HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012 03 21 Consent 201 Requesting Approval of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee Special Meeting Minutes for January 25, 2012 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE SPECIAL MEETING'` JANUARY 25, 2012 DZ CALL TO ORDER The Special Meeting of Wednesday, January 25, 2012 of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee was called to Order at 7:01 p.m. by Chairperson William B. Carpenter in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). Roll Call: Chairperson William B. Carpenter, present Vice Chairperson Larry Hartman, present Committee Member Gary Brook, present Committee Member Kok Wan Mah, present Committee Member Lance Stephan, absent Assistant to the City Clerk Carol A. Lallathin, present A moment of silence preceded the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC INPUT No one spoke. 400. REPORTS Advisory Committee Member Kok Wan Mah spoke about the opportunity that he had to attend a Workshop as recently as this past week in Sunrise, Florida. He commented that it was a very positive experience which revolved around a Parks Master Plan project and a component of that project was to look at their Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. Advisory Committee Member Mah explained, "For three (3) days we worked with City Staff and developed basically on a series of maps, some ideas for what does the City envision and multi -use trails; what are the types of roads that we want for those kind of trails; whether it is a five foot (5') bike lane that is adjacent to a street or whether they just want wider sidewalks." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 25, 2012 PAGE 2 OF 9 Continuing, Advisory Committee Member Mah noted, "It was a great exercise in helping City plan out the direction that they wanted to go with respect to their Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plans and we had a number of folks from their Leisure Services Department who were talking about various grants that they had applied for and it sounds like they are going to get it." Speaking to Advisory Committee Member Mah, Advisory Committee Member Gary Brook asked, "Is there any lesson that you brought out of that experience that you could Mr-L1 bring and share with us ?" Advisory Committee Member Mah responded, "There were a number of instances where I was making comparisons between the type of vision that Sunrise had and what we are trying to do here. I think here there is more of a blank slate for the City to be able to plan out and make sure that there is a realization for what Winter Springs wants to do with its Bicycle and Trail Plan." REGULAR AGENDA REGULAR 600. Public Works Department Requesting The Bicycle And Pedestrian Advisory Committee's Review And Adopt A Prioritization List For Completing The Existing Sidewalk Gaps Along City Collector Roads. Mr. Brian Fields, P.E., City Engineer, Public Works Department introduced this Agenda Item for discussion and stated, "This is a request from a prior meeting to look at the sidewalk gaps along our City collector roads." Mr. Fields added, "We wanted to look more and focus more on the collector roads where we have those gaps. We identified those in this Agenda Item and came up with a draft priority list. This is our Staff point of view on page 2 of your Agenda Item." Next, Mr. Fields commented, "Before I get into that however, I did want to briefly mention an update to this map since February of 2011 to now. Some of the gaps have actually been filled in. So, that is good news." Mr. Fields remarked, "The first one is on North Tuskawilla Road; the Winter Springs Village development — and they have completed a sidewalk segment along their frontage as well as along their frontage that connects with the Cross Seminole Trail." Continuing, Mr. Fields noted, "The second item is — the new Charter School at Central Winds Park and as part of that development they were required to install six foot (6') wide sidewalks along their entire — I call it their interior frontage. So, that is complete, those are in place." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 25, 2012 PAGE 3 OF 9 ^°'"' Then, Mr. Fields added, "The third item is Jesups Landing — is a 171 unit townhome 067Z. subdivision off of Orange Avenue; — so, that sidewalk should be up within this calendar year. The fourth item is on Shepard Road; we have a new project, just started construction called `The Shepard Road Streetscape' which includes new sidewalks on both sides between (US Highway) 17 -92 and Wildwood (Drive) which is right near Highlands vvt= Elementary School. So, again a very good location, not only with the school but also (US Highway) 17 -92 has mass transit; and we have a lot of residential development in the Highlands (Subdivision) and that is a big enhancement to that area when that is complete. Finally, just an update on (State Road) 434 going all the way on the east side of town heading into Oviedo; that project is nearly complete by D.O.T. (Department Of Transportation); does not include new sidewalks except for a few locations where there was right -of -way, however it does include paved shoulders along the entire route through Winter Springs. Mr. Fields added, "I believe construction, if not this year, next calendar year." Mr. Fields stated, "Back to the Agenda Item is the gaps and the priority list. We said number one (1) on the list is Doran Drive which is right here next to City Hall; got everything around it, schools, parks, Town Center; that is part of a project that has been funded already by MetroPlan (Orlando), it could be done by that; it may be done as part of the Grandville Development which is next door here to City Hall. So, one way or another that Project is going to be done. Then there is a group of two (2) through seven (7); two (2) and three (3), Edgemon Avenue is to be included in the North Village Walk Project; is also selected for funding. Number three (3) is North Tuskawilla Road, part of that has been done the other half of that would be in the Town Center Sidewalk Project. Same thing with North Moss Road, number four (4) could be included in the North Village Walk (Project). Five (5), six (6) and seven (7), those we have sidewalks on already; those are really interchangeable as far as priorities go; did not see one standing out much over the other." Further discussion ensued regarding the priority list on the sidewalk gaps and the potential plans of the sidewalks, the width of the sidewalks and the gaps that they look to fill in as funding becomes available. Chairperson Carpenter stated, "It just seems to me that if we are content with leaving a situation where there are sidewalks on one side that it ought to be five or six feet (5' or 6') at least. My biggest concern is seventeen (17) [Northern Way — Howell Creek Drive to Shetland Avenue] based on just the traffic there — pedestrian." Chairperson Carpenter added, "A lot of people end up walking the streets. I think that we need to consider the idea that if we have a sub - standard sidewalk and the only sidewalk on that collector road then that ought to have a higher priority." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 25, 2012 PAGE 4 OF 9 . - :. »r� Mr. Fields commented, "Okay. I think an example of that would be Shetland (Avenue) — there was a sub - standard narrow sidewalk right next to the road; we put in a new one on the other side five feet (5') wide. Seventeen (17), low priority for the side that does not have a sidewalk because that came to the (City) Commission, they voted it down; however they did target that replacement of that existing sidewalk." Continuing, Mr. Fields stated, "That Project is in our CIP (Capital Improvement Plan) actually; the replacement of the Northern Way sidewalk along that segment — that is deficient." With further comments, Mr. Fields remarked, "It is in the Capital Improvement Plan, the five (5) year Plan, it was targeted for funding with One Cent Sales Tax funds. I do not remember which year that was in, but it is a Project that we would do when it became time per the schedule in the CIP (Capital Improvement Plan) because it does have a funding source." Discussion. Next, Mr. Fields reported, "On Winter Springs Boulevard, we still have some gaps. Sheoah Boulevard in the Highlands, I put below that group, because of the sidewalk on one side has six foot (6') shoulders — we just did some repaving out there, which is very generous; it has options of a multi -modal corridor that the others do not. Moving down Orange Avenue, I see it being filled in as development occurs." Discussion. Then, Mr. Fields referenced eleven (11) through sixteen (16) and commented, "The Ranchlands are unique; we have a design in our City Code that does not have a paved sidewalk. We just paved about five (5) miles of existing dirt roads in the Ranchlands. A lot of discussion with the residents about what they wanted to see." Mr. Fields added, "That is where we are at in the Ranchlands; that is per the Commission's directions and input from the residents." Discussion. Continuing, Mr. Fields summarized, "Breaking up Northern Way; Howell Creek (Drive) to Shetland (Avenue) replace existing and move that up the list to the extent possible. And in the Ranchlands, put Hayes (Road) at the top of the Ranchlands." Mr. Fields noted, "Our recommendation is that you review and adopt the prioritization list, so I would recommend that you make a Motion." "I MAKE A MOTION THAT WE ADOPT THE LISTED MODIFIED PROGRAM." MOTION BY ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBER BROOK. SECONDED BY VICE CHAIRPERSON HARTMAN. DISCUSSION. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING SPECIAL MEETING — JANUARY 25, 2012 PAGE 5 OF 9 asasr�� VOTE: COMMITTEE MEMBER MAH: AYE CHAIRPERSON CARPENTER: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER BROOK: AYE VICE CHAIRPERSON HARTMAN: AYE MOTION CARRIED. REGULAR 601. Community Development Department — Planning Division Providing The Bicycle And Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BAPAC) Updated Information Regarding The Wayfinding Signage Within The City Of Winter Springs. Mr. Randy Woodruff, AICP, Senior Planner, Community Development Department introduced this Agenda Item and remarked, "This next item, `601' is an update on potential Wayfinding Signage within the City. This evening what we would like to do is get your comments and suggestions and any questions that you may have in regards to three (3) areas that pertain to Wayfinding (Signage). First, we would like to present to you a draft Wayfinding destination list; secondly go over the Wayfinding Design and location direction as Staff has taken up to this point; and lastly to take a look at an example of a Wayfinding Design Manual. The Staff has felt that this is a good direction that we would like to go down. So, I would just like to get your feedback in regards to that document. The first item again being the `Draft Wayfinding Destination List'. The last BAPAC (Bicycle And Pedestrian Advisory Committee) meeting in September, there were a couple of locations that were presented by the board (Committee) Members in regards to key destination sites within the City. Staff compiled those two (2) lists of places and we came up with a `draft' tonight for your review and suggestions. And with that said, the City of Winter Springs Wayfinding Destination list includes the following: City Hall, Post Office; Central Winds Park; Trotwood Park; Winter Springs Town Center; Keeth Elementary (School); Winter Springs Elementary (School); Layer Elementary (School); Indian Trails Middle (School); Winter Springs High (School); Dog Park; Cross Seminole Trailhead; Bear Creek Nature Trail; Fruitwood Park; Moss Park; Ranchlands Park; Sam Smith Park; Sunshine Park; Torcaso Park; Winding Hollow; and Soldiers Creek Park in the County." Chairperson Carpenter stated, "The new Charter School." Then, Chairperson Carpenter asked, "Would it be possible to put these on a map and let us take a look at ?" Mr. Woodruff noted, "That is one of the objections that we will talk about later when we go into the `Design Manual'; there will be a lot of maps and again there will be an overall map with all the key destinations of the City identified. But yes, we can go ahead and put that together for you." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 25, 2012 PAGE 6 OF 9 Vice Chairperson Hartman stated, "Did you mention anything about the Veterans Memorial on there ?" Mr. Fields commented, "The Veterans Memorial and the new Amphitheatre is not there yet and would be tied in as a destination right along the Trail." Continuing Mr. Woodruff stated, "I would like to provide the Committee an update in regards to Staff proceedings up to this point as to what we have been working on with regards to ` Wayfinding'. We started meeting together on November 21 (2011) and since that point we have met weekly discussing ideas of how we can create Wayfinding "' within the City. Up to this point — been creating brand type of signage per district within the City. This is not an inclusive list but we are thinking of the Town Center, the GreeneWay Interchange District, the Village Walk; basically a certain type of branding and signage that would give the individual a sense of arrival. Again whether it is the architectural make -up of the sign itself, the color of the banners; it gives you a sense of place — you know where you are. Of course, there will be additional directions to key City destinations. We looked at providing some means of Wayfinding opportunities in our existing Bus shelters. This would include a — map. An idea that we had entertained is naming the Bus stops." Discussion. REGULAR 602. Community Development Department — Planning Division Providing The Bicycle And Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BAPAC) Information Regarding The Lynx PickUpLine Service. Mr. Bobby Howell, AICP, Planner, Community Development Department, presented this Agenda Item regarding the Lynx PickUpLine Service and stated, "Basically, it is a `call first service' you can call up to (two) 2 hours in advance to schedule an appointment for a Lynx designated bus to come pick you up at a location in a `service area'." Mr. Howell added, "The only location in the County where the service is operated is in the City of Oviedo." Then, Mr. Howell, explained about the cost to operate the service and commented, "The City currently does not have the funds to allocate to that. One way we can look at going about that is to put it in our five (5) year CIP (Capital Improvement Plan) if you would like to do something like that, however we do not really have any funding sources available. So, it could potentially be funded by `Mobility grants' or something of this similar source." Chairperson Carpenter commented further about this service and the potential of SunRail coming in early 2014, and the advantages and disadvantages of the service. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING SPECIAL MEETING — JANUARY 25, 2012 PAGE 7 OF 9 Chairperson Carpenter remarked, "The idea is to get this on the Agenda — Winter Springs Agenda so that we can start looking for funding and when it does become available then we can erha s get into this. What I would like to see is an endorsement by BAPAC P p g Y �• (Bicycle And Pedestrian Advisory Committee) so we can move it ahead and put it on the art. five (5) year plan and then look for funding." Advisory Committee Member Brook noted, "I would be very much in favor of that." Mr. Fields remarked, "If I understand the direction, you would like, it is the will of the Committee, that you would like for Staff to consider including the PickUpLine in our next update of the five (5) year CIP (Capital Improvement Plan). The five (5) year CIP (Capital Improvement Plan) is developed by Staff ultimately approved and recommended by the City Manager." Mr. Fields added, "Since there is no dedicated funding source it would have to be listed as a potential `Mobility Grant' and it might sit in that category until there is more demand." Tape 1/ Side B "I MAKE A MOTION THAT WE GO FORWARD WITH WHAT YOU JUST SUGGESTED." MOTION BY VICE CHAIRPERSON HARTMAN. SECONDED BY ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBER BROOK. DISCUSSION. VOTE: COMMITTEE MEMBER BROOK: AYE CHAIRPERSON CARPENTER: AYE VICE CHAIRPERSON HARTMAN: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER MAH: AYE MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC INPUT No one spoke. Next, Chairperson Carpenter stated, "We need to talk about making a presentation before the (City) Commission on what we have done and what we are looking at and what we have accomplished. Carol (Assistant to the City Clerk Lallathin) if you could fill us in on what they are looking for and what we need to do on that." Assistant to the City Clerk Lallathin referred to an email that was sent to each Committee Member from City Clerk Andrea Lorenzo - Luaces regarding attending a City Commission meeting on February 13, 2012 to address the City Commission on their Committee's role. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING SPECIAL MEETING — JANUARY 25, 2012 PAGE 8 OF 9 r r to Then, Assistant to the City Clerk Lallathin commented, "We would like as many of you if not all of you to be present and go before the (City) Commission." Mr. Randy Stevenson, ASLA, AICP, Director, Community Development Department I1 remarked, "If you were inclined to do a PowerPoint, we are requesting that it be no longer than six (6) or seven (7) slides." : ;tea Further, Mr. Stevenson noted, "The City Commission will want to be sure that you have ..i what you need as a board or the things you need that you are not getting. The (City) Commission is interested to see how things are going for the board, what your thoughts are relative to what you have been tasked with; again do you have the tools that you need to make that happen. If not, what are the tools that you might need to make that happen. It is — an informal discussion." Chairperson Carpenter stated, "I look at this as an opportunity to get before the Commission and tell them `these are the things that we have been working on and these are the things we want you to consider and help us find funding'. I will be willing to put together a PowerPoint presentation; maybe Staff could help put something together." Mr. Fields noted, "We can put together a bullet point list of accomplishments or things that we adopted and use that as a starting point. I think one of the real highlights would be how we had the Pedestrian Master Plan rolled into two (2) project applications which were selected for funding." Further discussion. Chairperson Carpenter presented an idea to the Committee Members stating, "The idea of `Park and Ride'; we have a great resource in the Town Center and in the Parks adjacent to it and so on. And we have a transit line that is going to be used more and more and eventually in 2014 the 'Sun Rail' is going to be there. I would like to throw out the idea that we think about where we might locate a `Park and Ride' even on a part-time basis — a shared arrangement and then incorporate that as part of our overall pedestrian plan — multi-modal plan. We can put this on the Agenda for the next meeting." Mr. Fields commented, "We can make that an Agenda for next time; put our ideas together. It has been a topic of discussion as D.O.T (Department of Transportation) has looked also in this area. We will put some information together based on what we know; just an opened ended Agenda Item." ADJOURNMENT Chairperson Carpenter adjourned the Special Meeting at 8:00 p.m. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING SPECIAL MEETING — JANUARY 25, 2012 PAGE 9 OF 9 A ax RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED. xs CAROL A. LALLATHIN ASSISTANT TO THE CITY CLERK f APPROVED: WILLIAM B. CARPENTER, CHAIRPERSON BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE NOTE: These Minutes were approved at the , 2012 Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee Regular Meeting.