 434
under the following conditions:
Public Hearings 501 PAGE 10 OF 11-June 23,2014
1. The school be limited to a maximum of(207) students which is the amount represented
by the applicant.
2. Regular school hours of operation for the students shall be limited to the hours between
6:30 A.M. and 6:30 P.M. No outdoor activities shall be permitted on the site after 10:00
3. In accordance with the State Road 434 New Development Overlay requirements, a
bicycle rack will be required to be provided on site.
4. The applicant shall maintain the full functionality of the two existing access points on SR
434 and SR 419.
5. Prior to the City issuing a certificate of occupancy for the school, the applicant shall be
required to execute a PILOT agreement in favor of the City in a form and substance
approved by the City Manager and City Attorney to compensate the City for any loss of
City ad valorem tax funds resulting from the school occupying the site. Failure to maintain
the PILOT agreement in full force and effect or failure to comply with the PILOT
agreement shall be grounds for terminating this conditional use.
6. The conditional use shall be subject to termination pursuant to section 20-36 of the City
Code, as may be amended.
A. Preliminary site plan - Creative Inspiration Journey School
B. FDOT off-site plans - State Road 434 / State Road 419
C. Minutes, Planning & Zoning Board - June 4, 2014
Public Hearings 501 PAGE 11 OF 11-June 23,2014
Attachment ''A''
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Attachment " C "
300. Office Of The City Clerk
The Office Of The City Clerk Requests That The Planning And Zoning Board/Local
Planning Agency Review And Approve The Wednesday, May 7, 2014 Planning And
Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency Regular Meeting Minutes.
Senior Attorney Kimberly R. Kopp arrived at 5:32 p.m.
No Reports were given.
500. Community Development Department—Planning Division
The Community Development Department — Planning Division Requests That The
Planning And Zoning Board Consider A Conditional Use Request For Creative
Inspiration Journey School, Which Is Proposed To Be Located At 780 East State
Road 434.
Mr. Bobby Howell, AICP, Planner, Community Development Department presented the
Agenda Item and recommended approval.
Chairperson Henderson inquired about the number of parking spaces that would be
available at the facility for staff.
Ms. Patricia Marquis, Creative Inspiration Journey School, 1123 Seafarer Lane, Winter
Springs, Florida: explained that there were 55 parking spaces and that there would be no
more than 20 staff members on the premises at one time.
Discussion ensued regarding cross access easements.
Mr. Randy Stevenson, ASLA, AICP, Director, Community Development Department
explained that, "The other Uses that have been in there have utilized those Easements as
Board Member William H. Poe asked how many of the children would be in daycare. Ms.
Marquis responded, "The majority of them are going to be in daycare. We're going to
have a full day kindergarten program that you are talking maybe 24 kids will be a part of
Most of them will actually be daycare." Following, Board Member Poe expressed
concern that all of the schools in a five (5) mile radius are under enrolled and if it was
necessary to have another school.
Ms. Marquis responded by saying, "It is more of a private school, upscale curriculum.
The curriculum that we are bringing to the area is from Reggio Emilia, Italy." Ms.
Marquis distributed a brochure to all Board Members which details the curriculum and
confirmed that the school would be open to students with disabilities and students from
families of low income.
Discussion then ensued on whether the school would have to pay ad valorem taxes or
would receive a tax break. Mr. Stevenson responded by saying, "We're unsure at this
point, at least I am, as to whether or not that tax break applies only to the building and its
use. But possibly may not apply to the property itself. We are in the process of
researching that. But, as Bobby (Howell) said, the facility and please correct me if I'm
wrong, they have to operate for one (1) year before they can even apply for tax exempt
status which is usually another year and at that point obviously we would have pilot
program in place that we've discussed to again offset the cost to the City for services to
this facility. But again, I want to research a little bit more."