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2013 11 06 Public Hearings 500 Primrose Final Engineering Plans
PLANNING & ZONING BOARD AGENDA ITEM 500 November 6, 2013 Meeting Consent Information Public Hearing X Regular Mgr. / Dept REQUEST: The Community Development Department - Planning Division requests the Planning & Zoning Board consider both the Preliminary and Final Engineering Plans for the Primrose School, a proposed 12,324 square foot daycare facility located on the southwest corner of Heritage Park Street and State Road 434. SYNOPSIS: The applicant, Primrose School Franchising Company (C /O Ted Tillman), is requesting approval of both the Preliminary and Final Engineering Plans for the Primrose School, a proposed 12,324 square foot daycare facility located on the southwest corner of Heritage Park Street and State Road 434. The Preliminary and Final Engineering Plans detail the construction of the infrastructure in the development (see Attachment A - Primrose School - Preliminary and Final Engineering Plans). CONSIDERATIONS: FUTURE LAND USE AND ZONING DESIGNATION FLU: Mixed Use Zoning: Neighborhood Commercial (C -1) APPLICABLE LAW &_ PUBLIC POLICY Home Rule Powers Florida Statutes City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan City of Winter Springs Code of Ordinances Developer's Agreement between the City of Winter Springs and Springs Land Investments, LTD and Jessup Shores Limited Partnership and Centex Homes Applicant Name and Address: Primrose School Franchising Company 3660 Cedarcrest Road November 6, 2013 Planning & Zoning Board, Item 500 Page 2 of 4 Property Owner: Property Address Property Parcel ID'S Acworth, GA 30101 HSP 1001 LLC 1250 Highway 17 -92 #210 Longwood, F132750 None 36 -20 -30 -503- 0000 -0020 Future Land Use Desi n ation: Mixed Use Zoning Desi n ation: Neighborhood Commercial (C -1) Approved Development Permits: Developer's Agreement Pending Code Enforcement Actions: None City Liens: None CHRONOLOGY The subject property's development history is defined below: • March 22, 2002 — A Developer's Agreement between the City of Winter Springs and Springs Land Investments, LTD and Jessup Shores Limited Partnership and Centex Homes was made and executed in reference to a multifamily townhome residential community and proposed commercial development. The parties covenant and agree that the Commercial Property shall be developed in accordance with Commercial Development Standards attached as 'Exhibit D' (see below). 'Exhibit D'- Commercial Development Standards Total Land Area: 1.6 Acres Land Use: All uses permitted in the C -1 zoning district and Professional Office. Town Center District Design Standards: Town Center District Code including but not limited to the: 1. All buildings shall be constructed to the "build -to- line ", as defined in the Town Center District Code. 2. All buildings shall be at least two stories in height. 3. The architecture of all buildings and structures shall be generally in keeping with neo- traditional architecture and other design standards reflected in the Town Center District Code. November 6, 2013 Planning & Zoning Board, Item 500 Page 3 of 4 nTCrTTCCTnN- The proposed Preliminary and Final Engineering Plans propose a 12,324 square foot daycare facility at the southwest corner of Heritage Park Street and State Road 434. The proposed development will have a maximum 206 students with an anticipated buildout in 2015. General data for the Preliminary and Final Engineering Plans include the following: Land Use: Existing Zoning: Total Number of Acres Building Setbacks: Floor Area Ratio: Maximum Building Height Parking Required: Mixed Use Neighborhood Commercial (C -1) 1.6 Gross Acres North (Side): 13.4' South (Side): 787 East (Rear): 8' West (Front): 139.4' 12,324 SF / 69,886 = 0.18 24'- 10" Schools: 1 space per 1,000 SF of floorspace plus sufficient parking for safe loading and unloading Total Parking Required: 13 Spaces Total Parking Provided: 40 Spaces (38 regular; 2 handicap) The proposed building incorporates neo- traditional architecture and will be two stories in height. In addition, the building is designed to be constructed as close to the "build -to- line" as possible and to be two stories in height. In addition, the applicant has submitted an Aesthetic Review for the proposed daycare development. Both Final Engineering and Aesthetic Review will be reviewed by City Commission at a later date yet to be determined. On October 18, 2013, City of Winter Springs Development Review Committee (DRC) issued `response comments' for the Preliminary and Final Engineering submittal (see Attachment B - DRC Response Letter). Staff recommends approval of the Preliminary and Final Engineering Plans for the Primrose Daycare subject to the applicant addressing the specific conditions noted within the October 18, 2013 DRC Response Letter. Furthermore, the `comments' must be addressed before submission of the City Commission agenda item. FISCAL IMPACT: The proposed Primrose Daycare Preliminary and Final Engineering Plans lays the groundwork for the development of 12,324 square feet of commercial development on 1.6 acres of property located at the southwest corner of Heritage Park Street and State Road 434. It is anticipated that the project will add non - residential taxable value to the City's tax roll. A detailed fiscal impact analysis will be performed for staff review and assessment. This analysis will be part of the agenda item for the City Commission's consideration of the final engineering and aesthetic review for the proposed project. COMMUNICATION EFFORTS: The Meeting Agenda and this Agenda Item have been forwarded to the Planning and Zoning Board members and are available on the City's Website, November 6, 2013 Planning & Zoning Board, Item 500 Page 4 of 4 LaserFiche, and the City's Server. The Agenda has been forwarded to the Mayor and City Commission; City Manager; and City Attorney /Staff Additionally, the Meeting Agenda has been sent to media /press representatives, all Homeowner's Associations on file with the City, all individuals who have requested Agenda information, Department Directors; and also posted outside City Hall; posted inside City Hall with additional copies available for the general public. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning & Zoning Board forward a recommendation of approval to the City Commission for the Preliminary and Final Engineering Plans for the Primrose Daycare subject to specific comments issued by the City of Winter Springs Development Review Committee dated October 18, 2013. ATTACHMENTS: A. Primrose Preliminary and Final Engineering Plan B. City of Winter Springs DRC Comments — October 18, 2013 — A Q' 0 z c z � � 3 N A O m I- z O O = O > 0 0 3 D z O� A m m o C m Ul Cz A D m ooAJ T1 — _ vi L/) z 0 70 m M Z � 7� m L/) po C/1 �� �� � m O Do z D �O n� m D r — O Z r A o m z n o C ° PRIMROSE M ROS E SC H 00 L HERITAGE PARK ST. & SR 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA ve, Leeo REVISION DATE REVISION DATE iZDEVELOPMENT CA 29354 708 E. COLONIAL DR „STE 100 PH:(407)271 -8910 ORLANDO, HL 32803 FAX: (407) 442 -0604 oo °Rakw`a«o.a= L C) Q PRIMROSE SCHOOL HERITAGE PARK ST. & SR 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA ve, 1111 REVISION - 3 - - - - O - - __ _� _- (n _ — — — — — — — — _ — _ _ _ _ z c. = O n z = = z = O FT- - m - _ Z z - - O - - - Z Z - _ _ - - - -- - 2 2 - Z - - m - FF� - - - - - - - - - - - Z - - F — PI = F — — — — — — — — — — — FE _ 2S7 - Fx O - - - _ - F9 _ _ _ _ _ D R _ m rF MV n IT FF - - - - - - -- - -_ - m - _- _ - - - — r - - - -- mr - - - - - Fn - — zo _ D - _ Z Z - - - - -_- F-g - - - - _ - - Gl - _ - - - - _ O - -- _ - -- m (1 - - - - - U) Z _- Z - Z - O Z - -- _ = - O N ul r C - cn _ _ -_- _ - _ _ - m _ S - m - 1m0oo° J m - - - -_ _ nD x L C) Q PRIMROSE SCHOOL HERITAGE PARK ST. & SR 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA ve, 1111 REVISION DATE REVISION DATE i Z DEVELOPMENT CA 29354 708 E. COLONIAL DR „STE 100 PH: (407) 271-8910 ORLANDO, R 32803 FAX: (407) 442 -0604 o��,. <aM�ENS m v r D z 9 aoT F oF� S �2 °2 of - oMMMOMMMMMMMMMMMMOMM MoMMOOMOOOO [El OOOOOOOOOMOOO� ON Ln ° o o n D PRIMROSE SCHOOL HERITAGE PARK ST. & SR 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA ve, Leeo REVISION DATE REVISION DATE i Z DEVELOPMENT S e v c e 5 CA 29354 108 E. COLONIAL DR „STE 100 PH:(407)271 -8910 ORLANDO, FL 32803 FAX: (407) 442 -0604 o��, L° Aga � 0 I rn 1 0000° 26,1 ® 26��° I 1 0 0 0 0 I � ➢ = , � o It m� a = +, aw OD �� M� o _a I 0 n N 0 m D 0 0 � I =O m 0� I 0 v i I \r iST s LaN A > [ aveo me �ereia: Paveres� i I L n !� w D PRIMROSE M ROS E SC H 00 L HERITAGE PARK ST. & SR 434 WINTERSPRINGS FLORIDA vE, EEO llu REVISION DATE REVISION DATE i Z DEVELOPMENT CA 29354 108 E. COLONIAL DR „STE 100 PH: (407) 271-8910 ORLANDO, FL 32803 FAX: (407) 442 -0604 o ,v aMMFN,= > _4 -V� 9' N2� 24 20 c R 2 T i7IIII 2 - L2il ----------- 7- ia 3 A m + 4 2 T TV M Mg. im ® ,,3f _= w , — — ei - i m 3 m n U ..... ..... .... .. 0 7-7 --H 9 M --d qo T Pei > 0 PRIMROSE SCHOOL HERITAGE PARK ST. & SR 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA -1.1 1116INIIII PI L111 �l IL llu � -12 REVISION DATE REVISION DATE DEVELOPMENT S e r v I c e s CA 29354 108 1. C.LONIIL DR STE 100 PH: (407) 271-8910 ORLANDO, FIL 32803 `AX: (407) 442-0604 LCIII COMMEN11 A,— COMMENIS c� D Z Gl D Z A D Z D Gl m r D Z �a �a a3 a� q�qF n� a6� L ( j 2 D PRIMROSE SC H 00 L HERITAGE PARK ST. & SR 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA o REVISION DATE REVISION DATE i Z DEVELOPMENT CA— 29354 08ECOLONIALDR STE100 RH(407,271 -890 ORLANDO, FL 32803 FAX: (407) 442 -0604 o ,. aMMEN,= ©o ®o 0 0 0 0000000000 00 00 0C) 0 -- - - >< o W> +� cn nr Z m o _ "r o o �➢ _ - �0 o0 _ p - osA - \; m O ASm Z Z EL L ( j 2 D PRIMROSE SC H 00 L HERITAGE PARK ST. & SR 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA o REVISION DATE REVISION DATE i Z DEVELOPMENT CA— 29354 08ECOLONIALDR STE100 RH(407,271 -890 ORLANDO, FL 32803 FAX: (407) 442 -0604 o ,. aMMEN,= 0 > G) 8 REVISION DATE REVISION DATE 8 LCIII COMMEN" G G U) m m C-) m > ti 0 z L r 0 m L 0 F — F c z m cl)cf) c') _0 > z fi ;um om -0 z �p 4- M* NALL MINI I—M mm m Ln < > 7 ---i 06 Oz m z >0 In* -i m c') ti m 0 m 0 O II IIII II z z 11 ry uEN RE 10 L > > IIIIII lR IIN�l 11 DERNER NR- LINE III ,I MIN RE( RE IIII II III II \T �11 9f, TT o _Y LONE III FF- f6 MIN E� V, 5� END OF WALL (n m U) m 0 i z 0 z m 11 M 1� ,Dl m -A 1 RE El A E �6 LYE rE IH III 0 > PRIMROSE SCHOOL HERITAGE PARK ST. & SR 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA -1.1 111GIN1111 PI L111 �l IL RIG � -12 REVISION DATE REVISION DATE ZDEVELOPMENT s e r v i c e s CA 29354 IM 1. COLONIAL DR STE 100 EPH (4 2'1-' 1' 4 ORLANDO, FL 32803 AX: (40 42-0604_ LCIII COMMEN" IF I. a a I f M •� y' r s R s i a Ea e _- op _-_ _ ZI= go x _ - - o D zy LA 0 0 n O Z A p O m a z D r ® � V `!1 I S Q HN 0 - - - z O A o zPRIMROSE n" o � M ROS E SC H 00 L HERITAGE PARK ST. & SR 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1116INIIII 11 Leeo Al REVISION s.M REVISION DATE iZDEVELOPMENT CA 29354 708 E. COLONIAL DR., STE 100 PH (407) ORLANDO, FL 32803 FAX: (407) 442 -0604 I MFQ mi r IV x m F IF I. a a I f M •� y' r s R s i a Ea e _- op _-_ _ ZI= go x _ - - o D zy LA 0 0 n O Z A p O m a z D r ® � V `!1 I S Q HN 0 - - - z O A o zPRIMROSE n" o � M ROS E SC H 00 L HERITAGE PARK ST. & SR 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1116INIIII 11 Leeo Al REVISION DATE REVISION DATE iZDEVELOPMENT CA 29354 708 E. COLONIAL DR., STE 100 PH (407) ORLANDO, FL 32803 FAX: (407) 442 -0604 o D� O Z O ve, Leeo o �O DATE G _ D DATE « p� ollI -EN,= �z = n 8 - O >> 4'D Z m = !� D A F = � gv \ j In Z m D O v " 0 Ain m _A m m A mn m 0 ° f� o m A ., O n > D m r z e \ m 1 O m ig III— m E o _ O n - __ - __ ��'�� °�➢ - m -- A ➢�. 0 n 0 om c _ A _ o� m >° - m o O o z n O O O > D e ° x cn � ?o naA A - _ goN ° _o D z r, o o o 0 0a Af _ =IIII ii Z D - NEW N2 r OP - o oI II " � ollml D _ m o Z - _ -- - - _m m Tull m m Z m m a -gin A =� Am D al�Iml _ _ O zI' _ z (A - of U ; CD %'` Z, ..n ., • m HMMT-><K m o n O o ' D - m oo D Z >� ° O - O Z D -0 a � N D = D a as �< ° D IIII / 1 1� n 'NS m �'� ` te^ 9�s. z m O D IIIIIIIIII = II EIIL- m �O � �O °m g A o ,m c :. u —uelll — o A A e o o A m o ° v 0 n zg A o y Cl z PRIMROSE SC H 00 L HERITAGE PARK ST. & SR 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA ve, Leeo REVISION DATE REVISION DATE iZDEVELOPMENT CA 29354 708 E. COLONIAL DR., STE 100 PH:(407)271 -8910 ORLANDO, HL 32803 FAX: (407) 442 -0604 ollI -EN,= O m p 0 �i z r -r c -r -r r- 1•Prerazr u _ It 0 ;.._ O TI o — 0 a ,,. S —��� Lm z O Dm no �C "PH 00 �m Jm M v <v me =00 - m m m D Z OC o IF S t ono - - — An o<,.<a o n D O C1 9 -{ n r � - ° III D - �i - -= o 8 ➢ - _ y of o - - l o 3. n - o� m - 6 - -IINp lw °^ i O= Oao =S ~_IIE LU11JlW UJUJ �p °M m n _ n .gym o f ° m 0 _ M ti NN R V9n Z O __ �sD m ' L J �lz` m gin-- s_ °A _ D _ - oo r m t— s8� _ m R 8RC M 2 oA D _ PF 8 --t MaN O CD ° m m - a < - m= 9N 1 _ Raorv�rvaa o - o - A ° m z rn PRIMROSE SCHOOL 00 L HERITAGE PARK ST. & SR 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1116INIIII ve, Leeo Al REVISION DATE REVISION DATE iZDEVELOPMENT CA 29354 708 E. COLONIAL DR., STE 100 PH (407) ORLANDO, FL 32803 FAX: (407) 442 -0604 o<,.<a 0 PRIMROSE M ROS E SC H 00 L HERITAGE PARK ST. & SR 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA ve, Leeo REVISION 0 REVISION DATE iZDEVELOPMENT CA 29354 108 E. COLONIAL DR., STE 100 PH:(407)271 -8910 ORLANDO, HL 32803 FAX: (407) 442 -0604 D A D m. r _ o o �M M Mw mm z D - m _ - 0 o 0 A E A ^�^ VV' F3 n D r ISE m _ s 9N NA D T 3�a * zF O _ O A - ' MIN I W.A I Ci O n m FF I z - xI= - -_ n -- -' - -_— - OZ o0 ° a zz R�a m saa saa O v O n A O m Z r M - m A '_ ° < m - p o ttxi xittxi 60 -1 f < - D zF I£ y A C> -0m OVA �m M A m n o x n z z o n y A m — a �,, \ n n < m xi ttxixitttt I D I b 9 i b 9 = A o A tttttt °xi O m U o O v C D m �M mg IF z D n CA III- -- N T - IF O O ------ / Z - n O z A g \l A n 0 m m F A a D 0 s i 2 0 a \l I I v s z z m 0 O s ti n i 2 Z 0 a a A z m A x m m A m °3 m A o m z D PRIMROSE M ROS E SC H 00 L HERITAGE PARK ST. & SR 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA ve, Leeo REVISION DATE REVISION DATE iZDEVELOPMENT CA 29354 108 E. COLONIAL DR., STE 100 PH:(407)271 -8910 ORLANDO, HL 32803 FAX: (407) 442 -0604 o <, <a E,= IF a1 h �£ F �$saNm ve, �eeo REVISION DATE REVISION DATE iZDEVELOPMENT CA 29354 108 E. COLONIAL DR., STE 100 PH: (407) 271-8910 ORLANDO, FL 32803 FAX: (407) 442 -0604 oDURA- WALLDETAL= 1 m -q o x I A�; LEI € yy ;$ay e,s a� SF _ 7f I � r : i €�r A o m z oho - D PRIMROSE M ROS E SC H 00 L HERITAGE PARK ST. & SR 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA ve, �eeo REVISION DATE REVISION DATE iZDEVELOPMENT CA 29354 108 E. COLONIAL DR., STE 100 PH: (407) 271-8910 ORLANDO, FL 32803 FAX: (407) 442 -0604 oDURA- WALLDETAL= Conditions of Approval By Permit Page: 1 of 2 Run Date: Friday October 18, 2013 4:46 pm Permit: SPRC 201302307 The following Conditions of Approval are required to complete the permit: Entered Condition of Approval By •d By ENGINEERING REVIEW 11- OCT -13 BFIELDS 11- OCT -13 BFIELDS Comments provided by Brian Fields, City Engineer. If you have any questions please contact me at 407 - 327 -7597 or e- mail me at bfields @winterspringsfl.org. The following comments are to be addressed prior to City Commission submittal: 1. Sheet C2. Please revise utility note #36 to call for a standard 2 -inch service connection to be installed (no tapping sleeve and valve), per the City's standard reclaimed water service detail (which is applicable for services up to 2- inches). 2. Sheet C2. At the onsite connection to the existing 6 -inch water main, call for the removal of the existing blowoff (shown on the survey). Also callout for the installation of a temporary jumper at this location using the City's standard detail. 3. Sheet C2. Please revise utility note #28 to call for the hydrant to be painted Sherwin Williams Safety Yellow. This hydrant will be part of the water main and appurtenances dedicated to the City in the easement as shown. 4. Sheet C2. At the sanitary sewer point of connection, please delete tag #8 calling for a cleanout just before the manhole. 5. Informational items to be noted in the City staff report: a. The entrance driveway is shown at the recommended location that minimizes the sight distance problem with vehicles approaching the driveway on southbound Heritage Park Street. In order to have the driveway at this location, the Heritage Park Homeowner's Association will need to grant the Primrose School an extension to the existing ingress /egress easement that currently ends at the existing driveway turnout. This easement will need to be recorded before site construction begins. b. Utility easements will be required for the onsite segments of the water and sewer systems being turned over to the City for ownership and maintenance. c. The following items are needed for sitework to begin: i. City Commission approval of Final Engineering ii. Payment of 1% site inspection fee (1% of all sitework costs not including any buildings or other structures) iii. Obtain all external permits (FDOT, SJRWMD, FDEP, NPDES) as needed to perform particular aspects of the work iv. Obtain City Arbor Permit v. Conduct pre- construction meeting at City Hall with site contractor and City staff FIRE MARSHAL REVIEW 14- OCT -13 BBECK 14- OCT -13 BBECK 1. All items shall be added to the site plan as changes or notes prior to final approval. 2. Show that the fire flow requirements for buildings meet NFPA 1, Section 18.4. ISO rating scale was used. 3. Fire hydrant location and distribution shall follow NFPA 1, Appendix I. 4. Fire flow testing did not include a hydraulic graph. Please submit. 5. Relocate hydrant at entrance to the other side of driveway. This allows for access once the hydrant is in use. REVISION: 1.5 KivaClassic Report Conditions of Approval By Permit Page: 2 of 2 Run Date: Friday October 18, 2013 4:46 pm Permit: SPRC 201302307 The following Conditions of Approval are required to complete the permit: ARBOR PLANS REVIEW 17- OCT -13 SWOLFE 17- OCT -13 SWOLFE Final Engineering -2nd Submittal Arbor Review Arborist- Stephanie Wolfe, 407 - 327 -6584, swolfe @winterspringsfl.org 1. The revised tree replacement calculations shown on sheet L1 indicate that 193 credits worth of replacement trees are to be installed. Based on the number of trees being removed, 351 replacement credits are required. Therefore, there is a deficit of 158 replacement credits. During a phone conversation on October 17th, Bob Ziegenfuss stated that it was the developer's intention to satisfy the remaining 158 replacement credits by paying $39,500 into the City Arbor Fund. This payment, along with the $1,120 permit fee, shall be made prior to issuance of the tree removal permit. PLANNING DIVISION REVIEW Comments: 18- OCT -13 RWOODRU 1. Staff supports the location of the proposed monument sign as depicted on Sheet C1. 2. Provide a color rendering of the proposed knee wall /fencing along S.R. 434, as defined on Sheet C5, Section 17. 3. Modify Sheet C1 by correctly identifying the three (3) foot knee wall with three (3) foot iron picket fencing that is to be between the western edge of the proposed building to the western most property line. Include a note stating that said wall /iron fence shall be in accordance with Sheet C5, Section 17. Furthermore, include a note on Sheet C1 which clearly identifies the six (6) foot iron picket fence that is to be located in front of the building along S.R. 434 and along the building portion of Heritage Park Street. For clarification, the proposed six (6) foot wall /iron fencing along S.R. 434 will not require a waiver to the City's Town Center District Code as previously stated. The Heritage Park Binding Development Agreement permitted a six (6) foot fence along S.R. 434 and therefore staff will not require any such waiver for the proposed fencing within this area for said project. In addition, the interior vinyl fencing shall be for playgrounds only and therefore will not require a waiver as previously noted. 4. Provide a color rendering of proposed fencing along S.R. 434 (as depicted on Sheet C5, Section 17). REVISION: 1.5 KivaClassic Report