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1990 08 01-Beautification of Winter Springs Board
BEAUTIFICATION OF WINTER SPRINGS BOARD (BOWS) - AUGUST 1990; Carl Stephens, Chairman 600 Fisher Road Tel: 695 -2117 Term expires 1993 Cindy Gennell, Vice Chairman P. 0. Box 520608, Longwood, FL 32752 -0608 Tel: 699 -5221 Term expires 1992 James Gray ( =)!) 1390 Ayerswood Court Tel: 365 -7151 Term expires 1991 Jesse Grantham r 857 Galston Drive Tel: 695 -4126 Term Expires 1992 Susan Reid 285 A es Road Tel: 5 -0239 Term exp res 1991 Terri Meta 1119 Aloha Court Tel: 695 -2610 Term Expires 1992 Diane Brown, Secretary 604 Pearl Road Tel: 327 -1238 Term expires 1993