HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013 10 14 Regular 600 Proposed Amendment to Charter and By-Laws of Tri-County Leauge of Cities COMMISSION AGENDA
ITEM 600 public Hearings
Regular X
October 14, 2013 KS
Regular Meeting City Manager Department
The City Attorney and City Manager request that the City Commission consider the
proposed amendment to the Charter and By-Laws of the Tri-County League of Cities and
determine whether the City is in favor or against the proposed amendment which authorizes
the Tri-County League Board of Directors to establish, by resolution, rules and
requirements for a second category of membership for associate non-voting members who
are not local governmental entities; and designate a City representative to cast the City's
vote in favor or against the proposed amendment at the next Tri-County League Meeting
scheduled in October 2013.
The City is a voting member of the Tri-County League of Cities which currently consists of
local governments from the counties of Seminole, Orange and Osceola. At the August 5,
2013 meeting of the Tri-County Board of Directors, the Board directed that a proposed
Charter and By-Law Amendment be prepared and distributed to the membership for a
formal vote that would authorize the Board to establish, by resolution, rules and
requirements for a second category of membership of non-voting associate members who
are not local government entities. As a voting member of the Tri-County League, the City
has the right to cast one vote in favor or against the proposed amendment at the October
meeting of the Tri-County League.
1. The City is a voting member of the Tri-County League of Cities.
2. The Board of Directors of the Tri-County League recently proposed an amendment
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to the League's Charter and By-Laws which would generally authorize the Board of
Directors to establish, by resolution rules, and requirements for a second category of
membership of"associate" members.
3. Associate members would be individuals, corporations or organizations that support
the purposes and best interests of the Tri-County League of Cities and its local government
members. Associate members would not be permitted to vote on League matters, not be
able to serve on League committees, and not be able to hold League offices. However,
associate members would be able to attend League meetings to the extent allowed by the
rules and requirements established by the Board of Directors.
4. Under the existing League Charter, a minimum two-thirds (2/3) of the membership
must vote in favor of the proposed amendment before it can become effective.
5. The Tri-County League will be conducting a formal vote of the membership at its
general membership meeting in October. Members must vote in person.
6. The City Commission should take a formal position on the proposed amendment and
designate a City representative to cast the City's vote at the Tri-County League's October
2013 meeting.
This Agenda Item has been electronically forwarded to the Mayor and City Commission,
City Manager, City Attorney/Staff, and is available on the City's Website, LaserFiche, and
the City's Server. Additionally, portions of this Agenda Item are typed verbatim on the
respective Meeting Agenda which has also been electronically forwarded to the individuals
noted above, and which is also available on the City's Website, LaserFiche, and the City's
Server; has been sent to applicable City Staff, Media/Press Representatives who have
requested Agendas/Agenda Item information, Homeowner's Associations/Representatives
on file with the City, and all individuals who have requested such information. This
information has also been posted outside City Hall, posted inside City Hall with additional
copies available for the General Public, and posted at five (5) different locations around the
City. Furthermore, this information is also available to any individual requestors. City Staff
is always willing to discuss this Agenda Item or any Agenda Item with any interested
The City Attorney and City Manager recommend that the City Commission take a formal
position in favor or against the proposed amendment to the Tri-County League Charter and
By-Laws and designate a City representative to cast the City's vote at the October 2013
meeting of the Tri-County League.
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Proposed Amendment to Tri-County League of Cities Charter and By-Laws
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The name of this corporation shall be TRI-COUNTY LEAGUE OF CITIES, and its principal office or any
other offices shall be located at such place or places in the counties of Orange, Seminole, or Osceola, in the
State of Florida, as its Board of Directors may determine.
The general purposes for which the Tri-County League of Cities is organized shall be:
• To bring closer together the various units of local government situated in the counties of
Orange, Seminole, and Osceola for the purpose of mutual assistance in the solution of local
government problems; and
• To study the challenges facing municipalities and to work for the general improvement of local
government and its efficient administration in this State through cooperative effort and
improved communication;
• To promote the exchange of ideas and experiences in successful methods of local
• To foster municipal education and greater civic consciousness among all citizens; and
• To_encourage and work for the welfare of the citizens of the respective cities within the Tri-
county area.
There shall be two categories of membership in the Tri-County League of Cities:
Local Government Agency members ("Agency member')of this corporation shall be municipal
corporations. Any incorporated municipality or county government located wholly or partly within the
counties of Orange, Seminole, or Osceola may apply to become an Agency member of the League by
transmitting such application to the Board of Directors for its determination.
Each Agency member of the League that is represented and in good standing shall have one vote.
In addition, subject to requirements and rules established by resolution of the Board of Directors. the
Board of Directors may authorize Associate members who shall include individuals, corporations, or
organizations that support the purposes and best interests of the Tri-County League of Cities and its
Agency members. Associate members in good standing tnav attend meetings consistent with the
requirements and rules established by the Board of Directors, but shall not serve on League committees.
hold League office, or vote on any matters brought before the League or Agency members.
Dues for members shall be in an amount as fixed by resolution of the Board of Directors. Dues for
county governments that become members shall be based on the population of the unincorporated
portion of the county.
The term for which this League shall exist shall be perpetual.
Officers and Directors
The affairs of the League shall be managed by the following elected officers: A President, who shall be
an official of some member municipality or county; a First Vice President; a Second Vice President,.
and a Board of Directors, which shall be composed of the aforementioned officers and six (6) directors
to be elected; and the two (2) immediate Past Presidents of the League if still eligible.
Each elected officer and director of the League shall be, at the time of his/her election and during his/
her tenure of office, an official of some member municipality or county. In the event any such officer or
director shall cease to be an official of a member city or county, then his/her office in this League shall
thereupon become vacant and the Board of Directors may select some other official ofa member in
good standing of this League to fill such vacancy during its unexpired term. All vacancies in office by
reason of other causes maybe filled in like manner by the Board of Directors.
1 All officers shall be elected at the October meeting by the Agency members in good standing of the
League, and shall hold office for one year beginning at the January meeting and until their successors
are duly elected and qualified. One half(3)of the directors shall be elected at the October meeting by
1 the Agency members in good standing of the League and shall hold office for two years beginning at
the January meeting and until their successors are duly elected and qualified. At the first election after
this provision takes effect (October, 2000) three directors shall be elected for a one-year term of office
and three directors shall be elected for a two year term of office_ Persons in office on the date of
enactment of this provision shall remain in office, if otherwise qualified, until the following January
meeting. The Board of Directors shall have power of removal for cause at any time.
Executive Committee
There shall be an Executive Committee whose membership and function shall be provided for in the
Bylaws and shall not be inconsistent with this Charter. The President and Vice Presidents shall auto-
matically become members of the Executive Committee upon their induction into office.
The Executive Committee may appoint a part-time or full-time executive director who shall be
confirmed by a majority of the Board of Directors at the December Board meeting and who shall have
such powers and duties as the Board of Directors shall prescribe. The executive director shall be
reconfirmed at the January meeting of the League.
The League shall hold an annual meeting in October and such other meetings as may be determined by the
Agency members, the time and place in each instance to be fixed by the Board of Directors of the League.
In the event that the necessity should arise as determined by the Executive Board, a special meeting of the
League shall be called.
Amendments And Bylaws
I This Charter may be amended and Bylaws adopted or amended by a two-thirds vote of the League Aueney
membership at a regular meeting of the League,provided notice in writing, together with copies of all
I proposed amendments or Bylaws, shall be given to all Agency members at Ieast thirty(30) days in advance
of the meeting at which the amendment or Bylaws shall be voted upon.
Meetings of the Organization
Section 1. The League shall meet as provided in its Charter. Notices of such meetings and of the time,
place, and purpose of any special meeting, shall be given the membership by the Executive Director.
No business shall be transacted at a special meeting other than as provided in the notice thereof.
Section 2. A simple majority of the Agency members of the League present shall constitute a quorum
for the transaction of business at any meeting of the League.
Section 3. Each Agency member shall be entitled to send as many authorized representatives to
League meetings as it may desire, and at all meetings of the League, each Agency member represented
and in good standing shall have one vote. Associate members may attend meetings of the League as
determined by the Board of Directors.
Section 4. At all meetings of the League, all delegates shall be registered.
Section 5. The date of the annual meeting and the dates of the regular meetings of the League and the
program shall be determined by the Board of Directors.
Section 6. Proposed resolutions shall be submitted to the Board of Directors at least thirty(30)days
before the date of the meeting at which any such resolution would be considered except upon a two-
thirds vote of the Executive Committee. Resolutions determined by the presiding officer to be of an
1 emergency nature maybe introduced on the floor but will require a two-thirds vote of the Agency
members for passage.
Section 7. Robert's Rules of Order shall govern the proceedings of all meetings of the organization
and of the Board of Directors and all committees, except where otherwise provided in the Charter and
Bylaws of the League.
Section 1. The President shall appoint a nominating committee composed of two members of the
Board of Directors and three representatives of the Agency membership a minimum of 30 days before
the October meeting.
I Section 2. The nominating committee shall present a slate of officers and directors to the Agency
membership at the October meeting.
Section 3. Nominations from the floor may be taken if the individual nominated has agreed to have
his/her name submitted.
} Section 4. Each Aizcncy member organization present will receive a ballot and may vote for the
positions indicated. Individuals receiving a majority of the votes cast shall be deemed elected.
Duties of the Officers
Section 1. The President shall preside at all meetings of the League and of the Board of Directors and
its Executive Committee. He/she shall have all the duties and powers customarily incident to the office
of President.
Section 2. The Vice Presidents shall perform the duties of the President during the President's absence
or inability to act. Other definite or special duties may be assigned to the Vice Presidents by the
Section 3. The Executive Director, if any, shall manage the affairs of the League under the general
direction of the Board of Directors and its committees on such terms and for such compensation as the
Board of Directors may from time to time prescribe. He/she shall keep an accurate record of the
proceedings of all general and special meetings of the League, of its Board of Directors;and of its
Executive and League Committees and shall make a full report of League activities at the December
Board of Directors meeting each year. He/she shall promote the general welfare of this organization
and keep in contact with its members. The Executive Director shall issue notices of all meetings; shall
collect and receipt for all fees and dues; shall conduct correspondence; shall have charge of all
research and informative data collected and distributed by the League; shall have custody of and be
responsible for all records, papers,and documents of the League; and shall supervise all publications
of the League. He/she shall, in general, be charged with the conduct of the activities of the League and
shall also perform all other duties incident to the office. If no Executive Director is provided for, the
applicable preceding functions shall fall to the President, and Vice Presidents.
Section 4. The Board of Directors shall meet at the call of the President or of a majority of its Agency
members. There shall be an Executive Committee of the Board of'Directors, which shall be composed
of the President, and the Vice Presidents_The Executive Committee shall exercise the powers of the
Board of Directors between meetings of the Board. Three members of the Executive Committee shall
comprise a quorum. The Executive Committee shall meet at the call of the President or of a majority
I of its members. The Board may appoint such other committees from its Auency members as it may
Section 5. All officers and members of the Board of Directors shall be obligated to attend all meetings
of the Board and meetings of all committees established by these Bylaws to which an officer or
Director may be assigned. Any Board member missing, without reasonable excuse unanimously
approved by the Executive Committee, more than one-half in number of Board or Committee
meetings to which he/she is assigned during his/her full tenure of office shall be ineligible for re-
election to the Board of Directors in the next succeeding year.
Section 6. The Board of Directors may designate a Certified Public Accountant to make an annual
audit, with an opinion on the financial statement by the Certified Public Accountant, and such other
audits as may be desired.
Section 1. The President shall appoint annually such committees as may be deemed necessary for the
proper conduct of the work of the League and such other committees as may be created by resolution
of the Board of Directors.
Section 2. No committee shall be vested with power to enter into any agreement or contract to obligate
this organization or create any financial liabilities for the League, except upon the authority of the
Executive Committee.
Section 1. The annual dues for members shall be payable in advance in such amounts as fixed and
determined by resolution of the Board of Directors.
Section 2. Dues shall be considered delinquent thirty(30) days after billing. However, members shall
remain in good standing until dues are delinquent for a period of six (6) months from time of billing.
Members delinquent for more than six (6) months will not be considered in good standing and shall
not have voting or other membership privileges.
These Bylaws may be amended as prescribed in the Charter of the League. The Charter may be
amended in the same manner.
I Adopted January 19, 2000: as amended on , 2013.