HomeMy WebLinkAboutBirchmore Group - Entertainment/Independence Celebration - 2007 04 20 04/19/2007 12:48 4073274763 PAGE 02/08
04/19/2007 11:47 4078963302 BIRCFMORE PAGE 02
Neme/Conteob City of Warier Springs / Chris Carson
• Type or � Sorrel= Entertainment / Calabradon
Wedneldey, null► 4, 2007
of cocain` 5000 pax
( 7vm)
This Ogneernant, made this 11th Day of April, the year of 2007 between City of Winter Springs,
hereinafter referred toes "Otani" and Birchmore Group, Inc. located at 1546 Ridli $wood Avonue,
Winter park, FL 32789, hednaltar rweler,& as 'Tor, muumuu
BGI servlee s via mode but not limited to securing Headliner Talent.
1000 last State Road 434, Winter Springs, Rorida 32708
One Artist, txfk Teed Talent Fie
Bus Transportation To Water Springs, Florida
One Show Director to Oversee Overt
Site Inspections/Piesero
Tdephorie, MaNhg and and Communkations
IIIL LINO x'1' ins
COmplete Lunch/Dinner: 'Dirw. Outlast' PPrice: pr Provided i
ch/Di T dy Client, Sae Rider
Provided *Mint Sete Rider
Nine (9) Hotel Roans an 7/3 or 7/4: Provided By Client,
Performance of this Agreirmmt shall be ree:used for reasons of labor disputes, strikes or
pideetlng, accidents, %wormer* (federal, state or local) requisitions, reetridions upon Naval,
transpiration, power failure or other causes, whether ernumrcreoad herein or not, which are
beyond the control of the Producer, Client shah provide and pay for lights & sound to meet with
art's specifications and requirements. (SE RIDER). Failure to present the engagement
(Inducing inclement tether) slid not relieve the Purer of the obligation to pay the
qua guarmee in MI.
• 50% Advance Dr $02110.00 by Immedlatelly to Secure Date
• Final Payment $9260.00 by holy 4, 2007
MOS OW Ms 01 MINIM 01 3 •
' p e'Wad Ov NCI •
v1 ii a4 X d waOIJV MOON Wl*d 4 416dd •
imeguoPed SWAMI samudia iaae /10W •
Jai* It Pus Add 'sn00011Peda %MJV ad an '.pl dtd p. MAGA Na!s # •
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pownios voodoo amain, p 9605 - *am as J-Md o9w
paw AA Paiqami aI aoilaaw$u u ► j i ul aq Adgod 00510.0003 6 • M1iL
arq a t 9!q !aW aril P 4 IMIPaD aq IWM sillsodaP Pe Pt ha am Sum moctap sip Ao
•wt+tio+d ado► wrr,�
mount a+pw eta asp dO sgqua pus al Pt+l+te+ N iltodoP Damp IplI,I.
lus'+oare Mayo Cows leuofl PO us el 1903 eta %wee A 10 1 1104 sgmM %Maw
woo s mesa si nor pp m 'tom poop) 000''000'x Inuaurovo Ad 00
2000411 aril W � AVM!! Ml ausa6 Maw= aaldaytudu,m • aphord INN► Dm
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04/19/2007 11:47 4978963302 8 /Rt1MC1RE PAGE 04
No performance on the engagement shall be recorded, reproduced or transmitted from the place
pedbrmance, in any manner or by any means whatsoever, Ni the absence of a spec7ic written
e0rerrnent with the artist manage n nt misting to and pemiltling such recording, reproduction or
It is :weedy understood by the Gent and the artists who are parties to this contract that
neither the Management or eirrhmore Group, Inc. arc peaks to this contract in any capacity
toxepat as eve* provided Ni the previous paragraph sod, thhl sherbe that /wither Mrc hmore
Group, Inc. shell be Noble for the perfonnence or twaach of any provision hereof.
members of laden= Group, Inc and Artist Representation shell have acmes to the piece of
engagement covered by this contact for the purposes of ooarnahi atlng with the artists
PerfarminO the armament. The Agreement of the artists to perform b sutaject to proven
detention by Mmes. aixidente, riots, Strikes, epidemics acts of God, or any ,other lugitlmete
conditions beyond �acrhtla .. The comma Ind its attachments many be ae'oecuted and W fax
exchanged =Vet n� one copy via fax to fi, i.eo aapy by
regular meil.
Signatures: Date: y/20 /.°.�.
Ran K E ✓,,) t.. yn STN
For The C y ' Winter Springs
1073275957 phone
4O7- 327. 6686 -fax
b►: . ,
Date 4 /l
81rthmore Group, Inc.
1346 Ridgewood Avenue
Winer Park R. 32789
FIN 0: 59.3523964
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04/19/2007 11:47 4078963302 BIRCHMORE PAGE 05
(Revised 1M AT)
/1. ARTIST to receive 100% Star Sling in all paid adverting, including
Ayes, stuns, lobby boards and marquees, urge specified otherwise.
f a. BUYER shell only use PICTOGIRAPRIO MAIM supplied
by ARTIST or ARTIST AfiMICY. ads Plum do
not use photographs found on the o r audio ban
previous albums, Internet, prior > pubNsla,► materiels,
els. This apple, to b. There shall be no sl he, piece cards, banners or any advertising
material on or within My feet (5) of the stage (with theseroeptIon
of prowling radio stations), nor shall the name LITTLE TEXAS be
used directly tly or indirectly with any product or service without
ARTIST'S written permission.
a There shall be no radio station or any other party presenting,
promoting, co-promoting, or sponsoring tie above engagement
without ARTIST'S mitten permission.
3 4 , ateanikar_OMM.MITh
a. BUYER agrees det ARTISTS staging and aqulpnent setup
b. AA TITIS shall tarn IiM tight approve the length of
pertbmrance of support act (s) on the program and ARTIST shell
have Ind approval or disapproval of their use.
a. LITTLE TEXAS reserves the right to sell souvenirs, books,
photographs, compact discs, tapes, T- shale, and other related
souvenirs at no cost to the ARTIST. The name, photograph, or
likeness of UTTLE TEXAS may not be ussd in or on any program
or souvenir, book, poster, pamphlet or any other materiel or
merchandise, unless previously authorized by ARTIST.
b. Two (2) concession tables to be placed at least three (3) hours
es am
prior, (near
while doors aopen) with 4 chairs available for after-show
Rider comad ee at R0'1 Ptiee 1
f 4 .,j()\
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04/19/2007 11: 4078963302 SIRCFMORE PAGE 06
a. BUYER shalt provide secured parking spew immediately adjacent
to the siege door for one (1) forty-live foot (40) bus, wllh one
wand on duty in the Immediate anise.
b, : r+�= II/ a• i sir 10P �i40,
� + .M+` •111''
at w .
Ss mama
a. BUYER stall guarantee adequate security at all times to inuree file
VI — of the general public, ARTISTS personnel. their insrwMnts
and personal property, vehicles end ARTISTS production company
from step ad through ioad
b. BUYER shall provide a minimum of two security personnel to be
present at be M1Ige area a minimum of 30 minutes prior to doors
opening, and remain on duty a minimum of one her eller show ends.
a ARTIST shall supply bade passes to all personnel and have sole
control of the baokrrprg. area.
a. If thene is any ae of tax by a taxing auto* on Produosr for
/ any mantes awned in coameceon with the performance, said tax is to
v / be paid by the Purdmeer. It is fully understood and agreed that no
deductions whatsoever are to be taken from the contract price
=Mined herein or from any percentage (tamed hereunder.
1000: AN 100® information should be mailed to:
Ad Mftnitum, U..0
809 Averwar Ct.
Franldt, , TN 37061
a. BUYER warrants and represents that he has a minimum of one million r Q6 p
/ dollars (, 000, 000.00) of general Nobility insurance cove ring the e
i/ ,*$ P �
BUYER shell attach a ,S
certificate of Insurance verifying such coverage of Insurance at the erne ,cps P
BUYER returns the contract to ARTISTS agent
Mc meat as &M OW par 2
f loc, 04-14-
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/ requ ests ry
a. BUYER agrees not to commit ARTIST to any p 'pogrom*,
to V other �~. Mudd be
l/ Varese, Davis by s-maN to
b. BUYER shall or by usMMte 0316) 321 -1353
videotaping �� welcome.
1 alggerlatainAM
a. BUYER warrants gist he has tie right to enter ya this cow,act and is
of legal ape. The Way, conetruction and enact of yes contract shah
be gowned by the laws of Davidson County, NrahMM, Tennessee,
/ a. It is here! y understood and agreed that BUYER shill not add to,
�/ delete from, or make any alltexallions In the CONTRACT or RIDER.
a K BUYER falls to comply with any of the bums, conditions, or •
requirements of this CONTRACT or RIDER, ARTIST Will have the
// right to Mine to perform and shall be milled to M compensation
V under this agreement. : P; 11, anima 17.F
b. In the event this show Is not prsssnisd because of Inoienient weather, A s /*+ cm"1 44
the ARTIST must stINN be paid in full, provided the ARTIST N present Q 6v yeA AA, a
and ready to perform at the design eted time as spedlMd Inn this
CONTRACT. / 44 -rrs T
I" a. Band
V shall have regrow facades: edsgrabr
seating, igheng and mirrors.
b. It • uld be suppNod with SEALED and UN OPIN1ID 1 LB. packages
Turkey • of:
Smoked - (sliced),
Roast beef (- •
found � *s�,1 Yew
Hoed • . • r (all V
sassy f AI at any perm t)
(1) a le Itiry (rte : • ' Plow/
Condiments ( -, , • sealed unopened =earners), '(/-
Tortilla Chips ss
14 oz. red • plastic Selo cups, (co 4)
Plates Wawa*,
(1) r of boiled wafter,
(1) case of Diet Cols,
Rider=swim of 2/211'07 pair
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04/19/2007 11;47 4078953302 BIRO-IMORE PAGE 01
* ... oqo wpp ipmmo.
• ' •
Pfaabcton ae►vkea & DeW
407 -478 -1816 (PHONE) 407-647- -5505 (FAX)
TO: Ron McLemore
FAX: 407 - 327 - 6686
SUBJECT: Li le Texas Contract ! Rider
Hello Ron:
Here its the modified agreement as discussed at 5prn on 4/19/07. I've crossed out or
modified areas as indicated in our conversation yesterday_ We se right at the deadline to
seams the date, so please sign or initial as indicated on each page.
We look lbrward to a great and very memorable event. Please note that i am personally
working on this project to enure each aspect is handled for a successful program. We
appreciate you having the confidence in our company, Should you have any questions
today or down the road please call my cell number at 407-739-6200 or office number
above. M
_la_ Number of Pages Including This Cover Sheet
04/19/2007 12:48 4073274763 PAGE 08/08
04/19/2007 11:47 4078963302 BIRQ+IORE PAM 08
... _, ...
Form Request ter lkutuayer Ow Isms ts the
oa•tra•.fow smog IdentIllestiee Number and Certification riaigatar. Do net
woad to taus Int
al rent tM n iesid w your Naos
WRcillia l GIMP,.ia.
oak= nano, doeme elm awn _
�— erdhMleelr
®oerp.ree.. 0 r.r...,►MV Wow . - - -•• Cl ° .Ir " r " eae � """ 6'°"'.n
*. tomb ray
INS 1 111 , 1111113201) AVUS* Iws.durs two mi MAIN
011 Y, NW Cllr emit
UN =OW 1 110140 MIS Opting —
6dar yew TN I7 the 4Praolo a bon.1hr i1N provided mat womb Ow mom
to l aps, an Lon. I b m aid *ow worrom i
•I* . nib pepprlu &.. et e1.1asoomml wl eb s the li.lrrq jl nmw " er o rala a
run orntmoyy elereleadon number lei(. N you ds nor lava. moos: r. u s Hiw other oats. I a
11114•4 the seam/ wt hi nuns rri l irl. iaf a MOM meow
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undo' POWs ,d whey, I owl* U
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l ie mono= PIN ilia 1 , Won* M I an molls tram hooey wlidwldtg. or o !haw on boon pawed ' see Mawr maid no tl„ t1 raw no longer o la 'a"b a. Mon to mood al mow ar ewalMlds, .r tq Nr. IRS tee. maid
A I am • US. pow P to a U.N. raided air.
umnik llan lnanuoasne. You mule was at bin 0 show N you row boon valeta by In MB trot you Iola
.IR u , bunim. ram Mrs Ohm M wpm ell Moot and d hand u on your My Mum. Par ram w WNW* sew to
aids to duw o boo I dams ro t Moto,
� WASP. PMb ? � • , as n er Mri.dor ten eo nlounef aim*. aewilIOn Of slob. a•aMar/eI to an avdMar f aNmaet
womb WOW nomad M roman axons on limo and *Mundt you ors rust w4lsad *Wan 111. Cwtireabn, but 1••.ial
gen Hem 'ri des. - - -
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Purpos• d Form
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MN) to Mak obtain Mood polp a RscalMlon =Won 301.7701 far .i nato! Mandan.
tra seeetne, multiage Mattes your Pall aoquailhlau or AntonN ] o u Publloollan 310, p tub WithholdIng IoM
abondonnunt of Inured oontatealone Ali mods to as �u►OSliopan Of OWL or jMu�u�Mnt fbeMgrt SON* d
1411. Foetus Us. Bonn W-9 only II you an a U.S. pweon Masa.ldont also gibe Woman N mediae sown.
N a *Wont de_ 4. to PM* comet 71M b a thi e a Noe hasty to Waste Matte on
leqUalling N (M Munger) eu arid. w►Mn aweloemee, to: whin twee of boom I#eeel m most tart badN4 ton abl a
• 1. Gully SIM t TIN Ow bob**
not prawn Pawn sea darn..
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eubjeot to badalrp vAbitobana. continuo for lin twos or Income anon altar
hii atharwis. Wow* • U.S. rouldant NMI for tee
U.S. orawroptIon loon Molwp q If you ono a If your no a U.B. WW1 olon who M an an purposes.
Mel. N • req -udar gm You a fbm► other tout Foal Wti to @film an le contained to Ors U.S. brp areal +oi' a - tee peat to
^ your Irv, you MAR UN Mrs oa a hem lt fire on ans t o L a Income, to easy eate/ to MIIb Form W4/.
km M R ie =Runt attach a aheMluant that spans 1101b/owinp true
For imam to puritans you is oorrtideed a person If you 1E a 11 e . The be* omi*y. folsuimMy MN meet be the sane
a Ittlel1 yw J at it! eramptIon from to M a
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bates, • 2.11w booty weals addrawbao flay broom.
••oral non ebar#ad e_POI M s tMNa�d y or laws & The alpefe number (w tondo,. In the to body that
of the United thins, or aaeehd►w the awing draw. and 115 arreapfl.n..
at ire. /telex rune W4 ow wawa