HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013 07 10 Planning and Zoning Board/LPA Regular (Rescheduled) Meeting Minutes CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY REGULAR MEETING JULY 10, 2013 (RESCHEDULED FROM JULY 3, 2013 CALL TO ORDER The Regular Meeting of Wednesday, July 10, 2013 (Rescheduled from July 3, 2013) of the Planning And Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency was called to Order 5:30 p.m. by Chairperson William H. Poe in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). Roll Call: Chairperson William H. Poe, present Vice-Chairperson Bob Henderson, present Board Member Howard Casman, present Board Member Bart Phillips, arrived 5:31 p.m. Board Member Suzanne Walker, present Deputy City Clerk Sarah Hart, present Chairperson Poe led a silent invocation and Vice-Chairperson Bob Henderson led the Pledge of Allegiance. INFORMATIONAL AGENDA INFORMATIONAL 100. Not Used CONSENT AGENDA CONSENT 200. Office Of The City Clerk Requesting Approval Of The June 5, 2013 Planning And Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency Regular Meeting Minutes. Brief comments were noted about a slightly modified set of Minutes that was provided to the Board, before the meeting started. Continuing, Chairperson Poe stated, "Each of you have received a copy of the modified Minutes." Continuing, Chairperson Poe said, "The Chair will entertain a Motion to approve those Minutes as circulated." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS,FLORIDA MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY REGULAR MEETING-JULY 10,2013 (RESCHEDULED FROM JULY 3,2013) PAGE 2 OI 7 "SO MOVED." MOTION BY VICE-CHAIRPERSON HENDERSON. CHAIRPERSON POE NOTED, "I HAVE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE - REVISED MINUTES AS CIRCULATED." SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER PHILLIPS. DISCUSSION. VOTE: CHAIRPERSON POE: AYE VICE-CHAIRPERSON HENDERSON: AYE BOARD MEMBER CASMAN: AYE BOARD MEMBER PHILLIPS: AYE BOARD MEMBER WALKER: AYE MOTION CARRIED. AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS 300. Not Used 400. REPORTS No Reports were given. PUBLIC INPUT Chairperson Poe opened "Public Input". No one addressed the Planning and Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency. Chairperson Poe closed "Public Input". PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA PUBLIC HEARINGS 500. Community Development Department—Planning Division Requests That The Planning And Zoning Board Consider Ordinance 2013-08, Which Proposes Text Amendments To The Permitted Use And Conditional Use Sections Of The C-1 (Neighborhood Commercial), C-2 (General Commercial), And CC (Commerce Center) Zoning Districts. Mr. Bobby Howell, AICP, Planner, Community Development Department presented the Agenda Item. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS,FLORIDA MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY REGULAR MEETING-JULY 10,2013 (RESCHEDULED FROM JULY 3,2013) PAGE 3 OF 7 Much discussion ensued on Conditional Uses, Permitted Uses, businesses, Waivers, and concern with including start-up businesses, Mr. Howell remarked, "We could do that as one of your recommendations if you so chose to, Vote recommendation of this Ordinance or this Text Amendment, you could add the condition that the `CC' Zoning District intent be changed to basically strike out the start-up business." Further discussion continued about the make-up of businesses in this area and the turnover of businesses and concern for Banfield Funeral Home that, according to Mr. Howell, "The title's going to be what's called `clouded' — if they go to sell it." Chairperson Poe opened "Public Input". Mr. Greg Banfied, 1109 Arbor Glen Circle, Winter Springs, Florida: addressed the Board and spoke about his family being long standing members of the Winter Springs community, the funeral industry, and how more families are opting for cremations over burials. Chairperson Poe closed "Public Input". Vice-Chairperson Henderson suggested the word "Start-up" be removed from the "CC" Zoning. Mr. Howell stated, "We can include that..." Chairperson Poe and Vice- Chairperson Henderson said, "...In the recommendation". Board Member Howard Casman noted, "I also have no problem with the Crematorium but I do have a problem with the changing to `C-1'." Board Member Suzanne Walker asked about the possibility of approving "The Crematorium and not the other in total. Is there any way to separate them rather than all or nothing... Mr. Howell commented,"...If you so chose, you could say `We recommend to allow Crematoriums in the City Commission Zoning Districts but we want to keep the `C-1' and `C-2' Districts the same." Board Member Walker added, "Or maybe not make that decision to go forward to the City Commission on that `C-1' this evening and re-address it." "I AM GOING TO PUT A MOTION ON THE FLOOR TO APPROVE AS WRITTEN THAT THEY BE ALLOWED TO EXIST AS A CONDITIONAL USE IN `C-1'; A PERMITTED USE IN `C-2' AND THE ALLOWANCE OF THE CREMATORIUM IN THE COMMERCE CENTER. ALSO, REVIEW THE DEFINITION OF COMMERCE CENTER TO ENSURE THAT IT DOES NOT CONTAIN THE WORDS START UP BUSINESS." MOTION BY CHAIRPERSON POE. SECONDED BY VICE-CHAIRPERSON HENDERSON. DISCUSSION. CITY OF WIN"IER SPRINGS,FLORIDA MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY REGULAR MEETING-JULY 10,2013 (RESCHEDULED FROM JULY 3,2013) PAGE 4 OF 7 VOTE: BOARD MEMBER CASMAN: NAY BOARD MEMBER PHILLIPS: AYE BOARD MEMBER WALKER: AYE CHAIRPERSON POE: AYE VICE-CHAIRPERSON HENDERSON: AYE MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARINGS 501. Community Development Department—Planning Division Requests That The Planning And Zoning Board Consider Ordinance 2013-09, Which Proposes: 1) Amend Chapter 16, Signs Of The City Code Of Ordinances, And 2) To Revise The State Road 434 Sign Regulations Set Forth In Sections 20-470. and 20-486., And Incorporate Said Regulations Into Chapter 16. Mr. Howell presented this Agenda Item for discussion. Vice-Chairperson Henderson asked, "Have you run this by the Police Department for their comments?" Responding, Mr. Howell said, "No, but we could do that prior to City Commission." Continuing Vice-Chairperson Henderson said, "I would recommend that we do not forward it to the City Commission until we/you have Police comments." Mr. Howell replied, "Okay, we can do it." Chairperson Poe opened "Public Input". No one spoke. Chairperson Poe closed "Public Input". Concluding the discussion on this Agenda Item, Chairperson Poe stated, "The Chair will entertain a Motion with regard to Item "501". "I WOULD MOVE THAT WE TABLE IT UNTIL SUCH TIME AS THE POLICE DEPARTMENT HAS HAD THE OPPORTUNITY TO COMMENT ON IT." MOTION BY VICE-CHAIRPERSON HENDERSON. SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER PHILLIPS. DISCUSSION. VOTE: BOARD MEMBER PHILLIPS: AYE BOARD MEMBER WALKER: AYE CHAIRPERSON POE: AYE VICE-CHAIRPERSON HENDERSON: AYE BOARD MEMBER CASMAN: AYE MOTION CARRIED. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS,FLORIDA MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY REGULAR MEETING—JULY 10,2013 (RESCHEDULED FROM JULY 3,2013) PAGE 5 OF 7 Chairperson Poe noted, "Send it back to the Police Department to get their input." REGULAR AGENDA REGULAR 600. Community Development Department—Planning Division Requests That The Planning And Zoning Board Consider The Offices At Winding Hollow Lot Split, Located On The Southeast Corner Of State Road 434 And Winding Hollow Boulevard. Mr. Randy Woodruff, AICP, Senior Planner, Community Development Department presented the Agenda Item and pointed out the conditions that Staff were recommending, which were outlined also in the Agenda Item for consideration. Board Member Casman asked if this was required to be posted, to which Mr. Woodruff noted that no Posting was required. Next, Board Member Phillips asked how many floors this building could be. Mr. Woodruff stated, "Based on the use, they are in agreeance to go down to the single- story." Mr. Todd Hudson, Post Office Box 677742, Orlando, Florida: As the Engineer, he noted there was no specific start date as of right now, and added, "I'd expect to be back with plans and stuff like that— September maybe October." Brief discussion. Tape 1/Side B Chairperson Poe opened "Public Input". Ms. Nancy Neimetschek, 366 Twelve Oaks Drive, Winter Springs, Florida: remarked how beautiful the entrance and exit from Winding Hollow was, the birds and animals that lived in this area, and that she was told the trees and brush would be kept, and asked the Board to please consider beautification concerns. Mr. Gary Medley, 663 Woodridge Drive, Fern Park, Florida: As a colleague of the Developer, Mr. Medley stated, "Yes we took down the trees to build the buildings, but we are replanting 550 trees on that site and we did everything we could to maintain — all of the landscaping along the right-of-way." Chairperson Poe closed "Public Input". CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS,FLORIDA MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY REGULAR MEETING-JULY 10,2013 (RESCHEDULED FROM JULY 3,2013) PAGE 6 OF 7 "I WILL MAKE A MOTION THAT WE DO NOT APPROVE THIS 'ITEM 600". MOTION BY BOARD MEMBER CASMAN. SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER WALKER. DISCUSSION. VOTE: BOARD MEMBER WALKER: AYE CHAIRPERSON POE: NAY VICE-CHAIRPERSON HENDERSON: NAY BOARD MEMBER CASMAN: AYE BOARD MEMBER PHILLIPS: NAY MOTION DID NOT CARRY. "I WILL PUT THE MOTION ON THE FLOOR TO APPROVE ITEM '600' AS CIRCULATED WITH THE STIPULATIONS THAT STAFF HAVE ADDED." MOTION BY CHAIRPERSON POE. SECONDED BY VICE-CHAIRPERSON HENDERSON. DISCUSSION. VOTE: BOARD MEMBER WALKER: AYE CHAIRPERSON POE: AYE VICE-CHAIRPERSON HENDERSON: AYE BOARD MEMBER CASMAN: NAY BOARD MEMBER PHILLIPS: AYE MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC INPUT Chairperson Poe opened "Public Input". No one spoke. Chairperson Poe closed "Public Input". CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS,FLORIDA MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY REGULAR MEETING—JULY 10,2013 (RESCHEDULED FROM JULY 3,2013) PAGE 7 OF 7 ADJOURNMENT Chairperson Poe adjourned the Regular Meeting at 6:24 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: 1 l ; i1 I �i►�►_11di1 SA 'FHA'T DEP 'F CITY CLERK APPROVED: `.T AM H. POE, CHAIRPERSON PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL P ANNING AGENCY NOTE: These Minutes were Approved at the August 14,2013 Planning And Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency Regular Meeting.