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2012- Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification Disctict Advisory Commitee Member List
cs-re,i, SA'Q G' CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA c wrated 1959 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 OR1©P WINTER SPRINGS,FLORIDA 32708-2799 TELEPHONE:(407)327-1800 FACSIMILE:(407)327-4753 WEBSITE:www.winterspringsfl.org TUSCAWILLA LIGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERS: LOCATION: Seat One: City Of Winter Springs Municipal Building(City Hall) Ms.Mary Brook,Chairperson 1126 East State Road 434,Winter Springs,Florida 32708 1631 Wood Duck Drive -Commission Chambers Winter Springs,Florida 32708 Telephone: (407)365-4890 [Residence] MEETING DATES: email: marya @cfl.rr.com Regular Meetings Are Usually Held On The Third Wednesday Of Each Term Expires: July 2014 (January/April/July/October)Quarter Seat Two: MEETING TIME: Ms. Helen Baker,Vice Chairperson 7:00 p.m. 1182 Winged Foot East Winter Springs,Florida 32708 2012 REGULAR MEETING SCHEDULE: Telephone: (407)359-8242 [Residence] Wednesday,January 18,2012 email: hhbmed @aol.com Wednesday,April 18,2012 Term Expires: July 2016 Wednesday,July 18,2012 Wednesday,October 17,2012 Seat Three: Ms.Luci Coker STAFF REPRESENTATIVES: 1205 Winter Springs Boulevard Mr.Randy Stevenson,ASLA,AICP,Director,Community Development Winter Springs,Florida 32708 Department Telephone: (407)699-8721 [Residence] Mr. Steven Richart,Urban Beautification Services Division Manager, email: lcoker @ne14email.com Community Development Department Term Expires: July 2014 TERM OF SERVICE: Seat Four: ' S b,,/ 4 Years Ms. Carolyn Wolf Q�,.. -SS∎�„� 1607 White Cloud Court "T.-- Winter Springs,Florida 32708 cl I Telephone: (407)365-5652 [Resid nc ] Term Expires: July 2012 ` •�0(le Seat Five: Mr.Donald A.Gilmore 803 Leopard Trail Winter Springs,Florida 32708 Telephone: (407)699-0368 [Residence] email: dongilmore @cfl.rr.com Term Expires: July 2014 DOC S/advisoryboardsandcommittees/tuscawillalightingandbeautificationdistrictadvisorycommittee/a111/meetings/2012memberlist.xls Revised 6/26/2012 a O SA'¢ G' CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA to I"`�npia959 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 �LORIDP WINTER SPRINGS,FLORIDA 32708-2799 TELEPHONE:(407)327-1800 FACSIMILE: (407)327-4753 WEBSITE:www.winterspringsfl.org TUSCAWILLA LIGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERS: LOCATION: Seat One: City Of Winter Springs Municipal Building(City Hall) Ms. Mary Brook,Chairperson 1126 East State Road 434,Winter Springs,Florida 32708 1631 Wood Duck Drive -Commission Chambers Winter Springs,Florida 32708 Telephone: (407)365-4890 [Residence] MEETING DATES: email: marya @cfl.rr.com Regular Meetings Are Usually Held On The Third Wednesday Of Each Term Expires: July 2014 (January/April/July/October)Quarter Seat Two: MEETING TIME: Ms.Helen Baker,Vice Chairperson 7:00 p.m. 1182 Winged Foot East Winter Springs,Florida 32708 2012 REGULAR MEETING SCHEDULE: Telephone: (407)359-8242 [Residence] Wednesday,January 18,2012 email: hhbmed @aol.com Wednesday,April 18,2012 Term Expires: July 2016 Wednesday,July 18,2012 Wednesday,October 17,2012 Seat Three: Ms.Luci Coker STAFF REPRESENTATIVES: 1205 Winter Springs Boulevard Mr.Randy Stevenson,ASLA,AICP,Director,Community Development Winter Springs,Florida 32708 Department Telephone: (407)699-8721 [Residence] Mr. Steven Richart,Urban Beautification Services Division Manager, email: lcoker @nel4email.com Community Development Department Term Expires: July 2014 TERM OF SERVICE: Seat Four: 4 Years Ms. Carolyn Wolf 1607 White Cloud Court Winter Springs,Florida 32708 Telephone: (407)365-5652 [Residence] Term Expires: July 2016 Seat Five: Mr.Donald A.Gilmore 803 Leopard Trail Winter Springs,Florida 32708 Telephone: (407)699-0368 [Residence] email: dongilmore @cfl.rr.com Term Expires: July 2014 DOGS/advisoryboardsandcommittees/tuscawill alightingandbeautificationdistrictadvisorycommittee/a111/meetings/2012memberl ist.xls Revised 7/11/2012 `I J � NTER S 4 � u U) Incorporated 1959 ��.ORID CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708 -2799 TELEPHONE: (407) 327 -1800 FACSIMILE: (407) 327 -4753 WEBSITE: www.winterspringsfl.org TUSCAWILLA LIGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERS. Seat One: Ms. Mary Brook, Chairperson 1631 Wood Duck Drive Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Telephone: (407) 365 -4890 [Residence] email: marya @cfl.rr.com Term Expires: July 2014 Seat Two: Ms. Helen Baker, Vice Chairperson 1182 Winged Foot East Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Telephone: (407) 359 -8242 [Residence] email: hhbmed @aol.com Term Expires: July 2012 Seat Three: Ms. Luci Coker 1205 Winter Springs Boulevard Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Telephone: (407) 699 -8721 [Residence] email: Icoker@nel4email.com Term Expires: July 2014 Seat Four: Ms. Carolyn Wolf 1607 White Cloud Court Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Telephone: (407) 365 -5652 [Residence] Term Expires: July 2012 Seat Five: Mr. Donald A. Gilmore 803 Leopard Trail Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Telephone: (407) 699 -0368 [Residence] email: dongilmore @cfl.rr.com Term Expires: July 2014 LOCATION. City Of Winter Springs Municipal Building (City Hall) 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708 - Commission Chambers MEETING DATES: Regular Meetings Are Usually Held On The Third Wednesday Of Each (January/April /July /October) Quarter MEETING TIME: 7:00 p.m. 2012 REGULAR MEETING SCHEDULE: Wednesday, January 18, 2012 Wednesday, April 18, 2012 Wednesday, July 18, 2012 Wednesday, October 17, 2012 STAFF REPRESENTATIVES: Mr. Randy Stevenson, ASLA, AICP, Director, Community Development Department Mr. Steven Richart, Urban Beautification Services Division Manager, Community Development Department TERM OF SER VICE: 4 Years. DOCS /advi soryboardsandcomm ittees /tuscawi I I al ightingandbeautificationdistrictadvi sorycommittee /al l l /meetings /2012memberl ist. x Is Revised 12/29/2011