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2012 10 11 Regular 600 Draft Tuscawilla Unit 12/12A Wall Report
FINAL REPORT OF THE 4014Teloh. 4 S A.�. Cn • Incorporated 1959 .4 %'L ORIDp'. TUSCAWILLA UNIT 12/12A WALL AD HOC ADVISORY COMMITTEE October 11, 2012 TABLE OF CONTENTS Letter of Transmittal 1 Ad Hoc Wall Committee Background and Duties 2 Recommendations 4 Addendums 6 Appendices 7 Appendix A—Resolution 2012-16 Appendix B—Resolution 2012-19 Appendix C— Staff Presentation from August 29, 2012 meeting Appendix D—Price Quote from Seminole Masonry Appendix E—Price Quote from Alternative Wall Systems 4glik Tet? t3 V1 •�LoR1oP TUSCAWILLA UNIT 12/12A WALL AD HOC ADVISORY COMMITTEE LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL October 11, 2012 Mayor and Commission: On behalf of the Tuscawilla Unit 12/12A Wall Ad Hoc Advisory Committee I am very pleased to transmit to you the Consensus Report of the Recommendations of the Committee as provided in Commission Resolution 2012-16 and as amended in Resolution 2012-19. In summary, the Committee is recommending the creation of an Assessment Program to fund: 1) replacement of all eight (8) corner sections with a new wall having a similar appearance that meets all applicable codes; 2) provision of low-maintenance landscaping at each of the four entrances; and 3) placing the remainder of the existing wall on a cosmetic repair program. These recommendations are explained in more detail within this report, including an outline of a proposed funding program. The Committee believes the recommended program satisfies the City Commission's directives that: 1) the program be at no cost to the general treasury of the City; and 2) no further liability is imposed or retained by the City. On behalf of all the Committee members, I want to thank the City Commission for the opportunity you have given the Tuscawilla Unit 12/12A residents through their membership on this Committee to provide you with what we believe are appropriate and cost effective recommendations. We look forward to your review of this final report and your continued assistance with implementing the wall repair program proposed herein. Sincerely, Gary Brook, Chairman Tuscawilla Unit 12/12A Wall Ad-Hoc Advisory Committee 1 Df A�. t3 V1 •�L O RIDA TUSCAWILLA UNIT 12/12A WALL AD HOC ADVISORY COMMITTEE BACKGROUND AND DUTIES At the June 11, 2012 City Commission meeting, the City Commission approved Resolution 2012-16 providing for the establishment of the Tuscawilla Unit 12/12A Wall Ad Hoc Advisory Committee. The purpose of the Committee was to organize a group of Tuscawilla Unit 12/12A property owners to obtain a recommendation addressing the deteriorating condition of the wall. The Committee's responsibilities in Resolution 2012-16 are summarized as follows: 1. Conduct a comprehensive review of the wall and information gathered to date. 2. Determine and recommend to the City Commission the type or types of wall that would replace the existing brick wall. 3. Prepare a final written report identifying the type of wall recommended and the reason for the recommendation. 4. Present the report to the City Commission. At the July 9, 2012 City Commission meeting, the Commission approved granting the Committee additional latitude to allow the option of keeping all or part of the existing wall. The modification was memorialized in Resolution 2012-19 and was stated as follows in Section II: "...the TWAAC shall determine and recommend to the City Commission the replacement, repair, or removal of the aforementioned existing brick wall. Such recommendation shall address the technical and financial aspects of the recommendation, subject to the following constraining parameters: (1) there will be no additional cost imposed on the City; and(2) there will be no further liability imposed on the City. " The Committee held meetings on August 29, September 6, September 19, and October 11, 2012. All meetings were conducted at City Hall and were open to the public. The topics covered at the meetings are briefly summarized as follows. • Initial meeting on August 29, 2012: o Review Sunshine Law o Elect Chairperson and Vice Chairperson o Overview the enabling Resolutions 2 o City Staff presentation of wall background information o Committee discussion of game plan for moving forward o Public input • September 6, 2012 meeting: o Committee in-depth discussion regarding various options for the possible repair and/or replacement of the wall o Committee requested that Staff obtain cost information for the following items: 1. Replacement of the five (5) corner sections already demolished 2. Replacement of the three (3) additional corner sections not yet disturbed 3. Range of possible costs for signage at the entrances 4. Cost to provide low-maintenance landscaping at the entrances • September 19, 2012 meeting: o Staff presented costs gathered to date on the items requested at the September 6 meeting (see above) o Committee in-depth discussion of the various costs and options o Committee passed a series of motions for the wall recommendations and directed Staff to draft a final written report summarizing the recommended wall replacement and repair program o Committee passed four "recommendations" as shown on the following page by unanimous vote o Committee discussed possible additional recommendations that would be submitted as"addendums" to the report for City Commission consideration o Committee passed two"addendums" to the final report by unanimous vote • October 11, 2012: o Committee review and approval of the final report o Discussion of next steps 3 4.y0NTE►? Q 1. V .�L 0 RtP TUSCAWILLA UNIT 12/12A WALL AD HOC ADVISORY COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. Replace eight (8) corner wall sections at the four (4) entrances with a new wall having a similar appearance and location, meeting all applicable codes. At each corner, the diagonal section of the wall and the short wing walls extending down the side streets will be replaced. Before construction, a wall easement is required at all eight locations for the portion of the wall located on private property. Capital Cost: $71,884 - Cost includes: design, permitting, construction, restoration, plus a 10% contingency. Cost is based on a detailed price quote from Seminole Masonry, Inc. dated September 17, 2012. Cost includes $2,400 for the survey and recording of the required eight (8) easements. This cost serves as a basis for budgeting purposes and is subject to change based on market conditions at the actual time of project commencement. 2. Provide simple, low-maintenance, drought tolerant landscaping at the four entrances. Capital Cost: $8,000 - Cost is based on a City Staff estimate based on recent experience with similar landscaping installations in the area. 3. Perform cosmetic repairs along the straight sections of the existing wall. Work to be performed initially includes: a. Repair 35 columns b. Remove loose bricks and mortar along entire wall c. Replace missing bricks along entire wall; tuck and point missing mortar along entire wall (both sides)with high strength grout d. Cleanup masonry debris e. Bricks to be supplied by City from previously demolished sections at entrances Capital Cost: $6,025 - Cost is based on a detailed price quote from Alternative Wall Systems, Inc. dated September 12, 2012. This cost serves as a basis for budgeting purposes and is subject to change based on market conditions at the actual time of project commencement. 4 oNTete S' 04 A� U a CA I ncorporc.l 1959 TUSCAWILLA UNIT 12/12A WALL AD HOC ADVISORY COMMITTEE 4. Create a Special Assessment Program administered by the City for the capital cost and annual maintenance of the wall. Capital Cost for Special Assessment Area: $29,500 - Estimated cost for establishment of the Special Assessment Program including consultant fees, expert witnesses, research and legal. Capital Cost for Expenses Incurred to Date: $8,125 - Actual cost for the following wall-related expenses incurred to date by the City: 1. Survey to determine wall location $3,280 2. Structural evaluation $1,845 3. Demolition of unsafe corner sections $3,000 TOTAL $8,125 Maintenance Cost: $7,500 annually - Estimated budget for operation of the Special Assessment Program including consultant fees, staff costs, insurance and maintenance. 5 osTet S a .- U U1 .�LOR%DP TUSCAWILLA UNIT 12/12A WALL AD HOC ADVISORY COMMITTEE ADDENDUMS Addendum #1 —Requesting Forgiveness of City Outlay At the September 19, 2012 Wall Committee meeting, the Committee unanimously passed a motion requesting the City Commission not include $8,125 in out-of-pocket wall expenditures incurred prior to the creation of the Ad Hoc Committee as part of the Assessment Program. The $8,125 is comprised of the following expenses: 1. Survey to determine wall location $3,280 2. Structural evaluation $1,845 3. Demolition of unsafe corner sections $3,000 TOTAL $8,125 Addendum #2 -Authorize Immediate Repairs to Wall At the September 19, 2012 Wall Committee meeting, the Committee unanimously passed a motion requesting the City Commission front-load and authorize proceeding with the repair portion of the wall program in the amount of $6,025. This request is based on the low price, availability of the contractor (Alternative Wall Systems), and the need to move forward with the repair program as soon as possible. 6 APPENDICES Appendix A Resolution 2012-16 RESOLUTION NUMBER 2012-16 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE "TUSCAWILLA UNIT 12/12A WALL AD HOC ADVISORY COMMITTEE;" PROVIDING A SCOPE OF DUTIES AND PROCESS TO COMPLETE SAID DUTIES; PROVIDING FOR TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE AND OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS NECESSARY TO CONDUCT AN ORDERLY AND WELL- INFORMED PROCESS CONSISTENT WITH THE DIRECTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Tuscawilla Units 12/12A subdivisions were platted by the City in 1982 and 1983; and WHEREAS, after the plats for Tuscawilla Units 12/12A were recorded, a brick wall was constructed of approximately 3,000 feet in length and generally running along the subdivision's southern and western boundaries, adjacent to Winter Springs Boulevard and Northern Way by the developer of Tuscawilla Units 12/12A; and WHEREAS, the City recently had a survey of the wall prepared by Southeastern Surveying and Mapping Corporation which determined that a significant portion of the wall was constructed within the Winter Springs Boulevard right-of-way; and WHEREAS, the City also recently had a structural evaluation of the entire wall completed by CPH Engineers which identified that the wall is deteriorating in certain locations due to brick expansion, corrosion, settlement, and tree roots; and WHEREAS, during the past few months, the City Commission has been gathering factual information regarding the wall and considering various options to address the deteriorating condition of the wall; and WHEREAS, the aforementioned factual information and options are set forth in the May 29, 2012 City Commission Agenda Item 600; and WHEREAS, at the May 29, 2012 City Commission special meeting, the City Commission unanimously directed staff to prepare a resolution creating an ad hoc committee comprised of Tuscawilla Unit 12/12A property owners for purposes of obtaining a recommendation to address the deteriorating condition of the wall; and WHEREAS, the City Commission desires to provide an open, objective, and deliberative process that will afford the Tuscawilla Unit 12/12A property owners and the public ample opportunity to participate in providing a recommendation to address the deteriorating condition of the wall pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth in this Resolution; and WHEREAS,the City Commission hereby finds that this resolution is in the best interests of the public health, safety, and welfare of the Winter Springs, Florida. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida as follows: SECTION I. Establishment Of A Tuscawilla Unit 12/12A Wall Ad Hoc Advisory Committee; Meetings. (a) The City Commission hereby establishes a temporary ad hoc committee for purposes of advising the City Commission on the type of wall that the property owners of Tuscawilla Unit 12/12A desire along the outer perimeter of the Tuscawilla Units 12/12A subdivision, along Winter Springs Boulevard and Northern Way. The committee shall be called the "Tuscawilla Units 12/12A Wall Ad Hoc Advisory Committee." ("TWAAC"). The TWAAC shall consist of no more than seven (7) members, who shall be property owners in Tuscawilla Units 12/12A. The Mayor shall appoint one (1) member, subject to ratification by majority vote of the City Commission. Each City Commissioner shall appoint one (1) member, subject to ratification by majority vote of the City Commission. The City Commission by majority vote shall appoint one (1) member at-large. No alternates shall be appointed. Vacancies shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment to the extent deemed necessary by the City Commission. Prior to any appointment being considered final, each member of the TWAAC shall be required to complete the standard City Advisory Board and Committee Application. Upon appointment, each member of the TWAAC shall serve at the pleasure of the City Commission until the TWAAC's work has been completed and the City Commission has accepted the TWAAC's final report. Each member of the TWAAC shall serve without compensation. (b) Meetings of the TWAAC shall be duly noticed and held public meetings which shall be open to the public and which shall commence no earlier than 5:00 p.m. during the workweek. A portion of each meeting will be reserved for taking public input relevant to issues being considered during the review process outlined in this Resolution. The agendas, minutes and a record of the proceedings and decisions of the TWAAC shall be kept and filed with the City Clerk in the same manner as those kept and filed for the City Commission. (c) The first order of business for the TWAAC shall be to elect a chairperson and vice chairperson. The chairperson shall be responsible for running the meetings. In the absence of the chairperson, the vice chairperson shall run the meetings. Roberts Rules shall serve as guide to running the meetings of the TWAAC to the extent not in conflict with this Resolution. A majority of the total Committee members appointed shall constitute a quorum. (d) The TWAAC shall act by majority vote. However, the TWAAC may reference and explain in the final report minority opinions/positions which obtained the vote of at least three (3) members of the Committee. Ci■ ofGt-into rSri ing..Florida Resolution Number 2012-16 Page 2 of 4 SECTION II. TWAAC Responsibilities. (a) The members of TWAAC shall conduct a comprehensive review of City Commission Agenda Item 600, dated May 29, 2012, any supporting documentation thereto, to familiarize themselves with factual information compiled by the City regarding the Tuscawilla Units 12/12A wall situation. Upon conclusion of this review, the TWAAC shall determine and recommend to the City Commission the type or types of wall that will replace the aforementioned existing brick wall. (b) Upon making such determination, the TWAAC shall prepare and approve a final written report which shall identify the type of wall recommended and the reason for said recommendation. The final report shall be completed no later than November 12, 2012 unless additional time is granted by the City Commission. (c) The final report of the TWAAC shall be presented to and reviewed by the City Commission at least once at either a regular City Commission meeting or workshop specially called for that purpose. The report shall be nonbinding on the City Commission. If the City Commission determines that any of the recommendations made by the TWAAC should be implemented, the City Commission shall direct the City Manager and City Attorney to provide additional technical advice regarding the implementation of the recommendation including, but not limited to, advice regarding the construction, financing, and location of wall. SECTION III. Other Technical Resources. (a) The City Manager, City Engineer, Urban Beautification Manager, and other members of City staff (to the extent deemed necessary by the City Manager) shall serve as technical advisers to the TWAAC, and shall assist in drafting the final report. (b) The City Clerk shall provide administrative assistance to the TWAAC and shall be responsible for noticing meetings, preparing minutes, and archiving all public records. (c) The City Attorney shall provide legal guidance to the TWAAC to the extent any legal issues arise relevant to the limited duties assigned to the TWAAC by the City Commission. SECTION IV. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its final passage and adoption by the City Commission. [signature page follows] (i!y of Winter Spring,Florida Resolution Number 2012-16 Page 3ot4 ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, in a Special Meeting duly assembled on the 11th day of June, 2012. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused this seal to be affixed. /fit CH 171- -I.A'."- .;47'1-. "17" - - ATTES • r ANDRE 1017'.' ' O-LUACES, City Clerk Approved as to legal form and sufficiency for the City of Winter Springs,Florida only: 1///04zu,_e___ ANTHONY A. GARGAIiiSE, City Attorney City of Winter Spring.Florida Resolution Number 2012-16 Page 4 of 4 Appendix B Resolution 2012-19 RESOLUTION NUMBER 2012-19 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MEMORIALIZING THE CITY COMMISSION'S DECISION TO MODIFY THE SCOPE OF DUTIES OF THE TUSCAWILLA UNIT 12/12A WALL AD HOC ADVISORY COMMITTEE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission adopted Resolution 2012-12 establishing the Tuscawilla Unit 12/12A Wall Ad Hoc Advisory Committee ('`TWAAC"); and WHEREAS, at the July 9, 2012 City Commission meeting, the City Commission determined that it was in the best interests of the public health, safety, and welfare of the Winter Springs, Florida to modify the scope of duties of the TWAAC effective immediately; and WHEREAS, this Resolution memorializes the City Commission's adopted motion to modify TWAAC's scope of duties. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida as follows: Section 1. Modification of TWAAC's Scope of Duties. Section II (a) of Resolution 2012-12 is hereby amended to modify the responsibilities of the TWAAC as follows: (Underline type indicates additions and strikeout type indicates deletions from Section II (a)) SECTION II. TWAAC Responsibilities. (a) The members of TWAAC shall conduct a comprehensive review of City Commission Agenda Item 600, dated May 29, 2012, any supporting documentation thereto, to familiarize themselves with factual information compiled by the City regarding the Tuscawilla Units 12/12A wall situation. Upon conclusion of this review, the TWAAC shall determine and recommend to the City Commission the replacement, repair, or removal of the aforementioned existing brick wall. Such recommendation shall address the technical and financial aspects of the recommendation, subject to the following constraining parameters: (1)there will be no additional cost imposed on the City; and (2)there will be no further liability imposed on the City. type or types of wall that will replace the aforementioned existing brick wall. Section 2. Effective Date. This Resolution shall take effect on July 9, 2012. City of Winter Spring, Florida Resolution Number 2012-19 Page 1 of 2 ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, in a Regular Meeting duly assembled on the 9th day of July, 2012. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused this seal to be affixed. C ES LACE eyor ATTF 41 AN 1 = '"ORENZO-LUACES, City Clerk Approved as to legal form and sufficiency for the City inter Springs,Florida only: ANTHONY A. GARGANESE, City Attorney City of Winter Spring, Florida Resolution Number 2(112-19 Page 2 of 2 Appendix C Staff Presentation from August 29, 2012 meeting CU CU 5 r' may' -040ib "+ j6 neilb J i g tilD CAI ter" 1 ,2 * I . . c) 4, U ,1 sii }wLh sY l'• I • il >1%.1 N ' tier rettlitKWOVIA 1 ;mi C5ha ° l N . -,..„<„,,,, .444,09, ,* ,000,47 CA .1.0 ri -14411« � > 1=0 44000ifs. 1 w 'i'L, ! 411* tOLVOWAta 1 tt CJ 17$ ra CA 1 U IA . .CO IIMI° 41 co I 11.4 aN C ›.-1 41 in c'3 CN1 N Lt-] CV 1-C, > Id z lac I I CI] N _ L�1 0 ill■ 1-C, f-' .,.,' / N ;;::- 0 e-i ,-4 11-i tv:1-' i ,...,, g,I r ,...„, 4 b, bt tID cl - ,� W . 0 0 a, C (\I — :;.--, rj) 0 it 43) N 0 0 0 0 0 , i( + • • V. c f�4-' L1 CJ) Cl) CI) C " -t'-+ cr • ,f.4 Ci) ,( ' t- r- p .1r4 el fl el fl I" '_i_i g 0_1 •._, P-1 P–I r(11/ rt Ci r . 0 0 0 0 7-1 C U L L 0 •,,_,, Lin.,� 0-1 s • +}--1 i • 0_,c.) u-_,, — ,imi , ,c, H ../ C`J C'S d" Lri rd WI 0 bCI .h to - Irk E ;..„ "... 6.0 E u ,,,e, kit › ,. 0.. 4.— E r.,.J 1... .._, E 0 a) — cal 0 < :.-..Liiizi .cn ci vJ U ` , ' �.�- - 0- I 0 a,, a, , t4itij a) . z o , izu u , ,.. 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U r Cki fi •111 u I) c) iz, ..z -r .111 E r....„ ,„, ,_ cz, -0 iti, cf) v — ;zi 0 re) -ul- IC) 0 ciii 0 `' I ,rCI et ,� I:Li CI • ,• I I 0 ' Un Un -i • try rd 4 ,, '7,7J raj Lt) c c 63 ...,,, ,..,,, 0 Cl ' -' . .-0 0 ,� `4 ` `�' 1' .,tt ,4_,,, Q Zi w CD C (i1) 0 . ,- i 0 MI • • CO C) at Appendix D Price Quote from Seminole Masonry for Wall Replacement at Corners Wamengal { Seminole Masonry, Inc. Office: 407-971-2464 Adam Siegel Cell: 407-212-5516 1726 W. Broadway Street Fax: 407-971-2519 Oviedo, FL 32765 seminolemasonry.com Proposal September 17, 2012 City of Winter Springs Brian Fields 407-327-7597 bfields@winterspringsfl.org Project: # 12-069 Tuscawilla Unit 12 (Revised Proposal#2) This proposal is for the construction of: Section A-5 Areas Where Demolition Has Already Occurred ® Demolition of remaining 52 LF of 2' high above finished grade brick wall and footer. Total: $520.00 ® Demolition of remaining 13 LF of brick wall (height varies) and footer. Total: $130.00 ® Removal of remaining 77 LF of footer. Total: $770.00 ® Construction of 5 utility brick entry wall features built per our engineering. Entry wall features to include, in total: o (10) 28" x 28" x 7' utility brick columns built per our engineering. These columns will be located at each end of the angle breaks. o (5) 16" x 16" x 4' utility brick columns built per our engineering. These columns are located at the ends of the short return walls. o (5) 32 LF sections of 6' tall utility brick wall with one standard rowlock cap on top built per our engineering. (1) 32 LF section of wall will be constructed to retain up to 2' of fill. o (5) 13 LF sections of utility brick walls ranging from 6' to 4' in height built per our engineering. Total of Above Items: $32,265.00 Section B—3 Existing Entry Features ® Demolition of approximately 150 LF of existing brick wall and columns. ® Construction of 3 utility brick entry wall features built per our engineering. Entry wall features to include, in total: o (6) 28" x 28" x 7' utility brick columns built per our engineering. These columns will be located at each end of the angle breaks. o (3) 16" x 16" x 4' utility brick columns built per our engineering. These columns are located at the ends of the short return walls. o (3) 32 LF sections of 6' tall utility brick wall with one standard rowlock cap on top built per our engineering. o (3) 13 LF sections of utility brick walls ranging from 6' to 4' in height built per our engineering. Total of Above Items: $20,982.00 • Engineering for all above items (Section A and Section B). Total: $795.00 • Permitting for all above items (Section A and Section B). Total: $756.00 • Demolition and repair of sidewalk as need: $4.75 per sq ft • Sodding Repair: $3.25 per sq ft • Tree removal: Priced as needed Section C —Signne Options • High end signage (aluminum, laser cut, pin set lettering) budget number, per request from Brian Fields: $3,500.00 Each • Low end signage (composite lettering) budget number, per request from Brian Fields: $2,500.00 Each Section D —Cosmetic Repair • Cosmetic repair of existing 2,557 LF of brick wall, including replacing missing brick, tuck pointing joints on both sides of wall and any other cosmetic issue: Total: o Two men (mason and laborer): $150.00/hr o Cost of materials o 10% of total material cost Includes: Labor, materials, peiniitting, engineering, sidewalk repair as needed, sodding repair as needed, demolition, columns, wall, footers, and job related trash removal Does not include: Surveying, temporary fencing, MOT compaction testing, right of way permitting, signage Note: Seminole Masonry will not be held responsible for damages to: landscaping, irrigation, curbing, concrete sidewalks/driveways, or asphalt roadways incurred during the scope of our normal construction process. This proposal amount is based on estimated quantities of each line item. These quantities shall be field verified upon job completion, and will be equitably adjusted as needed. Appendix E Price Quote from Alternative Wall Systems for Wall Repairs PROPOSAL Alternative Wall Systems Inc. 1117 Seafarer Lane Winter Springs, FL 32708 Mike Masters 407-765-0038 September 12, 2012 Submitted to: City of Winter Springs For repair work of brick wall along Winter Springs Blvd and Northern Way, per drawing. Scope of work: Repair 35 columns to original design. Remove any loose brick and mortar of entire wall Replace missing brick and tuck & point missing mortar with high strength grout. Clean up masonry debris. Price includes all labor, mortar and grout any brick will be supplied by Winter Springs. Columns: $2,625.00 Wall: $3,400.00 Total: $6,025.00 i 7 �' I� 4 d6 /1f� ill IS b 11 i k 4-- x X - ,' —...i 1 1 1 w~ i t J v ftl � g Qr2nN/ � , T II ++ a i M 4 )' i 1 — . La 1-,40, if -- , 7 cJ L z i