HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014 05 12 Regular 604 729 Bear Creek Circle RV permitCOMMISSION AGENDA
ITEM 604
Public Hearings
May 12, 2014 KS RS
Regular Meeting City Manager Department
The Community Development and Code Enforcement Division of the Police
Department are presenting a request for a permit for Mr. Harold Sloas to store a recreational
vehicle (RV) measuring more than 28 -feet in length on property located at 729 Bear Creek
Chapter 20, Section 20 -431 (1)(f) of the Code of Ordinances states ( "no recreational vehicle
in excess of 28 feet in length in overall measurements shall be parked or stored in a
residentially zoned district without a permit issued by the City Commission and renewed
annually by such Commission "). On February 4, 2014, Mr. Harold Sloas was cited by the
City's Code Enforcement division for storing a RV in excess of 28 -feet on his property,
which is located at 729 Bear Creek Circle. Mr. Sloas was informed by Code Enforcement
he would be required to obtain a permit from the City Commission in accordance with
Section 20 -431 (1)(f) of the Code of Ordinances in order to continue storing the RV on his
. Winter Springs Code of Ordinances, Chapter 20, Section 20 -431 (1)(f)
On February 4, 2014, Code Enforcement responded to a complaint at 729 Bear Creek
Circle. The complaint was that the property owner was storing an RV in excess of 28 -feet in
length on the property. Upon arriving to investigate the complaint, the property owner
Regular 604 PAGE 1 OF 3 - May 12, 2014
indicated to the Code Enforcement officer that he had a guest stay on the property over the
previous weekend who had an RV that was approximately 40-feet in length. This was the
impetus for the original complaint. Upon the Code Enforcement Officer's arrival to the
property, the RV in question was gone since the property owner's guest's stay had
concluded. While on the property, the Code Enforcement Officer noticed an RV parked in
the rear of the property under a cover. The property owner indicated the Bear Creek Estates
homeowners association (HOA) had approved this RV to be stored on his property in 2010
and provided documentation of the HOA approval. The RV is stored behind an opaque
planting area as mandated by the HOA as part of their approval in order to obscure any
sight of the RV from the surrounding neighborhood. As a result of the RV being in view,
the Code Enforcement Officer citied the property owner for storing an RV in excess of 28-
feet on his property and informed him he needed to obtain a permit from the City
Commission if he wanted to continue to store the RV on the property. The property owner
has applied for a permit to allow storage of the RV, which measures approximately 37.5-
feet in length on the property. If the City Commission grants this permit, it is required to be
renewed by the City Commission on an annual basis in accordance with Section 20-431 (1)
There is no fiscal impact associated with this agenda item.
This Agenda Item has been electronically forwarded to the Mayor and City Commission,
City Manager, City Attorney/Staff, and is available on the City's Website, LaserFiche, and
the City's Server. Additionally, portions of this Agenda Item are typed verbatim on the
respective Meeting Agenda which has also been electronically forwarded to the individuals
noted above, and which is also available on the City's Website, LaserFiche, and the City's
Server; has been sent to applicable City Staff, Media/Press Representatives who have
requested Agendas/Agenda Item information, Homeowner's Associations/Representatives
on file with the City, and all individuals who have requested such information. This
information has also been posted outside City Hall, posted inside City Hall with additional
copies available for the General Public, and posted at five (5) different locations around the
City. Furthermore, this information is also available to any individual requestors. City Staff
is always willing to discuss this Agenda Item or any Agenda Item with any interested
Staff recommends that the City Commission grant a permit for a RV exceeding 28-feet in
length to Mr. Harold Sloas of 729 Bear Creek Circle subj ect to the following conditions:
1. The RV is located behind the front building line and parked on a paved parking
2. The RV is located in the driveway area permitted for the parking of passenger
cars as long as this driveway area is located behind the front building line.
There must remain sufficient area in the driveway for the off-street parking of
two (2)passenger cars without blocking the sidewalk area.
Regular 604 PAGE 2 OF 3- May 12,2014
3. The RV shall not be used as a living unit when parked in a residential district.
4. The RV must be inspected to ensure it is operable and have a valid registration
and license plate. Prior to the permit being issued, the property owner shall
grant the Police Dept. access to the vehicle for purpose of this inspection.
5. The RV must be screened with a minimum 6-foot wall, opaque landscaping, or
opaque fence.
6. The area where the RV is parked must be maintained in such a manner as to
prevent the growth of high weeds and the presence of garbage and other debris.
Per Section 20-431 (1)(� of the Code of Ordinances, this permit is required to be renewed
by the City Commission on an annual basis.
A. Code Enforcement Report-February 4, 2014
B. Letter from property owner to City Commission -March 3, 2014
C. Bear Creek Estates HOA approval letter-March 22, 2010
D. Surrounding property owner letters in support of Mr. Sloas
E. Copy of Notice of Code Violation - 729 Bear Creek Circle -February 4, 2014
F. Property owner photographs
Regular 604 PAGE 3 OF 3- May 12,2014
me�t " "
Community: N.S.A.: Grid: CODE ENFORCEMENT REPORT rorthepublic: o AgencyReport#:
W WE1 .luvenile: No 2014CE000239
Winter Springs Police Department DomesticViolence: Np Event#:
Agency oRl: FL0590600 Dating Violence: No 20140351297
Reported Day/Date: Time Dispatched: Time Arrived: Time Completed: Date Occurred From: Date Occurred To:
Tue 2/4/2014 10:47 2/4/2014 10:47 2/4/2014 10:47 2/4/2014 10:48
Subdivision: Forced Entrv: Occupanc� Tvoe of Weapon: Location Type: Municipalit�
Incident Address: Dispatch Address:
#Offenses: #Victims: #Offenders: #Prem. Ent: #Arrested: Drug Related: Alcohol Related: Call Disposition: Sianal Code: Clearance:
01 00 00 0 00 N N D1 501R Open
Off# Description Statute# UCR Ordinance Commit Warrant# DVR Drug Activity
Rpt Date: 2/4/2014 12:27 Reporter: 103 Flannigan,James Clearance: 0 Open Nar.Type: O
Mod By: WINTERSPRINGS Mod Date: 2/14/2014 12:15 Related Case Number:
Received complaint that the resident is storing an RV over 28 feet on property. I made contact with resident who advised he
does have one in the back of property under a cover that the HOA approved. He advised that he has a guest stay for less then 48
hours with a 40 foot RV over the weekend which may have caused the complaint. I explained to him the city code and approval
process with the city if he wanted to keep on property.WW was issued.
I swear/affirm the above statements are true and correct: Swom to and subscribed before me,the undersigned
Officer's Signature:
authority,this day of ,in the year
Flannigan,James 103 Name/TilleofPersonAuthorizedtoAdministerOath.
Name and Employee#(Pnnted)
Was Crime Scene Processed: Np Processed By:
Officer Reporting: 103 Flannigan,James Officer Shift: U Section: WS Unit: W103 Date:02/04/2014
Reviewed By: 103 Flannigan,James Review Date: 02/04/2014 Routed to: WS
Assigned To: 103 Flannigan,James Assigned Date: 02/04/2014 Assigned Dept: WS
Clearence: Open Clearance Date: Referred To:
2014CE000239 Printed On:02/14/2014 12:15 Page 1 of 1
Printed by:WINTERSPRINGS\cdeisler
Attachment " B "
March 3, 2�14
City of Winter Springs Commission
D�ar Wir�ter Spri�gs commissioners
My wi�e and I a�e appearing at the March 10, 2D14 City Commissior� meeting to
request a waiver ar�d permit to Cceep a 37.5 fieet RV an our property located at 729 Bear
Creek Circie. This RV has been stored at this si�e for�h� last 4 years with written
permission (see enclosed sheet}from the Bear Creek Estates Homeowners Association
whose regulatior�s are generally more res�ricti�e t�an the Gity's reg�afations.This RV is
hidden from the street and from adjacer�t neighbors by�egetation plus an RV co�er and
has not created carnp���n�s from ne�ghbors.
CJn the week-end of Februa�y 1-2, 2a14, fciends Q� ours �arked t��ir RV in our
dri�eway afker appropriate no#ifica�ion of the baard of d�rec�ors of Bear Creek Estates.
App�rentfy, a neighbor comp9a�ned to the W�n�er�prings poli�e about rny friends' RV
being parked in my dr�veway. �n February 4, 2014, offi�r Ftannegan dro�e to �ny
residence. My friends' F�V was no longer there wher� he ar�ived, but he detected my RV
behind the fotiage and iss�ed a citatian stating that RVs longer than 28 feet are not
allawed on private proper#y in Winter Springs. The RV compiaint�ttat was made was
directed a# my friends' RV - nat mine.
. i rNOU�d Ii��#o reques�a waiver from�is regulatio� based o�the#ollowing fac#s:
1. The Bear Greek E�fates Homeowr�ers Association has given me writter� �rm�iss�on to
store my RV on my proper[y for the last 4 years.
2. My RV is wetl hidde�from the street and n�6ghbo�s by vegetatian which c�st abo�at
$1,30p to ir�s#all.
3. My RV is stored on a concre�e pad about 140 feet from the road, so it is no� an
eyesore or b�atan�ly �isfble.
4. The complai�t tYrat�as rnade about a�r RV pa�i�ed on �ny p�vRerty rrt��s rtQ�diFee�ed at
my RV, but a friend's RV who parked there'�or less than 48 hours.
I am not certain what the ratronale #or reStricting RVs gr�ater than 28 feet on
Winter Springs persorrai property is. This wouid mean that one co�td have a 28 ft. RV
on or�e's property, but not a 29 �t. RV. lt wauld seem more reasonable to ha�e a
restric'�ivn on RVs whFCh are obviously exposed ta the rvad making them unsightly to
others. One would thintc ifiat the length of the RV would be irrelevant, since ali R1ls are
generally targe. Nane the fess, I am simply asking for a waiv�r to keep my RV where it
has been #nr the last 4 years. Thank you for your consicteratian in��is matter_
Haraid &Jean Sloas
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I re�y p�a recr�v�ide_I wonld�e to s6are ti�us ve�ide at 7�re�r c�my property a�7Z9�ear
Cree�.C'�rcle_�g attcxnep�s revievQed.tl�e�ear CseekEs��rjrla.ws and has��;o me tl�#rt i.s a�iate
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729�ear G�rce�Cird�e
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Attachment " D "
F�bruary 19, 2014
To�1'�e Cii�of Winter S�rin�s Ciit��omr�ission:
i I�Ve at 73�f �ar Greek Gircie in �n�Sp�ings. N#y ne�doar r�e�ghbars.are Hal
and .fean S�nas. The�r awn an RV which is �ar[ced on their pro�rty wh�ch is weli hidden
by shn,as ar�d an assortment af othe�r vegeta�on. This le�er is ta let y�u kncjw t�a# �
have n4 probiem w�h the Staases keepin�#hei� RV Qn the�r propert�
� ��
Joe f1�cV�ertor
February 19, 201�
To Whom i�ma�concern,
� �ive n�xt d�r�ri Hal&Jean Stoas at 727 Bear Creek�irde_ Tt��y have ar� Rtl
on their property which the�r ke�p hidder�ftom mY Pro�r1Y and the stree#by v�e#atior�.
1 ha�e no �uaht�m or c�rnptaint�ncer�vng their ke��ir�g�this l�V at�2� Bear Cre�c
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This is io ma[ce yau aware that the�oilowing canditinn is a vioiafibn of T - ^� �� S ���lO,v j�/�-'j
the re uirerr��nts of tE�e Code of the:Ci of Winter Sprin , - - �
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Rernove trash ar�d debris fram prop.e�t�.
C7 BDAT/RVfFRAILEFi STOR�D IN FRVNTYAR�i 2#}-471{2f3-439 �'
Required to be stored h�hind fror�line of str[tcture. - �=�'
� tNTER�tATlOt�tAL P�OPERTY 1L4Al�i3EN�1li10E CC][1Ec ._;
See descnption of�iolation�be[ow. - -a
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❑ INt]P�iiABLE/UNL1�El!ISED 1lEF€�CLE: 12-53 .�r;
Fiepair,siore in garage or remave from property.
[� OVEF�GRC�WNYAI{{D: 1�2tc} °" _
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� - Q Parking on front yard.Designated parking area. . 2D-�36 �`
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