HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013 07 10 Public Hearing 501 Ordinance 2013-09PLANNING & ZONING BOARD
ITEM 501
July 10, 2013
Public Hearing
REQUEST: The Community Development Department —Planning Division requests that the Planning
& Zoning Board consider Ordinance 2013 -09, which proposes: 1) amend Chapter 16, Signs ofthe City
Code of Ordinances, and 2) to revise the State Road 434 sign regulations set forth in Sections 20 -470
and 20 -486, and incorporate said regulations into Chapter 16.
SYNOPSIS: Currently, the Code of Ordinances has three main areas where sign regulations are
addressed; Chapter 16, the State Road 434 re- development area, and the State Road 434 new
development overlay area which is located in Chapter 20 of the Code of Ordinances (the Town Center
District Code addresses signs, but is a stand -alone Code). This has led to confusion among the sign
industry and the business community as to what provisions of the sign code are applicable to their
respective signage request. Many of the sign provisions contained within Chapter 16 and the State Road
434 overlay area are out -of -date, do not allow adequate visibility for local businesses from the right -of-
way, and prohibits signage that incorporates the use of modern technology. Staff undertook the task of
this update in order to unify the sign requirements in Chapter 16 with those of the State Road 434 new
and redevelopment areas. It is anticipated this update will make the sign code easier to understand and
interpret for staff, the business community, the sign industry, and the citizens of Winter Springs.
Florida Statutes 163.2511- 163.3246: (Provides that land development regulations for municipal
planning be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan).
Florida Statute 166.041 Procedures for adoption of ordinances and resolutions.
Winter Springs Charter Article IV. Governing Body.
Section 4.06. General powers and duties.
Section 4.15. Ordinances in General.
City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan
Winter Springs Code of Ordinances, Chapter 16 signs, Chapter 20, article VI, S.R. 434 Corridor
Vision Plan
July 10, 2013
Planning & Zoning Board Agenda, Item 501
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For some time, a revision and unification of the sign regulations into one chapter of the Code of
Ordinances has been considered by staff to be necessary. The Code of Ordinances has three main areas
where sign regulations are addressed; Chapter 16, signs, and the State Road 434 re- development area,
and the State Road 434 new development overlay area which is located in Chapter 20 of the Code of
Ordinances. A majority of the current sign regulations were adopted in the 1970's, 1990's, and early
2000's. Modern signs have been designed to utilize technology such as electronic message centers,
which the current code prohibits. Additionally, this update to the City's sign regulations has been
performed to allow adequate visibility for local businesses from the right -of -way, while also providing
for aesthetically appropriate uncluttered signage options, while alleviating confusion among the sign
industry and the business community related to this City's sign regulations.
A breakdown of the updates to the code is as follows:
• Section 16 -51 — Definitions. Six new definitions have been added which reflect the changes
proposed. Additionally, two definitions have been updated which reflect amendments to several
areas of the Code.
• Section 16 -54 — Applications; permit fees; review period; approval criteria; appeals. Several
areas of burdensome and unnecessary information which is currently required to be provided on
sign permit applications have been removed. Additionally, clarification on square footage for
residential and commercial temporary signs has been added to this section.
• Section 16 -57 — Prohibited Signs. This section has been amended to permit electronic signs.
Clarifying language on the types of bus stop shelter signs that are prohibited has been added in
addition to clarifying language in regards to roof signs.
• Section 16 -61 — 911 emergency response system. Language has been added stating address
numbers must be in compliance with the requirements of the Florida Building Code.
• Section 16 -76 — Generally. Language has been added clarifying that signs that exceed six (6)
square feet in area on residential properties, and nine (9) square feet on commercial properties
are required to obtain a building permit.
• Section 16 -78 — Same -on- premises signs. This section is repealed.
• Section 16 -80 (section added; currently "reserved ") — Limitations on certain on- premises signs
including attached to buildings. This section has been fashioned to utilize a more commonly
acceptable and easier to understand method of calculating total allowable copy area for signs.
This section permits one and one half (1.5) square feet of total allowable copy area for each
lineal foot of store frontage for signs setback less than 100 -feet from the right -of -way. This
section also permits a total allowable copy area of two (2) square feet for each lineal foot of
store frontage for signs setback more than 100 -feet from the right -of -way. Additionally, this
section permits a second wall sign for buildings located on a corner lot, or for buildings located
on an out - parcel that has frontage adjacent to an internal roadway.
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Planning & Zoning Board Agenda, Item 501
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Language from the old Section 16 -78 (b) is utilized in regards to ground signs that are located
in areas of the City not adjacent to State Road 434.
• Section 16 -81 (section added; currently "reserved ") — Changeable copy signs; electronic
message centers. This section has been drafted to allow businesses citywide to utilize signs with
electronic message centers. The requirements such as transition times and brightness are the
same as those that were adopted via Resolution 2009 -59 for the electronic message center
located in front of City Hall. According to a joint study by the U.S. Small Business
Administration and the Signage Foundation for Communication Excellence, Inc., businesses that
choose to utilize electronic message centers typically see an increase in business between 15 and
150 percent due to the amount of additional advertising and messages these signs can convey to
the public. Electronic message centers can ease sign clutter since many different messages can
be conveyed on them. Additionally, these signs can convey public service messages in times of
emergencies. Multi - tenant centers which use these signs allow each business in the center to
have a rotation on the sign, which can in turn allow for more profitability for the multi- tenant
center. Many multi- tenant centers which utilize static signs have multiple names on the sign,
which makes it difficult for drivers to read and understand which tenants are in a specific center.
This causes tenants to react to low visibility by erecting balloons, banners, and flags to attract
additional attention to their respective business.
Ordinance 2013 -09 permits electronic message centers to comprise no more than fifty (50)
percent of the permitted sign area. Hold times for messages shall be a minimum of eight seconds
prior to transitioning to another static image. This hold time is an acceptable industry standard.
The federal government and other reviewers have concluded that electronic message centers, if
used properly, are traffic safety enhancement devices with their exceptional readability and
conspicuous nature. A 2007 study conducted by the Virginia Tech Traffic Institute (VTTI)
concluded the average amount of time it takes for a driver of a car to look at an electronic
message display on a digital billboard and read and process the information is approximately less
than one second. This study concluded that traffic accidents are no more likely to occur in the
presence of digital billboards than in their absence. This study states that several driving
performance measures in the presence of digital billboards are on par with those associated with
everyday driving, such as on- premises signs located at a business. Advocates for electronic
message centers that are provided on on- premises signs have cited this study in support of
permitting these signs in local sign codes. A 2009 study by VTTI concluded texting while
driving causes a driver to glance at their respective mobile device for an average of 4.6 seconds
during a 6 second period. This equates to a driver traveling then length of a football field at 55
miles per hour without looking at the roadway. A 2 second glance away from the road is
considered to be a dangerous level.
Additionally, this section also requires transitions from static images to appear within three (3)
seconds and not flash, blink, flicker, pulsate or have animation or videos. Electronic message
centers are required to have automatic dimming technology which adjusts the sign's brightness
in direct correlation with ambient light conditions. This section also governs the brightness level
of electronic message center signs erected in the City to be equal with the electronic message
center sign in front of City Hall.
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Planning & Zoning Board Agenda, Item 501
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Applicants are required to sign an affidavit of acknowledgement which requires the owner of
the sign to acknowledge the display requirements and understand the penalties for failure to
abide by said requirements.
Section 16 -89 — Enforcement. Section (b) has been changed to state the Building Official or the
Building Official's designee is responsible for determining whether a sign is structurally unsafe
or in danger of falling.
Section 16 -82 — Special supplemental regulations for properties located on State Road 434.
This is formerly Section 20 -470, which is the sign code for the State Road 434 new
development area. This section will apply to all properties in the City that are adjacent to the
State Road 434 right -of -way, including those that are in the State Road 434 re- development
area. This section has been revised to permit a reduction in the setback of ground signs from
property lines from fifteen (15) feet to ten (10) feet, and allow an increase in the maximum copy
area for ground signs of two times the current size that is currently permitted to allow greater
visibility for local businesses. This section permits a second wall sign for tenants occupying a
corner unit or an out - parcel. Similar to Section 16 -80, this section permits one and one half
(1.5) square feet of total allowable copy area for each lineal foot of store frontage for signs
setback less than 100 -feet from the right -of -way. This section also permits a total allowable
copy area of two (2) square feet for each lineal foot of store frontage for signs setback more
than 100 -feet from the right -of -way.
• Section 20 -486 — Signs, State Road 434 re- development area. This section is repealed.
While there is no direct fiscal impact to the City, staff is of the opinion that the proposed new code
language will facilitate more diversified development and increase the chance of local businesses
remaining viable over the long term, which will have a positive fiscal impact to the City's tax base.
COMMUNICATION EFFORTS: The Meeting Agenda and this Agenda Item have been forwarded
to the Planning and Zoning Board members and are available on the City's Website, LaserFiche, and the
City's Server. The Agenda has been forwarded to the Mayor and City Commission; City Manager; and
City Attorney /Staff. Additionally, the Meeting Agenda has been sent to media /press representatives, all
Homeowner's Associations on file with the City, all individuals who have requested Agenda
information, Department Directors; and also posted outside City Hall; posted inside City Hall with
additional copies available for the general public.
Staff recommends the Planning & Zoning Board recommend approval of Ordinance 2013 -09, which
proposes: 1) amend Chapter 16, Signs of the City Code of Ordinances, and 2) to revise the State Road
434 sign regulations set forth in Sections 20 -470 and 20 -486, and incorporate said regulations into
Chapter 16.
A. Ordinance 2013 -09
Attachment "A"
WHEREAS, the City is granted the authority, under § 2(b), Art. VIII of the State
Constitution, to exercise any power for municipal purposes, except when expressly prohibited by
law; and
WHEREAS, the City has previously adopted a comprehensive set of land development
regulations regulating signs within the municipal limits of the City; and
WHEREAS, upon recommendation of the City's Community Development Department,
the City Commission desires to adopt several technical amendments to the City's existing sign
regulations and renumber certain section for purposes of consolidating existing sign regulations
into Chapter 16, Article III of the City Code; and
WHEREAS, the City's Land Planning Agency conducted a public hearing regarding the
Code amendments recommended by the Community Development Department set forth in this
Ordinance on and recommended that the City Commission adopt the
amendments; and
WHEREAS, due to the technical nature of the amendments set forth herein, the City
Commission hereby adopts by this reference for the sake of simplicity, all previous legislative
findings and references to legal authority made by the City Commission supporting the regulation
of signs within the municipal limits of the City; and
WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, hereby finds this
ordinance to be in the best interests of the public health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of
Winter Springs.
City of Winter Springs
Ordinance No. 2013-
Section 1. Recitals. The foregoing recitals are hereby fully incorporated herein by
reference as legislative findings of the City Commission of Winter Springs.
Section 2. Chapter 16 Sign Code Amendment. The City of Winter Springs Code
of Ordinances, Chapter 16, Article I11, Signs, is hereby amended as follows (underlined type
indicates additions and s eett type indicates deletions, while asterisks (* * *) indicate a deletion
from the Ordinance of text existing in Chapter 16, Article I11. It is intended that the text in
Chapter 16, Article HI, denoted by the asterisks and set forth in this Ordinance shall remain
unchanged from the language existing prior to adoption of this ordinance.
Sec. 16 -51. - Definitions.
The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings
ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
Animated sign is any sign or part of a sign which is designed or intended to change physical
position by any movement or rotation. Animated signs do not include digital signs or electronic
message boards.
Awning sign is a sign incorporated to or attached to an awning.
Changeable copy sign is a non - electronic sign or portion thereof with characters, letters or
illustrations that can be changed or rearranged manually without altering the face of the sign.
Copy is any combination of individual letters, numbers, symbols, depictions and the like,
which are intended to inform, direct or otherwise transmit information.
Copy area or sign area shall mean the entire area of the sign occupied by copy. Copy area
or sign area is measured by enclosedinng by one continuous perimeter line,, °R 610sifig the extreme
limits of the sign which contains copy, including all ornamental attachments, insignias, symbols,
logos, trademarks, interconnecting links and the like, and any stripe, frame or border. Sign area
does not include the main support structure of the sign unless it contains copy.
this a-y r,, -poses The calculation for a double faced sign shall be the area of one face only. The
calculation for wall signs, if permitted hereunder, comprises individual letters, numbers, symbols
City of Winter Springs
Ordinance No. 2013-
and the like, where the exterior wall of the building upon which it is affixed acts as the background
of the sign, shall be calculated within the smallest regular geometric figure needed to encompass
the sign display.
Digital sign or electronic message center is a sign without moving parts whose content
may be changed by electronic process through the use of intermittent light or lights, including light
emitting diodes, liquid crystal display, and plasma screen image display.
Illuminated sign is a sign whose light source is either located in the interior of the sign so
that the light rays go through the face of the sign, or which is attached to or near the face of the sign
and is perceived as a design element of the sign_
Signs shall mean any surface, fabric, device, or display, whether illuminated or
non - illuminated, which is used for visual communication and which is designed to identify,
announce, direct or inform the public and can be seen off -site from the right -of -way or other
properties (not on the site where the sign is located). The term sign does not include small
decorative, temporary ornamental residential yard or lawn decorations, statuaries, signs and flags
commonly inserted into the ground at a residence by step stakes in gardens, mulch beds and flower
Sec. 16 -54. - Applications; permit fees; review period; approval criteria; appeals.
(a) All sign permit applications shall be filed on forms supplied by the city. The
application shall contain the following information and documents:
(1) The name, address and telephone number of the property owner and applicant if
different than owner.
City of Winter Springs
Ordinance No. 2013-
(2) The name, address, telephone number and state license number of the sign
contractor /manufacturer and if applicable, the same information for the engineer and architect.
(3) The street address upon
which proposed sign is to be located.
(4) The zoning and f,t, e land use designation of the property on which the sign is to be
(5) The type of sign, square footage, height and location of all signs currently located on
the premises.
(6) The type of sign, square footage, design, sign area, height, location and fully
dimensioned elevation drawings of the sign or sign proposed to be erected on the premises. If the
sign is to be electrically lighted, the electrical plans and specifications for the sign. In addition, the
name and address of the electrical contractor accompanied by the appropriate electrical permit
(7) Written permission of the property owner to erect the proposed sign if the applicant is
not the property owner.
(8) A fully dimensioned site plan showing the lot frontage, building frontage or business,
establishment or occupant frontage, parking areas and location of all existing and proposed signs.
For ground signs and temporary signs, the site plan shall show the distance from the right -of -way
and property lines, and street corner visibility calculations.
(9) For temporary signs, over six (6) square feet on residential properties, or nine (9)
square feet on commercial properties, name, date and time associated with the event and a time
frame for the temporary sign to come down.
(10) The type of construction, materials, sign supports, electrical details for the proposed
(11) Wind load calculations and footer details for the proposed sign as required by the
city's adopted building code.
Sec. 16 -57. - Prohibited signs.
City of Winter Springs
Ordinance No. 2013-
The following signs are hereby prohibited:
(1) Snipe signs and signs attached to trees;
(2) Freestanding signs;
(3) Obscene signs;
(4) Hazardous signs;
(5) Eleetrani ^ signs, -aAnimated signs or signs of a flashing, running or revolving nature;
(6) Bus stop shelter signs, except those required by the City or the transit authority to
designate the district location /address of the shelter;
(7) Any sign placed on public right -of -way that does not constitute a bona fide traffic
control device installed for the safety of pedestrians and vehicles;
(8) Balloon displays, except to the limited extent permitted in-section 16 -60;
(9) Spot or search lights;
(10) Trailer signs;
(11) Off - premises signs, except temporary off - premises signs may be authorized by
permit in accordance with the provisions set forth in section 16 -60 of this article;
(12) Unless otherwise expressly authorized by the City Code, signs with exposed neon
tubing. The use of neon tubing to outline buildings, windows or doors shall be prohibited.
However, window signs may utilize exposed neon tubing for the advertising of products or
services provided the size of the sign is less than or equal to four (4) square feet;
(13) Backlit awning signs;
(14) Discontinued signs;
(15) Roof signs, except as permitted in the Town Center District Code;
(16) Pole signs;
(17) Signs attached to temporary structures;
(18) Window signs not meeting the requirements of section 16- 55(a)(5), City Code;
(19) Signs located or erected on an inoperable or unlicensed motor vehicle and visible
from the ri ght -of -way or adjacent property;
(20) Signs located or erected on a parked motor vehicle which are intended primarily for
display purposes and not regularly used for transportation purposes and which are visible from the
right -of -way or adjacent property;
(21) Signs painted directly on any exterior wall unless located on property zoned
commercial or industrial and such sign is approved by the city commission in accordance with the
aesthetic review procedures set forth in section 9 -600, et seq.;
(22) Hazardous sign; and
(23) Any sign not expressly authorized under the City Code.
City of Winter Springs
Ordinance No. 2013-
Sec. 16 -61. - 911 emergency response system.
For 911 and emergency response purposes, the primary address of the building shall be
displayed on the property,_ shall be visible from the public or private street, and shall comply
with the requirements of the Florida Building Code. For commercial and industrial buildings, the
address or range of addresses shall be incorporated into the signage permitted for the property with
numerals /letters a minimum of eight (8) inches in height, but the address shall not be counted
against allowable copy area. In addition to the address being posted on a single family residential
mailbox or single family dwelling, a sign not to exceed three (3) square feet may be posted on the
dwelling at the main entrance or in the yard, provided the sign is visible from the public or private
street. The address shall not be counted against allowable copy area.
Sec. 16 -76. - Generally.
All signs shall be maintained in original condition and maintained in accordance with any
permitted condition. No sign shall be placed in a city - controlled right -of -way with the exception of
authorized traffic control devices. Any sign erected on private property that exceeds six (6) square
feet in area on residential properties, or nine (9) square feet in area on commercial properties,
requires the payment of a fee to and a permit from the building department, and shall display an
official city sticker showing the permit date and any expiration thereof. No sign shall obstruct the
sight of any roadway or driveway intersection or approach between two (2) feet and five (5) feet
from ground level.
Sec. 16 -78. Reserved.
shall have a total allowable eapy area, of ane (1) squar-e feet for- eaeh lineal feet of store ffentage.
�. .
(e) Signs not a4taehed to a building, proposed as pai4 of a developmeat plan, ma-y
reviewed and appr-eved at the applieant's r-eqtte tien with the eity's site plan and sigi+
City of Winter Springs
Ordinance No. 2013-
—tew pr-aeess. if the sign is not pr-apased dur-ing the site plan review pr-aeess, a separate
16 -80. Limitations on certain on- premises signs including attached to buildings.
Unless more restrictive limitations are expressly provided elsewhere in the City Code:
(a) Any sign attached to a building shall have a total allowable copy area, of one and
one half 1.5) square foot for each lineal foot of store frontage. A sign which is setback more than
100 -feet from the right -of -way shall have a total allowable copy area of two (2) square feet for
each lineal foot of store frontage. A second wall sign may be permitted for buildings located on a
corner lot, or for buildings located on an out - parcel that has frontage adjacent to an internal
(b) Any sign not attached to a building shall be placed not less than twenty -five 25)
feet from any intersection, with a maximum copy area of thirty -two (32) square feet on each side.
Double -sided or "V" signs are permissible provided they are constructed with an inner angle not to
exceed thirtv (30) decrees. The maximum height of a sign shall not exceed twelve (12) feet unless
otherwise expressly provided in this article
16.81. Changeable copy signs; electronic message centers.
All changeable copy signs and electronic message centers shall be as follows:
(a) The sign cabinet shall be constructed of all aluminum extrusion or better as
approved by City staff.
(b) Changeable copy signs and electronic message centers may be incorporated into
permitted signs and shall be included as part of the permitted sign area as described below:
1. With the exception of billboards which are regulated by other provisions of the CitX
Code, changeable copy signs shall not comprise more than twenty -five (25) percent of the
permitted sign area and electronic message centers shall not comprise more than fifty (50) percent
of the permitted sign area.
2. Electronic message centers shall display static images only. Such static images
shall hold the display face for a minimum of eight (8) seconds before transitioning to another static
City of Winter Springs
Ordinance No. 2013-
3. Transitions from one static image to the next shall appear within three (3) seconds
and shall not have the appearance of flashing, flickering, blinking, pulsating animation or videos.
Dissolving from one static imaue to the next within the three (3) second transition beriod shall not
constitute animation for purposes of this article.
4. All electronic message centers shall come equipped with functioning automatic
dimming technology which automatically adjusts, at all times while the electronic message center
is , operatin the he si ng s brightness in direct correlation with ambient light conditions.
5. No electronic message center shall exceed a brightness level of 6,000 NITS (NITS
are the standard measure of brightness for electronic signs and devices) during daytime use or 500
NITS during nighttime use and to account for adverse weather conditions that reduce the amount of
6. Upon issuance of a building permit for an electronic message center, the applicant
shall sign an affidavit of acknowledgement provided by the Community Development Department
on a form prepared by the City Attorney which requires the owner and /or user of the sign to
acknowledge the display requirements set forth in the City Code and the penalties for failure to
abide by these requirements.
Sec. 16 -89. - Enforcement.
(a) Removal of signs. Private signs on public property or public rights -of -way may be
removed by the city or its agents without notice to the sign owner.
(b) Should any sign be in danger of falling, or otherwise unsafe in the opinion of the eerie
enf ,.e ent e f eef building official or the building official designee, the owner thereof, or person
maintaining the sign, shall, upon receipt of written notification from the building official or code
enforcement officer, immediately secure the sign, cause it to be placed in good repair or remove
the sign.
(c) Removal of illegally erected signs. The owner, owner's agent, or person in control of
any property where an illegally erected sign is located shall have the sign immediately removed.
(d) Termination of unlawful illumination. Upon receipt of written notification by the code
enforcement officer or building official that a sign is illuminated in violation of this chapter, the
owner, owner's agent, or person in control of the premises, shall immediately terminate the
City of Winter Springs
Ordinance No. 2013-
prohibited illumination of such sign.
(e) Emergencies. In the case of emergency situations -z the city manager or the city
manager's designee is hereby authorized to take such steps that may be necessary to secure or
remove signage that poses a threat to the public health, safety, and welfare.
Section 3. Section 20 -470 Code Amendment and Renumbering. The City of
Winter Springs Code of Ordinances, Section 20 -470 is hereby renumbered as 16 -82 and amended
as follows (underlined type indicates additions and strikeout type indicates deletions, while
asterisks (* * *) indicate a deletion from the Ordinance of text existing in Section 20 -470. It is
intended that the text in Section 20 -470 denoted by the asterisks and set forth in this Ordinance
shall remain unchanged from the language existing prior to adoption of this ordinance. However, it
is further intent of this Ordinance to renumber 20 -470 as 16 -82, as amended herein, in order to
more fully unify the City's sign code regulations into Chapter 16, Article III, as follows:
Sec. 20 -470. — Signs Reserved.
16 -82 Special supplemental regulations for properties located on State Road 434.
The following design standards shall apply to the State Road 434 Overlay District which
includes all properties lying within the corporate limits of the City of Winter Springs adjacent to
the S.R. 434 right -of -way (inclusive of the entire parcel adjacent thereto) from U.S. 17/92 to the
easternmost boundary of the City of Winter Springs with the exception of properties within the
Town Center District, which are subject to other sign regulations set forth in the City Code. A44
signs and sign elements, ineluding shape, far-fn, iightiag, fnater-ials, size, ealar- and laeation shall be
stibjeet te appr-&,,al by the eit-y eemmissien if seek signs ef: sign elements are �,,isible f+em adjaeent
or- a street right of .
(1) Ground mounted multi- tenant sign: For each multi- tenant development under
separate ownership, one (1) wide -based monument style, permanent sign with landscaped base
identifying the name of the development and businesses within the development shall be
permitted. The top of the sign cannot exceed 120 percent of the width of the sign base. For
developments with five hundred (500) feet of frontage or more on a major road, one (1) additional
sign may be permitted. The minimum separation for all signs on an individual ownership parcel
shall be two hundred (200) feet and:
a. Shall only be reserved for the tenants' on- premises use.
City of Winter Springs
Ordinance No. 2013-
b. Shall be located no closer than fifteen 5) ten 10 feet from front, side, or rear
property lines.
c. Shall have a maximum of two (2) faces.
d. Shall be consistent in design, format and materials with the architecture of the
proposed building(s).
e. " ea" wa4 The sign shall not be higher than eight twelve (12) feet above the
closest driveway or vehicular use area.
f Signs shall be in an enclosed base. The width of the base shall not exceed 120
percent of the width of the sign base. - �idt of :.wa th -ds (2/3) the width ate, ofthe
Landscaping shall be incorporated around the base to include low growing shrubs and ground
cover and /or annuals to promote color. The landscaping shall be maintained at all times in livable
form and in a fashion not to obstruct the views of the sign face.
g. Signs shall be in accordance with the following size and height schedule:
Building Size (Gross Floor Area)
Maximum Copy Area
Maximum Height
Under 75,000 square feet
-3-2 64 square feet
12 feet
75,000- 250,000 square feet
4-9 96 square feet
14 feet
Over 250,000 square feet
64 128 square feet
16 feet
h. Multi- tenant centers are permitted additional directional sign for each anchor tenant
according to the following schedule:
Building Size (Gross Floor Area)
Anchor Tenant Additional Sign
Under 75,000 square feet
2 of 12 square feet
75,000- 250,000 square feet
3 of 12 square feet
Over 250,000 square feet
4 of 12 square feet
An anchor tenant is defined as the major retail store(s) in a center that is /are in excess of
one hundred (100) front feet and a minimum area of ten thousand (10,000) square feet.
City of Winter Springs
Ordinance No. 2013-
(2) Ground mounted single- tenant sign: One (1) wide -based monument style,
permanent sign shall be permitted per single- tenant parcel. One additional permanent wide -based
monument style sign may be permitted for parcels in excess of one (1) acre with more than one (1)
ingress /egress serving more than one (1) building. The minimum separation for all signs on an
individual ownership parcel shall be two hundred (200) feet.
Shall only be reserved for the tenant's on premises use.
b. Shall be located no closer than fifteen (15) ten 10 feet from the front, side or rear
property lines.
Shall not exceed two (2) faces.
d. Sign copy area shall not exceed thii4y :.wa «" sixty -four 64) square feet per face. For
parcels in excess of 4.0 acres, the project identification sign face may be increased to " eight
(4-8} ninety -six (96) square feet.
e. Shall be consistent in design, format and materials with the architecture of the
proposed building.
f The sign shall not be more than eight (9) twelve 12) feet in height above the closest
driveway or vehicular use area.
g. Signs shall be in an enclosed base that is no more than 120 percent of the width of the
bases. . Landscaping shall be incorporated around the base
to include low growing shrubs and ground cover and /or annuals to promote color.
(3) Building mounted tenant identification sign (wall signs) for buildings with
separate exterior tenant entrances: In addition to the ground mounted identification sign, tenant
signs shall be permitted on the exterior walls of the building at a location near the principal tenant
entrance, and be consistent with the following criteria:
a. Shall be limited to one sign per tenant for on- premises use. A tenant occupying a
corner unit or an out - parcel unit may be permitted to have a second wall sign.
b. The sign(s) shall be clearly integrated with the architecture of the building, and shall
be consistent in design, format, and materials with the architecture of the proposed building.
The sign(s) shall not either project above any roof or exceed a height of fourteen (14)
City of Winter Springs
Ordinance No. 2013-
d. Wall signs shall display only one (1) surface and shall not be mounted more than
twelve (12) inches from any wall.
e. When more than one (1) tenant sign is used on one (1) building, all tenant signage shall
be consistent in size, materials, and placement.
f Building mounted tenant signs shall have a total allowable cobv area of one and one
half ( 1.5) square feet for each lineal foot of store frontage. Signs setback more than 100 feet from
the right -of -way shall have a a total allowable copy area of two (2) feet for each lineal foot of store
frontage. , ineltiding any sign baekgr-ettnds, shall be
:�wefi�y fatir- (24) ifiehes in height for- individual tenants other- than aneher- tenants. The nifflEimum
height ef let4er-s and leges fer- aneher- tenants shall net &Eeeed �wen�y five (25) per-eent ef the
building height. An aneher- tenant is defified as the ni�ar- busifiess in a eenter- that is/-
ef ene htindr-ed (100) f+ent feet and a minimttm area ef ten thettsand (10,000) sqttar-e feet.
(94) Backlit signs: Backlighting of signs shall be permitted, provided that should neon
lighting be utilized the neon tubing shall not be exposed.
City of Winter Springs
Ordinance No. 2013-
(35) Permanent flags: The following standards shall apply to permanent flags:
a. One (1) flagpole may be permitted per parcel.
b. The maximum width from top to bottom of any flag shall be twenty (20) percent of the
total distance of the flag pole.
c. Flagpoles shall maintain the same setback requirements tenant monument signs.
d. Flagpole heights shall be between twenty (20) and thirty -five (35) feet in height above
(� 6) Nonconforming signs.
a. Any sign, other than billboards, which i-s became nonconforming when Ordinance No.
675 was adopted and establishing the City's S.R. 434 land development regulations were (and
shall remain) required to be shall be amortized and , a-y be maintained ,, , *' by November 14,
b. At or prior to November 14, 2002, all signs which became nonconforming signs
pursuant to Ordinances No. 675 and 683 shall be removed and may be replaced with signs that
conform to the design standards set forth in this section the S.R. 434 New D&',elepment
c. Violations shall be subject to Chapter 2, Article 3, Division 2, Code Enforcement, City
of Winter Springs Code of Ordinances.
Section 4. Section 20 -486 Repealed and Reserved. The City of Winter Springs
Code of Ordinances, Section 20 -486 stated below is hereby repealed in its entirety as follows:
Sec. 20 -486. Reserved. mss.
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City of Winter Springs
Ordinance No. 2013-
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City of Winter Springs
Ordinance No. 2013-
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City of Winter Springs
Ordinance No. 2013-
wo"i tiers.. .rr�r+r.E..ee sZMPMV- Vwrew�mn rseees*ssers�E �:e�ea :��
eansisteat in design, fafmat, and materials with the ar-ehiteettir-e of the proposed btiildk+g-.-
e--- When mer-e than ene (1) i tised en ene (1) bttilding, all tenant signage shall
be eansisteat in size, mater-ials, and plaeeffiefit.
City of Winter Springs
Ordinance No. 2013-
PH W. r7
City of Winter Springs
Ordinance No. 2013-
PH W. r7
City of Winter Springs
Ordinance No. 2013-
IN •
Section 5. Repeal of Prior Inconsistent Ordinances and Resolutions. All prior
inconsistent ordinances and resolutions adopted by the City Commission, or parts of prior
ordinances and resolutions in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict.
Section 6. Incorporation Into Code. This Ordinance shall be incorporated into the
Winter Springs City Code and any section or paragraph, number or letter, and any heading may be
changed or modified as necessary to effectuate the foregoing. Grammatical, typographical, and
like errors may be corrected and additions, alterations, and omissions, not affecting the
construction or meaning of this Ordinance and the City Code may be freely made.
Section 7. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, word or
provision of this ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of
competent jurisdiction, whether for substantive, procedural, or any other reason, such portion shall
be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision, and such holding shall not affect the
validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance.
Section 8. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately
upon adoption by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, and pursuant to the
City Charter.
[Adoption Page Follows]
City of Winter Springs
Ordinance No. 2013-
ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, in a regular
meeting assembled on the day of , 2013.
City Clerk
City Attorney
First Legal Ad Published:
First Reading:
Second Legal Ad Published:
Effective Date:
City of Winter Springs
Ordinance No. 2013-