HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012 02 13 Consent 200 Electronic Citation Equipment COMMISSION AGENDA
Consent X
ITEM 200 Public Hearings
February 13, 2012 KS KB
Regular Meeting City Manager Department
The Police Department requests the consent of the Commission to purchase four (4)
electronic citation writers using Advanced Public Safety and associated Dell notebook
computers purchased from Dell Company in the total amount of $7,540.44. APS is the sole
source provider for this software in the State of Florida through their "Virtual Partner"
program and they are currently in place as a vendor with the Police Department. Funding
for this purchase will come from the Federal Law Enforcement Trust Fund.
The Police Department has identified a way to better equip the officers assigned to the
Traffic Division and make them more efficient. The purchase of this equipment will allow
the officers a quicker turn- around time with their enforcement duties and traffic crash
investigations allowing them to more quickly return to addressing the complaints
we receive for traffic enforcement in the community.
Currently, there are four positions in the Traffic Division that are staffed by officers
assigned to motorcycle patrol duty. While an education philosophy is paramount to the
success of the organization, times where a traffic citation is issued to a motorist arise.
Purchasing this equipment for these officers will allow us a more efficient method of
operation and will allow a process improvement within the unit. As a further enhancement
to our existing software, this system will also allow those same officers to print certain
forms associated with the investigation of traffic crashes roadside, further increasing their
efficiency, as well as providing the involved parties immediate access to a necessary
document for reporting the crash to their insurance companies.
Consent 200 PAGE 1 OF 3 - February 13, 2012
The electronic citation equipment consists of a small, ruggedized tablet style computer and
a thermal style printer which is easily mounted in the rear storage area of the patrol
motorcycles. Systems like the one described are currently in use around the county and we
have seen them prove reliable in the conditions the traffic officers operate. The breakdown
of the cost is as follows:
• (4) Dell Latitude 2120 computers- $3,062.44
• (4) Zebra RW420 printers- $3,000.00
• Shipping, software, and ancillary costs (outlined in quote)- $1,478.00
TOTAL- $7,540.44
Purchase of the Dell computers will be through the city. APS will be used for the purchase
of all other equipment and proprietary software for the implementation of the program.
APS is the sole- source provider for this software in Florida and we are currently using their
Funding for this equipment will come from the Federal Law Enforcement Trust Fund in the
amount of $7,540.44. As of January 11, 2012, there was a balance of $35,303.92 in the
Federal Law Enforcement Trust Fund. There will be no impact to the General Fund budget
for this purchase.
This Agenda Item has been electronically forwarded to the Mayor and City Commission,
City Manager, City Attorney /Staff, and is available on the City's Website, LaserFiche, and
the City's Server. Additionally, portions of this Agenda Item are typed verbatim on the
respective Meeting Agenda which has also been electronically forwarded to the individuals
noted above, and which is also available on the City's Website, LaserFiche, and the City's
Server; has been sent to applicable City Staff, eAlert /eCitizen Recipients, Media/Press
Representatives who have requested Agendas /Agenda Item information, Homeowner's
Associations /Representatives on file with the City, and all individuals who have requested
such information. This information has also been posted outside City Hall, posted inside
City Hall with additional copies available for the General Public, and posted at five (5)
different locations around the City. Furthermore, this information is also available to any
individual requestors. City Staff is always willing to discuss this Agenda Item or any
Agenda Item with any interested individuals.
Staff recommends approval of the expenditure of $7,540.44 from the Federal Law
Enforcement Trust fund utilizing vendor Advanced Public Safety for the purchase of four
(4) electronic citation writers and associated equipment, and vendor Dell Company for the
purchase of four (4) notebook computers.
Consent 200 PAGE 2 OF 3 - February 13, 2012
A- Quote /Sole Source letter from APS
B- Quote from IyeTek
C- Quote from Dell Company
D- Quote from CDW -G
Consent 200 PAGE 3 OF 3 - February 13, 2012
Thrrible Company
J.w. Battle
Winter Springs Police Department
300 North Moss Road
Winter Springs, FL 327082715
Thank you for your interest in the APS Virtual PartnerTM suite of solutons. Over 500 agencies utilize these
products on a daily basis to increase officer safety and productivity.
With the Virtual Partner soution, agencies can add the following functionalities to the mobile data system:
Audio response of the critical data elements in the mobile data files
Control of the mobile data computer applications with voice commands
"One -click" auto -popuaton of any agency form or report (i.e. — traffic citations, parking tickets,
crash/incident forms, etc.)
Electronic transfer of forms data to any backend database system
5) Complete reportng, workflow approvas, and data-mappng/geo-spatal analysis
Virtual Partner is a tiro iirieta software a# elication develosed and offered exclusve! b Advanced Public
Safe and is #atented b the United States Patent & Trademark Office U.S. Patent No. 6,6,21,422 and
Patent No 6,943.703 B2 . The Virtual Partner family of products includes: QuickVoice QuckCommandTm,
QuckTcketTm. QuickCrashIm SmartExport ReportBeam TM , and other modules.
Virtual Partner is the only solution on the market today that operates with your agences current nlobile data
system. APS is unaware of any product on the market that provides the functionalities offered with the
Virtual Partner system.
At Advanced Public Safety we take great pride in knowing that we help make the jobs of law enforcement
and public safety officers safer and more efficent. We appreciate your consideration of the APS Virtual
Partner system and look forward to working togethr.
Jim Chmelik
Advanced Public Safety, Inc.
5 00 FAIRWAY DRIVE, SUITE 204 - DEERFIELD BEACH, EL - 33 441 - 954.354.3000 - F. 954.354.3001 - WWWAPS.US
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, Name: Ch Hood
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Agency Name: Winter Springs lle Dep.; I ent Email.
300 oss , Wrings FL 08 , 327
ch. 0 41 . eTek
North M Road inter Sp COM
Phone #: (888) 949-3835 x 703
Quote Number: 2012-ni 18HW 1 Fax #: (248) 786-5349
Int. Numr: [Date Quoted:1/18/2012
Line part .
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DescrilDtion Quantity Unit Price Extended Price
erti Number
111 78611 iyecitatioll _ Irltegtated citation systertl
i S299.00 $1 ,196.00
os ( i f n y c u et a 0 V eN o n i u c e em b s a o Nn / I e gce D i i t s a t r i i o b u t 0 n 4
nterfae)Backend Workflow Software
hostins services
111 The RW420 printer with 16MB DRAM,
Zebra 8MB lash, LCD, Bluetooth, Belt 4 $750.00 $3,000.00
cli. „Prima batte iticit.ided
A 64452 l'yeTek warrarity includes updates and
1 18%/year $215.,28
new versioris
Ihank )Fou for this opportunity to submit our quotation
for your l'.e . Please provide a cop) of this quote
with Wu r Plircha-le °rder. 11(:)tai: S 4411.28
l'yeCitation pricing is based on the assurription that the departmerit has iristalled iyeCt web porta .
Added development cost nlay apply to non-crash reporting clients.
Pricing is guaranteed 15 days from date of proposal.
To irt this proposal, sign h - - and return :
OUOTE #: 603880805
CUSTOMER # 9081473
file:///C: I , Ilts and Se ..14,1/4.1jwbattle ry
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Mdr: air sean...duggan@dell.cont Phone Ext' 5139023
Please review titb, quote carefully. if complete and accurate, you 9 online
is <; ,�
..� „tea:
. S �.i. ell Ufa.;. um I. 4 i:�. 7 3 nts should be de to
Dell Marketing L.P.
If you do not have a separate agree itt wfth Dell that appl'. to your order, pWase refer to
dell.corrate as folio
ft° purc ing for your internal use, your order will be subject to Deli's Te and • ditions of
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Dell's f
Purchasing to
for resaW, your order will be subject to Te and Condition of Sale for Perwns or Entities
f . eee r program �.
If your order includes serakes, vbit dell. onVservic ' s for seraice descriptions
and te
Quote infer teen valid for U.S. custo rs and U.S. addresses onk, and is subject to change.
Sales tax on products shipped W. based on "Ship To” address, and for do loads is based on
"Bill To" address. please jedm' ate any tax-exempt status on your PO and fax your ex
certificate, With selWr l'ited as Dell Marketing LP, to Dell's
Please include your Custo r Number.
For cedairi produeft shipped to end-usera in Calffornia, , rital F applied.