HomeMy WebLinkAboutEastwood Tuff Turf, Inc. - Shepard Road Streetscape Project - 2012 02 08 os4TE/? S e k, ' CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA ilk 2 O 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 1ncol/waled • WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708 -2799 1959 Telephone (407) 327 -1800 LOR1 Community Development Department THIS AGREEMENT MADE THIS 1st DAY OF February 2012 between the CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, a Florida municipal corporation (herein referred to as OWNER) and Eastwood Tuff Turf, Inc., a Florida corporation authorized and duly licensed to do business in the State of Florida (herein referred to as CONTRACTOR), as follows: 1. DESCRIPTION OF WORK - CONTRACTOR shall perform the work, in accordance with the Contract Documents, Exhibit 1 — Plans and Specifications (attached), for the construction of the Shepard Road Streetscape Landscaping and Irrigation. 2. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS - The Contract Documents consist of this Agreement; all Technical, General and Supplementary Conditions; all Addenda issued prior to and all Change Orders issued after execution. of this Agreement. These form the Contract and are incorporated into this Contract by this reference. 3. ORDER OF PRECEDENCE - In case of any inconsistency in any of the documents bearing on the Agreement between the OWNER and the CONTRACTOR, the inconsistency shall be resolved by giving precedence in the following order: a. Plans and Specifications b. Change Orders c. Written Clarification From The City Any inconsistency in the work description shall be clarified by the OWNER and performed by the CONTRACTOR. 4. AGREEMENT INTERPRETATION - At its discretion, during the course of the work, should any errors, ambiguities, or discrepancies be found in the Agreement or specifications, the OWNER at its sole discretion will interpret the intent of the Agreement and work descriptions and the CONTRACTOR hereby agrees to abide by the OWNER's interpretation and agrees to carry out the work in accordance with the decision of the OWNER. When the material, article, or equipment is designated by a brand name and more than one brand name is listed, it will be understood that the work is based on one brand name only. The CONTRACTOR will be responsible for all coordination necessary to accommodate the material, article, or equipment being provided without additional cost to the OWNER. A substitute material, article, or equipment is allowed if it is reasonably equivalent to the brand name specified. The OWNER has full discretion to decide whether a substitute is reasonably equivalent. CONTRACTOR must notify the OWNER prior to use of the substitute for a specified brand name and allow the OWNER to make a determination before CONTRACTOR uses the substitute. 5. CONTRACT TIME - The CONTRACTOR shall begin work within 20 days after the issuance of a written Notice to Proceed and shall substantially complete the work within 30 calendar days from the date of the Notice to Proceed. Final Completion shall be within 45 calendar days from the date of the Notice to Proceed. Extensions, if any, are authorized by OWNER, and may only be granted in writing. 6. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES - OWNER and CONTRACTOR recognize that time is of the essence of this Agreement and that OWNER will suffer financial loss if the Work is not substantially complete within the time specified in Paragraph 5 above, plus any extensions thereof allowed in accordance with the Page 2 Shepard Road Streetscape Landscape and Irrigation General Conditions. They also recognize the delays, expense, and difficulties involved in proving in a legal or arbitration preceding the actual Toss suffered by OWNER if the Work is not substantially complete on time. Accordingly, instead of requiring any such proof, OWNER and CONTRACTOR agree that as liquidated damages for delay (but not as a penalty) CONTRACTOR shall pay OWNER $100.00 for each day that expires after the time specified in Paragraph 5 for final completion until the work is finally complete, and that OWNER has paid to CONTRACTOR the consideration of Ten ($10.00) Dollars as consideration for this provision. 7. CONTRACT PRICE, UNIT PRICE CONTRACT - The OWNER will pay the CONTRACTOR in current funds for the performance of the work, subject to additions and deductions by Change Order, the Total Contract Price of $44,350. Payments will be made to the CONTRACTOR in two payment applications, one half ($22,175) at fifty percent completion and one half ($22,175) at full completion and acceptance of the project. See Section 12 — FINAL PAYMENT below. 8. TERMINATION; DEFAULT BY CONTRACTOR AND OWNER'S REMEDIES - The OWNER reserves the right to revoke and terminate this Agreement and rescind all rights and privileges associated with this Agreement, without penalty, in the following circumstances, each of which shall represent a default and breach of this Agreement a. CONTRACTOR defaults in the performance of any material covenant or condition of this Agreement and does not cure such other default within seven (7) calendar days after written notice from the OWNER specifying the default complained of, unless, however, the nature of the default is such that it cannot, in the exercise of reasonable diligence, be remedied within seven (7) calendar days, in which case the CONTRACTOR shall have such time as is reasonably necessary to remedy the default, provided the CONTRACTOR promptly takes and diligently pursues such actions as are necessary therefore; or b. CONTRACTOR is adjudicated bankrupt or makes any assignment for the benefit of creditors or CONTRACTOR becomes insolvent, or is unable or unwilling to pay its debts; or c. CONTRACTOR has acted negligently, as defined by general and applicable law, in performing the Work hereunder; or d. CONTRACTOR has committed any act of fraud upon the OWNER; or e. CONTRACTOR has made a material misrepresentation of fact to the OWNER while performing its obligations under this Agreement; or f. CONTRACTOR is experiencing a labor dispute, which threatens to have a substantial, adverse impact upon performance of this Agreement without prejudice to any other right, or remedy OWNER may have under this Agreement. Notwithstanding the aforementioned, in the event of a default by CONTRACTOR, the OWNER shall have the right to exercise any other remedy the OWNER may have by operation of law, without limitation, and without any further demand or notice. In the event of such termination, OWNER shall be liable only for the payment of all unpaid charges, determined in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, for Work properly performed prior to the effective date of termination. 9. FORCE MAJEURE - Any delay or failure of either party in the performance of its required obligations hereunder shall be excused if and to the extent caused by acts of God; fire; flood; windstorm; explosion; riot; war; sabotage; strikes (except involving CONTRACTOR's labor force); extraordinary breakdown of or damage to OWNER 's affiliates' generating plants, their equipment, or facilities; court injunction or order; federal and/or state law or regulation; order by any regulatory agency; or cause or causes beyond the reasonable control of the party affected; provided that prompt notice of such delay is given by such party to the other and each of the parties hereunto shall be diligent in attempting to Page 3 Shepard Road Streetscape Landscape and Irrigation remove such cause or causes. If any circumstance of Force Majeure remains in effect for sixty days, either party may terminate this Agreement. 10. SEVERABILITY - In the event any portion or part thereof of this Agreement is deemed invalid, against public policy, void, or otherwise unenforceable by a court of law, the parties, at the sole discretion and option of the OWNER, shall negotiate an equitable adjustment in the affected provision of this Agreement. The validity and enforceability of the remaining parts of this Agreement shall otherwise be fully enforceable 11. PROGRESS PAYMENTS - OWNER shall make progress payments on account of the contract price to CONTRACTOR, on the basis of application for payments submitted to the OWNER or OWNER's Project Manager, by CONTRACTOR as the work progresses, and in accordance with the Contract Documents. Progress payments may be withheld if: a. Work is found defective and not remedied; b. Contractor does not make prompt and proper payments to subcontractors; c. Contractor does not make prompts and proper payments for labor, materials, or equipment fumished -him; d. Another Contractor is damaged by an act for which Contractor is responsible; e. Claims or liens are filed on the job; or f. In the opinion of the City of Winter Springs, Contractor's work is not progressing satisfactorily. 12. FINAL PAYMENT - OWNER shall make final payment to CONTRACTOR within thirty (30) days after the work is fully and properly completed, if the contract has been fully and timely performed, but subject to the condition that final payment shall not be due until CONTRACTOR has delivered to OWNER a complete release of liens arising out the contract, or receipt releases of lien fully covering all labor, materials and equipment for which a lien could be filed, or in the altemative a bond satisfactory to OWNER indemnifying him against such claims. By making payments OWNER does not waive claims including but not limited to those relating to: a. Faulty work appearing after substantial completion has been granted; b. Work that does not comply with the Contract Documents: c. Outstanding claims of liens; or d. Failure of Contractor to comply with any special guarantees required by the Contract Documents. 13. DESIGNATION OF PROJECT MANAGER OR ARCHITECT OR LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT: DUTIES AND AUTHORITY - The duties and authority of the OWNER are as follows: a. General Administration of Contract. The primary function of the OWNER is to provide the general administration of the contract. In performance of these duties, Steven T. Richart, or his authorized representative is the OWNER's Project Manager during the entire period of construction. The OWNER (CITY) may change the Project Manager during the term of this contract. Page 4 Shepard Road Streetscape Landscape and Irrigation b. Inspections, Opinions, and Progress Reports. The OWNER shall be kept familiar with the progress and quality of the work by CONTRACTOR and may make periodic visits to the work site. The OWNER will not be responsible for the means of construction, or for the sequences, methods, and procedures used therein, or for the CONTRACTOR's failure to perform the work in accordance with the Contract Documents. c. Access to Worksite for Inspections. The OWNER shall be given free access to the worksite at all times during work preparation and progress. The Project Manager is not obligated to make exhaustive or continuous on site inspections to perform his duties of checking and reporting on work progress, and any such inspections shall not waive Owner's claim regarding defective work by Contractor. d. Interpretation of Contract Documents: Decisions on Disputes. The OWNER will be the initial interpreter of the contract document requirements, and make decisions on claims and disputes between Contractor and Owner. e. Resection and Stoppage of Work. The OWNER shall have authority to reject work which in its opinion does not conform to the Contract Documents, and in this connection may stop the work or a portion thereof, when necessary. f. Payment Certificates. The OWNER will determine the amounts owing to CONTRACTOR as the work progresses, based on CONTRACTOR's applications and OWNER's inspections and observations, and will issue certificates for progress payments and final payments in accordance with the terms of the Contract Documents. 14. PROGRESS MEETING — OWNER'S Project Manager may hold periodic progress meetings on a monthly basis, or more frequently if required by the OWNER, during the term of work entered into under this Agreement. CONTRACTOR's Project Manager and all other appropriate personnel shall attend such meetings as designated by the OWNER'S Project Manager. 15. RESPONSIBILITIES OF CONTRACTOR - CONTRACTOR's duties and rights in connection with the project herein are as follows: a. Responsibility for Supervision and Construction. CONTRACTOR shall be solely responsible for all construction under this contract, including the techniques, sequences, procedures and means, for the coordination of all work. CONTRACTOR shall supervise and direct the work, and give it all attention necessary for such proper supervision and direction. b. Discipline and Employment. CONTRACTOR shall maintain at all times strict discipline among his employees, and he agrees not to employ for work on the project any person unfit or without sufficient skill to perform the job for which he was employed. c. Furnishing of Labor, Materials, etc. CONTRACTOR shall provide and pay for all labor, materials and equipment, including tools, construction equipment and machinery, utilities, including water, transportation, and all other facilities and work necessary for the proper completion of work on the project in accordance with the Contract Documents. d. Payment of Taxes: Procurement of Licenses and Permits. CONTRACTOR shall secure all licenses and permits necessary for proper completion of the work, paying the fees thereof. CONTRACTOR warrants that it (and subcontractors or tradesmen, if authorized in the Contract Documents) hold or will secure all trade or professional licenses required by law for CONTRACTOR to undertake the contract work. e. CONTRACTOR will provide written guarantee for work and materials for one (1) calendar year after acceptance by OWNER. Page 5 Shepard Road Streetscape Landscape and Irrigation 16. ASSIGNMENT - CONTRACTOR shall not assign or subcontract this Agreement, or any rights or any monies due or to become due hereunder without the prior, written consent of the OWNER. a. If upon receiving written approval from OWNER, any part of this Agreement is subcontracted by CONTRACTOR, CONTRACTOR shall be fully responsible to OWNER for all acts and /or omissions performed by the subcontractor as if no subcontract had been made. b. If OWNER determines that any subcontractor is not performing in accordance with this Agreement, OWNER shall so notify CONTRACTOR who shall take immediate steps to remedy the situation. c. If CONTRACTOR, prior to the commencement of any Work subcontracts any part of this Agreement by the subcontractor, CONTRACTOR shall require the subcontractor to provide OWNER and its affiliates with insurance coverage as set forth by the OWNER. 17. THIRD PARTY RIGHTS - Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to give any rights or benefits to anyone other than OWNER and CONTRACTOR. 18. PROHIBITION AGAINST CONTINGENT FEES - CONTRACTOR warrants that it has not employed or retained any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for the CONTRACTOR, to solicit or secure this Agreement, and that it has not paid or agreed to pay any person, company, corporation, individual, or firm, other than a bona fide employee working solely for the CONTRACTOR, any fee, commission, percentage, gift, or other consideration contingent upon or resulting from the award or making of this Agreement. 19. NO JOINT VENTURE - Nothing herein shall be deemed to create a joint venture or principal -agent relationship between the parties and neither party is authorized to, nor shall either party act toward third persons or the public in any manner which would indicate any such relationship with the other party. 20. INDEMNIFICATION — CONTRACTOR shall indemnify and hold harmless- the City, its officers, employees, and city attorneys (individually and in their official capacity, from liability, losses, damages, and costs, including, but not limited to, reasonable attomey's fees, to the extent caused by the negligence, recklessness or intentional wrongful misconduct of CONTRACTOR and persons employed or utilized by CONTRACTOR in the performance of this Agreement. The indemnification provided above shall obligate the CONTRACTOR to defend at its own expense or to provide for such defense, at the option of the OWNER, as the case may be, of any and all claims of liability and all suits and actions of every name and description that may be brought against the OWNER or its officers, employees, and city attorneys which may covered by this indemnification. In all events the OWNER and its officers, employees, and city attorneys shall be permitted to choose legal counsel of its sole choice, the fees for which shall be reasonable and subject to and included with this indemnification provided herein. 21. SAFETY - CONTRACTOR shall be solely and absolutely responsible and assume all liability for the safety and supervision of its principals, employees, contractors, and agents while performing work provided hereunder. 22. CORPORATE REPRESENTATIONS BY CONTRACTOR - CONTRACTOR hereby represents and warrants to the OWNER the following: a. CONTRACTOR is duly registered and licensed to do business in the State of Florida and is in good standing under the laws of Florida, and is duly qualified and authorized to carry on the functions and operations set forth in this Agreement. b. The undersigned signatory for CONTRACTOR has the power, authority, and the legal right to enter into and perform the obligations set forth in this Agreement and all applicable exhibits Page 6 Shepard Road Streetscape Landscape and Irrigation thereto, and the execution, delivery, and performance hereof by CONTRACTOR has been duly authorized by the board of directors and /or president of CONTRACTOR. In support of said representation, CONTRACTOR agrees to provide a copy to the OWNER of a corporate certificate of good standing provided by the State of Florida prior to the execution of this Agreement. c. CONTRACTOR is duly licensed under all local, state and federal laws to provide the work stated in paragraph 1.0 herein. In support of said representation, CONTRACTOR agrees to provide a copy of all said licenses to the OWNER prior to the execution of this Agreement. • 23. -_ e. . _ .. -.' _ e' - - -- - - - - - - -- •- -- -- - -- - -- 24. INSURANCE - During the term of this Agreement, CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for providing the types of insurance and limits of liability as set forth below. a. The CONTRACTOR shall maintain comprehensive general liability insurance in the minimum amount of $1,000,000 as the combined single limit for each occurrence to protect the CONTRACTOR from claims of property damages which may arise from any Work performed under this Agreement whether such Work are performed by the CONTRACTOR or by anyone directly employed by or contracting with the CONTRACTOR. b. The CONTRACTOR shall maintain comprehensive automobile liability insurance in the minimum amount of $1,000,000 combined single limit bodily injury and minimum $1,000,000 property damage as the combined single limit for each occurrence to protect the CONTRACTOR from claims for damages for bodily injury, including wrongful death, as well as from claims from property damage, which may arise from the ownership, use, or maintenance of owned and non - owned automobiles, including rented automobiles whether such operations be by the CONTRACTOR or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by the CONTRACTOR. c. The CONTRACTOR shall maintain, during the life of this Agreement, adequate Workers' Compensation Insurance in at least such amounts as are required by law and Employer's Liability Insurance in the minimum amount of $1,000,000 for all of its employees performing Work for the OWNER pursuant to this Agreement. Special Requirements. Current, valid insurance policies meeting the requirements herein identified shall be maintained during the term of this Agreement. A copy of a current Certificate of Insurance shall be provided to the OWNER by CONTRACTOR upon the Effective Date of this Contract which satisfied the insurance requirements of this paragraph 24. Renewal certificates shall be sent to the OWNER 30 days prior to any expiration date. There shall also be a 30-day advance written notification to the OWNER in the event of cancellation or modification of any stipulated insurance coverage. The OWNER shall be an additional named insured on all stipulated insurance policies as its interest may appear, from time to time. Independent Associates and Consultants. All independent contractors or agents employed by CONTRACTOR to perform any Work hereunder shah fully comply with the insurance provisions contained in paragraph 24. 25. MEDIATIONNENUE - The parties agree that should any dispute arise between them regarding the terms or performance of this Agreement, both parties will participate in mediation. The parties agree to equally share the cost of the mediator. Should the parties fail to resolve their differences through mediation, then any cause of action filed hereunder shall be filed in the Circuit or County Court for Seminole County, Florida. 26. GOVERNING LAW & VENUE - This Agreement is made and shall be interpreted, construed, govemed, and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida. Venue for any state action Page 7 Shepard Road Streetscape Landscape and Irrigation or litigation shall be Seminole County, Florida. Venue for any federal action or litigation shall be Orlando, Florida. 27. ATTORNEY'S FEES - Should either party bring an action to enforce any of the terms of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled, to the extent permitted by law, to recover from the non - prevailing party the costs and expenses of such action including, but not limited to, reasonable attomey's fees, whether at settlement, trial or on appeal. 28. NOTICES - Any notice or approval under this Contract shall be sent, postage prepaid, to the applicable party at the address shown on the first page of this Contract. 29. WORK IS A PRIVATE UNDERTAKING - With regard to any and all Work performed hereunder, it is specifically understood and agreed to by and between the parties hereto that the contractual relationship between the OWNER and CONTRACTOR is such that the CONTRACTOR is an independent contractor and not an agent of the OWNER. The CONTRACTOR, its contractors, partners, agents, and their employees are independent contractors and not employees of the OWNER. Nothing in this Agreement shall be interpreted to establish any relationship other than that of an independent contractor, between the OWNER, on one hand, and the CONTRACTOR, its contractors, partners, employees, or agents, during or after the performance of the Work under this Agreement. 30. DOCUMENTS - Public Records: It is hereby specifically agreed that any record, document, computerized information and program, audio or video tape, photograph, or other writing of the CONTRACTOR and its independent contractors and associates related, directly or indirectly, to this Agreement, may be deemed to be a Public Record whether in the possession or control of the OWNER or the CONTRACTOR. Said record, document, computerized information and program, audio or video tape, photograph, or other writing of the CONTRACTOR is subject to the provisions of Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, and may not be destroyed without the specific written approval of the OWNER's City Manager. Upon request by the OWNER, the CONTRACTOR shall promptly supply copies of said public records to the OWNER. All books, cards, registers, receipts, documents, and other papers in connection with this Agreement shall at any and all reasonable times during the normal working hours of the CONTRACTOR be open and freely exhibited to the OWNER for the purpose of examination and /or audit. The CONTRACTOR acknowledges that the OWNER is a Florida municipal corporation and subject to the Florida Public Records Law. CONTRACTOR agrees that to the extent any document produced by CONTRACTOR under this Agreement constitutes a Public Record; CONTRACTOR shall comply with the Florida Public Records Law. 31. SOVEREIGN IMMUNITY - Notwithstanding any other provision set forth in this Agreement, nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed as a waiver of the CITY'S right to sovereign immunity under Section 768.28, or other limitations imposed on the CITY'S potential liability under state or federal law. As such, the CITY shall not be liable, under this Agreement for punitive damages or interest for the period before judgment. Further, the CITY shall not be liable for any claim or judgment, or portion thereof, to any one person for more than one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00), or any claim or judgment, or portion thereof, which, when totaled with all other claims or judgments paid by the State or its agencies and subdivisions arising out of the same incident or occurrence, exceeds the sum of two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000.00). 32. HEADINGS - Paragraph headings are for the convenience of the parties only and are not to be construed as part of this Agreement. 33. INTEGRATION; MODIFICATION - The drafting, execution, and delivery of this Agreement by the Parties has been induced by no representations, statements, warranties, or agreements other than those expressed herein. This Agreement embodies the entire understanding of the parties, and there are no further or other agreements or understandings, written or oral, in effect between the parties Page 8 Shepard Road Streetscape Landscape and Irrigation relating to the subject matter hereof unless expressly referred to herein. Modifications of this Agreement shall only be made in writing signed by both parties. 34. WAIVER AND ELECTION OF REMEDIES - Waiver by either party of any terms, or provision of this Agreement shall not be considered a waiver of that term, condition, or provision in the future. No waiver, consent, or modification of any of the provisions of this Agreement shall be binding unless in writing and signed by a duly authorized representative of each party hereto. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which when so executed and delivered shall be considered an original agreement; but such counterparts shall together constitute but one and the same instrument. 35. DRAFTING - OWNER and CONTRACTOR each represent that they have both shared equally in drafting this Agreement and no party shall be favored or disfavored regarding the interpretation of this Agreement in the event of a dispute between the parties. 36. NOTICE - Any notices required to be given by the terms of this Agreement shall be delivered by hand or mailed, postage prepaid to: For CONTRACTOR: Eastwood Tuff Turf Ian Eastwood, Owner 1615 Oklahoma Street Oviedo, FL 32765 For OWNER: City of Winter Springs Steven T. Richart, Urban Beautification Manager 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, FL 32708 Either party may change the notice address by providing the other party written notice of the change. Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the presence of: TtrieF CONTRACTOR: f1.S11wOC O 40 Witne- Name Title 1 (c) (`J ( > “to 0 4 c , S k Witness Business Address QVIedo FL 32 City, State Zip Page 9 Shepard Road Streetscape Landscape and Irrigation Date Z - F- /Z- OWNER: CITY OF WIN ER SP • Witness By:. -vin L. S ' it City Mana• -r 4 f tness 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, FL. 32708 407- 327 -1800 1. x �W ms Z 2 c O n N$°x Ko D y , m r Z Z x s - g �n m I. s n M rn x Mn ®Cl Cl q r ® . m , o z Z 6 ; N D -- ;s6 - 0'' 7 n z ao m - 1 , x n Z m n n n n n n i A W Z < O < J� ro` n n >OOOO 7 a Cn O X) z m vi C (f) gl n 0 (") - 10 > m VI VI tit an an 00000 '1 Z Z Z Z Z Z J0707.7. A N N> __I z W O z z V T —I _ 2 PC o o s ? ' ' 00 0 70 X ° 0 n A Pte" A N ? 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Section 02820 Irrigation Systems 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. This Section includes the following: 1. Soil Preparation 2. Trees, plants, and ground covers. 3. Planting mixes. 4. Mulch and planting accessories. 5. Maintenance. 1.3 DEFINITIONS A. Balled and Burlapped Stock: Exterior plants dug with firm, natural balls of earth in which they are grown, with ball size not less than sizes indicated; wrapped, tied, rigidly supported, and drum -laced as recommended by ANSI Z60.1. B. Container -Grown Stock: Healthy, vigorous, well- rooted exterior plants grown in a container with well - established root system reaching sides of container and maintaining a firm ball when removed from container. Container shall be rigid enough to hold ball shape and protect root mass during shipping and be sized according to ANSI Z60.1 for kind, type, and size of exterior plant required. C. Finish Grade: Elevation of finished surface of planting soil. D. Planting Soil: Native or imported topsoil, manufactured topsoil, or surface soil modified to become topsoil; mixed with soil amendments. E. Subgrade: Surface or elevation of subsoil remaining after completing excavation, or top surface of a fill or backfill, before placing planting soil. LANDSCAPING 02800 -1 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Submit the following material samples: 1. Mulch 2. Planting accessories. B. Submit certifications for the following materials: 1. Topsoil source, Ph value and percolation rate. 2. Fertilizer C. Material Test Reports: For existing surface soil and imported topsoil. D. Record Drawings: Contractor responsible for providing the Owner with as-built landscape plan drawings. Legibly mark drawings to record actual construction. Indicate actual planting locations and identify any field changes to size or quantity of material 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Installer Qualifications: A qualified landscape installer whose work has resulted in successful establishment of exterior plants. 1. Installer's Field Supervision: Require Installer to maintain an experienced full -time supervisor on Project site when landscape installation is in progress. B. Soil- Testing Laboratory Qualifications: An independent laboratory, recognized by the State Department of Agriculture, with the experience and capability to conduct the testing indicated and that specializes in types of tests to be performed. C. Provide quality, size, genus, species, and variety of plants indicated, complying with applicable requirements in ANSI Z60.1, "American Standard for Nursery Stock." D. Plant names indicated comply with "Standardized Plant Names" as adopted by the latest edition of the American Joint Committee of Horticultural Nomenclature. Names of varieties not listed conform generally with names accepted by the nursery trade. Provide stock true to botanical name and legibly tagged. E. Plant material shall be graded Florida No. 1 or better as outlined under Grades and Standards for Nursery Plans, State Plant Board of Florida.. F. All plants shall be nursery grown under climatic conditions similar to those in the locality of the project for a minimum of two years. G. Tree and Shrub Measurements: Measure according to ANSI Z60.1 with branches and trunks or canes in their normal position. Do not prune to obtain required sizes. Measure main body of tree or shrub for height and spread; do not measure branches or roots tip -to -tip. Stock furnished shall be at least the minimum size indicated. Larger stock is acceptable, at no additional cost, and providing that the large plants will not be cut back to size indicated. H. Observation: Landscape Architect may observe trees and shrubs either at place of growth or at site before planting for compliance with requirements for genus, species, variety, size, and LANDSCAPING 02800 -2 quality. Landscape Architect retains right to observe trees and shrubs further for size and condition of balls and root systems, insects, injuries, and latent defects and to reject unsatisfactory or defective material at any time during progress of work. Remove rejected trees or shrubs immediately from Project site. 1.6 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver fertilizer materials in original, unopened, and undamaged containers showing weight, analysis, and name of manufacturer. Store in manner to prevent wetting and deterioration. B. Take all precautions customary in good trade practice in preparing plants for moving. Workmanship that fails to meet the highest standards will be rejected. Do not prune trees and shrubs before delivery, except as approved by Landscape Architect. Protect bark, branches, and root systems from sun scald, drying, sweating, whipping, and other handling and tying damage. Do not bend or bind -tie trees or shrubs in such a manner as to destroy their natural shape. Provide protective covering of plants during delivery. Do not drop plants during delivery. Handle planting stock by root ball 1. Inspection certificates required by law shall accompany each shipment invoice or order to stock and on arrival, the certificate shall be filed with the Landscape Architect. C. Cover plants transported on an open vehicle with a protective covering to prevent windburn. D. Deliver exterior plants after preparations for planting have been completed and install immediately. If planting is delayed more than six hours after delivery, set exterior plants trees in shade, protect from weather and mechanical damage, and keep roots moist. 1. Set balled stock on ground and cover ball with soil, peat moss, sawdust, or other acceptable material. 2. Do not remove container -grown stock from containers before time of planting. 3. Water root systems of exterior plants stored on -site with a fine -mist spray. Water as often as necessary to maintain root systems in a moist condition. Water in heeled -in plants daily. 1.7 COORDINATION A. Weather Limitations: Proceed with planting only when existing and forecasted weather conditions permit. B. Work notification: Notify Landscape Architect at least 7 working days prior to installation of plant material. C. Protect existing utilities, paving, and other facilities from damage caused by landscaping operations. D. The irrigation system will be installed, tested, and functioning prior to planting. Locate, protect, and maintain the irrigation system during the planting operations. Repair irrigation system components, damaged during planting operations, at Landscape Contractor's expense. E. Coordination with Sodding: Plant trees and shrubs after finish grades are established and before planting lawns, unless otherwise acceptable to Landscape Architect or Owner. LANDSCAPING 02800 -3 1. When planting trees and shrubs after lawns, protect lawn areas and promptly repair damage caused by planting operations. F. A complete list of plants, including a schedule of sizes, quantities, and other requirements is shown on the drawings. In the event that quantity discrepancies or material omissions occur in the plant materials list, the planting plans shall govern. 1.8 WARRANTY A. Special Warranty: Warrant the trees, shrubs and ground covers for a period of one year against defects including death and unsatisfactory growth, or defects resulting from lack of adequate maintenance. Warranty shall not include damage or loss of trees, plants, or ground covers caused by fires, floods, freezing rains, lightning storms, or winds over 50 miles per hour, winter kill caused by extreme cold, or acts of vandalism. 1. Warranty Period for Landscape Material: One year from date of acceptance by the City. Inspection of plants will be made by Landscape Architect at completion of planting. 2. Replace, in accordance with the drawings and specifications, all plants that are dead or, as determined by the Landscape Architect, are in an unhealthy or unsightly condition, and have lost their natural shape due to dead branches, or other causes due to the Contractor's negligence. The cost of such replacement(s) is at Contractor's expense. Warrant all replacement plants for one year after installation. 3. Replace landscape material that is in an unhealthy condition, as determined by the City and/or Landscape Architect, at end of warranty period. 1.9 MAINTENANCE A. Trees, Shrubs and Ground Covers: Maintain landscaping through final acceptance by pruning, cultivating, watering, weeding, fertilizing, restoring planting saucers, tightening and repairing stakes and guy supports, and resetting to proper grades or vertical position, as required to establish healthy, viable plantings. Spray as required to keep trees and shrubs free of insects and disease. Restore or replace damaged tree wrappings. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 PLANT MATERIAL A. General: Furnish nursery-grown trees, shrubs and ground cover complying with Florida "Grades and Standards for Nursery Plants ", with healthy root systems developed by transplanting or root pruning. Provide well - shaped, fully branched, healthy, vigorous stock free of disease, insects, eggs, larvae, and defects such as knots, sunscald, injuries, abrasions, and disfigurement. B. Grade: Provide trees, shrubs and ground covers of sizes and grades complying with Florida "Grades and Standards for Nursery Plants" for type of trees, shrubs and ground cover required. Trees, shrubs and ground cover of a larger size may be used if acceptable to Landscape Architect, with a proportionate increase in size of roots or balls. LANDSCAPING 02800 -4 C. Dig balled and burlapped plants with firm, natural balls of earth of sufficient diameter and depth to encompass the fibrous and feeding root system necessary for full recovery of the plant. Provide ball sizes complying with the latest edition of the "American Standards for Nursery Stock." Cracked or mushroomed balls are not acceptable. Synthetic burlap is not acceptable. D. Container -grown stock: Grown in a container for sufficient length of time for the root system to have developed to hold its soil together, firm and whole. 1. No plants shall be loose in the container. 2. Container stock shall not be pot bound E. Provide tree species that at heights (when mature) over 25' -0" with a single main trunk. Trees that have the main trunk forming a "Y" or "Co- Dominant" shape are not acceptable F. Plants planted in rows shall be matched in form. G. The height of the trees, measured from the crown of the roots to the tope of the top branch, shall not be less than the minimum size designated in the plant list. H. No pruning wounds shall be present with a diameter of more than 1" and such wounds must show vigorous bark an all edges. I. Shrubs and ground covers shall meet the requirements for spread and height indicated in the plant List. 1. The measurements for height shall be taken from the ground level to the average height of the top of the plant and not the longest branch. 2. Single stemmed or thin plants will not be accepted. 3. Side branches shall be generous, well twigged, and the plant as a whole well bushed to the ground. 4. Plants shall be in a moist, vigorous condition, free from dead wood, bruises or other root or branch injuries. 2.2 FERTILIZER A. Commercial Fertilizer: Commercial -grade complete fertilizer of neutral character, consisting of fast- and slow - release nitrogen, 50 percent derived from natural organic sources of urea formaldehyde, phosphorous, and potassium in the following composition: 1. Composition: 12 percent nitrogen, 10 percent phosphorous, and 12 percent pot ash, by weight. 1/4 of nitrogen in the form of nitrates, 1/4 in the form of ammonia salt and 'A in the form of organic nitrogen. 2.3 MULCHES A. Organic Mulch: Free from deleterious materials and suitable as a top dressing of trees and shrubs, consisting of one of the following: 1. Type: Premium grade `Mini Nugget' Pine tsark. Recycled Tree Mulch LANDSCAPING 02800 -5 2.4 STAKES AND GUYS A. Stakes for Staking: Rough -sawn, sound, new hardwood, redwood, or pressure- preservative- treated softwood, free of knots, holes, cross grain, and other defects. See construction drawings for sizes. B. Stakes for Guying: Hardwood. See construction drawings for sizes. C. Guy/ Staking Wire: No. 10 or 12 gauge galvanized wire. D. Turnbuckles: Galvanized steel of size and gauge required to provide tensile strength equal to that of the wire. Turnbuckle openings shall be at least 3 ". E. Staking and Guying Hose: Two - ply, reinforced garden hose not less than 1/2" inside diameter. F. Flags: Standard surveyor's plastic flagging tape, white, 6 inches (150 mm) long. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Examine areas to receive landscaping for compliance with requirements and conditions affecting installation and performance. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Protect structures, utilities, sidewalks, pavements, and other facilities, and lawns and existing exterior plants from damage caused by planting operations. B. Provide erosion - control measures to prevent erosion or displacement of soils and discharge of soil - bearing water runoff or airborne dust to adjacent properties and walkways. C. Planting shall be performed only by experienced workmen familiar with planting procedures under the supervision of a qualified supervisor. D. Locate plants as indicted or as approved in the filed by Landscape Architect after staking by the Contractor. If obstructions are encountered that are not shown on the drawings, do not proceed with planting operations until alternate plant locations have been selected. Make minor adjustments as required. 3.3 INSTALLATION A. Planting Pits: Excavate circular plant pits with vertical sides, except for plants specifically indicated to be planted in beds. Depth of pit shall accommodate the root system. Excavate circular pits with sides sloped inward. Trim base leaving center area raised slightly to support LANDSCAPING 02800 -6 root ball and assist in drainage. Do not further disturb base. Scarify sides of plant pit smeared or smoothed during excavation. Scarify the bottom of the pit to a depth of 4 ". 1. Excavate approximately three times as wide as ball diameter for balled and burlapped, container -grown or fabric bag -grown stock. 2. Excavate at least 12 inches (300 mm) wider than root spread and deep enough to accommodate vertical roots for bare -root stock. B. Backfill all planting pits with a mixture of 1/2-excavated material and 1/2 planting soil mix. C. Backfill areas excavated to 24" depth (as indicated on the plan sheets) with clean, well draining, neutral Ph topsoil. Allow backfilled topsoil to fully settle prior to planting. D. Obstructions: Notify Landscape Architect if unexpected rock or obstructions detrimental to trees or shrubs are encountered in excavations. 1. Hardpan Layer: Drill 6 -inch- (150 -mm -) diameter holes into free - draining strata or to a depth of 10 feet (3 m), whichever is less, and backfill with free - draining material if hardpan layer is detected. E. Drainage: Notify Architect if subsoil conditions evidence unexpected water seepage or retention in tree or shrub pits. F. Set plant material in the planting pit to proper grade and alignment. Set plants upright, plumb, and faced to give the best appearance or relationship to each other or adjacent structure. Set plant material 2" above the finish grade. No filling will be permitted around trunks or stems. Backfill the pit with planting mixture. Do not use frozen or muddy mixtures for backfilling. 1. Space ground cover plants in accordance with indicated dimensions. Adjust spacing as necessary to evenly fill planting bed with indicated quantity of plants. Plant to within 12" of the trunks of trees and shrubs within planting bed and to within 6" of edge of bed. 2. Do not use ball and burlap planting stock if root ball is cracked or broken before or during planting operation. 3. Place planting soil mix around root ball in layers, tamping to settle mix and eliminate voids and air pockets. After balled and burlapped plants are set, muddle planting soil mixture around bases of balls and fill all voids. 4. When pit is approximately one -half backfilled, water thoroughly before placing remainder of backfill. Repeat watering until no more water is absorbed. Water again after placing and tamping final Layer of planting soil mix. G. Mulching: Apply 3 -inch thickness of organic mulch extending 12 inches beyond edge of planting pit or trench. Mulch shrub and groundcover areas immediately after planting. Thoroughly water mulched areas. After watering, rake mulch to provide a uniform finished surface. LANDSCAPING 02800 -7 3.4 GUYING AND STAKING A. Stake /guy all trees immediately after sodding/ sprigging operations and prior to acceptance. When high winds or other conditions that may affect tree survival or appearance occur, the Landscape Architect may require immediate staking/guying. B. Stake deciduous trees under 3" caliper. Stake evergreen trees under 8' -0" tall. C. Guy deciduous trees over 3" caliper. Guy evergreen trees over 8' -0" tall. D. All work shall be acceptable to the Landscape Architect. 3.5 MAINTENANCE A. During exterior planting, keep adjacent paving and construction clean and work area in an orderly condition. B. Protect exterior plants from damage due to landscape operations, operations by other contractors and trades, and others. Maintain protection during installation and maintenance periods. Treat, repair, or replace damaged exterior planting. C. Maintain plantings until completion and acceptance of the entire project. D. Maintenance shall include pruning, cultivating, weeding, watering, mowing sod, and application of appropriate insecticides and fungicides necessary to maintain plants free of insects and disease. 1. Re -set settled plants to proper grade and position. Restore planting saucer and adjacent material and remove dead material. 2. Tighten and repair guy wires and stakes as required. 3. Correct defective work as soon as possible after deficiencies become apparent and weather and season permit 3.6 CLEANING A. Perform cleaning during installation of the work and upon completion of the work. Remove from site all excess materials, soil, debris, and equipment, and legally dispose of them off Owner's property. Repair damage resulting from planting operations. 3.7 ACCEPTANCE A. Inspection to determine acceptance of planted areas will be made by the Landscape Architect, upon Contractor's request. Provide notification at least 10 working days before requested inspection date. 1. Planted areas will be accepted provided all requirements, including main- tenance, have been compiled with and plant materials are alive in a healthy and vigorous condition. LANDSCAPING 02800 -8 B. Upon acceptance, the Owner will assume responsibility for plant maintenance. END OF SECTION 02800 LANDSCAPING 02800 -9 SECTION 02820 - IRRIGATION SYSTEMS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. This Section includes piping, valves, sprinklers, specialties, controls, and wiring for an automatic- control irrigation system. 1.3 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. Installer's qualifications: Have satisfactorily installed irrigation systems on at lease five (5) other projects of comparable complexity. B. Location of Sprinklers and Specialties: Design layout is diagrammatic. Make minor adjustments necessary to avoid plantings and fixed obstructions. Maintain 100 percent water coverage of landscape areas indicated. 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Submit manufacturer's product data and installation instructions for each of the system components for the following. Product Data: Include pressure ratings, rated capacities, and settings of selected models for the following: 1. Backflow Preventer. 2. Electric Valves. 3. Gate Valves 4. Rain Sensor 5. Controller 6. Mainline 7. Lateral Lines 8. . 9. Control Valve Box 10. Sprinklers. 11. Any other components for a complete system. B. Record Drawings: Contractor responsible for providing Owner with As -Built drawings of the irrigation system as installed. Show piping and major system components. Legibly mark drawings to record actual construction. Indicate horizontal and vertical locations reference to permanent surface improvements. Identify field changes of dimension and detail and changes made in the field. IRRIGATION SYSTEMS 02820 -1 C. Operation and Maintenance Data: For irrigation systems, to include in emergency, operation, and maintenance manuals. In addition to items specified in Division 1 Section "Closeout Procedures" include data for the following: 1. Automatic - control valves. 2. Sprinklers. 3. Controllers. 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Electrical Components, Devices, and Accessories: Listed and labeled as defined in NFPA 70, Article 100, by a testing agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, and marked for intended use. 1.6 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver irrigation system components in manufacturer's original undamaged and unopened containers with labels intact and legible. B. Store plastic piping protected from direct sunlight. Support to prevent sagging and bending. 1.7 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Protect existing trees, plants lawns and other features designed to remain as part of the final landscape work. Tree barricades shall be installed as required by City of Winter Springs Code of Ordinances, Chapter 5 Arbor Code — Tree Protection and Preservation. B. Promptly notify the Landscape Architect of unexpected subsurface conditions. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 GENERAL A. Provide only new materials without flaws or defects and of the highest quality of their specified class and kind. B. Comply with pipe sizes indicated. No substitution of smaller pipes will be permitted. Larger sizes may be subject to acceptance of the Landscape Architect. Remove damaged and defec- tive pipe. C. Provide pipe continuously and permanently marked with manufacturer's name or trademark, size schedule and type of pipe, working pressure at 73 degrees F. IRRIGATION SYSTEMS 02820 -2 2.2 PIPES, TUBES, AND FITTINGS A. Polyvinyl chloride pipe: ASTM D2241, rigid, un- plasticized PVC, extruded from virgin parent material. Provide pipe homogeneous throughout and free from visible cracks, holes, foreign materials, blisters, wrinkles and dents. 1. Lateral Lines Class 160 2. Mainline and Sleeve Schedule 40 B. PVC pipe fittings: ASTM D2241 schedule 40 PVC molded fittings suitable for solvent weld, slip joint ring tight seal, or screwed connections. Fittings made of other materials are not permitted. C. All pipe under paved areas will be sleeved with Schedule 40 P.V.C. The Contractor will provide a minimum of 2" Schedule 40 P.V.C. under all paved areas to produce access for electrical control wire. 2.3 VALVE BOXES A. Plastic Valve Boxes: Box and cover, with open bottom and openings for piping; designed for installing flush with grade. Include size as required for valves and service. 1. Box: Tapered enclosure of rigid plastic material comprised of fibrous components chemically inert and unaffected by moisture corrosion and temperature changes. 2. Cover Material: Provide lid of same material, green in color. 2.4 SPRINKLERS A. Refer to drawing's materials list. 1. Sprinklers: All Sprinkler heads shall be as indicated on the drawings. All sprinkler heads on risers of 12 inches or more shall be secure in plumb position using a 30 inch angle iron stake and stainless steel clamps. All risers shall be painted; color to be determined by Landscape Architect. 2.5 AUTOMATIC - CONTROL SYSTEM A. Refer to drawing's materials list. 1. Controller: Irrigation contractor shall furnish electric or batter powered controller as indicated on the drawing. Controller shall be installed in the area shown on the drawing. Power from the electrical panel to the irrigation controller shall be furnished by others (if electric). All wiring from the irrigation controller to the remote control valves shall be furnished and installed by the irrigation contractor in the same trench as the main line. B. Wiring: UL 493, Type UF-B multi- conductor, with solid - copper conductors and insulated cable; suitable for direct burial. 1. Wire color code: Provide control or "hot" wires red or blue in color. Provide common or "ground" wires white in color. IRRIGATION SYSTEMS 02820 -3 2. Splicing Materials: Manufacturer's packaged kit consisting of insulating, spring -type connector or crimped joint and grease filled moisture seal; suitable for direct burial. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSPECTION A. Examine final grades and installation conditions. Do not start irrigation system work until unsatisfactory conditions are corrected. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Layout and stake the locations of each pipe run and all sprinkler heads and sprinkler valves. Obtain Owners Representative acceptance of layout prior to excavating. B. Schedule 40 sleeves to be used under paved vehicular use areas shall be placed prior to compaction of paved -areas. Coordinate all sleeve placement with general contractor. C. Place sleeves as indicated for installation of piping and control wire. 3.3 INSTALLATION A. Excavating and backflling: 1. All excavation shall be considered and unclassified excavation and include all materials encountered. 2. Excavate trenches of sufficient depth and width to permit proper handling of installation of pipe and fittings. 3. Excavate to depths required to provide 2" depth of earth fill or sand bedding for piping when rock or other unsuitable bearing materials in encountered. 4. Fill to match adjacent grade elevations with approved earth fill material. Place and com- pact fill in layers not greater than 8" depth. a. Provide approved earth fill or sand to a point 4" above the top of the pipe. b. Fill to within 6" of final grade with approved excavated fill materials free of lumps or rocks larger than 3" in any dimension. c. Provide clean topsoil fill free of rocks and debris for top 6" of fill. 5. Except as indicated, install irrigation mains with a minimum cover of 18" based on fi- nished grades. Install irrigation laterals with a minimum cover of 12" based on finished grades. 6. Excavate trenches and install piping and fill during the same working day. Do not leave open trenches or partially filled trenches open overnight. 7. Replace stripped sod in sufficient time to allow for satisfactory sod recovery and growth. Water stripped and reinstalled sod until irrigation system is placed in operation. IRRIGATION SYSTEMS 02820 -4 B. Plastic pipe: 1. Install plastic pipe in accordance with manufacturer's installation instructions. Provide for thermal expansion and contraction. 2. Saw cut plastic pipe. Use a square -in- sawing vice to ensure a square cut. Remove burrs and shavings at cut ends prior to installation. 3. Make plastic to plastic joints with solvent weld joints or slip seal joints. Use only solvent recommended by the pipe manufacturer. Install plastic pipe fittings in accordance with pipe manufacturer's instructions. Contractor shall make arrangements with pipe manu- facturer for all necessary field assistance. 4. Make plastic to metal joints with plastic male adapters. 5. Make solvent weld joints in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. 6. Allow joints to set at least 24 hours before pressure is applied to the system. C. Sprinklers, fittings, valves and accessories: 1. Install fittings, valves, sprinkler heads, risers and accessories in accordance with manu- facturer's instructions, except as otherwise indicated. a. Provide concrete thrust blocks where required at fittings and valves for piping in excess of 4" in diameter. 2. Set sprinkler heads perpendicular to finished grades, except as otherwise indicated. 3. Obtain Landscape Architect's review and acceptance of height for proposed sprinkler heads and valves prior to installation. 4. Locate sprinkler heads to assure proper coverage of indicated areas. Do not exceed sprinkler head spacing distances indicated. 5. Install risers for spray heads in shrub or flower bed areas and planters of sufficient height to prevent interruption of the stream by the plant material. a. Provide risers of 1/2" PVC pipe, threaded each end. b. Paint exposed galvanized risers with 1 coat black paint. c. Set risers in a row with top level and in -line. 6. Install pop - up gear driven sprinklers with flex - pipe connected to a barbed ell. 7. Install controller as detailed. 8. Install in- ground control valves in a valve access box as indicated. 9. Install valve access boxes on a suitable base of gravel to provide a level foundation at proper grade and to provide drainage of the access box. 10. Seal threaded connections on pressure side of control valves with teflon tape or approved plastic joint type compound. D. Control wiring. 1. Install electric control cable in the piping trenches wherever possible. Place wire in trench adjacent to pipe. Install wire with slack to allow for thermal expansion and con - traction. Expansion joints in wire may be provided at 200 -foot intervals by making 5 -6 turns of the wire around a piece of 1/2" pipe instead of slack. Where necessary to run wire in a separate trench, provide a minimum cover of 12 ". IRRIGATION SYSTEMS 02820-5 2. Provide sufficient slack at site connections at remote control valves in control boxes and at all wire splices to allow raising the valve bonnet or splice to the surface without dis- connecting the wires when repair is required. 3. Connect each remote control valve to one station of a controller except as otherwise indi- cated. 4. Connect remote valves to common ground wire system. 5. Make wire connections to remote control electric valves and splices of wire in the field, using grease filled wire connectors in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. 6. Provide tight joints to prevent leakage of water and corrosion build -up of the joint. E. Sleeves: 1. Provide new sleeves for all locations where existing sleeves are not indicated. Install new sleeves prior to paving installation wherever possible. Coordinate with general con- tractor. 2. Install pipe sleeves under existing concrete or asphalt surface by jacking, boring, or hy- draulic driving of the sleeve. Remove and replace existing concrete and asphalt surfaces where cutting is necessary. Obtain Owner's permission before cutting existing concrete and asphalt surfaces. Where piping is shown under paved areas which are adjacent to turf areas, install the piping in the turf areas. F. Flushing, testing and adjustment: 1. After sprinkler piping and risers are installed and before sprinkler heads are installed, open control valves and flush out the system with full head of water. 2. Perform system testing upon completion of each section. Make necessary repairs and retest repaired sections as required. 3. Adjust sprinklers after installation for proper and adequate distribution of the water over the coverage patter. Adjust for the proper arc of coverage. 4. Tighten nozzles on spray type sprinklers after installation. Adjust sprinkler adjusting screw on lateral line or circuit as required for proper radius. Interchange nozzles' patterns as directed by the Landscape Architect to give best arc of coverage. 5. Adjust all electric remote control valve flow control sterns for system balance. 6. Test and demonstrate the controller by operating appropriate day, hour, and station selec- tion features as required to automatically start and shut down irrigation cycles to accom- modate plant requirements. 3.4 DISPOSAL OF WASTE MATERIALS A. Stockpile, haul from site, and legally dispose of waste materials, including unsuitable excavated materials, rock, trash, and debris. 3.5 ACCEPTANCE A. Test and demonstrate to the Landscape Architect and Owner the satisfactory operation of the system free of leaks. All main lines shall be hydrostatically tested at a pressure of 80 psi for a period of time not less than 3 hours. Should any leaks be found, it shall be repaired. The line shall then be retested until satisfactory. IRRIGATION SYSTEMS 02820 -6 B. Instruct the Owner's designated personnel in the operation of the system, including adjustment of sprinklers, controller(s) and valves. C. Upon acceptance, the Owner will assume operation of the system. 3.6 GUARANTEES A. The irrigation contractor shall furnish warranties in writing certifying that the quality and workmanship of all materials and installation furnished is in accordance with these specifica- tions and in accordance with the original manufacturers' warranties. Irrigation contractor shall further see to the fulfillment of all manufacturers' warranties. Irrigation contractor shall warrant the installation workmanship for a period of one (1) year from date of completion of acceptance of the job or any accepted portion of the job. 3.7 CLEANING A. Perform cleaning during installation of the work and upon completion of the work. Remove from site all excess materials, soil, debris, and equipment. Repair damage resulting from irriga- tion system installation. END OF SECTION 02820 IRRIGATION SYSTEMS 02820 -7 City of Winter Springs Memo To: City Clerk's Office From: Steven T. Richart, Urban Beautification Manager CC: Kevin Smith, City Manager Date: 2/6/2012 Re: Shepard Road Streetscape — Landscape and Irrigation Agreement Dear City Clerks: Please find three (3) originals of the Eastwood Tuff Turf Landscape and Irrigation Agreement for the Shepard Road Streetscape Project. The agreement was approved by the City Commission on January 23, 2012 under agenda item 204 (attached). All originals should be signed and dated by the City Manager and at least one person should attest to his signature on each document. Please keep one original for the Clerk's Office and retum two to me as soon as possible. Thank you very kindly, i P P Steven T. Richart Urban Beautification Manager City of Winter Springs, FL.