HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013 04 23 Public Hearing 502.1 WS-1 Code Enforcement Division
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Case Number 13-0028856
54 S. Edgemon Ave.
Ben Blackman
City Ord. 6-195 Fence
Date of Service: April 4, 2013
Inspector C. Flannigan
; .5 ,� , s Code Enforcement Division
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• Myself and Officers were dispatched to this address in
reference to an aggressive dog, barking at people walking
by on the sidewalk, this has happened several times, and
has been addressed with citations. One of the complaints
on this violation was the dog was out and the gate open,
which remains open consistently. The gate would not close
and secure, we used a stake and a bungee cord to secure
the gate. The fence to the right at the corner would not
remain in place to secure the fence.
• Notice of violation was mailed on March 4, 2013 and was
posted at the property on March 13 2013 .
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• There has been no contact with the owner of the property.
• Notice of Hearing was mailed on April 4, 2013 and was
posted at the property and City Hall on April 2, 201'3 .
USPS shows that the Notice of Hearing had a notice left on
April 5, 2013 .
• There has been no contact with the owner, other than the
hearing last month for junk & debris where he advised he
was going to address that issue with a fence.
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„ Ilk Photo taken when Lt. Dula, Ofc. Bell and myself attempted
to secure the gate on Feb. 25, 2013
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Feb. 25, 2013 dog was in the yard, we had to secure the gate
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Photo taken on 4-16-13 corner of the gate with the gates
open unable to determine if the gates are fixed
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In regards to this case I am recommending that the owner be
given until May 10, 2013 to correct the fence.
If found in non-compliance a fine of $ 100.00 a day be imposed
(due to the aggressive dog) retroactive to April 23, 2013 .