HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011 09 21 Regular 603 Information on Complete Streets BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE AGENDA CONSENT INFORMATIONAL ITEM 603 PUBLIC HEARING REGULAR X September 21, 2011 MGR /DEPT Meeting Authorization REQUEST: Community Development Department - Planning Division is providing the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee information regarding Complete Streets in the City of Winter Springs and is requesting any comments or other input. SYNOPSIS: On June 15, 2011, an informational item was provided to the BPAC on Complete Streets. As a result, a consensus was reached that the BPAC would discuss this concept at the September 21, 2011 meeting to determine how it could be implemented in the City Code of Ordinances. This agenda item discusses how the concept of Complete Streets is implemented in the City of Winter Springs, specifically in the Town Center. CONSIDERATIONS: The Winter Springs Town Center is the planned "downtown" for the City of Winter Springs. Discussions of a "Town Center" date to 1992, but it was not until 2000 that the City adopted the Town Center District Code, which allowed development of the Town Center. This Code was one of the first "form based" codes adopted in the United States. The Winter Springs Town Center has been studied in numerous urban planning publications, and has been the focus of discussion at many urban planning conferences. The Town Center is intended to be a pedestrian and bicycle oriented area, with the Cross Seminole Trail linking the Town Center with other areas of the City. The current Town Center Code is known as a "street based" code. This means the Code is broken down by street types, and in this type of Code, building standards are tied to street sections. Cross - sections of several street types from the Code are attached for your reference. September 21, 2011 Agenda Item #603 Page 2of 3 Since the Town Center Code was designed to be“street based”, the streetsin the Town Center can be classified as Complete Streets. Complete Streets mean all users are considered at the outset of every transportation project, making walking, bicycling, and taking public transportation convenient, attractive, and safe choices.For example, the “Main Street” cross- section in the Town Center Code requirestwo, 11-foot wide vehicular lanes; two, 18-foot rows of vehicle parking; and two, 12-foot wide sidewalks.As the portion of Tuscawilla Road in the Town Center was built to reflectthis design standard, it can be seen that the sidewalk widthsare more than generous enough to safely accommodate pedestrians and separate them from vehicular travel lanes, thusallowing walking to be an attractive and safe form of transportation in the Town Center. A Lynx bus shelter is provided along SR 434 within a 5-minute walk from the Main Street of the Town Center to allow public transportation as a safe and attractive alternative to the automobile. On the Lynx buses, there are racks on the front which allow bicyclists to attach their bike to the bus which effectively allows for the Town Center to become multi-modal, while providing an atmosphere for Complete Streets. Speed limits in the Town Center are designed to be low enough to allow for the implementation of Complete Streets,sobicyclists and pedestrians can safely coexist with automobile traffic. This hasgreatly reduced the incidences of pedestrianand bicycle versus automobileaccidents in the Town Center.A bike/ped crash location map isattached for your referencewhich shows only one reported incident in the Town Center at the intersection of SR 434 and Central Winds Parkwayfrom 2006-2011. On August 1, the City Commission held a workshop regarding the future direction of the Town Center. Specifically, the City Commission considered ways to allow more flexible development options in the Town Center. Staff proposed a concept known as the transect for consideration. The transect categorizes settlement patterns into “zones” that are typically noted as T1 through T6, which range from places with a very rural character to avery urbancharacter. The transect regulatesuses on properties, similar toa conventional zoning ordinance. The transect concept proposed by staff at the workshop utilizesthe existing street system noted in the current Town Center Code, and will help to further contribute to the concept of Complete Streets in the Town Center. The City Commission directed staff to prepare a new Town Center Code that would be based on the transect concept. Staff will be meeting with the City’s Town Center design consultant within the next 30-45 days to “proof” the code proposals. Staff with then finalize an approval schedule for the proposed text amendmentswith the City Commission. FISCAL IMPACT: This agenda item is for the BPAC’s review and information only and has no fiscal impact. September 21, 2011 Agenda Item #603 Page 3of 3 COMMUNICATION EFFORTS: TheMeeting Agenda and this Agenda Item havebeen forwarded to the Bicycle And Pedestrian Advisory Committeemembers and are available on the City’s Website, LaserFiche, and the City’s Server. The Agenda has been forwarded to the Mayor and City Commission; City Manager; and City Attorney/Staff.Additionally, the Meeting Agenda has been sent to media/press representatives,all Homeowner’s Associations on file with the City, all individuals who have requested Agenda information, Department Directors;and also posted outside City Hall; posted inside City Hall with additional copies available for the general public. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommendsthat the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committeereview the information in this agenda item and provide staff with any comments or other input regarding this item. ATTACHMENTS: 1.Exhibit A –Cross-sections, Town Center Streets 2.Exhibit B –Bike/ped crash map Exhibit "A" Main Street Cross Section 1/'''' Build-to Line 1 1 NM* I 1 ad imm. ■...I I + mvnzng colonnade I 17 I IS' I 11' I 11' I T8 I 1 l 8 Z ROW, t i { I P II II II 4 ,. i 41 2. 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