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2013 05 01 Public Hearing 501 RaceTrac Final Engineering Plans
PLANNING & ZONING BOARD AGENDA ITEM 501 Information Public Hearing X Regular May 1, 2013 Meeting Mgr. / Dept REQUEST: The Community Development Department-Planning Division requests the Planning& Zoning Board hold a public hearing for the approval of the Final Engineering Plans for RaceTrac convenience store and gas station, located south of the intersection of US 17-92 and SR 419. SYNOPSIS: The applicant, RaceTrac Petroleum, Incorporated is requesting approval of the Final Engineering Plans for a RaceTrac convenience store and gas station. The subject property is 2.39 acres in size and is located on the southeast corner of the intersection of US 17-92 and SR 419. The Final Engineering Plans propose the construction of a 5,928 square foot convenience store and gas station with approximately twenty (20) fuel pumps under a canopy. CONSIDERATIONS: FUTURE LAND USE AND ZONING DESIGNATION FLU: Commercial Zoning: C-2 (General Commercial) APPLICABLE LAW&, PUBLIC POLICY Home Rule Powers Florida Statutes City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan City of Winter Springs Code of Ordinances, Chapter 20, Article III, Division 8 City of Winter Springs Code of Ordinances, Section 20-418 Annexation Agreement May 1,2013 Planning&Zoning Board,Item 501 Page 2 of 3 CHRONOLOGY • March 11, 2013 — City Commission approval of Annexation, Annexation Agreement, Small- Scale Future Land Use Map Amendment, and Rezoning. DISCUSSION: The Final Engineering Plans proposes the construction of a 5,928 square foot convenience store and gas station with approximately twenty(20)fuel pumps under a canopy. Currently,the northern portion of the site is an abandoned Hess gasoline station. The Final Engineering Plan propose the demolition of an existing Hess station located on the northern portion of the site. The proposed demolition includes removal of all existing above ground and underground improvements. In addition to the demolition of the Hess station on the northern portion of the site, several one story structures and existing signs are proposed for demolition on the southern portion of the site. On March 11, 2013, the City Commission approved an Annexation Agreement for the proposed development. Per the provisions of this agreement, the Final Engineering Plan details the reconfiguration of an existing billboard which exists on the southern portion of the site. This billboard will remain in its current location, but will be raised to a higher height to permit it to be visible over the canopy that is proposed adjacent to US 17-92. Additionally, this agreement controls building architecture and site signage. A total of 37 parking spaces are proposed on site to accommodate the convenience store portion ofthe development. A stormwater retention pond is proposed at the northeastern corner of the site, adjacent to the US 17-92/SR 419 intersection. This section of US 17-92 is scheduled for widening in approximately 2015. A sidewalk will be provided along the US 17-92 frontage in conjunction with the road widening. The Florida Department of Transportation(FDOT)will construct this sidewalk.Per the City's Code of Ordinances, a sidewalk is required along the SR 419 frontage. The Florida Department of Transportation(FDOT)requested this sidewalk to end on the south side of the SR 419 access point as this is a"logical terminance" point for the sidewalk. Vehicular access to the site will be via three access points. Two access points are located on US 17-92, with locations at the southern portion of the site and at the northern portion of the site. The southern access point is proposed as a full access. The northern access point is proposed as a right-in only. The third access point is proposed as a full access along SR 419. Vehicles will be required to exit the site from either the southern access point along US 17-92, or the access point that is proposed along SR 419. May 1,2013 Planning&Zoning Board,Item 501 Page 3 of 3 FINDINGS 1. The 2.36 acre RaceTrac convenience store and gas station is located south of the intersection of US 17-92 and SR 419. The subject property is zoned C-2 (General Commercial). The subject property has a Commercial Future Land Use designation. The subject property is located at a major commercial intersection. Gas stations with convenience stores are predominantly found at major commercial intersections. 2. The Final Engineering Plans are consistent with Section 20-418 of the City's Code of Ordinances. Specifically, the site exceeds the minimum air line distance of three hundred fifty (350) feet, measured in a straight line from the nearest points of lot boundaries,between a proposed gasoline station and any existing gasoline station or between a proposed gasoline station and any lot zoned residential or any lot on which a school or playground is proposed or exists. 3. The Final Engineering Plans are consistent with all applicable provisions of the Annexation Agreement which was approved by the City Commission on March 11, 2013. FISCAL IMPACT: The redevelopment of the subject property into the RaceTrac gas station is anticipated to increase commercial tax revenue for the City. COMMUNICATION EFFORTS: The Meeting Agenda and this Agenda Item have been forwarded to the Planning and Zoning Board members and are available on the City's Website, LaserFiche, and the City's Server. The Agenda has been forwarded to the Mayor and City Commission; City Manager; and City Attorney/Staff. Additionally, the Meeting Agenda has been sent to media/press representatives, all Homeowner's Associations on file with the City, all individuals who have requested Agenda information, Department Directors; and also posted outside City Hall; posted inside City Hall with additional copies available for the general public. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning & Zoning Board forward a recommendation of approval to the City Commission for the Final Engineering Plans for RaceTrac, subject to the satisfaction of the attached outstanding staff review comments. ATTACHMENTS: A. Final Engineering Plans,RaceTrac B. Staff review comments -om 3IV0 ® 009E-I£4(OLL) ,,R^sxisrom ass ,rvmwo 66 ICU'H1HV AO'1H30'ld r > wev, MS 3,111111.3d 80d 031.11VISDS ® w _ 6££0£V0'V1NV11V 00 L 31165 .4^,' 'iO° sis emus LII¢Rb d s SIN3wwoswotod 03SIA. 0' m'u6lupyleeuel'nvnm 021VA31006 ONV12130W00 SLZ£ ® 1ULLOd3 NV si 8L136-Z96 OZ(LOP) ep OLP'S'2 06-U SOS '0NI Wf1310H13d Otlill30tltl '3'd'5110d'LI NVAHS (LOP) 616 aS 06-LI OS 3115 O © — SZ9Zf VOIHOId'OONVIHO Nan...a wwma � •"' 0 3AIHa ONIHdS 3SOH ro64Z °.''''''.'w p ' Ps aagy s6uudS JaluIM-bGOI#M21139tlN 8 =WOW`NOIS30 HIVNNV1 J !!!� 133HS 2i3AO0 U ® n Q 1 CO 0 �g i o� a ¢a r z U 3 °60 ° g o a o o w w N T- o p o a c" ¢ w o r m o Q o o N w a1 h N m ''o a o N !�r oh a!¢ a Nam a es„ o e'�ga �� v'-i W o W o F z o�w z�o� 3 3 z CO Z 'E -z °-"ggg g ¢� "'z L2zz000z -z 4111111111111111144110Ns -o a o z�m �� �z Q� pV- 33 a¢a �� Z m R I mm ro c5 J J c� cl J,�y c^S,J w°°$J J J J J �S o`?-' 3 3 3 aco CO Attachment"A" o J c 00 Om 00 I o r N 0 0 0 0 ��Q kill:114 1 CD Z }, _..., O O O a)I I as as W O O > M f� >_ H LIU 3 • W N. 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Move hydrant @ 419 entrance to same side as FDC 2. C-15, Hydrant Detail —delete "be closed weep wet barrel" as comment is not correct for spec hydrants. PLANNER- BOBBY HOWELL Phone: 407-327-5966 E-mail: bhowell @winterspringsfl.org 1. The Final Engineering Plan and Aesthetic Review will be scheduled for Planning & Zoning Board approval on Wednesday, May 1, 2013, and for City Commission approval on Monday, May 13, 2013. CITY ENGINEER- BRIAN FIELDS Phone: 407-327-7597 E-mail: bfields @winterspringsfl.org 1. Please submit the updated traffic study including written responses to the review comments. 2. Sheets RW1-3. Remove the "For Reference Only" text across these sheets. If necessary, a note can be added stating that these drawings will be submitted for final approval as part of the building permit applications for the retaining walls. 3. Sheet C6.2. Structure STS14 appears that it would be vulnerable to erosion from discharges from the adjacent MES. Please evaluate. 4. Sheet C6.2. Please label cleanouts 1-6 on the plan. 5. Sheet C6.2. Additional pond cleanouts are recommended at the northwest side (STS 10 end). 6. Sheet C6.2 at the SR 419 driveway, on the north side the trench drain is shown with an angled connection to an 8" HDPE pipe. Please show a detail of this or a note describing how this is to be done. 7. Sheet C6.2 At structure STS-10, the southwest pipe connections of the 18" RCP and 4" underdrain appear that they may be in conflict. Please evaluate. 8. Sheet C6.2. At structure STS14, there does not appear to be adequate clearance between the top of the 18" RCP (invert 32.82) and the bottom of the grate (rim elevation 34.69). Please evaluate. 9. Sheet C6.2. The 4" pond underdrains have an invert elevation of 34.42, which is lower than the rim elevation (34.69) of the outfall bubbler structure (STS14). Although the bubbler has a stone bottom, it is recommended to design the system to allow the underdrains to have a free discharge by either lowering the outfall rim or raising the underdrains. 10. Sheet C14. Please provide a detail for the underdrain cleanouts including concrete collars. Page 2 of 2