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USA Mobility Wireless, Inc., Pagers and Paging Services Extension through September 28, 2012 - 2011 09 29
forFY201 2 is ept ember 29,20 1 1 throughSept ember 28,201 2 Loca lCoverageNumeric 9.95 83% 1.65 LocalCoverageAlphaNumeric 14.90 79% 3.10 LocalCoverage1.5Way*(1.7way - 22.90 39% 13.95 pendingavailableequipment)(BASE - 25k) LocalCoverageTwo - Way(BASE - 250k) 32.90 42% 18.95 StatewideCoverageNumeric 11.45 84% 1.80 StatewideCoverageAlphaNumeric 16.40 79% 3.50 StatewideCoverage1.5Way*(1.7way - 22.90 39% 13.95 pendingavailableequipment) StatewideCoverageTwo - Way 32.90 42% 18.95 NationwideCoverageNumeric 23.95 62% 8.99 NationwideCoverageAlphaNumeric 28.90 66% 9.95 NationwideCoverage1.5Way*(1.7way - 22.90 39% 13.95 pendingavailableequipment) NationwideCoverageTwo - Way 32.90 42% 18.95 InternationalCoverageNumeric** 39.90 78% 8.65 (Canada** - NAFTA) InternationalCoverageAlphaNumeric** 44.85 77% 10.35 (Canada** - NAFTA) InternationalCoverage1.5Way**(1.7way 45.85 50% 22.80 - pendingavailableequipment)(Canada** - NAFTA) InternationalCoverageTwo - Way** 55.85 52% 26.80 (Canada** - NAFTA) *N/C:SPARESupto5%activeunits(UIS) Thefollowingindicatesthedeductibleamountacustomerpaystoreplacelost/stolenor damagedequipmentunderthepagerprotectionplan FCCUniversalServiceFund Mayvary SubjecttochangebyFCC Fee RegulatoryAdm inFeeRAC $.25perpagerperm onth N/C Adm inistrativefee $3.00 N/C 30DayDisconnectPolicy FinanceCharges 1.5% N/C ActivationFee NoCharge N/C 800PayphoneAccessFee $2.00permonthperunit N/C Email N/Cgoesagainst 10digit#@usamobility.net messagecount Website N/Cgoesagainst www.usamobility.com messagecount NextDayAirCommercial $25.00 $25.00 NextDayAirResidential $25.00 $25.00 NextDayAirCommercialSaver $21.95 $21.95 NextDayAirResidentialSaver $21.95 $21.95 2ndDayAirCommercial $14.95 $14.95 2ndDayAirResidential $14.95 $14.95 GroundCommercial $9.99 N/C GroundResidential $9.99 N/C SaturdayDelivery $30.00 $30.00 Note:Asof9/28/10,theStateofFloridaStatePurchasingAgreementhasEXPIRED.