HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013 04 03 Public Hearing 500 Offices at Winding Hollow Aesthetic Review PLANNING & ZONING BOARD
ITEM 500 Public Hearing X
April 3, 2013 MGR. /DEPT
Meeting Authorization
REQUEST:The Community Development Department-Planning Division requests the Planning&
Zoning Board hold a Public Hearing to consider the Aesthetic Review for The Offices at Winding
Hollow, consisting of six (6) single-story buildings having a total of 19,230 square feet of
professional office space on 2.9 acres of property located on the west side of Winding Hollow
Boulevard just south of State Road 434.
SYNOPSIS: The applicant is requesting approval of an Aesthetic Review for The Offices at
Winding Hollow, a professional office development consisting of six (6) single-story buildings
having a total of 19,230 square feet of professional office space on 2.9 acres of property. Pursuant
to the conditions of approval for the Winding Hollow Lot Split, Resolution 2012-43, the
development shall adhere to the State Road 434 General Design Standards for New Development
The purpose of the Aesthetic Review is to encourage creative, effective, and flexible architectural
standards and cohesive community development consistent with the intent and purpose of Article
XII - Minimum Community Appearance and Aesthetic Review Standards.
FLU: Commercial
Zoning: C-1 (Neighborhood Commercial)
Home Rule Powers
Florida Statutes
City of Winter Springs Code of Ordinances
City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan
Future Land Use Element—Goals, Objectives, and Policies
Policy 1.4.5: S.R. 434 Overlay. Implement the S.R. 434 overlay corridor design standards to
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encourage infill development that is appropriate for the character of the neighborhoods adjacent
to this corridor. Allow a vertical mix of uses to promote a live-work environment.
Policy 1.5.5: Buffers. Buffer residential areas from intensive commercial and industrial land uses.
Locate less intensive transitional uses in between, or buffer with berms, trees, or other methods,
as deemed appropriate by the City.
Policy 1.5.7: Compatibility. Maintain site design requirements and subdivision regulations in the
Code of Ordinances which adequately address the impacts of new development on adjacent
properties in all land use categories and zoning districts and which encourage property owners to
make property upgrades which enhance and increase property values. (Cross Reference: See
Housing Element, Policy 2.2.11)
Policy 1.6.5: On Site Traffic Flow. Require development to provide safe and convenient on site
motorized and nonmotorized traffic flow, adequate pedestrian facilities and connections, and
sufficient parking for both motorized and nonmotorized vehicles.
Commercial Future Land Use—Data, Inventory, and Analysis
c. Existing Commercial
Most commercial development in Winter Springs can be characterized as strip commercial
including one-story buildings with corresponding low floor area ratios and surface parking fronting
onto the major roadways. The majority of businesses in Winter Springs provide services and products
to residents of the City and the immediate area. The typical commercial uses include retail stores,
convenience stores, gas stations,professional offices,banks,personal services, and restaurants.Most
commercial activity is located on or near S.R. 434,U.S. 17-92, S.R. 419 or the Oviedo Marketplace
Mall, but there is also a small concentration of businesses grouped on Winter Springs Blvd in the
Tuscawilla PUD. Additionally, there are a substantial number of home-based businesses. Major
employers include Seminole County Public Schools,the City of Winter Springs,Publix Supermarket,
Inwood Consulting Engineers and EZYield.com. Commercial areas are allowed to build up to a
maximum floor area ratio (FAR) of 0.50.
b. New Development Area Overlay District
The New Development Area Overlay District is defined as, "All properties (involving the entire
parcel)lying within the corporate limits of the City adjacent to the S.R. 434 right-of-way from Hayes
Road eastward to the easternmost boundary of the City." However, should any conflicts arise
between the New Development Overlay District and the Town Center District the provisions of the
Town Center District shall apply. To the extent that the Town Center District are silent,then the New
Development Overlay District shall apply. It is the intent of this district to control the physical
appearance of new development along the corridor to produce economic benefits for the City and
serve the needs of the region. Development will be encouraged to have a campus style building layout
that encourages larger buffers and landscaping. Design guidelines will be maintained in the City's
Code of Ordinances to promote orderly development within the New Development Overlay Area.
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The attached Aesthetic Review package for The Offices at Winding Hollow development consists
six(6)single-story buildings having a total of 19,230 square feet of professional office space on 2.9
acres of property. The aforementioned project has a lengthy development history which is
summarized below:
• December 10, 2012—City Commission approved the Winding Hollow Lot Split Resolution
subject to conditions (Resolution 2012-43).
• January 10, 2013 - Planning & Zoning Board unanimously recommended approval of the
Administrative Rezoning from C-2 (General Commercial) to C-1 (Neighborhood
Commercial) via Ord. 2013-01.
• January 14, 2013 — City Commission approved The Offices at Winding Hollow, LLC
Developer's Agreement (DA).
• February 11, 2013 —City Commission approved First Reading of Ordinance 2013-01,which
proposes to administratively rezone 2.9 acres of property from C-2(General Commercial)to
C-1 (Neighborhood Commercial).
• March 25, 2013 — City Commission unanimously approved Ordinance 2013-01, whereby
administratively rezoning the subject property from C-2 (General Commercial) to C-1
(Neighborhood Commercial). The Administrative Rezoning complies with the conditions
stipulated as part of the City Commission's approval of the Winding Hollow Lot Split,
Resolution 2012-43, on December 10, 2012.
• April 22,2013—City Commission is scheduled to hold a public hearing to consider both Final
Engineering Plans and Aesthetic Review for The Offices at Winding Hollow project.
In addition to the proposed Aesthetic Review, the City is processing an application for Final
Engineering for the aforementioned project. On March 25, 2013 City Commission unanimously
approved Ordinance 2013-01, whereby administratively rezoning the subject property from C-2
(General Commercial)to C-1 (Neighborhood Commercial). The Administrative Rezoning complies
with the conditions stipulated as part of the City Commission's approval of the Winding Hollow Lot
Split Resolution on December 10,2012. Pursuant to the conditions of approval for the Lot Split,the
development will be subject to the State Road 434 General Design Standards for New Development
Area. It is anticipated that both Final Engineering and Aesthetic Review will be reviewed by the City
Commission on April 22, 2013.
The submittal requirements for aesthetic reviews are set forth in Section 9-600 through 9-607 and
include the following: (a) a site plan; (b) elevations illustrating all sides of structures facing public
streets or spaces;(c)illustrations of all walls,fences, and other accessory structures and the indication
of height and their associated materials; (d) elevation of proposed exterior permanent signs or other
constructed elements other than habitable space, if any; (e) illustrations of materials, texture, and
colors to be used on all buildings, accessory structures, exterior signs;and(f)other architectural and
engineering data as may be required. The procedures for review and approval are set forth in Section
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The City Commission may approve, approve with conditions, or disapprove the application only after
consideration of whether the following criteria have been satisfied:
(1) The plans and specifications of the proposed project indicate that the setting, landscaping,
proportions, materials, colors, textures, scale, unity, balance, rhythm, contrast, and simplicity are
coordinated in a harmonious manner relevant to the particular proposal, surrounding area and cultural
character of the community.
The proposed project is located on the west side of Winding Hollow Boulevard just south of
State Road 434 and is subject to the State Road 434 General Design Standards for New
Development Area. The proposed buildings are detailed to present the appearance of single-
story office buildings utilizing different but complementary textures,colors,and architectural
details. The facades incorporate significant changes in architectural expression that will
complement adjacent developments. Architectural design elements include concrete
block/stucco, glass entry doors and asphalt shingles. The color scheme of the proposed
buildings include khaki concrete block/stucco buildings with tan accents along the base and
windows which is consistent with the surrounding developments. Staff feels that this project
incorporates numerous quality design elements that are promoted in the State Road 434
Corridor Overlay District. The plan also highlight the color rendering for both the proposed
six(6) foot screen wall and entry monument signage for said project. The color scheme of the
proposed wall includes a stucco finish with colors that match the proposed office buildings.
The entry monument sign also includes a stucco finish with brick accent and white letters. The
proposed sign is 7' 4" in height and includes 31.88 sq. ft. of total sign area.
(2) The plans for the proposed project are in harmony with any future development which has been
formally approved by the City within the surrounding area.
The proposed project is in harmony with the existing developments, specifically the
architectural styles that have been exhibited in the surrounding developments located within
the State Road 434 Corridor Overlay District.
(3) The plans for the proposed project are not excessively similar or dissimilar to any other building,
structure or sign which is either fully constructed,permitted but not fully constructed, or included on
the same permit application, and facing upon the same or intersecting street within five hundred(500)
feet of the proposed site,with respect to one or more of the following features of exterior design and
(A)Front or side elevations,
(B) Size and arrangement of elevation facing the street, including reverse arrangement,
(C) Other significant features of design such as,but not limited to: materials,roof line,hardscape
improvements, and height or design elements.
The proposed buildings and signage are tastefully designed and don't appear excessively
similar or dissimilar to other structures in the immediate area. This project represents a
positive addition to the State Road 434 Corridor Overlay District. The proposed six (6)
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single-story professional office buildings will help to further create the urban sense of place
that has begun to materialize along the Winding Hollow Boulevard/Parkstone Boulevard and
State Road 434 intersection.
(4) The plans for the proposed project are in harmony with, or significantly enhance, the established
character of other buildings, structures or signs in the surrounding area with respect to architectural
specifications and design features deemed significant based upon commonly accepted architectural
principles of the local community.
The proposed project enhances the character and overall aesthetics of the surrounding area.
The proposed buildings have contextually appropriate architectural styles that include design
features and detailing that accentuates and enhances the character of the surrounding area
and to a great extent, represents a welcome "upgrade" to the existing architecture of this
surrounding area. The elevations show six(6) single-story professional office buildings, entry
signage, and a screen wall that are tastefully designed and will serve as a great addition to the
State Road 434 Corridor Overlay District.
(5) The proposed project is consistent and compatible with the intent and purpose of this Article,the
Comprehensive Plan for Winter Springs, design criteria adopted by the city (e.g. Town Center
guidelines, SR 434 design specifications) and other applicable federal state or local laws.
The proposed project is consistent and compatible with the Comprehensive Plan and the State
Road 434 Corridor Overlay District.
(6) The proposed project has incorporated significant architectural enhancements such as concrete
masonry units with stucco, marble, termite-resistant wood, wrought iron, brick, columns and piers,
porches, arches, fountains, planting areas, display windows, and other distinctive design detailing
and promoting the character of the community.
The project has incorporated a number of features, such as glass entry doors, contrasting
colors, and asphalt shingles that exemplifies the style and quality of architecture that is
germane to the intent of the State Road 434 Corridor Overlay District.
1. The proposed elevations are consistent with the Aesthetic Review requirements prescribed in the
City Code of Ordinances, and the Architectural Requirements noted in the State Road 434
Corridor Overlay District.
2. The elevations include detailing and attention adding to their appearance and the quality of the
3. The proposed development utilizes colors and materials that complement the adjacent
developments in the surrounding area.
4. The proposed development is located within the City of Winter Springs: it has a Commercial
Future Land Use designation and is located within C-1 (Neighborhood Commercial) zoning
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The proposed Aesthetic Review lays the groundwork for the development of 19,230 square feet of
office space which will add non-residential taxable value to the City's tax roll. A detailed fiscal impact
analysis will be performed for staff review and assessment. This analysis will be part of the agenda
item for the City Commission's consideration of the final engineering and aesthetic review for the
proposed project. Staff anticipates submittal of said document by early April 2013.
The Meeting Agenda and this Agenda Item have been forwarded to the Planning and Zoning Board
members and are available on the City's Website,LaserFiche, and the City's Server. The Agenda has
been forwarded to the Mayor and City Commission; City Manager; and City Attorney/Staff.
Additionally, the Meeting Agenda has been sent to media/press representatives, all Homeowner's
Associations on file with the City, all individuals who have requested Agenda information,
Department Directors; and also posted outside City Hall; posted inside City Hall with additional
copies available for the general public.
A yellow sign noting the date and time of the meeting has been erected on the property.
Staff recommends that the Planning&Zoning Board forward a recommendation of approval to the
City Commission for the Aesthetic Review package for the Offices at Winding Hollow.
Offices at Winding Hollow Aesthetic Review Package
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