HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Reserve at Tuscawilla Community Association, Inc. - Settlement Agreement and Supporting Documentation- 2012 ' r 'i Y SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT This Settlement Agreement ("Agreement") is made by and between the City of Winter Sgrings, Florida, a Florida municipal corparation (hereinafter "City"), and The Reserve at Tuscawilta Cammunity Association, Inc., a Flarida non-profit corporation, and its members(hereinafter"HOA"}. WHEREAS, certain real property is necessary in order for the City to construct or cause to be canstructed a right turn lane along SR 434 on to Tuscara Drive in Winter Springs,Flarida; and W�iEREAS, the Tuscora Drive ri�ht tum lane pro,�ect serves a pubaic purpose, and WHEREAS, HOA has a fee or beneficial interest in real property that will be needed to canstruct the project f4r the bene�'it of the public, particularly fee simple interest in parcel 1p0 and a planting and screening easement and other interests in�parcels l�l and IO2. Said parcels are legally described in E�ibits A, B, and C, which are attached hereta and fully incorpnrated by reference herein; and WHEREAS, the parties wish to avoid the filing af an action in ern.inent domain and enter inta this Agreement to settle all issues relating to the City's acquisition of parcels 100, 101 and 102. THEREFORE, in consideration af the mutual benefits to each party, the parties agree as fallows: 1. HOA shall convey any and a11 of its property interests in parcels 100, 101, and 102 to the City pursuant to the terrns and conditions set forth in this Agreement, 2. City shall �re��rp �i�� H�4 s:�al! exeeu:�e �il nucessary anu re�sonable ��cunx��its to convey all fee simple, easement, or other ownership interests HOA has in parceis 1 Q0, l O l, and 102. Th� City shall prepare the closing dacuments and gay alI closing costs. The clasing date shall be established by the City at such time the closing documents have been finalized. Time is c�f the essence with respect to the closing and each party agrees to expedite the closing so the Gity catl praceed with finalizing plans to commence conslruction of tl�e Tuscora Drive turn lane project as soon as the City deems construction is praeticable. 3. City shall pay to HOA and HOA agrees to accept the sum of ten thousand and No11fl0 daitars {$10,000.40) fc�r ful1, just and fnal cornpensation for the acquisition of all fee interest, easements and improvements the HOA has in parcels 100, l�l, and 102. This surn inclu�es aIl costs, attorney's fees, ar expert �i .� fees of any nature. HOA shall not be entitled to any other fees, costs, sums, or damages in any way related to the Tuscora Drive turn lane project from the City. 4. City agrees to replace or cause to be replaced with like kind trees any trees along the community wall and planting and screening easement damaged by the turn lane project. 5. City agrees not to object to any request from HOA to FDOT for access to the community wall for maintenance and repair of the wall and landscaping. 6. This Agreement has been approved by the board of directors of the HOA pursuant to its governing documents. 7. This Agreement shall be subject to approval by the Winter Springs City Commission as a condition precedent of becoming effective. 8. This Agreement shall be governed by Florida law. Any litigation concerning this Agreement shall be instituted in the circuit court of Seminole County, Florida. 9. This Agreement sha11 be recorded in the public records of Serninole County, Florida, shall run with the land, and is binding on a11 successors in interest. 10, Each pasty hereby represents and warrants for itself and to the other that it has the power and authority to execute, deliver and perform the terms and provisions of this Agreement and each represents and warrants for itself that it has taken all necessary action to authorize the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement. T'his Agreement will, when duly executed and delivered by the City and the HOA shall constitute a legal, valid and binding obligation enforceable against the parties hereto in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seal on this ��day of��� , 2012. For The Reserve at Tuscawilla Community Association, Inc.: Signature ��-�2 �� _� �r����Pd��S Print Name/Title Approved by the Board of Directors on this o�v�-day of , 2012. For t�e C:t-� o�Winter Springs, Florida: May r. .:. ;�Ies La ATTEST: ndr zo Luaces, City Clerk Approved by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs on this��day of Q'�a�, 2012. Approved as to form and legality: thony A. arganese, City Attorney, City of Winter Springs , ' r � � SCHEDU�E �a' EXHIBiT PARCEL No.: 10�0 � � ESTATEs FEE S/MPLE PURPOSE: ROAD R/GHT OF WAY Thot port of� "Trccfs A, B. C, D� G. H. !, J, K, ond L ond Cherry Creek Clrcle fp�lvofe atrest! ond At�lum COUrt lp�lvote street! of The Rese�ve of Tuscowlllo. Phose l� cccord/nQ fo the p/Ot thereof. os recOrded !n PJOt BOOk 48� Poqes 3/ throvQh 40. Pub/Ic Records of Semino/e County� Florldv ond rroct M Reserve at TuscawlJlo Phose !-A os �ecorded !n Plof 800k 58. Pope 99. Publlc Records of Se�»Inole County. Flo�Ido fherslnofter the ^�roperty"1. lf !s the Infent of this conveyonce to convey the Property os Co�mion Property consistent wlth fhe InteRded Co»veyonce of such property mode on sold plots. " fSold property belnQ the some londs descrlbed !n Offlclo/ Records Book 4???� PoQe 2/4 of the Publlc ReCOrds of Sem/nole COUnty� FIOrldo. ! descrlbed o3 f0lfOwsi Comnence ot fhs Sovtheost Corner of Tract A"� The Reserve of Tuscaw111o� Phose l� occordlny to the p/ot fh��eof� os record9d ln Plot Book 48. Pofleb 3! fhrovph 40. Incluslve, of fhe Publlc Records of Semino/e County, F(o�ldot fhence run South 88°36'?J" West o1vnQ the Sovth /lne of sold rroct "A" o d/stonce of l54. 19 feef to the Southwest corner of sold Troct "A"i thenCe deport/nQ 5old Soufh llne• rvn North Ol°P3'37" West olonp the West lln� of So1d Troct A" o dlstonce of J29.Q7 feet to o polnt on the existlnQ Sputhe�ly �19ht of w0y 11nB of Stota Rood 434 os shown Florldo Deportmant of Transpo�tot/on Rl�ht Of WOy MOp SsCf/pn 77070-?517� svld po�nt v►so being o polnt an a non-tonqent cvrve concove Norfhe�ly hovinQ o rodJus of 2988.40 fe9t ond o Cho�d beorJnQ of Soufh 8B°15'49" Eostr thence deportlnq soid wesf line f�om v ton�ent beorinQ of Sovth 87°27'DI " East. run Eosterty olor+Q so/d extstlnQ Southerly �l�ht of woy llna ond olOnQ !he orC Of sold curve th�ouQh a centrol onp/e of 0l°37'35" o dlstonce of 84.83 fest for 0 oolnt of Be�/nnlnyr fhence contlnue alonQ sold exlsfln� Sovfherly rlght of woy llne ond the arc of spld curve fhrouph o cent�oJ onp/e of 00°32'37" o dlstonce af 28.36 feet to a poln! on the Eost !!ne Of Oforesold 1roCt "A"� thenCe departln� Sold exlstlnQ Soufherly r/pht of woy 1�ne ond sold curve� run Sauth 0!°23'37" Eost olong sold Eosl !!ne o dlstonce of 7.55 feet� thence deporting sold Eost !/ne, �un North 8!°IO'02" West o dlstonce of 70.26 feetr thencs run No�th 60°47'28" West o dlstonce of 9. T6 feet to ihe PoJn! of BeQlnning. Cor►folnlnq l4t squdre feet. mip�e o� less. THIS IS NOT A BQUNDARY SUI4VEY LOCNRANE ENC/NEER►NC.1NC. � L DCHRQNE t.8.Ho. P856 Consulting Englneers • Surveyors 20/Sou�h Bum Avenua.Orlando,Florido 32B03 f4071896•3317 PRp,IECT NAIIEr S.R.I!4 AT TUSCORA ORNE CMR/STOPNER J.LEFTAKIS pRAWN 8Yr S.PEARCE DarE� !I/06/09 SCALEr N/A P.S.11.No. 6556 NOT VAL/0 W/THQUT THE S/CNATURE AlYO ORlC1NAL RA1SE0 SEAL �NfCKfO BYt C.LEFTAIfI$ DAT�: 1l/12/09 LElJOB No.r 09011.1A OF A FLORIDA LICENSEO SURVEYOR Ak0 YAPPER $£C.6.TWP.ZlS..A'GF.J1E. REVlSEDr N/A SHEET ! AF' 3 � . � SKETCI-! QF DES�RIPT/ON PARCEC No,s IO�Q THIS l5 N4T A BOUNDARY SURVEY S.R. 434 tR/W VARiESy CURVE DATA �xtsr. SOUTttER�.Y °• 0�°3�•���� PpiNT QF 8EG1NN[NG R1W t,tNE PER F.D.O. T. �• 84,83' —�.. RiW MAP SEC. T7070-2517 R• 29$$.40' C• 84.83' ca• sas�Es•a�•�E sEE aETAt� NA•• � �` ��---____.—�, � �_i ra• sa-r�27-o� �� � ( ^ i �o�r so �- --- W > r �. � TNE RESERVE � ; � AT TUSCAWI ��A � TRACT "A " a � � PHASE I I RE TENT I ON POND � � Q P • B . �Jd � Plis • 3 "9 � � " �, r � w a � � o � a� a fi, a M � � � � M �. oETA��. ,•a.. �, �, I� �NflT T4 SCAI.E -- � � � � ° � f POINT OF BEGINNING � � � � � THE RESERVE AT TUSCAWILLA , a`•'ROa�°sz'�3r•� E PHASE 1 ( c� 28836A�� � P • B . 48 . PGS . 3I - 40 � C6• 589°20'S5"E I � � f � � N$20 2g?"�` �' � P01 NT OF CO�+MENCEtu�NT � R/W L!NE M� ' THE S.E. CORNER OF TRACT "A" � N6Q�q7'2g��W o e� ' TH� S.W, CORNER ( g.T6' �, ( OF 7RACT "A" � ( S88°36'23"W �54.i9` •`� � �• �•�"• � ••• �••••••"" �•• � 5. !!NE QF TRACT �•A., SEC . 5 , TWP , 21 S . f RGE . 31 E . S�R.�,3�AT �USCORA ORNE pRAwN 8Yr $,PEARCE DATEr p/U6/09 REVlSFDt N/A SCALE+ I" � 50' CHECXED 8Y:C.GEFTAKtS pd FEr tttt2/09 LEi JO@ N0,t 09C?tt.lA SNEET 2 Of 3 � SKETCH OF DESCRIPTIDN PARCEL No.r lOip TH/S /S NOT A 80UNDARY SURVEY CENERAL NOTESr l. THIS !S N01' a 80UNDARY SURVEY. 2. BEARlNGS a5 SNOIf'N HERE'ON ARE 8ASE0 ON TNf CENTfRL lNE OF CONSTRl1CT/ON OF STAT6 ROAD 434� AS BEING S89°4! '38'� BETIYL�EN P. T. STA. 640•?5.08 AND P.O. T. STA. 6bl•72. 74, AS SHOWN ON FLORIOA DEPARTAEIVT �F TRANSPORTAT/ON RlGNT OF WAY MAP SECTION 77070-25/7 FOR S�ATf ROAD 4J4. .3. TOTAL ARfA OF TNE N6RElN DESCR/BED PARCfL /S 14! S�uaRE FEEr. MpRE OR LESS. 4. SfE SHEET / FOR LECAL DESCRlPT/ONl SEf SHEET 2 FOR PARC6L SKETCH. LEGEND+ � CENTERL!NE P.C. POlNT DF CURVATflRE d DEL TA f CE'N fRAL ANCL f 1 PG(51. PAGE!51 C CNORD D/STANCE P. !. POlNT OF JNTERSECT/ON CB CHORp BEARING P.O. T. POlNT ON TANGEIVr C.M. CONCRETE AADNUM�'NT P. 1'. POINT Of TANGENCY D OfGREE OF CURVE P.S.M. PROFfSSlONAL SURVEYDR fXIST. EX/ST/NG ANO MAPPER F.A.O. T. f'LORlDA DEPARTAENT R RADIUS OF TRANSPQRTATION fRJ RAO/aL FND. FOUNO RGE. RANGE 1D. IDfNTIFlCATlON RT. RlGHT L LfNGTH R/W R/GHT OF WAY L.B. tICENSfO BUSINESS SEC. SECTlON LT. LEFT S.R. STATE ROAO N/A NOT AVA/LABLf STA. STATlON NO. NUABER f TANGFNT O.R.8. OFF I CI AL RECOROS BOOK TB TANGENT BEARI NC P.B. PLAT BOOK TWP. TOWNSHlP � � S.R.�3� AT TUSGbRA ORNE DRAWN 8Yt S.PEARCE DATEi 11/�/C9 REVl5EOr N/A SCALEt NIA CHECKED BYi C, cfFr,axi5 DATEr nirQi09 LEr�08 No.+ 09iD��.�A SHEEr 3 OF 3 � , , , � . � SCHEDULE "A' ExHIBIT PARCEL No.s l01 � � E5TATEr FEE S/MPLE PURP05E� ROAD RI6H T OF WAY rhat po�t of� "Y.o r 80. rHE RESEavE a r rUSCa wl t L A. PHASE !1. occo�d/nQ to the mop or p r o t thereof os roCOrded in Plvt Book 50. Po�es 3 rHROUGH 9� INCLUSIVE. of the Public ReCOrds of Seminole County. Flor/do. " �Sold prope�ty belnq the samB londs descrlbed ln Officlo! Records Book 5351, Pope /Oab of fhe PvbllC ReCOrds of Seminole Covnty. Florldo. ! d�sCrlbed os followsr Coa»�enCe at the SouthBOSf Co�ne� of TroCt "A". The Reserve Ot TvsCOwlllp, Phose t. occordlnq to the plot thereof, os �eco�ded In P/ot @ook 4B. PoqeS 3! throupA 40. lncJuslve. of the PubllC R@COrds of SeminOle COVnty� Florldoi thence �un South 88°36'23" Wssf olonq the South Ilne pf so/d TroCt "A" 0 0latonce of /54.19 feet to the Southwest corner of So1d Troct "A"� thence depo�flnp sold South /lns, �un No�fh OI°?3'37" West olonQ the West /Jne of sold Troct "A" o dlsfance of 329.07 feet t0 o polnt on the exlstlnQ Southe�ly rl�ht of w4y 11ne of Stot� Rood 4J4 os shpwn Florldo DepC�tmBnt of T'ronspoftot/On R/pht of Woy Abp SsctJnn 77070-?S/7. so/d polnt o/so being o poln► on o rron-tonpent Curve cOncove Northerly hOv/np o rodlu�s of 2988.40 f6�et ond o chord beorinQ of NOrth 86°5l '12` 1Yestr thence deportlnq sa/C West !/ne. from o tonQent beo�lnQ of North @7°�7'O! " West. run Westerly Olpny Sotd 9xlStlnQ SOVtherly rl�ht of woy !/ne ond fhg qrc of sold cu�ve fhrough o centro/ onQ/e of 0!°!I '37" o d�stonce of 62.26 feet to the end of sotd curve for o Po�nt of Be�InnlnQj thence depo�tinfl sold exlstlnQ SovPherly rlpht of woy llne. conflnue lYester/y alonq the orc of sold curve th�ouQh o centrpl on9le of 00°49'43" o dlstonCe Of 43.?I feSt t0 O pOlnt On the We5t /!ne of Lot 80, The ReServe ot TuSCOwIIlO, Phose /1, occo�dlnp to the plot thereof� os reCOrded lrt Plot 800k 50. Pa9es 3 throu�h 9� !ncluslve� of the Publ/c records of Seminole COVnty, Florlda+ thence deportln� So/d cv�v8. run North 01•23'37" West olonp sold west /lne o d►stonce of 5.03 feet to o polnt on �he oforesold exlst/nq Sovtherly rlflht of woy �lne of Stote Rood 4J4� soJd pOtnt olso be1nQ o polnt on o non nOn-tonQent Cvrve concove Northerly ond concentr/c w/th the Of0�e50ld curve hovinq o rodlus of ?983.40 feet and o chord beorinQ of South 85°50'l4" Eostt fihence deportlnp sO/d West lJne frOm o tonflenf beo�InQ Of South 85°25'05" Eost� run Eosterly olon� svld ex/stlrtp Sovtherly rlqht of woy Ilne ond a/onp the orc of sold curve th�0u�h o centrol on91e of 00°50't9" o dlstqnce of 4J.b6 fe6t tp the end of sold curver thance deportln� sold cu�ve� run South 03°44'36" West contlnulnp olon9 so/d ex/stlnp Souther/y �I4ht of woy Ilne o dlstonce of 5.00 feet to the Polnt of Befllnnln9. Contoln/n� 2/7 squo�e feet. more o� less. THIS /S NOT A 80UNDARY SURVEY LOCHRANE ENGINEERlNG.fNC. LOCHRANE L.B.N0. 2856 Cor�sufNn� Engtr�eers � Svrveyors Z0�Sa,tn Bum averwe,Or�ondaF�ar�do 32803 r4o7�896•33n PRWECT NAA/E: S.R,t3� AT TUSCORA ORNE � CNRrSTOPH�R J,LEFTAKrS pRAwH BY: S.P�'ARCE DATEr /l/06/p9 SCALFr N/A p.5.1t.N0. 6556 HOT VALID WlIHQUT THE 5lGNATURE AND OR�G/NA(, RAlSED SEAL CNECKED BYi C. LfFTAKrS DarE+ /1/l2/09 Lf/J08 NO.+ 09��./A OF a F[OR�Da uCENSED SuRVErOR �wD aaPPER SEC.6,rwp.2r 5..AGE..!r E. REV�SEO�Nia SHEE r i OF 3 � SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION PARCEL No.: 101 TH/S /S NOT A BOUNDARY SURVEY S. R. 434 cRiw vaRlES � POINY OF 6ECINNING CURVE DATA �• 01°li '37„ L� 62.26' SEE DETAII ��a~ R. z9ea.ao• C• 62.26' EXIST. SOUTHERLY � CB• N86°51 '12"W R/W L1NE PER F.O.O.T. � `� �R/W MAP SEC. 77070•2517 o I m —, — �o - - - rB• N87°27•01 '•w J J �Q LOT 79 LOT 80 W � � THE RESERVE TRACT ��a �� o � AT TUSCAWI LLA , RETENTION POND a � PHASE II o0 P . B . 5� , PGS . 3 - 9 N � _ � a }— e ti � � u �; a N a F HEATHEpRWOOD � o C�U1� 1 r W DE�AIL "A" ,�, z � �� �� N J I NOT TO SCALE � f CURVE DATA ° � Z � THE RESERVE AT I °• 43�66��g�� � � TUSCAWILLA , PHASE I � � TB• S85°25'05"E C� 4386640 ",^ � Pa 8 . q8 � PCjS . 3 � - q� C8• S85°50'I 4"E p I I M ol ! �,, '^ � I ° . N r � CURVE DATA � o■ 00°49'A3" � ' R/W L 1 NE I PO I N T OF COMuENCEIu�NT M L 43.21 ' R• 2988.40' I N C� 4�.21 ' I THE S.E. CORNER OF TRACT "A" ' o CB■ N85°50'32"W i THE S.W. CORNER { Z P01 NT OF 8EG I NN I NG � oF TRACT �•a° � _' S88°36'23"W 154. 19' -- �. .....� �.... � .� ..., � �., - - - --- S. L1NE OF TRACT "A" � SEC . 6 , TwP . 2 i S . , RGE . 3 � E . � S.R.4JI AT TUSGI7RA ORNf ORAWN 8Yr S.PEARCE DATE+ !//06/09 REVISEDi N/A SCALEt I" • 50' CHECKED BYr C. �EFTAKlS DATE+ ///�2/09 CEt,IOg No.� 09D1�.�A SHEE� 2 �' 3 � SKETCH OF DESCR/PT lON PARCEL No.: 14l TH/S /S NOT A BOUNDARY SURVEY GENERat NOTES� !. TN/S I S !YO t A 80lJNOaRY SURVE 1'. 2. BEARINGS AS SNONN HERE4N ARf BASfD ON THf CENTERLINE OF CONSTRUCT(ON OF STarE ROaD a34, as BEIroG S89°4� �J8"� BErw£EN P. T. STa. 640•25.08 aND P.O. T. STA. 661•72. 74, AS SHOWN ON F�ORIDA D£PARTAENT OF TRANSPORTATION R/GNt OF WAY MAP SECTlON 77070-?5/7 fOR STATE RDAD 434. 3. TOTAL ,4RfA Of THE HEREIN OESCR/BED PARCEL IS 217 SOUARE F£fT� MORE OR LESS. 4. SfE SHEET J FOR LEGAL OfSCRlPT/ONt SEE SNEE T ? FOR PARC6C SKE TCH. LfGENDi � CENTERL!NE P.C. POINT OF C�IRVATURE d DEL TA f CENTRAL ANCL E! PCf S J. PAGE'f S J C CHORD DlSTANCE P. l. POINT Of lNTERSECTION C8 CHORD BEARING P.O. T. PO/NT ON TANGENT C.M. CONCRE TE MONUA�ENT P. T. P0l NT OF TANCENCY D QEGREE Uf CURVE P.S.M. PROFESS10NA1 SllRVEYOR EXlST. EX/5T/NG AND MAPPER f.D.O. T. FLORIOA DEPARTA�l�NT R RADIUS OF TRANSPORTA�ION f R J RADIAL �NO. f0UN0 RGE. RANGE lD. IDENT/FICATlON RT. RIGNT L LENGTH R/W R/GHT OF WAY L.B. LICENSED 8USlNFSS S£C. SECT/ON L T. L£f'T S.R. STATF ROAO N/A NOT AVAILABLE Sl'A. STATlON No. NU+uB'6R T rANGENT O.R.e. OFF/CIAL RECORpS BOOK TB TANGENT e£ARiNG P.B. PLA1' 800K TWP. �OWNSHIP � � S.R,43� AT TUStbRA DR1VE QRAWN BYt S.PEARCf DATE+ !I/O6/09 REV15EDr N/A SCA(E: N/A � CyECKEO Br�C.LEFrax�S DArf, ��i�2i09 LEr,I08 xo., 09a�.�a SrrEEr ,! OF 3 , , , ', . , � SCHEDULE "A" EXHIBIT PARCEL No.= ,o2 � c ESTATE: FEE S/MPLE PURPOSE� ROAD R/GH T OF WAY Thot po�t ofr "L o t 79. 1NE RESfRYE A T TUSCAWI L L A. PHASE //. occord lnp to the P l ot thereo f os recorded Jn P1ot 8onk 50. PoQes 3 fhru 9. Jnclus�ve. of the Pvb! /c Reco�ds of 5eminole County. Flo�ldq. " fSo�d properfy beinQ the somi9 londs desCrlbed In Offlcfo� Records 800k 68T8. Pope 1406 of fhe Pub!!c Records of Seminole County. F/orldo. l desC�/b9d os f011Owsi COm�nence of the Southeosl co�ner of Troct A". The Rsserve of 7usCOw!/lo� Phose l. occordln� to the plot thereof� os recorded !n Plot Book 48. Pages 3/ throvQh 40. Ir,cluslve� of fhe Publlc Reco�ds of SemJnole County, Florldoi thence �un South 88°36'23'" Weat o/onQ fhe South Ilne of sa/d Troct "A" v dtstonce of 154.19 feet to the Southwest corner Of Sald T�oct A "r fhenCe depo�t/n� Sold South Jlne, rvn North O1 °?3'37" West olonp the West Ilne of sold Troct "A" a dlstonce of 329.07 feet to o polnt on the exlstln� Sautherly rlQht of woy llne of Stote Rood 434 os shown Florldo Deportrnant of rronapo�totlon R/phf pf Woy Mop Sect/on 77070•2517. so/d point also beln� o pol�t on o non-ton�enf curve conCOVe Norther/y hovinQ o rodlus of 2988.40 feet ond o chord beorinfl of North 86°SI '!2" Westr fnence deportlr►Q svJd West Ilne. from o ton�ent beorin� of No�th 87°27'0! " West� run Wesfierly olonp sold exlSflny Sovtherly rlqht pf woy !/ne ond the orc of sold cv�ve throvph o cent�o/ anpts of Ol°►J •37" o dlstonce of 67.26 feet to the end of sold curvet thenCO depo�tln� sold Curve� run No�fh 03°44'36" Eost radlv/ to the ofo�esoid curve ond cont/nuln9 o/onQ sold exlstlnp Southerly �l�ht of woy Ilna o dlstonce of 5.00 feet fo the deQlnnlnq of o non•tongent cu�ve concove Northerly ond concentrlc wlth the qforesold Curve hovin� o rodJus of 7983.40 feet ond o cho�d beor/nQ Of Norfh 85°50'14" Westi fhenCe f�or» a tonQent beo�inQ of North 86°f5'14" iYest� COntfnue WesterJy olorrQ SGId exlstinp SOVfAer/y rJ9ht Of wvy /lne Ond olong the O�c of So/d Curve throu�h o central onp/e of 00°50'19" o d/stor►ce of 43.66 feet to o polnt on the Eost Ilne of Lot 79� The Rese�ve ot ?'uscaw!llo. Phose /1� occordlnp to the p/ot thereof. os reCOrded !n P/ot Book 50� PoQes 3 fhrouQh 9. lnclvslve. of the Pub/lc records of Sem/no/e County� Florldo fo� o Polnt of Be9lnnlnQl thence contlnue Wester/y olon� So►O exlstl�Q Sovtherly riQht of woy Ilne ond olor+p the orc of sa/d cvrve thr0uyh o Cent�o! on�l� of Q!°10'Sb" o d/stonce of 61.56 fe9t to the end of so/d curver thence deportln� sold cvrvs� run South 88°35'37" IYest cont/nulnq olonp sold exlStlnQ SOUtherly r/Qht Of woy llne o dlstor►Ce of 38.14 feet to v th�► beQlnnlnQ of o nOn-fan�ent curve concove No�therty and concentrlc wlfh the ofo�esold curve hov►ny o radlus of 2988.40 feet ond o cho�d DearinQ of Soufh 84°?8'09" fost� thenCe deportln� Sold exlstlnq Sovtherly rlqht of woy I/ne from o tonyent beoring of South 83°30'J7" Eosfi� run 6osta�ly olonQ the orc of sold curve throu�h o ce�tro! onQle of 01°55'04" o dlstence of /00.03 feet to o polnt on the oforeso/d Eost l/ne Of Lot 79i fhence deporflnQ sold curve. run North 0l°?3'37" West o/onQ sold Eost llne o dlstonCe of S.OJ feef to the Polnt of 8ep1nnlnQ. Corttaln►n� 405 squore feet� more o� �ess. TH/S IS NOT A BOUNDARY SURVEY LOCHRANE ENGINffRJNG,lNC. LOCHRA'NE L.B.No. 2856 Caruuliing Englneers • Surveyors ZO15oulh Bum aven�ts,Orlanalaf/orldo J2803 f�f077896•3317 PRQIECT HMIEr S.R.�J�ar rt�SCO�aa ORrvE � CNR15TOPHER J,LEFTAKIS DRAWN 8Y: S.PEARCE DA TE+ 1//06/09 SCALE+ N/A � P.S.u.nro. 6556 CxECrcEO Brr C.LEfrar�5 DarEr rrir2i09 tE�dOB n►o.� 090��.ra NOT YAUD W/TN01/f TNE S/GNATURE AHD ORlGlNAL RNSfO SEAL � QF A FCOiRlDA L/CENSEO SURVEYOR AND MAPPER SEC.6.�WP.Z!S..HCE,!I E. REV/SED+H/A SNEET / OF 3 � Y I � SKET�H QF QESCR/PTIQN PARCEL NO,: 102 TH/S !S NOT A BDUNDARY SURVEY S.R, 434 tR/W VARI�S ? cuRVE oafa PQ(NT OF $EG 1 NN 1 NG o• ooa��+o� �9�� �' �3y V€?� R• 2983.40' C� 43.66' CURVE DpTA SEE �}ETAII. "k" Ce� �vas�5o��d�•w a o��ii•3�,. ----- ---- �+ T8• N86°t5'24"W �' �'�•2�' EXlST. SOUTHERIY ' R� 2988.q0' RiW LINE PER f.D.O.T. C� 62.26' R�y� MAP 5EC. T74i0-251T � �CB' N86°51 ' 12"w .�_..� �.,.�....� �. � ..... � ._ _. �. w� NO3°A4'36"E f$' N87°27'0� "W �0 5.00'tR) J J W � LOT 79 �'O LOT 80 �� � THE RESERVE TRACT ��A �� �� AT TUSCAWIL,LA � RET�NTION POND � �r PHASE II � P . B . 50 , PGS . 3 - 9 "� • �.r o� � W x � �� ,� J Q N a M � HE a'r HE Rw00D � � C4URT :" M N 0 aEfiA��. "A+' z TNE RESERVE AT __ _ _ _....� r - -- - --NOT TO SCAL.E '� TusCawi ��a� �HasE 1 � "' � P01NT qF BEGINNING � � Pe B • 4 � , PGSa 31 - 40 � CURVE DA'TA � � ( �• 0 t°10'56" ;^� . � R� 2983.40' a� C• 61.56' � � 588°�5�37��w CB� N8�°44'3T"w x ' 38. Ia' ( P�I NT 4F GOM�+�NC�1f+ENT TB� 583°30'3T"E "'�-�— � 7HE S.E. CQRNER OF TRACT "A" � CdURV�E���7A�d: ' THE S.W. C4RNER 1 L• 100.03' �fW �f�� � OF TRACT "A" R• 2988.40' � C• IOQ.03' S88°36'23"W �54. 19' CB_584Q28'49'_fi � ��w� �r� ��� � ��. � .�rr�+n� � �. LIWE OF TRACT "(�.. SEC . 6 . TWP . 21 5 . , RGE . 3 I E . ORAWN 8Yr $.PEARCE DATEt i1106/09 REVtSEOt N!A SCAt,Er t" + 50' S.R.�3{ AT TUSADRa pRNE CHECKEO BY+C.LE�'1'��5 DArEr nii2I09 tErd08 No.r 09d�t.rA SMEET 2 O�F J SKETCH OF DESCR/PTION PARCEL No.r IO2 THIS /S NOT A BOUNDARY SURVEY CENERAL NOT65r !. THI S I S NOT A BOUNDARY SURV£Y. ?. BEaRJNGS aS SNOWN NEREON ARE BASED ON THf CENTERL1Nf OF CONSTRUCTION OF STaTE ROaO 434. AS 8ElNG 589°4► '38'� BETIYEfN P. r. STa. 640•?5.08 aND P.O. T. STA. 661•72. 74� AS SHOWN ON FLORlDA OEPARTAaENT OF TRANSPORTATION RlGNT OF WAY MAP SECTION 77070-2S/7 FOR STIiTE ROAD 434. 3. TOTAL ARFA OF THE HEREIN DESCR/8E0 PaRCEL !S 405 SOUARE FEET, 1NbRE OR LESS. 4. SEE SHEET / FOR L£GAL DESCR/PTlONi 5fE SHfE1' 2 FOR PARCEL SKETCH. LECENO+ (� CENTER!INE P.C. P0l NT OF CURVATURf d Dft TA f CENTRAt ANGLE J PGf S 1. PACFf S J C CHORD DlSTANCE P. l. PO/NT OF 1NTERSECTJON C8 CNORp BEAR/NG P.0• T. POINT ON TANGENT C.M. CONCRETE M�ONUAfNT P. T. POINT OF TANCENCf D DECREE OF CURVE P.S.M. PROFFSSIONAL SURVEYOR EXIST. EXIST/NG AND MAPPER F.0.0. T. FLOR/DA DEPARTrtENJ' R RADlUS OF TRANSPORTAT/ON fRJ RADlAL FND. FOUNO RGf. RANCE !0. lDENTIFICATlON RT. RIGHT L LENGTH N/w RIGHT OF WiIY L.B. LICENSED BUSINf55 SEC. 5£CTION LT. LEFT S.R. STATE ROAO N/A NOT AVAILABLE STA. STATION N0. NUMBER T �ANGENT O.R�B. OFF/C1AL RECOROS BOOK T8 TANCENT 8EARING P.8. PL A T BOOK TWP. TOWNSH 1 P $,R,4J� AT TUSCORA DRNE ORAWN 8Yt S.PEARCE Dar�� /!/�/09 REYfSEOr N/A SCatfr N/A CHECKEO Br.C. LE�'rAx�5 DaTf+ uiiPi09 CEr,�9 +vo.t 09i0r�.�a SHEEr J Oi 3 ;. � .., . AFFIDAVIT OF NO LIENS (Seller) STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY(�F SEMINOLE BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority authorized to take oaths and administer � acknowledgments, personally appeared_ �(�t,d'��l �pr 1'�S , President of THE RESERVE AT TUSCAWILLA COMMiJNITY ASSOCTATI4N, INC., a Florida non-profit corporation, ("Affiant"), who duly being sworn under penalties of perjury, deposes and states as follows: 1. Affiant represents that THE RESERVE AT TUSCAWILLA COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION, INC. ("Owner"), is currently the fee simple owner of the property described in the Old Republic National Title Insurance Company Commitment attached hereto as Exhibit"A"and incorporated by reference, and he has personal knowledge of the matters noted herein. 2. Affiant is aware of no defects,liens,encurnbrances,or other adverse matters affecting title, other than those disclosed in the attached Commitment. 3. That no persons or entities other than Owner are entitled to the right of possession or are in possession of the properiy,and that Owner's right to title and possession of the property are not in dispute or question,and there are no tenancies,leases,or other occupancies that affect the pxoperty. 4. There are no disputes concerning the location of the boundary lines of the properry and there are no easements or claims of easements not shown by the public records. 5. There are no outstanding or unpaid taxes, assessments, fees, or obligations of any nature owed to any governmental autl�ority at this time (pending or certified) or any unpaid or unsatisfied mortgages,claims of lien or other matters that constitute or could constitute a lien or encumbrance against the property or any improvements on it or any part of it or against � arty personal property located on it,other than real property ad valorem taxes for the current year. 6. That there are no actions,proceedings,judgments,liens or executions against said Owner in any court remaining unpaid which affect the property;that there are no suits pending against said Owner in any court. 7. Owner is not part of any banlauptcy proceeding under the U.S. Code, or insolvency under any state sta.tutes, and is not currenxly in bankruptcy or the subject of a sta.te insolvency statute. � � 8. That no work has been done or materials furnished to the property for the past ninety(90) days which could give rise to construction liens being imposed under the provisions of Florida Statutes Chapter 713,Part I. j A � 9. Affiant has not and wili not execute any instrument or do any act whatsoever which could or might in any way affect the title to the foregoing praperty to the detriment of the CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS,which is purchasing the property from Owner. 10. That said Affiant recognizes that sorne of the purposes of this affidavit are to induce the CITY OF WINT'ER SPRINGS to purcha.se said property. ` 11. Affiant is aware that Old Republic National Title Insurance Company and Brown, Garganese, Weiss&D'Agresta,P.A.are relying upon tYus A.ffidavit to issue a title insurance policy in accordan.ce with the aforesaid Commitment, Affiant does hereby indemnify and hold hatmless Old Republic National Title Insurance Company and Brown, Garganese, Weiss&D'Agresta, P.A. against any loss or damage, including reasonable attomeys' fees and costs, through all appeIlate proceedings, caused as a result of any material false . statements contained in this Affidavit. 12. This Affidavit is given for the purpose of clearing any possible questions or objections to the title to the above referenced property, and for the purpose of inducing Brown, Garganese, Weiss&D'Agresta,P.A.and Old Republic National Title Insurance Company to issue title insurance on the subject property,with the knowledge that said title company is relying upon the statements set forth herein, 13. Affiant is familiaz with the nature of an oath and with the penalties as provided by the laws of the United Sta.tes and the Sta.te of Florida for falsely swearing to statements made in an instxument of this nature, Affiant has read, or hea.rd read,the full facts of tlus Affidavit and understand its context. 3��. '�,p,� Affiant has caused this Affidavit to be executed this day of �(�G ,2012. (signature page to follow] • : , . � AFFIANT: THE RESERVE AT TUSCAWILLA COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION,INC.,a . Florida non-pxofit corporation �--- By: 8-t, � Print name: �jq,J'(,�. �'�� Title: ��eS S WO TO AND SUBSCRIBED before rne this �� day of �� ,2012,by S(1� �� �S ,Presid�nt of THE RESERVE AT TUSCAWII.,LA COMMUNi'I'Y ASSOCIA'TION, INC., (check one) i��who is personally lmown to me, or ❑ who has praduced as identification. NOTA PUBLIC Print name: ..�-��t'�n My Commission Expires: �� av+�"�� Notary Public 5tate of Florida ? , J Bfachstein � My Commission DQ829795 �oFp,o� Expires 12l14/2012 Page 3 of 3 � + * � ' � i� * � ' � * � � * ** � Old RepublEc Nat�onal Titie Insurance Company 2300 Maltland Center Parkway#144 Maitl�nd,Florida 32751 ' SCHEDULE A FILE NO.: i2079630 JAR Agent File#314-079 County: Seminole l. Effective Date: August 29,2012 at 8:00 A.M. 2. Policies to be Issued: Proposed Amount of Insurance: (a) ALTA 2Q06 OWNER'S POLICY Amount: $10,000.00 (with Florida Modifications) PraposedInsured: Premium: $ City of Winter Springs,a Florida municipal corporatloa (b) ALTA 200b LOAN POLICY Amount: N/A (with Florida Modifications). Proposed Insured: Premium: $ N/A 3. The estate or interest in the land described or refetred to in this Cammim►ent is Fee Simpte. 4. Title to the Fee Simp(e estate or interest in the lend is at the Effective Date vested in: The Reserve st Tuscawilla Community Associarions,Inc.,a Fiorida non-profit corporation . , 5. The land referred to in this Cornmitment is descn'bed as fallows: . See Attached Legal Description . EXHIBIT . ALTA COMMITMENT � !'sge 1 F'ILE N0.:12079630 SCHEDULE B-SECTION I REQUIREMENTS Requirements: t. Payment ofthe full consideration to,or for the account of,the grantors or mortgagors, 2. Inshwnent(s)necessary to create t�e estata or interest to be insured must bo properly executed,delivered and duly filed far record: � a) Warranty Deed from Tha Reserve at Tuscawilla Community Associetion,Inc.,a Florida non-profit carporat�on,to tha City of Winter Springs,a Florida municipal corporation. b) Evidence satisfactory to the company must be furnished showing pro�f of the legal existence of The Rsserve st Tuscawilla Community Association,Inc.,a Florida non-profit corparation. c) CertiScate of Approval for the conveyance of properiy from The Reserve st'ilicawilla Community Association,Inc.,a Florida.non-profit corporation. � NOTE: All recording references in this commitmentlpoltcy shall refer to the Public Records of Seminole County, un(ess otherwise nated. SC'.I�DULE B SECTION II LS CONTINUED ON AN ADDED PAGE ALTA COMMITMENT Paee 2 r � FII.,E NO.: 12079630 SCH�DULE B-SEG"ITON II Schadule B nf the policy or policies to ba issued will contain exceptions to the following rnatters uniess the same are disposed af to the satisfactian of tt�e Company: 1. Defer.ts,licns,encwnbranc�s,adverse claims or oi�.er matters,ifany c�eai�d,fffst appearing in the Pub�c Records or attaching subsequent to t�a Effective Dats but priar to the data the proposed Ir�ured acquves for v��ue of record the i estaGo or interest or rnortgage tttereoti covered by this Commitment� ' 2, Any encroachmeut,enaurnbrancc, violation,variation,ar adverse circuamstancc affecting the Title that would be disclased by an accurate and camplete land swvey of tha Lanc�. The term "encrc�achm�nt" includes encroactunonts of exis�ng impravements loea#ed an the Land onto �djoining land, and encraachments on the Land of exisEing irnprovernents located on adjoining land, 3. Rights or claims ofparties in possession. �. Construc#ion, Mechanic's, Contractars' or Materlalmen's lien claims,if any, where no notice thereof appears of recard. S. Easements or claims of easements not shawn by the public records. 6. Gencral or special taxes and assessments required to be paid in ths year 2012 and subsequem years. 7. Any adverse ownership claim by fhe State of Florida by right af soveroignfiy ta any portion af the lands insured horeunder,3ncluding submerged,�lled or artificially exposed lends and lands accreted to such lands, S. State road right reservarions(s),if any. 9. Oil,gas and mineral right reservations,if any. 10. Any tien provided by County Ordinance or by Ch. 154,F.S.,irc favor af any city,tawn,village ar port autharity,fur unpaid service charges for services by any water systems,sewer systenss or gas systems serving t�e land dascribed hcrein;and any Iien fox waste fees in fevor of any cocmty ar munieipality. I 1. All uaatters cflntained on the Plat of The Reserve at Tusaawifla Phase I,as ncorded in Plat Book 48,pages 31 to dO,Ii1CIl143V8. 12. Gen�ral Bill af Sale mui Assigameut recarded in a.R.Baak 1952,Page 249. I3, Final Order Approvit�g Sattlement Agreement a�d Amendment to.4nnexatian Qrdinance Na.64,Tt�;e Tuscawiila Planned Unit Development, Master Plan faz fihe Tuscawilla Ptanned Unit Deveiopinent and Related Matters recorded in O.R Book 2243,page 1508. 14, Ordinance Na.489 af the City of Winter Springs recorded in O,R Baok 2277,page 464. 15, Settlement Agreement and Amendment to Annexation C3rdinance iVo.64,The fiuscawil2a Planned Unit Development, Master Plan for The'1ltscawilla Plannad Unit Development and Relatad Matters recorded in O.R Baak 2277,page�i69. 16. DeaIar$.tion of Covenants,Canditians,Basem�n�s and Restrictions recorded`m O.R.Baok 2853,page 1U55; Supplementai Declaration and Amendment recarded in O.R Book 2999,page I8. 17, Dactaration of Excltasive Listing and Lion Rights recorded in Q.R.Book 2855,page 197b. 18. Impact Fee Credit Agreement recorded in Q.R.Book 2427,p�ge 145T. ALTA COMMiTi�l�'T PaEf� . , � , FILE N0.:1207963Q 19. Cable Television Installation and Service Agreement racorded in O.R.Book 2989,page 736. 20. Declaration of Conservation Easement recorded in O,R Book 3223,page 363. 22. TuscawiIla Lighting and Beautification District Improvements and Maintenance Easement in favor of the City � of Winter Springs recorded in O.R Book 4204,page 1811. �. 23. Coasent Agreement for the Reserve at 1�scawilla recorded in O.R.Book 7632,Page 1679,et seq. ' 24. fiasemeat 8c Rig�tt of Entry in favor of Bright Houae Networks,L.L.C.,recorded in O.R.Book 7815,page 68. 25. Subject to a drainage easement over Retention Pond A to S�Johns River Water Management District, pwsuant to the plat of The Reserve at Tuscawilla,Phase I,racorded in Plat Book 48,Pages 31-40,Public Records of Seminole County,Florida. 26. Subject to the Developer's limited partners'consent regarding lot subdivision as roquired by Article 7.3 of the Decleratian of Covenants,Conditions,Easements and Restrictions for The Reserve at'Il�scawilla,recorded in O.R Book 2853,Page 1055,Public Records of Saminole County,Florida. TAX INFORMATION Parcel No.06-21-31-503-OA00-OOOU Parcel No.06-21-31-503-OK00-0000 Parcels are tax exempt. AI.1'A COMMITIVIENT Page 4 . , . � FILE NO.: 12079630 EXHIBIT A That part of: "Tracts A and K,af The Reserve af Tuscawflla,Phase 1,according to the piat thereof,as recorded in Plat � Book 48,Pages 31 throngh 40,I'ubl[c Recorde of Seminote County,Florida,(hereinafter the'�Property")." I described sa follows: f Commence at the Southeast carner of Tractf1A",The Reserve at Tuscawiila,Phase 1,accordfng to tE�e plat thereof,as recorded fn Plat Book 48,Pages 3I through 40,inclusfve,of the Public Records of Seralaole County,Florida;thence ran South 88°36'23"West along the Sooth line of aaid Tract"A"a distance of 154.19 feet to the Southwest corner of said Tract"A";thence departing said South[ine,rua North Ol°23'37"West along the West line of said Tract"A"a distance of 329.07 feet to a point on the existing Southerly right of way line of State Road 434 as shown Florida Department of Transportation Right of Way Map Section 77070- Z517,said pofnt also being a pofnt on a non-tangent curve concave Northerly having a radius of 2988.40 feet aad a chord bearing of South 88°15'49"East;thence departing said West line from a tangent beartng of South 87°27'Ol"East,run Easterly along said existing Southerly right of way linc and along the arc of said curve through a central angle of Ol°37'35"a distance of 84,83 feet for a Point of Beglnning;thence coaflnue along sald existing Soatherly rtght of way line and the are of said curve throu�h a eentral angle of 00°32'37"a distance of 28.36 feet to a point on the L�ast lfne of aforesaid Tract°`A";thence departing said existing Southerly right of way[Ine and said curve,run South 01°23'37"East along said East Une a distance of 7.55 feet;theace departing said East line,run North 81°10'OZ"West a c3iatance of 20.26 feet;thence run North b0°47'28"West a distt�nce of 9.76 feet to the Point of Beginnfng. ALTA COMMITMENT Page S ������r�� n�c � 0 2a�2 ' BROWN, GARGANESE, WEISS & D'AGRES��,E��E G TlI GLERK , Attorn ys at I�r�v i l l N.Orange Ave.,Suite 2000 P.O.Box 2873 Anthony A. Garganese Board Certified City,County 8 Local Orlando,Florida 32802-2873 Government Law Phone(40�425-9566 Fax (40�425-9596 agarganese@orlandolaw.net December 6, 2012 Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces, CMC City Clerk City of Winter Springs 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, FL 32708 Re: City of Winter Springs/Tuscora Decel Lane/The Reserve at Tuscawilla Community Association, Inc. Closing Our File No. 315-079 Dear Ms. Lorenzo-Luaces: With respect to the transfer of property from The Reserve at Tuscawilla Community Association, Inc., to the City of Winter Springs, please find enclosed the following documents for safekeeping: 1. Original Warranty Deed recorded in O.R. Book 7880, Page 487 2. Original of Quit Claim Deed recorded in O.R. Book 7880, page 492 3. Original Certificate of Approval for the Conveyance of Certain Common Property recorded in O.R. Book 7880, Page 502 4. Original Closing Statement 5. Original Hazardous Substance Affidavit 6. Original Certificate of Non-Foreign Status 7. Copy of Affidavit of No Liens 8. Copy of Further Assurance Agreement(Seller) 9. Copy of Further Assurance Agreement(City) 10. Copy of Certificate of Incumbency 11. Original Owner's Title Policy No. OXFL-08113532 12. Original Settlement Agreement(not to be recorded) It was a pleasure assisting the City with this matter, and should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office. Ft.Lauderdale(954) 670-1979•Kissimmee(321)402-0144•Cocoa(866) 425-9566 Website:www.orlandolaw.net•Email:firm@orlandolaw.net �� Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces, CMC December 6, 2012 Page 2 Sincerely, 1.�� � ��` Catherine D. Reischmann CDR/nh Enclosures cc: Brian Fields, P.E., City Engineer Kevin Smith, City Manager ; I ' . � IY�Ryi�E 110q�, CLEpt � CIIICUIT CaNI'T �71INI�E OOI�RY . � , 'SK 07AA0 Pyt OJOE - �l4� (13p�:1 CLERK'S il 2412123343 i Prepared by and return to: I�ED 10/�A/L+O�t 09�'JA18� pl Anthony A.Garganase,Esq. �� � �lE'00 � P.O.Box 2873 � � T ��� Orlando,FL 32802-2873 Parcal Id: 06-21-31-503-OA00-OOUO . 06-21-31-503-OK00-0000 � THE RESERVE AT TUSCAVVILLA COMMUNYTY ASS(3CIATION,INC. CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL FOR THE CONVEYANCE OF CERTAIN C4MMON PROPERTY TO THE C�, Y�OF„iVVYNTER SPRINGS.FLORIDA KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT, on this � day of �C� , 2012, the undersigned, for THE RESERVE AT TUSCAWILLA COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION,INC.(hereinafter referred to as the "Association"), hereby certifies that pursuant to the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, Easements and Restrictions for The Reserve at Tuscawilla, as recorded on December 1, 1994, in O.R. Book 2853, Page lOSS, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, the Assooiation has approved.the conveyance of that certain Common Property to the CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA,as more spec�cally described in Exhibits A,B,and C,which are attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. The a.forementioned conveyance is made pursuant to the affirmative approval of the majority of total voting power of the Association,as further set forth in the Declaration of Covenants,Conditions,Easements and Restrictions for The Reserve at Tuscawilla Community Association, Inc. , IN WITNESS WHEREOF, THE RESERVE AT TUSCAWILLA COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION,INC.,has caused these presents#o be executed in its name,by its proper officers duly authorized,on the date written above. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: THE RESERVE AT TUSCAWILLA COMMUlvITY ASSOCIATION,INC. By: � �'U-�7 V�-/J Pre 'dent � Print name: V� ��7i ATTEST� Ct - � . � ` ecxetary R. Print namer�j. �� � , STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF SEMINOLE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this��ay of l�l.,� era 2012, by �a�l�l (L (�a�I�W 5 , as President, and �7rC.�`2 j�jf1 ��`�' � Secretary,of THERESERVEATT'IJSCAW�LLA COMMiJNITYASSOCIATI� N,INC,aFlorida nat-for-profit Corporation, {check one) who are personally known to me or o provided as identification. Notary ublic ,,y�+p e Notary Public Sta+e of Florida �P �; J Blachste+n a My Commsssion DD829795 �'r�of f�°� Expires 1 211 47201 2 2 i � . . � � � ' SCHEDULE �Ar EXHIBIT PARCEL No.: 100 � ESTATEs FEE S/MPLE PURPOSE: ROAD R16HT OF WAY Tho� port ofr � "Troc ts A. B. C. D. G. N. !, J. K, ond L or+d Cherry Creek C I rc l e f pr I vote s tres t) ond at�Jw» Cocrrt fprlvote streetJ of The Resarve pfi Tuacowl/lo. Phose J. occordlnp to the p/ot thereof. os recorded /n P/ct Book 48, PoQes 31 thr0uph 40� Pubflc Records of Seminp/e County� Florldo and Troct M Raserve ot Tuscowlllo Phosa !•A os reCO�ded /n Plot Book 58� Paqe 99� PuDllc Records of Semlr+o/e County. F/or/do fher0lnotter the "�roparty"1. !i !s the In�ent of thls conveyonce to convey the Property os Cormaon Property cons/stenf wlth ths lntended conveyOnCe Of SuCh property mode on so/d plots. " fSold p�operty DB/n� fhe sarrie loRds describeO fn Off/clo! Records Boak 4222. Po�e 21d Of the PubliC Records of Semino/e Covnfy. Florldo. J desG'lbed os f0��owsi Com�nce o� the Sovtheos� corr►er of Troct A". Tha ReSe�ve ot Tuscow!!lo. Phoae J. occordln� fo the plot the�eof. os recorded /� Ptat 800k 4B, Pcpes 31 throu�h 40. lncluslve. of the Publ ic Reaords of Semino�e Counfy. Florldo+ thence �un Sa�th 88°36'23" West olonQ fhe South llne oi sa/d Troct "A" o d/atonce of 154.19 feet to the Sovfhsvest corner of sold Troct A"f thence deport/np sold South I Tne. run Norfh 01°23'37� Wesf alonQ th8 West flnR of sofd Troct "A" a dlstance of J29.07 feet to o polnt or► the exlstlnq Sou�he�ly rlpht of Woy Ilne Of Stote Rood 43Q as shown Florldo Ospartmant of Tronsportotlon Rlpht of Woy Mbp SeCf�on 77070-25/7. soJd polnt o/so belnq o polnt on o r+on-tonQent curva concove Northerfy havinfl o rodlus of Z988.40 feet ond o Cho�d DearinQ of Sovth 88•►5'49" Eosti thence departl»Q solo west line from o fonQent beorinQ ot Soutl� 8t°?7''01 " Eost. run Easterly plorrp sQld exfatinp Southe�ly rlgh� of woy Ilne ond olon� fhe orc of sald curve throuQh o centro! onQla of OI•37',�5" o dls+once of 84.8.7 feet for o Po!»t of BeQinnlnpt thencs cOntlnue o/on� sC/d exfstln� Southerly rlpht of w�y IJne ond the orc of scfd curve throuph o cent�o/ on�le of 00•32'JT~ o dfsi�once ot 28.J6 feet �o o polnt on the East line of oforesold Troct "A"� ther+ce deporfir+Q sold ex�stlnp 5outherly r/Qht of woy rins ond soid curvs. run Sovth O!°23'37" Eost oloR� sold East Ilne o dlstance of T.55 faetr thence deportln� so/0 Eost llne. �ur► Na�th 8f°10'02" ►Yest o d/stonce of 20.26 featr �Fhence . run North 60•47•28" West o dlstonce of 9.76 feet to the Polnf of Bepinn►np. Contolnlnp !41 sqvor@ feet. more or /ess. THIS IS NO1' A BOUNDARY SURVEY 1.oC�+R�nrF E�►GIHEER�NC,rnrC. �DCH���� L.B.N0. 2@56 �OlkSt111�/1� �llglllf�l'S • $11NL'�Ol'S 20�Sou1n �krax�a�OrlondaFla�do 3Y803 t407!896-33l7 PRWFCT NAU�, S.R,�J�AT f�lSCORA DRNE ClfR/STOPXER J.LEFTAJdS ORAWH BYi S.PEARCE DATE+ fl/46/09 SCIILE+ N/A P.S.�M.No. 6556 CHdCKED aYr C LEFTAKIS DATEr ll/�P/09 LEl,lpB Na+ 09101�I.fA wor v�uD wlrnnur rHE SoGiv�ruaE NrD ar�H�c �usFO SFat AF A FIARlDA LICENSED SfIAVEYOR ANa YAPI+ER SEC.6.rWP.E�S..AGE.3►E. REYISED+N/A S++EET r OF 3 i , � , � ' SKETCH QF DESCRIPT/QN PARCEL No.: !OQ THIS /S NOT A B�UNDARY SURVEY � S.R. 434 � R/W VAR(ES ) � cuRVE �ara ' EXIST. SOUTHERLY �• 01�37'35° PO1 NT OF 8EC1 NNI NG R/W L1NE PER F.D.O.T. L■ 84.83' Riw Map SEC. 7T070-2517 �' 2988.40' C- 84.83' CB• S88°15'49"E ,gEE DETAtL "A" -- -- .� � — ------__-- � 7B� S8T°2T'01 "E I LOT 80 �--` , W > , ,..,, .. a Q 3 THE RESERVE � AT TUSCAWILLA * TRACT ��a �� � �� PHASE I I RETENTION POND � vQ P . B . 50, PGS . 3 -9 � Z �" J ~ . i a u' t i- � O V O� a N � M ~ � O M � OETAIL "A" � � I� NOT TO SCALE ��� N 0 ' o # POINT OF BEGlNNING � z � � THE RESERVE AT TUSCAWILLAo � CURVE DATA o• oo•az;37� I PHASE I � R■ 29$Bfi40� I P . 8 . 4 S , PGS . 3 I —4 0 iCB•2589°20'S5"E � J . � I Ne��,o. I � 20•26?"w �' � POINT Of C01u�NCEwENT � R�W L i NE M� I THE 5.E. CORNER QF TRACT "A" I N60°4T'28"W o ti I THE S.W� CORNER � g.T6' � I OF TRACT "A" � � —� 588°36'23"W 154.19' �'�`r"`�°����� S. LINE OF TRACT "A" SEC . 6.� TWP . 21 S. � RGE . 31 E . S.R.13�AT TtlS(�RA ORIVE ORAWN 8Yr S.PFARCE OaTE+ H/06/09 REV/SEO+ N/A SCALFr 1" • 50' GIECKfO BY,C LEFTAxtS DATl�: p/t2i09 CErJ08 No.: 0901�.+�t S�IEFT P AR 3 ' � SKETCH 4F DESCR/PTION ' PARCEL No.� lUD THIS /S NOT A BDUNDARY SURVEY � GEN£RAL NOTES� l. TH15 !S NOT A BOUNDARY SURVEY. 2. BEARINGS AS SHOWN HEREON ARE 8ASE0 ON THE CENTERLINF OF CONSTRUCTfON OF S1'ATE ROAp 4J4. AS BE'!NG 589°4I •J8'�E 6ETWEEN P. T. STA. 640•?5.R8 ANO P.O. T. STA. 66/•72. T4, Ii5 SHOIIJV ON FLORlDA OEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RlCNT OF WAY AlAP SECTlON 77070-25!7 FOR STATE RQAD 4J4. J. TOTAL AREA OF TNE HER�'!N DESCRIBED PARCEL rS !4/ SOUARE FEET. MOR£ OR LfSS. 4. SEE SHEfT ► FOR LEGAL DESCRlPTION� SEE SHEET ? �OR PARCEL SKETCH. L E'GENOi � CENrfRL 1NE P.C. POINT OF CURVATURE d DEL rA f CENTRAL ANGL E 1 PG!S 1. PACE f S 1 C CHORD DISTANCE P.1. PO1NT OF /NTERSECTION C8 CHORD BEARlNG P.0.T. POlNT ON TANGENT C.AI. CONCRETE AIIDNUA4�NT P. T. POlNT OF TANGENCY D DECREE OF' CURVE' P.S.M. PRpFESS/ONAL SURVEYOR EX I S t. EX/S TlNG AND MAPPER F.D.0.T. ftORlDA DEPARTAENT R RAOlUS OF TRANSPOR TAT lON f R/ RADI AL FND. FOUND RGf. RANGE 10. JDENTlFICATION RT. RIGHT L LENCTH R/W RJGHT OF WAr L.B. LICENSED BUSINFSS SEC. SECT/ON � L7'. LEFT S.R. STATE ROAD N/A NOT AVAILABLE STA. STArlON NO. NUAI4ER T TANCENT O.R.B. OFf/CJAL RECOROS BOOK TB TANGENT BEARlNG P.B. PLAT 800K TWP. TOWNSHIP S.R.13�AT T(lSQQRA ORNE �WN 8rr S.PFARCF oar�� /l/06/09 REVlSFpe N/A SCALE+ N/A C!+►ECKED BYr C.LEFTAKlS pATEr N/IP/09 LE!J08 No.+ 090lI.IA SNFFT 3 AR 3 i � � BOUNDARY SURVEY EXHIBtT PARCEL Na.: ►01 � �jj N � DETAIL "B" NQT T0 SCALE �C��M) CURVE DATA 0• OQ°50' I 5" o L• 43.61 ' °. � R� 2983.40' � C• 43.61 ' CB• 586�05'03"E °o°o� �D) CURVE DATA t P) CURVE DATA '�'n-' 4� 00"SO'19" �• 00°SO•19" ��rr IDl TB• S85°25'05"E L� 43.66' L■ 43.67• R■ 2983.40' R• 2983.40' ►`�n�'vo C• 43.66' C� 43.67• ' ' "� � CB� 585•50'14'�E C8� S85°57'30"E e o v�i i � � i v�i vbi� • .� i ., a'in i VACANT • NO 8tl1LDINGS FND. 5/8" iRBC Q��j �O � "F.D.O.'f. » ....� �u+ � . �� 10' AEANTtNG AND �M SCREENING EASEI�ENT rn• fP�B.�50� PGS 3-9) lDl CURYE DA7A • N ' a• 00°49.43.� R/W LIKE �ND. 5�8" tRBC Me - - _,�__� L• 43.2f ' • "F.0.0.7 " �"' ` _B_�988.40' ' °-�°z �� i ^ � C 3.�'t"____ _ _____________ ,� � C8• N85°50'S2"YP^ �� v'�'�Z.. i (C �{M) CURVE DATA , _`______ _______ __, • � " �+� � o• 00°49•42" POINT OF BEGINNING ' � �'w wM ' L� A3.20' ; ca M;►�avi ; R• 298$�f.40' � `. ` M'lttJa I C.• 43•G�� I ee� . � CB■ N86°06'44 "W �_--_-. 0 �"��' � LOT 80 � w*�m I�- C... , a � � ���" � 7HE RESERVE ' � � AT TUSCAWILLA. �' ' PHASE II P. B. 50, PGS. 3-9 FND. 5/8" 1R8C Lg�2856 S.R�.lf AT T115CORA pRNE �AWN Bri SR/f:T. DATEi Q6/Z9I!! RfWSED► N1A SCAiE+ J' � 50' CHECXED 8Yr C.LAB!'flll�' DATEt O6/P9J1! JUB Ho.: Q9d/IJ$ SMEET 1 Qf � � � � . BOUNDARY SURVEY PARCEL No.: !0� DESCR/PTlON: Thot port ofr ' '�at 80� THF RESERVf AT TU5CAWILLA. AHASE !!, occordln� to ths mop or plot ihereof os reaordetl Tn P/ot Book S0, PoQes J THROtlGH 9. 1 NCL US/VE. of tha Pub!1 e Records of Saminole Covnty. �larldo. " lSolarproperty belnq the some londs descr/bed In Off/c/al Records Book 535/. PaQe 1006 of i�he Pub►Ic Records of Seminole Co�x+ty. Florlda. 1 deacrlbed vs fo/lp�vs+ Co�m+ence .ot �he Southeost corner of Troct "A; Tha Reserye ot Tuacawll la. Phcse !. vccordlnq to the plot thereof, as recorded in P/ot Book 48. PcQes 81 throuflh 40. Inc/uslve. of the Publlc Records of Sem/no/e County. Florldor fhence run Sauth 88"36'23' We,�t , olonp the Sovth /lne of sotd T�oct "A" o dlstcnce of /54.19 feet fo fhe Southwest corner , of so/d Trxt "A"r ihence departing sold South llne. rUn North Ol�?3'�7" West plonq the Wes� !!ne of solp Troct "a" o dl9tonce of 379.07 feat fo o pa►r,t on fhe exlst/nq Soufiherly rlpht of woy Iine of Sfiote Road 4,�4 os ahown Florfdo Ooportmerrt of Tronspo�totlon R/pht o! Woy A�fop Sect/on 77070-?317. ao/d polnf �faa baTnp o polnt on a non-lonpent ce�rve ccncove Northerly hQV1nQ o �cdlws af �988.40 feet and a chord Dear/r►� of Narth ' 86•SI'I?" Wesf�j thence ddport/n9 sold Wes�► Ilne. from o tarr�ent beorin� o� North 87°27'0I " West, run Weste�ly alonp sold exfsfln� Southerly rlpht of woy /lne and tha orC of sold curve throuph a centrol ony/8 Of (tl°ll •37" o dlstance of 62.?6 feet to the end of so/d curve for o Po/nt of BeQinnlnpt .thence deportlnq soid ex/stlnp Sautherly rl�ht of way t lne� contlnue Westerly o►onq �Fhs arc o�l sold c�rve fhrouph,o cen�Frol onp/e of 00•49'd3" o dlstcnaa of 4J.21 feet i�o o polnt on the lVeat IJne of L ot 80� The Reserve ot Tuscow�l�o, Phase 11� occordJnp to the pJOt there�f� cs recordad ln Plot Book 50. Poqes 3 thrauQh 9� lncluslve, of tha Publlc records of Semfnole Covnty, F/a�ldo+ thenCe Oepar-tinp sald aurve. run North 0!�?J'37" iYest o/on� aoid West Ilne o dlstonce of 5.03 feef to o polnt on tho o�FOresold exla+►InQ Sor�therly r/qht of woy 1lne of Stvte Rood 434� sold polnt olao befnp a polnt on o non nan-tonQent cu�ve concove IYo�therly ond�concentrlc wlth the o1'oresold Curve hov/r►p o rodlus of 2983.90 feet onei o chord deoring of South 85°50'l4" Easts thence departing sald West I lr+e f�om o tanQent bearJnp of SOVth 88°25'05" Eost. run fosfe�ly olon� BoJd ex/stln� Southerly rl�ht of woy /fne vnd olonQ the orc of soid curve th�ouph o centro! anpla of p0"50'19" o dlstonco of 4J.6b feet ta fhe end of sa/d curvei thence deporttng sold curve. run Sovth 03°44•36" Wast con�rinu/nq oron� sora extstrn� Southerly rlQht pf woy line o dlstonce of 5.00 feet �ta tha Palnt of Beglnn►ng. . ContolnlnQ ?I1' squore feet� mora or Jesa. c�rru►�v ro, �rc,rau ucN,c+roc r�a�qr�v�a ,uavlc+�l � B�N s�SEEWErss Akd Q��Sra oco REAUeLC NArro�rac rrrtE rNSURaNCE CD�PaNr �������� GOCNRANE ENdNEER/NG.IHC. [.B.Na Y886 �OOStl�f�lig E!)ffl(lEe!'S • $(lfV�OIS 20l SOU/h 8u AYpnu�OrlpnOq,f/OrJdo d2803 f90T1896-,?317 ������ W��� �aarecr NAUF, s.R.�ar ruscoRa o� CIiR1SfOPHfR A.LoBERCE ORAWN 8Yr SaP./P,T, OATFt 06/29/!J SCALEi N/A P s�u�� �` CNECxEO 8Yt C LABEAGE DATEr G16/29/!! JQB Na+ 09r1JI.18 NOT VAL10 WITMOI►T THF S�'iNATURE ANO OR1&lNAL R/U5E0 SEAL 0/ A fLOR►DA UCENSED S�IRVEYOR AND NAPPBR REV1SEDi SIfEET 2 OF t � . N BOUNDARY SURVFY ' PARCEL No.: !OI . S. R. 434 f R/yy VAR I ES ) PO 7 F BEGlNNING CURVE DATA 10' PLANTING AND �• 01°II '37" SCREENlNG EASEMENT SEE DETAIL "A" L• 62.26' EX1ST. SOUTFtERLY R/W LINE PER F.D.O.T. (P.B. 50, PGS 3-9) .--•--.-...-. R• 2988.40' R�W MAP SEC. T7070-2517 � C• 62.26' "`� CB• N8S°51 '12"W _______—_ _�__��..h L........=1_____~_ NT __r_��RVE DATA A0.00'il') �� t i TB• N87°27'01 "W~ �• ��61�r�1"-"'-- �� � �--5' UTILI7Y EASEMENT R• 29gg.�q0' �.�Y 79 � i tP.eLOT' $� 3-9) C- I 15.91 ' � CB� NBB°42'�3"W W i i (P) i i � THE RESERVE ~ � TRACT "A " o� AT TUSCAWI LLA , RETENTION POND a� PHASE II oa P. B . 50o PGS . 3 -9 A� Q N� _ �� � r' O�` Q � NN N M M Li. HEATHERWOOD ��' W COURT MM z M� J 1� N M I.���r..������r.�..r.�r rr��...r rr.rr ri o o � N N I NOT TO SCAL E l D)CURVE DATA � j �`� T H E R E S E R V E A T itSEE DETA[L "8" SHEET 4 ) �• 43•�86•19~ � ( TUSCAWI LLA, PHASE I R• 2983.40' � PGS. 3 � ' 40 TB• S85°25'05� C■ A3.66' :'� � P e B o q 8 C@• 585°50'I 4"E v I ° � ^v NT �� ' � o R�W I,fNE N � . . � � tDf QUR00°a9T43" � � " R� 2988�40, �07 80 � Pp�NT OF COMA�NCEI�NT � N C• 43.21 ' � THE S�E. CORNER OF TRACT "A" � o C$• N85°50'32"W I THE S.W. CORNER I � POINT OF BEG1WNfNG � °F T�^cr �^•� I " N68°28'22"E 154.19'IP) �� ������� � `�������I S68°36'23"W 154.I9' 5. IINE OF TRACT "A" S.K�fJ�!AT TIlS�1DRA ORNE n�WW Bri S.P./P.T. DATEr 06/29/u RFV1SfD� H/A SCAtEi !" • 30' CNECKfD 8Yr C.tABER6E DATFr 06/Y9/U ,108 Na� 09DAt,rB SNEEr J OF � � . � , . BDUNDARY SURVEY PARCEL No.s IQ! ' , �n�R�� uor�s� !. BEARINGS AS SNOIIW NERfON A1tE B�tSED ON THE CENTfRIlNE OF CONSTRtIC�ION OF STAfF ltOAp 13I. AS BE1NG S89•I l'38'� B�TNEEN P.T. STA, 6�0•?5.08 ANO P.D.T. STA. 661•7.�.71. A5 SHOlYIV ON fLQA'1pA DEPARI'AENT OF TRANSPOR]"ATlON RlGHP OF WAY RIbP SECrIQN 77070-2'31I' FOR STA1'E' RQAp f,��. • ?. TOTAL ARBA OF THE NERE/N DESCR/6E0 PARCEL !S ?f T SOUrlRE FfEr. 1�ORE OR tESS. J. 5EE SNEET 1 RQR PARCEL BGUkDARY OE�AIt� SL�E SHEET ? �017 CEGAL DESCRIPT/dNi SEE SN�ET 3 FpR PARCEL SKETCH� SEE SHEET 1 FOR NOTES AND LEGENOt • 4. NO ENVIROJY�'NrAt ISSUES NAVE BEEN ADDRESSED Br THIS StlBVEr. 6. SURVEYOR N�t5 REV/EiYEO THE �'OLLOWINC lTEAIS L/STEp /N SCNEDUGE B. SECT/ON ?• OF OLD RPll�t/C NAtIONAL r�nE �HSUauuwcs co�anrr rt rcE ccMU�r�Nr No. /005�1690 JAR. EFi'fCTIYftY DATEO A�4r !0. ?olr AT 8:00 aM rREYlSION DArE Ad1Y �r. ?0111� t'OR EA5EMEN1'S AND R/GH75•OF-WAY AND F/Np5 YNE POLLOWlNG� I lEAI •11 • PL a l BOOK 50• PACf S J THROtIGH 9� 6ASE!►ENTS SHON�Vt lTEM •!? - O.R.B. 1952. PG. ?99i NO EaSE�ENtS OR RlGHTS•OE'•war, 1 TfAI •I1 - O.R.$. ??t3. PG. �508: NO EASEAEHTS.OR R'lGN1S•Of'-WAP� /lfM •11 - O.R.B. ??77. PG. 454+ IYD EASEA+L�IYTS OR RICHTS•OP•WAY� lTEM •IS - D.R.B. ?27't, PG. 469i ND EASEA�NTS OR R/CHTS•Of•If�AYi ITEAI •r6 - O.R.B. 7983. PC. �05� 8 O.R.6. ?899. PG. l8r NO fASEAfNIS OR RlGRfS•OF-N'IIYt • lTE1I •17 - D.R.B. 1855. PG. 1976r NO EASEA�NTS�pR R/GNfS-OF-WAYt lTEM •/6 - O.R.B. ?9?7• PG. i467r NO �ASEAENTS OR RlCH�S-GIF-WAY� t TEAI •!9 - 0.R.B. ?989. PG 136 e CONTAlNS AN 'EASEAENT 1 N GR055" f A BtANKET EASEAENTI� THE PROPERI'Y AfAP ALSO BE 5U8JECT TD OTNfR AIATIER5 5ET FORTN lN SA/D 1'/TLE COMIIITAENr. LECFNDr $ CENTERL JNE p-�• PO1Nt 01�' CLRYATURE d DftTA tCENTRAI ANGlE1 PGlS1. pAGEfSI C CHORD OlSTAAfCE P•�• �'O1NT OF 1NTERSfC!!ON CB CNORD BEARJNG p•�•r• POlN� ON TANGENT C.Al. CONCRE rf MIONIlALcN7 P•r• PO/NT OF TANCEkCY D �EGREE Of' CURV6 p•S.M. PROF�55/ONAL SllRYEYOR EXiSr. E'XlST1NG aND AdOPPER f.D.O.T. PLORIDA OEf'ARTAEN� R RAp/US OF TRANSPORfArlON �R� RADIAL FkD. FWND RCE. RANGE • 1D. /OENTlFICAfION R7. RlGH� c terocrx e�w Rlarrr oF war L.B. LICENSEO BUS1NE55 SEC. SECTION L T. LEF r S.R. STATE 80AD N/A NOr AYAlLABLE STA. STAlJON . ' NT NON-TANGEN� r TANCEN� No. NUA6ER rB ?'ANGENT BEARING O.R.B� OFF/C1AL REC0170S BOOK ��• TDWNSMIP , P.B. PLAT BOOK f R8C I i?ON ROD AND CAP SE r '�/8" JRQN ROp ANp CAP �C� CALCU�ATfO � •CB?856 UNLESS OTHERWl5E �M� FIELD AEaSURED NOrED� fA1 OE$D fPJ PLA� S.l�41t AT T�15CQRA pR7yE DRAWN 8Yr S.P./P,T. DATEe Od/E9/t! RE'Y15EDi N/A SCatE� N/A CNECKEO 8Yi�LABEfi+GE DI{TEe 05/Z9/N J06 h1p,i 091DH.18 SNEET 4 Of' < � '� 1 ' � �� ' BDUNDAR�' SURVEY EXHIBIT . PARCEL No.s l02 � � � � � N , D�'fAI1. "@" NOT 1'0 SCALE � 0 ••- (C 3 t M� CURVE DATA `�' �• 01 °10'SO" �n !• �61 .47• �o � � R• 2963.40' "'�+� � � C• 6i .47' N,�e � � :. CB• 585°OA'59"E ;� t u+ °�°~ �D) CURVE DATA P01 N1' OF '-'R �� �C)cM) N88°43'S0"E 43.78. �i° a• oi�io•ssN BEGINNIWG z; •�' ca� roea�ae��a�� 4a.e4, oo �. sr.sb• . � °z°r° tC?fM) N88°43'SQ"� 38.23' �l� �� g 8g640 �$ `` �pl 588°35'37"W 38.i4' CB• N84�49'37"W ^" � U� V ' VACANT • NO BUILDINGS � 10' PLAN7ING AND � � SCREENING EASEMENT i ; cP.B. 50. PGS 3-9) tDy CuRVE DATA � • � _o_���.�5�4^ R iW �[NE , -- - --r- ----- ------------- ---- �� ioo.os• --- -_ _,; � � rs• se�•3a�s7� t�). R� zssa.4o• '-- „�-________ , c• ioa.o3• - - � CB� 58A�28'09"E �^ i � o ; � . cc>cM� CURYE DATA � o � 0• 01"55'05" � o � L• I OO.p4 ' ' ' �' ' R� 2988.40' ; �o. i C• 100.05' � `O•° ' � r-5' UTILITY EASEMENT ��• N8�°34'2! "1k � v� !'� � (P.B. 50. PGS 3-9) i -Q O ' LOT 79 � �� 00 a � 5' UT1l.ITY EASEAIENT—J M� � � � (P.B. 50, PGS 3-9> M O � THE RESERVE � NM � ' AT TUSCAWILLA, � o� a ; PHASE I I � „�°n i � 3,. ' ; P . B. 50, PGS. 3 -9 � �°' � .. , � � _ FNO. 5/8" lRBC • LB�2856 . S.R.�3A AT TUSL1qRA pRA/E �AWN HYr S.P./P.l. DAfE+ a6/E9/Jf REylSEDr N/A SCALfr N/A ' C!lECKED 8Y�C.GA9�RG$ OATrr 06/Z9/11 �B No.r 090N,18 SH�F7 ! � 4 � ' Y, �J` ' r• , BUCINDARY SURVFY PAR�EG 1��.: 10,2 DESCR/PT1QNs ThOt perrt ofr "�ot T9. TNE RESERVE kT TtiSCAN'lLL�4. PNASE IJ. occord!»{t to tR9 Plot th�rreaf os �ecard�d !r► Plot Book SD. Po�rss J thru 9. Mcluslve, trf th�r Publ lc Re�ords Of SeminoJe County, Flo�lda. " fSG�.d pr�operty beln� �rh�r aom9 /onda descrlbed fn Offlclol R�cortls Bpok 6�78. Poqe /406 o�F the Pubtla RacarC�s of Semtnote County, Ftortdv.I de.+zcrlbad as i�ot lowa: Camnence of the Sa�utheost corrrer af Tro�t "�t; The Reserve ofi ivsaowll I d� Phase l. occardtn� to the plert thareaf, as rRCOrded !n Pfa# �ock 48, PoQas ,�1 thrau�h dt3, IrictuslVe. of the Aubl ic ltecor�ds of Seml�r�ote County� Fl,prldot then�p �,» Sovth 88°36'23" West olonp th�9 $OUth /lrle of s�t71d T�acf '"A" o dl8�e�^rC� af l5d.19 fset to the Saufhwest carner � of aold ?'rttC# "+4"� th8talCe dFp+Ctrtflry' So1d $Ottttt !Jttbti ttJPt ND�th tJ!°s�;!`.'FT" West ctt otl�,T ttxe west r�ne o,� sa►a rract "A" o dlste�ce of 3?9.47 feet to o po1�t or� the exist��q Saufherly rlpht p�" woy �lne af Stote Rcrctd 434 ca st�o�rrr ftorlttct Depc�tme��t of Tronspartatton Rlpht of Way A�p Sectlon 7TOTQ-25t�. sctd po/nt vlso betnp o poin�r on o non-ton�ent curve► concova Narfher�y hovinp a radlus of ?988.40 feet ond o chord beor/np of Nor�lh � 8S°5�•12" lYe�ats �hence departinQ svtd �'est t tne, frotn o iF+�ta�n�t Decartr� of Nor~th B7°?7•C?t" We��`, run Westerly o►onq so/d ex/s�lnQ Sou�herly rl�ht of woy !Me ond the orc o�' sold curve throuph o centrtrl on�rts of O1•!!']7" a dlatorrce of 62.?6 fest tp the end�of scrtd ccrrva= ttfance dapar�Jnq �cld curve. run Narth 03°d4•�6"Er,�s� radloi to the aforesoJd Curve and con1�lncrinp olo»p sald exJstln� Southerly rJflht of way 11ne o dlstorrCe o�f 5.00 • fee� to #he begJr�ntnQ �tf o �r0»-tor�pent curve ce>rtcove NortAerty and conGerr#r7� wtth the oi"presotd curve hovinp p rodlus of 2983.40 feet orrd o chord b�►orin� 01 Narth �5°30'I4" 1Yes�r thenca from a tvr►�►ent ppprtirg of Nvrth 9b'15'24" Wes�. contlnue Westerly o►pnp sotd existlnp Southerty rl�ht cf waY tJne rtnd atonp tf�a or� of saJd curve thrau4h o c�rrtro� o»p�e� of 00•50'►9" o dl3tonce of dJ.66 f�et �Fp o pofnt an the Eost f Me of Laf r9� The Rsssarve ot fuacawitla, Phase t!. accordtnQ �o tha ptot theraof. as r�ecorded tn Ptot Baak 50� f'a�ras 3 throvph 9. Jrrclust ve. a� fhe Pub!tC reCards 0� Seminol d Cocrnty� �l o�ldo for a Paint of Beplru►lnq� thenae contlnue lYester�y v�onq soid �rxlstin� Southerly rl�ht of woy � !Ina turd cttonQ fhe �c of sQTd curve throuqh o can�tr�ol an{�Je o� Ol"t 0'S6" o dlstenae of 61.56 feet ip the end of aol0 curvei thenca deportMp aolr! curve, run Sauth 88°35',�7" We�sf conttnul»p olanQ sold exlatln� Southerly rlQh! ot wvy tlna o dlsforrce of J8.t4 fest to the lsept»rrtnp af a non-tanpent cr�-ve concave Nart�hert y anC conce»trlc wl th th� ofv�esold curve hovMQ o rodTVS of ,�998.40 feet ond o ChC�r'O bElor'Ing of SOVth B4•28'09" Eo�t� thatr�� depar#tnff sctct s�rtsttr►� Southerty rt�ht of way JTne fr�c�m cr tcnqent beorFn� of South 8�°30'3T" East. rurr Eoaterly a/on� the orc of sa/d cu�ve throuqh vi centrol onqle at' 01•S5'Q4" a dlston�a of taD.a3 fset fo a polnt on the aforesatd ;East llne af Lot 79i thenae . deporting sQJd curvs. rurr Nvr-th fl!•23`3r" �est r�lon� sold Evst ttne o dtstonce a� 5.ti3 �'ept tq the Polnt of Be�l�ln�l. COntatnMp 4D5 squore foot. nrr�re ar less. CEATiFIED TQr T E�7"�1'����R D R N�GS.�L R/A�NR,VAN 0 D�REtPtt�&t�����t7��t�NS�tt�CE C�1tt'AAtY J ������� LOCNRANE EAroIHEERfNG.ING '�r C.e.No. �B56 �Dt?$itlllfl� �1�tk�1'S • $UJ'Y�}r01'S C� ,'�OYSOV!'h Avenu�9r.th'MndC,flDrldO JPBQ'J f�7189�-,�'J�!' Ptr�ou�cr Na�r�� s,��v�4 ar rtnca�a n�,vF CHR/STt1PltER A.LaBEAd� CRAWN 8Yi S.P./P.7'. DAtE� 06/Z9/ll SCACEe iVlA RS.rl/.No. 6Q�� CMECKED 8Yr C.LoB�RCE DATEr 06/Z9/f! J09 li0.e 09�0({.18 Np7 VAGfD WtTM7tt7 7tfE S(AyATt1RE ANO OR�GlNAL RIUSE�S�AG tTF +t Flt�#!TA tiCENSFO SilRVEYtiit AND itdpA�R AEVtSEO: SNFE7 P Of 4 i � _ , � � � ° eov�r�aRr suRVEr , N PARCEL No.� 102 I S.R. 434 t R/W VAR I ES ) CURVE DATA �� � 0• 00°50'19" ����d L� 43.66' � R• 2983.40' C• 43.66' CURVE DATA SEE DE7AIL "A" ca• ►�e5°so•�4•�w o• �s�ii �37° T8� N86 15'24"W �' 62.26' EXIST. SOUTHERLY ......�.��..�����,. ...� o � R• 2988.40' R/W LINE PER F.D.O.T. FND. 5/8" IfiSC C• 62.26' R/W MAP SEC. 77070-2517 ' F.D.O.T.' � CB• N86 51 ' 12"W .............�...�..r.�.�.. � a, FNO. S/B" 1R8C W�'- "F.O.O.T." �TB� N87°27'01 •'W — — ?F' NO3°44'36"E �° 5.00'tR) W � LOT 79 W� LOT 80 0� o� THE RESERVE TRACT "A �� � � AT TUSCAWI �LA, RETENTION PONO c�,�v PHASE II �`� P . B . 54, PGS . 3 - 9 ~ LL= D¢ : j� W . O w� V � J Q � M �h HEATHERWOOD � �� COURT �^ M N 0 ___.-._---------------_—� ° TH� RESERVE AT Z r o�rAiL NaM TUS�AWI LLA, PHASE I iNOT TO SCALE � pO l NT OF BEG(NN i NG °� P. B • 4 S , P G S . 3 I - 4� � � SEE � i• CllRVE DATA �D) �� f �S EEY t�N 'no �' fi1a56.56" M� ( o R• 2983.40' �N� l i D l o • C• 6 I.56' "° 58838gt47"W 4�" C8� N84•49'37"W "x j � PdINT OF COMMENCEMENT 1 T9• S83°30'37"E THE S.E. CORNER OF TRACT "A" 1 l 0) C�URdE•55704" I . � �• 100.03• R/W L i NE THE 5.W. CORNER ` R• 2988.40' OF TRAC1' A C� i00.03� I s8a°36�23°w i54• IS� C8� S84°28'09_E L"""r— �"" - -"'� �""�'�—�^ S. LINE Of TRACT "A" S.l?.�31 AT TflSC0J7A ORNE ORAWk BY� S.P./P.T. DATL►t 06129/U RfVISEO+ SCALE+ �" ' �0` CttECKED 81',�LaBERGF DATgi 06/Y9/U d�8 Na� 09�J�JB SHEfT 3 QF � � , .� � � �� � d eouNOARr suRVEY PARCEL .No.: !02 cEr�aat n►or�s� 1. BEARINCS AS SHWIdY N6pE0N ARE' BASED ON THE C�'N�ERL JNE OE' CONSTRtlCTlON Of SJ'A�E ROAp 41�. AS BElNG SB9°�1'JB'� BETI�6N P.f. SiA. 6�0•�43.08 ANO ' P.D.T. STA. 66l•7?.7'�, AS SHOM7V ON FLOR/DA DEPART�lYT OF TRANSPORTAT/ON . R/GNT OF q',4Y A/AP 56CJlON 770r0-?817 FOR STAlE ROAD 4�I. ' ?. fOTAI ApEA OF rH6 HERE�N DESCRJBEA PARCfI IS �GS SOlIARE F6ET, MClRE OA' IESS. 3. SEE SNEET ! FOR PAA'CEL 90UNDARY pETAlL� SEE SHEET ? FQR LEGAL OL°SCRlP1"lOWt SEE SNEFT 3 FOR PARCEL SKETCH� SBE SHEET � FOR NOTES AND LEGENAi 4. NO ENVIRONAENTAL ISS!!fS HAYE BEEN ADDRESSED BY ?'NIS SURVEP. S. SlIRVEY�t HAS IiEVIEW£D �HE F07,LOW/NG lf�AlS t ISTED !N SCN�DULE 8. SfCT10N 7, OF OLO RPUBLIC NAT/ONAL fITLE iNSURANCE COA�'ANY Tl7'LE COANfIT�N?' N0. f0054697 JAR. EFfECTIVELY OATED AUGOST 27. ?0!0 A� 8+00 AM IR£YiSlQN DAfE lG1Y /l, ?Ol!1, fAR EASEAENtS AND R1GHT5-OF•WAY AND FlNDS TtlE FOLLOH7NCr 1 lE+U •11 • f�LA7' BOOX 50, PACES 3 TNRtN1GN 9� FASEQfNTS SHOWJVi lTEAI �!? - O.R.B. 1932. f�f1. ?99� !YO EASEAEN�S aR RlGtl7S-OF-WilYi 1Tfbl �IJ • d.R.B. 2?43. PG. 1508r NO EbSEAENTS OR RlCfffS-OF-ly�tYi lT6AI •14 - O.R.B. ??7�. AG. 464� NR EASfAENTS OA RICH?'S•0�-WAYt ITEAf •l8 - O.R.B. Y?r7. PG. 469i NO EASL�A!*Nf5 OR RlGHTS•OF-WAYr ITEAI •16 - O.R.B. ?B53• PG. IDSS 8 D.R.B. ?999. PG. t8� NO E'ASEAENTS OR Rl6NT5•OF•WAYi ' 1TEAI �17 - p.A.B. 29?7, PG. 1467e ND EASEA�NTS OR RlCNiS-OF-WAY+ lTEM •!8 - O.R.B. ?999. PG �J6i CDN�AINS AN, 'BASEAENt lN GROSS" lA . BtAlUXBT EASEAENfJt fHf PROP�ttlY AfAY ALSO BE St/BJECT TO OTHER AfA1TERS SET FORTH /N SAlD T1RE CO+INIITAENT. GECENDi � c�Nr�xc�n� p•c. po�nrr oF cuava rva� b DFLTA ICENTRAL AA�f'iLE1 PGlSl. PAGEfS! C CHORD D/STAMCB �•�• POIN7 OF IlV1fRSECTlON CB CHORD BEARJNC P•O.T. FOlNr ON TANCENT C.Al. CONCRETE AqNUAENT p-T. POI NJ OF �AHCENCY D DEGAEE OF CflRi�E P•S.M PROFESSIONAI SURVEYOR EXlST. EXlSTlNG AND MAPPER f.D.D.T. F!ORlDA DEPARTAfNT R RA01 US OF TRA/VSPOR�ATlON fRJ RADIk! FND. FOUlVD a�• RANCE 10. I�ENT/F/CA71�N RT. RICHT t LENG1'N R/!1' R!('iHr OF WAY i.8. 1/CENSEC Bt151NE55 SEC. SECTION L 1. LEPT S.R. STAr� ROAD � N/A NOT AVA/LABLE STA. STAT/ON ' NT NON•?'ANGENT T TANGFMr No. NUA6ER 1'8 TANG£NT BEARlNG 0.R.B. OFFlCI AL RECOROS BOOK T�'• TOI{7VSHl P , P.B. PLAT BOOIf �R�C 1R�U Rp0 ANA CAP � 5ET 519" lRON ROQ AND CAA «� CAL CUL a TEP O �L8?836 UNCESS OfH�17WISE �'u� F1ELD•,SEAStJREO NOtEOt f0! DEED ' fPJ PLAl' S.R.�3�AT TUSGIDRA ORNF ��wN BYr S.P./P.7. DATFi 06/P9/p R�hSEDr SCALE+ N1A CNECKl�O 8Yr C.LoBERGE aA7E� 06/29/p J09 Na� 09WI.rB SHfET I DF � . I f I t CERTIFICATE OF INCUMBENCY � STATE OF FLORIDA � COUNTY OF SEMINOLE , being duly sworn, deposes and says that he/she is the = of THE RESERVE AT TUSCAWILLA COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION, ' INC.,organized under the laws of the State of Florida(the"Corporation"),with the business address ibeing 225 S.Westmonte Drive,Suite 3310,Altamonte Springs,FL 32714;tha.t he/she has custody � of the books of the Corporation; and that the following are the cuirent officers and directors of the corporation and their signatures: OFFICE NAME SIGNATURE President Sarita.Forbes ��� ��� Treasurer Becki Long � Secretary Donna Brownfield l� � Vice President Chuck Kleinknecht WITNESS my hand and seal of the corporation this�day of� , 2012. �i'l7?l ` Secretary � (CORPOR.A.TE SEAL) 5WORN to subscribed before me this�day of� ,2012,by the Secretary of'�HE RESERVE AT TUSCAWII�LA CONIMUNITY ASSOCIATION, INC., (check one) �who is personally known to me or ❑ who produced as identification. � . , No Public �,Y r�B N�,t�ry Public State of Florida Print Name:_ J��Ijy(,�L.C-��/� _°, �� � E�lachstein a MY Comm�s^i����829795 My Commission expires: �i �`° FxCairas 1;.�'d!7_0'12 �`QF f�'` +d�� E j � � i CERTIFICA'TE QF NON-FOREIGN STATUS 1 STATE OF FLORIDA CC}L1NTY OF SEI�rIlNOLE Sectiar�1445 of the Internal l�evenue Code provides that a TR.ANSFE;REE(City of Winter . Springs)of a U.S.real properry interest must withhaid tax ifthe TRANSFEROR is a foreign person. To inform the TR.ANSF'EREE#hat witta�holding af tax is nat required u�on the disposi�ian af a U.S. real properiy interest b�THE RESERVE AT T'L7SCAWILLA COMMUNTfY ASSOCIAT"ION,INC. {hereinafter referred to as "TRANSFERORA), tlie undersigned her�by certifies the foliowin� as TRANSFER0Y2.: 1. TRANSFEROR is not a foreign person, foreign corparation, foreign partnership, fareign trust,or foreign estate{as tht�se terms are defined in the Internal�tevenue Cade and IncomB Ta�c Regulations};and 2. TRANSFEROR'S Federal Ta�c Identification number is: 65-0534270 3. TRANSFERC}R'S address is:225 S.Westmonte Dr.,Ste.3314,Aitamonte Springs, �'L 327I4. T'RANS�'EROR understands that this certification may be disclosed to the Internal Revenue Service by TRANS�EREE anc�that any faise statement contained herein could be punished by fine, : imprisonrnent,ar bot�i. Under penalties of perjury,Z declare that I have examin.ed this certification aaad to the best of my knowledge and belief it is true,correct,and complete,and I fiarther deciare that I l�ave autharity to sign this document as TRANSFEROR. DATED this �� day of b G�"' ,2012. THE RESERVE AT TUSCAWTLLA CONIN�t1NITY ASS4CIATIQN,INC.,a Florida non-proft corporation BY: �l„����C`- �-�� Print name: SD�.fI.� �-'�'��.� Title: ���° S 1 � . � ' '. � � � � � SWORN TO and subscribed bef$re me this � day of � 2012, by �a �2l ����I�e i1�-� o THE RESERVE AT TUSCAWILLA COMMUNiTY ASSOCIATION, INC., (check one) �who is personally known to me or o who produced a Flarida drivers license as identification. Notary blic -S�e�Iorida Print Name: � a c k r�•i► �� =�1�Y'OUS4r Notary Public 5tate of Florida , J 8lachstein � � . �; My Commission DD829795 �'.*o��,,o'�' Expires 12/14/2Qt2 2 1 � . � � BROWN, GARGANESE, WEISS&D'AGRESTA, P.A. 111 N. Orange Ave., Suite 2000 Orland'o, FL 32801 CLOSING STATEMENT AND DTSBURSEMENT SHEET SELLER . THE RESERVE AT TUSCAWILLA COMMUNITY AS50CIATION,INC. BUYER . CTTY OF WINTER SPRINGS,FLORIDA PROPERTY DESCRIPTION . SEE EXHIBTT"A"ATTACHED HERETD CLOSING DATE . �C,� � � � ,2012 CONTRA,CT : SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT DATED MAY 22,2012 PURCHASE PRICE: CREDIT SELLER CREDIT BUYER Purchase Price $10,000.00 Deposit Cash at Closing Adjusted Tota� $10,000.00 $10,000.00 EXPENSES: CHARGE SELLER CHARGE BUYER Recording Wairanty Deed $44.00 Documentary Stamps on Warranty Deed $70A0 Recording Quit Claim Deed for 1'arcels $86.50 101 and IO2 Documentary Stamps on Quit Claim Deed $0.70 Recording HOA Certificate ofApproval $112.00 Title Seazch $150.00 Owner's Title Insurance Premium $100.00 Certificate of Good Standing $74.75 � . , 1 � I � � Wire Transfer Fee $20.00 TOTAL $0.00 $657.95 � RECAPTTULATION Seller Buyer Cash at Closing $10,00Q.00 Cash at Closing $10,00Q.00 Less: Expenses $0.00 Plus: Expenses $657.95 TOTAL CASH DUE TOTAL CASH DUE TO SELLER: $1.0,000.00 FROM BiJYER: $10,65'1.95 Page 2 of 4 , A�PROVAL OF CL4SI,�1G STATEMENT AND DISBURSEMENT SHFET;, INSTR CTIO S L SIN A N Seller and Buyer hereby acknowledge that they have read and approved the foregoing Closing Statement and Disbursement Sheet and Recapitulation,agree that said d.ocuments accurately reflect • the substance of the financial aspects of the transaction contemplated by the Contract, and each hereby approve and direct Closing Agent's disbursement ofthe proceeds and expenses ofthe subject transactian in the manner,arnounts and to the persons hereinabove set forth. In the case of estimated closing costs and expenses directed to be paid by the Closing Agent, as aforesaid,the parties understand and agree that in the event that the actual expense is less than the estimate,the party which pa.id the same will be refunded the difference between the estimate and the actual expense and agree that if the actual expense is more than the estimate,the party which paid the same shall be required to pay the actual expense ov�and above the estimate. REAL PROPERTY TAX NOTTCE: It is understood between the parties hereto that the property is exempt from real property taxes and no tax proration is necessary. Should actual taxes for the current year be assessed,then each party shall have the right to demand and receive from the other a reproration of ta�ces. Each parly consents to such reproration and agrees to look to the other party should a reproration become necessary, and to save and hold harmless as to such reproration the closing attorney. Al'PROVED: SELLER: THE RESERVE AT TUSCAWILLA COMMUNTTY ASSOCTATTON,INC. By:������� ��s� Print name: S�t���7,� ��—� Vl-� Title: ��51.!) Date: ��C'� 3 ,2012 Page 3 of 4 , APPROVAL OF CLOSING STATEMENT AND DISBURSEMENT SHEET;, INSTRUCTIONS TO CLOSING AGENT Seller and Buyer hereby acknowledge that they have read and approved the foregoing Closing Statement and Disbursement Sheet and Recapitulation,agree#hat said documents accurately reflect the substance of the financial aspects of the transaction contemplated by the Contract, and each - hereby approve and direct Closing Agent's disbursement of the praceeds and expenses of the subject transaction in the manner,amounts and to the persons hereinabove set forth. In the case of estimated closing costs and expenses directed to be paid by the Closing Agent, as aforesaid,the parties understand and agree that in the event that the actual expense is less than the estimate,the party which paid the same will be refunded the difference between the estimate and the actual expense and agree that if the actual expense is more than the estimate,the party which paid the same shall be required to pay the actual expense over and above the estimate. REAL PROPERTY TAX N�TICE. It is understood between the parties hereto that the property is exempt from real propeziy taxes and no tax proratian is necessary. Should actual taxes for the current year be assessed,then ea.ch party sha11 have the right to demand and receive from the ofher a reproratian of taxes. Each party consents to such reproration and agrees to look to the other party should a reproration become necessary, and to save and hold harmless as to such reproration the closing attorney. BUYER: CTTY OF WINTER�PRIN FLORIDA By: � Ke ' L. Smi ,City Manager Date: �C�� I I , 2012 Page 4 of 4 i . . � � SCHEDULE "A" EXHIBtT PARCEL No.r t00 � ESTATE� FEE SIMPLE PURPOSE: ROAD R/GHT OF WAY rnot port ofr . "TrOCt3 A� B� C� D� G� H� /� J� K� O»d L and Cherry Creek Clrcle fpr/Vpt9 StraetJ CAd Atrlum Court (prlvote streetl Of The Reserve ot I'uacowlllo. Phose !. oCCO�dInQ to the pJOt thersof. oa recorded ln Plof Book 48, Popes 31 throuph 40� Pub/lc Records of Ssminole County� FJorldo ond Tract M Reserva ot Tuscowlllo Phcse I•A os recorded /n P/of Book 58. Pope 99� Publlc Records of Seminola Couni�y� F/orldo fhere!»ofter the '7'�operty"'1. It !a the lntent of thls conveyonce to convey the Property os Com�on Propa�ty conslstent w/fh the lntended corrveyance of auah property mode on sold plots. "' lSold prope�ty beln� the aome /onds deacrlbed ln Offlclol Racords Book 4?12. PoQe 214 of the Pub!!c Records of Semino/s Covnty. F/orldo. J desC�Jbed os fo!lowsr COmrenCe ot the Sovtheost Corner of Troct A"� The Reserve ot ruscawllJo. Phose l, occordln� to the plot thereof. os reCOrded In Plot 800k 48. PoQes J/ th�ou�h 40. lncluslve. ot �he Pub!Ic Records of Ssminole County. florldo+ tl�ence run South 88°.f6'23" West o/on� the Sauth llne� of so/d Troct A" o dlstonca of 154.19 feet to the Socrthwest corne� pf so/d rroct A"� therrce deport/np sold South I Ine. run Nor�hh O!•2J'ST" Wesf alortp the lYest !!ne ot sold Troct "A" p olatonce of 3?9.07 teet to o polnt on th• exlstlny Southerly rl�t of woy lJne of Stote Rood 4J4 os shown Florldo Deportment of Tronsportotlon Rl�ht of WQy Mbp SactJo� 7707Q-2S17► so/d polnt olso DelnQ o polnt on o non-tonqent curv� concove Northe�ly hovTrr� o rodlus of Z988.�0 fee�` ond o chord beorinq of Sovth 88•!5'49" Eos�'t thence departlnQ sold West Ilne from o tonQen� beorinp of South 87°?7'0! " fost, run Eosterly o/onp sofd exlst/np Southerly ri�ht vf woy /!ne and olonp the orc Of soJd cu�ve throuph a centra/ on�Je of 01°37'.7S" o dlstonce of 84.83 feet for o Polnt of BeQlnninpr thsnce co»tlnue olonp sald ex►stlnQ Southerly rlpht of woy lrne ond the orc of said curva throuph a centrol QnQle of 00•32'37" o d�sto»ce of 28.36 fee�F to o palnt on the Eost !/ne of oforeso/d r�oct "A"i thence depertinQ sold exlstlrtQ Southe�ly rlqht of woy !!ne ond sola curvs. run Sovth OI°?3'37" fost olon� sold fost /lne o dlstonca of 7.55 fee�t thence deportlnp sal0 Eost /lne. �un North 81•10'02" west c dtstonae of 20.?6 feett thence rt�n NO�th 60°47'28" West o d/sfonCe Of 9.T6 feSt !�O the Polnt ot BeQlnnlnp. Contolnlnp /4/ squore feet. mvre o� /ess. THIS !S NOT A 80UNDARY SURVEY LOCHRANE EINGlNEERlNC,rNC. LOCHJ�ANE L.B.No. P856 Cansu�ting EnglneerS � SurveyaS 20�Soulh 8 Av�OrMnda FtorJdo 32803 �I07J 89�6-J3tT PROJECT NAYE+ S.R.�3�aT TtISCARa D�►vE CNR(STOPNER J.LEFT,11q5 pRAWH 8Yr S.PEARCE DATEe ll/06/08 SCAtEr N/A P.S.Y.N0. 65?6 CNECKED 8Y�C LFFTAKIS pAtEr !I/12/09 LEIJOB No.+ 09�OY�.IA NOT VALlD WITl�QUT TNE SICXAT(/RE ANO OR/�/NAL RAl5f0 SEAL OR � F[O�W► uCENSED SuRVErOR nwD ��E'R SEC.6.rwP.Er 5,.�GE.�r f. RfVlSEO+N/A SHEFT � oF J , , SKETCH OF DESCR/PT/ON PARCEL NO.: 10�0 THIS /S NOT A BOUNDARY SURVEY � S.R. 434 t R/W VAR t ES ) � CURYE DATA Ex1ST. SOUTHERLY o• oi°37�35� p �NT OF BEGINNING R/W I.�NE PER F.O.O.T. L• 84.83' R/W MAP 5EC. 7T070-2517 R' 2988.40' C• 84.83' � CB� S88°15'49"E ,S�E nETA�L "A" " Z,, r -- ------ � TB• S87°27'01 "E I LOT 80 �—.— W � � �„ .. a p � THE RESERVE AT TUSCAWILLA, rRacr ��a �� � �� PHASE I I RETENTION POND p �� P. B. 50 � PGS . 3 - 9 � � ~ J ~ ! a W ! ti � O V � � N � M � � r W M Z M N �y _�aE A l A—�---� N J C- NOT TO SCALE ° 3 � I °z I PO[NT OF BEGINNING � � � CURVE DATA I THE RESERVE AT TUSCAWI LLA, a oo•�s��r� I PHASE I � R• 2988640� I P . B . 48 , PGS . 3 I - 40 I CB•2589620'S5"E � � � � I � N�2o Zg?"�' �' � POl NT OF COMMENCEA+�NT - � R/W LINE n� , THE S.E. CORNER OF TRACT "A" ' N60°47'2B"W o r� � THE S.W. CORNER � 9.76' a OF TRACT "A" N � ` t 588°36'23"W 154. f9' �------------ � S. LINE OF TRACT "A" SEC . 6 . TWP . 2t S . � RGE . 31 E . S,R.1l1 At Tl/SL�QRA ORNE DRAWN BYr S.PFMCf CA7'Bi d/06/09 REV158Di N/A SCAGE� 1' • 50' CHECKfO Br.�.LEFT�ut�S O�rE+ uirPi09 te'1,�9 xo.r o90u�.0 St/EFT Y OF 3 � . SKETCH OF DES�RJPT/t�N PARCEL No.: !!�0 TNlS /S NUT A 8CK/NpARY SURVEY G6NERAL NOTESr l. TNlS !S NRT A BOUNDARY SURVEY. 2. BEARINGS AS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASEO ON TNE CENT�'RG 1N� QF CONSTRUCTION OF S1"AT6 ROAA 450� A$ BE1NG SB9°4i 'J8'� 86TN'�EN P. T. STA. 640•25.d8 ANO F.t7.T. S TA. 661•7�2. 74. AS SNOWM ON FL OR I DA DEPARTA�NT OF tRANSPORTd T lON R1GNT Of iYdY AtAP SECTtON 770Tt?-2S/T FOR STATE Ri1A� 434. 3. 70?"AL AREA �!F 1'Hf NEREIN DESGRI@ED PARCEG �S t4t SQUkRE FEET. AK?RE OR t£55. d. 5EE SNfET ! f pR LEGaL OESCR1PTJpNt SEE SHFET 2 FOR PARC6L SKETCH. LEG6ND� � CENTERG iNE P.C. FDINT 0� CtlRYATURE d t16t Td t CENTRAL #{NGL E 1 PGt 57. P,dGf t S 1 c c�roRe atsr�a�vc� P.l. potnrr oF 1nrrFRs�cr�onr C8 CNORp BEARIHG P.O.T, POlNT ON TANGEIYT C.AI. C4NCRETE MONUJI�NT P. T. POtNT OF TANGENGY D DECREE OF CURVE P.5.M. PROFE55lONAL SURVEYOR EX1Sr. EXISTING AND MAPPER F.D.0.T. FLORI DA DEPARTA�'NT R RADI US OF TRANSPORt'A T JQN t R) RADI AC Fl+f11. FtWNQ RSE. RANCL�' lfJ. JoEarl�lcarloN RT. R1GHr G LENCTH R/W RlGffT Of' WAY L+B. t I CfHSE'A BUS 1 NESS SEC. S�'C rION � L 1'. LEFT S.R. STA 1'E ROAA N/A A►QT AVAlLABIE STA. SrAT10N � No. NUM9ER T TANGEIVT � O.R.B. DFfJ�tAt RECtTftt?5 B�OK 1'8 TANCENT $EARING P.B. P!»AT &ODK TN�P. TOWNSt�t1P � S.R.a3d A! Tt/SCOttA ORNE ORAWN Bri S.PFARCE DATE: IJ/06/�1 REVISEDr N/A SCALE+ NIA Clil�ClCEp BYr C.LEFtAK15 DATFr ilR2/09 tElJOB Na., 09�11.IA 51�!"ET 3 QM' 3 ! . L .1►�1MII�� A �� DEC 1 9 ��3� ' BRO�'N, GARGANESE, WEl�,� & D'AGRF,����:�:T��"�K � Attorn ys at La�v 111 N.Orange Ave.,suice 200o Anthon A. Gar anese P.O.Box 2873 S' g Board Certified City,County&Local Orlando,Florida 32802-2873 Govemment law Phone(407)425-9566 Fax(407)425-959G agarganese@orlandolaw.net December 18, 2012 Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces, CMC �ity r`iAr�, City of Winter Springs 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, FL 32708 Re: City of Winter Springs/Tuscora Decel Lane/The Reserve at Tuscawilla Community Association, Inc. Closing Our File No. 315-079 Dear Ms. Lorenzo-Luaces: With respect to the transfer of property from The Reserve at Tuscawilla Community Association, Inc.,to the City of Winter Springs, enclosed is Endorsement No. 1 to Policy No. OXFL-08113532, which amends the date of the Policy. This should be kept with the original Title Policy previously provided. Please contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely, � Catherine D. Reischmann CDR/nh Enclosure cc: Brian Fields, P.E., City Engineer Kevin Smith, City Manager Ft.Lauderdale(954) 670-1979 •Kissimmee(321)402-0144•Cocoa(866) 425-9566 Website:www.orlandolaw.net•Finail: firm@orlandola�v.net �' r � Endorsement No. 1 * * * '* * To be attached to and become a part of Policy No. * OXFL-08113532 of Old Republic National Title insurance * Company. ** * * 1) The date of Policy is hereby amended to read: October 18, 2012 at 9:58 a.m. (END OF ENDORSEMENTj The total liability of the Company under said Policy and any endorsement thereto shall not exceed,in the aggregate,the face amount of said policy and costs which the Company is obligated under the Conditions and Stipulations thereof to pay. This endorsement,when countersigned by an authorized officer or agent,is made a part of said policy as of the policy date thereof and is subject to the Schedules,Conditions and Stipulations and Exclusions from Coverage therein contained,except as modified by the provisions hereof. Policy issuer: Brown,Garganese,Weiss&D'Agresta, P.A. 111 N.Orange Avenue,Ste.2000 Orlando,FL 32801 Phone: 407-425-9566 OLD REPUBLIC NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY —_ A Stock Company 400 Second Avenue South,Minneapolis,Minnesota 55401 Autho ffcerorAgent—AnthonyA.Garganese,Esq. (612)371-1111 ORT Form 10�rov.1l9S By , President Attest �� Secretary ��� f � 1 � lS SELLER: TI�RESERVE AT TUSC�4.WILLA CQ�1iiMUI�lITY A�SOCIATI(3N,INC. BUYER: CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, CLOSING AGENT: BRO"UVN, GARG.ANESE,WEISS &D'AGRESTA,P.A. � PROPERTY DESCRIPTION. SEE EXHIBTT"A"ATTACHED HERET� CLOSING DATE: �r ���'J�1� � Z 2012 FURTHER ASSUI2ANCES AGREEMENT Far and in consideration of the Closing Agent disbursing proceeds ofthis Sale,and'en order to insure the accura.cy gf settlement staternents,deeds,mort�ages and other documents ofclasing in this transaotion, the undersigned da mutually agree to eooperate,adjust,initial,re-execute and re-deliver any and all cfosing documents if deemed necessary c�r desirable in the reasonable discretian of Closing Agent. �t is the intention of the undersigned that a11 documentation fpr this transaction and alt payments or disbursements made shall be an accurate reflecticrn of the parties' a�reement; that each party should pay all costs and expenses con�emplated by their agreement.and/or dicta.ted by custom and usage zn this area. The nndersigned do hereby agree and covenant ta assure#hat th3s transaction and i#s documentatian , will conform to the parties'agreement and it is understood that Closing Agent will rely upon this agreement and the covenants herein in closing this tra�saction. Further,for services performed pursuant to this Agreement,SELLER and BUYER eaeh agree to#he fullest extent permitted by law, to indemnafy and hold harmless the Closing Agent and its employees, afficers, and azteirneys fiz}m and against aIl claims, losses, damages, or liability (inctuding reasonable attorneys'fees thr4ugh any and all adrninistrative,trial,past judgment and appellate proceedings),directiy or indirectly arising frvm the negligent acts, errors, omissions, intenfiional ar otherwise,arising out of or resulting from the failure of eitl3er party to tneet its obligafion under this agreement, In the event addinonal docnments are required to be executed c�r revised ta complete the terms and conditions af the closing,Buyer and Seller a�ree to cooperate with each other and Brown,Garganese,Weiss &D°Agresta„P.A. BUYER: CITY t�F WIlY�PRIlY 4RIDA BY� � - in L. Smit ,City Manager � ,r�,c1.1e�'� f (print , R �r��W F'eId S (P�t) i � � � _ . , STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTI'OF SEMIN(JLE The foregoing instrument was a�cknowledged before me this � �t�---� day af = (�[,��?Q,(i' ,2012,by KEVIN L. SMITH, City Manager of the City af Wintex Springs,Florida,who is persanally known to me. ,.�„ , �.,.,..��...�.,...�.. ��.���,,2�+�Q,� A��m�,�, DANIELLE M.ru�p �+g MY COMMISSIQN#EE QG2248 N ARY PUBLIC �•, EXPlRES./►pri115,2015 �q �f �,.�pyr � , 8onded Thtu Notary Public Underwriters p�int name: Q{�I'��� IV�� �Gta'F—u My Gommissit�n Exgires: ��yY1�ZS ZfJ�� l Page 2 of 2 i I � SCHEDULE `a° �iBir � PARCEL No.: !00 � ESTATE: FEE SIA�PLE PURPOSE: ROAD RIGNT OF WAY Thot parf of, ' "T�octs A. 8. C. D. G. H. !� J. K. and L ond Cherry Creek C I rc!e f p�!vote street 1 ond Atrlum Court lpr/vate streetJ of The Reserve ot Tuscowllla. Phose 1. accord/np to the plOt ths�sof� os recordsd !n P/at Book 48. Paqes J► throuph 40. Pub/Ic Reco�ds of Seminole Cowrty. Flo�lda ond Troct M Reserve of Tuscvwllla Phose /-A os reCOrded !n P/at Book 58. Pope 99� Pub/lc Records of Seminole County, F/orlda fhere�nofter the Property"1. !t !s the lntent of thls conveyonce to convey the Property as Cormmn Prope�ty cons�stenf wJth tf�e Intended canveyonce of such property mods on sold plots. " tSold property beln� the some londs Osscrlbed in Offlcio! Records Bqok 4222. Po�e 2!4 of the Publlc Records of Sem/no/e Caunty. F/orfdo. J descrlbed os followsr Comnence ot the Southeost corne� of Troct A". Ths Rese�ve at Tuscawff►o. Phase !, occordlnp to the plot the�sof. os recorded ln Piot Book 48. Poges 3► fhrou9h 40. Inc/ustve. of the Public Records of Seminole County. F/a�ldot �hence run South 88°36'23" N'est olonq the Sauth /Ine of Sald ?'�oct A" a dlstonce of l54. 19 f�pt to the Southwest corner of sv10 Troct A"r thence departinp sald South IJne. run Norfh D!°23'37" IYest o/a�r� the lYest Iine of sald l�ott A" a dlstonce of 329.07 feet to a polnt on the exfstln� Southerly r/qht of woy llne of Stote Rood 434 os shown Florldo Deportment of Tronspertoflon R/qht af N'oy Mop Sectlon T7070-Z51T. sold polnt o/so belrfQ o polnt on o non-tan�ent curve concave Northerly hovJn� a rodlus of 2988.40 feet ond a chord beor/n� of South B8°IS'49" Eastr thence deportln� sald Wes�F Ilne f�om o tangent beoring of South 87°27'O1 " East. run Eosterly olon¢ so►d ex/stlrrfl Sou�he�ly r(Qht of way ll»e ond alonQ the orc of sold curve fihrough a centrol on�le of 0!°3T'J5" o dlstonce af 84.83 feet for o Po/nt of BeQlnnln�i thence conf/nue olony sa/C ex/sflnQ So�the�ly rlQht of way /fne oncf-the arc _ of sold cu�ve throu�h a centrol on�le of DO•32'37" o dlstonce of 2B.J6 feet to a polnt on the Eost /fne of aforesold T�oct A"t thence departlnQ svid exlstlnQ Souther►y r1Qht of woy Itne and satd curve. run South 0!°23'3T" East a/on� sald Eost Il�e c dlstance of T.55 feetr thence deport/n� solC East Ilne. run North 8!°10'02"' West o dlstance of 20.26 feeft thence � run North 60°4T'28" West a d/SfGnce �f 9.76 feet ta the Polnt of BegJnnfnp. Contotn/nQ !4! squore feet. more o� less. THIS IS NOT A BOUNDARY SURVEY LOCHRAIVE 6NGINEERIHG.,��. tocH�aN� t.8.Mo. 2856 CO�SU1tf(Iff FlJg�11�'l$ • $UI'Vf�Ot'S za Sourn B ave►xr�arondaF�ar�ao 322aDJ raort 8�5•33rr PtUOJECT NAiIEr S.R.43I A1' TUSCORA ORNE CHRISTOPhIER J.LEFTAKJS pRAWN BYe S.PEARCE ORTFr p/06/09 SCALF+ N/A � P.S.�t.Na 6556 crrECirEO 8Y:C.tERrar�S DarE+ �vr2io9 cE�.KJB Noa �9�Ow.ra NOT VALID W1TFl(lUT TNE 5lSNATURE AND OR/GlNI�L RAlSED SEAL OF A FLQRlDA LlCENSED SURVEYOR ANp YAPPER ��6.TwP.EJS..ftGf.3rE. REV�SEDi N/A SMEET 1 af 3 H � i ; � SKETCH �F DESCRlPT�ON PARCEL No.: 100 TN/S /S NOT A 84UNDARY SURVEY S. R. 434 (R/W VARiES ) CURVE DATA EXIST. SOUTHERLY 0' 01°37'35" POINT OF BEGINNING R/W LINE PER F.D.O.T. �' 84.83' R/W MAF' SEC. 770T0-251T R• 2988.40' C• 64.83' CB• S88°15'49"E SEE QETAtL "A" ` — �_ � —'�l TB- 587°27'01 "E I I LOT SO L.....-.... W > a .� -- t Q � THE RESERVE � AT TUSCAWI LLA. TRACT "A" � � a P H A S E I I R E T E N T I O N P O N D o �� P . B . 50 * PGS . 3 - 9 Z �`" J Q W 3 1`- �,,. O �y m a N � N/ ~ � LL i O r � M u DETAIL "A" � � r�� NOT TO SCALE---� N � o � � POINi' OF �EGIwNING � z � � THE RESERVE AT TUSCAWILLA, � CURVE DATA � n. oo�3z•37� � PHASE I R: is'ss�ao• 1 P . B • � 8 , PGS . 31 - 40 iCB•2584°20'S5"E � � I � � � ' Ne 20 26?� � � POl NT 0� COt�NCEtuENT - � R/w L 1 NE •"�v+ ' THE S.E. CORNER OF TRACT "A" � n�n N60°qT•28"w e� � THE S.w. CORNER � g�76• N ' OF TRAC7 "A" ' � —� 588°36'23"W 154.19' �������"�'-- S. LINE OF TRACT "A" SEC . 6 , TWP . 21 5. � RGE . 3l E . � �R.�3�AT TUSLIDRA DRNE Q��'N 8Yr S.PfARCE DATEr 1!/Q6/d9 REV/SEDr R/A SCALE� !" ' SO' CNE'CKED Br, C [fFTaxrS DaTE. Hn2io9 cEJ.►DB n►o•+ 09�t�iA S►rEET 2 0�' 3 i , � i I , SKETCH OF DESCR/PTION � PARCEL No.: 100 TNIS /S NOT A B011NDARY SURVEY GENFRAL NOTESr l. THIS �S NOT A 80UNDARY SURYEY. 2. B�'ARlNGS a5 SNOWN HEREON ARE 8ASE0 RN THf CcNTERL!NE OF CONSTRUCTION OF STATE ROAD 434, AS BEINC 589°4l '38"� BETWFEN P. T. STA. 640•25.08 AIYD P.O.T. STA. 6b/�72. 7'4. AS SN�tVN ON FLORIDA DEPARTA+�NT OF Tf7ANSPORTATlON RIGHT OF WAY MAP SECTION 770T0-2517 FOR STATE RDAD 4,74. 3. TOTAL AREA OF THE HERElN DESCRlBED PARCEL !S /41 SOUARF FEET. MCJRE OR LESS. d. SE£ SHFET I FOR L£GAL DfSCRlPT_IONr SEE SNEE T 2 FOR P.4RCfL SKE TCN. LfGfNDe � CENTERL 1NE P.C. POINT OF CURVATURE d DEL TA [CFN 1"RAL ANGL E 1 PC!S l. PAGE f 51 C CNORD f31 STANCE P.1. POlNT OF JNTERSECTlON CB CNORO 8EARING P.O. T. POINT ON TANGENT C.M. CONCRET£ AlONUMENT P. T. POlNT OF TANCENCY 0 DEGREE OF CURVE P.S.M. PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR fXlST. EXISTJNC AND MAPPER F.D.Q, r. FL ORlDA DEPARTAL:NT R RADI US OF TRANSPORI'ATlON !R! RADlAL FNO, F�1JND RGE. RANGE 10. 18ENT1FlCATION RT. RtGHT L LENGTN R/W RlGHT OF WAY L.B. LlCENSED BUSINESS SEC. SEC?'/�N - LT. LEFT S.R. STATE ROAO N/A NOT AVAlLABLE STA. STATION NO. NUM4£R T TANGfNl' � O.R.B. OFFlCfAL RFCORDS 800K TB ?'ANCENT BEARJNG P.B. PL,4T 800K 7'iYP. TON9VSH(P � � �.s S.R.�.3� aT TUSCORA DRrVE �WN BYi S.PEARCE pATEe p/O6/09 ��Ep+ N/A SCALEr N/A � C1�ECKEO 9Y1 C.LE'FTAKlS DArE� 1!/!2/09 LEJJ08 No.r 0917N.lA SNEET 9 OF 3 � � • SELLER: THE RESERVE AT TUSCAWILLA COMMCTNITY ASSOCIATION,INC. � BUYER: CTTY OF WII�TTER SPRINGS, CLOSING AGENT: BROWN, GARGANESE, WEISS &D'AGRESTA,P.A. � PROPERTY DESCRIPTTON: SEE EXHIBIT"A"ATTACHED HERETO CLOSING DATE: v�� � j Z ,2012 FURTHER ASSURANCES AGREEMENT For and in consideration of the Closing Agen#disbursing proceeds of this Sa1e,and in order to insure the accuracy of settlennent statements, deeds,mortgages and other documents of closing in this transaction,the undersigned do mutually agree to cooperate,adjust,initial,re-execute and re- deliver any and all closing documents if deemed necessary or desirable in the reasonable discretion of Closing Agent. It is the intention of the undersigned that a11 documentation for this transaction and a�l payments or disbursements made shall be an accurate reflecti�n of the parties' agreement; that each party should pay all costs and expenses contemplated by their agreement and/or dictated by custom and usage in this area. The undersigned do hereby agree and covenant to assure that this transaction and its documentation will conform to the parties' agreement and it is understood that Closing Agent will rely upon this agreement and the covenants herein in closing this transaction. Further,for services performed pursuant to this Agreement,SELLER and BUYER each agree to the fullest extent permitted by law,to indemnify and hold harmless the Closing Agent and its employees, officers, and attomeys from and against a11 claims, losses, damages, or Iiability � (including reasonable attorneys' fees through any and a1i administrative,tria1, post judgment and appellate proceedings}, directly or indirectly arising from the negligent acts, errors, omissions, intentional or otherwise, arising out of or resulting from the failure of either party to meet its obligation under this agreement. In the event additional documents are required to be executed or revised to complete the terms and conditions of the closing,Buyer and Seller agree to cooperate with each other and Brown, Garganese, Weiss&D'Agresta,P.A. [signatures to follow] i ' � i r e WITNESSES: SELLER: T'HE RESERVE AT TUSCAWILLA COMMUAITTY ASSOCIATION,INC.,a Flarida nan-profit corporation � �,, BY: ��,,���-,�, �''����`.(�'� , S1�C1StLlTO r �vGI.�V�.Z» 3Print z�ame: SA�t��Z�.. �✓{-�3-�t�S Print name Title; �'vt'/3 ture � ._ ,�+is��r� �Lf-�"I����Urf/F/C-� Print name STATE(7F FLORIDA COC►NTY t�F SEI��INQLE e foregoing instrument was acknc�wlec� ed before me thi �� day af , 2012, by �dl��_ , �� � THE RESERVE AT 2USCAViTILLA COh�MLJ�iZTY ASSOCIATI4N,TNG., {check one} who is personally known to me or L7 who produced � identificatian. �/����� NOTA PUB��L��t+� Prix�t name: �.,1.� _ My Commission Expires: ���� .�a�Y^u,� Nptary Public State of florida _° �`' J k3lachstein �a My Comreiissian Dp829795 �i�o��°a• Exp�res 12t1412Q12 Paga 2 flf 2 ; ° i � SCHEDULE +A' EXHiBtT � PARCEL No.� 100 � ESTATE: FEE SIMPCE PURPOSE: ROAp RIGHT Of WAY I � Thot port ofr • "Trocts a, B. C. 0. G. N. /. J� K� and L ond Che�ry Creek C/rc/e lprfvote s�reetJ end Atrtum Court fprlvote streetl of The Reserve ot Tuscowlllo. Phose 1. occordlnp to the plot thereof. 05 reCO�ded !n Ptat Book 48, Popes 31 thr0uph 40. Fub/Ic Racords of Sem/no/e Counfy. flo�Ida ond Troct M Reserve a!' Tuscowlllo Phose I-A os reCOrcled !n P/at Book 58� Pope 99� Pub!!c Records of Seminole County. F/orlda fherelnofter the "prape�ty"1. !t Js the lntent o�' thls conveyonca to convsy the Prpperty os Cormion Prope�ty conslstent with the lntended conveyonce of such property mode on sold plots. "' fSolG property belnp the some londs descrlbed !n Qlf�cla! Records 800k 4222, PoQe 2!4 of the PubJlc Records of Semino�e County. Flor/do. ! desC�ibed os fol/ows� COmr�nCe Ot the SOUtheost corner of Troct A", The Reserve ot Tuscow!!!o. Phose l. occordinQ to fihe plot ther�eof. os recorded 1» P/ot Book 48. Papes 3/ throuph 40. lnclus/ve. of the Pvb►lc RecorOs of Seminole Covnty� Florldot thence �un South 88°36'?J' West olonQ the South I►ne of sald Troct "A" o dtsfonce of l5�.19 feet to the 5outhwest co�ner of sold Troct A"i thence depari�ln� sold South !lne. �un North 01�23'37� West olonQ the West llne o� sold r�oct A" o dlstance ot J29.07 feet to o polnt on the exJsttnp Southerly rl�ht of woy /lne of Stpte Raod 434 os shown F/orldo Deportment of Tronsportotlon Rl�ht o� Woy Mop Sectlon 77070-25/T. so/d polnt olso OeMq o polnt on o non-ton�ent curve cancove Northe�/y hovin� o rodlus of 2988.40 fee�F and a cho�d beorinp of Sou�Fh 88°IS'49" Eostt thence Oepartln� sold West llne from o tonpent beorinp of Sovth 87°?7'O! " East� rrm Eosterly olonp sold exlsflnp Southerly rl�ht of woy lirte ond a/on� the arc of sofd cw^ve tluovQh o centrol onp/e of 01°37'35" o drstonce of 84.83 feet for o Polnt of Be�innlnQi thence cOntfnue olon� sold exlstJnp Southe�ly rlpht of wvy lfne ond the orc of sa�d cur�ve throuQh o aen�reJ onQJe o f 00°32'37" o dls�once of 28.J6 fee� to o palnt on the fost Ilne of ofo�esold Troct A"i thence departln� soid exlstl�Q Southe�ly rlQht of woy Ilne and solo� curve. run South 01•?3'JT" Enst cJon� sold East 11Re o dlstonce of T.55 feetl thenca deportlny sold East !lna. run No�th 81°!D'02" West o dlstortce of 20.26 feefi thence run No�th 60°47'28" West o d/stonce of 9.7fi feet tp the PoJnf of Bepinninp. Conta/nlnQ 14! squo�e fest. mo�e or /ess. THIS 1S NOT A BOUNOARY 5URVEY IOCNRANE ENC�VEERING.IHC. L QCHI�QNE C.B.No. 285b Co�sulfing Englr►e�s • S�rveyors ZOt Sou1h B Avarx�OrlandaF�orida 32803 f40T)89i6•3JIT PRWFCT NAIIEr S.R,�J�AT lUSCORA ORNE CIfR1STOPNER J.LFFTAKfS ORAWN 8Ye 5.PEARCE DATE� I/I06/09 SCALE+ N/A � P.S.�.No. 6556 �yF�p BYr C LEfTAK1S DATE+ u/12/09 LEf JOB Na.r 090r�JA NOT vAUO wITliW1' TxE SlGNATIJRE AND ORIfiYNAL RIUSED SEA[ Of A FLOR/DA LICENSED Sl/RVEYQR ANQ MAPPER SEC,6.TWP.Pl S,.fdGE,3!f� REVlSEDr N/A SNFET ! OF 3 i � , , . i SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION , PARCEL No.: IQO TH/S IS IVOT A BOUNDARY SURVEY � S. R. 434 tR/W VARIES ) � CURVE DATA EX1ST. SOUTHERLY �' 01 �37'35� P01_NT OF gEGINNING R/W LINE PER F.D.O.T. L• 84.83' R/W MAP SEC. 77070-2517 R' 298B.40' C• 64.83' y CB• S88°15'49"E _�5EE DETAlL "A" _' �---�_ r TB• S87°27'01 "E I I � LOT 80 �---- ,� > _ �, r. a Q 3 THE RESERVE ; � AT TUSCAWILLA. TRACT •�a �� � � , PHASE I I RETENTION POND p �,°� P . 6 . 50 , PGS . 3 -9 Z � " J ~ = W Q �" �,,, O V �; a N � M ~ � � � W M y DETAIL «A" M J r NOT TO SCA�E —' N � o � � � POINT OF BEGINNING � � � � THE RESERVE AT TUSCAWILLA , � o�00•32T3T� I PHASE I . R� 2988640' � , P . B . 48 , PGS . 31 - 40 fC8�2S89620'S5"E � � I � NB�e � � Zo Z6?"w � � P01 NT OF COMMENCEtu�NT � � R/W L!NE M� � THE S.E. CORNER OF TRACT "A" � N60°4T•28�w o� � THE S.w. CORNER � 9.76' o OF TRACT "A" ' N ' 588°36'23"W 154•19' � """�"""""'�"�`�"' "�� 5, l[NE OF TRACT •,A,. SEC . 6 . TWP. Z I S. . RGE . 3 I E . � S R.�s�ar rus�ata oRn�F DRAWN 8Yr S.PEARCE DATE+ !f/Q6/09 REVISEDr N/A SCALEi 1' • 50� CHECKED BYr C. LEFTAK/S DATEr 11/12/09 LE/JQ8 IYO.r 0�1�lA SMEfT 2 QF 3 I!. i ' SKETCH OF DESCRIPTIDN PARCEL No.: !00 THIS /S NOT A BOUNDARY SURVEY CEN£RAL NOTESi l. THlS JS NOT A BDUNDARY 5URVEr. 2. BEARlNGS aS SHOWN H£REON ARE 8ASE0 ON THE CFNTERL 1NE OF CONSTRUCf ION Of STATE ROAD dJ4. AS BE1NG S89°4l •J8"� 9ETIVEEIY P. T. STA. 640•?5.08 AND P.O.T. STA. 66l•72. r4, AS SHOIYN ON FLQRlDA OfPARTA+�NT OF TRANSPORTAI'!ON RIGNT OF WAY MAP SECT/OIV 77070-Z517 FOR STATE ROAb 434. J. TOTAL AREA Of' rNE HEREIN DESCRlBED PARCEt !S !4� SOUARE fEE'T. AA�RE OR LE55. 4. SEE SNFE]' 1 FOR LFGAL DESCR1PT10Ni SEE SNEET 2 FOR PARCEL SKETCH. � LE'GENDi � CENTERL 1 NE P.C. POlNT OF CURVA TI/RE d DELTa rCENTRAt aNCLE) PGlSJ. PaGEf51 C CNORO DlSTANCE P.1. POINr OF INT£RSECTION CB CNORD 6EARJNG P.0. T. PO�NT ON TANCENT C.AI. CONCRETE A�NU�NT P. T. POlMT OF TANGENCY D DEGREE OF CURVE P.S.A/. PROPESSIONAL SIIRVEYOR EXlST. EX15f1NG aND MAFPER F.D.O. T. FLORlDA DEPARTMENT R RADlUS OF TRANSPORTATION lRJ RADlAL FND. FOUND RGE. RANCE !0. 1aENTlF1CATlON RT. RICHT L LENGTN R/IY RIGHT OF W,4Y L.B. LICFNSED 8USINESS SEC. SECTION � L T. LEFT 5.R. STATE ROAD NIA NOT AVA1La8LE STA. STATlON No. NUM6ER T TANGENT O.R.B. QFfICJA! RECORDS BOOK TB TANGENT BEARING P.B. PLAT BOOK TWP. TON7VSH/P � S.R.�JI AT TUSf�QRA ORNE �wN 8ri S.PEARCE OA1'Ei ll/Q6/09 REVISEO+ N/A SCALE+ N/A CNECKFp BYr C.tEfTAK/5 OATEt !(/IP/09 LEIJOB No.r 09�DIt.IA SMFET J Of 3 i � ,, , � HAZA�DOUS SUBSTA1�iCE AFF�,pAVIT STATE C?F FL�RIDA COUNTY�F SEMINOLE BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, personally appeared cr'�tl,l�}R��,�as , ��Q� of'I`�iE RESERVE AT TUSCAWIL,LA COM�r1E��SITY ASSO�IA'TION, INC.,a Flarida nnn-profit corporation("Seller"),and who,in order to induce the CITY OF WINTER SPRIltiTGS, FLQRIDA {'Buyer"}, tc► cic�se the purchase af the real property rnore particularly described on Exhibit"A"attached hereto(the"Real Property"},being duly sworn,deposes and states as fQllows: A. Hazardous Substances. S�ller hereby represents to Buyer that to the best of its knowledge there has nnt been and there is nat. (i) any presence of any petroleum products or any hazard4us substanoe{as hereina.#ter defined}on the Real Praperty,{ii}any generation,recycling,use, reuse,sale,storage,handlin�,transport and/or dispasal of t�aay petroleum products ar any hazardous substance on the Real Property, or (iii} any failure tc� camply with any appiica6le local, state ar federal la�ws regulatians,ord.inances or administrative or judicial orders relating#a the generation, recycling,use,reuse,sale,storage,handling,transport andlor dispasal of any petraleum produc�s ar any hazardous substances an the Real Property. As used herein, the t�nn "hazardous substanr.e" means any su�stance or material defined or designated as hazardoua ar toxic waste material t�r substance ar petroleum product or asbestos or PCBs or other similar term(s)by any federal,state or local Iaw,statute,regulation,rczle ar ardinance. �'URTH:ER AFFI��NT SAYET�-I NOT. THE RESERVE AT TUSCAWILLA COMMUNITY ASSOCLATTON,TNC.,a ' Flarida non-prafit corporation By: ��tV�� ��"� �� Print name: �Gti.���%'��� Title• , ��� , ., . � F i A � �� � ; SWORS� T� and subscribed before me this � day af , 2012, by ' 5�,.,t�,-�����2P � #he ��'�,.� �, o� THE RESERVE AT TUSCAWILLA � COMMUNTTY ASSOCIATI01�1, INC,, (check one) r��who is personally known to me or ❑who produced as id�ntification. ' Nfltary blic-�t f Fio id Print Name: �„/� �`�J"�� =oa�"""�s� Nc�tdry�'ublic 3tat�af florida .i Biar,#i�t8�n �c _„ o My Commir,sion DD929795 �'FOwrt�o°' Expires 1211412Qt2 2 � '` i ; _ ' SCHEDULE "A" ExHiBir PARCE�. N0,r 10�7 � ES rA rE: FEE S��r�GE , PURPQSE: ROAD R16HT (iF WAY Thot pw-t of� � � "Frocts A, B. C. Q, G. N, 1. J, K. ond C and Cher'ry Creek ClrcJ�► lprlvote streetl ond 3 atrlum Caurt tprlvote street7 of Th�t Reserve ot Ti,scowlJtc, Pho�e 1, occordJnp to th,� p�ot � thereot. qs recorOed /n Pfct 8aok 48� PoQes 3/ throv�7h 40� PubJIC Reco�Os of Seminol� � County, FtorldO ond TrvCt +W Rasarve Ot Tuscowllto Pftose t-A crs recorded tn Flof 800k I 58� Pope 99. Pvb/lc R�aords of ��mindle Coun�Fy� florlOO thereMOfter the 'property"J. !t ts the lntent of thls canvayonce to cvr�vey the P�operty o�r Comt+n!n Prape�ty constatent wtth the fntendsd aor+veyonca of such praperty mode on so/d p►ots. "' tSaJd ptaperty betn� th� atoma tands descrtbed tn flffJcJo! Reccrds &aok 4222. Po�pe Zt4 of the Pub!tc �'ecords of S9mlrrc�le County. Fl o�Jda� ! desCrtbed os fpilowsi Colmience ot the $authsas# corrr�r of T�ooi� A", The ReservEt ot Tu5caw11!Q, Phose I. oCCardlnp to tha plot thereof� os recorded tn Plot 8o0k 48. Poqes 3l �lh�ouQt► 40y InclusJve� of tha Publlc Records of S�9minole County, Florldo� thence run Snvth 8B°38'�.7" N'est olanp th� South !Ine of scrtd Troct "A" o dl�tarace of /5�.!9 feet to thv SGUthwest cornar of scld �rcrct "A"+ thsnce depertlr+p sold Sou�►h 1 lne. run North Ci!•2J"�7" W�st o/onp the West 1 tRe af sold Troc+� A" o dtstonce of 3?9,Or feet to a polnt on tha extst/np Southe�fy rlpirt ot wcy !!na of Stota Rood 934 oa shown F/pr/da Deportrn�nt of 7'rort5portotlon Rlpht of IYOy Mhp Sectlon 7T070-25l7, eold palnt olso bafn� o polnt o» o nan-ton��nt cvrve corrCOvg Nprthar�ty hovJr� o radlus af 2Q88.4Q feet cnd a chord beortn� af 5ovth 88•15'49" Eost� thence deportln� soJd West llne from a fonqenf bQO�InQ of South 87�27'OI " Fost. rurr Eosterty olc�rrQ soid extstlnQ Souther/y rlpht of wvy ltrrs vnd alonp th�a orc of satd curve throu�h o centraT onqle of a!"3T'35" o dtstonce of 64.8.5 fset for c Polnt of B�iQlnnlnQr thence contl'nue alpnQ sv/d exlstlnp Soufherfy rl�ht of woy llne ond fhe orc t►f sotG curve ttrroc�h o c�rrttra! ttrtQ/e of 00•32'3T" tt dtstonce of 28.36 �se� to o patrtt orr ihe E'ost /lne o�' o�oreso/d Trocfi "A"r thenCe deportinQ saJd exl,�tJnfl Soutl�sr�y rJQht of woy !!ne ond soJd Curve. r'un South O!•23'J7" Eost olonp �old Eost ll�e o dls�anc9 Of 7.55 feet� thencs deporfln� sold Eost tlne. run Narth 81•10'02"' West ct dlatonae af 20.26 feetr th�nce run Narth 60•47'?8" Wi�st o dlstance pf 9.76 feet fo i�he Point o�' 8eqlnnlnQ. Conta/nJnp t�i aquore feet. mare or �ess. TH1S 15 NtT T A BQUNDARY SURVFY tOtt/RANE ElNpNEE�AAKii.�NC. �p�j/*����� L.B.No. P856 Ctr�sst�ting Ettqt�ets • Sr�Ney�rs 2orsou,n ,arowwe;OrrorrdaFlorldo 3260J l40T18916�33A PAa+FGr nuw�, s.R.41� ,�r rust� oa+v� CMRlSTiOPHER J.tEf7'AX15 DRAWN BYr S.PBAR�F DATE� N�06/09 SCALEr N/A P.S.Y.N0. 6556 CH�'CKFD BYr C.LEFTIUKI$ oar�. If/12/09 CElJCB Na+ 09f�►�.IA N0r YAt10 1Y1fti0jJT TtlE SJGNAT7IRE AND ORKiINA! RAlSEQ S£AG OF A FLOtttDA LtCENSED StIRt+EYGW M+D YAPPFR S�C�b.Tii'P.tt S..liGE.3►E. l7�V1�'Dr XJA SNEET 1 OF 3 . � � � ' SKET CH OF DESCR/PT IQN PARCEL No.r lOG� ' TN1S 15 1V4T A 8q11NDARY SUf�lEY � I � ' S.R. 434 tR11M VARt�S } � CURVE DATA EXIST. S4UTHERLY a` oa°37�3�" P NT OF 8EG1NNiNG R/W LINE PER �.D.O.T. �� �4'83� R/W MAp SEC. TTO70-25lT R• 2988.40' C- 8q.83 � CB■ S88°15'49'"E ��,�,E a�TA�I. "A" —' `t r � _-_____ TB� 58T�27'01 '"E � — � LOT 80 �—.— w > _ ,_ ... a � � THE RESERVE r AT TIJSCAWI �LA, TRACT "A�� � �� PNASE I I RETENTION POND � �Q P . B . 5(}, PGS . 3 -9 Z � " � � t � w _ � � � U o; a N � � h � � r W � � w � �■� NOT TQ S�AtE�_r w-� N � � o � � POINT t7� BEGINNING � Z � � THE RESERVE AT TUSCAWI ��,A, ' QURY�E�4�ZT�7� � PHASE I � a: ��es'�aa• I P . B • 4 8 , P�S • 3 ! - 4 0 � ca.�se�6io-�s� ! � � l � �n,s io:a�' ti � : � � pa�r�T a� ca�HC��N� R/W LINE �u+ � 7'HE S.E. CORNER OF TRACT "A" ' N60°47'2$"Nt o t� � 7HE S,W. CORNER � 9.76' p OF TRACT "A" � N � J� ses��6•23��w ��a. i9� - "'��"���'i��""` �! 5. LiNE OF TRACT "A" SEC . 6 . TWP. 21 S . � RGE. 31 E . �R 1,ld AT !tlSC(1RA 1�1YE ORawnr Br� �.PEARCB pATE: p/Q&/D9 RaE'VISEDt N/A SCALEr f" � '.5Q' Ct!£CKEG 8Yr C,tEF7'AK/S DATEr !///E/09 tFiJQB NO.+ D�t�t.lA 5�'1EFT ,� OP' 3 « , SKETCH QF QE5CRIPT/ON PARCEL No.: lOC� TNIS 1S NQT A BtXINDARY SURVEY i GfNERAC NOTESi !. TN/S 15 NOT A B011NOARi' SURVE I'. ?. B�ARtNGS AS SNON9N NEREON ,4RE BASFO ON THE CENtERL1NE OF CQNSTRUCTlON OF STATE ROAD 4.�4. aS BEING 589•�'I '18"E 8E1"JYEfN P. 1'. Sr,4. 840•25.08 AND P.0.T. STA. 661*T2.l�, �s s�ro�r t�r Fc t�rlDa t�p��r�ar oF r�,�nrs�arra rlonr RIGHT OF WAY AIAP SECTJON T707p•251I' FOf7 5TATE ROAO 43�. !. TOTAL AREA Of THE HfRE1N D�SCR/B,ED PARCEL 1S /41 SOUARE FFET. AA'7RE OIt LESS. 4. SEF SNE£T l FOR t SG�iL DESCRI PT'/ONt SE6 SHEEf 2 FOR P,4RCEL 5XETCN. L EGENDi ¢ CENTERL 1 NE P.C. PO!NT OF CURVA TURE 4 11EG 7A t CENTRAL dNCL E'1 FCf 5?. PAG6f 51 C CHORD DISTANCE P.!. POINT OF 1NTL"RSECTlQN CB CNp�tD BE.�RlNC P.0. T. POINT ON TANGENT C.Al. CONCRf T6 A�l7NUA�NT P. T. POl'NT pF tANGENCY D DECREE Of CtIRVE P.5.AI. PROFESSlONAL SURVEYOR FXJST. FXISTING ANA A�AFPER F,D.0. T. FL ORlDA Q£PAR TAENT R R,4Cl11IS t1F 1'RAAtSFORTATIt31�t tRJ RAt)1AL FND. FOUND RGE. R,4NGE tD. lDENTlFICATIQ/V RT. RlGHT c cfn►GrH ar�w R1CHr oF war c,e. c lc�nrs�a austnr�ss s�c. s�c rtav � L T. t EFT S.fi. 5TAT£ ROAD N/A NOT AVAlLABtf STA. STATlON lYo, NtlM9ER T TdNGENT O.R�B. OFF1ClAL RECORpS BppX TB TANGENT BfaRlNG P,9, FLAT BtTQK FWF. FOWNSHIP S.R.tJ!AT 771SGQRA QRNE ��N 8Yr $.PEARC� PATEx !1/OB/p9 RBVISEpr N/A SCALE: N/A LWECKED 8r�C.cEFTNt15 DArBr �rirE/09 t�'r,A?B No.� t)9IDht.r� SttEET J aF 3