HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012 04 03 and 2013 07 31 BOWS Regular Unapproved Minutes Beautification of Winter Springs Board The April 3, 2012 Beautification of Winter Springs Board Regular Meeting Minutes would normally have been approved at their next Regular Meeting, which was to be July 3, 2012. However, the July Meeting was cancelled. The Beautification of Winter Springs Board next met at a Special Meeting held on July 31, 2012 and as Minutes are typically brought forward for consideration and potential approval at Regular Meetings, the April 3, 2012 Beautification of Winter Springs Board Regular Meeting Minutes could not be brought forward for consideration. The Beautification of Winter Springs Board was officially "sunsetted" via Ordinance 2012-11 at the City Commission Regular Meeting held on September 10, 2012 under Public Hearings Items "502". Therefore, the April 3, 2012 Beautification of Winter Springs Board Regular Meeting Minutes and the July 31 , 2012 Beautification of Winter Springs Board Special Meeting Minutes would have gone for consideration and potential approval at an October 2012 Regular Meeting; however, as the Beautification of Winter Springs Board was officially "sunsetted" in September 2012, the following Minutes were never formally approved. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA Ir.lr.7 MINUTES BEAUTIFICATION OF WINTER SPRINGS BOARD REGULAR MEETING APRIL 3, 2012 mezel CALL TO ORDER The Regular Meeting of Tuesday, April 3, 2012 of the Beautification of Winter Springs Board was called to Order by Chairperson Roberto Carlos Acevedo at 7:06 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). Roll Call: Chairperson Roberto Carlos Acevedo,present Vice Chairperson Larry Chmura, present Board Member Alice Bard,present Board Member JoAnn Mattie, absent Board Member Lorry Roero, absent Assistant to the City Clerk Carol A. Lallathin, present The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chairperson Acevedo. INFORMATIONAL AGENDA INFORMATIONAL 100. Not Used CONSENT AGENDA CONSENT 200. Office Of The City Clerk Requesting Approval Of The January 3, 2012 Beautification Of Winter Springs Regular Meeting Minutes. "I MOVE THAT WE APPROVE THE MEETING MINUTES FROM JANUARY 3RD, (2012)." MOTION BY BOARD MEMBER BARD. SECONDED BY VICE CHAIRPERSON CHMURA. DISCUSSION. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS,FLORIDA MINUTES BEAUTIFICATION OF WINTER SPRINGS BOARD REGULAR MEETING-APRIL 3,2012 PAGE2OF6 VOTE: t CHAIRPERSON ACEVEDO: AYE (=Loll VICE CHAIRPERSON CHMURA: AYE I BOARD MEMBER BARD: AYE '' P MOTION CARRIED. .xw AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS 300. Not Used 400. REPORTS No Reports given. PUBLIC INPUT No one spoke. PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA PUBLIC HEARINGS 500. Not Used REGULAR AGENDA REGULAR 600. Community Development Department — Urban Beautification Services Division Discussion Of Arbor Day 2012. Mr. Richart presented this Agenda Item and stated, "Our Arbor Day is on May 5th, (2012), from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. at Central Winds Park." Continuing, Mr. Richart spoke about advertising the Arbor Day event utilizing e-Alerts; the electronic sign in front of City Hall; local television stations; the Seminole Chronicle newspaper; the Orlando Sentinel newspaper; the Oviedo Voice newspaper; and via City Utility bills. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS,FLORIDA MINUTES BEAUTIFICATION OF WINTER SPRINGS BOARD rT� REGULAR MEETING-APRIL 3,2012 in+ PAGE 3 OF 6 Discussion ensued regarding what the board can do to help with the Arbor Day event and the logistics of giving out the trees via a"drive through" service for the recipients. i Mr. Richart encouraged the board members to come for Arbor Day and stated that they ogett will meet at 8:00 a.m. Mr. Richart commented, `Be thinking about whether or not this is the format that we should do next time; or should we go back to including education." Board Member Alice Bard suggested, "It may be too late to do for this year but in future years, if we have the opportunity maybe there could be a link to the City's Website, where if people want to look in advance at what is available." Mr. Richart stated, "I can get that done. Maybe do a QR (Quick Response) Code on the flyer for this time where they fill it out while in their car." Discussion. REGULAR 601. Community Development Department — Urban Beautification Services Division Discussion Of Community Beautification Opportunities. Mr. Richart introduced this Agenda Item. Chairperson Acevedo inquired, "Is it possible for us to take a field trip all together and go to some sites. Maybe we should take some photographs as well and come back here and review." Mr. Richart stated, "I will have to run that by Andrea (Lorenzo-Luaces, City Clerk)." Chairperson Acevedo stated, "We will go ahead and Table this item." Vice Chairperson Larry Chmura remarked, "I do have one comment about that, you had mentioned before— Steve, (Richart) the possibility of using leftover trees from Arbor Day for some of these..." Mr. Richart stated, "...Yes, now that is the thing too, if we Table it, should we identify a couple of sites now for those specific trees, because we would want to plant them right after Arbor Day." Vice Chairperson Chmura commented, "You did say you are aware of some places?" Mr. Richart stated, "A couple of areas that we could do — at Highlands HOA (Homeowner's Association), Shepard Road — Winter Springs Boulevard, Trotwood (Boulevard), Taproot (Drive), Oak Forest Drive, Fairfax Avenue, Mount Greenwood along Dolphin (Road), Trotwood Park, Moss Park. So, those are some areas, if you all would decide what might work best—in case we have trees." Continuing, Mr. Richart commented, "One of the barren roads is Shepard Road, Dolphin (Road) is barren and that could use some help." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS,FLORIDA MINUTES BEAUTIFICATION OF WINTER SPRINGS BOARD = REGULAR MEETING-APRIL 3,2012 ,� PAGE 4 OF 6 illit REGULAR C'0 602. Community Development Department — Urban Beautification Services Division Discussion Of Potential Arbor Micro-Grants. vic Mr. Richart presented this Agenda Item to the board and commented, "I have identified some communities; I have talked to some of the HOA's (Homeowners' Association) that would love to participate in these Grants. Some communities identified are Highlands HOA (Homeowners' Association) is one, Wedgewood Tennis Villas is another, Parkstone HOA (Homeowners' Association) is another and Mount Greenwood HOA (Homeowners' Association) is another. That is four (4)just to start that would be interested in the micro Grants. Again, we have about two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) available for the rest of this year. We talked about speeding it up, you know a quick process, not like before where it took forever to do. So, we have two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) —what we could do is — approach it a couple of ways. We could ask these Communities to give us a proposal for a project for four or five hundred dollars ($400.00 or $500.00) apiece, and then we could meet in July, make a decision and cut it loose. Instead of that long process. We would have them come in July, present it to us here at the meeting and then we could make a decision instantly. We would fund up to five hundred dollars ($500.00) apiece." Chairperson Acevedo asked, "You are suggesting just to split it — up between the four (4)?" Mr. Richart replied, "Could be. It may be that somebody comes back with a two hundred [dollars] ($200.00) or three hundred [dollars] ($300.00) dollar project. If we did not fund it we could do something else of our own. Now there is just one other thing, Highlands (Homeowners' Association) has approached me asking us to help them landscape Jeffrey Court. One of the board members has asked if we could fund a project there." Discussion. Mr. Richart stated, "If we gave them five hundred dollars ($500.00) to work with Jeffrey Court that would be money well spent. Out of these four (4)—Wedgewood would be the one that probably we would not see the greatest benefit from out of all of them." Further discussion. Chairperson Acevedo stated, "I would like to see a proposal from all of them instead of dividing equally." Mr. Richart commented, "I will make the invitation to have it to the (Beautification of Winter Springs) Board by next meeting; appear here and show us — proposal." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS,FLORIDA MINUTES BEAUTIFICATION OF WINTER SPRINGS BOARD REGULAR MEETING—APRIL 3,2012 PAGE 5 OF 6 ICIMQ Furthermore, Mr. Richart noted, "We will have them submit a Plan — maybe one (1) page." Chairperson Acevedo asked, "Their Plan will contain how much it will cost?" C=I Mr. Richart stated, "Everything. They will need to have all their homework done." Further, Mr. Richart remarked, "They will have to use certain plants that are sustainable." It 7.11.+ REGULAR 603. Community Development Department — Urban Beautification Services Division Discussion Of Arbor Code Revisions. Mr. Richart introduced this Agenda Item and commented, "Most of the revision dealt with spelling errors, issues with terminology, changing the term `Forester' to `Arborist'. We modified the tree replacement requirements; currently replacement trees are required if a tree is removed unless the tree is dead or dying or is an `invasive species'; modification allows removal of a living tree without requiring replacement if the tree is located within ten feet (10') of a structure, like your home and poses a clear and obvious safety hazard or has caused damage to this structure." Discussion. Continuing, Mr. Richart remarked, "We clarified DBH (Diameter Breast Height) — we took caliper out and made it DBH (Diameter Breast Height) for the measurement of the trees. Trees listed as an `Exotic invasive' do not require a Permit Fee, we made sure that was clear. We can take out all those Camphor trees. When you take out a tree and there is a replacement requirement, we gave you thirty (30) days to do the replacement before, we upped it to sixty (60) (days) so you have more time to do the replacement." Mr. Richart added, "We are trying to make it more friendly; the whole process." Discussion. Chairperson Acevedo stated, "Mr. Richart, thank you for all your efforts and all the changes that you are making that are proving to be obviously more efficient and pleasing to the residents. Good job." Chairperson Acevedo noted, "We should discuss what we are going to have on the next meeting Agenda." Mr. Richart stated, "What we have so far are the Grants and the boards that might appear before us." Chairperson Acevedo noted, "The micro Grants would be next time." Board Member Bard commented, "Deconstructing Arbor Day; how to improve next year." Chairperson Acevedo commented, "Then discussion of beautification opportunities." Discussion ensued about the possibility of having a field trip with the Board Members to view potential beautification project sites. Tape 1/Side B CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS,FLORIDA MINUTES BEAUTIFICATION OF WINTER SPRINGS BOARD REGULAR MEETING—APRIL 3,2012 PAGE 6 OF 6 ri=7 Further discussion followed on the topic of being able to do a field trip and also meet with four (4) groups at the next meeting. The discussion resulted in the fact that Mr. 4.:J Richart would first see about the groups appearing before the Beautification of Winter Springs Board in July and at that time each group could submit a plan for their specific project. If the groups do not appear, the decision of the funding will need to be discussed ' at the July meeting anyway. Mr. Richart will try to obtain pictures of the sites. Chairperson Acevedo noted, "It sounds like we are going to be able to make a decision next time anyways on what projects we are planning on funding and maybe how much we are planning to allocate to each." PUBLIC INPUT No one addressed the Board. ADJOURNMENT Chairperson Acevedo adjourned the Regular Meeting at 7:55 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: CAROL A. LALLATHIN ASSISTANT TO THE CITY CLERK NOTE: These Minutes were approved at the ,2012 Beautification of Winter Springs Board Regular Meeting. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA i:=1 MINUTES Ir.w BEAUTIFICATION OF WINTER SPRINGS BOARD s SPECIAL MEETING JULY 31, 2012 TaittLi CALL TO ORDER The Special Meeting of Tuesday, July 31, 2012 of the Beautification of Winter Springs Board was called to Order by Vice Chairperson Larry Chmura at 5:30 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). Roll Call: Vice Chairperson Larry Chmura, present Board Member Alice Bard, present Board Member JoAnn Mattie, present Board Member Lorry Roero, absent City Clerk Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces, present Assistant to the City Clerk Cherilyn Taylor, present The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Vice Chairperson Chmura. INFORMATIONAL AGENDA INFORMATIONAL 100. Not Used CONSENT AGENDA CONSENT 200. Not Used AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS 300. Not Used CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS,FLORIDA MINUTES BEAUTIFICATION OF WINTER SPRINGS BOARD SPECIAL MEETING-JULY 31,2012 PAGE 2 OF 4 400. REPORTS There were no Reports given at this time. PUBLIC INPUT No one spoke. PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA PUBLIC HEARINGS 500. Not Used REGULAR AGENDA REGULAR 600. Community Development Department—Arbor Division Requesting The Beautification Of Winter Springs Board Consider The Request Of The Highlands Homeowner's Association For A Historic Tree Designation For Two (2) Trees Within The Highlands Community. Ms. Stephanie Wolfe, Water Conservation Specialist/Arborist, Utility Department addressed the Beautification of Winter Springs Board on this Agenda Item and stated, "Mr. (Robert) Henderson of the Highlands HOA (Homeowner's Association) had contacted me and wanted to elect two (2) trees within the Highlands to be designated as historic." Ms. Wolfe explained that one (1) was a Bald Cypress tree at the Highlands Clubhouse and the other tree was a Live Oak at the corner of Sheoah Boulevard and Moree Loop. Continuing, Ms. Wolfe mentioned, "We did coordinate with the property management company for Baytree (Village) to let them know that we plan to designate the tree as historic." Additionally, Ms. Wolfe noted that an email had been received from the property management company supporting the request. Further discussion ensued. Board Member Alice Bard mentioned, "I think our role, isn't it, is to consider whether or not we think it should advance, these two (2), should advance to the Commission for their decision?" No objections were noted. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS,FLORIDA MINUTES BEAUTIFICATION OF WINTER SPRINGS BOARD '='1 SPECIAL MEETING-JULY 31,2012 PAGE 3 OF 4 "I MAKE A MOTION THAT THE B.O.W.S. (BEAUTIFCATION OF WINTER SPRINGS [BOARD]) BOARD TAKE THE TWO (2) TREES UNDER CONSIDERATION WITHIN THE HIGHLANDS COMMUNITY, THE BALD CYPRESS AND THE LIVE OAK, AND ADVANCE THE HISTORIC TREE C:11"4 DESIGNATION DECISION ONTO THE CITY COMMISSION FOR A VOTE." MOTION BY BOARD MEMBER BARD. SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER MATTIE. DISCUSSION. VOTE: BOARD MEMBER BARD: AYE BOARD MEMBER MATTIE: AYE VICE CHAIRPERSON CHMURA: AYE MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC INPUT No one addressed the Beautification of Winter Springs Board. In other business, Board Member JoAnn Mattie noted that in regards to a car accident she was involved in, this past January, "I really appreciate the flowers and the cards that were sent to me. That was very nice. It warmed my heart." Next, Ms. Wolfe commented, "We have a template for a Certificate that we give out, we were considering making a small plaque that could be set in front of the two (2) trees." Ms. Wolfe then let the Members review the proposed template and welcomed suggestions for a standardized template going forward. With discussion, Board Member Bard stated, "That certainly looks fine to me." Furthermore, Board Member Bard suggested adding in parenthesis, "What it is, in case there are multiple trees." Board Member Mattie suggested "Adding a tree on each side, branching over the lettering." Vice Chairperson Chmura remarked, "Should we also send this forward?" Further, Vice Chairperson Chmura asked for "Consensus." Board Member Bard agreed with the Consensus and noted, "We agree to the format that is here." With no objections, Vice Chairperson Chmura summarized, "We will move it forward." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS,FLORIDA MINUTES BEAUTIFICATION OF WINTER SPRINGS BOARD SPECIAL MEETING—JULY 31,2012 laWNEy PAGE 4 OF 4 rnii ADJOURNMENT With discussion on Adjourning, Board Member Bard was thanked for her service on the ,,., Beautification of Winter Springs Board, as this was her last meeting. ageryil Vice Chairperson Chmura adjourned the Special Meeting at 5:39 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED. CHERILYN TAYLOR ASSISTANT TO THE CITY CLERK NOTE: These Minutes were approved at the_ Beautification of Winter Springs Board Regular Meeting.