HomeMy WebLinkAboutFlorida Department of Law Enforcement - Edward Byrne Memorial Grant - 2014 02 24 Florida FDLE
of Business Support Rick Scott, Governo
Law Enforcement Office of Criminal Justice Grants Pam B di,Atto General
Post Office Box 1489 Jeff Atwater, Chief Financia Officer
Gerald M. Bailey Tallahassee, FL323O2'148S Adam Putnam, Commissioner of Agriculture
Commissioner (850)617-125V
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The Honorable Charles Lacey
City of Winter Springs
1126 East State Road 434
Winter Springs, FL 32708
Re: Contract No. 2O14-JAGO'SEyN|'2-E6'U57
Dear Mayor Lacey:
The Florida Department of Law Enforcement is pleased to award an Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance
Grant to your unit of government in the amount of$2,342.00 for the project entitled, EQUIPMENT-FLASH LIGHTS.
These funds shall be utilized for the purpose of reducing crime and improving public safety.A copy of the approved
subgrant application with the referenced contract number is enclosed for your file. All correspondence with the
Department should always refer to the project number and title.
As you may be aware, information from subgrants and performance reports are currently provided to the Department
ofJuuUoeundarthePerfnmnanoeN1eemunementTno)(P[WT)andFadena) FundingAocountabi|ityendTransparency
Act(FFATA)to meet current federal transparency requirements. However, the State of Florida recently passed
legislation requiring all contracts, including grants for state or federal financial assistance, be provided to the
Department of Financial Services via the Florida Accountability Contract Tracking System (FACTS). This grant
contract and all subsequent correlating information including performance reports,expenditure reports, grant
amendments, etc. are provided to FACTS to meet requirements under Chapter 2013-54 and 2013-154 Laws of
Florida for transparency in government spending. If this grant agreement contains confidential or exempt information
not subject to disclosure under the public records law, Chapter 119, F.S., (such as the names of personnel and
disclosure of equipment for certain undercover operations, etc.that may result in officer names or other sensitive
information on grant documents and expenditure reports)please contact the Office of Criminal Justice Grants for
information on requesting exemption from public records disclosure.
Please complete and return the enclosed Certification of Acceptance to the Office of Criminal Justice Grants within 30
calendar days from the date of award.This certificate constitutes official acceptance of the award and must be
received by the Department prior to the reimbursement of any project expenditures. We look forward to working with
you on this project. Please contact Planning Manager Annamarie Whatley at(850)617-1250 if you have any
questions or we can be of further assistance.
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Petrina Tuttle Herring
Service ^integnty ^Respect • Quality
State of Florida
Office of Criminal Justice Grants
Florida Department of Law Enforcement
2331 Phillips Road
Tallahassee, Florida 32308
The subgrantee,through its authorized representative, acknowledges receipt and acceptance of subgrant award
number 2014-JAGD-SEMI-2-E6-057, in the amount of$2,342.00,for a project entitled, EQUIPMENT-FLASH
LIGHTS,for the period of 02/01/2014 through 06/30/2014, in accordance with the Budget and Budget Narrative
contained in the subgrant application, and subject to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement Conditions of
Agreement and any special conditions governing this subgrant.
Signatu ., u grantee'- � . � :� . icial
Charles Lacey, Mayor
Typed Name and Title of Official _
February 24, 2014
Date of Acceptance
Name of Subgrantee
Rule Reference 11D-9.006 OCJG-012 (rev. October 2005)