HomeMy WebLinkAboutTruGreen, Limited Partnership - Agreement for Chemical Application Services Blumberg Blvd Medians -2013 AGREEMENT FOR CHEMICAL APPLICATION SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT FOR LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE SERVICES ("Agreement") is made and entered into by and between the CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, a Florida municipal corporation ("City"), located at 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708, and TruGreen, Limited Partnership, authorized to conduct business in Florida ("Service Provider"), located at: 860 Ridge Lake Boulevard, Memphis,TN 38120. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, City wishes to obtain chemical application services for the City of Winter Springs, Blumberg Boulevard Medians, for a limited time period; and WHEREAS, Service Provider participated in the selection and negotiation process; and WHEREAS, Service Provider is willing to provide such chemical application services for the Blumberg Boulevard Medians,for the City, under the terms and conditions stated herein. NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties covenant and agree as follows: 1.0 GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1 Recitals. The foregoing recitals are deemed to be true and accurate and are fully incorporated herein by reference. 1.2 Engagement. The City hereby engages Service Provider and Service Provider agrees to perform the Services outlined in this Agreement for the stated fee arrangement. No prior or present agreements or representations shall be binding upon any of the parties hereto unless incorporated in this Agreement. 1.3 Due Diligence. Service Provider acknowledges that it has investigated prior to the execution of this Agreement and satisfied itself as to the conditions affecting the Services, the availability of materials and labor, the cost thereof, the requirements to obtain necessary insurance as set forth herein, and the steps necessary to complete the Services within the time set forth herein. Service Provider warrants unto the City that it has the competence and abilities to carefully and faithfully complete the Services within the time set forth herein. Service Provider will perform its Services with due and reasonable diligence consistent with sound professional practices. 2.0 TERM AND DEFINITIONS. 2.1 The term of this Agreement shall be for twelve (12) months, commencing on March 1, 2013, and terminating at midnight on February 28, 2014, unless either party chooses to exercise its rights under Section 20, "Termination". The parties shall have the option to extend the term of this Agreement for five (5) one-year periods. Any such extension shall be by mutual written agreement of all parties and shall be executed no less than ninety (90) days prior to the expiration of this Agreement's current term. The City Manager or the City Manager's designee (hereinafter "City Manager") shall review the performance of the Service Provider annually at least ninety (90) days prior to the Agreement's anniversary date. The City manager shall recommend a one (1) year extension or termination. Should the Service Provider and City agree to extend the Agreement, the Service Provider may be entitled to an increase in rates in an amount not to exceed one half(1/2) the change in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the most recently available twelve (12) month period for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) for All Items, U.S. City average, published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U.S. Department of Labor for 1982-84, or the successor index to same. Said increase shall become effective beginning with the invoice for work performed after the start of the new Agreement period. 2.2 Definitions. The following words and phrases used in this Agreement shall have the following meaning ascribed to them unless the context clearly indicates otherwise: BLUMBERG BOULEVARD CHEMICAL SERVICES AGREEMENT - JANUARY 14,2013 a. "Agreement" or "Contract" shall be used interchangeably and shall refer to this Agreement, as amended from time to time,which shall constitute authorization for the Service Provider to provide the maintenance services approved by the City. b. "Effective Date"shall be the date on which the last signatory hereto shall execute this Agreement, and it shall be the date on which this Agreement shall go into effect. The Agreement shall not go into effect until said date. c. "Service Provider" shall mean TruGreen, Limited Partnership, a Florida Corporation, and its principals, officers, employees, and agents. d. "Public Record" shall have the meaning given in Section 119.011(1), Florida Statutes. e. 'Work" or "Services" shall be used interchangeably and shall include the performance of the work agreed to by the parties in this Agreement. f. "City Project Manager" or"Designated Representative"or"Project Director" shall mean the City's Urban Beautification Manager, or his/her designee, who is to provide the general administration of the Agreement. 3.0 SCOPE OF SERVICES Service Provider shall do, perform, deliver and carry out, in a professional manner, the type of services as set forth in the "Scope of Work," attached hereto as Exhibit 'A' (including attachment) and fully incorporated herein by this reference, including but not limited to the furnishing of all labor, equipment, tools, materials, and incidentals. 4.0 AMENDMENTS AND MODIFICATIONS Any cardinal change in the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement must be mutually agreed to by both the City and the Service Provider, and may be implemented only after this Agreement has been amended in writing. The City reserves the right to make changes in the work, including alterations, reductions therein, or additions thereto. Upon receipt by the Service Provider of the City's notification of a contemplated change, the Service Provider shall (1) if requested by the City, provide an estimate for the increase or decrease in cost due to the contemplated change, (2) notify the City of any estimated change in the completion date, and (3) advise the City in writing if the contemplated change shall affect the Service Provider's ability to meet the completion dates or schedules of this Agreement. If the City so instructs, in writing, the Service Provider shall suspend work on that portion of the work affected by a contemplated change, pending the City's decision to proceed with the change. If the City elects to make the change, the City shall issue an Amendment to this Agreement or Change Order and the Service Provider shall not commence work on any such change until such written amendment or change order has been issued and signed by each of the parties. 5.0 SCHEDULE Service Provider shall perform services in conformance with the schedule reasonably established by the City Project Manager. Service Provider shall complete all of said services in a timely manner and will keep City apprised of the status of work on at least a monthly basis or as otherwise reasonably requested by the City. Should Service Provider fall behind on the established schedule, it shall employ such resources so as to comply with the schedule. No extension for completion of services shall be granted to Service Provider without City's prior written consent. BLUMBERG BOULEVARD CHEMICAL SERVICES AGREEMENT - JANUARY 14,2013 6.0 METHODS OF PAYMENT FOR SERVICES AND EXPENSES OF SERVICE PROVIDER 6.1 Compensation. For the Services provided pursuant to the Agreement,the City agrees to pay Service Provider a sum not to exceed Three Thousand Eight Hundred and Ninety Five Dollars ($3,895.00). If this Agreement is extended, the total annual amount paid to Service Provider shall not exceed the above mentioned number adjusted by the Producer Price Index as set forth in paragraph 2.1 of this Agreement. 6.2 Additional Services. From time to time during the term of this Agreement, City may request that Service Provider perform additional Services not required under the Project Manual. For those additional services agreed upon by the City and Service Provider in writing, City agrees to pay Service Provider a total amount equal to that mutually agreed upon by the parties in writing. 6.3 Payment. Upon receipt of a proper invoice from Service Provider, the City agrees to pay the Service Provider the invoice amount providing said amount accurately reflects the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Invoices may only be submitted on a monthly basis unless otherwise agreed by the City. Unless otherwise agreed in writing by the City, there shall be no other compensation paid to the Service Provider and its principals, employees, and independent professional associates and consultants in the performance of Work under this Agreement. The City agrees to make all payments due within thirty (30) days of receipt of a proper invoice delivered by Service Provider. The Service Provider may only bill the City for actual work performed. 6.4 Truth-In-Negotiation Certificate. Signature of this Agreement by the Service Provider shall act as the execution of a truth-in-negotiation certificate certifying that the wage and rates and costs used to determine the compensation provided for in this Agreement are accurate, complete, and current as of the date of the Agreement. 7.0 RIGHT TO INSPECTION 7.1 City or its affiliates shall at all times have the right to review or observe the services performed by Service Provider. 7.2 No inspection, review, or observation shall relieve Service Provider of its responsibility under this Agreement. 8.0 AUDIT AND INSPECTIONS The Service Provider shall maintain records on the City's projects, in accordance with generally accepted accounting principals and practices to substantiate all invoiced amounts. Said records will be available to the City during the Service Provider's normal business hours for a period of two (2) years after the Service Provider's final invoice for examination to the extent required to verify the direct costs (excluding established or standard allowances and taxes) incurred herein. Should such an audit by the City reveal monies owed to the City, the Service Provider shall reimburse the City for the cost of the audit and pay the principal overcharge amount owed the City plus interest accrued at the prime interest rate in effect on the date of discovery. Said interest rate shall apply to the principal overcharge amount revealed in the audit for the period from the original payment due date(s)to the payment by the Service Provider of all monies owed. 9.0 PROFESSIONALISM AND STANDARD OF CARE Service Provider shall do, perform and carry out in a professional manner all Services required to be performed by this Agreement. Service Provider shall also use the degree of care and skill in performing the Services that are ordinarily exercised under similar circumstances by reputable members of Service Provider's profession working in the same or similar locality as Service Provider. 10.0 SUBMITTAL OF PROGRESS REPORTS Service Provider shall submit a monthly written progress report as to the status of all Work set forth in this Agreement. The report shall in a sufficient manner demonstrate that any funds expended were used to provide the agreed-upon Services. If the detail is not sufficient in the City Project Manager's reasonable discretion to permit the City to determine the Work performed or the manner in which it is being performed,the City may seek more detail from the Service Provider. Service Provider agrees to provide that information within a reasonable time period. BLUMBERG BOULEVARD CHEMICAL SERVICES AGREEMENT - JANUARY 14,2013 11.0 WARRANTY OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES The Service Provider(for itself and any of its employees, contractors, partners, and agents used to perform the Services) hereby warrants unto the City that all of its employees(and those of any of its contractors, partners, and agents used to perform the Services)have sufficient experience to properly complete the Services specified herein or as may be performed pursuant to this Agreement. In pursuit of any Work, the Service Provider shall supervise and direct the Work, using its best skill and attention and shall enforce strict discipline and good order among its employees. The Service Provider shall comply with all laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, and lawful orders of any public authority bearing on the performance of the Work. 12.0 CORPORATE REPRESENTATIONS BY SERVICE PROVIDER Service Provider hereby represents and warrants to the City the following: a. Service Provider is duly registered and licensed to do business in the State of Florida and is in good standing under the laws of Florida, and is duly qualified and authorized to carry on the functions and operations set forth in this Agreement. b. The undersigned signatory for Service Provider has the power, authority, and the legal right to enter into and perform the obligations set forth in this Agreement and all applicable exhibits thereto, and the execution, delivery, and performance hereof by Service Provider has been duly authorized by the board of directors and/or president of Service Provider. In support of said representation, Service Provider agrees to provide a copy to the City of a corporate certificate of good standing provided by the State of Florida prior to the execution of this Agreement. c. Service Provider is duly licensed under all local, state and federal laws to provide the Services stated in paragraph 3.0 herein. In support of said representation, Service Provider agrees to provide a copy of all said licenses to the City prior to the execution of this Agreement. 13.0 WORK IS A PRIVATE UNDERTAKING With regard to any and all Work performed hereunder, it is specifically understood and agreed to by and between the parties hereto that the contractual relationship between the City and Service Provider is such that the Service Provider is an independent contractor and not an agent of the City. The Service Provider, its contractors, partners, agents, and their employees are independent contractors and not employees of the City. Nothing in this Agreement shall be interpreted to establish any relationship other than that of an independent contractor, between the City, on one hand, and the Service Provider, its contractors, partners, employees, or agents, during or after the performance of the Work under this Agreement. 14.0 PROGRESS MEETING City Project Manager may hold periodic progress meetings on a monthly basis, or more frequently if required by the City, during the term of work entered into under this Agreement. Service Provider's Project Manager and all other appropriate personnel shall attend such meetings as designated by the City Project Manager. 15.0 SAFETY Precautions shall be exercised at all times for the protection of all persons (including the City's employees)and property. The safety provisions of all applicable laws, regulations, and codes shall be observed. Hazards arising from the use of vehicles, machinery, and equipment shall be guided or eliminated in accordance with the highest accepted standard of safety. Service Provider shall be solely and absolutely responsible and assume all liability for the safety and supervision of its principals, employees, contractors, and agents while performing Services provided hereunder. BLUMBERG BOULEVARD CHEMICAL SERVICES AGREEMENT - JANUARY 14,2013 16.0 INSURANCE Service Provider shall maintain in full force and effect during the life of the Agreement, Worker's Compensation insurance covering all employees in performance of work under the Agreement. Service Provider shall make this same requirement of any of its subcontractors. Service Provider shall indemnify and save the City harmless for any damage resulting to them for failure of either Service Provider or any subcontractor to take out or maintain such insurance. The following are required types and minimum limits of insurance coverage which the Service Provider agrees to maintain during the term of this Agreement: COVERAGE MINIMUM LIMITS General and Auto Liability $500,000 per person/incident/$1,000,000 incident Professional Liability(if applicable) $1,000,000 Worker's Compensation Statutory Neither Service Provider nor any subcontractor shall commence work under this Agreement until they have obtained all insurance required under this section and have supplied the City with evidence of such coverage in the form of a Certificate of Insurance and endorsement. The City shall approve such certificates.All insurers shall be licensed to conduct business in the State of Florida. Insurers must have, at a minimum, a policyholders' rating of"A", and a financial class of"VII" as reported in the latest edition of Best's Insurance Reports, unless the City grants specific approval for an exception. All policies provided should be Occurrence, not Claims Made, forms. The contractor's insurance policies should be endorsed to add the City of Winter Springs as an Additional Insured. The Service Provider shall be responsible for all deductibles. All of the policies of insurance so required to be purchased and maintained shall contain a provision or endorsement that the coverage afforded shall not be cancelled, materially changed or renewal refused until at least thirty (30)calendar days written notice have been given to the City by certified mail. 17.0 COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS AND REGULATIONS In the performance of work and services under this Agreement, Service Provider agrees to comply with all Federal, State and Local laws and regulations now in effect, or hereinafter enacted during the term of this Agreement that are applicable to Service Provider, its employees, agents or subcontractors, if any,with respect to the work and services described herein. 18.0 DOCUMENTS 18.1 Public Records. It is hereby specifically agreed that any record, document, computerized information and program, audio or video tape, photograph, or other writing of the Service Provider and its independent contractors and associates related, directly or indirectly, to this Agreement, may be deemed to be a Public Record whether in the possession or control of the City or the Service Provider. Said record, document, computerized information and program, audio or video tape, photograph, or other writing of the Service Provider is subject to the provisions of Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, and may not be destroyed without the specific written approval of the City's City Manager. Upon request by the City, the Service Provider shall promptly supply copies of said public records to the City. All books, cards, registers, receipts, documents, and other papers in connection with this Agreement shall at any and all reasonable times during the normal working hours of the Service Provider be open and freely exhibited to the City for the purpose of examination and/or audit. 18.2 The Service Provider acknowledges that the City is a Florida municipal corporation and subject to the Florida Public Records Law. Service Provider agrees that to the extent any document produced by Service Provider under this Agreement constitutes a Public Record; Service Provider shall comply with the Florida Public Records Law. 19.0 ASSIGNMENT 19.1 Service Provider shall not assign or subcontract this Agreement, or any rights or any monies due or to become due hereunder without the prior,written consent of City. BLUMBERG BOULEVARD CHEMICAL SERVICES AGREEMENT - JANUARY 14,2013 19.2 If upon receiving written approval from City, any part of this Agreement is subcontracted by Service Provider, Service Provider shall be fully responsible to City for all acts and/or omissions performed by the subcontractor as if no subcontract had been made. 19.3 If City determines that any subcontractor is not performing in accordance with this Agreement, City shall so notify Service Provider who shall take immediate steps to remedy the situation. 19.4 If any part of this Agreement is subcontracted by Service Provider, prior to the commencement of any Work by the subcontractor, Service Provider shall require the subcontractor to provide City and its affiliates with insurance coverage as set forth by the City. 20.0 TERMINATION This Agreement may be terminated by the Service Provider upon thirty (30) days prior written notice to the City in the event of substantial failure by the City to perform in accordance with the terms of this Agreement through no fault of the Service Provider. It may also be terminated by the City with or without cause immediately upon written notice to the Service Provider. Unless the Service Provider is in breach of this Agreement, the Service Provider shall be paid for services rendered to the City's satisfaction through the date of termination. After receipt of a Termination Notice and except as otherwise directed by the City, the Service Provider shall: A. Stop work on the date and to the extent specified by the City. B. Terminate and settle all orders and subcontracts relating to the performance of the terminated work. C. Transfer all work in process, completed work and other material related to the terminated work to the City or approved designee. D. Continue and complete all parts of the work that have not been terminated. 21.0 FORCE MAJEURE Any delay or failure of either party in the performance of its required obligations hereunder shall be excused if and to the extent caused by acts of God; fire; flood; windstorm; explosion; riot; war; sabotage; strikes (except involving Service Providers labor force); extraordinary breakdown of or damage to City's affiliates' generating plants,their equipment, or facilities;court injunction or order;federal and/or state law or regulation; order by any regulatory agency; or cause or causes beyond the reasonable control of the party affected; provided that prompt notice of such delay is given by such party to the other and each of the parties hereunto shall be diligent in attempting to remove such cause or causes. If any circumstance of Force Majeure remains in effect for sixty days, either party may terminate this Agreement. 22.0 GOVERNING LAW&VENUE This Agreement is made and shall be interpreted, construed, governed, and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida. Venue for any state action or litigation shall be Seminole County, Florida. Venue for any federal action or litigation shall be in the Middle District of Florida in Orlando, Florida. 23.0 HEADINGS 23.1 Paragraph headings are for the convenience of the parties only and are not to be construed as part of this Agreement. 24.0 SEVERABILITY 24.1 In the event any portion or part thereof of this Agreement is deemed invalid, against public policy, void, or otherwise unenforceable by a court of law,the parties, at the sole discretion and option of the City, shall negotiate an equitable adjustment in the affected provision of this Agreement. The validity and enforceability of the remaining parts of this Agreement shall otherwise be fully enforceable. 25.0 INTEGRATION; MODIFICATION 25.1 The drafting, execution, and delivery of this Agreement by the Parties have been induced by no representations, statements,warranties, or agreements other than those expressed herein. This Agreement BLUMBERG BOULEVARD CHEMICAL SERVICES AGREEMENT - JANUARY 14,2013 embodies the entire understanding of the parties, and there are no further or other agreements or understandings, written or oral, in effect between the parties relating to the subject matter hereof unless expressly referred to herein. 26.0 THIRD PARTY RIGHTS Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to give any rights or benefits to anyone other than City and Service Provider. 27.0 PROHIBITION AGAINST CONTINGENT FEES Service Provider warrants that it has not employed or retained any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for the Service Provider, to solicit or secure this Agreement, and that it has not paid or agreed to pay any person, company, corporation, individual, or firm, other than a bona fide employee working solely for the Service Provider, any fee, commission, percentage, gift, or other consideration contingent upon or resulting from the award or making of this Agreement. 28.0 NO JOINT VENTURE Nothing herein shall be deemed to create a joint venture or principal-agent relationship between the parties, and neither party is authorized to, nor shall either party act toward third persons or the public in any manner which would indicate any such relationship with the other party. 29.0 ATTORNEY'S FEES If any legal action or other proceeding is brought for the enforcement of this Agreement, or because of an alleged dispute, breach, default or misrepresentation in connection with any provisions of this Agreement, the successful or prevailing party or parties shall be entitled to recover reasonable attorney's fees, court costs, and all expenses (including taxes)even if not taxable as court costs(including,without limitation, all such fees, costs and expenses incident to appeals), incurred in that action or proceeding, in addition to any other relief to which such party or parties may be entitled. 30.0 COUNTERPARTS This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which when so executed and delivered shall be considered an original agreement; but such counterparts shall together constitute but one and the same instrument. 31.0 DRAFTING City and Service Provider each represent that they have both shared equally in drafting this Agreement and no party shall be favored or disfavored regarding the interpretation of this Agreement in the event of a dispute between the parties. 32.0 NOTICES Any notices required to be given by the terms of this Agreement shall be delivered by hand or mailed, postage prepaid to: For Service Provider: TruGreen, Limited Partnership 860 Ridge Lake Boulevard Memphis,TN 38120 BLUMBERG BOULEVARD CHEMICAL SERVICES AGREEMENT - JANUARY 14,2013 For City: City of Winter Springs Urban Beautification Manager 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, FL 32708 Phone: (407)327-1800 x315 33.2 Either party may change the notice address by providing the other party written notice of the change. 34.0 SOVEREIGN IMMUNITY Notwithstanding any other provision set forth in this Agreement, nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed as a waiver of the City's right to sovereign immunity under section 768.28, Florida Statutes, or other limitations imposed on the City's potential liability under state or federal law. As such, the City shall not be liable under this Agreement for punitive damages or interest for the period before judgment. Further, the City shall not be liable for any claim or judgment, or portion thereof, to any one person for more than one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00), or any claim or judgment, or portion thereof, which, when totaled with all other claims or judgments paid by the State or its agencies and subdivisions arising out of the same incident or occurrence, exceeds the sum of two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000.00). This paragraph shall survive termination of this Agreement. 35.0 INDEMNIFICATION 35.1 For all Services performed pursuant to this Agreement, the Service Provider agrees to the fullest extent permitted by law, to indemnify and hold harmless the City and its commissioners, employees, officers, and city attorneys(individually and in their official capacity)from and against all claims, losses, damages, personal injuries (including but not limited to death), or liability (including reasonable attorney's fees through any and all administrative,trial and appellate proceedings), directly or indirectly arising from: a. any default under this Agreement by Service Provider; b. any negligent act, omission or operation of work related to all Services performed under this Agreement by Service Provider, and its employees, principals, agents, independent contractors, and consultants. c. the acts, errors, omissions, intentional or otherwise, arising out of or resulting from Service Provider's and its employees, partners, contractors, and agents on the performance of the Services being performed under this Agreement; d. Service Provider's, and its employees, partners, contractors, and agents failure to comply with the provisions of any federal, state, or local laws, ordinance, or regulations applicable to Service Provider's and its employees, partners, contractors, and agents performance under this Agreement; e. any fraud and misrepresentation conducted by Service Provider and its employees, partners, contractors, and agents on the City under this Agreement. 35.2 The indemnification provided above shall obligate the Service Provider to defend at its own expense or to provide for such defense, at the option of the City, as the case may be,of any and all claims of liability and all suits and actions of every name and description that may be brought against the City or its commissioners, employees,officers, and City Attorney which may result from any negligent act,omission or operation of work related to the Services under this Agreement whether the Services be performed by the Service Provider, or anyone directly or indirectly employed by them. In all events the City and its commissioners, employees, officers, and City Attorney shall be permitted to choose legal counsel of its sole choice, the fees for which shall be reasonable and subject to and included with this indemnification provided herein. BLUMBERG BOULEVARD CHEMICAL SERVICES AGREEMENT - JANUARY 14,2013 36.0 ORDER OF PRECEDENCE 36.1 In case of any inconsistency in any of the documents bearing on the Agreement between the City and the Service Provider,the inconsistency shall be resolved by giving precedence in the following order: a. Addenda to this Agreement subsequent to the Effective date of this Agreement; b. This Agreement; c. Exhibits to this Agreement;and d. The Bid documents. 36.2 Any inconsistency in the work description shall be clarified by the City and performed by the Service Provider. 37.0 AGREEMENT INTERPRETATION 37.1 At its discretion, during the course of the work, should any errors, ambiguities, or discrepancies be found in the Agreement or specifications, the City at its sole discretion will interpret the intent of the Agreement and work descriptions and the Service Provider hereby agrees to abide by the City's interpretation and agrees to carry out the work in accordance with the decision of the City. 37.2 When the material, article, or equipment is designated by a brand name and more than one brand name is listed, it will be understood that the work is based on one brand name only. The Service Provider will be responsible for all coordination necessary to accommodate the material, article, or equipment being provided without additional cost to the City. A substitute material, article, or equipment is allowed if it is reasonably equivalent to the brand name specified. The City has full discretion to decide whether a substitute is reasonably equivalent. Service Provider must notify the City prior to use of the substitute for a specified brand name and allow the City to make a determination before Service Provider uses the substitute. 38.0 NONDISCRIMINATION The Service Provider warrants and represents that it complies with all Federal and State requirements concerning fair employment and will not discriminate by reason of race,color, religion, sex, age, national origin, or physical handicap. 39. ARREARS The Service Provider shall not pledge the City's credit or make it guarantor of payment or surety for any contract, debt, obligation,judgment, lien or any form of indebtedness. The Service Provider further warrants and represents that it has no obligation for indebtedness that would impair its ability to fulfill the terms of this Agreement. 40. WARRANTY The Service Provider warrants that skilled and competent personnel to the highest professional standards in the field shall perform all services. 41. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR The Service Provider agrees that it is an independent contractor with respect to the services provided pursuant to this Agreement, and not an employee, agent, or servant of the City. All persons engaged in any of the work or services performed shall at all times, and in all places, be subject to the Service Provider's sole discretion, supervision, and control. The Service Provider shall exercise control over the means and manner in which it and its employees perform the work; the City's interest is in the results obtained. Nothing in this Agreement shall be considered to create the relationship of employer and employee between the parties. BLUMBERG BOULEVARD CHEMICAL SERVICES AGREEMENT - JANUARY 14,2013 42. NONWAIVER No inspection by the City, nor any payment for or acceptance of the whole or part of the items in this Agreement, nor any extension of time, nor any possession taken by the City of the product or services hereunder shall operate as a waiver of(1) any provision of this Agreement, (2) the right to have it fully performed, (3) any power herein reserved by the City or(4)any right to damages under this Agreement. No waiver of any breach of this Agreement shall be held to be a waiver of any other breach. 43. EXCLUSIVITY This is not an exclusive Agreement. The City may,at its sole discretion,contract with other entities for work similar to that to be performed by the Service Provider hereunder. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties hereto caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized representatives as of the date first written above. SERVICE PROVIDER: ivuovayl Tay-\--ney3V6Ne -me(Printed and Signed) • Date CITY: CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS ORIDA A Florida munic' al cor ora • KEVI . SMITH Ci anager February 6, 2013 Date ATTES : a,j A'^'Z"; •'.7-.—ZO-LUACES, City Clerk BLUMBERG BOULEVARD CHEMICAL SERVICES AGREEMENT - JANUARY 14,2013 Exhibit'A' TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS SPECIFIC TASKS 1. CHEMICAL PROGRAM 1.1 FERTILIZATION/PEST CONTROL-TURF The program shall be in accordance with the University of Florida Cooperative Extension Services yearly Calendar for Seashore Paspalum sod care and culture, and good horticultural practice. The program shall be based on soil samples taken at random from various areas of the site, in sufficient number so as to be characteristic of the areas to be fertilized. The cost of the securing and analyzing the soil samples shall be included in the bid.The results of the soils sampling shall be reported to the City representative. Soil amendments, nutrients, pesticides and any other ingredients deemed proper and beneficial by the Contractor shall be included in the fertilization program. All fertilizers shall contain minor elements. A minimum of TEN (10) fertilization (2 granular) and insect and disease applications shall be applied on all grass annually as per attached schedule found on 'Attachment '1'. Additional spot treatments may be needed in certain areas due to various conditions that may occur. Such additional treatments shall be deemed to be included in the contract price. Applications of fertilizer shall follow Cooperative Extension Service suggested guidelines and sound horticultural practices. Any turf areas or landscape materials, killed or damaged as a result of over-fertilization will be re-established to an acceptable condition. 1.2 FERTILIZATION/PEST CONTROL-TREES AND SHRUBS The spraying of shrubs(and trees less than 4"caliper)shall be done in accordance with F.S. Chapter 482 Pest Control and suggested methods of the Cooperative Extension Service. A minimum of SEVEN (7) applications of fertilization, insect, and disease control material shall be applied during the contract period as per attached schedule found on 'Attachment '1'. Additional spot treatments deemed to be necessary for the effective control of harmful disease and insect infestations shall be applied. These additional applications shall be deemed to be included in the contract price. Rose Program. Roses shall be monitored monthly for pests/diseases and treated on an as needed basis for conditions including chilli thrips infestations using insecticide products such as Conserve®or Merit®. Black spot can be treated with products such as Heritage®, Compass®, Bayleton®, Terraguard®, or Zyban®. Treatment shall continue as per the product label until no visible infestation is present. Rotation of the main active ingredient (product type) is suggested to prevent chemical resistance by the target pest. Fertilization shall be applied when the plant first leafs out(March/April) and shall continue at six week intervals until late September. A recommended combination product for fertilization and insect/disease (prevention of outbreaks) control is Bayer Advanced All-In-One'Rose & Flower Care Formula Concentrate®with a 9-14-9 fertilizer, applied as per the label. 1.3 PLANT REPLACEMENT The Contractor shall be responsible for replacing any plant materials that die or become damaged as a result of neglect or damage by the Fertilization, Pest, and Disease Control Program operation. Replacement material shall be identical to plant species, quality, and specifications of the materials at the time the loss occurs. BLUMBERG BOULEVARD CHEMICAL SERVICES AGREEMENT - JANUARY 14,2013 2. TURF,TREE,AND SHRUB CARE PROGRAM 2.1 TURF ANALYSIS Lawn analysis reports are to be provided to the City Representative at each service. Items to be evaluated are as follows: Overall Turf Condition Color, grade, density, and maintenance condition Thatch Thatch problem evident, Thatch present, but no problem at this time, No thatch problem, Renovation recommended, and Vertical Cutting recommended Presence of Grass-type Weeds Annual bluegrass, Quackgrass Crabgrass, Sandbur Dallisgrass, Sedges, and Goosegrass, Smutgrass Presence of Broadleaf Weeds Betony, Knotweed, Black Medic, Lespendeza, Buttonweed, Matchweed, Centella, Oxalis, Chickweed, Plantain, Dandelion, Pusley, Dollarweed, Purslane Ground Ivy, Spurge, Henbit, Thistle Beggarwood. Detection of Insects Armyworm, Fire Ant, White Grub, Chinch Bug, Mole Cricket, Ox Beetle Cutworm Sod Webworm. Detection of Diseases Brown Patch, Fairy Ring, Dollar Spot, Leaf Spot, Grey Leaf Spot, Necrotic Ring Spot, Pythium Blight Root Rot. 2.2 TREATMENT Timely and prompt treatment is to be performed on all areas detected with problems and areas at risk. A 7-10 day follow-up appointment is to be set with the City Representative to ensure eradication of disease or pest problems. Subsequent visits, if necessary, are to be scheduled until the problems no longer exist. BLUMBERG BOULEVARD CHEMICAL SERVICES AGREEMENT - JANUARY 14,2013 2.3 DAMAGE/REPLACEMENT Damage to materials and any required replacements are to be addressed no later than thirty(30) days from the date of detection. 2.4 PROJECT PROGRAM The turf program will consist of both pre and post emergent weed controls (suitable for paspalum), fertilizer with potash, micronutrients and iron to encourage proper growth, root development and maintain a lush, green conditions that is expected. In addition, a disease control for broadleaf weeds and a blanket insecticide control (suitable for paspalum) to target specific pest populations especially armyworms, cutworms, chinchbugs and mole crickets. Crabgrass is to be addressed as required by hand pulling the weed immediately. The ornamental program will consist of insect controls to effectively control sucking and piercing insects such as aphids, lacebugs, whitefly,scale and trips. The insect control will be a combination of a granular systemic control, and liquid insecticides. Fertilization of micronutrients and iron shall be used consisting of a specially blended slow release granular fertilizer for timely feedings of plants. Liquid tree injections may be done on an as needed basis. The Contractor must stagger the treatments of the turf and the ornamental applications so that he will be on the property twelve (12) times per year. After each treatment is performed, a detailed report shall be submitted to the Owner/Representative for analysis and discussion. BLUMBERG BOULEVARD CHEMICAL SERVICES AGREEMENT - JANUARY 14,2013 T R U R E E F' C O M M E R C I A L S E R V I C E 4..).1a, :r k I1 4:! COMMFJTGIAI. AGREEMENT , I �l .� q I : P, w ,.,,,„, 9 r1 'i i- IIoaILr.,,K:-,,,,01:0 t i ,0,1IE e;"}E, L Il iii j' i< Property Address: Bill To: Name: City of Winter Springs-Blumberg Blvd. Name: City of Winter Springs Contact Name: Steven Richart Phone Number:407-327-5951 Contact Name: accounts payable Phone Number:407-327-5951 Email: Email: srichart@winterspringsfl.org Address Line 1 000 434 Winter Springs Town Center Address Line 1 1126 E.SR 434 Address Line 2 Address Line 2 City Winter Springs State FL Zip 32708 City: Winter Springs State Fl Zip 32708 LAWN CARE SERVICES I TREE AND SHRUB CARE SERVICES TREATMENT DESCRIPTION COST TREATMENT DESCRIPTION COST ❑JANUARY•APPLICATION 1 El PRE-EMERGENT El BROADLEAF WEED CONTROL ESI JANUARY-APPLICATION 1 ESI SUPERIOR HORTICULTURE OIL $385.00 ❑NATURAL FERTILIZER 0 INSECT CONTROL ® INSECT CONTROL ESE FEBRUARY-APPLICATION 2 ® FERTILIZER ❑FIRE ANT CONTROL $120.00 ❑ FEBRUARY-APPLICATIONS Eg DISEASE CONTROL ❑ FERTILIZER ❑ MARCH-APPLICATION 3 ESI PRE-EMERGENT ESE BROADLEAF WEED CONTROL $120.00 IE MARCH-APPLICATIONS ❑NATURAL FERTILIZER 0 INSECT CONTROL 0 INSECT HORTICULTURE OIL $385.00 0 APRIL-APPLICATION/ 0 INSECT CONTROL ® FERTILIZER 0 ANT CONTROL $120.00 ❑ APRIL ESI DISEASE CONTROL ES) FERTILIZER Eg MAY-APPLICATIONS ❑PRE-EMERGENT El BROADLEAF WEED CONTROL $120.00 El MAY-APPLICATIONS ❑SUPERIOR HORTICULTURE OIL $385.00 ® JUNE-APPUCATION6 ❑ NATURAL FERTILIZER 0 INSECT CONTROL 0 INSECT CONTROL ® FERTILIZER ❑ FIRE ANT CONTROL $120.00 ❑ JUNE-APPUCATION 6 ERJ DISEASE CONTROL ❑ FERTILIZER El JULY-APPUCATION7 lSl PRE-EMERGENT Eg BROADLEAF WEED CONTROL $120.00 E81 JULY-APPLICATION] ❑SUPERIOR HORTICULTURE OIL $335.00 ❑ NATURAL FERTIUZER El INSECT CONTROL El INSECT CONTROL ES) AUGUST-APPLICATIONS ESE FERTILIZER ❑FIRE ANT CONTROL $120.00 ESE AUGUST-APPUCATION S ®DISEASE CONTROL 0 FERTILIZER $385.00 E3 SEPTEMBER.APPUCATION 9 ESE PRE-EMERGENT 0 BROADLEAF WEED CONTROL $120.00 ESE SEPTEMBER•APPUCATION 9 ❑SUPERIOR HORTICULTURE OIL $385.00 ❑NATURAL FERTIUZER (SI INSECT CONTROL 0 INSECT CONTROL ❑ OCTOBER-APPLICATION 10 ESE FERTILIZER ❑FIRE ANT CONTROL $120.00 ❑ OCTOBER-APPLICATION 10 0 DISEASE CONTROL ESE FERTILIZER El NOVEMBER•APPLICATION 11 0 PRE-EMERGENT ESE BROADLEAF WEED CONTROL ESE NOVEMBER-APPLICATION 11 ESE SUPERIOR HORTICULTURE OIL $385.00 ❑ NATURAL FERTIUZER ESE INSECT CONTROL ESE INSECT CONTROL ❑ DECEMBER-APPLICATION 12 ESE FERTILIZER ❑FIRE ANT CONTROL $120.00 ❑ DECEMBER-APPUCATION 12 ESE DISEASE CONTROL ❑ FERTILIZER ❑SPECIAL SERVICES ❑PRE-EMERGENT ❑ BROADLEAF WEED CONTROL ❑SPECIAL SERVICES ❑SUPERIOR HORTICULTURE OIL ❑ NATURAL FERTIUZER ❑ INSECT CONTROL ❑INSECT CONTROL ❑ FERTILIZER ❑FIRE ANT CONTROL ❑DISEASE CONTROL ❑ FERTILIZER ANNUAL LAWN CARE COST: i ; '".ig ANNUAL TREE/SHRUB CARE COST. ! BENEFICIAL SERVICES I BENEFICIAL SERVICES DESCRIPTION COST DESCRIPTION COST ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ - ❑ ❑ - ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ r j ANNUAL BENEFICIAL SERVICES COST: ANNUAL BENEFICIAL SERVICES COST: TOTAL SALES TAX: TOTAL SALES TAX ICS 'k siJ�a �.. •1F 1/V ,ti I;, I �I ' ,fs ,.I.�(,pLl ess s"� �.:E�.� , ,.,.},,.1,! �,SI. ' [ i COMMENTS: COMMENTS: ^This contract will be billed as a monthly billing cycle.The total annual cost for TRUGREEN to treat Blumberg is ^This contract will be billed as a monthly billing cycle.The total annual cost for TRUGREEN to treat Blumberg $3895.00.This will be billed over 12 months at an Invoice amount of$324.58.If for any reason this agreement is$3895.00.This will be billed over 12 months at an invoice amount of$324.58.If for any reason this Is stopped there will be an invoice Issued for the remaining balance on the account.The first billing cycle will agreement Is stopped there will be an invoice Issued for the remaining balance on the account.The first billing be in January 2013. cycle will be In January 2013. ®2011TruGreen LP. All Rights Reserved SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR ADDITIONAL TERMS •l U I•A I,ANNUAL.SERVICE COST [ ,o. J City of Winter Springs- Blumberg Blvd. Lawn applications- 10 applications in the contract agreement -all lawn applications will include; *liquid fertilizer, weed control, and disease control will be included. *there will be two lawn applications that will be a granular fertilizer to Entire turf. Shrub applications- 7 applications in the contract agreement -an shrub applications will include; *drench of the palms will be 4 times a year *treat roses for thrips on every application *Sylvester palms will be treated 'Service calls are also a part of this program. If there are any issues in between regular applications we will return to the location for a FREE service can to address the concerns. "'This contract will be billed as a monthly billing cycle. The total annual cost for TRUGREEN to treat Blumberg is$3895.00. This will be billed over 12 months at an invoice amount of$324;58. If for any reason this agreement is stopped there will be an invoice issued for the remaining balance on the account. The first billing cycle will be in January 2013. ..._,....,_... HERON LAWN & PEST CONTROL i SO ACCREDITED , Ts.- BUSINESS 1-800-81-HERON •WWW.HERONPEST.COM • Fax: 407-831-6007 Stsi t Isir.in-rats!' bbb,.arg ,,ciii,,..isi•i eini,,ciii ii?,4,!. -- ............_ .. .,......_,......._..... E.:rariC•1 Address PnControl, Mosquito, Lawn, Tree and Shrub Care Service Agreement _. . i r c.f . . 4 — -- Narrie Biliing Andress paatt 1....1 Nplillinir e4`4 ...... .. ' rsirce Address iSiiii Stale Zie ,,,,itts- 1... s. , - ■ City State Zip tt;rtcl 32_ - Csa89 - i(-I i-7 D,,,,,,„Stan Sours!: Home Pheue Work f4hcine N;2\16H•cs,t—T(2:7s.Z.• r )or'os.tx.7is fl. .0 C.' — E•Mail address Acct.4 -...., (sale iltnde fess;nant aped Location of Irrigation Box _______, If Customer retuses the tree irrigation inspection service please initial in the space provided hereafter_ Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. tune July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. TOTAL 1-1 Gen . Household'- Control T. :I Structure Size • Sq.ft. Meal Footage ________—__ tnitiats HERONS General Household Pest Centro cl i.. :3 n initial interior and quarterly este:tint'liestm.,...i. ne l3micems:si tsu to retnici;,ti::,,,s r,tic■,,,i, ,..;1\ieffisil,■-icas op,a,,,. eatwigS,waspa,gantry pests end rodents Ocentarty treatments ilot inciusts tray sweeping and,,frq..TV:3:;,i sarlar webs diii ieaubruri,ass wattp,re 0.or the 6a ,,,,of!he,St ,t,,,,I,) up le 20'ir height art eXtetior spay tient:1.1d ail ant,y pninta titcat 0,,,,i,t,wtit or t,..,,tsi,,,,y t,,,,p,,,,37^,,,,6re5,',,,aii nerainiings srpes Any ad.1■ic,,,,;,,,,,o.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6,0,,,,,, Sills/if:XI,nte!vais will be brovitlesi at no atigittantitt cast As an ado:tit:mai ro,ccint service cad:,tnirt intsenent tt10tON sniit esittn itistatt suotettaheren istraart inentlpang F.t;Wont:woun.;; the perimeter of the Shove idenlifie4 Struoltmeisf TnRss manner:'vitt tap o'. 1010,01 oaring Hl..001 dua0t4 di/ettletirir Genera;i icissenatc!Past Contra:t'terytatt If subternaneart istar ins, outcry's found in any clans Inaba:el mon:lira:tag Stations.Custonier will 06 tiotifieti ta,sriling.It Customer is currently under a Subterranean Termite Service Agreement with any Other company or HERON or if Customer refuses the monitoring!service by initiating in the space provided hereafter .....„,the subterranean monitoring stations will not be installed.!rats::Termite Monitors? 0 Vett !...1 No Jan Feb. Mar Apr. May. June July Aug Sept. Oct Nov. Dec. TOTAL Iir .2.4,: 7-(429 .2611 .Zte'7 2627)&erl q Aro'? AkolAtarrir X6.9 ;WI .2(gr) 32-04 i ,. .......4.A........ - Platinum Lawn Care Program: :244 A Ir.......:<e 4.1-ter.,......e :),?.,,,,re Lawn Size: „/:.5..,2641._ sr..„ .0c:.7"______ _sq ft, ....—_..... • !:-.,K,5. Our initial service includes a compete ciantliar and apiad Istratibeliftn,,:.A Mi!ae•a Itsatment lin inysri at:maga:ft;insera.n In ir a,1!,4 tatas.teats.Clot VoW1r, I,, i2.1,4;Ina;-0...,,v0,:,■s ()it! biunonthly scheduled serv:ce prostates feta:Station and attain:ant I tatat damitoini!,'Sf,:t Os..''CyThet,,!,,ni wet we:y:4 Any adelM.anai a eattnanat 04w 0.0.toputany sentesittied service NIS ae performed tree at e's sir,Note:There iti nn nen:elan,arnetrat tot ivi.n Rf,P10,11,',■00(11)gratt a nertbie,t1I rtr Aleastocar taps .■ICI Stay are not atratAten sicur weed sontro: PrOgMir,lhore'a,,aa',to rtentrsit for Netratettett This Program does Include our Sod Replacement Guarantee against insect damage.Crabgrass control is also included with this program. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. TOTAL Shrub Care Program: < Shrub Size: Z-47400 V.v._ 7 sq.tt. Out mutt service Includes a complete granultir lertlization and hestrnant for shrub darnagi,Ig'short"'.1.0-1gus and Pit...Sane Oat bi-montaty scnertcled set vrce tatevitles treatment for shrub damaging Meads lunges and disease Spring sect Fe!applicat ah's.w114.include a nutritiona fred:ng Ara aaditio,n:I■eahrer115 ts..itweeF tepatat scheduled services win Pe performed free of charge This shrub program includes a shrub replacement guarantee against shrub damaging'insects.Note;thi.,sot:.'s p■CVloecl:Inner I s s et000.0,-?:does not kir:tune stttebs in pool areas Z1,1u t tt.tets or petted plants.Shrubs It Ott,1.1!!'4C,than 4"In Pierre:sr at 5 teat NV f'." iligi,e31'i',,q rate 4...cke.i....,; Jan. Feb. Mar, Apr. May, June July Aug. Sept. Oct Nov. Dec. TOTAL Mall NO leI9 I 11404 1 I I .110 1 ., 6 C 42 D otl i,.Palm Tree Care Program: ;7741 Our cluarteNy service includes prenatal'tertaizattran tand a treatment to the CrQ,VIM tire'too tar':to toe prevent:tin bi palm weevils non bac rot palms over 20 feet high u.,the,,,,,, ,,,r'..not t...e included.Note Heron wb,not be r,:isoons.ble for the dead,of any;;81.,..--,s P5im Types)and 01.:ant:ty, Jan. Feb, Mar, Apr. May June July Aug, Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. TOTAL Mosquito I 1 .......iworme.- I i alllimb- IMosquit• -ontrol Servi- r Au,r,,:.:,.....'iize. —.. Sas it traits, HERON s .....guito Control Service reduces..• oi-i prtrateattens by atietteric Prrietting sees noth rebIlng atsitis al the etc:as:Ty co a titavenly tapir;Sent Ap'!trs foufp October Treatments alk be applied to at t.ort areas plant Alatepat shrub nada anal-as:tat tateas ter a to CC:ntrtSf.:1t adult rr,rfullitosii,HERON wiii ski't perform as'71,7,!Ith:y,nspec,c,,,of,j,,,p.,,,,,,,y k'st breeciing sites,suet',as bent bates..ditOles and any Mfg,Mrsas:■of standing water II mailqter.iarva 0,I5un0,a ia!vac,de..,,M be:sculled to ertnant tnatesteitnas al th,s Maw of-:ht te cycle. PAYMENT INFORMATION lit 11 r7/ ,L1 r.ilal tot sii nrvic,,:s..5, _ ___....'- -. . .- n nt,!;;,i'l,!.: . Oi''':fc,flu:tem.0 Che...k 4 .;[.f,.*.f..t;,1-4 .. .. _. .. Notice to Customer.It Into is a home solicrtafion sale and CLwo:r it,.ioes ni-,4 want ttui b.,Cis et'. totes. ,:tt it, ,canna:lets Cantact ct,Op A7,11,2,,^.0,;,,,;Si: sagaettatiea to HERON belore midnight of tile third busine.es day after the dav Citmicticei signas lnis A., eenvent, „ ..4 •. I •' i141711• III. ., •, , 4... , ....2'4V.....3 . . ...,-...- .. . Cestamer's Stgittecte i's,tte H,,,CO3 i.."ven a, .Post Autr:or..rattQn for AttIonsiiiit r!1);1:1:1:w i.,i;C.;8,d.0 1,Ot'4i,I:O::,S'141,,,,:,:lt,,,, rflf:.-,,,,I,•5,2,ltiv,r,helow,Cristoma.-outer'es ME.f.r.liiil to ak!,•'t tilrwas a.0:n''',7,,',rE,4i?',0.h,lc,..•',,,,,j %),S.CJiod beieRt ratters:Ito.s.,cM4Uml s.m,,m5 are 1en401-00 since.ilis Aurtteir esti CUSTOMER'S SIGNATURE NAME ON CREDI t!DESiT C.ARD GREOITIDEBiT CARD it EXPIRATiON DATE NOTES/CUSTOMER'S MAIN CONCERNS __ _....___ _ . _ .., •„ . . ., . . . . _______.__..........„. ._. ... . . .. . ... . .. . ._.,.....„..... ,,q,!,. ,,:-.,,g,par,,,':',,„,r,,,, r:•<*:,.. C,3,.,:,,,,i,F C,:.:,,,) Steven Richart From: Scott Annan[scott@annanlandscape.com] Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2013 3:45 PM To: Steven Richart Subject: Blumberg Steven, Pursuant to the specifications and our most recent telephone conversation the annual cost for the Chemical Application Program equals$7900.00 Thanks Scott L.Annan President Annan Landscape Co. Phone:(407-339-7701) Fax:(407)339-4135 Cell:(407)719-1635 ANN N LANDSCAPE CO. 1 City of Winter Springs Memo To: City Clerk's Office From: Steven T. Richart, Urban Beautification Manager CC: Kevin Smith, City Manager Date: 2/1/2013 Re: Blumberg Blvd. Medians—Chemical Program Dear City Clerks: Please find three (3) originals of the agreement for chemical services for Blumberg Boulevard that require signature of the City Manager. Once each original has been signed, please return two (2) originals to me and one(1)original should remain with the City Clerk's Office. The bids were received for the chemical program on Blumberg Blvd as follows: 1. Heron Lawn and Pest. $4,724—Annually 2. Annan Landscaping$7,900—Annually 3. TruGreen$3,895—Annually Trugreen has provided the most qualified proposal and lowest cost for this project. The project is budgeted from line code 1525-54644-60003 Town Center R&M. Thank you very kindly, Sum.. T. g';.(14 ,...„,....... HERON LAWN & PEST CONTROL , 4/0 ACCREOTTED Bra BUSiNESS 1-800-81-HERON •WWW.HERONPEST.COM • Fax: 407-831-6007 ,,,----- :.:it:r,,lee re l sea' hbbtong Sirius:'i Ash:Patsy Pest Control, Mosquito, Lawn, Tree and Shrub Care Service Agreement 0.....i r of W,...T.c tirade II,. AeldrE,s, * ' ok ..i. ,. , N,.. _ ._ . _ . : .,I ....-,7ip zy,7Aticitrers* te..,se. ,,... ... i r City Stars 7ap Grid 32-.1 '-- (289 - Hil Ha.,Parc, inkier l,tinnit _ fi Mali address Aced s be, 'Pane i.taide rdaidanninssir Location of Irrigation Boo It Customer retuses the tee irrigation inspection service please Mitotic the apace provided hereafter Jan. Feb, Mar, Apr. May Juno July Aug Sept Oct. Nov Dec TOTAL Gen.; ; Household '.. Control T., al Structure Size Sq.ft. ineal Footage 1,10,01d HERON'S General Household Pest Centro i l ,..,„in riillisi saterior tiincl 'rat' I,',adEn.,,n,,,,V1, . , ria sp., i .i. si iisi s Ate P,:.is pseciie, l" at co, nall.vn.ra V.dinp',„paWry pests and d.'ia,t,'S ':idaddrI)''',lm Cads a disiaps.Inc or 1'' `lr,",0,,N,.,',V a:,,,,.;,,!,,,yarn „ii,l asirbeir,a r sp.,tit spits sp cie psrps,Or isp up to,a,.),r.heAn? a',art',,,'LP',/d' ',,''''.' '''Y''''''''l'd PPlibladir Sin,se tr,,.."ne11,ann,h,■ ,r,,,,,,,, ,,.,',.:ir r.:, ,,. ' '..,-,.,,, Al.)a0.1.',,,: 'Sq,,'''''''''', r.,...,,'.!a..,;vi.v.,,,,e,:n SC,Ca intervals wsl tie bar iced ar is,Andildinsi nor i As is,tcidincirial es isnit„,„issni spie,si s„sr:rani,piltl P di is-yise „snip,sirateineican c.,.1,The.,2 n ,,g due.,,,,d the r.,...,,rfrroltu c1ane atno..S.:!.d,,,d,fi,,,1 dill...,,,,,,,,,(,.,'' d d ,,d,,,,„,/,':b..,,;,,vrct,..d,r,wv-,c,H.:p::‘4.;,,,,,,,,,!vv-v. ,,,,,,G,,,i,,,,,,,:,vv,f,p„,.,,,,..,,,r, ..,,,,,,,,,,,„ Ictiviiy is foss,it'i tiny et Pc m,,,ra;:•a m,...,ra,, a4,ra,=,,r,,,,c,:st,,,,,:a wii:!..,,,,,va;1,-,1,r,..,,, ,-,q II Customer in currently under a Subterranean Termite Service Agreement with any other company or HERON or if Customer refuses the moth-toting service by initialing in the space provided hereafter the subterranean monitoring stations will not be installed aisre Teppae ssc,,,,,,sy j,..., Jen Feb- Mar Apt, May June ,,liy A,, Seat, Oct Nov, Dec, TOTAL -1 -1 Lawn zil 7i'1 260 260 )47 #71..eq Aryl ,201/401419 Nog zen (32.04 i !Ai •11A;ArA(1.,........ • _ Platinum Lawn Care Program: :..1.4•••••iirimiii•iie •iiii.e...i•ii s•esi_tru Lawn Size lf.,.57,..0 .4 ,..-_ , Ar 7' sq.ft. u.,,...ii. 'se/Van,'va,;,11pelt.,,,,ed tate yr ebrints Note:Thorp,i,c r sti„paps psi bra,bit sea hisnimiln sauna,sass', nes:Pile'el:tir Altisandsr dmsp,Asa aa,•,a,l'Ca 1.,,addd,.t:,.,,,,diddn("1,1,,, pi ragr,dr,tv,..:,S,v;so rIc,ov,t,V Iv,?..:cr/nti"."1,.,This Program does Inetudo nor Sind Replopeinent Goer,intee agrees%insect damage.Curbora es iiontror iv also oncludori wan this program. Jan Feb, Mat Apt May Juno july Aug. Sept Oct Nov. Dec TOTAL *0 Shrub .,-• I4o 16o /40 116a 96o 1 ,....., ...1 Shrub Care Program:• OGN =jae...14;,.& Shrub Size: ,X004,0 s,7 p7 sq.tt. 0,,r,,I,a,sc5.,,,..:-;puha:1w;a an:rap-Me cpian,diP fertilisation and bristment tr„,snrab dat,,,,i.d4■,,,,,,ec,i !,;NUS and disease OA pissontsic prpnesinsied se,A iii r.,,,,,,,,, ,,,,..,t,,,,a Ind scrub damaging rseets,Fungus tpid disease Slump apd:dn', ',C.,,,d-i,..11.,M,Ird:'ude,a nseinpirini feeler) Arc tar,', 'a a,,Ira tnAvd,d, ,e,4. i,,,,.;,,t,,;duleo stirryises sr-,art 01,0•21rrik.-■ti"or ''rt Phaipe.This shrub program intrudes at shrub replacement guarantee against shrub damaging insects.Note, rr, .-,,p,,o,a,it,,,,Jf,1,:s,1"nndarr Odd', tact innad.11,,.3,,Wtd,i',p,;3,,i,tviV,.ints,iii:v t:,,,,,,a p,..'(W;r ,..,,, Shrubt:'• ■,-;:.,,,:V,,i,a,,d''hd tha r.,,,•tet.....E S',rot',:gh,-, •,:<.. w'.a ,,nai rylitii,„ Jan. Feb. Mar, Apr May, June July Aug. Sent, Oct Nov Dec. TOTAL . ,....,.. ! i /1,/p 1 I iieo I 1 1/5■12 : 1 i Pio i _, . Ec..„2,0 _.1 Palm Tree Care Program: ?S cit,gaue,,,,,,si.,,ici.;;rocai,Tvoluizu Nvilizat,on a:vi,:i Itf,itir0,,..to the ervw,ot,rvvv,f,vv;t,,,,r6 to lids sr sre:a:en ril ociiii piney:is and biro us Pr ens Ode?2D1,10 nigh in the piss,. an nGt Dr;ncludecl.Note7"err ',,'' 'ut bp,awonsible Mr lb.a Plead:id any par, 0.',,'r'Type,S)8rd Cm.:ant! Jan. Fat), Mar, Apt May June July Aug, Sept, Oct. Nov, Dec, TOTAL Mosquito i 1111101111.11 I 1 I . 1 — _ 1 I Mosquit• -•ntrol Serve ' ;;t 1c.;, ,...-J-.tou.,,,,. ,-,. iduito Control Service'rare.sea • .,, p4,,,a0,,,b.,'re,,..,, g..,,,,,,,,I3vv ,,,v- ,,,-.0,,,V,,,,,::11,,,,,,,.rd,,,,,'',,,c,d,dy,..,,,a rrinntinD r.,,,,,,a had,April asoirais Ono ' Treatments sill he aprAdd/G an dd.'areas clam matenai.rerep ber;tr anu rvit,ai wv,,,,is fr,,3■,,,,,,,ndi.,d,Idi4t Mo,..-Ar,",,*,hirPON 4H■at ';,'.:.,,...'r 73 a f■-v,,,,v,,,.3c ,,'c,,,,at'",. ''a ''a, k;r•bree&r9 shs,sacti a,-,1.)11vJ baP,;,,d:1,), dna any other areas sl Mariann s,tef 'a,,,,,d4ildr.'WV",,,.....,V1d,,,vxv-, 1c,v .ti.,analled t..., , :,,;,vv;,:,M),:,v,,,two.m.a■,,,ot t•.h,,, PAYMENT INFORMATION 4 1.1 r7 1 LI Pajaaa TOd."; N..),6 :;,W Notice to Customer'it's as a home eat isnalion eitSe arid Ciiatoner tics,ist tippe my ep -Ass, ,p, is AI ei se ii,,, e„ „,s,.„„;,s,,,„„„seiss.,,f,,,,,,:ka,,, a, liErir5r,t}',:,,,MiR,V1:2,1 Me riiirii business dap alter ins dap ti.aisles ii sipissa las c,.i.c.in•c;sJy.:ctri; .,,,, Add.,,f,taidn, /' ppint il-..i did,.,,,,s..setsi las ides(,,ddna,d,, .01d0 d,inENntiN in s its y;..si sc,,,i, sis spas Jpiti p.ps e len Cons leant,les i en seas,'sip siiist nie arriocene wisp, a s ass da sl c:::W.tT To. a42)IrktZ.ro v.TRa......ZT.G-z.VA, CUSTOMER'S SIGNASPJPE NAME ON CREOlITiEBbP iAPT, tatIECITiidEBiT CARD a DirllitiAroN DATE NOTES/CUSTOMER'S MAIN CONCERNS ......., , ' ' Steven Richart From: Scott Annan [scott @annanlandscape.comj Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2013 3:45 PM To: Steven Richart Subject: Blumberg Steven, Pursuant to the specifications and our most recent telephone conversation the annual cost for the Chemical Application Program equals$7900.00 Thanks Scott L.Annan President Annan Landscape Co. Phone:(407-339-7701) Fax:(407)339-4135 Cell:(407)719-1635 ANNAN L.ANDSCAPE CO. 1 City of Winter Springs Memo To: City Clerk's Office From: Steven T. Richart, Urban Beautification Manager CC: Kevin Smith, City Manager Date: 2/1/2013 Re: Blumberg Blvd. Medians—Chemical Program Dear City Clerks: Please find three (3) originals of the agreement for chemical services for Blumberg Boulevard that require signature of the City Manager. Once each original has been signed, please return two (2) originals to me and one(1)original should remain with the City Clerk's Office. The bids were received for the chemical program on Blumberg Blvd as follows: 1. Heron Lawn and Pest. $4,724—Annually 2. Annan Landscaping$7,900—Annually 3. TruGreen$3,895—Annually Trugreen has provided the most qualified proposal and lowest cost for this project. The project is budgeted from line code 1525-54644-60003 Town Center R&M. Thank you very kindly, Sxeive44 T. 4'a