HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2011-12 Five Year Capital Improvements Program oEZn�n,a:vc;r zc►ii-�a AN URPIN.INCE OF THE CITY C011:�'11S5ION OF THE CITY OF �VI1�'TI:R SPR[i�CS, I�1,ORlDA, r1D01''I 7'HI: C['CY'S }�'lVi? (5) Y��AR SCHl:Dl1Li� O1+ C;AI'17'AL Il�'IPRO�'l?19IiV7'S lN ACCORDt�NC� W1TH THE C01�11��1UNITY PLANNING ACT; PRO�%IDING FOR THE REPEAL OF PRIOR INCONSISTENT ORl7[NANC;GS ai�D [tGSOLU'1'IO:VS; �I�;VF:RAB1L17'Y;AVllAv EFFECTIVE DAT�. �V H[?RGAS, lhe City is �ranted thc authority, undcr ti?(b), Art. VIlI c�ltl�c Statc Cbi�stitution, to cxercitic any po�ve�- for municipa] purposes, crccpt ��-hen expressly prol�ibitcd by la�t; and W H ERI+�AS, scction lEai.3161, ct. seq., Florida Slatucs, "Lacal Ciovcri�tncnt C'otnprehensive Planuing and L�>>ld Dcvc:lopinent Re�=tilation Ac�t�" was rcdesiguat�ed as the "Commuiiit}� Plani�liiig Act" by� C;haptcr 2011-139, L�ws ��f I�lorida (2011); �.ind �'VHEREAS, scction 1E3.31G7, Tlorida StaYutes, rcquii°cs c�cli muuicip�.ility in the St�.tte of� Floi�ida tc� ii�aintain a('omprcl�ensivc I'Ian; and L��HGRI:AS, thc F'ivc-Yeai� ('apital li»p��ovcrnents Pro�rain (: s�r��es as a c��mpanian to tl�e Comprehensi��e Plan and the Ca}�ital l�r�provemcnts h;lcmcnt ( ot.'tl�c Comprehensi��e Plan, byr linlcing capital cxpendit�tu �vith khe adopted public policy; ��nd VVHERE�IS, thc C�IP is �intended to d�monstrate that t1�e; Ciiy can properly ine:et demands f'or ne�v and pi maintained inirastruc;turc and facilitics in a rscal(y responsible manner and in f'�u,tl�eranc;c oPsection 16(i.021, Florida Siatutes; and Vb'HF;It�:�S, thc C1P is required u»der section 7.04 ofthc City C'klaa�ter, is prioritizcd �vara five (.5) y���r pe�riod. ��inc� is to be; rcvie«•�d ��nd t��pdate;d annut�lly; and WHEREAS, thc City Cotiimission hereby finds khe propos�d CIP cou5istc;nt witl� thi; C:it}� of 1�'Jintcr Springs Coni�rGhensiv�; Pl���n; �.�nd WHEREAS, tlle C:ity Coinin�ission c�f thc City of Vl'inter Spriii�s, rlorida, hcreby finds fhis ordinance to bc in tl�e best inlerests of tl�c public heaJtl�, safety, and ���elfarc of tl�c citizcns of VVin[cr• Sprin�s. NO��, 7'HEI2',I;FOltb:,'I'1-[E CTTY f;O�MP'I1�S51(.)1V� O1� �°HF: CI'1'Y OI? WtN"TE:R SP[tINCxS HEREBY ORD:�INS, AS FOLLO�'VS: Section t. Recitals. 7'he Eoregoin�; rccitals are ]iercby fiilly incorparated I�crcii� by reEcre»ce as Ic;gislative tmdint�s oi�th� City Gommission of���'int-�r S��rin�s. Section 2. Adopt�ion of Five-Year Gapital Impi•o�e�nents Pi•ogram. The City Commission of thc C;ity of �Vinter Spriilgs, Tlorid��� he�reby �idopts tl�e Ci���-Year C�zpital Im��rovimcnts Pro`�ram, att,ichi;d licrcto as "Exhibix A," ti�lly incorporated llcrein by this rcfercnce. C'ity of ��`inter SE�riu�s Ordine�ice 301 1-12 Pa`.;e I of � Section 3. Repeal of Prio� [��consistent Ordinanees nnd Resolutions. All prior incansistent ordinances and resotutians aciopted 1�y thc City Commission, or parts of prior ordinancc� and resolutions in conflicx here���ith, arc h�r�b1� repcal�d to tl�e chtcnt c�ftl�e conllict. Section 4. Severak.�ilit�T. If any secCi��n, subsectiori, senter,lec, clal�se, phrase, word or ��rovision of this ordina��c;e is for any rcason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of coi»petent j�urisdiction, �vhet�hc.r foi substaiit�iv�, proccdural, or any other reason, such portion sliall be d�emed a scparate, distinct and indcpcnd�i�t pravision, and such l�oldii�g tih�ll not afi'cc� the validity of thc i�ecnainin`� pc�rtions of fhis c�rdinancc. Section 5. E ffecti��e llate. �I'his Ordinance shall becoi»e effcctive irrunediately upon. adopTion by tl�� C`ity Gommissiori of the �;iCy c7f Wint�r Springs, Tlorid��. ADOPTED by the C-ity Coinmissioil of�thc C�ity of Vl�'inter Sprin�s, Tlorida, in � re,�:ular n�icctii�ig ���SSem}.�led on th� 12th �� �f• September �QI L � � _ _ __ _ _ �� � � ��� :�-- c � R Es Lnc� , : ���, • � � ATT�S�T: i; ii ia t ��,A�ID1. : ['N'l..O-I.t1ACl?S, Cit�� Clerk tv Approved as to lcgal f:orm and suft�icici�cv for tlie C'i� o�' �inter Sprin�;s onl}�: � 11NTH0: �' 11. GARGANESE, City Atto►•nc�� Citv of ��iuter Spriz�gs Ordin�nce 3OI I-12 Pa�c 2 of ? CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM BY DEPARTMENT FY 2011112 TO FY 2016117 Exhibit "A" Account Project Funding Ranking Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 TOTALS Comprehensive Plan Number Name LOS Category Source Description /Justification Location Score Las[ Year Curren[ Vr 2011112 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/2017 ( Operating m iv Years 1 -6) Budget Impact Reference 2010/2011 Department: PARKS & RECREATION ROS 1: 11'; ROS 1.19 $ - TIED ROS 1 , 10', FLUE 133', FLUE 2.15', FLUE 223', CIE 1 2.1(f) CIE 1:1 3 ROS 1,T 1 ROS 11.10, outdoor amphitheatre funhersthe ROS 14', ROS14.1 $ - $ 20,500 ROS 15 - , FLUE133, netwon<of pumiogreen spaces mat CIE 1.1 3', CIE 1 21(D $ ROS 1 4, ROS 1 4 1', term the IYamewodc fo-the Town ROS 1.5', FLUE 133 $ ROS 1 3.6', ROS 1 4', Center and promotes & expands trail _ $'��'''''''''"' _ ROS 13.6, ROS 14, ROS 141', ROS 15 CF -305& system, Improves recreational Winter Springs $ 200 ,000 ;$ ::::::::::::::::::: 30565000 -]0008 Magnolia Park Parks &Recreation 1CTX opportunities consistent Mid the reational needs of residents',' Is a Town Center 10 $ $ 400, 000 �;$�;�;�;�;�;�;�;�;�;�; -;�;� FLUE 133,HE 22.11', catal yst for pnvate development in the CIE 113 $ 5, 000,000 ',$;;;;;;;;;; ;;; ROS 14', ROS 14.1 ',:$ Town Center; Acco medal gm,vt $ 1- 2000 :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: .:.: ROS 141, ROS 15 $ 5,600,000 $ 20500;';';';';'; through additional active recerstional area [LOS]. Permanent dog park expansion Central Winds sistent with recreational needs of CWP Park Expansion 7270-65000-70013 Parks &Recreation es des Utilizesgra ntfunding, GRT /GNF Ex pension near 8 $ Imp (Dog Park) Accomo dates. growth through additional active recreational area SR 434 [LOS], TrotWOOd Park not yet established NIA Two new tennis courts with fencing PIMF sistent uulth recreational needs. of Trotwood Park ' .$ Tennis Courts residents. Central Wnds ral N/A Heavy duty commercial shade PINT 8 Central Wnds $ not yet established structures over all sets ofbleWhers at CWP ballfields . Park not established Omdeo- Fitness N/A PINT Out d oo r Senior Fitness Wellness TED yet Course System Course. not yet established Civ Center N/A PIMF Aesthefic Renovation Sunshine Parts Renovation not yet established Senior Fitness N/A CRT ConveftCivic Centerto Senior Fitness Sunshine Pains carne- Center_ Neighborhood Torcase Park expansionconsistern 7230-53180 Community Parks &Recreation CRT with recreati end l needs of resi dents; Tprcaso Park 6 $ Center Utilizes. grant funding. Civic or Event not yet established N/A BND,GRT City Civic Centerexpansion consistent with recreational needs of residents, Town Center ' 6 ;$ Center & PIMF Utilizes grant funding. Th t oved l tehs fro CIP time be fj int use RaHF4EWeHS 44E `" AagHiEHeaEra 4 .$ agreement with 6egteF Atedi Area Charter School .............................................. .............................'' TOTAL ';'; $ ROS 1: 11'; ROS 1.19 $ - TIED ROS 1 , 10', FLUE 133', FLUE 2.15', FLUE 223', CIE 1 2.1(f) CIE 1:1 3 Page 1 of 9 ROS 1,T 1 ROS 11.10, ROS 14', ROS14.1 $ - $ 20,500 ROS 15 - , FLUE133, FLUE 215', FLUE 223', CIE 1.1 3', CIE 1 21(D $ ROS 1 4, ROS 1 4 1', ROS 1.5', FLUE 133 $ ROS 1 3.6', ROS 1 4', ROS141 _ $'��'''''''''"' _ ROS 13.6, ROS 14, ROS 141', ROS 15 $ 200 ,000 ;$ ::::::::::::::::::: . . . ROS 13.6, ROS 14', ?;:} ROS 14.11 ROS 15 ROS1 4, ROS 1 4.1 $ 400, 000 �;$�;�;�;�;�;�;�;�;�;�; -;�;� FLUE 133,HE 22.11', CIE 113 $ 5, 000,000 ',$;;;;;;;;;; ;;; ROS 14', ROS 14.1 ',:$ ROS 1.3.6', ROS 1 4, $ 1- 2000 :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: .:.: ROS 141, ROS 15 $ 5,600,000 $ 20500;';';';';'; Page 1 of 9 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM BY DEPARTMENT FY 2011112 TO FY 2016117 Account Project Funding Ranking Operating Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 TOTALS Comprehensive Plan Number Name LOS Category Source Description /Justification Location Score Las[ Year Curren[ Vr 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/2017 (Years 1 -6) Budget Impact Reference 2010/2011 Department: PUBLIC WORKS CIE 1:13 TE1 FLUE 1 3.1; FLUE 133', FLUE 2.1 4 TE 1 TE 1 2', TE 1 3 - , CIE 1.1.3 FLUE 131 TE 1', TE 12', TE 1 3 TE 1 53', CIE 1.1 3 Page 2 of 9 BUD Ex ands existin acilit to P 9f Y 312 - 65000 -30061 City Hall N/A PBIF�& a modate demands due to City Town Center 4 . �'. �. �. �. �. �. �.=. �. �. ��$. �. �. �. �. �. �. �. �. �. �.$. �. �. �. �. �. �. �. �. �. �. ��. �. �. � .�.�.�.= .�.�.��$.�.�.�.�.�.�.�. �.�. �.$. �.�. �.�. �.�. �. =. �.�,$ 1.900.000 �.�.�$ 1900,000 Expansion RSV growth, ...................................... .............................. Major maintenance; Refurbishes 104-65000 -30075 Resurfaang- N/A LGTX existing streets so that transportation City Wide 6 $ 250,000 $ 300,000 $. 250,000 $ 250,000 $ 250,000 $ 250,000 $ 250, 000 :.� .:.:.:.:.:.:.....:.:$ 1, 250,000:$.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.'.'. network Is maintained. Services future demand and Michael Blake addresses future defiaency of SR 434 115 - 65000-30055 BI d. (Spin e. Trans to 1CTX b ex a din interconnectin collector To Center 4 250000 700000 750000 750000 Road) oad network in Town Center to reduce demand on SR 434, Safe[ improvement Improves Cit Y provem y Northern Wa / Sidewalks- collector streets with the addition of 1CTX & Shetland .'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'= 115- 65000 -30130 Shetland/ orther N Trans t p n sidewalks to increase safe[ of CRT Y Avenue 6 ...'.'.'.'.'.'...'. $ 100000.' �'�'�'� $ ..............'.'.'.'.' .' S.'.'.'.'.'.'..".'.'.$.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.-.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. '.'.:'.'.'S.'.'.'.'.'.'.'...'.' - $ ','$.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. :'.' n edestnans - m000 eraeon wim P P Side elk . Seminole Count Safe[ & mobility improvement y y Sidewalks- North Between S R Addition of sidewalks will increase not et established Villa eWalk- Tra st 9 & SR 434 GRT safe[ of edestnans in an area with 10 300000 �''�'�'� �'�'�'�' -'�'�' �' 300000 Phase asy access to parks, transit, school & and Sheoah & Sherry Av.. r commercial. Safe[ & mobility y m y Sidewalks: Town Center at Addition of sidewalks will increase Winter Springs not yet established Winter Springs Transptn FDOT safety forstudents and improve High School 10 .$...........$...........$ - ................... �....$...........$........•..,$ - 293000' .$... . $ 293000 High School network connection of high school to and City Hall transit and the trail. Safety &mobility improvement, Sidewalks - North Between S R Addition of sidewalks will increase 419: & SR 434 of et established n Y VIIa eWalk- 9 Phase II Traris t P n DO safe[ o ss to p si s awt F T asy acce f P with ss to Parks, transits school & and 9 '$.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. �.'.'. �'.'.'.'.'.'.'.•.'.'.'$'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.$'.'.'.'.'.'.'. - �.'.'. �'.'.'.'.'.'.'.•.'.'.'$'.'.'.'.'.'. - '.'.'.'.'.$.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.�.'.' $ 295000 295 $ 000 Av errs Av r commercial. Safety & mobility improvement Sidewalks -Town Transptn Addition of sidewalks will increase DTM Town Center 1 0 . .'....... ti'... 8...........$ ........:.......... .....8...........$........ =..,$ 293000.......... $ 293 not Yet established Center safety and improve connection .$ between uses. Paving of this multi -use trail will Between not etestablisned Y Multi Use au M Trans to P 1CTX rvi or ode a safe altemative east -west p Wi&Albert llow 9 10 '$.•.•.•.•.•.•.•...•.•. •. •.•.•.•.•.•..•.•.•$•.•.•.•.•.•. •.•: .•.•.$•.•.•.•.•.•.•_.•.•. •.•.•.•.•.•.• .�.•.•.•$•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•- •.•.•. .•.•. •.•.•.•.•_.•.• $ 50000 $ 50000 ' Connector DTM route to SR 434 forbicycles and &d "$""""" pedestrians- Addition fthis multi -use trail will Between Belle Power Line Multi GRT or provide connectivity and a safe, and Tusk awilla not Yet established. Usg Trail Trans Ptn DTM altemative east -west route to SR 434 along FP &L 10 .....•.•.•.•.•.'.•.•..•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•$•.':.•.•.•.•.•:•.•.•.$•.•.•.':.•.•.'.•.•..•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•$•.•.•.•.• .•.•.•:•.':.$.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.... $ 500000 $ 500, 000 for bicycles and pedesmans. Easement CIE 1:13 TE1 FLUE 1 3.1; FLUE 133', FLUE 2.1 4 TE 1 TE 1 2', TE 1 3 - , CIE 1.1.3 FLUE 131 TE 1', TE 12', TE 1 3 TE 1 53', CIE 1.1 3 Page 2 of 9 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM BY DEPARTMENT FY 2011112 TO FY 2016117 160000 .;$:•:•: •:•:•:•:•:�•:•:•�•:•:•:•:•: •:•:•:•:•: - $ 250,000 :�•:•:•:•:•: •:•::•:•: $ 1, 500, 000 :•�•:•:•:•:•: •:•:•:•:•: 710,000 $ 4,486,000 $ 1,345,000 13 ki $ 1,300,000 $ 160,000 umm 44TRQR01 9,341,000 $ Page 3 of 9 Addition of m ultwse trail connector Fmm Highlands ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... Highlands Trail Transptn GRT will increase connectivityand increase PUD north to 9 not yet e stabli,h.d conneaor eof me cross seminole Trail asa cross seminole mobilty option. Trail Safety improuements; Furthers safe 115-650 00 0134 Wade St -0419 TransPM STM transportation network to ensure SR 419 10 $ 630, 000;$•;•;•;•;•;•;•;;•;•;•$•;•;• ;•;•;•;•;•�;•;•;Q•;•;•;•;•;•;•; ;•;•;$•;•;•;•;•;•;•;;•;•;•$ Improvements adequate movement of people and goods Doran Drive (Blumberg to high school} 115 65000 -30121 Doran Drive Transptn 1CTX R e turbi s he s col lector roa d so th at Town Center 6 •$;�;�;�;�;�;�;�; -;�;�$ 200, 000;•$;;;;;;;=';;$ ;�;�;$�;�;�;�;�;�;�;�;�;�;�$ existing LOS is maintained. _______ ...... ............................... D'rt roadp gP ides suPPortin9 115- 650 00-30134 .Ranchlands pavng Thai 1CTX nfrastruct to hance existing Ranchlands 6 $ 680,000 $ 1200,000 housng stock. Residential Rebuilds existing neighborhood 115- 65000 -30132 Road Trani 1CTX streets so that transportation network. Vanous 6 $ 160, 000:$ Reconstruction is maintained. Major maintenance.- Refurbishes not Rot establish.d North Moss Transptn 1CTX collector road so that existing LOS is Moss Road 6 ;¢ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; $; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;$; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; $ 1 300 000 Road maintained, Sherry AVe Helps ensure adequate movement of SR 419 & 6 95. 000 .;: 115- 65000 -30xxx Decel Lane Trans Ptn FORT people and goods. .Sherry Ave $ Hayes Road Helps ensure adequate movement of SR 434 & $ 170, 000': 8:::::::.:::$ 140 - 65000 -30085 Decel Lane Transptn STM people and goods. Hayes Road 6 140- 65000 -30112 Vistawilla Drive Trani sptn Helps ensure adequate movement of SR 434 & 6. $ 180, 000: ::::':$::::;::- ;';$;; :::::''::$ Decel L ane people and goods. Vistawilla not yet establishetl Tuscora Drive Transptn TIF Helps ensure adequate movement of SR 434 & 6 $ 18,000 Decel Lane people and goods. Tuscora Windin g Holl ow Hel s ensure uate ovement o p q m SR 434 & not Y etestablisFied Decel Lane Trans to P TIF o od ado Pe P le and ds. 9 Windln Holl 9 ow 6 ' 8:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:.:•:•: 6•:•:•:•:•:•:•::•:•:•$•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•: �•:•:•:•:•:• :•:.:•:•:6•:•:•:•:•:•:•::•:•:•$ Orange Av to 115 - 65000 -3012 Ora e Avenue n9 Tra s t IF Im p r road function and C S 43 4) 6 Loop beautification. Tom Ch TOTAL 2,433,000 2,500,000 1 1 250,000 160000 .;$:•:•: •:•:•:•:•:�•:•:•�•:•:•:•:•: •:•:•:•:•: - $ 250,000 :�•:•:•:•:•: •:•::•:•: $ 1, 500, 000 :•�•:•:•:•:•: •:•:•:•:•: 710,000 $ 4,486,000 $ 1,345,000 13 ki $ 1,300,000 $ 160,000 umm 44TRQR01 9,341,000 $ Page 3 of 9 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM BY DEPARTMENT FY 2011112 TO FY 2016117 Account Project Funding Ranking Operating Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 TOTALS Comprehensive Plan Number Name LOS Category Source Description /Justification Location Score Las[ Year Curren[ Yr 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/2017 (Years 1 -6) Budget Impact Reference 2010/2011 Department: UTILITY -Potable Water 5609 - 62198 Akeraatwa Fetak3le Water !I€€ IE 22', IE 2.2.1 6itY �A & ............ ........... •:• ............ ff � ............ ............ . . . .... . .. .. 3,000 IE 22', IE 22.1 E2.2, IE 2.2.1; Electrical HE 1 310', CIE 1,1 3 IE 2.2', IE 2.2.1; $ 200,000 ':$':':':':':':':':':' :':' HE 1 310', CIE 1,1 3 ........... E2 21E 2.2.1; $ 213,143 ':$•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•::•:• to 3600-65000.30028 I,P7 N/A UEF Major maintenance. WTP#2 6 $ 385, 000:$':':':':':':' $ .::.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: HE 1 310', CIE 1,1 3 2 R W P #2 3000':':': ':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':' WTP #1 Storage ....... .. .. .......................... '.'.'.'.'.'.' .'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. not yet established. Tank N/A UEF Major maintenance. WTP #1 6 ;$ :::::::::: ::::.•:•:•:$•:•:•:•:•:•:•: =:•:• $ 70,000 :$ Resurfacing WTP #2 Storage not yet e stabllshed. Tank N/A UEF Major maintenance. WTP #2 6 '$:':':':':':':':':':$':':':' ..... .. .. .. .. :':':':':':':'$':':':':':':':': ...... .. .. :':' $ .. .. ...... .. Resurtaomg WTP #3 Storage not yet established Tank N/A UEF Major maintenance. WTP#3 6 :• $ 70,000 :•$•:•:•:•:•:•: •:•.•:•:•:$ Resltrtaoing ........... New Vandale 3600-62100 Frequency N/A UEF Control a pgrades. WTP #1 6 $ 75, 000:$':':':':':':' Controls WTP #1 SR 434 Spine SR 434 to not yet established Rd to TUscora N/A UEF Watersystem looping, Spine 4 Dr. Water Line Rda,scora SR 434 Tuscora of et established D to ista ilia n Y r V Li N/ A UEF aters ste W Y mlooPing. R 434/S in e p 4 Dr. Water Line Rd R, SR 41] ..... ............................... Spine Rd ' 3640-65000-30053 (Michael Blake N/A UCF Watersystem looping. Town Center 4 $ 213,143 :$ Blvd) Water Line Chlonne Cony. not yet astabnshed N/A BND waterquaory upgrades. WTP #1 4 ' g}}}} }:':':':':':':':':':':':':':':; $ 80 000 :$ W1P#1 not yet established Monitor Wells N/A UEF Groundwater monitonng required by Various 4 ;$;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.•:•:• $ ] 5,000:•$•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•.•:•:•:$ CUP TOTAL :•: $ 460000 $ 180000 363143 $ $ S�ee9 8�9ee9 .;2 60 000 200 000 :':•:•:•:•:•:•::•:•:'$ $ ::::: ::::::::::::::::::::$ •:•:•:•$ 335,000 $ 100,000 $ 200,000 $ D .............. .............. $ - ':$':':':':':':':':':' s€ :':' IE 2 2, IE 2.2.1 $ 70,000 ':$•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•::•:• IE 22', IE 2.2.1 $ 50,000':$' } } } } } } } }:' }} IE 22, IE 22.1 $ - ':$':':':':':':':':':':':':' IE 22, IE 2.2.1 $ - $ 3,000 IE 22', IE 22.1 E2.2, IE 2.2.1; $ 200,000 ':$•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•::•:• HE 1 310', CIE 1,1 3 IE 2.2', IE 2.2.1; $ 200,000 ':$':':':':':':':':':' :':' HE 1 310', CIE 1,1 3 E2 21E 2.2.1; $ 213,143 ':$•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•::•:• HE 1 310', CIE 1,1 3 IE2. 2'. IE 2.2.1; $ 80,000 ':$':':':':':':':':':'�:':' HE 1 310', CIE 1,1 3 ' IE2. 2'. IE 2.2.1; $ .::.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: HE 1 310', CIE 1,1 3 $ 998,14 $ 3000':':': ':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':' Page 4 of 9 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM BY DEPARTMENT FY 2011112 TO FY 2016117 Page 5 of 9 Operating Account Project LOS Category Funding Description /Justification Location Ranking Las[ Year Curren[ Vr Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 TOTALS Budget Impact Comprehensive Plan Number Name Source Score 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/2017 (Years 1 -6) 2010/2011 Reference Department: UTILITY - Administration Utility/PUblic Old Sanford- ..................................... ...................................... ............................... ............................... 311-65000-30037 Worl¢Facility N/A CF -311 Consolidates management . Oviedo Rd 4 $ ]5,000 $ 861 943 �;�; ;�; �;�$;�; �;�; �;�;�;�; ;�;�$ - $ 20,000 FLUE 133', CIE 1.13 Admnstm Bldg TOTAL '.'.. $ 75000 861943 $ $ - - $ $ - $ - - - $ $ $ - 20000.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•. $ ,. •.•.•.•.•.•.•.•. Operating Account Project LOS Category Funding Description /Justification Location Ranking Las[ Year Curren[ Yr Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 TOTALS Budget Impact Comprehensive Plan Number Name Source Score 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/2017 (Years 1 -6) 2010/2011 Reference Department: UTILITY -Reclaimed Water LakeJesup Water Study forreuse ................................................. ................................................ ................................................. ............................... ............................... ............................... .............. .............. .............. aug mentation p / g toed -to au me tend - 3640-65000-30043 Lake Jesu p otable Wate UPC exp and the use of reclaimed water for Lake Jesup 6 85000' - FLUE 3. E 3. 7 F 1 1, H 1 1 E 2.3' IE 2.3:2' IE 5. Water Study irrigation purposes , a of s CE 1.2.8 r educin demands of rowth the g g Fl o ridanAquifer Reclaimed Augments demand on the City's not et establishetl y Water AU mnt 9 Potable Water Bank pot ablewatersystem so that the City will not exceed its 2013 CUP allocation Shore ULake Jesu /S ra P P y 6 :....:':':':': �':': 3 ]63334 $ $ 503 333 � :':':':':':': :':':' :':':':':':':':':':':$:':':' :':':':':':':':'$':':':':':':': :':':'�:':':':':':':':':':' $ 503333 $ ]5 000 FLUE 1.3.1 HE 13.10', IE 2 .3 IE 2:3.2 IE 5.1.7 ' Pump Station - fin ncing a nd a 11,,s the expansion o f the Citys fields CE128 PhaseA reclaimed water system , Reclaimed Expands reclaimed water system and FLUE 1.3.1,HE 1 3.10', not yet established Water Potable Water BUD reduces demand on the Cit 's otable P City Wide 6 ;$ .:.:.:.:.:.:.. �..•.:. 5..:.:.:.:.:. :.�.•.:.:$:.:.:.:.:.:.:..:.•.•$ 1025000 $ 025000.''.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 1. $...........f..... 5. :':': �:�:�:�: �:�:�$ .'.'.'.'... 2,050,000 '. '. $.:�:�: �:�: �:�: �:�: :�: �: IE 2.3, IE 2.3:2, IE 5.1.7, Distribution- water system so City will not ...'.'..'. .. ... CE 12.8 Phase 1 CUP d ll exceed its 2013 CUP allocation. Reclaimed Ex p a n dsreclsimedwaters sterna d FLUE 1: 3.1','HE l 3.10', not Yet established W to Potable Water BUD reduces a d o the Ci 's otable p CitYWide s ', �$: �:•.•.•.•.•.•. �.•.•. �•.• .•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•$•.•.•.•.•.•. •.•:•.•.•.�•.•.•.•.•.•.•.�.•.•$ 000 000 $ 000 000 •'�'•'•'•'•'•'•'•'.... •' .$... ........�.•.•.•.•. •.•. �. •.•.$ 2ooa000' � � .d:.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.�.•.• •' IE2.3, IE 2.3.2, IE 5.1.]'. Distribution - t o water system so that the City will not CE 1 2.8 Phase2 exceed its 2013 CUP allocation. Reclaimed Expands reclaimed waters stem and FLUE HE 1 3.1 not et established Water Potable Water BUD reduces demand on the Cit 's otable P Cit Wide 6 1030000 1 '' 2060000 �'�•' IE 2 7 IE 2.3IE 23.21E 5.1.]' Distribution - Phase 3 watersystem so that the City will not exceed its 2013 CUP allocation. CE 1 2 ,8 TOTAL 85000 3763334 503 1 2 2 1 - 6 75000 Page 5 of 9 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM BY DEPARTMENT FY 2011112 TO FY 2016117 Page 6 of 9 Operating Account Project LOS Category Funding Description /Justification Location Ranking Las[ Year Curren[ Vr Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 TOTALS Budget Impact Comprehensive Plan Number Name Source Score 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/2017 (Years 1 -6) 2010/2011 Reference Department: UTILITY - Sanitary Sewer ................................................ ............................... .............. Replace .................. ................................................. ................................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... �.............. .............. FLUE 1.3.1 'HE1.1. 12', 3600 -65000 Variable Frenc q Y N/A UEF Maormaintenance. 1 EWWiP 6 $ 60,000 .$... .......$ .......:..............$ ..'.'$.'.'.'.'.'.'.','.'.'•.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.=.'.'.'$'.'.'.'.'.'.'.','.'.'•.'.'.'.'.'.'.'..' .......... $ ......................$ .'$,'$.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'�'.'. .......... IE 1.1 4'. IE 143 Cc Lots EVWVr P West Force ..... ::::................ ............... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3600- 65000 -30123 Mai Sanitary ewer ry UEF Bolsters service to new row[h g Lift Station 0 n 1 8 285000' $ :$..'.'.'.'.'.':'.'.'.$:.'.'.'.'.'.'.:'.'.'$.'.'.'.'.'.'.:'.'.':$.'.'.'.'.'.'.':'.'.'.$.'.'.' .'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'$'.'.'.'.'.'.'. :'.'.':$.'.'.'.'.'.'.':'.'.' $ - $ 10000 FLUE 3. - E 1. 2 F 1 1, H 1 1 Rerout rig/ Improves efficiency Discharge IE 1.14', IE 143 Design 3640 -62100 East Force Main Rerouting Sanitary Sewer UEF Bolsters service to new growth Tuskawilla 8 $ 45,000 $ ...................................... ..................................... 204,56] A:.•.•.•.•. A:.•.•.$•.•.•. A:.•.•_.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•..•.•.•$•.•.•.•.•.•.• .............................. ............................... . •.•.s.•.•. $ �.............. '.$•.•.•.•.: FLUE 1.3.1 'HE 1.1. 12', 9 N Improvres effiaency. .•$•. .•.•.A:..•.•.•.•.•.•.•_.•.•.�A: "$""""""""""' .•.•.•. _ .•.•.•.•�.•.• IE 1:14', IE 143 Design 3610-65000-30030 Sewerl N/A R &R Annual Lel'neo fporti,ns ofsyst.m. City Wide 6 $ 250,000 $ 250,000 $ 250,000 $ 250,000 $ 250,000 $ 250,000 $ 250, 000 ;$.;.;.;.;.;. �;- ;.;.;$ 1250000 ;$,;,;,;,;,;,;,;,;,;,; -;.;. FLUE 13.1 HE1.1.12, Restorat on IE 114', IE 1 43 not yet established WARF Sand Sanitary Sewer UEF Increases capacity for new row[h P Y 9 WWRF 6 '$.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. �.'.'. S'.'.'.'.'.'.'.-. �. � .'$'.:'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.$'.'.'. - :'.'.'.�.'.'$ 250000 ............:•.......�'..•. .$...........$... ........5.'.'.'.'.'.'. �.'.'. $ 250000,. � .S'.'.'.'. :'.'.'.'.'.•.'.' FLUE 1.3.1'HE 11 12 Filter Improves fia. off • ..•.•.•.•.•.•.•. •.•.• .......................... • • • • • • • • • • • .. .. ..... .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ....... IE 1.14, IE 1.43 3600 -65000 VWVRF Plant #1 N/ A UEF Major aintenance. WWR F 6 5000 ' $ 7 $..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.$.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.=.'.'.'$.'.'.'.'.'.'...'.'.'$.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.$.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.=.'.'.'$'.'.'. '.'.'.'........'.'.'.'.'......' $ - �'$.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.','.'. FLUE 1.3.1' HE 1.1.12 Painting ... ........ .. .. ... .. ............................... .. .. .. ... ...... ... ... .. .. ... .. .. ...... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ......... ... ............ IE 1.14; IE 143 not Yet established Backhoe N/A UEF Equipment Replacement City Wide 6 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .$'.'.'.'.'.'.'. '.'.'.8.'.'.'.'.'.'. .. .. .. .. .. .... ....................... ...................... ....................... .. .. .. .. '.'. $ .. .. .. .. 80,000 .......................... .'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. .......................... ......................... .......................... ......................... 8.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.$.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.°.'.'.'$'.'.'.'.'.'. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... ............................... ............................... ............................... .. .. .. .. .... '.'.'.'.'.8.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.' .. ................... .. .. .. ... $ 80, 000'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.' �.............. ... .. .. .. .. ..., .............., .............. .............., CIE 113 TOTAL ............................................ ............................................ ............................................ ....................................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... .. ... '.' $ 715,000 $ 454,567 $ 330,000 $ 250,000 $ 500,000 $ 250,000 $ 250,000 $ - $ 1,580,000 $ 10, 000 ................... .................., ..... . .. . . ..... . ... ... .. .. ...... .. ...� Operating Account Project LOS Category Funding Description /JUS[iica[ion Location Ranking Last Year Curren[ Yr Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Vear 4 Year 5 Year 5 TOTALS Budget Impact Comprehensive Plan Number Name Source Score 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/2017 (Years 1 -6) 2010/2011 Reference Department: STORMWATER Salary canal Northwest ..................................... ............................... �.............. Regional SJRWMD PaRnershl p with Oviedo, Seminole corner DeLeon "''''''' '' . FLUE 1: 3.1 HE 1.1.12; IE of et established n Y St 'Wilit ter Storm at mw water CRT County &SJ W Dfo re io al n Y, R M r 9 n stormwater pond . Street& Street 6 1200000 $ $ 4123 3 1 .$. .. ...... .. $..'.'.'.'.'. i'.'.'.$.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.$.'.'.' - .'.'.'.'.•.'.'.'$'.'.'.'.'.'.'. i'.'.'.$.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.' - $ - 4.1.1 CIE 1.2.3', CIE 1.5.3 Facio:y Howard Avenue 3800 -65000 Lomb rd Canal a y Storm ate mw SUF bin efficient Major maintenance eral t brig ef Lombard Road 6 25000 ' $ . 5�. �. �. �. �. �. �. �. �. �$ �. �. �. �. �. �. �. �: �. �. �. H�: �. �. �. �. �. �. �. �. 4�: �. �. �. �. �. �. �. �. �$ �. �. �. �. �. �. �. �: �. �. �.$. �:�:�:�:�:�:�: :�:�:5�:�:�:�:�: �.�. $ - �.��.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�. �. FLUE 1 31;HE 1.1.12 Piping operation- area MDL Water Mandate to most State water quality 3800 -65000 Quality Stormwate, SUF e ulations Improves surtace water r 9. P City Wide Y 6 50.000. $ $ 50000 $ ]5000 . �•.•.•.•.•.•.•. �.•.•. �•.•.•.•.•.•.•. �.•.•.•$•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•:•.•.•.$. •.•.•.•.•.•.•.�.•.•.�•.•.•.•.•. •.•.�.•.•. $ 7 5 000 '•'•'•'•'•'•'•'•'•'•'•'•'•'• CIE 1.2.3 IE 4.1:1 Management � quality. Projects not Yet established VVR Outfall N/A SUF onn Replace non-functioning VVR's &weir Various 6 45.000 $ $ 50000 $ 50000 '• .H .:.:.:.:.:.:.: .:.: :.:.:5.:.:.:.:.:.:.: $ 50000' ......................... FLUE 13.3, CIE 1:1.3 Replacement structures at various locations Stormwater Pipe 3800 -65000 -30140 Relining/ N/A SUF Major Maintenance City Wide 6 $ 45000 $ 100000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50000 $ 50,000;$•;•;•;•;•;•;•;- ;•;•;$ 250000 ;$•;•;•;•;•;•;•;•;•;•H;•;• FLUE 133, CIE 1: 13 Replacement ........... .............. TOTAL .'. 1 365 000 $ $ 512 313 $ 175 000 $ 50 000 $ 50 000 0 000 $ 5 , $ 50 000 - $ $ 375 000 $ - Page 6 of 9 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM BY DEPARTMENT FY 2011112 TO FY 2016117 Account Project Operating Budget Impact 2010/2011 Fundin g Ranking Year 1 Number Name LOS Category Description /Justification Location Source Last Year Current Yr Score 2011112 Department: FINANCE & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ............ .......... ........... .......... ........... ............ .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. 2211 .............................................. ............................................. .............................................. ............................................. .............................................. ............................................. .............................................. ............................................. .............................................. $500,000 ...................................... ............................................. .............................................. ............................................. .............................................. ............................................. Repaving, addition f 8 Sid—In, ............ .......... ........... .......... ............ .......... Shepard Redd $ - $ - $ 1,045,000 Street L I ghting dnd Signdg. ........... .......... ............ .......... ... .......... 1525-65000-30148 sti-eet—pe N/A ndei-gmund D,dindge Sustainable 17-92 CRA CDD 10 :.$ $ 545 000 Project J U dnds,dping For Shepard Redd at 17- 92 In,redsed publi, safe[ e,,n,mi, ............ .......... ........... .......... ............ .......... development. ........... .......... ............ .......... ........... .......... ............ .......... RepId,ement =I,pment Review ........... .......... ............ .......... ........... .......... Software Sftwdre Imp ent o f se—es ............ .......... ........... .......... net yet established C,mmunity Deeel,pment & H/A PIEF & with upddted software. indn,e t, CDD GNF ever ongoing maintenance cost;. 8 ............ .......... Finance ) CD software ie prdu,t red,hing end ........... .......... ........................................................................... of life'with limited to no support. ............ .......... ........... .......... ............ .......... ........................................................................... ........................................................................... ...................................................................... ........................................................................... ........................................................................... ........................................................................... ........................................................................... $ - $ 545,000 $ Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 2012/13 21 2014/15 Year 5 Year 6 TOTALS 2015/16 2016/2017 (Years 1-6) Operating Budget Impact 2010/2011 Comprehensive Plan Reference .......................................................... ........................................................... .......................................................... ........................................................... .......................................................... ........................................................... .......................................................... ........................................................... .......................................................... ........................................................... .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. FLUM 1.4.8', FLUM 1.62', TE $ 1 2 TE 1.4.9 ICE 1 2 5, HE .......................................................... ........................................................... .......................................................... ........................................................... .......................................................... ........................................................... .......................................................... ........................................................... .......................................................... ........................................................... ............................................. ........... ............ .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. 2211 .............................................. ............................................. .............................................. ............................................. .............................................. ............................................. .............................................. ............................................. .............................................. $500,000 ...................................... ............................................. .............................................. ............................................. .............................................. ............................................. .............. .............. ............... .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ............... .............. .............. .............. .............................................. ............................................. .............................................. ............................................. $ 500,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,045,000 .............. .............. .............. .............. $ Page 7 of 9 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM BY DEPARTMENT FY 2011112 TO FY 2016117 Page 8 of 9 Operating Account Project LOS Category Funding Description / Justification Location Ranking Last Year Current Yr Yew 1 Year 2 Year 3 Yew 4 Year 5 Year 6 TOTALS Budget Impact Comprehensive Plan Number Name Source Score 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/2017 (Years 1-6) 2010/2011 Reference Department: POLICE ............ ........... .................................................................... ..................................................................... .............. .............. thm St—g. N-40.50 ,tb,,IdI19 to b —d fo r ............ ........... ............ ........... .................................................................... ..................................................................... .................................................................... ..................................................................... .............. .............. .............. .............. 2110-62000 Building N/A GNF the -- �t,i-pg. f bulk r,p.qy and e storage ppftm.,t 6 ............ ........... ............ ........... ............ $ 100 000 .................................................................... ..................................................................... .................................................................... ..................................................................... .................................................................... $ .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. CIE 1 13 TOTAL ........................................................................... ........................................................................... ........................................................................... ...................................................................... ........................................................................... ........................................................................... ........................................................................... ........... ............ $ - ..................................................................... .................................................................... $ 100,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ .............. .............. $ . ................... .................. ................... .................. ................... .................. ................... .................. Account Project Funding Ranking Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 TOTALS Operating Comprehensive Plan Number Name LOS Category Source Description / Justification Location Last Yew Score Current Yr 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/2017 1-6) Budget Impact Reference (Years 2010/2011 Information Department: Services ........... ......................................................... .............. New ph— s y s tem frCity HpIl ............ ........... ............ ........... ........................................................ ........................................................ ......................................................... ............. .............. ph � Y � t_ I� Curr ent with ............ ........................................................ .............. not yet established MID N/A PBIF limited prtd diminishin g pft—rk.t ppft —ilbility. VOIP system affords City HpIl 10 ........... $250 ......................................................... $ 250,000 .............. .............. g -eater , ption fo r I m pr,v , d ............ ............................. .................................... ....... .............. ....... fi—ti—plity and —t—r —i— ........... ............ ......................................................... ........................................................ ........................................................ .... ...... .............. .............. TOTAL ........................................................................... ............................................................................... ........................................................................... ........................................................................... .......... ... ........ . . .. $ - $ $ 250,000 ......................................................... $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 250,000 $ .................. . .................. ................... Page 8 of 9 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM BY DEPARTMENT FY 2011112 TO FY 2016117 Account Project LOS Category Funding Description /JUS[iication Location Ranking Las[ Year Curren[ Yr Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 TOTALS Operating Comprehensive Plan Budget Impact Number Name Source Score 2011/12 2012113 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/2017 (Years 1 -6) ^^ ^ ^^ Reference Department: General Government Renovations m sty Hall Lobby and ............ ........... ......................... ............................... .......................... ............................... �.............. .............. Lobby and sty Hall lobby bathrooms. upgrade not y.t established bathroom N/A PBIF bathroom to meet ha,di,ap City Hall 6 110000 110 renovafions eslbiilty standards and to replace anddama ed e lements. . aging g TOTAL - - 110 - - - - - 110 - Funding Sources: Funding Sources: 1CTX One Cent Sales Tax (Road Improvement Fund) - 115 PBIF Public Buildings Impact Fee Fund BND Bonds PIMF Park & Rec Impact Fee Fund CF -305 1999 Construction Capital Project Fund - 305 PRV Private Contributions CF -311 Construction Fund - 311 R &R Utility Renewal & Replacement Fund DEF Development Services Enterprise Fund RSV Reserves DTM Developer Transportation Mitigation SC Seminole County FIMF Fire Impact Fee Fund STM Stimulus Federal Funding FDOT Florida Dept of Transportation SUF Stormwater Utility Enterprise Fund GNF General Fund TIF Transportation Impact Fee Fund GIRT Grants & CDBG TLBD Assessment District (Tuscawilla Lighting & Beaut LGTX Local Option Gas Tax (Transportation Improvement Fund) UCF Utility Construction Fund MTF Medical Transportation Fund UEF Utility Enterprise Fund OFD Assessment District (Oak Forest Wall) Page 9 of 9