HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2011-13 Public Building Impact Fee 012D1\?�NCE �U. 2011-13 AN OI2DI\A10E UF THE C1TY CUNIIZISSlO� OF THE C1TY Or �V�;�T�R SPRINGS, rLORID,1, ;�.IT�NDING Ti-I� CnD� OF ORD1N�`CES CHaPTER 9, :�12TICLE V111, 11�1PACT FEES, BY REP�ALINC; TII� PI.�BLIC BUILUINC= I�'IP:1CT r�E ESTABLISHED BY vItDi\ANCE 2003-38; �[;THtJRIZ1NG THE EXP�\`UIT�:RE OF FII\DS RE��I:1I:�I:�G i\ TI�E PUBLIC.. B111LD1\G C.APITAL EXPANSION TRL:ST Fti:'�D F012 PLIRPO�CS CO\SiSTE:�T «'ITiI S�CTIO\' 9-391.7 (b) OF TH� C1T�' CODE; PRUVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF PRIOR iNCONSISTE\T ORDI\A:�'CCS A\D R�SOLIITIO\S, 1NC012PORATION I\TO THE C(31)E, SE�'E12c1B1L1TY, A�D A1 CPrECTIV� DATE. ��'HE�REAS, The City C'onuni�sion of tlle City uf t�/inter Sp1�i�n�;s, l�lorida, }�reviously aclopted Ordinance �i�. ?003-38 est��blisllirig a public buildi��g irnpact �I�ec to require »ew dcvclo��mei�t to pay thcir ec�uitable sh�ii•e c�f ptibli� iillpro��cinent� tl�at nitist be constrt�cted to �el ne�� ��ro���t11; and «'IIER�,��S, si�tcc tl�e adoption oF Ordinanc:e �o. 2003-38, tl:le C.'ity has been colle;etitlg public L�uildins� inlpact fees and nlaint�iinin�� said fees in the PuL�lic B�iilding C'a��ital Expansic�n Trust Fund; and ��'IIEREr�S, due to tlle recc»t economic rcccssic»i and prcvious Cit}� budget adjust7�ients rclativc to City pel st��ffing re��i�iirelnei�its, the C'ity Cominissioil llereby finds that the City no loil��r requu cons�ructio�� of certaira p�it�lic b�uildin�.� im;�rove;mc��its ori�in3lly c�»iterz��alated in tl�c adopted izz�pact �e� project list for public buildin�;s; ancl �'4'IILRE.�S, as a re�uh, tf�c City Coinmissiou de:sires to repeal the public buildin� impact fec previously' �ado�ted pursu��nt to Ordin�:ince l�io. ?Ot)3-38; an�i «'I:i�RE�iS, the City Com»iission also finds tl�at i�i lieu ol� construction of the previously contcnlplated t���o pha�e C'it_y Hall e��ansion proiect, tl�e City de5i1 to ccmrplete a smaller C'ity Hall renovatioil proje�t, ii7cluding iiioditic��tio�zs to the lobby and u����rade to tlle City Hall phoile systeln, that will more ecorl��mically allo���� tl�e City to handl� tl��e prcvious growti� cxpe.�ie��c�d by the City sincc the adoption of C)rdinance No, 2003-3�, as w-ell ,�s f�it�ire s�rowth �roject�ions in tl�e foreseeable future: z�ind �?�'II�R�:1S, tl�e City Co�:nn�is�ion hereby auth��rireti tllat any fu»ds remainiu� in tllc Public B��iilciin�; Expansion Trust Fund shall be used fc�r �tforeiilentioned C�ity H��11 reno��atioil projcet a1�d /c�r s���ch ot(�e,r public builclin� c�piial impro�vcmczlt pr�jects tliat ri�ay be �uthol-i�e;d by tl�c City Coan��nis5ion; anc� Cit} ol' �l- inter SE�rin�s nrciin�uicc No. Z011-f � I''i�;e I uC ? «'TiERE��S, the City Comi��ission declares that tlie use oi' such i'nnds for said putposes is coilsi�tent witl� the zxpenditurz rzquirei��e��ts set forth in section �)-391.7 (b) of t11e Ciry Cc�de; and «'IiERE:�S, t:liis C)rdi�:����ce is cnactcd p�u-suaTit t� tl�e rloiida Municipal Ilome Rule Po��-crs Act, Ch�tpter 163, Florida Statutes, the C`ity of Wii��ter Spi Conlprehensive Pl��n, ��nd other appliczzble l�i��- a�ithorizin� a n��micipality to sct ratc�, 1ees, aiid char�cs lor i�ew dcvclopntcnt; aiid «'HERE �S, the City Connnission I�ereby finds tl�at thi5 Ordinance is it� the best interest5 of the publrc l�ealtl�, sa(cty, and �velf�re ol�the citire»s o[�VVitltcl- Sprin�s. \O�'�', THEI2EFOIZE, THE C1T�' COi��11��1ISSl0` OF THE CITY OF �1 I1TE12 SP1Zl\GS IIEREBI' ORDAI\S, .AS rOLLO«'S: Section l. Recitals. The fore�oing recitals ��re flereby incc�rporat�d h�rein by this reference. Section 2. Code Amendment, Chapter 9, Article VIIT, Division 3. The City of�t�int�r Sprii�gs Code, Chapter 9, �lrticle Vlll, Di� i5ion 3, is hereby amended a� follo��•s (underlined type indicates �idditions and ��trt type, indicatcs dcictious. ��hilc asterisk� ('�` vl indicate a ctelction fi�orn this Ordinancc oi�tcxt exi�ti�l�� in Chapter �), Article V[II, Divisio�� 3. [t i5 intended that tlle text in C'l�apttr 9, Airticle V[I[, Divisior� 3 denoted by tl�e �ste,risks �r�d sct forth i��� this Ordi��a��ce shall rcn�ain u��ch�ngt;cl fror��� the l�ui�uag�e existing }�rior to adoptioil of t�1is Oi�dii�i��ilcej: �1RTICL� VIIL I�IPACT FCES y _. .�. DIVISION 3. PC}L1C:�, FiRE, : ... A:�D PARKS A:�D 12EC12EATION Sec.9-391. Generallv. The citv commission l�creby estahlisl�cs police, tire, pr�;�i�—imi�e�itr�—'�ind pat'ks ar�d recre��ition impact fee� uilder the requircinent�s of this division. Tl1e City Commi�sioil firlds that the Floi•ida Ci1•owtl� M,zrlageinellt� Act niai�ilates that local tzovermlient pl<ili compr�hensively f�r futi��rc �roti�tll a��d t(�at tllis division i; consi�tc�it �-�•ith tJlat ma»date. In addilion, Scctiori l6 �.320?(3), Flol Statutes, encaura<��es t1�e l��se of innc�vative 1�tnd c�evelopn�ient re���ulatic�ns ���hich incl�udes tl�ie adc���tion oF "imp�ct i:ecs." Further, ne�v lai�d develc�pment activity gcnerates public l:acility ai�d seitiice denlancis withiii the City <:ind it i� re.ason�lble to rec�t�ii ne��� d�velopmellt to p��iy a f��ir sh�:�rc ot�tl�e cost oPcxpanding ne�� public Facilitics and servicc� attributable to nc�� devcl�pinent. This division iy enacted ptresu,zi�t tc� the Flc�rida Ulunicipal Honle Rt�le Pinvers Act, C`hapter 1 Ci3, Florida Statutcs, the C'ity� o(���'inter Springs C'om��re(ICTi:;ivc F'lan, and other applicablc l�r��- autllo�-iiir�� a nlunicip�ility ta set rat�t, fees, and char��e� for n���- development. Ciiy oF�Vinter Springs C�rdinancc No. 20t t-I3 P�iee ? vf� 7 Sec. 9-391.1. Lc��v and pur�ose. For th� ���uipc�se of helpiii� t�o deti tl��e cost of new or ex�aanded police, tire, ptrt�fi� ��ri-k�irrg-an�l pa�-ks and recrcatioil facilities and equipmcnt att� to nc�v constrt within th� cit_y limits, iinpact fees a��z hereby leviec�i ai�l new constructioTi ��itl�iil the city limits il� accorclancc �vitli tl�e provisions oi� scction 9-3�)1.5, paylne:nt of fces, and otl�cr provisio»s ol� this divisi�i��. This divisioll is int�ndeci to be cc�i��sistent witll the princi�les foi allocatii�ig a f�lir share of tllc cost o1� ne;�� public facilities to ne��- uscrs as cstablisl�ed by the Florida Su��rcanc Court. In suppi�rt of, and as le;�al justification fc�r, the ii�lpact fees �idopted under this division, the city com��iissio» l�erel�y adc�pts by rcfere:nce the reports pr�pared by La11d Desi�� Innovations, inc. entitled, "C'ity of Vv`inter Spt•in<v� Impact Fee Analy�is Report for Policc, Fire/Res�i�e �znd Parl:s & Rccrcation, datcd No�ember 200? � " .. . '� . ' _,.. � ` � b . � -, , < , � _ , < _ �; .. � _ . Scc.9-391.2. Detinitions. Ilnless otltcr���i5e sp�cilied 1�c1-ei», thc deli�iilions, cla�si(ications and uses shall be as sct forth in tl�e CiTy of ��?inter Sprillgs L.and Developn�lent Code. •r, .. .. �(. (. .. . C , � . � �. (� . . ....0 .. . ` . C . C ... .. . L .. . . . ... . . . .. . . ` .. -.G ( . ,. . . .. . • _ y . ( t) Rr;sidenti��l: I�lcl�udes single-f<amily dwellings, multifa�nily c1��felling� units, l�llobile llonles, acccssory dwelling units, accessory residential structures. �: :� ., Sec. 9-3)1.5. Pa��ment of' fees. „ � ., (c) A��noui��t oC Lcc. Tl�e; (ollo���i��� im}�aet li;cs are hcreby adoptecl: J. J. .. C . . . � . .. i - . (. . , c.� . . . City oF �1- inter Sprin�s t�rdinancc No. 20t I-( ; Pta<_*e 3 oC 7 � G . (. . . . . � ` C (.. . (. � � . . . . . C � . .c .. . �.. �..... .. .. . .. .. .. .... . . _. . ,.. .c . � - e� -.. c . .c .. . ' -. . .c . . .. t ,. . .. . c.. - - � c .�.. „r� �` F:,ll�,...: - � �, _ . �: � _ . , ;F s'r k Sec. 9-391.7. E�tablishment of a n•ust fund. (<z) The impa�t fees callected by the �ity ��ursuant to this divi�ion �h�zll be kept �eparate ti�om oth�r ri;venue c�[� tllc city and a capital c�cpansion trust fiind is hercby created for cacli im;�act fee. ct�te�,�oiy cre��tecl under this division as follo�� s: l i' .� . . • . . . . . - .. `� C . C ., : . . C . . .. . . . .. . . . . . i. Y n Sec. �)-3�1.8. Capital ex��atision ��lans. Thc city's police, (irc and parks �nd re.crcation dcpartrtle�its, ��-hich i� arc t�� receivc f'ur�ds collected �ursuant to this in�pact fee division, shall prepa��e ��nd m��tii�tain a c��pital expaslsic���l pl�u1 i�r tlieir respeetive indivici�ual iui��ds ���hicl� �hall bc ior a perioci o(�no le�s than one (1) year. Fach departiilent's pl��n shall be reviewed �u1d a�proved by tl�e city commisSion <�it least arinually duril�l�; ihe budget revie�� process. � . < < ` � , � � � '. : � _ � , . � ' �c. c c _ c " < .r . . ;�: „ t Sec. 9-391.1Q. Vested a•i�}�t�. City of \l%inter Springs (�r•d�ir��ulce t�io. 2011-13 Pa�=c 4 0£ ; (a} � developer or 5ucce�sor iii interest of land ���hich h��s received �x build'uig permit may pttition the city co�nmission for a vested rigtlts dete�7i�ination ���17ich «�ould e���n}�t t11e pctitio��ic1- ti•o��11 tl�e provisions of this ciivision. Such petiticro shall be ev��luated by t11e city attol rznd a rcc��r��imc�id�tion thcreo�t submitted to the city com��7issio�� bascd upo�l ttic follotiving critcr-ia: (1) Ther� c,xists a valid, uncxpircd govci7unent act autl�oriiing �Z �peciiic devcic�pr�ic►it for which a deterinination is �ou�;l�t; (2j Expenditures Ur obligations made c�i� incui•red in reli�ulce i.rpon tl�e ��uthc�rizing act th�t� arc rc.asouably �q�uivat�nt to the ii,es rec�uired by tl�is division; (3) That it ���ould l�c i��iequitable t�a dcny the petitioner ti�e o��}�ortunily to coinplete the. �revic�usl_y approved developTnent under the cc�iidit�ons of approval by req���iriilg the developer to co�nply ���itll the rcquirenic�its ol�tllis division; (4) Corlunc»� la��- }�I•i�ici��lcs oCcquitablc c�toppcl anci vested ri�hts set fi�rt}i irt case 1a�v. (b j Foi t�he purF�c�se of t11is sectii�n, the follo��in� factor5 shall be considered in detern�linin� ��l�ether it� would be iricc���itable to cleny tht- petitior�er the opportunity to comp1ete tlzc prcviously �ppro��ed develo��ment: (1) Whether t�l�e injln stiiffered by t�l�e ���etitionei� out���ei�.;f15 the pub(ic cc�st of allo��-in� t�hc dcvclopment to go I�or�a�ard ��v�itho�iC payment �aFtl�ie �[ce z�equiT by this c�ivision; (�) Witt� respect to thc rclevant im��act lec, ��ti hcthcr tllc cxpense or obligations ��u m��de t�r inctirrred s�ibsec�ueiit to Nc�vember I, 2C)U2, after which day the ac�option of the policc, iire, and parl<s a�id recrcation i�npact Iecs rcquired by fli�s division �� a� pei�ding,-c�t' , � , _,� �: � �:. � �: . � . : 111C� {i) V�%hctl�ier the «peration c�l� this divi�iotl w�xuld creatc ari inordinat�c b�u wl�iicl�i wotcld pi petitioner from lilaking �� re�sc�n,�ible reti�trrl c�ii liis invesrment. (c) The city shall not �aer�nit the extension of a building pern�it beyond tl�e initial tiin�; f��r ��cti��ation �.vithout thc a}�plicant complyi»g �1'itl�i tl�li� division. (d) Ii� �}�reviously approvcd developrl�ent c,rde.r or other binc�ing agrce;ment eontaine;d cc�riditions regarding unpact i:ec� rcquircd by this divisic�n and tl�eir dcsi�tated u�es, c�r �ontributions to thc c�ipital a�set inventi�ry of th� i depairtments, the developer or his sl�ccessor ���iay req�iest a m��ditieation of sucl� prior approv�ls in order to brin� tr�e a}aprov�l coilditioils into cc�nsist�ency ���ith t}�e recluiren�e�Its of thi5 division. � �� 4 City ol' \-Viiiter Spriii�s Ordinancc No. �01 i-1 3 Pae� ti uf� 7 Section 3. Use of Publie Builclin�s Capital Expa��sion Trust Fimd. Pursu�ult to sectioii 9-i91.7 (h) oi�the Ci1y Code, the City C'ommission hereby a«tl�ori�es tl�e City to use tl�e i•emainin� b�lance uf f�iilds allocated to tl�� Pl:iblic Bliildins;� C�pit��l Tiust Funcl �o be �.�tilized for the C'ity Hall renov�tion pr�jcct ic��ntilied i�� d�� recil�als of this Orc�iria��zec and�or s1�c11 other p��blic b�uilcling capital improvcme��t proiect that iilav b� ai��tl��orized by the (`ity Coi��rnis�ic�n. li��on tl�e expenditure of �ll fia��ids allocaTed to the Public I3uilding5 Capital Trust Fund by the C ity, said l'u�ld shall be deemcd no lonbe;r »cccssa� and hercby cancelled.. Section 4. Rea�eal ot'Pt•ior Inconsistent Ordinances and Resoltrtions. All prior ii�consi�tent ordiila�lces aild i•esolutioiis ado}�ted by tl�e C`ity Comn�lission, c�r parts of ���ior ordin��u�ices ixnd i in conilict here�vitl�, are l�creby rcpealed to tl�c �xt�nt �f�the conflict. Sectiori 5. Incorporation into C:ode. T11is Orclil�ancc sl�iall �b� i11co1-��oratcd iuto tllc «riilter Springs Ciry Code aud <�iy section or p��ra��rizph n�unber ur lett�ei• aud arly tleadiil� may be eh�ulg�ed vr n��di(icd as necessary to cLfectuatc flic foregoing. Section 6. Severabilit��. lf any �ection, subsection, sentence, clause, �?lu�ase, woi c�r provision o1��this O�°dinarlce is (��r a�ly 1-ca�on h�ld ii�v�lid or ��irieonstitutional by a1�iy court o(�eornpetc��zt,jurisdaction, �ti�hether for subst��ltiv�, �.�rocedui�al, c�r any other reasc�n, st.ich porti�n shall be de�med <.� se����rate, cjistiilct and inde}�cndcT?t }�rovi�ioll, a�id such holdin`� �hall nc�t al7cct tlic validity c�l�thc rc��iai�:�i�ig portions c�f this Ordin��«ce. Section 7. Effecti�e Date. This Ordina��ice shall becrnnc ef�t:ectivt imn�lcdiat�ly �ipon �doption by tl�e City CoTn�lli�sion of the C.ity of Wiilter Spi�in�s, Florida, and p�.ii°suant T�c� C`ity C'h�u (�Adc�ption Page Follo���s] City v(' ��%intrr Sprir�ga (�r•dina�lce I�Io. 2Ql l-l3 Pa;.±e li of 7 ADnPTED by the City Comn�ission oi'fhc City of ��4rinler Sprin�s, Tlorida, in a regular »iccting asscmbled ori tlle 26thd��y of September ,?Ol 1. ATTEST: CITY OF V4'I\T�R SPRI\C:S, rLORIDA 1 '� 1 AN I2ENZ0-LU�CES C: AI2LES LA 'E ' . :C : Vlavor Approved as to le�;al fortn and sufficiency for the Cih� of tiVinter Spr�in�s �nly: ANTHO`Y A. GAR(G�NESE Ci�n� Attornev First Reading September 12th, 2011 Posted September 13th, 2011 Second Re��ding ant� Public HearingSeptember 26th, 2011 Cit:y ol' �1- inter $prings (�rdinance No. 20l t-1:3 P�i�e i of 7