HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013 01 16 Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES TUSCAWILLA LIGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 16, 2013 CALL TU ORDER The Regular Meeting of Wednesday, January 16, 2013 of the Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District Advisory Committee was called ta Order by Chairperson Mary Brook at 7:OQ p.m. in the Cammissian Chambers af the Municipal Building {City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Flarida 32748). Rall Call: Chairperson Mary Brook,present Vice Chairperson Helen Baker, absent Cammittee Member Luci Coker,present Committee Member ponald Gilmore, absent Committee Member Carolyn Wolf,present Assistant to the City Clerk Sean Beaudet,present Assistant to the City Clerk Sarah Hart,present A moment of silence was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. ❖❖ AGENDA NQTEs REGULAR AGENDA — PART I, ITEMS "6Q0" AND "601" WERE DISCUSSED TOGETHER NEXT, Ft3LL4WED BY THE REST OF THE AGENDA,AS NOTED, ❖❖ REGULAR AGENDA— PART I REGIJLAR 604. flffice Of The City Clerk Requesting An Election Of Chairpersan Be Held For 2Q13. REGULAR 6Q1. Uffice Of The City Clerk Requesting An Electian Qf Vice Chairperson Be Held For 2013. Chairperson Brook suggested that as two (2) Committee Members were absent this evening, that the Elections be delayed. CITY OF WINTER SPRIA3GS,FLORIDA MRVtITBS TUSCAWILLA LIGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGIILAR MEETING-3ANUARY 15,2Q13 PAGE 2 CYF 7 "I WUULD LIKE TO MAKE THE MC)TIUN THAT WE HOLD OFF ON THE ELECTION ClF CHAIRPERS4N AND VICE CHAIRPERSON ITNTIL ALL THE BOARD MEMBERS CAN BE PRESENT." MOTION Bir COMMITTEE MEMBER C4KER. SECONDED BY CQMMITTEE MEMBER WULF. DISCUSSIUN. VOTE: CHAIRPERSt)N BRU4K: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER CCIKER: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER W4LF: AYE MUTION CARRIED. INF4RMATIONAL AGENDA INFORMATIONAL 100. Not Used CQNSENT AGENDA CONSENT 200. Uffice Of The City Clerk Requesting Appraval Of The October 1'7, 2012 Tuscawilla Lighting And Beautification District Advisory Cammittee Regular Meeting iVlinutes. "I WOULD LIKE TO MAKE THE M4TION TQ APPROVE THOSE MINUTES." MOTION BY COMMITTEE MEMBER CC?KER. SECONDED BY �'4MMITTEE MEMBER WC1LF. DISCUSSIClN. VOTE: COMMITTEE MEMBER COKER AYE COMMTTTEE MEMBER W4LF: AYE CHAIRPERSON BRCM4K: AYE MOTION CARRIED. AWARDS AND PRESENTATI4NS AWARDS AND FRESEI�TATiONS 300. Not Used CITY QF WINTER SPRINGS,FIARIDA MINUTES 'i'i3SCAWILLA LIGHTtNG AND SEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REG[ILAtt MEETING-JAIViJARY 16,2013 PAGE 3 OF 7 ❖•;• AGENDA NUTE: PUBLIC INPUT WAS HE�,D NEXT, F4LL4WED BY THE REMAINING AGENDA ITEMS AS DOCUMENTED. ❖�:• PUBLIC INPUT Chairperson Brook opened "Public Input". Na one spoke. Chairperson Brook closed "Public Input". 444. REPORTS Mr. Steven Richart, Urban Beautification Services Division Manager, Carnmunity Development Department suggested to the Cornmittee "That we change the meeting time to 5:30 p.m. when we meet. It would save us rnoney." Continuing, Mr. Richart noted, "I would ask if that would be a problem for anybody to rnake it at 5:30 [p.m.]?" Further comments followed on staffing and possible savings as a result of this praposed change, and if this would work far everyone. . "I MOVE THAT WE CHANGE THE TIME OF OUR MEETINGS TO 5:30 [P.M.]." MUTION BY ADVISQRY COMMITTEE MEMBER Wt3LF. SECUNDED BY ADVISURY COMMITTEE MEMBER COKER. DISCUSSION. VC1TE: CUMMITTEE MEMBER WOLF: AYE CHAIRPERS4N BROUK: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER CQKER: AYE MOTION CARRIED. Additionally, Mr. Richart advised the Cammittee that there seem to be a lot of ants that are visible in the area and that part of this problem is due to unusual weather conditians. RE�ULAR AGENDA- PART II REGULAR 602. Community Development Department — Urban Beautification Services Division Budget Review. Mr. Richart pointed out stated that he had given everyone a printed copy of the Budget as well as emailing it to the Advisory Committee Members. CiTY OF WINTER SPRINGS,FLOItIDA MINUTES TUSCAWILLA LIGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATIQN DISTRICT ADVISURY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING-JANUARY 16,2013 PAGE 4 OF 7 Continuing, Mr. Riehart then noted that page "1 - is the simple version of the `MAINTENANCE [FIJND)' budget report. On your Budget, you'll see in the middle top, `REVISED BUDGET', we have a budget of four hundred and ninety-five thousand [dollars] ($495,400.OQ) in revenue that's anticipated." Continuing, Mr. Richart explained that since tax bills went out in November, "We have received four hundred and thirty-three thousand, one [hundred] twenty-three [dallars and) thirty-nine [cents] ($433,123.39), up to this date. So, we have some outstanding money that will come in aver the course of the rest of the year. Our total operating budget is five hundred and fifty thousand, three [hundred and] nineteen [dollars] {$SS0,319A0), which is mare than we prajected ta take in; and that's been the case far ten (10) years or mare." Further comments. Next, Mr. Richart indicated that all manies with the exception of a cauple of thausand dollars from last year carne in, but it is not included in this report; that he felt confident that the remaining manies will come in far the last year; and then commented on the hausing market, and that the Tuscawilla area was daing well, even though there were some foreclosures. Mr. Richart explained that the Budget is "In pretty good shape, we're on track. VVe have about twenty-nine thousand [dallars] ($29,000.00) left in our landscaping." Then, Mr. Richart noted that they have been planting plants and handling replacements since Octaber; and cancluded by saying, "There is a detail of every transaction that we've made and if you have any questions you can certainly ask me now or you can email me." Discussion followed. Chairperson Brook asked, "Do you knaw haw much we should collect from The Greens at Tuscawilla?" Mr. Richart explained, "Next year, we're gaing to be putting in for the sixty (60) parcels far Tuscawilla Greens to assess thern." Mr. Richart also mentioned an additional fifty (50) or so units, that were not a part of the original Assessment, including some properties affiliated with the Fox Glen cammunity, which all will be assessed. Committee Member Luci Caker asked how that would be handled? Mr. Richart responded by saying, "We already started noticing and there'll be Public Hearings." Mr. Richart added, "We've already run faur(4)notices in the(Orlando) Sentinel." Mr. Richart further rnentioned that such properties will not be penalized and at this point, it is just going forward; and "That'll add about ten to twelve thausand [dollars] ($10,000.00 - $12,000.00} in revenue, in additian to any savings we incur throughaut the year." Concluding this discussion, Mr. Richart remarked, "We are in good shape." Briefly addressed next was that the Fiscal Year runs through September 30�',2013. CITY C1F WINTBR SPRINCxS,FLORIDA MINLTTES TUSCAWILLA LIGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATIOIV DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING-JANUARY 16,2013 PAGE 5 C1F 7 �cuL� 6Q3. Community Develapment Department — Urban Beautificatian Services Division Review Of Maintenance Items And Progress Report. Mr. Richart advised the Cammittee that he had not provide a printed version previously, however, if the Committee Members would prefer, "Next time, I'll give yau printed version." Cantinuing, Mr. Richart commented that the Cantractars, Eastwood Tuff Turf, Inc., Lightscapes Qutdaar Lighting, Fountain Doctor's, and Pawer Exterminators, LLC are doing a"Very decent job with their various tasks". Furthermore, Mr, Richart pointed out that Power Exterminators, [LLC] needed to irnprave their work an the shrub beds; and nated that some vandalism of the lights at the entrances had occurred, forty-eight (48} diseased pine trees have been removed from the medians, that some medians as well as the entrances are being re-landscaped, and that about half of this work has already been campleted. Alsa, the decorative street sign bases an all af the streets are being re-painted, and they are also trimming trees around the street lights. Mr. Richart then commented that there had recently been a main line that broke under the road at Winter Springs Boulevard and Greenbriar, and that new piping had to be installed, as the piping was very ald and was actually from the original system, priar to the Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautificatian District. Mr. Richart continued his Report and mentioned that all af the entrance signs have been repaired, cleaned, sealed, and as some of the letters were loose, they had the letters repaired; and the entrances were pressure washed and cleaned last year. Furthermore, Mr. Richart stated, "Right now we are in the process of installing two (2) Sylvester palms at the Tuscora rnedian and we're warking on that entrance - we took out three (3) Oak trees that were diseased there and we're putting in two (2}palms." Next, Mr. Richart noted that prior to Christmas, all of the plant beds were mulched. Additionally, Mr. Richart remarked that in May ar June, sod replacerrients will L�e done throughout; the street light base rate was reduced by fifty cents ($0.50) a unit, and as a result beginning this month, that reduction might save approximately eight thousand dollars ($8,000.00) per year; but that in future years, the rate cauld again change. Further camments. Next, Mr. Richart commented on the conditian of the City's Ghristmas decaratians, and said that when he went through them,he could see that they have all faded. CITY OF Wi13TER SPRINGS,FLORIDA MINUTES TLTSCAWILLA LIGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETII3G-JANUARY 16,2013 PAGE 6 OF'1 Cammittee Member Coker asked if Tuscawilla Harneawners Association (THOA} had been able ta da anything, ta which Mr. Richart said, "Not yet - we probably need ta do it soon. And I think what they asked for was a detailed inventory of what needs to be done and what the costs are." With discussian on what a local vendor could possibly do to revamp the decarations, Chairperson Brook said to Mr. Richart, "V�hy dan't yau bring one of the large wreaths and let me take it to TH4A (Tuscawilla Homeowners Association), and let them see it." Mr. Richart responded, "We can - and then give them an inventory af what we have." Furthermore, Mr. Richart mentioned he might also get a quote from the vendor that he previously referenced. Related ta the age of the decorations, Mr. Richart said ta the Cammittee Members, "I can go back and loak." Members of the Cammittee asked that he do that. Further cornments ensued an what the Committee is suggesting, how ald the decorations are, and possible costs. Mr. Richart added, "I can pull all the information." Chairperson Brook stated, "That would all be helpful." Mr. Richart then affered ta show the Gommittee Members the Christrnas decorations they were discussing, and Committee Member Caker suggested floating Christmas trees far the fountains. Lastly, Mr. Richart mentioned the status and progress of the wall and thanked Chairpersan Braak and her husband Gary Brook far their assistance with this effart. In other City business, it was noted that the next Regular Meeting of the Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District Advisary Committee will meet on Wednesday, April 17, 2013 at 5:30 p.m. Mr. Sean Beaudet, Assistant ta the City Clerk stated, "We will send out a friendly reminder before then." PUBLIC INPUT Chairperson Braok opened "Public Input". No one addressed the Committee. Chairperson Brook clased "�'ublic Input". CTI'Y QF WINTER SPRINGS,FLARIDA MINUTES TUSCAWILLA LIGHTING riND BEAUTIFICATION DI3TRICT AUVISORY COMMI'PI'EE RBGULAR MEETING—JANUARY 16,2013 PAGE 7 OF'7 ADJOURNMENT Chairperson Braok adjourned the Regular Meeting at 7:23 p.m. RESPE�"TFULL�SLIB�ITTED: ANDREA LORENZO-L UACES, CITY CLERK, MMC AND l s ~ Hr�RT '_ Sl�s'i, NT TO T�-iE G!'x Y CLERI� NOTE: These Minutes were approved at the April 17,2013 Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District Advisory Cammittee Regular Meeting.