HomeMy WebLinkAboutCamp Dresser & McKee-Engineering Services Agreement- 091008 - Amendment #1 2011 10 14AGREEMENT FOR
This Amendment #1 to the Agreement for Engineering Services dated September 10, 2008 (RFQ#
008 /08 /BF) between the City of Winter Springs and Camp Dresser & McKee, Inc. (CDM), is
mutually agreed upon and declared an authorized Amendment.
This Amendment shall extend the term of the Agreement for one year until September 10, 2012.
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Kevin L. Smitfr City Manager
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Continuing Engineering Services Agreement — Amendment #1
City of Winter Springs and Camp Dresser & McKee, Inc.
Central Winds Park Stormwater Improvements
This Task Order dated 0CWw iW , 2011, by and between the City of Winter Springs and Camp
Dresser & McKee, Inc. (CDM), is mutually agreed upon and declared an authorized Task Order
based on the Agreement for Engineering Services dated September 10, 2008 (RFQ# 008 /08BF).
The scope of services, schedule, and fees shall be per the attached letter from CDM dated June
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K evin L. SmitK City Manager
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JUNE 2011
This is a task authorization that references the Continuing Engineering Services
Agreement dated September 10, 2008 between Camp Dresser & McKee Inc.
(ENGINEER) and the City of Winter Springs (CITY) to provide consulting services for
the design and permitting associated with stormwater improvements within the
Central Winds Park. Within the project area (Figure 1) there are flood concerns
(specifically for the dog park) as well as safety, maintenance, and access issues
(perimeter ditch) for the users of the park. Central Winds Park is located within the
CITY limits, and is maintained by CITY staff. This project will focus on improving
usability, safety and access between the dog park and the ball fields.
The project locations are the dog park and ball field perimeter ditch as shown in
Figure 1. Pending evaluation, anticipated improvements include approximately 1,600
lineal feet of pipe to replace the existing ditch beginning at or near an existing
driveway culvert and ending prior to the wooded area the north. Also, installation of
a ditch bottom inlet, baffle box and exfiltration trench are anticipated to serve the dog
Limited impacts are expected for surface waters (ditch) only with no wetland analysis
(UMAM) or mitigation efforts antitipated.
Task 1- Data Collection The CITY shall provide the following information that is
available for the project including existing record drawings, or as -built drawings, plat
maps, GIS data, photos, permits, and any other pertinent project data that has not
already been provided to the ENGINEER.
Subtask 1.1 Site Visit - The ENGINEER will perform a total of one (1) site visit to
evaluate the condition of the site. The ENGINEER will compare the site survey
(Subtask 1.2) with observed field conditions and contact the CITY in the case of
significant discrepancies that would require a modification to this scope of services.
Subtask 1.2 Survey Coordination and Review - This task includes coordination with a
professional land surveyor to obtain needed horizontal and topographic survey
information. The ENGINEER will contract for the services of a professional land
surveyor, Southeastern Surveying and Mapping Corporation (SSMC) to collect
detailed survey. The survey will be in sufficient detail to produce 1 -foot contour maps
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• Minimum of 2 site bench marks relative to NAVD88 Datum using Seminole
County control,
• Above ground utility features,
• Right -of- way /easement,
• Trees 4 -inch diameter and larger,
• Adjacent property owners,
• Ditch information including top of bank, toe of slope, and water elevations,
• Existing drainage structures adjacent to and within the project area.
At this time no utility locates (soft digs) or additional survey for underground utilities
are anticipated. If after review of the survey, and/or review by the utility companies
it is determined that conflicting utilities may exist, the cost for additional survey
and/or soft digs will be negotiated separately.
Subtask 1.3 Geotechnical Coordination and Review - This task includes professional
geotechnical services to obtain data necessary to support project design.
1. Review any previous geotechnical investigations provided by the City for the
Central Winds Park facility.
2. Arrange for a subsurface exploration program.
3. Arrange for a local geotechnical testing lab to conduct limited laboratory
classification testing to verify soil classification. Tests will include natural
moisture content, organic content, sieve analyses, and percent fines
Perform analyses related to geotechnical engineering aspects of earthwork
construction using existing data and the data obtained from the field and laboratory
testing programs, and prepare a design memorandum.
5. Design assistance for performing drawdown calculations for the proposed
exfiltration system.
Task 2 - Design Plans
Subtask 2.130% Design Plans -The ENGINEER will review the data collected in Task
1 and prepare a preliminary (30 %) set of design plans with the intent of maintaining
the current level of service based upon the 25- year /24 -hour storm event for
permitting purposes. The Engineer will present the 30% design plans to the CITY for
cm 2
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review and comment. The design will include; drawings, certified survey, the
geotechnical report, and calculations in sufficient detail for the CITY to assess the
The ENGINEER will meet with the CITY to discuss in detail the design. Upon
completion of the meeting the ENGINEER will incorporate mutually agreed upon
comments into the design plans.
Subtask 2.2 Final Design Plans -The ENGINEER will prepare plans and
specifications in sufficient detail that the project may be permitted and competitively
bid. Final plans shall be prepared based on the Florida Department of Transportation
(FDOT) format and presented on 11 -inch x 17 -inch medium. It is anticipated the
project will require a total of 9 sheets as represented in Table 1. Specifications will be
referenced to FDOT Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction (latest
edition) with supplemental Special Provisions provided for items not covered within
the FDOT Standards. Supplemental Conditions shall be written by the ENGINEER
directing interested bidders to utilize the CITY's Division 0 and Division 1
specifications which will be supplied by the CITY.
The ENGINEER shall provide a digital copy (PDF format) of the work plan for review
and comment by the CITY. One review meeting is anticipated corresponding to the
90% submittal. Review comments received from the CITY will be incorporated into
the final work plans as mutually agreed upon by the CITY and the ENGINEER. The
ENGINEER will prepare the bid documents and provide to the CITY in PDF and
AutoCAD 2008 format.
Table 1 Anticipated Sheet Count
No. of Sheets
Cover/ Index
General Notes /Summary of Quantities
Plan and Profile
1 " =30'
Structures and Details
Task 3 - Permit Assistance
Subtask 3.1 Hydrologic & Hydraulic Evaluation
In order to support a more comprehensive understanding of the system within the
study area under existing and proposed conditions, the ENGINEER will create an
ICPR model representing the primary drainage system within the project area. Other
areas upstream and downstream will be incorporated into the model to the extent that
510000\LATNB \Winter Springs\WO No 6 \Scope_I i June27.docx
inflows and tailwater conditions are adequately accounted for. Model simulations will
be performed for existing conditions for the mean annual, 25- and 100 -year 24 -hour
design storm events. The simulations will use the St. Johns River Water Management
District (SJRWMD) rainfall volumes and distributions to determine rates and volumes
of stormwater runoff and generate runoff hydrographs. The hydrographs will then
be routed through the hydraulic models to determine design peak stages and flows
for the modeled systems. The results will aide in support of the proposed design.
Subtask 3.2 Permitting
It is anticipated that the SJRWMD will require a Standard General Environmental
Resource Permit (ERP) which is a joint permit with the US Army Corps of Engineers
(ACE). The ENGINEER will arrange a pre - application meeting with SJRWMD to
discuss the objectives of the overall project and to clarify the level of permitting
needed for the proposed improvements.
The ENGINEER will work with the SJRWMD to facilitate the permitting of this
project. An ERP is required to address surface water impacts and the design of new or
alteration to existing stormwater management systems. The ERP application is a joint
application which will be forwarded to the ACE for their review. No other significant
coordination with ACE or need for additional information is anticipated. The ERP
application requires information on the site, environmental considerations, plans,
construction schedule, sequencing (if applicable), and techniques, drainage
information, operation and maintenance of stormwater system, legal documentation,
and water use. Site information includes a map of the project area delineating soil
types, recent aerial photographs delineating project boundaries, basin delineation;
peak flow quantities and analysis for the design storms required by SJRWMD (mean
annual, 25- and 100 -year 24 -hour storms) seasonal high water and normal pool
elevations for onsite surface waters and receiving surface waters, and water table
elevations. It is anticipated that the limits and impacts to the surface waters will be
determined using the ditch top of bank, and that there are no onsite wetlands or
mitigation requirements.
The project area falls outside of FEMA designated floodplain. The ENGINEER will
indicate this as part of the permitting process, and no requirement of compensating
floodplain storage is anticipated.
For budgeting purposes, the ENGINEER will respond to up to one Request for
Additional Information (RAI) to clarify information presented in the permit
application package. The CITY shall be responsible for all application fees.
No other permits are anticipated, including City, County, FDOT, ACE, FDEP, or
FEMA permits. The successful bidder will be responsible for obtaining dewatering
and NPDES permits if necessary.
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Task 4 - Meetings and Coordination
Subtask 4.1 Meetings and Coordination - The ENGINEER will participate in the
following meetings;
• 30% submittal meeting,
• Pre - application meeting with SJRWMD,
• Site visit with SJRWMD,
• 90% submittal meeting.
Task 5 - Bidding and Construction Services - Not Provided at this Time
No bidding or construction services are included within this scope of services. It is
anticipated that the CITY will be responsible for all post design services. Any services
rendered by the ENGINEER during the bidding or construction phases of the project
shall be considered outside the Scope of Services and negotiated separately.
The ENGINEER will complete Tasks 1 through 4 within seven months after a notice-
to- proceed is issued from the CITY. Within ten days after the Notice to Proceed, the
ENGINEER shall provide the CITY a project schedule.
Payment will be in accordance with the CITY's Continuing Engineering Services
Agreement. Total Compensation for services, materials, supplies, and any other items
or requirements necessary to complete the work, will be on a Lump Sum basis. The
ENGINEER shall perform the design and construction services defined in this
authorization for $47,985 as set forth in Table 2.
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Cm Figure No. 1
Project Area
g • engineering g g • construction • operations