HomeMy WebLinkAboutBellomo-Herbert & Company Shepard Road Construction Documents-2009 10 21 EXHIBIT A TASK ORDER FORM Task Order Number 3 City of Winter Springs, Florida Master Agreement/Contract Date: October 21.2009 Contract/Project Title: Shepard Road Construction Documents Winter Springs Project No: Purchase Order No: Consultant Beliomo-Herbert&Company,Inc. Consultant's Business Address, Phone Number,Fax Number and E-mail address: 833 Highland Avenue. Suite 201. Orlando. Florida 32803 f407)422-4845 frankebel lomo-herbert.con ATTACHMENTS TO THIS WORK ORDER METHOD OF COMPENSATION: [ ] DRAWINGS/PLANS/SPECIFICATIONS [x] FIXED FEE BASIS [x] SCOPE OF SERVICES [ ] TIME BASIS-NOT-TO-EXCEED AMOUNT [ ] SPECIAL CONDITIONS ( ] TIME BASIS-LIMITATION OF FUNDS [ ] UNIT PRICING SCHEDULE [ ] UNIT PRICE BASIS-NOT-TO-EXCEED AMOUNT TIME FOR COMPLETION: The services to be provided by the CONSULTANT shall commence upon execution of this Work Order by the parties and shall be completed within the time frame of ninety(90)days of the effective date of this Work Order. Failure to meet the stated completion time requirement may be grounds for termination for default. Work Order Amount: ® Fixed ❑ Not to Exceed Forty-four thousand Dollars($ 44.000.00 ) IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have made and executed this Work Order on the respective dates under each signature: the CITY through its City Commssion taking action on the 13th day ofDecember , 2010, and the CONSULTANT by and through its duly authorized corporate officer having the full and complete authority to execute same. ATTE;fii CONS TANT• r v/r IAA)l v",0%eit ,� I ' C14, Frank Bellomo. President Printed Name and Title Date: 1 1 1'15' ATTES1: CITY OF WINTERS•Ri '8: p / ev;,J L, "`)LA r Ci('-Y A/v.15c Printed Name and Title Date: 1/26/2011 • SCOPE OF SERVICES FOR TASK ASSIGNMENT NO. 3 SHEPARD ROAD STREETSCAPE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA I. PURPOSE This is an attachment to the Continuing Contract for Landscape Architectural Services dated October 21, 2009, between the City of Winter Springs, Florida (CITY) and the firm of Bellomo- Herbert & Company, Inc. (CONSULTANT) and made a part thereof. The purpose of this Task Assignment is to specify the required services of the Landscape Architect for the preparation of the Shepard Road Streetscape Contract Documents. The project is located in Winter Springs, Florida. II. GENERAL SCOPE OF THE WORK The project consists of providing final construction drawings and specifications for the Shepard Road Streetscape from east of US 17/92 to Wildwood Drive in Winter Springs, Florida. The basis of the contract documents will be the previously approved Shepard Road Concept Plans, prepared and completed under a separate agreement. II. GENERAL SCOPE OF THE WORK The part of the Project for which the CONSULTANT is to perform services is generally described as follows: A. TASK 1 —GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATIONS A geotechnical engineering report will be provided. The report will provide auger borings, 2 pavement cores and 2 LBR tests and muck probes for the baffle box in the wetland area. The report will provide seasonal high water for each auger boring. B. TASK 2 -DESIGN DEVELOPMENT DOCUMENTS 1. Design Development Drawings The CONSULTANT shall prepare complete Design Development drawings for the amenities identified in the Concept Plan and including all necessary associated utilities, site work and pedestrian circulation. These items are further described as follows: • Demolition Plan • Slte/Engineering Plan, re-surfacing and re-striping of roadway, new curbs and gutters on north and south side of the street • Site Drainage including closed drainage system of concrete piping and drainage structures. • Electrical plans indicating wiring, circuiting, service panels, pull boxes and any other items necessary for a complete electrical system to power Progress Energy lights poles, and lighting at the Gateway feature. • Access to Dltmer parking on south side of Shepard Road. • Hardscape: sidewalk layout plans; decorative crosswalks Page No. 1 Task Assignment#3-Shepard Road Contract Documents January 25.2011 • Gateway feature • Structural drawings indicating foundation design of the Gateway feature. • Landscape plan indicating existing plants/trees to remain and proposed plantings. All landscaping will be designed utilizing the latest techniques of xeriscape design. • Irrigation: Preliminary temporary irrigation drawings including drip irrigation locations, sleeving, main line piping and water source. All of the drawings above shall adhere to the Americans with Disabilities Act(ADA). 2. Cost Estimate Based upon the Design Development Documents described above, the CONSULTANT shall prepare and submit an estimate of probable construction costs for all improvements. 3. Meetings The CONSULTANT shall meet with the CITY staff up to two times during the completion of the Design Development Plans. C. TASK 3—CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS 1. Based upon the approved design Development Documents, the CONSULTANT shall prepare complete Construction Drawings (100% drawings) and specifications for the work as described in B.1 (above). The CONSULTANT'S services do not include mitigation plans or the cost of any permit application fees or jurisdictional inspections. The CONSULTANT will coordinate with all affected utility providers within the project limits by furnishing plans at the 90%, 100% and final review stages to the utilities for their review, confirmation of utility location and mark-up of proposed relocations. The development of the roadway plans shall incorporate and consider the input provided by each affected utilities. The CONSULTANT is not responsible for utility relocation design. 2. Cost Estimate Based upon the final Construction Documents, the CONSULTANT shall prepare and submit an estimate of probable cost for all improvements. The estimate will be itemized by feature to facilitate analysis. 3. Meetings and Presentations The CONSULTANT shall meet with CITY staff up to two times during this phase of the work. Specifications shall be provided for all items designed under this agreement. Specifications shall be prepared in CSI format. The CONSULTANT will provide quantity takeoffs for the project and will prepare bid tabulation schedules for unit price bidding by general contractors. Page No.2 Task Assignment#3—Sheuard Road Contract Documents January 25.2011 It is anticipated that the total construction value of the items described above is approximately five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000.00). All of the drawings above shall adhere to the Americans with Disabilities Act(ADA). D. TASK 4—PERMITTING This task anticipates that this project will be exempt from a St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) permit however a possibility exists that a permit may be required. The CONSULTANT'S engineering consultant will perform a drainage analysis in an effort to obtain a letter of exemption for the project. The engineering consultant will provide the necessary coordination with SJRWMD to discuss permitting criteria, applicability and reviewer initial concerns. Upon substantial completion of the plans, the engineering consultant will prepare a Letter of Exemption for submission to SJRWMD. The engineering consultant will respond to one (1) Request for Additional Information (RAI)to SJRWMD. E. TASK 5 -ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH It was discovered that a Federal Superfund Clean-up site is located adjacent to the project area. As a result, the Environmental Protection Agency Report prepared for that site shall be provided to the CLIENT so that the CLIENT may determine if the need for any further evaluations are required prior to the commencement of the project. A Level I Contamination Screening Evaluation will not be provided as a part of this Scope of Services. F. TASK 6 -AS-BUILT PLAN REVIEW As-Built Plan Sets provided by the General Contractor will be reviewed by the CONSULTANT'S Civil Engineer. Ill. DELIVERABLES A. GEOTECHNICAL REPORT B. DRAWINGS 1. Cover Sheet, Key Map 2. Demolition Plan 3. Roadway Typical Sections 4. Grading and Drainage Plans and Details 5. Electrical Plans and Details 6. Gateway Feature Plans and Details 7. Structural Plans and Details 8. Traffic Control 9. Pavement Marking and Signing 10. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan 11. Landscape 12. Irrigation Pane No.3 Task Assignment#3—Shepard Road Contract Documents January 25.2011 C. SPECIFICATIONS D. BID FORM/ PAY ITEMS III. COMPENSATION Total compensation for all the services necessary to complete the work as described herein shall be a lump sum fee of $ 44,000.00, inclusive of the reimbursable expenses described below. A detailed hourly Task Breakdown associated with the work to be completed is attached as Exhibit'A'. IV. SCHEDULE The work described herein shall be completed by April 25, 2011. V. REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES The total amount of reimbursable expenses during the course of the completion of Tasks 1 through 5 of the project are estimated and broken out as follows: Mileage $ 75.00 PrintinglCopying $200.00 Plotting $ 100.00 TOTAL $375.00 Page No.4 Task Asslanment#3—Sheoard Road Contract Documents January 25.2011 • EXHIBIT 'A' SHEPARD ROAD STREETSCAPE 11/24/2010 Hourl Rate Budgeted Time , Bellomo-Herbert $ 150.00 (Principal) 2 $ 300.00 94, Bellomo-Herbert $ 150.00 (Principal) 16 $ 2,400.00 $ 95.00 (Landscape Architect) 40 $ 3,800.00 40.,„1,1Str Bellomo-Herbert $ 150.00 (Principal) 16 $ 2,400.00 $ 95.00 (Landscape Architect) 32 $ 3,040.00 Bellomo-Herbert $ 150.00 (Principal) 2 $ 300.00 Bellomo-Herbert $ 150.00 (Principal) 3 $ 450.00 - .41,f-sY,te'i ?0,,F;;;L"'7 A?, Inwood Engineering $ 22,072.00 EPG Electical Engineers $ 4,000.00 Florida Bridge (Structural) $ 2,400.00 Nodarse (Geotech) $ 3,200.00 '1,1; City of Winter Springs Memo To: City Clerk's Office From: Steven T. Richart, Urban Beautification Manager CC: Kevin Smith, City Manager Date: 1/25/2011 Re: Shepard Road Streetscape—LA Professional Services Task Order#3 Dear City Clerks: Please find three (3) originals of Bellomo-Herbert Task Assignment#3 of Continuing Landscape Services Agreement(RFQ#011/09/KL Agenda Item C-201 —8/24/09/Landscape Architect Continuing Services RFQ)that was approved by the City Commission (Agenda Item R-601 — 12/13/10 /Shepard Road Streetscape Project US 17-92 CRA). This package requires signature of the City Manager and someone to attest on each document. Once each original has been executed and signed by all parties, please return two (2) originals to me and one(1)original should remain with the City Clerk's Office for the files. Thank you very kindly, � '• Steven T. Richart Urban Beautification Manager City of Winter Springs, FL. 1