HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013 07 22 Informational 100 Current Planning Projects
Public Hearings
July 22, 2013KSRS
Regular MeetingCity ManagerDepartment
Community Development Department is advising the City Commission of the status of
various current planning projects.
The projects listed below are those with some consistent activity, although not every project
has additional activity for every update report. Items listed below that have changed since
the last update are shown in bold type. Items which have not and do not appear likely to
generate any change are periodically dropped from this agenda item with prior notice to the
City Commission.
Bart Phillips/ 419 Auto & Metal
– This project remains on hold pending the outcome of the
CSX railroad crossing and the trail right-of-way swap. Construction of the wall along SR
419, east of Wade Street is underway with inspections on-going.
Cross Seminole Trail
- The Cross Seminole Trail has a missing link from Layer Elementary
to the west end of Old Sanford/Oviedo Road. In order for the State to convey the adjacent
trail right of way to the City, the City is offering an equivalent area of unimproved right of
way near Old Sanford Oviedo Road. This unimproved right of way will be used as a
portion of the property needed to complete the Cross Seminole Trail missing link.
Additional property along SR 419 and Layer Elementary is being donated by Bart Phillips
to complete this section of the trail corridor that is needed. Mr. Phillips is also receiving a
small piece of right of way from the State that will no longer be needed once this alignment
is finalized. This approval allows for a land swap to be completed with the State to allow for
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the construction of the Magnolia Park Amphitheater. Staff requested the trail width be
increased from 12’ to 14’ to be consistent with the rest of the trail in the City. The
construction of the Magnolia Park Amphitheater is on hold until the City receives a
warranty deed from the State conveying to the City approximately 0.44 acres of adjacent
trail right of way to the City. This adjacent trail right of way is needed because the
amphitheater building encroaches into the State's trail right of way. This encroachment will
allow maximum utilization of this facility given the constraints of the site.
updates will be made available as information is forthcoming.
Dittmer Property –
Staff is in preliminary discussions with the engineer relative to a
potential new proposal for this property. Staff has not received any plans as of November
29, 2012. On January 3, 2013, staff met with a potential developer of the property. Staff has
been working with an applicant to solidify an acceptable layout for the property which
meets the City’s land use requirements. The project engineer has indicated that the
preliminary site plan should be submitted by March 8, 2013. As of March 14, 2013 staff has
not received a preliminary site plan for this project.On March 27, 2013, a Preliminary
Subdivision Plan and PUD Master Plan amendment were submitted for staff review. On
April 9, 2013 a Development Review Committee (DRC) meeting was held with the
applicant to discuss the comments that were generated by staff for the first review of this
project.This item was unanimously approved by the Planning & Zoning Board at the May
1, 2013 meeting. The PUD master plan and preliminary subdivision plan will be presented
for the Commission's consideration at their May 13, 2013 meeting. The PUD master plan
and preliminary subdivision plan were approved at the May 13, 2013 City Commission
meeting. Final subdivision plans have been submitted and are under review. On July 2,
2013, a Development Review Committee (DRC) meeting was held with the applicant to
discuss the comments that were generated by staff for the Final Engineering Plans.
resubmittal of the plans is expected soon.
Grandeville at Town Center (f/k/a Villa Grande)
– This project is proposed as a 244 unit, 4-
story apartment complex located adjacent to City Hall at the northwest corner of the
intersection of Doran Drive and SR 434. The subject property is 4.78 acres in size and is
located in the T5 zone (Urban Center Zone) of the Town Center. The proposed apartment
complex is designed as a “Texas Donut.” This is a popular design concept that is utilized in
urban areas such as the Winter Springs Town Center that incorporates structured parking
into a high density, urban setting without exposing the parking structure to public view. In
the “Texas Donut” design configuration, apartment units are constructed around the parking
garage and the amenities, so each are internal to the development and are not visible from
the surrounding areas. The main frontages of the building will be oriented toward State
Road 434, and Doran Drive. The building will have a setback of zero feet along State Road
434 and Doran Drive. A zero foot setback is encouraged in the T5 zone of the Town Center
and is reflective of historic downtown layouts. With this building constructed to the right-of-
way line, it will help transform this portion of State Road 434 into the urban boulevard that
was envisioned in the Town Center master plan. The proposed project represents
completion of a major portion of the Town Center core. Staff recently issued a zoning
verification letter to the applicant's attorney. This purpose of this letter is to help assist in
The developer and the architect are
the financing of the construction of this project.
finalizing budget numbers to accommodate the recent increase in construction costs.
Hayes Road Plaza –
Staff was informed that financing had been obtained for the site. A
building permit was applied for and has been ready for issuance since January 25, 2011. No
work has been pursued on this property. The contractor has contacted the building
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department to inquire about the fees associated with the building permit. City staff is
working with the owner and contractor to finalize a schedule for moving forward when
financing is secured which, according to the owner, is imminent.The building permit has
expired and Staff is awaiting the submittal of a new permit request once financing is
secured. Staff met with the owner and his banker and contractor. They are moving forward
with revisions to the building plans in anticipation of making submittal for a new building
permit prior to March 15, 2012, which is the effective date for the newest revision to the
Florida Building Code.The owner submitted building plans on March 1, 2012 for final
approval. Because of the length of time this project has been proposed and even with the
building department’s best efforts to move the project forward with new reviews and even
issuing a slab permit, the Conditional Use approval for the convenience store and the
aesthetic review approval for the building have both expired. Staff has scheduled Public
Hearings for re-consideration of both items before the Planning & Zoning Board on April 4,
2012, and the City Commission on April 23, 2012.The City Commission unanimously
approved both items (Conditional Use and Aesthetic Review) at the April 23, 2012 meeting.
A pre-construction meeting was held with the applicant and contractor on May 21, 2012. At
this meeting, the contractor indicated they intend to begin construction within the next week
to two week with construction being complete within six to eight months. The first review
of the building plans is complete and staff is awaiting the applicant’s response to
comments. The applicant is inquiring about temporary electrical power for construction
purposes but no building permit has been issued to date. The applicant has supplied a
response to the first comments and that response is currently under review by staffThe
contractor has indicated that they will be mobilizing for site work prior to September 21,
2012. Staff is scheduled to meet with the contractor on site on September 19, 2012. The site
work has commenced. Vertical construction is anticipated to commence soon. Staff is
working with the applicant on an MOU relative to uses in the facility. The applicant’s
response to the second round of comments is expected soon. Staff is working with a new
contractor to finalize several changes to the architectural plans. Efforts are underway to re-
initiate site construction on the property. Architectural plans are under review. The
applicant has submitted a building permit for a construction trailer that is proposed to be
located on the construction site.The building permit for the construction trailer has been
approved by City staff.The Building Official has approved the placement of this trailer.
The applicant is working with the FDOT, Florida Public Utilities, and Progress Energy
(Duke Energy) to renew expired permits for work in the right-of-way, to relocate power
poles, and to get the status of an existing gas line located in the area of the retention pond.
Soil from the pond excavation will be used to grade the remainder of the site. The revised
building plans have been submitted for review.Initial site work on this project continues.
Site work is ongoing. The building permit will be issued upon resolution of the final
The building permit has been
remaining Seminole County Fire Department comments.
Jesup’s Landing –
Upon completion, this project will consist of 171 townhome in 30
buildings units on 17 acres of land located on the south side of Orange Avenue, behind
Winter Springs High School. The subject property is located in the T4 transect (General
Urban Zone) of the Town Center. As of July 12, 2013 five (5) buildings are in various
stages of construction representing approximately 30 units. A permit for the clubhouse has
As of July 12, 2013, no additional permits have been issued. Units are
been submitted.
beginning to sell.
Jesup’s Reserve
– DR Horton submitted revised aesthetic review documents for a portion
of the remaining 63 lots. This revision received a recommendation of approval at the April
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6, 2011 Planning and Zoning Board meeting and was approved at the City Commission
meeting on April 25, 2011. DR Horton has submitted building permit plans for another
building in the development. These plans are currently under review. Staff is awaiting a
response from the applicant from comments generated from the first review. The permit for
the latest submittal is ready for issuance. DR Horton submitted an application for a building
permit for a 6-unit building on McLeod’s Way. The application is in the process of being
reviewed. Construction continues on one previously approved building and one additional
building has been completed. DR Horton has submitted an application for building permits
for 12 more units and construction has commenced on a new 6 unit building. The first
building constructed has received a Certificate of Occupancy (CO) and the second building
is scheduled to receive a CO on September 19, 2011.A permit for another 6-unit townhome
building is ready for issuance. Three (3) building permits were issued the week of January 2-
6, 2012. A new 3-unit building is currently undergoing building permit review. A new 3-
unit building is currently under construction. Several of the remaining buildings are
currently under construction.Building permits applications have been received for two
townhome buildings. Permits for three (3) new buildings (17 units) were issued in
December 2012. Vertical construction has begin on the most recently permitted building.
Staff has received a for a building permit application for one (1) new building (3 units). The
3 unit building is currently under construction. The project is nearing completion. Staff has
received building permits for the final two buildings. The permits for the final two buildings
have been obtained by the applicant. Construction is anticipated to begin soon on these
The final buildings in this development are under construction.
Magnolia Park –
The construction of the Magnolia Park Amphitheater is on hold until the
City receives a warranty deed from the State conveying to the City approximately 0.44
acres of adjacent trail right of way to the City. This adjacent trail right of way is needed
because the amphitheater building encroaches into the State's trail right of way. This
encroachment will allow maximum utilization of this facility given the constraints of the
site. Additional updates will be made available as information is forthcoming.
Mermel property Annexation (Southern Oaks) –
The City has received an application from
American Land Investments of Central Florida, LLC (the developer of the Weaver and
Toledo properties) for annexation of approximately 4.4 acres located on the west side of
DeLeon Street, east of the Weaver property. If annexed into the City, the property would be
utilized as water retention in the proposed Weaver/Toledo development. The applicant has
indicated the proposed name of the subdivision is “Southern Oaks”.The applicant has
withdrawn the annexation request.Staff has renewed discussions with the developer to
annex this parcel into the City.On March 22, 2013, the applicant submitted an application
to annex the property into the City. A copy of this application was forwarded to Seminole
County Planning & Zoning for their records. The property will remain inside the rural
boundary after annexation and will contain a retention pond for the proposed development.
This item has been scheduled for the May 1, 2013 Planning & Zoning Board meeting, and
for first reading at the May 13, 2013 City Commission meeting, and second reading at the
June 10, 2013 City Commission meeting. Notification of the proposed annexation has been
sent to the Seminole County Board of County Commissioners pursuant to 171.044(6) F.S.
On April 23, 2013, the City Manager received a letter from Seminole County Manager Jim
Hartmann in regards to the annexation. Seminole County does not object to the proposed
annexation of the property, but is of the opinion that the proposed uses for the subject
property cannot be accommodated within the future land use designations that have been
identified as appropriate for, and consistent with the Rural Area. This item was
unanimously approved by the Planning & Zoning Board at the May 1, 2013 meeting. The
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applicant has petitioned Seminole County to vacate the right-of-way of Florida Avenue.
This item will be considered by the County Commission at the June 11, 2013 meeting. The
applicant intends to annex the vacated Florida Avenue right-of-way into the City with the
Mermel property. As a result, this item will be presented to the City Commission at a date
At the request of the applicant,
following the June 11, 2013 County Commission meeting.
the County Commission voted to continue the public hearing for the Florida Avenue
right-of-way vacation until the July 23, 2013 meeting. The applicant has requested to
annex the property without the Florida Avenue right-of-way being included in the
annexation request. First reading of this item has been scheduled for the July 22, 2013
City Commission meeting. Second reading has been scheduled for the August 12, 2013
City Commission meeting. The August 12, 2013 date is subject to change dependant on
the County Commission schedule for consideration of a tri-party agreement limiting
the uses on the property and an ordinance to move the rural boundary line so as to not
include the Mermel Property. Once the Florida Avenue right-of-way has been vacated
by Seminole County, the applicant will then request to annex the former right-of-way
into the City of Winter Springs.
Moss Park Apartments
– This project is located on the site of the former Saratoga
Condominiums project, which was approved by the City Commission on April 24, 2006.
Construction for the condominium project commenced soon thereafter and ceased in 2008,
with the property remaining in a partially developed state. The 9.1 acre site is located at the
southeast corner of the intersection of N. Moss Road and Rhoden Lane behind the Bank of
America. As a result of the settlement agreement between the City and Atlantic Housing
Partners, the Town Park Apartments which were originally proposed in the Town Center
will be developed on this property. City staff met with a representative from Atlantic
Housing Partners on February 24, 2012 to discuss issues related to the site plan review for
this project. Per the terms of the settlement agreement, final permitting will be handled by
City Staff. Wall and fence permits were applied for on March 1, 2012. Review of the initial
building permit submittal has been completed. On March 15, 2012, staff had a pre-
application meeting with a representative from Atlantic Housing Partners in regards to the
potential development of the commercial parcel adjacent to SR 434 that would potentially
contain a mixed use building with 15 residential units and 6,000 square feet of commercial
uses. The property is zoned C-1 (Neighborhood Commercial). The applicant was informed
that apartment units in this zoning district require a Conditional Use approval from the City
Commission. On March 30, 2012 staff review comments were sent to the applicant in
regards to the Final Engineering Plan for the apartment units. A Development Review
Committee meeting will be held with the applicant within the next several weeks. The
Conditional Use request for the mixed use commercial and residential on the 434 frontage
property will be heard by the Planning and Zoning Board on May 2, 2012. The Conditional
Use for the mixed use proposal along the SR 434 frontage was approved unanimously by
the Planning & Zoning Board at the May 2, 2012 meeting. The item will be presented to the
City Commission for approval at the May 29, 2012 meeting. At the May 29, 2012 meeting,
the City Commission voted to continue the item to the June 11, 2012 meeting to allow staff
and the applicant additional time to resolve issues relating to the parking quantities and
layout.At the June 11, 2012 meeting, the City Commission voted to continue this item to
the June 25, 2012 meeting.At the June 25, 2012 City Commission meeting, no action was
taken on the mixed use conditional use request. This item will be brought before the City
Commission for final approval or denial at the July 23, 2012 meeting. The City Commission
approved the Conditional Use for the mixed use portion of the project as well as the waiver
of the two-car garage element of the code at the July 23, 2012 meeting.The site engineering
and architectural plans for the mixed use portion of this project are being finalized. The
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engineering should be submitted to the City in late September, 2012. To date, the
engineering plans for the mixed use section of this project have not been submitted to the
City for review. The project manager has indicated to City staff that they intend to obtain
Certificate of Occupancies for the apartment complex on October 12, 2012.Final
engineering plans for the mixed use building have been received and are currently under
review by staff. At the November 7, 2012 Planning & Zoning Board meeting, the Aesthetic
Review for the mixed use section of the project that abuts SR 434 was unanimously
approved.The Final Engineering Plan will be presented to the Planning & Zoning Board for
approval at the December 5, 2012 meeting. The Final Engineering Plan and the Aesthetic
Review will be presented to the City Commission for final approval at the December 10,
2012 meeting. The City Commission approved the Final Engineering Plan and Aesthetic
Review at the December 10, 2012 meeting. The City Manager, City Attorney, and staff are
working to finalize the development agreement authorized by the City Commission as part
of the conditional use approval on July 23, 2012. On February 1, 2013, City Staff held a pre-
construction meeting with the project contractor of the mixed use building. The site
construction of the mixed use building will commence once the Development Agreement
has been executed by the City Attorney and the City Manager and is recorded in the public
records of Seminole County.The Development Agreement is in the process of being
recorded by the applicant.Construction of the mixed-use building has commenced and the
first floor block walls are up. Construction on the mixed use building is nearing
The apartments in the mixed use building have been issued a certificate of
occupancy and the commercial has a certificate of completion, awaiting interior build-
Plante Property (Tuskawilla Pointe)
- Staff has received a request to hold a charette for the
Plante property, pursuant to Policy 2.1.2 of the City's Comprehensive Plan. This property
comprises approximately 116 acres located in the southeast quadrant of the SR
434/Tuscawilla Road intersection. Approximately 60 acres will be the subject of a
voluntary annexation. This property represents the largest enclave within the City. The
applicant and staff are working together to finalize the annexation, land use change, and
rezoning of the enclave property by the end of 2013.A charette was held on May 2, 2013 in
the City Commission chambers. Approximately 30 citizens attended and solicited input to
the proposed development of the property. The application for annexation is expected to be
As of July 12, 2013 the application for annexation has not
submitted by June 7, 2013.
been submitted. The applicant has indicated that the purchaser and the seller are
finalizing negotiations on the Brownfield area. Staff anticipates application submittal
by July 19, 2013.
RaceTrac (former Hess station site)
- Staff is working with the RaceTrac
Company to redevelop the abandoned Hess station site located at the intersection of
SR 419 and U.S. Highway 17-92. The project will involve the annexation of three
(3) additional parcels of land south of the existing site. The applicant has submitted an
application requesting the annexation, rezoning, and small-scale future land use map
amendment for three (3) parcels of land south of the former Hess gas station site. This
application requests annexation, rezoning of the parcels to City of Winter Springs C-2
(General Commercial), and small-scale future land use amendment to City of Winter
Springs Commercial. These items will be presented to the Planning & Zoning Board on
February 6, 2013, and to the City Commission for first reading on February 25, 2013,
and second reading on March 11, 2013. On January 30, 2013, City Staff met with
representatives of RaceTrac to discuss details of an Annexation Agreement which will
be presented to the City Commission for approval.On February 6, 2013, the Planning
& Zoning Board unanimously approved the Annexation, Small-Scale future land use
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amendment, and Rezoning. These items will be presented to the City Commission for
first reading on February 25, 2013, and second reading on March 11, 2013.At the
February 25, 2013 meeting, the City Commission unanimously approved first reading
of the Annexation, Small-Scale Future Land Use Amendment and Rezoning request.
Second reading will be on March 11, 2013. At the March 11, 2013 meeting, the City
Commission unanimously approved second and final reading of the Annexation, Small-
Scale Future Land Use Amendment and Rezoning of the property. The applicant is
now going through staff review of the Final Engineering Plans and Aesthetic Review.
On March 28, 2013, the applicant resubmitted the Final Engineering Plans and
Aesthetic Review for review and approval. If all outstanding staff concerns are
satisfied, these items would be scheduled for the May 1, 2013 Planning & Zoning
Board meeting and, potentially, the May 13, 2013 City Commission meeting. Staff
review of the second submittal is currently on-going. The RaceTrac is tentatively
scheduled for the Planning and Zoning Board on May 1, 2012 and for the City
Commission on May 13, 2013. The Planning & Zoning Board unanimously
recommended approval of the Final Engineering Plans and the Aesthetic Review at the
May 1, 2013 meeting. This item will be presented for consideration by the City
Commission approval at their May 13, 2013 meeting. The Final Engineering Plan and
Aesthetic Review were approved at the May 13, 2013 City Commission meeting. An
agenda item to approve Resolution 2013-11 to modify the City's off-premise sign
inventory to add the off-premise sign on the recently annexed property for the
RaceTrac facility will be considered by the Commission at their June 10, 2013 regular
Staff has been in contact with the project representative from RaceTrac.
RaceTrac intends to submit building plans in the fall and begin construction in
the first quarter of 2014.
Southern Oaks
American Land Investments of Central
(Weaver/Toledo properties)-
Florida, LLC has submitted a Preliminary Subdivision Plan for Southern Oaks, a 92-
unit single-family residential subdivision that is proposed for construction on portions
of the Weaver and Toledo properties, and on portions of adjacent properties which are
located in the City of Oviedo. Of the 92-units, approximately 52 are proposed for
constructed in the City of Winter Springs. The proposed subdivision is approximately
55.55 acres, of which 33.27 acres are located in the City of Winter Springs. Staff is
currently in the process of reviewing the Preliminary Subdivision Plan. A Development
Review Committee (DRC) meeting is scheduled with the applicant on March 5, 2013
to discuss comments related to the submittal.On March 5, 2013, a Development
Review Committee (DRC) meeting was held with the applicant to discuss comments
related to the submittal. A revised Preliminary Subdivision Plan based on the outcome
of this meeting is anticipated to be submitted for review soon.As of March 29, 2013,
the revised Preliminary Subdivision Plan has not been resubmitted.The revised
Preliminary Subdivision Plan was submitted on April 10, 2013 for staff review. Staff
is working with the applicant to address staff review comments including the design of
the lots around the existing cell tower. As of May 3, 2013, the revised Preliminary
Subdivision Plan has not been submitted.The Preliminary Subdivision Plan and three
waiver requests arescheduled to be presented at the June 5, 2013 Planning & Zoning
Board meeting. At the June 5, 2013 meeting, the Planning & Zoning Board
unanimously approved the Preliminary Subdivision Plan and three waiver requests.
This item will be presented to the City Commission following approval of the
This item is scheduled to be
annexation of the Mermel property into the City.
presented to the City Commission for approval at the August 12, 2013 meeting.
Town Center Phase I (previously referred to as JDC Calhoun I) –
Staff continues to
monitor activity and to meet with potential occupants on vacant retail/office space within
Phase 1 of the Town Center. Quest Diagnostics has entered into a lease to be located in
Building 8 in the Town Center. Wendy’s last day of operation will be June 30, 2012. Staff
has provided as-built drawings for the old Beef O’Brady’s and Bijoux Jewelers locations for
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use in working on an interior build-out plan for a new restaurant. No formal plans have
been submitted to the CityQuest Diagnostics is underway with an interior build-out in
Building # 8 (1132 East State Road 434). Completion of the Quest Diagnostics build-out is
nearing completion. Staff is discussing the location of a pizzeria/take out restaurant in the
former Uncle Al’s location.Quest Diagnostics has received a Certificate of Completion.
The buildout for Mango Spice restaurant is currently under review. Mango Spice will have
their grand opening celebration on December 1, 2012. The owner of the Zoo Fitness Club
has submitted plans for expansion into the tenant spaces of the former Barnie’s Coffee and
Cristiano’s. Wine Styles has changed its name to "Spillovers." A new hair salon called
A tenant buildout has been
iHair has submitted an application for a sign permit.
submitted for Eckel Engineering. This firm's activities are concentrated in petroleum
terminal and pipeline industry. A tenant buildout has been submitted for South &
York restaurant, located in the former Hollywood Bistro space.
Town Center Phase II –
Staff met with a potential developer for part of Phase II in late
March 2012. No plans or concepts have been submitted to date. Staff has provided
engineering information on Phase II of the Town Center to a potential developer but has not
received any development proposals as of February 28, 2013. On March 6, 2013, Staff is
meeting with a developer about a potential mixed use project for the Phase II property. Staff
Staff continues
met with a potential developer of the Phase II property on March 6, 2013.
to field questions relative to the possible development of a portion of the Phase II
The Greens at Tuskawilla -
Staff is working with the new owners of the Tuskawilla Greens
parcel to finalize an update to the Development Agreement (DA) to accommodate 60
townhouse units on the same layout as the approved condominium plan. Staff will bring
forward the new concept plan for the townhouses once they have reviewed the proposed
changes to the plan and the DA. On July 6, the new owners submitted a combined
Preliminary/Final Engineering Plan to modify the approved condominium plan. Staff
review has been scheduled for August 2 at 9:30 a.m. The applicant requested the staff
review meeting be re-scheduled for August 9, at 9:30 a.m.A Development Review
Committee (DRC) meeting was held with the applicant on August 9, 2011. At this meeting,
the applicant had an opportunity to review and ask questions of staff related to comments on
the project. The applicant indicated he will be re-submitting plans based on staff’s
comments in the near future.A DRC meeting was held with the applicant on August 30,
2011 to address several minor issues related to the previous submittal. Based on the
outcome of the meeting, the Preliminary/Final Engineering Plan and Aesthetic Review will
be presented to the Planning & Zoning Board on September 7, 2011 and to the City
Commission on September 26, 2011.The Planning & Zoning Board approved this item at
the September 7, 2011 meeting. Consideration of the Final Engineering plans and the
Aesthetic Review documents is scheduled for the September 26, 2011 City Commission
meeting. The City Commission continued this item until the October 10, 2011 meeting to
allow more time to understand the terms of the Fifth Settlement Agreement. On September
8, 2011 the applicant submitted a plat for the 60 townhome units. On September 27, 2011 a
DRC meeting was held between the applicant and staff related to staff comments on the
plat.The Fifth Settlement Agreement, the Final Engineering Plans, Development
Agreement, and the Aesthetic Review were approved at the October 10, 2011 City
Commission meeting. The plat will be presented to the City Commission for approval at the
October 24, 2011 City Commission meeting. The plat was approved by the City
Commission at the October 24, 2011 meeting.Building permits for a sales trailer and
townhome units are currently under review. A building permit has been issued for the sales
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trailer. Permit applications have been received for two buildings (8 units) in this
development and have proceeded through the first review. Comments have been issued and
the applicant delivered their response to comments on January 17, 2012. On January 25,
2012, the plat was recorded in the public records of Seminole County. The building permit
for the first 4-unit building is ready for issuance as of February 12, 2012.Construction of
the first building (4 townhome units) is underway. An official groundbreaking ceremony is
scheduled for April 18, 2012 at 3:00 PM. The official groundbreaking ceremony was held
on April 18, 2012 at 3:00 PM. Construction on the townhome units continues. Final site
acceptance is scheduled for the Commission’s June 25, 2012 meeting. On June 29, 2012,
the developer submitted building permits for the second building consisting of four (4)
townhome units.Construction of the second building is nearing completion.A Certificate
of occupancy has been issued for the second building. Staff has received a building permit
for one additional townhome building. A third building is under construction.A permit for a
Permits for two additional buildings have been
fourth building has been issued.
submitted and are under review.
Winding Hollow Office Buildings -
The final engineering and aesthetic review package for
this project were considered by the Planning and Zoning Board on April 3, 2013. This
meeting resulted in a recommendation of approval. The City Commission will consider the
final engineering and aesthetic review at their April 22, 2013 meeting. This item was
approved at the April 22, 2013 City Commission meeting. Staff is awaiting the scheduling
of a pre-construction meeting. Staff held a pre-construction meeting with the applicant on
June 10, 2013. The plat is scheduled to be presented to the City Commission for final
Sitework construction commenced in June 2013
approval at the July 22, 2013 meeting.
and is expected to be in progress for the next several months. On July 21, 2013 a Lot
Split Application was submitted, by the same owner, for a 4 acre parcel located at the
southeast corner of S.R. 434 and Winding Hollow Boulevard. The applicant has
preliminary indicated verbally to Staff that the development of the east side Interior
Lot would be used for single-story offices as previously approved for property located
on the west side of Winding Hollow Boulevard. On July 10, 2013 the Planning &
Zoning Board recommended approval for The Offices at Winding Hollow Lot Split for
property located on the southeast corner of S.R. 434 and Winding Hollow Boulevard
(Resolution 2013-25).
Winter Springs Village (previously known as Sonesta Pointe
)– On October 12, 2011,
Meritage Homes submitted 11 single-family residential building permits for review. The
building plans should be ready for issuance by October 21, 2011.The building plans are
ready for issuance contingent upon issues regarding addressing being resolved. The
applicant has submitted 11 building permits which are currently under review. All permits
applications have been resubmitted with responses to staff comments. Four (4) permits are
ready for issuance, three (3) permits have been sent for additional revisions, and four (4)
permits are still being re-reviewed.Four (4) permits have been issued and vertical
construction has commenced.Several building permits per week continue to be
issued. Staff conducted an open meeting with the applicants on January 17, 2012. This
meeting was the first of what will probably become a recurring meeting to discuss project
progress, process improvement, assess priorities, and to work out any concerns with the
project before they can cause schedule delays or increased review time necessitated by a
lack of data or a misunderstanding of application requirements. The applicant has
submitted a total of 32 permit packages. These submittals are in various stages ranging
from construction to review, comment response, and ready to issue.On February 6, 2012,
staff and representatives from Meritage Homes had a pre-construction meeting relating to
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the construction of infrastructure for Phase 2. Construction continues on various homes in
Phase I of the project. Site work has begun on Phase II of the project. The plat for Phase 2
was submitted March 12, 2012 for approval. The first review is currently underway. An
official groundbreaking ceremony was held on March 24, 2012. The Phase 2 plat is
undergoing staff review and the Phase 2 site construction is underway. Aesthetic review for
the clubhouse facility is on the City Commission’s April 23, 2012 agenda.The City
Commission unanimously approved the Aesthetic Review for the clubhouse facility at the
April 23, 2012 meeting. Issuance of new permits for the development continues as does
construction of the units. Site work continues on Phase 2 of the project. At the May 14,
2012 City Commission meeting, the plat for Phase 2 of the project was approved.The
applicant and staff met at the Seminole County records center on May 31, 2012 to record
the Phase 2 plat in the public records of Seminole County. Staff is currently finalizing the
addressing for Phase 2 of this project.Building permits for homes in Phase 2 have been
submitted for approval and construction on these Phase 2 units should begin in the near
future.Construction of the Phase 2 units continues. Staff issued 34 certificates of
Additional building permits continue to be issued as the
occupancy in December 2012.
project moves toward completion.
Potential projects under discussion with staff –
The following are items that have been
discussed with staff but are not formal applications for development at this time. Staff will
continue to advise the Commission on the status of the discussions:
On January 24, 2013, Staff met with representatives of Primrose School to
discuss potential construction of a daycare center on the commercial parcel
adjacent to the Heritage Park townhome development. Negotiations are
ongoing.Representatives from Primrose School met with staff on March 15,
2013 for further discussions related to their proposal. Staff noted numerous
concerns with the proposal. Staff is currently reviewing the latest version of
the site plan. On May 3, 2013 the applicant submitted an application for an
amendment to the existing Development Agreement and revised entry sign
Staff is currently working with the applicant on site design and
layout issues. The applicant has submitted a revised site plan that is
currently under consideration by staff.
Staff recently met with representatives of Taylor-Morrison Homes to
discuss a proposed townhome development located south of Winter
Springs Village, east of Michael Blake Boulevard, and north of the Cross
Seminole Trail. The proposal is for approximately 53 townhome units.
Currently, the project is in the conceptual design stages.
On June 28, 2013, staff met with representatives of the
Learning Experience daycare center. The proposed project is located on
the commercial portion of the Stone Gable PUD. Daycare centers are a
permitted use on the commercial portion of the Stone Gable PUD.
There is no fiscal impact associated with this item.
Informational 100 PAGE 10 OF 11 - July 22, 2013
This Agenda Item has been electronically forwarded to the Mayor and City Commission,
City Manager, City Attorney/Staff, and is available on the City’s Website, LaserFiche, and
the City’s Server. Additionally, portions of this Agenda Item are typed verbatim on the
respective Meeting Agenda which has also been electronically forwarded to the individuals
noted above, and which is also available on the City’s Website, LaserFiche, and the City’s
Server; has been sent to applicable City Staff, Media/Press Representatives who have
requested Agendas/Agenda Item information, Homeowner’s Associations/Representatives
on file with the City, and all individuals who have requested such information. This
information has also been posted outside City Hall, posted inside City Hall with additional
copies available for the General Public, and posted at five (5) different locations around the
City. Furthermore, this information is also available to any individual requestors. City Staff
is always willing to discuss this Agenda Item or any Agenda Item with any interested
Staff requests the City Commission receive and review the information provided in this
Agenda Item.
Informational 100 PAGE 11 OF 11 - July 22, 2013