HomeMy WebLinkAboutBDA Environmental Consultants Proposal for Bald Eagle Management -2007 10 26 RECERIEn `N�, 07 Di BDA f October 26,2007 File: 2007-193-05.0 SENT VIA ELECTRONIC MAIL Mr.Ronald W.McLemore City Manager City of Winter Springs 1126 East S.R.434 Winter Springs,FL 32708 Phone: 407-327-5957 Fax: 407-327-6686 RE: Proposal for Environmental Services Bald Eagle Management Winter Springs,Florida Dear Mr.McLemore: Breedlove, Dennis &Associates, Inc. (BDA) is pleased to provide this proposal for environmental services to assist the City of Winter Springs (Client) with agency coordination and technical assistance processes regarding nesting bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) in Winter Springs, Florida. The following task will be provided under this scope of work. Task No. 1 — Expert Oversight and Coordination Regarding Agency Coordination and Technical Assistance BDA will provide services that include, but are not limited to, technical review of biological and project circumstances associated with nesting bald eagles within the city; site visits as may be necessary; provision of strategic project-related recommendations regarding bald eagle biology,rules and management protocols; scheduling and attendance of meetings and coordination with agencies; preparation and submittal of a written request for technical assistance relative to bald eagle issues within the city to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission; preparation of biological opinions and other related documents and submittals as may be required; and other tasks as may be determined necessary by the Client. A budget amount of$14,000 is recommended at this time, but actual costs may be more or less, depending upon the actual scope of work, number of meetings attended and travel costs that may be required. The costs associated with this task will be billed on a time and materials basis in accordance with the attached P:\ADMIN\PROJECTS\2007193\PROPOSALS\FINAL MCLEMORE PROPOSAL DOC a'. i +: 7.1 i ;(, . D Mr.Ronald W.McLemore October 26, 2007 Page 2 Schedule of Professional Fees and subject to the attached Terms and Conditions. Mr. Tom H. Logan will serve as the Principal in Charge for this project, and Ms. Penny Cople will serve as project manager for these services. Space has been provided below for your acceptance of this proposal and your signature hereon will constitute a contract between us for the work. Please sign both copies and return them to our office. A fully executed contract will be returned for your files. Sincerely yours, "+..""-.— - i 9..��.-- P `--•.-_ sGSwn°..r+...-.-. _ ,�/ f.F wr"' �/ -.. �M J ilk *-"• for Penny E. Cople, B.S. Tom H.Logan, M.S., C.W.B. `- Senior Scientist Vice President Accepted by: R. a d W. McLemore Date City Manager City of Winter Springs _..... 07 Tom H.Logan,M.S., C. .B. Date Vice President Breedlove,Dennis &Associates,Inc. PEC/THL/kmg Enclosures P:\ADMIMPROJECTS\2007193\PROPOSALS\FINAL MCLEMORE PROPOSAL DOC TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. Other support provided at the request of the Client or 4. After January 1, 2008, all hourly and daily rates quoted representatives of the Client including, but not limited to, within this contract may increase by 5%, at the team meetings, agency negotiations, public presentations, determination of BDA, upon written notice to Client, and mitigation design, permitting assistance, sufficiency may increase by 5%annually thereafter. responses or additional analyses not mentioned elsewhere in this Proposal will be billed on a time and materials basis 5. This Proposal to perform services for this Project shall according to the attached rate schedule. All requested remain open for acceptance for a period of sixty (60) days services must be approved by the Client before additional from the date thereof, after which time BDA reserves the support can be initiated. right to review,revise or withdraw its Proposal. 2. Unless specified elsewhere in the Proposal, the proposed 6. All information furnished by Client to BDA shall be costs constitute Breedlove, Dennis & Associates, Inc.'s returned to Client upon the conclusion of the Work unless (BDA) estimate of the charges required to complete the the same shall have been consumed or merged into the Project as defined. Final costs for this Project may vary from Work. BDA may retain copies of any such information the estimated costs. For many projects,all activities are often furnished to BDA by Client and BDA shall, in all events, initially not fully definable. As the Project progresses, the retain full possession and ownership of it's field and Project facts uncovered may alter the scope of work and notes and all other documents or data generated, consumed consequently the cost of completion. BDA will inform the or merged into any reports, opinions, or applications Client of such situations so that negotiations of change in required in connection with the Project and the Work. scope and fees can be accomplished as required. 7. This Contract may be terminated by either Party for 3. BDA's fees are based on the actual time required by the reason or for no reason by giving thirty (30) days written individuals assigned to the Project task, plus reimbursable notice to the other Party. Said notice shall be sufficient if it expenses. Reimbursable expenses mean the actual expenses is delivered to the Party personally or mailed by certified incurred directly or indirectly in connection with the Project. mail to the Party's mailing address. Upon any termination Reimbursable expenses include, but are not limited to long under this paragraph, BDA will prepare a final invoice distance telephone calls, computer charges, living and travel following the date of a final termination notice which date out-of-town, inter-city travel, reproduction of reports, shall be the "Effective Date of Termination." Where the drawings and documents, and special fees. Client shall method of payment is based on time and materials, the final compensate the consultant for reimbursable expenses. invoice will be based on reimbursement for all services and Individual hourly rates vary according to the degree of expenses associated with the Project up to the Effective responsibility involved and the skill required. BDA will Date of Termination. submit our bill for these services monthly. Payment is due upon submission. 8. Neither BDA nor Client shall be liable to the other for any damages whatsoever caused by termination of this Contract or failure to perform under this Contract, except Q.\Marketing\T&C.doc D. z for services actually performed and costs and commitments actually incurred by BDA under this Contract, prior to the 12. This agreement, and any specified attachment, or Effective Date of Termination. In no event shall either Party exhibits attached constitute the entire agreement between be liable to the other for any other claim of direct, indirect, BDA and Client and all promises, representations, special, incidental, or consequential damages (including loss understandings, and agreements with the respect to the of profits) whether based on contract, tort, or another legal subject matter hereof and inducements to the making of this theory. agreement relied upon by either Party have been expressed herein,and may not be altered,amended, or modified unless 9. The Parties to this Contract agree to make the in writing executed by the Parties hereto. submission to mediation of any dispute or controversy arising out of this Contract, as set forth herein, an express 13. Neither this agreement nor any interest herein may be condition precedent to any legal or equitable action or assigned by the Client without BDA's prior written consent. proceeding of any nature whatsoever. All disputes between No Party shall be liable for delay in the performance the Parties to this Contract arising out of or in connection hereunder do to causes beyond their control, including, but with this Contract shall be referred for mediation to a not limited to, acts of God, fire strikes, acts of war, or the mediator who is a member of the Florida Bar in good intervention of governmental authority, but any such failure standing, and who is mutually acceptable to all Parties shall be remedied as soon as reasonably possible. subject to the dispute. Each Party to all disputes submitted for mediation shall pay an equal share of the costs and fees 14. Each Party executes this agreement as an independent charged by the mediator. contractor and nothing herein shall be construed to form a joint venture, partnership, or any similar form of 10. The Client acknowledges that it has secured legal rights association. to the property upon which the project will be developed. The Client further acknowledges and agrees that the type of 15. In the event of default by Client in the payment of any services to be performed by BDA are covered under Florida sum to BDA when due, or in the performance of any of Statutes 713.03 (Liens for professional services) and that the Client's obligations under this agreement, BDA shall have non-payment of fees owed under this Agreement may result the right to terminate this agreement, until such time as the in a mechanic's lien or other encumbrances being placed on default may be cured. Client shall reimburse BDA for all the property upon which the project is/will be located. costs and expenses to enforce collection of any monies from Client. 11. This Contract shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida, and the Parties expressly agree that any mediation proceeding,or any action at law or suit in equity, shall be instituted and maintained only in the Courts of Orange County, Florida, and each Party waives the right to change of venue. It is agreed by and between the Parties that this agreement was executed in the State of Florida, United States of America. In the event BDA retains legal counsel to enforce any of the provisions of this agreement, the Client agrees to pay all reasonable attorneys fees and any additional attorney fees pursuing collection of this judgement. Q;\MARKETING\T&C.DOC 2 V SCHEDULE OF PROFESSIONAL FEES Effective April 2, 2007 POSITION/SERVICE Hourly Rate($) Principal 355.00 Senior Vice President 195.00 Principal Geologist 160.00 Vice President 185.00 Toxicologist 135.00 Senior Scientist 140.00 Scientist IV 110.00 Scientist III 100.00 Scientist II 90.00 Scientist I 75.00 Environmental Specialist IV 80.00 Environmental Specialist III 75.00 Environmental Specialist II 65.00 Environmental Specialist I 55.00 Senior Geographic Information Systems (GIS)Analyst 140.00 GIS Analyst III 120.00 GIS Analyst II 110.00 GIS Analyst I 100.00 Word Processor 50.00 Librarian 35.00 Clerk 30.00 Terms: Net 30 days. Unpaid balances will be subject to interest at the rate of 1.5%per month or the maximum permissible under state law,whichever is less,starting 30 days from the invoice date. A 10%fee will be added to the following items: laboratory fees,sub-consultant fees,and overnight travel. Expert witness at 125%of schedule fees. Q:\Marketing\04-02-07 Fee.doc