HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013 02 05 Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes CITY 4F WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 5, 2Q13 cALL To ou�ER The Regular Meeting of Tuesday, February 5, 2013 of the Parks and Recreatian Advisory Committee was called to Order by Chairperson Arnie Nussbaum at 7:01 p.m., in the Commissian Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Raad 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). Rall Call: Chairperson Arnie Nussbaum, present Committee Member Joseph Bonura, absent Committee Member Arsenio Calle, absent Committee Member Yvonne Froscher,present Committee Member Arthur Gallo, present Committee Member Geoffrey Kendrick, present Carnrnittee Member Richard Lecky, present Committee Member Clare Mumey, present Committee Member Edith Walsh, present Assistant ta the City Clerk Sean Beaudet,present Assistant ta the City Clerk Sarah Hart, present A marnent of silence was held in honar af al] of our soldiers, away from hame serving their nation, for the service men and wamen who are in military haspitals, and alsa for all of the peaple that have been affected by any type of violence. The Pledge of Allegiance followed. REGULAR AGENDA- PART I REGULAR 600. Of�ce Uf The City Clerk Requestuxg An Election Of Chairperson Be Held Far 2013. MUTIUN TO RE-ELECT ARNIE NUSSBAUM. MOTION. SECONDED. DISCUSSION. CHAIRPERSON NUSSBAUM STATED, "I THANK YOU FOR THAT H4NCMR AND I WILL TRY TO DO THE VERY BEST JOB I CAN AND THANK YOU SO MUCH." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS,FLORIDA MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION ADVI50RY COMMTTTEE REGULAR MEETING-FEBRUARY 5,2Q13 PAGE 2 dP l i VOTE; GHAIRPERS4N NUSSBAUM: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER GALLU: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER FRt�SHER: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER KENDRICK: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER LECKY: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER MUMEY: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER WALSH: AYE MOTION CARRIED. REGUGAR 601. Office Of The City Clerk Requesting An Electian Of Vice Chairperson Be Held For 2013. MOTION TO APPUINT C(JMMITTEE MEMBER ARTHUR GALLO AS VICE CHAIRPERSON. Mt3TIC1N BY COMMITTEE MEMBER LECKY. SECONDED BY COMMITTEE MEMBER MUMEY. DISCUSSI4N. VOTE: CHAIRPERSUN NUSSBAUM: AYE CQMMITTEE MENIBER GALLO: AYE CQMMITTEE MEMBER FRUSHER: AYE CQMMITTEE MEMBER KENDRICK: AYE CQMMITTEE MEMBER LECKY: AYE C4MMITTEE MEMBER MUMEY: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER WALSH: AYE MOTICIN CARRIED. Chairperson Nussbaum offered his congratulations ta Vice Chairpersan Gallo. Furthermore, Chairperson Nussbaum complimented the rest af the Cammittee far their excellent wark. INFURMATI(?NAL AGENDA INFORMATIONAL 100. Parks And Recreation Department Requesting The Parks And Recreation Advisory Committee Receive Infarmation Related To New Member Edith Walsh. Chairperson Nussbaum welcomed new Committee Member Edith Walsh to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee. Committee Member Walsh commented, "I'm happy to be here." CTTY OF WINTER SPRINGS,FLORIDA MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION ATlVISQRY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING-FEBRUARY 5,2013 PAGE 3 OF I 1 In addition, Mr. Chris Caldwell, Directar, Parks and Recreatian Department welcomed Committee Member Edith Walsh ta the Cammittee and complimented Mr. Mike Barclay, Superintendent, Parks and Recreation Department "For doing an Orientation with Edith (Walsh) today. It was a very thorough and a very good jab." Committee Member Walsh added, "It was great. I learned a lot." Chairperson Nussbaum then pointed out, "I've served with Edith {Walsh) for a number of years on the Winter Springs Festival of the Arts Comrnittee and she is really, really tremendous and we are glad to have you. What a great additian!" CON�ENT AGENDA CONSENT 200. Uffice Uf The City Clerk Requesting Approval Of The February 7, 2Q12 Parks And Recreation Advisory Committee Regular Official Meeting Minutes. Mr. Caldwell referenced page 5 of the Minutes being discussed and noted, "The Board had asked us, they made a Mation for us ta bring back; specifically Member (Art) Gallo asked if we would bring back same ideas or examples regarding fitness equipment and we are respectfully asking for one (1} more meeting ta do that for you a1L We're still gathering the facts." Mr. Caldwell remarked, "We're gaing ta bring that back to the May meeting." MOTION TO APPROVE THE MINUTES WITH CONSIDERATIQN OF MR. CALDWELL'S COMMENTS. MOTIUN. SECCINDED. DISCUSSIQN. V4TE: CHAIRPERSON NUSSBAUM: AYE VICE CHAIRPERSON GALLO; AYE CQMMITTEE MEMBER FROSHER: AYE CQMMITTEE MEMBER KENDRICK: AYE CC?MMITTEE MEMBER LECKY: Al'E CUMMITTEE MEMBER MUMEY: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER WALSHt NAY MOTION CARRIED. Cammittee Member Walsh explained that her "NAY" Vate was because, "I am a new Member." CPI'Y rJF WINTER SPRZNGS,FLDRIDA MINUTES PARK3 AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEE'I`ING-FEBRUARY 5,2013 PAGE 4 l?F 11 AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS 300. Nat Used ❖❖ AGENDA Nt�TE: THE F4LL4WING WERE DISCUSSED IN THE ORDER AS DOCUMENTED. •:+❖ PUBLIC INPUT There were no public comments. 400. �rouTs Mr. Mike Barclay, Superintendent, Parks and Recreation Department said that Staff wauld like to address future Parks and Recreatian Advisory Cammittee Regular Meeting times and explained, "We meet faur (4) times a year, at 7:00 p.rn. We want to bring it befare the Cammittee about changing the time, maybe bringing it a little earlier." Mr. Barclay suggested a start time of 5:30 p.m. or 6:Q0 p.rn. for the Cammittee Member's consideration. Discussion ensued on cost efficiencies, and saving money and Mr. Caldwell pointed out that, "All of the ather Boards are considering a S:3Q or 6:Q0 p.m. start because the narmal day goes unti15:00 for all of our team," Committee Members discussed their availability to be able to attend at either a 5:30 p.m. or 6:QQ p.m. start time. Vice Chairperson Gallo and Cammittee Member Richard Lecky expressed they rnay have same persanal camrnitments which might prevent them frorn getting to City Hall by a 5:30 p.m. start time. Chairpersan Nussbaum then inquired whether a start time af 6:04 p.rn. might work better for Vice Chairperson Gallo and Cornmittee Member Lecky, and both nodded affirmatively in agreement. "I M4VE THAT WE MUVE 4UR MEETINGS UP STARTING TO 6:00 P.M." M4TI4N. SEC4NDED BY COMMITTEE MEMBER FROSCHER. DISCUSSIQN. MR. CALDWELL CLARIFIED THAT THIS NEW START TIME WOULD BEGIN AT THE MAY (7, 2013} MEETING. COMMITTEE MEMBER LECKY AGREED AND Ct�NFIRMED, "NEXT MEETING." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS,FLORIDA MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING-FEBRUARY S,2d13 PAGE 5 OF 11 CHAIRPERSQN NUSSBAUM SUMMARIZED THE MOTI4N UN THE FLUOR AS "THE MAY MEETING WILL BE STARTING AT SIX O'CLOCK(P.M.} AND THEREAFTER, THE MEETINGS WILL BE HELD AT SIX O'CLOCK IN THE EVENING." VOTE; CHAIRPERSON NUSSBAUM: AYE VICE CHAIRPERSON GALLO: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER FR4SHER: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER KENDRICK: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER LECKY: AYE C(?MMITTEE MEMBER MUMEY; AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER WALSH: AYE MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA PUBLIC HEARINGS SOQ. Not Used REGULAR AGENDA—PART II REGULAR 602. Parks And Recreation Departrnent Reqaesting The Parks And Recreation Advisory Committee Receive Infarrnation Related To Invitation To The Winter Springs Babe Ruth Opening Day Celebration On February 23,2013 At Central Winds Park. Mr. Barclay began the discussion on this Agenda Item and mentioned that the Winter Springs Babe Ruth organization is starting their season off with an "4pening Day Celebration, an annual event, on February 23, 2013. The opening ceremony starts at 11:OQ a.m. and goes for about an hour." Further, Mr. Barclay noted, "We will be sending out an invitatian ta you through email but just wanted yau ta be aware, to be expecting that. So, again, February 23rd, (2013) at Central Winds Park at 11:00 a.m." Chairperson Nussbaum asked, "Da you want us to be inside or outside?" Mr. Caldwell respanded, "Inside the gate. Inside on the field, yes please." CITY C3F WINTER SPRINGS,FLORIDA MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATlON ADVISORY COMMTTTEE REGULAR MEETIIVG-FEBRUARY 5,2013 PAGE 6 OF 11 I2EGULAI2 6Q3. Parks And Recreation Department Requesting The Parks And Recreatian Advisary Committee Receive Information Related To Central Winds Park Pier Guideline Mr. Caldwell began this Agenda Item discussian and stated, "As an ongaing project in the past six (6}) rnonths, there has been a pier that has been built out at Central Winds Park." Continuing, Mr. Caldwell said that the pier had been built on tap of the water reclamatian plant and that the pier extends out 100 feet and added, "Our concern as the Parks and Recreation Department, is that this is a new facility for us in our parks and we with our new Parks C?rdinance that was established last year, this wasn't considered. We don't have any guidelines in our new Farks Ordinance that deal with fishing piers." With additional camments, Mr. Caldwell stated that sorne of their other parks have small fishing type docks,but nathing af a length like this. Discussion continued. Mr. Caldwell painted out, "I certainly wauld like to put it into our Parks t3rdinance. I think it would have more `teeth' and the ability to enforce any issues that we might have. I think that rnight be the directian af it." Continuing the discussion, Chairpersan Nussbaum said, "What I would try to take a loak at is from a broad overview of safety issues because I can see some general issues that might arise with safety, horseplay, etc. when you have a pier going out that far - and perhaps maybe a few things an safety of fishing aff piers." Related to previous comments an a City (�rdinance that the Parks and Recreation Advisory Cornmittees reviewed, Chairperson Nussbaum nated that the City's Ordinances are af importance, especially if someone wanted to go night fishing off such a pier in the City." In agreement, Mr. Caldwell suggested that a Motion be made asking Staff to "Bring you sarne guidelines for piers and what other Parks and Recreatian Departments that have like facilities ar County facilities. VtTe would be glad to came and bring that informatian." Chairperson Nussbaum then comrnented, "What is the gald standard in terms of safety and everything else like this." Committee Member Yvonne Froscher added, "With this being a fishing pier, do you have a place for people to clean fish and a place to dispose of cleaning materials and that kind of thing?" Mr. Caldwell answered, "Not at this time, no we da not. That would be samething that we could certainly consider." Committee Member Frascher added that there could be a problem with people cleaning fish on the pier unless there were related guidelines and signage, Mr. Galdwell agreed, "Part of it would be putting up FWC (Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Comrnission) guidelines in regards to the proper limits and guidelines for fishing on a pier, licensing, and so forth." CTTY OF WINTER 3PRiNGS,FIARIDA MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMiTTEE REGULAR MEETING-FEBRUARY 5,2013 PAGE 7 OF 7 I "I WOULD LIKE T4 MAKE A MUTION THAT PARKS AND REC[REATICEN] (DEPARTMENT) INVESTIGATES - AND ADVISE THE RECtJMMENDED PR4CEDURES FOR THE USE OF SOMETHING LIKE A PIER - INVESTIGATE WHAT OTHER FQLKS IN {)THER PARKS HAVE D4NE THAT HAVE SOMETHING SIMILAR, AND C(?ME BACK TO THE COMMITTEE." MOTION BY VICE CHAIRPERSON GALLO. SECONDED BY CHAIRPERS(JN NUSSBAUM WHO NUTED, "WITH SAFETY GUIDELINES AS WELL." DISCUSSION. WITH NO OBJECTIONS, MR, CALDWELL STATED, "IT WILL INCLUDE THAT ABSOLUTELY." VOTE: CHAIRPERSON NUSSBAUM: AYE VICE CHAIRPERSQN GALLO: AYE CUMMITTEE MEMBER FRUSHER: AYE C4MMITTEE MEMBER KENDRICK: AYE CUMMITTEE MEMBER LECKY: AYE CUMMITTEE MEMBER MUMEY: AYE CUMIVIITTEE MEMBER WALSH: AYE Mt�TION CARRIED. IiEGULAR 604. Parks And Recreation Department Requesting The Parks And Recreation Advisary Cammittee Receive Information Related To The New Water Treatment Plant At The West End Of Central Winds Park And Opportunity To Develop Areas 4f The Lakefront And Use Of The Patia Cfn Top Clf The Plant. This Agenda Item was presented by Mr. Caldwell who shared with the Committee that the new area at Central VVinds Park, including the Patio, is a state of the art type facility and that his Department has been asked ta loak into ideas to help develap the three (3) parts of this lakefront park area. Mr. Caldwell explained it wauld be the area on top of the pad, "Within that railing area. The second area would be to the right of that as you're walking down." Continuing, Mr. Caldwell said that the third area is the Pier. Further, Mr. Caldwell remarked, "t�ur goal is to provide areas for families ta carne together, ta gather, to enjoy the parks whether it's picnics or sparts or whatever activities they chaose—in a safe, clean enviranrnent. Sa, we want to accomplish that in this area as well and so we're asking the board far some ideas about developing this area." Committee Member Froscher asked what the surface of the platforrn was made af. Mr. Caldwell nated that it was concrete and that there is "A certain weight limit that it can hold." CITY t7F WIN'TER SPRINGS,FLORIDA MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION AT3VISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING-FEBRUARY S,2013 PAGE$OF 1 I The Committee Members discussed variaus uses af the area and suggested the following ideas far this area: Bocce Ball, horseshoes, BBQ Pits, and fishing. Mr. Caldwell added, "The sky's the limit. It's a beautiful lakefront, we don't have to just sxop in this park area. We can utilize the lakefront." An additional thought mentioned was to have a binocular sightseeing area on top of the platform far viewing alligatars on the lake. Mr. Caldwell was asked for any ideas he had been apprised of and said he had heard recommendations that included: a large pavilion on top of the platform, faur (4} small pavilions in each of the corners so mare, small groups could gather, a medium size shelter on the back area that was open to the front area, a nature center, an enviranmental learning type center, some kind of a twa {2} story tall building to enjoy the vista. Further suggestions from the Committee included a pavilion, game areas, and picnic tables. Further camments follawed which noted that restroom facilities were available in the area; a ditch project, and that the size of the pad was approximately sixty by sixty [feet] (60' x 60'). Mr. Caldwell then canfirmed that there currently is no electricity available, but such could be added. Chairperson Nussbaum said that he liked the nature and enviranmental quality af the area and thought that tours and learning opportunities for school children could be considered; and commented on haw "serene" he thought the area laoked. Along thase lines, Chairlaerson Nussbaum wondered that if a building was erected, that perhaps when it was not being used as a leaning center, then perhaps the area could accasionally be used to generate some income fronn small weddings or parties. Mr. Caldwell agreed and said that had heen discussed and that"We're always looking for ways ta subsidize and increase our revenue stream." Committee Member Froscher then suggested cabanas with grills or ather feature which cauld also generate income, similar ta those alang the Wekiva River. Chairperson Nussbaum agreed. Committee Member Lecky asked what the high water level was during hurricane season; ta which Mr. Caldwell noted that, "It daes not come up to the sidewalk, it comes up just past — depending on the arnaunt af water obviously, but the norrnal water mark is about four inches (4") up the edge of that tree." In closing, Mr. Caldwell mentioned that the project had been built with such considerations. CITY OF WiNTER SPRINGS,FL4RIDA MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISCIRY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING-FEBRUARY 5,2013 PAGE 9 OF 11 REGULAR 605. Parks And Recreation Department Requesting The Parks And Recreatian Advisory Cammittee Receive Information Related To Diane's Park Update And Discuss Community Development Department Warking With Cammunity Redevelopment Agency For Future Uses Of The Grant. Mr. Caldwell explained that this item was brought to the last meeting of this Cammittee and that "At this time, we just wanted ta give you an update to let you know that we're going to choose to defer developing Diane's Park and we're gaing to let our Community Development [Department) work with the CRA (Community Redeveloprnent Agency) as th�y've identified a priority within the City, in the entrance to our City on the {U.S. Highway} 17l92 carridar an the west side, right close to that Winn Dixie area." Continuing the discussion, Mr. Caldwell said that samething of an entrance similar to the ane at Shepard Road was being considered, and added, "tUe feel that timing wise, it's a wise use af thase Grant dollars that again were not given to us, but were allocated to be used by the City af Winter Springs for a project in the CRA (Cornrnunity Redevelopment Agency} boundaries." Mr. Caldwell said to the Committee Members, "Again thank you. As a board, we appreciate the input. We toak it and we discussed it as a team and we think we've made a very good decision, thanks ta you." With further comments on what is planned, Mr. Caldwell stated, "We'd be glad to share that with yau, once I find out anything." Discussion ensued on Grant funds and as Diane's Park was not being deveiaped at this time, Mr. Caldwell explained, "We chase not to develop Diane's Park for several reasons. After we took your input, we started to evaluate the location, we started to evaluate the businesses on both sides, the demographics of the folks in the neighborhood, the issues with serving Longwaad residents and VVinter Springs residents, security — there's a lot of issues that we dealt with; and increased maintenance costs was another one. If we put two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000.00) in there, we increase our rnaintenance casts by abaut fifteen to twenty thausand dollars ($15,QOQ.OQ - $20,OQ0.00) - that just happens. And we chose not ta do that at this tirne." Furthermore, Mr. Caldwell pointed aut, "We're not losing the money, it°s just being deferred to anather Deparhnent in the City. We're not losing the oppartunity to work with the CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency) to help develop that corridor." Chairperson Nussbaum mentioned that he noticed that signage at the park shawed "Little Diane's Park" but that it was listed differently on the website. Chairperson Nussbaum then noted concerns he had with some "depressions" in the ground which might be a liability issue. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS,FLORIDA MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING—FEBRUARY 5,2013 PAGE 10 OF 11 Additianally, Chairpersan Nussbaum mentioned an auto body shop that was next ta this Park and fumes from the kind of work they do. Chairperson Nussbaurn added that if one was sitting at the table in this park, and if someane had asthma or a similar conditian, the fumes might also cause some liability. Then, Chairperson Nussbaum added that he agreed that the value of improving an entranceway into the City was a better idea. Cancluding his camments, Chairperson Nussbaum mentioned that a garbage can there "had seen better days". Mr. Caldwell responded by saying, "We'll look at that." ��cu� 6Q6. Parks And Recreation Department Requesting The Parks And Recreatian Advisory Committee Receive Inforrnation Related Ta An Update On Central Winds Park Drainage Ditch Project. Mr. Barclay presented this Agenda Item far discussion and mentioned some issues with drainage, and reviewed with the Carnmittee Members sorne of the planned technical improvements. Purthermore, Mr. Barclay noted that accarding to the Public Works Department, "It's a ninety (90} calendar day project and they did start on January 14`h and they do have all the clearing done and they're getting ready to start laying pipe. And then, after the project is dane, they're going ta be paving the raad fram the Trail all the way to the Dog Park to where it's going to be a little bit nicer of a raad far people that are carning in and enjaying our Dag Park." Vice Chairperson Gailo cammented on his concern that there would be no back-up into the Dag Park. Tape IlSide B Mr. Barclay and Mr. Galdwell both further explained mare of the piping efforts to saive this issue and 1VIr. Caldwell remarked, "It won't fill up around the Dog Park." Further discussion. In other City business, Mr. Caldwell thanked the Cammittee far all of their work and input. In addition, Mr. Caldwell informed the Committee that the Winter Springs' Spring Family Festival would be held on March 16, 2013 and added, "We will be sending you a forrnal information piece on that." Mr. Caldwell added that all information would be sent via email. Mr. Caldwell also mentioned that the next meeting of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Cornmittee will be an May 7, 2013 at 6:00 p.m. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS,FLORIDA MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING—FEBRUARY 5,2013 PAGE 11 OF 11 Chairperson Nussbaum commented that the Winter Springs' Father-Daughter Dance is being held Friday evening, February 8, 2013 at the Winter Springs Senior Center; and asked that any parents and their children are welcome to attend. PUBLIC INPUT No one addressed the Committee. Ms. Sarah Hart, Assistant to the City Clerk mentioned that Office of the City Clerk can send out a reminder to the Committee Members in advance of their next meeting. ADJOURNMENT Chairperson Nussbaum adjourned the Regular Meeting at 7:52 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: ANDREA LORENZD-L UACES, MMC, CITY CLERK AND _--�' I S . �ST NT'?'C� Ti�E rTTY CLERK , NOTE: These Minutes were Approved at the May 7,2013 Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Regular Meeting.