HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013 05 07 Consent 200 Unapproved Minutes from the December 4, 2012 Regular (Rescheduled) Meeting � �� o,.,._' � CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA � MINUTES � PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE � REGULAR MEETING � DECEMBER 4, 2012 � (RESCHEDULED FROM NOVEMBER 6, 2012) CALL TO ORDER The Regular Meeting of Tuesday, December 4, 2012 (Rescheduled from November 6, 2012) of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee was called to Order at 7:03 p.m., by Chairperson Arnie Nussbaum in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434,Winter Springs, Florida 32708). Roll Call: Chairperson Arnie Nussbaum, present Committee Member Joseph Bonura, present Committee Member Arsenio Calle, present Committee Member Yvonne Froscher,present Committee Member Arthur Gallo, present Committee Member Geoffrey Kendrick, present Committee Member Richard Lecky, present Committee Member Clare Mumey, present Assistant to the City Clerk Sean Beaudet, present A moment of silence was held for members of the United States Military, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. INFORMATIONAL AGENDA INFORMATIONAL 100. Parks And Recreation Department Requesting The Parks And Recreation Advisory Committee Receive Information Related To New Member Richard Lecky And Thank New City Commissioner Pam Carroll For Her Service To The Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee. Mr. Chris Caldwell, Director, Parks and Recreation Department welcomed new Committee Member Mr. Richard Lecky. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS,FLOR[DA � MINUTES � PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISOitY COMMITTEE �"' Mu.."' REGULAR MEETING-DECEMBER 4,2012 �"� (RESCHEDULED FROM NOVEMBER 6,2012) r��, PAGE 2 OF 4 ��+ � Additionally, Mr. Caldwell also thanked Cornmissioner Pam Carroll for her previaus �l service while serving on the Parks and Recreation Advisory Cornmittee. '�=1 �-.-. � � � CONSENT AGENDA CONSENT 200. Not Used AWARDS ANU PRESENTATIONS AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS 300. Not Used 40Q. REPORTS Na Reports were given. FUBLIC INPUT Mr. Rzchard Grogan, 1 North Fairfax Avenue, Winter Springs, Florida: asked if residents cauld ride bicycles on the sidewalks Mr. Caldwel� noted that he was not certain, but believed residents could ride bicycles on the street sidewalks, if there were no bicycle lanes or bicycle trails available. Chairperson Nussbaum also mentianed that bicycle safety has been a widely discussed issue around the region and that the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisary Cammittee may be able to better answer Mr. Grogan's questions. Mr. Caldwell then rernarked that the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee was currently sGheduled to hold a meeting on December 19th, 2012 at 7:Q0 p.m. PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA PUBLIC HEARINGS 500. Not Used CITY OF W1IVTER SPRINGS,FLARIDA � MINUTES �""'-. � PARKS AND RECREATI4N AI}VISC?RY C{}MMITTEE � REGULAR MEETING-DECEMBER 4,2012 (RESCHEDULED FROM NOVEMBER 6,2012) � PAGE 3 t7F 9 � REGULAR AGENDA � �� „C"' REGULAR 600. Parks And Recreatian Department � Requesting The Parks And Recreation Advisory Cornmittee Receive Informatian Related To The 20i3 Calendar Uf Community Events. Mr. Brian Dunigan, Pragrarns and Special Events Coordinator, Parks and Recreation Department presented t1�is Agenda Item and mentioned that the "Calendar Of Community Events" included all events for 2013; that events in neighboring comrnunities were considered, and it was "Designed so that we're not trying to compete with aur neighboring communities, but can include thetn in the events." No issues were noted by the Committee Members. REGULAR 601. Parks And Recreation Departrnent Requesting The Parks And Recreation Advisory Comrnittee To Review 2013 Department Goals For The Parks And Recreatian Department. Mr. Caldwell introduced this Agenda Item and noted that the list provided was a general guideline far the Parks and Recreation Departrnent. Continuing, Mr. Caldwell explained, "What we've set these up as are Personnel, by our Operatians, and by our Programming— these are our three(3)major facets af our department". Related to Staff considering these aspects far possible Accreditation, Mr. Caldwell explained that to attain Accreditation, the Parks and Recreation Department is required to evaluate "144 standards that we follow that are National Standards. So, we are working towards that and that is our end goal — to be a Nationally Accredited Parks and Recreation Departrnent." Mr. Caldwell also mentioned that there were only ninety (90) Parks and Recreation Departments in the United States that are accredited. Further, Mr. Caldwell explained they have evaluated Staff schedules and transitianed full-tirne positions into part-time pasitions to cut costs; and Mr. Caldwell believed the Parks and Recreation Department was providing better customer service and noted that their motto is, "It starts in Parks". CTl"Y OF WINTER SPRING3,FLORIDA MINUTES � PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISt?RY C0143MITTEE � REGULAR MEETING-DECEMBER 4,2012 (RESCHEDULED FROM NOVEMBER 6,2012) ��,,..'07� PAGE 4 OF 9 � REGULAR � b02. Parks And Recreation Department � Requesting The Parks And Recreation Advisory Committee Receive Information � Related To The Parks And Recreation Current Fees Far Spring Break Camp And �� Froposal Ta Increase Fees To Match Our Summer Camp Rates. Discussion To � Change The Rental Fees At Our Civic Center. The New Fees Praposed Will Have Ta Be Brought To The Commission At A Later Date. The Parks And Recreation Advisory Committee Is Requested To Pravide Staff With Any Remarks They May Have. Related to this Agenda Item, Mr. Caldwell began by mentioning that the current Fee Schedule had not changed since 2408, but he believed the Fee Schedule needed to be evaluated. Committee Member Richard Lecky asked about different Fees listed on the City's website and the Fees listed in the "Family Fun Guide" parnphlet. Mr. Caldwell pointed out that the "Family Fun Guide" is updated twice a year and pointed out that the difference in price was due ta tax being included in the price listed in the pamphlet for various rentals and programs. Comrnittee Member Lecky suggested, "It wauld be nice to have that"included, to which Mr. Caldwell nodded in agreement. Next, Mr. Dunigan mentioned that one of his responsibilities was rnanaging the Spring Break and Summer Camp Programs, and comrnented on the Fees, and that it "Costs us the exact same arnount to do one (1} week of Spring Break (Camp} or one (1) week of Summer Camp. We are not bringing in enough revenue to cover our cost far Spring Break (Camp) — we're having to make some sacrifices ta the progarn during the Spring (Break Camp). So, what — we're proposing is to bring everything for our spring and summer camp programs to ninety dollars ($90.00) for a Winter Springs resident and a hundred and ten [dollars] ($110.00) for a non-resident." Committee Member Calle nated, "I think it is appropriate to rnake it the same to avoid canfusion"and agreed with an increase. Chairperson Nussbaum inquired "Do we compare it to Longwaod and sister cities to see what their range is?" Mr. Dunigan assured that Staff did compare the Fees with other cities; noted that other cities charge a little rnore; surraunding cities had different Fee structures; and cornpared to private providers in the area, the Winter Springs prograrns were the mast affordable. Continuing, Chairperson Nussbaum stated, "I have been over ta the Summer Camp and yau guys do an outstanding job with a11 of these prograrns. You probably could have gone ten ($14.00) or fifteen dollars ($15.00) more—just to think abaut for next year, for revenues, and still have been affordable or more affardable than rnost options out there." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS,FIARIDA MINUTES PARKS AND BECREATION ADYIS4RY CC}MMITTEE �� REGULAR MEETING-DECEMBER 4,2012 � (RESCHEDULED FROM NOVEMBER 6,2012) � PAGE 5 OF 9 � Mr. Dunigan added, "This is a constant evaluation process. This is not set in stane - that ,� .� this ninety [dollars] ($90.00) and one [hundred] and ten [dollars] ($110.00) will be in �•� place far the next four{4) or five�5} years}. � Next, the Civic Center Fees were discussed and Mr. Dunigan pointed aut that the Civic �'�—' Center had roughly fifteen thousand five hundred dollars ($15,500.00) worth of � improvements completed in the past eighteen {18) to twenty-four (24) months; and that such irnprovements included new tables, new chairs, a new refrigerator for the kitchen, new rooftop air conditioning units, new waikway pavers at the entryway, inside walls were painted, and bathroom doors replaced. Photogaphs were shown. Continuing, Mr. Dunigan said, "Going forward far this year, we have about twelve thousand dallars ($12,040.00) budgeted far facility improvements that we plan on making. What we would like to da is redo the floars, redo the tile, and also the ceiling tiles." Mr. Dunigan also nated that Staff had reviewed Fee structure with what is charged for the rental of similar facilities in other cities. Discussion ensued on Fees. Committee Member Joseph Bonura asked, "What is the cost (of operatian) per hour?" Mr. Dunigan answered "We've estimated that cost at about twenty five dollars {$25.OQ) an hour." Chairperson Nussbaum suggested that rnost businesses rnay want ta rent the facility for more than an hour at a time and proposed making the rental a twa (2) hour nninimum. Mr. Dunigan noted that the reason the Fee was so low was to entice businesses ta utilize the Civic Center. Discussion fallowed that tables, chairs, and kitchen use would be provided with the rental fee, and cleaning the facility. Gommittee Member Art Gallo thought that Staff could also include a mid-range rental fee of six {6} hour blacks. Concluding, Mr. Caldwell said "We are planning on bringing this item up to the City Commissian; sa, we wanted to go over it yau all. We're going to do that in January–it will be the first or second meeting in 3anuary." Chairpersan Nussbaum added, "Yau probably cauld go between twa (2%} and five {5%} percent up an thase rates and nobady would get shattered. You still wouid be affordable, but just a suggestion." Mr. Caldwell replied "That's what we wrate in aur nates that you feel we can go up a little higher on our rates. Thank you, we will cansider it, absolutely and will consider those other items." CTTY OF WINTER SPRINGS,FLORIDA MINUTES `� PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY CpMMITTEE ��f REGULAR MEETING-DECEMBER 4,2012 (RBSCHEDULED FROM NOVEMBER 6,2012) � PAGE b OF 9 � REGULAR � 603. Parks And Recreatian Departrnent � Requesting The Parks And Recreation Advisory Cornmittee Receive Information � Related To The Splash Pad Changes Made In The 2012 Seasfln And Review � Seasonal Dates Of Operation At the Splash Pads. � � Regarding this Agenda Item, Mr. 1Vlike Barclay, Recreation Superintendent, Parks and Recreation Department gave some background inforrnatipn on the Splash Pads including usage and revenues. Committee Member Bonura mentioned that his family uses the Torcaso Splash Pad but thought that the park located next to the Splash Pad needs sorne renovation and perhaps the City could charge for the use of the Torasco ta raise additional revenue far renovations. Mr. Barclay remarked that Staff is looking into available Grants for possibly redesigning that park such as updating the basketball courts and that with "A lot of the building gaing on in the area, we're going ta be having some Impact Fee money that we could look at spending to be able to do those park upgrades." Mr. Caldwell added, "Torcaso Park—the entire area was built with a CDBG (Cornmunity Develapment Block Grant) Grant. We have to be very careful on how we program and plan and not to show any difference for that park versus Trotwood Park and the use of the Splash Pads. So, it's very difficult to get the balance there." Mr. Caldwell noted that the usage has improved and they are laoking for ways ta reducing expenses and improving services. Committee Member Calle asked if there was a Fee Schedule for 2013. Mr. Barclay pointed out that Staff is evaluating 2013, but at this point Winter Springs residents would continue to be free and non-residents wauld cantinue to be charged a three dollar ($3.00} fee. Committee Member Galla noted that the Splash Pads are a great way to keep children off af the streets and out af trouble; and agreed with what Committee Member Bonura suggested related to renovations. Committee Member Kendrick alsa noted that his family uses the Trotwoad Splash Pad and asked, "As far as the lack of revenue, are you going to have to take money fram elsewhere ta accornmodate for the — additional upkeep?" Mr. Barclay replied that in arder to keep costs down, °`We have the Splash Pads shut down two (2) days a week — Mondays and Tuesdays, which is done for maintenance." Further, Mr. Barclay nated not having Staff at the facilities an those days and that the water pumps are not aperating, which has decreased same of the expenses. Lastly, Mr. Caldwell noted that the Parks and Recreation Deparhnent had reduced the operatian expenses of the Splash Pad by thirty-three thousand dollars ($33,000.00) for 2012 and are now operating at about twenty-five thousand dallars ($25,000.00) for the year. Further comments. CTI"Y OF WINTER SPRINGS,FLARIDA MINLJTES PARKS AND RECREATION AI}VISQItY CdMMITTEE � REGULAR MEETING-DECEMBER 4,2012 � (RBSCHEDULED FROM NOVEMBER 6,2012) � PAGE 7 C7F 4 �� REGULAR ��.y..�! 604. Parks And Recreation Department � Requesting The Parks And Recreation Advisory Comrnittee Receive Information �,� Related To Diane's Park CRA Grant Praposal. � � Mr. Barclay introduced this Agenda Itern, the locatian and noted "The CRA (Community � Redevelopment Agency) has approached the City saying that they would like to develap this park". Mr. Barclay indicated that, Staff wanted to do something unique with the park and showed some photographs of playground equipment that resernbled trees which could be a play feature. Tape 11Side B Discussion fallowed on monies, and the durability and warranty of the playground equipment. Committee Member Bonura commented on concerns he had with the safety of children wha might use this park but that he did like the playground equipment designs. Further discussion ensued on safety and policing concems, serving the residents, and the demographics of the apartments and surrounding areas of this park. Mr. Caldwell stated, "There are apartments there; we don't know the exact demographics of those. But, there are kids in and araund those apartrnents. Whether they live there, we don't know. We'll find that out and we wi11 da an assessment in that area." Committee Member Frascher inquired abaut the accessibility ta the park for children in the area and thought it rnight be better utilized as a lunch area with cavered pavilions for adults affiliated with the surraunding businesses. Cammittee Member Bonura asked if the Grant rnoney frarn the Cornmunity Redevelopment Agency had to be used specifically for Diane's Park,to which Mr. Barclay confirtned that it did. Committee Member Ga11a added, "In my apinion, this is a great thing as far the playgraund equiprnent goes. If you have to put sornething there far playground equipment, this looks like a gaod choice for me. No matter where the park is, you are always going to have some types of problems." Additionally, Committee Member Lecky asked if the park was already designated as a playgraund; to which Mr. Barclay replied that it was not and noted that the land was donated to the City to serve as a park. Further discussion ensued that the Grant money did not have ta be used, the City Cammission's desire to obtain feedback fram the Parks and Recreation Advisary Comrnittee; demagraphics, and who generally visits this area. Mr. Caldwell remarked, "We wi11 be glad to look at thase demographics and bring you back the information in regards to the dernographics in that area and what amenities are in that apartment complex." Diseussion. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS,FLORIUA MINUTES � PAItKS AND RECREATION ABVISORY Cf1MMITTEE REGULAR MEETING-DECEMBER 4,2012 � (RESCHEDULED FROM NOVEMBER 6,2012) r"--• PAGE&OF 4 � REGULAR � 605. Parks And Recreation Department � Requesting The Parks And Recreatian Advisory Cornmittee Receive Informatian � Related To Ideas Regarding Future Use Of Tratwood Park. Discuss Pians To Speak � To Tuscawilla Homeawner's Association In January 2013 To Share Ideas And �,____ Gather Feedback From Residents. This Agenda Item was introduced by Mr. Caldwell who noted that Trotwaod Park is a popular park, especially on weekends. The comments brought forth by Mr. Caldwell included the need to repair the surface and the surrounding fences of the tennis co�rts; that the basketball courts need to be resurfaced; the parking lot has drainage issues; the racquetball court is no langer utilized by the residents; and the number of parking spaces is inadequate for the size of the park. Continuing, Mr. Caldwell noted that after discussing the issues with the Parks and Recreation Advisory Comrnittee, Staff was going ta speak with the Tuscawilla Homeowner's Association, and that they wanted to possibly work with the United States Tennis Associatian to obtain Grant funding, and possibly adding a third tennis court to the park. Related to the proposed casts of the mentioned repairs and projects, Mr. Caldwell said that "Tennis courts cost about a hundred thausand dollars ($100,000.00} to renovate including fencing, surfacing — and then, depending an the size of the court, resurfacing, just like a basketball court, if you're going to do it right, it is a thirty($30,000.00) or farty thousand dallar ($40,000.40) cost," Related to funding, Mr. Caldwell explained, "We don't have any funds that ga into park improvements or deferred maintenance. VVe do have money set aside for Impact Fees." Committee Mernber I�endrick nated his suppart far this. With further discussion, Committee Member Calle mentioned the Tuscawilla Homeowner's Association could possibly help with funding. Mr. Caldwell agreed and noted that the Tuscawilla Homeawner's Association had already been assisting with replacernent park benches, mulch, and other items, and that they were very supportive of improving Trotwoad Park. Further discussion ensued on the structural integrity of the racquetball court. Committee Member Gallo also was supportive of Trotwood Park and the suggested irnprovements, but did not want ta see trees removed to put in a parking lot; and also suggested landscaping rnight help reduce noise issues for the residents that live close to the park. Discussion follawed on sound issues and possible other uses for the racquetball caurt. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS,FLORIDA MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE � REGULAR MEETING—DECEMBER 4,2012 (RESCHEDULED FROM NOVEMBER 6,2012) �"_� PAGE 9 OF 9 � Chairperson Nussbaum further spoke on the practice wall and stated, "I like that idea — �"'� somewhere in the City as we evaluate this in the next year or two (2)". Chairperson � Nussbaum also thought there was Consensus from the Board for a practice wall. � � '°'e� � �cuL.� � 606. Parks And Recreation Department Requesting The Parks And Recreation Advisory Committee Receive Information Related To Public Works Stormwater Improvements For The West End Of Central Winds Park Where The Dog Park Is Located. Mr. Caldwell presented this Agenda Item and showed some photographs of the Dog Park related to inadequate drainage issues. Mr. Caldwell explained that the Dog Park is generally shut down two (2)months out of the year, due to the drainage issue. With further comments, Committee Member Lecky referenced an area on the Cross Seminole Trail and noted that a few trees were obstructing the view for both bicyclists and vehicles entering at the entryway near the Dog Park; and was concerned with safety issues. Mr. Caldwell said "We try to keep those areas clean. We will absolutely address that and look at that." In addition, Mr. Caldwell thanked all the Committee Members for their input and suggestions. PUBLIC INPUT Chairperson Nussbaum opened "Public Input". No one spoke. Chairperson Nussbaum closed "Public Input". ADJOURNMENT Chairperson Nussbaum adjourned the Regular Meeting at 8:28 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: ANDREA LORENZO-LUACES, MMC, AND SEAN BEAUDET ASSISTANT TO THE CITY CLERK NOTE: These Minutes were Approved at the ,2013 Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Regular Meeting.