HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012 04 23 Regular 601 Annual Performance Review of Solid Waste Franchisee - Waste ProCOMMISSION AGENDA
ITEM 601
April 23, 2012
Regular Meeting
Public Hearings
City Manager Department
Public Works Department Requesting the City Commission Validate the 2011 -2012 Solid
Waste Survey Results Entitling the Franchisee to Receive the Performance Bonus and
Receiving the Annual Solid Waste Evaluation Report
The purpose of this Commission item is to provide the results of the Solid Waste Survey to
the City Commission and verify the results which determine that the Solid Waste
Franchisee, Waste Pro, is eligible for the Year 6 Performance Bonus, and also for the City
Commission to receive the Annual Solid Waste Evaluation Report as stipulated in the Solid
Waste Franchise Agreement.
This agenda item is needed to fulfill the contract requirements of the Solid Waste Franchise
Agreement relating to Performance Bonus and Annual Evaluation. The performance bonus
provision of the Agreement with Waste Pro provides for a performance bonus of $15,000
provided the Contractor receives a customer satisfaction rating of 90% or greater.
The Evaluation Report must be presented to the City Commission on an annual basis.
The City Commission approved the Addendum to the Solid Waste Agreement on December
13, 2010 which extended the Franchise Agreement for four years through February 28,
2015 including the Performance Bonus.
Staff contracted with the Institute of Social and Behavioral Sciences at UCF to perform the
survey again this year at a final cost of $3,002. WastePro has agreed to split the total
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survey cost with the City. The same solid waste survey questions as last year with the
addition of a screening question to improve the accuracy of the sample group.
The respondents with negative experiences or questions were asked if they wanted to be
contacted and 8 (16 last year) provided contact information. 37 customers needed repairs to
their toter or recycle bins, down from 106 last year. Staff has initiated contact with all these
residents and will coordinate resolution of their concerns /complaints with Waste Pro.
The survey was completed and provided to the City by UCF. Staff reviewed the
anonymous complaints with Waste Pro to identify opportunities for improvement.
The level of customer satisfaction measured in the survey was 97.1 %, an all time high, for
the 453 respondents. Previous results were 96.8% in 2011, 94.2% in 2010, 97.0% in 2009,
93.4% in 2008 and 93.2% in 2007. The survey results entitle WastePro to the $15,000
performance bonus. The City has processed the UCF survey invoice and 50% of that cost
will be deducted from the performance bonus.
In accordance with Section 9.3 of the Solid Waste Agreement dated March 1, 2006 by and
between the City of Winter Springs and Waste Pro of Florida, Inc., Waste Pro's
performance shall be evaluated annually by the City Manager or his designee via a written
annual evaluation, which shall be subsequently delivered to the City Commission at a
public meeting. The evaluation shall be based on the level of service criteria set forth in
paragraph 9.1 of the Solid Waste Agreement. Those criteria are listed in the attached
Annual Evaluation Report.
Staff has completed the required evaluation and has met with representatives from Waste
Pro to discuss the report. All evaluation criteria were found to be "Good" or better. The
evaluation is attached.
Finally, the Neighborhood Watch effort between Waste Pro and Winter Springs
Police Department was successfully initiated in 2012. WastePro workers have been
successfully trained to serve as additional eyes and ears on the street during the performance
of their duties.
The Survey cost of $3,002 will be paid from the Solid Waste Fund. Waste Pro's share of
the survey will be deducted from the $15,000 performance bonus for a net performance
bonus of $13,499.00. The current residential solid waste rate of $18.10 per month remains
unchanged since 2006.
This Agenda Item has been electronically forwarded to the Mayor and City Commission,
City Manager, City Attorney /Staff, and is available on the City's Website, LaserFiche, and
the City's Server. Additionally, portions of this Agenda Item are typed verbatim on the
respective Meeting Agenda which has also been electronically forwarded to the individuals
noted above, and which is also available on the City's Website, LaserFiche, and the City's
Server; has been sent to applicable City Staff, Media/Press Representatives who have
requested Agendas /Agenda Item information, Homeowner's Associations/Representatives
on file with the City, and all individuals who have requested such information. This
Regular 601 PAGE 2 OF 3 - April 23, 2012
information has also been posted outside City Hall, posted inside City Hall with additional
copies available for the General Public, and posted at five (5) different locations around the
City. Furthermore, this information is also available to any individual requestors. City Staff
is always willing to discuss this Agenda Item or any Agenda Item with any interested
It is recommended that the City Commission Validate the Solid Waste Survey Results
Entitling the Franchisee to Receive the Performance Bonus of $15,000.00 less survey costs
payable from the Solid Waste Fund and also accept the Annual Evaluation Report for Waste
Pro for the period of March 1, 2011 — February 28, 2012 as submitted by staff.
1. 2012 Solid Waste Survey (8 pages)
2. Annual Evaluation (2 pages)
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t7itiversity of Cetitral Florida
Attachment No. 1
Institute for Social and Behavioral Sciences
Winter Springs, FL, Customer Satisfaction with Waste Management Services,
2012: Final Report
James D. Wright, Rachel Morgan, and Amy M. Donley
University of Central Florida
March 29, 2012
The UCF Institute for Social and Behavioral Sciences contracted with the City of Winter
Springs, FL, to undertake a telephone survey that would determine the level of
consumer satisfaction with the City's solid waste disposal subcontractor, WastePro.
Because of recurring difficulties with non -City of Winter Springs residents completing
the survey despite screening questions that should exclude them, in 2012 a new
screening question was added: "Does the monthly water bill that you get from the
City of Winter Springs include a charge for trash collection services ?" People
responding no were then excluded and their interview terminated.
The survey was a "computer- assisted" (CATI) telephone survey of registered voters in
Winter Springs, Florida, conducted according to the quality standards that prevail in
the phone survey industry. A sample of the City's registered voters was obtained from
a commercial sampling firm. Numbers from the list were dialed at random until the
desired sample size was achieved. Screening questions at the beginning of the survey
sought to determine whether respondents thought they were legal residents of Winter
Springs (whether they are in fact legal residents or not), whether they lived in single
family residences (including townhomes with city provided waste collection services),
and whether their monthly water bill included a charge for trash collection services (as
above). Negotiations with the City had previously determined that these questions and
exclusions would be sufficient to identify an appropriate target population.
Note: The extra screening now required to properly identify eligible respondents has
increased the necessary calling time to approximately twice what was originally
budgeted, a cost over -run that will have to corrected in subsequent budgets if we
continue to do the survey annually.
The following table shows the disposition of "call attempts" in the survey. A "call
attempt" is an effort by one of our interviewers to reach a person at a particular
number. Since any one number can be (and often is) called multiple times, the
number of call attempts (6,851 in this case,) is far larger than the telephone numbers
we attempted to dial. As can be seen, only about seven percent of all call attempts
resulted in a completed survey. Nearly 40% (of all call attempts) resulted in "no
answer," which includes answering machines and voice mail along with unanswered
Disposition of Call Attempts: Winter Springs Survey 2012
Category Number Percentage
No answer 2679 39.1
Call Back (1) 585 8.5
Disconnected 2574 37.6
Busy 47 0.7
Not in sampling frame 147 2.1
Refused 40 0.6
Fax /Computer /Business 80 1.1
Out of target area 91 1.3
Call Back Spanish /other (1) 4 0.0
Other 1 0.0
Partial 150 2.2
Completed Surveys 453 6.6
Total Dial Attempts 6851 100%
Table Notes
(1) Includes both scheduled call -backs (specific day and time) and more general
"please call me back later."
Comparing this year's call dispositions to last year's, two items stand out: (1)
Completing the work this year required almost a thousand more call attempts than
were required last year, owing largely to (2) the large increase in incomplete or partial
surveys (six last year, 150 this year). The difference is due entirely to the new
screening question about trash collection charges being included on the monthly water
bill. One hundred fifty respondents completed
the survey to that point, answered "no," and were then terminated from the study.
In all, 453 interviews were completed with eligible respondents. For a sample size of
453, the margin of survey error (95% confidence intervals) for a percentage near 50-
50 is ±4.58 percentage points. For a percentage split near 90 -10, the corresponding
margin of error is ± 2.75 percentage points.
Aside from the screening questions to determine jurisdiction of residence, residence
type, and billing information, the remainder of the survey consisted of the following
As you probably know, solid waste in Winter Springs is picked up by a private contractor, Waste
Pro. All in all, are you satisfied or unsatisfied with the trash collection services you receive at your
place of residence?
1 Satisfied
2 Unsatisfied
3 It depends, varies from week to week, etc.
4 Don't know, can't say, refused.
Results for the question about overall satisfaction were as follows:
Number Percentage
Satisfied 440 97.1
Unsatisfied 3 0.7
Depends, "it varies" 10 2.2
Total 453 100.0
The measured level of consumer satisfaction with WastePro (97.1 %) exceeds the 90%
satisfaction rating referenced in the contract.
The satisfaction question was followed by an open - ended question that read:
Do you have any specific complaints about the trash collection service that you would like to tell me
Many people who pronounced themselves satisfied overall with their trash
collection services nonetheless had specific complaints that they mentioned in
response to the follow -up question. Responses to the follow -up are reproduced
verbatim below. As in most previous years, leaving trash behind in the streets,
incomplete emptying of the bins, and leaving emptied bins in peoples' driveways seem
to be the most frequently mentioned complaints.
q4 - Do you have any specific complaints about the trash collection service that you would like to
tell me about?
A little inconsistent at times.
As far as Holidays could they come and pick up the trash the next day.
Being charged for water and drainage. Does not like the extra charges. Too high.
Called once to get his container fixed, and it took so long to get a response that he just "popped it
back into place."
City needs to communicate better when pick ups are on holidays. Maybe on a website.
Difficult to move trash can because she is elderly.
Empty the cans all the way.
Fear - he likes the fact that trash is picked up twice a week, but he's afraid that will be cut because it
might be seen as an extravagance.
Have a hard time getting more containers.
He said that he already contacted the city about getting his bin/container replaced. He responded yes
to the last question, but was hesitant to give me any more information since he already contacted
I wish they would put the trash can back on the curb, on the property. Sometimes it's on the road, but
otherwise they do a fine job.
If anything falls out of the container or out of the truck, they just drive off - and don't pick it up. He
has called the city to discuss this specifically.
it is unclear what type of recycling they'll pick up. I'd like it publicized and made more clear for
people so they'll recycle more
It would be nice if they used the cans the way they were designed. Sometimes they don't get
everything out of the can, and sometimes trash ends up on the driveway or the street. They just pop
the lip open and get the bags rather than putting them in the truck the way they were designed.
It'd be nice if I didn't have to bundle all the yard waste.
Just had his container replaced a few months ago (4), and that process took about a month, in and of
itself. He only had good things to say about the Waste Pro employees - they come "like
clockwork" on Mondays and Fridays, and seem to work well together.
messes up the sprinkler system. uses more water than garbage and would like a lower rate.
More frequent large item pickups.
need to be more gentle
new city manager raised fees, not sure about fluoride in water, but no complaints with actual trash
No complaints, trash and recycling service is excellent. Would like for the recycling company to be
able to pick up larger cardboard boxes.
No, they do a good job
not too neat. sometimes leaves things on the road once in a while.
occasionally dog feces splatter in her trash container, trash men don't remove leavings fully
Occasionally leave trash in the bottom of the containers, don't always put the lids on. Incomplete
emptying of containers. Leave container in the middle of the driveway.
pick up yard waste and it doesn't happen all the time. leave a small pile
Recycle bin was a little banged up - he called the city, and they told him he could get a new one for
$5. Sounds as though the issue was resolved.
She always gets her recycle bin stolen.
she gets skipped sometimes
She wants a second container because she has a lot of "yard trash".
should bill us directly not the city
sometimes sloppy but it varies.
Sometimes they don't pick up all the trash. Yard waste day, they don't pick up everything.
Sometimes cans in driveway, which is inconvenient. No reason to leave them in the driveway.
Sometimes they empty the trash and leave some of it on the street. They sometimes don't take care
of the trash bins /accidentally damage them.
Sometimes they put the trash can on her plants. When they're done, they throw it too close to
Sometimes yard trash isn't picked up - we don't know the rules about what is acceptable size for
branches and stuff.
The containers are expensive and required. Sometimes the workers are not gentle with them, and the
way that the containers are handled is really rough. Replacing them is a possible worry.
The cost of picking up the trash is too much.
The street itself needs to be resealed.
They come too late sometimes.
They don't take furniture - even if it's broken up into pieces. If you're not out there when the garbage
man comes, then they don't take it. She's called before and gotten it taken care of - they'll take
things, but you have to ask specifically. You need to be there to ask when they come by to pick up
the trash.
they leave the garbage can in front of the mailbox
Trashcan and recycle containers are placed in the middle of driveway, making it difficult to pull into
driveway causing a safety issue. Garbage blows out of back of the truck, make sure trash doesn't
become litter.
Twice a week is too much
When holidays come around there is no certain time that the service will start up again. Printout with
a notice would be good.
When there's a holiday on Monday they don't come. I would like to specifically know what holidays
you don't come.
when they pick up the recycling there is glass left on the street and they don't pick it up
When your neighbor steals your recycle bin, you have to pay for a new one. I wish they were free.
Workers are great - but the bins, recycling and the garbage, are falling apart. They recycle a lot, and
they moved from Casselberry. They brought a bin from there because the city wouldn't give them
more recycling bins. The workers are polite, and nice. They wave. No complaints.
Yeah, I'd like another basket for the recyclables.
People who expressed any sort of complaint about their trash collection services were
asked if they would like to be contacted by the City of Winter Springs to talk about
their issues. Results were as follows:
391 respondents (86 %) did not have any complaint.
54 respondents (12 %) voiced a complaint but did not want to talk to anybody in the
City about their complaint.
8 respondents (2 %) had a complaint AND wished to be contacted by the City;
Donald Jones, St. Lucie Drive, 407 - 696 -4848
Josie Santoro, 705 Ironwood Court (Glen Eagle), 407 - 366 -5101
Joe Patitucci, 4262 Lori Loop, jdpatitucci @earthlink.net
hconrad @redvalve.com (no other contact information given)
jlacross221@aol.com (no other contact information given)
John Womack, 817 Dundee Drive, 407 - 786 -5747
Ron Hodges, 141 N. Fairfax Avenue, 407 - 947 -8843
407 - 327 -0404 (no name or other contact information given)
Finally, all respondents were asked, "Is your trash collection container (bin) damaged
to the point where you would like it to be replaced ?" 37 (8.2 %) respondents said
"yes." Contact information for these 37 people follows. NOTE: At least some of these
are also certain NOT to be residents of the legal City of Winter Springs, but these
names and addresses have not been screened and all of them at least think they are
legal residents of the City.
407 - 327 -0024
407 -327 -1216
407 - 695 -1527
Victoria Crisp, 1131 Black Acre Trail
684 Andover circle, Winter Springs, 32708
Anita Hefley, 749 Timberwild Ave
Anne Blackwell, 104 Todd Dr.
Anthony Ridenbaum, 1524 Eaglenest Circle, Winter Springs
Bill Gardner, 819 Dundee Dr., Winter Springs 32708
Bleew Gial, 501 Chain Circle Winter Springs 32708
Carol Mellen, 1705 Litteton Court Winter Springs 32708
407 - 696 -2973
407 - 366 -6985
407 - 327 -0960
amb32707 @cfl.rr.com
407 - 366 -8282
407 - 699 -0972
407 - 699 -4141
cmellenrd @aol.com
Dan Finley, 669 North Indever Dr., Winter Springs 32708
Francis, 712 Seneca Meadows
George Glass, 112 Seville Chase Drive
James 0., 671 CHAYUGA drive
Jill Cross
Jeanne Burnes, 702 Glen Eagle Dr, Winter Springs 32708
Joe Patitucci 4262 Lori Loop
John Groemendaal, 687 Bear creek Ct., Winter Springs 32708
Last name "Jeffers," 249 Morton Lane
Tony Lucanegro, 907 Willow Run Lane
Margaret Ross, 1497 Creekside Cir, Winter Springs 32708
Mary, 861 Gazelle Trail
Moris Shore 1086 Forest Creek Dr., 32708
Paulet Hinton, 729 South Indevor Dr., 32708
Raymond Stravato, 1216 Andes Dr., 32708
Richard Knapp, 1205 Theetah Trail, Tuscawilla
Ruth Darvin, 1391 Ayerswood, Winter Springs 32708
Ruth Holzman, 81 South Fairfax
Sandy Moss, 1119 Duncan Dr., Winter Springs 32708
Sardo, 997 Sequoia Court, 32708
Steinebronm, 672 Tuscora Street, Winter Springs, Fl
Sue Ruberti, 932 Wedgewood Dr
William M Smith, 731 Laurel Way
407 - 695 -6083
407 - 366 -7124
407 - 327 -1179
407 - 696 -5921
407 - 365 -4688
jcross @cfl.rr
407 - 365 -2725
jdpatitucci @earthlin k.net
407 - 365 -8741
407 - 696 -4716
407 - 695 -2554
407 - 971 -3060
407 - 699 -1871
mouryshor @aol.com
407 - 699 -4248
407 - 365 -3758
407 - 222 -9985
407 - 365 -7791
rah1222 @aol.com
sandymoss6 @hotmail.com
407 - 695 -3329
407 - 365 -6517
skruberti @aol.com
407 - 695 -2123
The number of complaints received pursuant to paragraph 9.2 of the Solid Waste Agreement and
Contractor's performance in resolving the complaints in a professional and expedient manner.
GRADE: Very Good
• Complaints resolved in allowable time frame.
• Quantity of complaints within acceptable levels - Complaint Reduction noted this year
• Web -based program to facilitate customer requests and/or complaints is fully operational.
Contractor's responsiveness to direction given by the Authorized Representative.
Contractor has been responsive to City direction(s).
The number of times that Contractor had to pay liquidated damages pursuant to paragraph 25.0 of the
Solid Waste agreement.
GRADE: Very Good
No liquidated damages to date.
For the Period March 1, 2011 -- February 28, 2012
Attachment No. 2
AUTHORITY: In accordance with the Solid Waste Agreement dated March 1, 2006 and amended on
December 13, 201 0 by and between the City of Winter Springs and Waste Pro of
Florida, Inc., Section 9.3, Contractor's performance shall be annually evaluated by
City's Authorized Representative and/or City Commission.
The evaluation shall be based in the level of service criteria set forth in paragraph 9.1
of the Solid Waste Agreement. For each criteria the Authorized Representative shall
evaluate and grade Contractor's performance as Unacceptable, Acceptable but Needs
Improvement, or Good.
For each review criteria in which Contractor receives an unacceptable grade, the
Authorized Representative shall provide Contractor a written explanation of why
Contractor's performance was unacceptable and Contractor shall be given a
reasonable period of time, as determined by the Authorized Representative, to bring
its level of performance up to levels acceptable to the Authorized Representative.
Grade Scale: Good, Acceptable but Needs Improvement, Unacceptable (requires explanation)
Contractor's participation in community meetings /events sponsored by City.
GRADE: Very Good
Contractor provided $5,000 in donations to City's 4 of July event during the evaluation period
fulfilling contract requirement.
Contractor's financial viability to continue performing the collection and disposal service as required by
this agreement.
Financials appear in order.
Contractor's compliance with its "Customer Service Policy" required by paragraph 9.4 of the Solid
Waste Agreement.
Contractor is timely in their response to all requests for follow up.
Inspection records of all collection vehicles.
All reports received in a timely manner.
Certified by the undersigned Authorized Representative of the City of Winter Springs, Florida:
Ke I L. Smith` City Manager Date
Received b ontractor, Waste Pro of Florida:
Contractor ` ► Date