HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012 05 29 Public Hearings 503 Moss Park Conditional Use
Public Hearings
May 29, 2012KSRS
Special MeetingCity ManagerDepartment
The Community Development Department - Planning Division requests the City
Commission hold a public hearing for the approval of a Conditional Use for the proposed
Moss Park Mixed Use Area, located on the north side of SR 434, east of the intersection of
Moss Road and SR 434; located directly on SR 434 in front of the Moss Park Apartment
site. The requested Conditional Use is to allow multi-family residential in the C-1
(Neighborhood Commercial) zoning district. The multi-family is proposed to be vertically
integrated with C-1 commercial uses on the bottom floor of the building. The subject
property is a portion of the former Saratoga Condominium project.
The applicant is requesting approval of a Conditional Use to permit multi-family units in the
C-1 (Neighborhood Commercial) zoning district. Per Section 20-234 (5) of the Code of
Ordinances, multi-family uses are permitted in the C-1 (Neighborhood Commercial) zoning
district by Conditional Use only. The subject property is a 1.25 acre portion of the former
Saratoga Condominium project, which is now being re-developed as the Moss Park
Apartments . This portion of the site is proposed as a mixed-use development, with a
combination of retail uses and multi-family units, vertically integrated with two stories of
apartments (15 units) over a ground floor of commercial storefronts.
FLU: Commercial
Zoning: C-1 (Neighborhood Commercial)
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City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan
City Code of Ordinances, Chapter 20, Section 20-33. Conditional Uses
City Code of Ordinances, Chapter 20, Section 20-234 (5). Conditional Uses C-1
(Neighborhood Commercial) zoning district
On April 24, 2006, the City Commission approved a Final Engineering Plan for Saratoga
Condominiums that was proposed for construction on a portion of the subject property.
Subsequently site construction commenced, with the site ultimately becoming abandoned
as a result of market conditions. The Saratoga project is now being redeveloped into an
apartment complex that is located adjacent to the north of the subject property. The 1.25
acre frontage along SR 434 was not included in the re-developed portion of the site. As a
result, the applicant has proposed a mixed-use center that combines retail and multi-
family residential on the subject property. Per Section 20-234(5), multi-family uses are
permitted in the C-1 (Neighborhood Commercial) zoning district by Conditional Use only.
April 12, 2004 - Conditional Use permit approved to allow multi-family residential
within the C-1 zoning district.
September 20, 2004 - Conditional Use Permit 6-month extension granted by the City
March 20, 2006 - Request for a 6-month extension to the approved Conditional Use
permit filed by the Applicant.
April 24, 2006 – Final Engineering Plan approved for Saratoga Condominiums.
May 2006 – Site construction commenced.
2007 – 2012 – Site abandoned.
April 2012 – Application submitted for Conditional Use to permit multi-family
residential in the C-1 zoning district.
May 2, 2012 – Planning & Zoning Board unanimously recommended approval of the
proposed Conditional Use.
FINDINGS: Pursuant to Section 20-33(d) of the City Code, “all conditional use
recommendations and final decisions shall be based on the following criteria to the extent
(1) Whether the applicant has demonstrated the conditional use, including its proposed
scale and intensity, traffic-generated characteristics, and off-site impacts, is compatible and
harmonious with adjacent land uses, and will not adversely impact land use activities in the
immediate vicinity.”
The scale of the development is expected to be similar in scale with the approved multi-
family use to the north of the subject property. This use will allow a modest number of
multi-family units, which will have a minimal impact on existing traffic patterns. As a result
of the site improvements already being in place, the addition of multi-family units on the
subject property is not anticipated to create adverse offsite impacts. Staff is of the
opinion that the vertical integration of residential and commercial uses represents a positive
addition to the area and is proposed on a site that could be developed as another strip
shopping center.
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(2) “Whether the applicant has demonstrated the size and shape of the site, the proposed
access and internal circulation, and the design enhancements to be adequate to
accommodate the proposed scale and intensity of the conditional use requested. The site
shall be of sufficient size to accommodate design amenities such as screening, buffers,
landscaping, open space, off-street parking, and similar site plan improvements needed to
mitigate against potential adverse impacts of the proposed use.”
The subject property had a previously approved site plan, and site improvements were
completed. This provided access, circulation, and design elements that are adequate for the
proposed use. In addition, the owner has indicated they are receptive to a joint parking
agreement with the property to the north, which will provide residents of this development
access to Moss Road. Final parking quantities will be resolved as part of the final
engineering efforts.
(3) “Whether the proposed use will have an adverse impact on the local economy, including
governmental fiscal impact, employment, and property values.”
Approval of this Conditional Use will allow the property to be developed in a manner which
is more desirable from an economic as well as aesthetic standpoint than would be a strip
commercial center. The proposed development will add to the taxable value of the City
more substantially than a one story strip center. Successful completion of the mixed-use
development on the subject property is anticipated to provide additional employment
opportunities for the area. Development of the site, which is currently a partially completed
development with pavement and various stages of site work, is anticipated to have a
positive impact on surrounding property values.
(4) “Whether the proposed use will have an adverse impact on the natural environment,
including air, water, and noise pollution, vegetation and wildlife, open space, noxious and
desirable vegetation, and flood hazards.”
Staff believes that the proposed conditional use will not have an adverse impact on the
natural environment as the immediate vicinity is approaching build-out and is not in
a “natural” state.
(5) “Whether the proposed use will have an adverse impact on historic, scenic, and cultural
resources, including views and vistas, and loss or degradation of cultural and historic
No known cultural or historic resources are known to be on this site. The site will be
developed in accordance with the State Road 434 Redevelopment Area guidelines. Much
site work has already taken place on the property.
(6) “Whether the proposed use will have an adverse impact on public services, including
water, sewer, surface water management, police, fire, parks and recreation, streets, public
transportation, marina and waterways, and bicycle and pedestrian facilities.”
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Adequate facilities are in place to support the proposed use, in conjunction with the
approved site plan.
(7) “Whether the proposed use will have an adverse impact on housing and social
conditions, including variety of housing unit types and prices, and neighborhood quality.”
Construction of a mixed-use commercial/residential development on the subject property
will provide additional housing opportunities for the community. Quality development of
the site will enhance the property values of the surrounding neighborhood.
The approval of a Conditional Use for Moss Park Apartments is anticipated to create a
positive fiscal impact which will allow the development of the mixed-use center with the
multi-family residential component. Development of the mixed-use center is anticipated to
create jobs and add taxable value to the City.
Apartments (15 units)
Income approach: $601,330* assessed tax value
$601,330/1000 = 601.33
601.33(2.5600) = $1,539.40
$1,477.82 tax revenue
$1,539.40 (less the 4% statutory discount) =
*Please see the 2012 Income Approach Worksheet (Attachment B) for the
methodology used in determining the assessed tax value.
Taxes paid on vacant land now
(data obtained from Seminole County Property Appraiser)
$100 assessed value for entire parcel
$100 assessed tax value
100/1000 = 0.1
$0.256 tax revenue
0.1 x 2.5600 = 0.256
Total Potential Tax Revenue: $1,478.08
(1477.82 + 0.256 = 1478.08)
Retail (6,000 square feet)
Units (6,000 square feet) assessed at $90/square foot: $540,000.00 assessed tax value
(6,000 x 90 = 540,000)
$540,000/1000 = 540.00
540(2.5600) = $1382.40
$1327.10 tax revenue
$1,382.40 (less the 4% statutory discount) =
Taxes paid on vacant land now
(data obtained from Seminole County Property Appraiser)
$100 assessed value for entire parcel
Public Hearings 503 PAGE 4 OF 5 - May 29, 2012
$100 assessed tax value
100/1000 = 0.1
$0.256 tax revenue
0.1 x 2.5600 = 0.256
Total Potential Tax Revenue: $1,327.36
(1327.10 + 0.256 = 1327.36)
Total taxable value for entire site: $2,805.44 total
(1478.08 + 1327.36 = 2805.44)
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the City’s Server. Additionally, portions of this Agenda Item are typed verbatim on the
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noted above, and which is also available on the City’s Website, LaserFiche, and the City’s
Server; has been sent to applicable City Staff, Media/Press Representatives who have
requested Agendas/Agenda Item information, Homeowner’s Associations/Representatives
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information has also been posted outside City Hall, posted inside City Hall with additional
copies available for the General Public, and posted at five (5) different locations around the
City. Furthermore, this information is also available to any individual requestors. City Staff
is always willing to discuss this Agenda Item or any Agenda Item with any interested
A yellow sign noting the date and time of the public hearing has been erected on the
Staff and the Planning & Zoning Board recommend that the City Commission approvea
Conditional Use for the Moss Park Mixed Use site to permit multi-family residential uses in
the C-1 (Neighborhood Commercial) zoning district.
Conceptual Plan
Income approach worksheet
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