HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011 07 21 City Commission Workshop MinutesCITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA
THURSDAY, JULY 21, 2011- 5:15 P.M.
Mayor Charles Lacey
Deputy Mayor Jean Hovey - Seat One
Commissioner Rick Brown - Seat Two
Commissioner Gary Bonner - Seat Three
Commissioner Cade Resnick - Seat Four
Commissioner Joanne M. Krebs - Seat Five
The Workshop of Thursday, July 21, 2011 of the City Commission was called to Order by Mayor Charles Lacey
at 6:00 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434,
Winter Springs, Florida 32708).
Roll Call:
Mayor Charles Lacey, present
Deputy Mayor Jean Hovey present
Commissioner Rick Brown, present
Commissioner Gary Bonner, present
Commissioner Cade Resnick, present
Commissioner Joanne M. Krebs, present
City Manager Kevin L. Smith, present
City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese, absent
City Manager Kevin L. Smith remarked that City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese had asked him to mention that
"He and his staff are at the annual City Attorney Conference and so they are unfortunately unable to attend
No one addressed the City Commission..
600. Office Of The City Manager
REQUEST: Requests That The Mayor And City Commission Review The Fiscal Year 2012 Proposed
Budget And Offer Any Recommendations.
FISCAL IMPACT: The City Of Winter Springs Fiscal Year 2012 Budget, As Proposed, Totals
$44,117,164.00, Representing A $6,152,669.00, Or 12.2%, Decrease Over The Prior Fiscal Year's Total
Budget Of $50,269,833.00. Total Proposed General Fund Spending Of $15,133,193.00 Represents A
$1,543,541.00, Or 9.3%, Reduction From The Prior Fiscal Year. The Proposed Operating Millage Rate Of
2.4500 Mills Represents A 0.0214 Mill Reduction From The Prior Fiscal Year. The Voted Debt Service
Millage Rate Of 0.1100 Mills Remains Unchanged.
COMMUNICATION EFFORTS: This Agenda Item Has Been Electronically Forwarded To The Mayor
And City Commission, City Attorney/Staff, And Is Available On The City's Website, LaserFiche, And The
City's Server. Additionally, Portions Of This Agenda Item Are Typed Verbatim On The Respective
Meeting Agenda Which Has Also Been Electronically Forwarded To The Individuals Noted Above, And
Which Is Also Available On The City's Website, LaserFiche, And The City's Server; Has Been Sent To
Applicable City Staff, eAlert/eCitizen Recipients, Media/Press Representatives Who Have Requested
Agendas/Agenda Item Information, Homeowner's Associations/Representatives On File With The City,
And All Individuals Who Have Requested Such Information.
This Information Has Also Been Posted Outside City Hall, Posted Inside City Hall With Additional Copies
Available For The General Public, And Posted At Five (5) Different Locations Around The City.
Furthermore, This Information Is Also Available To Any Individual Requestors. City Staff Is Always
Willing To Discuss This Agenda Item Or Any Agenda Item With Any Interested Individuals.
RECOMMENDATION: With Discussion, The Mayor And City Commission Are Being Asked To Review
The Fiscal Year 2012 Proposed Budget And Offer Any Recommendations.
Manager Smith began the discussion on the Budget saying, "As a brief overview, my recommendation and
intention tonight is to have a brief opening set of comments and then go through a handful or so of issues that are
in the Budget that I would like to bring to your attention; then ask you all to entertain each Department's
individual Capital request as we have in the past; and then if it would be your pleasure, we can call it a night."
Continuing, Manager Smith commented, "I do need to take a quick second and just thank the Mayor and the
Commission, the Department Heads, and our entire Staff. We continue to face extraordinary Budget challenges
and I don't mean it lightly when I say `Working as a team, we are able to accomplish what we've accomplished',
so thank you."
Furthermore, Manager Smith noted, "My recommendation is for a Millage Rate of 2.4500 on the operating side
and to continue the Voted Debt Service Rate of 0.1100 as we have in the past. That item will be before you all
Monday night for tentative Millage Cap setting. That is again that rate that you cannot go above, but you can go
below and that's the rate that will go out in the TRIM (Truth in Millage) Notices in mid August."
With comments about improving communications, Manager Smith noted, "I've included in this Budget twelve
thousand dollars ($12,000.00) or a thousand dollars ($1,000.00) a month to — outsource and to hire a
Communications, Media/PR (Public Relations) Consultant. I believe that twelve thousand dollars ($12,000.00) is
a nominal amount. I don't think that it would warrant a full-time Staff member and I think we get the best bang
for our buck through the use of an outside Consultant."
Manager Smith reiterated, "So, there's twelve thousand dollars ($12,000.00) incorporated into this Budget. With
your blessing, we will move forward with that approach. "
Commissioner Rick Brown noted, "I would completely support that. Is this something that you are going to go
out to bid on or do you have somebody in mind?"
Manager Smith responded, "Assuming that I do have support in this item, I think again, we have a good story to
tell now and I would not like to wait until October 1, (2011) to move forward with that. I have actually been
actively seeking someone that I think will fit this mold for several months now. To be honest, have not really
found what I consider to be that good fit for Winter Springs, all things considered; but, recently I did meet with a
gentleman by the name of Todd Persons."
Continuing, Manager Smith stated, "He would be willing to enter into a contract to do the services for the City of
Winter Springs at a cost of seventy-five hundred dollars ($7,500.00) over a six (6) month period. So, I would like
to evaluate and move forward with that on a six (6) month basis and that will be coming forward to you all if you
concur, not this next meeting, but August 8t1i, (2011) for your consideration under an Agenda Item."
Commissioner Brown stated, "Works for me." Hearing no objections, Mayor Lacey remarked, "I think there is
Manager Smith then spoke of Economic Development and Land Design Innovations, Inc. and a previous
discussion to move in a new direction. Manager Smith mentioned he had been advised that "To be a real `Player'
in this game, we need our own Staff member." Manager Smith added, "I think we have a need, and I believe that
there would be a reasonable opportunity to have this person serve not only that Economic Development
Coordinator working with those folks; but, also I believe we have a need although we have some excellent Staff
doing Engineering, Planning, and what not; but, when Applicants come into the City, I'd really like to have that
one (l) singular person, that `Ombudsman' if you will, to shepherd them through that process and be their point of
contact from beginning to end. And I believe this individual could serve both those purposes and we get a double
bang for our buck."
Continuing, Manager Smith explained, "I am at the point now where I would like to with your concurrence, move
on the street as soon as next week, after I speak with LDI (Land Design Innovations, Inc.), and move forward
with that approach. We do have some nominal Consulting money in our Community Development Budget and if
we need LDI's (Land Design Innovations, Inc.) services on an ad hoc basis, I would suggest that we use those
Consulting dollars to contract with them, again on that ad hoc basis."
Commissioner Brown commented, "I think we would get a much better bang for the buck using an internal
resource rather than LDI's (Land Design Innovations, Inc.) services and as you and I have talked about before, I
get comments all the time from Developers and people doing business with the City that this `Ombudsman'
position I think would go a long way to shepherding people through what is still seen as a very cumbersome
process in Winter Springs."
With further comments, Manager Smith remarked, "If the Commission is in the mindset to go in the route that
I've recommended, I do not intend to wait for that person to come on board before we start addressing those
issues. As a matter of fact, as recent as this week, we've organized a specific ad hoc City Staff Committee under
the leadership of Brian Fields to challenge those processes and work together to streamline and make better
processes for those Applicants coming into the City. If this `Ombudsman' is Approved, I see that as a just as an
additional resource, an enhancement to that group and that Committee, and will be reporting back to you all on
our progress as we move forward in that respect."
Commissioner Gary Bonner asked about the reporting structure that Manager Smith envisioned; to which
Manager Smith stated, "To report to me."
Discussion followed on build -out and head count.
Continuing, Manager Smith then said, "That's one of the reasons why I see a dual pronged approach to that
person's job duties. And as it is with any position in the City, we constantly evaluate the need for that position
and then if we determine there is no longer a need for that position, we look for additional needs — or new needs
that that position may fill. If not, the position, if I may be blunt, would have to go away."
Commissioner Bonner then asked, "Would this position be a straight up salary or do you envision some different
form of compensation related to our development goals?" Manager Smith replied, "My thought at this point and
time is just a straight up salary."
Discussion followed regarding an `Ombudsman' position; autonomy; teamsmanship; and the perception when
doing business with the City.
Continuing, Commissioner Bonner commented, "I would be supportive of this approach as long as this person has
a lot of ability to affect change and advocate on behalf of the Applicant. What is needed is someone that can be
the Applicant's advocate. That is what is missing here. Everyone does a terrific job of doing their job. Today,
the Applicant's advocate — right now is sort of falling on, we as Commissioners. So, we are sort of supplementing
that role on a case by case basis and then you as the Manager are the only real person that is in a position
currently to sort of transcend and cross departmentally and so on; an advocate, but you have a busy job. So, I am
hoping again that this person is vested with the ability to affect change and vested with the ability to advocate on
behalf of Applicants. Otherwise, I support the idea."
Manager Smith noted, "That person will report directly to me and I will assure you that person will have all the
tools and authority they need in order to get the job done."
Commissioner Cade Resnick noted, "Prior to my comment, I agree with everything that has been said. I think this
position is definitely needed. My only question to you is — you have asked for two (2) very different skill sets and
both very talented skill sets. Have you considered compensation that somebody is going to be coming in with the
ability to have these two (2) skill sets to hit the ground running?"
With comments, Manager Smith remarked, "I feel like that we can get that skill set, if not, we'll re-evaluate; but I
fully intend to go forward and look for that multi -purpose skill set."
Commissioner Joanne M. Krebs remarked, "I definitely support your going forward with this. As you know I
have encouraged you to bring in our own in-house person for this program."
Next, Manager Smith explained, "The Commission has previously expressed a desire to review the [Oviedo
Winter Springs Regional] Chamber [of Commerce] Trustee membership at this time, during Budget rather than at
the end of the - calendar year. That's why we had the [Oviedo Winter Springs Regional] Chamber [of
Commerce] present to you all at your last meeting. There is five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) in this Fiscal Year
2012 Budget to retain your [Oviedo Winter Springs Regional] Chamber [of Commerce] Trustee membership, if
you so desire. That decision will be up in November/December of this year, but I did want to advise you that
there's five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) in there. If you know today that you don't intend to renew that, I can
reallocate that five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) or we can wait `til that point in time in November/December,
when that decision needs to be made." Commissioner Krebs commented, "I support that. I think it is important."
Commissioner Brown added, "I do too, but let me say that I continue to be dismayed with the management of the
[Oviedo Winter Springs Regional] Chamber [of Commerce] and the focus that they place on the activities
surrounding what goes on in Winter Springs. I think that I am less than satisfied with the current management
structure and for our signature event being the `Winter Springs Festival of the Arts'. I am less than satisfied for
what I am seeing coming out of that committee under its leadership currently and the amount of activity that is
surrounding that and the leadership that is being applied to that."
Further comments ensued on management, and Commissioner Resnick's attendance at Board Meetings.
Commissioner Brown then suggested that perhaps Mr. Chris Caldwell, Director, Parks and Recreation
Department could give updates on meetings.
Commissioner Brown noted, "Maybe at some point we need to think about making it the `Winter Springs Festival
of the Arts' and have the [Oviedo Winter Springs Regional] Chamber [of Commerce] partner with us rather than
having it a [Oviedo Winter Springs Regional] Chamber [of Commerce] function and we partner with them. I do
not think it would cost us too much more money to do that, if any at all. We could probably get better sponsors."
Related to events, the "Winter Springs Festival of the Arts" and our participation, Manager Smith remarked, "We
can certainly have this conversation and we'll keep on top of it. Again, I don't want to get ahead of myself but I
believe for our five thousand dollar ($5,000.00) (Oviedo Winter Springs Regional Chamber of Commerce)
Trustee membership, it's important to have the [Oviedo Winter Springs Regional] Chamber [of Commerce] step
forward and if we we're going to take this event over potentially, we may want to reconsider our five thousand
dollars ($5,000.00) (Oviedo Winter Springs Regional Chamber of Commerce) Trustee membership — but we can
have that discussion at a later time..." Commissioner Brown then said, "...Or demand a higher level of
performance and make sure it happens."
In reference to the Oviedo Winter Springs Regional Chamber of Commerce and the "Winter Springs Festival of
the Arts", Commissioner Resnick complimented Commissioner Brown's wife for her valuable contributions and
support to this effort.
Continuing, Commissioner Resnick noted, "To what you are saying with leadership, I will bring it up again on
Monday but there is a lot of differences as far as what I am seeing from `Taste of Oviedo' versus this event."
Commissioner Resnick remarked, "I did bring up, for Winter Springs' sake, we need Reports weekly. So Kevin
(Smith), you should be getting Reports weekly on this."
Commissioner Krebs made a comment in relation to the "Winter Springs Festival of the Arts" and said,
"Commissioner Brown is right. [The Scottish] Highlands [Games] is [The Scottish] Highlands [Games] and ours
is `Winter Springs [Festival of the Arts']. Anybody who I have talked to that really does not have that know of
the [Oviedo Winter Springs Regional] Chamber's [of Commerce] involvement, just really thinks it is ours.
They'll say, `You didn't do this right' or `You could have done this' or `You should have done this' and it is
always us, it is not..." Manager Smith noted, "...Point well taken." Commissioner Krebs suggested this
information be shared with the Oviedo Winter Springs Regional Chamber of Commerce.
Continuing, Commissioner Krebs said, "They should know that their five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) — basically
has strings." Manager Smith replied, "Understood."
Manager Smith mentioned, "I want to talk about two (2) areas of non General Fund Revenues. First, being the
TLBD, Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District. As you may or may not recall, that Assessment District
has a set Assessment rate that all individuals in Tuscawilla pay. Currently, it's one hundred and twenty dollars
($120.00) per ERU (Estimated Residential Unit), or essentially a hundred and twenty dollars ($120.00) per year
per household. The TLBD (Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District) Advisory Board has recently made a
recommendation that will be coming forward to you all for your consideration in the second meeting in August I
believe; and that recommendation would include an increase in that rate from one hundred and twenty dollars
($120.00) per ERU (Estimated Residential Unit) to the maximum per our current Resolutions of one hundred and
twenty-eight dollars ($128.00) or eight dollar ($8.00) delta per ERU (Estimated Residential Unit) per year."
Furthermore, Manager Smith commented, "This is our Advisory Board and they're the ones that are charged with
caring for this area and if they have a recommendation that they feel like their residents would like to increase that
rate, then I think it's incumbent to bring that forward to you all. I've included it in this Budget."
Manager Smith remarked, "If you are of the mindset not to Approve it, it's a simple change prior to final
Adoption in September. It will not affect anything in the General Fund or otherwise." After further comments,
Mayor Lacey stated, "So, it will be a Regular Agenda Item, two (2) weeks from Monday." Manager Smith said,
"Yes Sir. I think that would be the appropriate time to fully vet this issue when you have a complete Agenda Item
with all the facts and supporting documentation." Manager Smith continued and remarked, "The second issue I
would like to speak about is our Water, Sewer and Reclaimed Water Rates." Discussion.
Continuing, Manager Smith said, "I have to give a public comment to our Finance Director (Shawn Boyle) and
what he's done on refinancing some of our water and sewer debt to the tune of several hundred thousands of
dollars in savings and to Kip (Lockcuff, P.E., Director, Public Works/Utility Departments) also and the things that
they've done to run that shop and put us in a situation where we are going to be able to complete funding of the
completed Oak Forest Plant, and the new plant on Lake Jesup without increases in our rates — we had the seven
percent (7%) increase on the Water and Sewer side, but with no increase to our Reclaimed rates, we'll be able to
complete that phase of the project."
Furthermore, we are holding off on Phase 2 which is essentially the distribution — we are abating the conversation
until further analysis and further consideration by this body. More than likely, that Phase would necessitate an
increase in the Reclaimed rates for two (2) reasons. One (1) in order to fund it; and secondly, it goes back to the
issue we talk about with our current 1,700 customers and the subsidy of the Potable side to the Reclaimed side. If
we don't raise the rates, we're going to continue to have those folks that are on Potable water subsidizing those
few on Reclaimed water. So, again a discussion that we can certainly have in more detail at a much future date,
but for now, no increase in Reclaimed rates, pending further analysis of Phase 2 and seven percent (7%) increase
on both the Water and Sewer side consistent with our Rate Study and prior application last year."
Manager Smith responded, "The Reclaimed discussion will absolutely be an extensive full vetting process. It is
totally on hold and we will not move forward without a plan of action if we move forward at all."
Commissioner Bonner commented on past discussions and issues to which Manager Smith noted, "My
recollection was that we came forward with a recommended plan to institute increases in the Reclaimed rates
which would serve what you articulated. The first year that plan was implemented and we had some push back
from the residents — as a result of that, this body made a decision that we would abate any future increases until
we had an opportunity to study it further. We're certainly willing and more than happy to come back with a
Workshop to further have this discussion, because Commissioner you are absolutely right. The longer we delay
this, the longer the subsidy increases. If we go forward to distribution and transmission and add more customers
on, it just exacerbates the problem and at some point in time the harsh reality is, the only way to address this issue
is to increase those rates to basically a Potable status."
Commissioner Bonner then said, "I, for one, hold hope for a vision that when we have distribution in place and
we are serving a majority as opposed to a minority of our customers with a Reclaimed alternative, that actually
our demand for Potable will decline or at least stabilize and therefore the requirement of the current rate structure
would be an opportunity for readdressing. We may actually be able to reduce Potable rates because of a reverse
of the subsidization. That is the kind of study and detail that I would like to have a better understanding of, from
a long range standpoint, so that if in fact it is necessary to tell our — Potable customers that they must endure a rate
increase, I would love to augment that conversation with, `But this is where we are going to and when we are
going to get there and how we see that happening' and right now, that future is uncertain."
Additionally, Commissioner Bonner remarked, "I think this is an issue we need to address regularly, at least once
a year and most likely, in a detailed Workshop format."
Commissioner Brown commented, "I concur with Commissioner Bonner and I would only ask that — when we
start looking at increases, whether they were budgeted, planned, decided last year, let's please write them on the
walls of buildings, hire sky writers, whatever we need to do." Manager Smith replied, "Understood and we will
Manager Smith noted, "On the Phase 2 of the Reclaimed project, we believe we have the potential for a new
opportunity that will help us reduce costs. Many of you may have heard in light of recent defections from the
State Road 46 Water project, we believe we may have an opportunity to bring some partners in on our project
now and mitigate some of our costs. So, we were looking at that."
Manager Smith mentioned, "We've been evaluating many customer service initiatives here at the City and have
implemented many. One of our projects that I think we've talked about, at least on the surface, was reorganizing
our Lobby to provide a central kiosk type organization rather than people walking in the door, looking this way,
looking that way, not knowing where to go. We also talked about a VolP phone system and we hesitated on that
last year because of the cost, which was certainly important at two -hundred and something thousand dollars,
potentially it's a big price tag. But, we do get a lot of benefit from that system in our overall customer service
initiative, which I also believe we do in reorganizing our Lobby."
Discussion followed on the Impact Fees that the City collects and a Public Facility Impact Fee, to which Manager
Smith commented, "My recommendation as long as I am your Manager will not be to increase government
facilities on the admin side, but to contract them, through telecommuting, use of technology, satellite offices to
pay Water Bills and the like. So, you will not see me come forward to you, wanting to expand City Hall. And in
light of trying to provide more Economic Development tools to hit the revenue prong, of our two (2) pronged
approach, it would be my recommendation to you all that we delete that Impact Fee; we remove that Impact Fee.
If you all would at least like to consider that, I would like to have permission to come back to you with an Agenda
Item to address and consider that topic."
Commissioner Bonner remarked, "I certainly support that." Mayor Lacey added, "I think there is Consensus to
delete the Impact Fee." Manager Smith then said, "That would be action that would have to come back to you
with the appropriate documents. You would have an opportunity to get all the information."
Continuing, Manager Smith said, "There is money remaining that has been paid into that Fund, and quite frankly
to repay it would be not only an administrative nightmare but I don't even know if we can do it legally." Further,
Manager Smith noted, "There's about four hundred thousand dollars ($400,000.00) in this Fund - since we're
somewhat `boxed in' if you will, I see it as an opportunity and my recommendation to you all is that we use two
hundred thousand dollars ($200,000.00) of that money to purchase our VolP system."
Commissioner Brown commented, "Done." Manager Smith continued by saying, "We take two hundred
thousand dollars ($200,000.00) of the money to do our City Hall Lobby build -out — or whatever that takes. The
remaining Funds, I'd like to use towards an evaluation that we're currently doing on our software. I don't know
that we're going to come to you all with a recommendation to change software or not, but our current examination
shows there's going to be a three (3) to four (4) year ROI (Return on Investment) on this software to reduce
maintenance costs and several other items. This funding would also go to further reduce that ROI (Return on
Investment). So, I'd like to have your permission to move forward with utilizing those Funds, acquire it...
Tape I/Side B
...however towards an opportunity now to get a VolP system that's going to help with efficiency and customer
service efforts and some City Hall build out. We would like to do some improvements to our bathrooms out
there. We've got a lot of complaints about the cleanliness and just the functionality of our bathrooms."
Mayor Lacey noted, "My only complaint is you created another Fund number to track this. I want to get rid of
funds, not add funds." Manager Smith then said, "We did reduce the construction money Mayor, for the
bathroom..." Mayor Lacey added, "...And this use satisfies your dual nexus test?"
Manager Smith replied, "Certainly we need to vet all those issues out. The Vo1P system is on the fence, but we
would bet it if it's allowed, we would do it; if it's not, we won't. But I wanted to get your concurrence on the
theory of what I'm recommending that we do. If you do all agree, then we'll certainly cross every `t' and dot
every `i', Mayor."
Commissioner Bonner said, "I assume this is coming back before us a Regular Agenda Item, so we are not really
making decisions tonight. But, the VolP system generates savings I guess over time and those savings are
material?" Manager Smith replied, "Absolutely." Continuing Commissioner Bonner asked, "Are there realized
savings in this upcoming Budget cycle? Are you able to quantify those?"
Manager Smith then said, "We are trying to quantify the savings on our complete customer service initiative. We
— can't answer that question yet. But they are real savings." Commissioner Bonner then asked, "So, those
savings are not necessarily factored into the Budget right now?" Manager Smith responded, "Not in the current
Budget." With further comments, Manager Smith remarked, "It won't be next year. It isn't currently in here but
sometime between now and next year, you will start to see that incorporated into the Budget, depending on our
timing and our roll -out."
Commissioner Bonner then mentioned his concern with City Hall improvements and a potential water increase
and suggested our City Attorney check into whether the Impact Funds in question could be used elsewhere.
Funding our Pension for sixteen (16) Firefighters that remain on the City's Pension Fund was discussed next and
Manager Smith commented, "Every member of the City's Pension Plan is now paying three percent (3%) and will
soon be paying five percent (5%). Every member of the Seminole County Fire Department/Seminole
County/Seminole County Sheriffs Office will soon be paying three percent (3%). As it stands right now, the
sixteen (16) Firefighters will be paying zero (0). So, it seems like the legal thing and the right thing to do is to
require those sixteen (16) Firefighters to pay the same three percent (3%) all of the City Employees and members
of the Plans are paying. We're having conversations with the County about having them payroll deduct that for
us. There are some challenges there, but if we're able to do that then that will further close that gap."
Furthermore, Manager Smith noted, "It's still about a sixty-four thousand dollar ($64,000.00) gap."
Elaborating, Manager Smith remarked, "The sixty-four thousand dollar ($64,000.00) number is when we payroll
five percent (5%). Soon, when we get all the paperwork done, the City's rate will be five percent (5%) and we
anticipate that to be in short order. But, if we payroll deduct it and it is five percent (5%), it's still a sixty-four
thousand dollar ($64,000.00) number. We've gone through a variety of numbers Mayor, over the last month or
so. At the end of the day, even with that 14.1 % rate from the State, even with the five percent (5%) payroll
deductive from the Firefighters, we're still at about a sixty-four thousand dollar ($64,000.00) delta. The good
news, is if I can spin it that way, is next year that will essentially go away. But, we have a funding shortfall now."
Commissioner Bonner questioned, "Is that what is reflected in the Budget, funding that gap at this point?"
Manager Smith replied, "Yes it is. At a hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00) we would reduce that, although
it's from Reserves as an arguably non —recurring cost. We would reduce that down to the sixty-four thousand
dollars ($64,000.00) in the final Budget." Commissioner Bonner then asked, "Is the Budget reflecting an
assumption that the Firefighters will be obligated to pay three percent (3%)?"
Manager Smith commented, "It is not at this point, but we're flushing out those issues. We anticipate that we'll
have that flushed out in relatively short order by the time your Budget is presented to you in September and that
number in September will reflect whatever the end of our discussions are. And, if it is that they pay five percent
(5%) through payroll deduction, we will reflect that in the final September Budget. If it's not, then the number's
going to have to be higher."
Continuing, Commissioner Bonner inquired, "So, what I want to be clear on is that your Budget assumption is at
this point to fund the entire gap or to fund a portion of the gap?"
Responding, Manager Smith replied, "We — are required to fund the entire gap. We are hopeful through the —
payment of the sixteen (16) Firefighters, similar to what everyone else is doing, it will mitigate that gap down
from around a hundred to a hundred and ten thousand [dollars] ($100,000.00 - $110,000.00) to about sixty-four
thousand [dollars] ($64,000.00)."
Commissioner Bonner then said, "If successful, roughly a fifty percent (50%)..." Manager Smith commented,
"...A little less than, yes..." Adding on, Commissioner Bonner continued, "...Windfall effectively to Budget - it
would occur..." Manager Smith remarked, "...Yes..." Commissioner Bonner stated, "...And that would go
where in the General Fund?" Manager Smith remarked, "The recommendation for funding of this shortfall is
through General Funds Reserves. So, that windfall would go back to General Funds Reserves. That would be my
Commissioner Bonner pointed out, "So, it is not really in the Budget - what you are telling me is that the plan to
pay any shortfall is to dip into reserves." Manager Smith replied, "Yes Sir, that's what I am requesting and
Manager Smith then commented, "One more related topic, I just want to advise you all that we believe we have
final numbers on our Pension relative to the changes we've made. Shawn (Boyle) is still discussing — the
numbers with our Actuary to be sure that they're accurate. Good news is we are pretty much right on - what we
estimated; but just wanted to point out to the Commission that you'll recall that because we did the 150 hours of
overtime versus zero (0), we do have an additional hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($150,000.00) in costs. So,
instead of our savings being about seven hundred and fifty thousand [dollars] ($750,000.00), they're about six
hundred thousand [dollars] ($600,000.00). So, just to advise you, we've had to absorb, not through Reserves, but
through recurring Budget, a hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($150,000.00); but we've been able to do that."
Related to health insurance and an increase, Manager Smith commented, "I am recommending a two (2) pronged
approach. First, is we will have the employees cost share and more of the cost through the following mechanism.
Through certain benefit reductions, for example rather than go get a MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) or have
diagnostics under our current Plan, in which an employee pays zero [dollars] ($0.00) it would be more of a
deductable type, major medical, 80/20 type Plan. So, rather than pay zero [dollars] ($0.00), they may pay six
hundred dollars ($600.00). Quite a significant increase, but these are where we are experiencing most of our
claims increases that are driving our cost up."
Continuing Manager Smith spoke of some similar costs as last year, but added, "The three (3) key areas that we
are having a utilization problem - diagnostics, inpatient hospital and outpatient hospital. The recommendation is
that we pass that cost onto our Employees through an 80/20 type of Health Insurance structure as opposed to the
current HMO (Health Maintenance Organization) structure, if you will."
Further comments.
Manager Smith advised the Commission, "Even if we do that, we still have a ten percent (10%) increase in our
premium. Now, a ten percent (10%) increase is actually relatively not bad. Somewhere between five and ten
percent (5 — 10%) is not abnormal; but it's a ten percent (10%) increase nonetheless. My recommendation is the
City absorbs that ten percent (10%) increase."
Continuing this discussion, Manager Smith explained, `By sticking with the plan, addressing seventy percent
(70%) of our cost, which is personnel and reducing our personnel, that ten percent (10%) is significantly
mitigated. Because rather than paying ten percent (10%) increase or premiums for this many Employees, we're
only paying premiums for this many Employees. It is not a hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00) increase,
it's much less. I'm actually — pleased to tell you that the number is a little less than eighteen thousand dollars
So, I use that to make the point that the plan is working and we need to stick to the plan - we've almost totally
weathered a ten percent (10%) increase in our Insurance cost. Now granted, if we hadn't have the ten percent
(10%) increase we'd be saving money, of course. So, my recommendation on the Health Insurance side is that we
move to a different Plan structure that does shift costs in some areas to the Employees; so, they contribute and the
City contribute to the ten percent (10%) increase, to the tune of about seventeen thousand, eight hundred dollars
($17,800.00). Commissioners, this item will come to you all on August 8`", (2011) for your consideration."
Commissioner Resnick asked about Bidding to other Health Insurance companies and repairing our claims
Grant funding for three (3) Police Officer positions was addressed next and Manger Smith noted, "I need to
advise you that what we have done, in concert with the Chief (of Police) - we've made the decision not to fund
those three (3) positions in the Budget. If we get the Grant, we fund the three (3) positions, we rock and roll as
normal. If we don't get the Grant, we don't have funding for three (3) positions. Now, the Chief however, and
his Staff have put together what I consider to be a very forward thinking — plan to insure that no service level
reductions occur.
I've assured the Chief that if he doesn't get this Grant, that I will find the money to fund these three (3) Police
Officers. He's asked me not to do that until he can continue to get some time under the current reorganizational
structure that he's done and evaluate whether or not he needs to do that. "
Chief of Police Kevin Brunelle, Police Department addressed the Mayor and City Commission on departmental
staffing, realigning responsibilities and Staff, hiring, and training.
Mayor Lacey said to Chief Brunelle, "I cannot commend you enough for ceasing the initiative for taking the
advantage of this opportunity to restructure your organization; get lower total head count and yet more Officers on
the street. That is just fantastic!" Commissioner Bonner added, "Absolutely."
Manager Smith then spoke of doing more with less, Staff working harder, and suggested to the City Commission
"A two percent (2%) across the board pay raise for all our Employees with the exception of the City Manager."
Manager Smith added, "Effective, first pay period in October. I am able to do that within this current Budget
without any affect or changes whatsoever to it."
Mayor Lacey inquired of Manager Smith, "So, this Budget shows thirteen point four million [dollars]
($13,400,000.00) in overall personnel costs. You are saying you can do the two percent (2%) raise and stay
within that thirteen point four million [dollars] (13,400,000.00) bogie..." Manager Smith added, "...And reduce
it, is what I'm saying. So, I would ask the Commission to consider that. I think it's the right thing to do. We can
do it financially. We can afford it. We're still saving money. I'm not returning all the savings. Some of the
savings had to go to pay that hundred and fifty thousand dollar ($150,000.00) Pension cost for overtime."
Mayor Lacey commented, "I am certainly willing to look at that again."
Manager Smith continued, "It has nothing to do with not getting raises for two (2) years. It has nothing to do with
the two percent (2%) increase in our Pension cost; it has everything to do with what I consider to be a private
sector approach of returning some of the savings that our Employees have generated."
Next, Commissioner Bonner commented about merit raises. Manager Smith clarified that the two percent (2%)
suggested pay increase was not a merit raise and explained, "It would be two percent (2%) across the board for
everybody." Manager Smith then spoke of a new proposal he was considering for future merit raises.
With further discussion, Commissioner Bonner asked, "Does the current pay structure allow you the opportunity
to instead of just awarding salary, award some meritorious bonus award..." Manager Smith responded, "...It
does." Continuing, Commissioner Bonner said, "Is that a component within the Pay Plan of the team members?"
Manager Smith answered, "We could do that."
Commissioner Bonner added, "My own thoughts are rather than bring forward a permanent increase in addition to
your recommended increase, for meritorious service, that you entertain meritorious bonus awards which are
appreciated, but don't have that long time lasting effect and therefore inspire to receive one again."
Commissioner Bonner added, "I am appreciative of what has been accomplished by your team and I certainly
encourage you to seek additional private sector approaches to reward innovation and accomplishment that furthers
us down that path."
Commissioner Brown mentioned, "I think it is extremely appropriate to thank the folks that have gotten you to
where you are today. I think everyone left standing in the organization shares and what has been accomplished
over the past year and the savings and the redirection that we have seen. I would definitely support your
direction." Mayor Lacey pointed out, "If 200 people now, or less than that, are doing the job that 234 people used
to do, they are working harder doing more, so there is a sense of proportion."
Continuing, Mayor Lacey said, "Is there any objection to that?" No objections were voiced. Mayor Lacey then
said, "Okay, I think you have Consensus."
Departmental Capital Requests were discussed next; and a document was distributed to the Mayor and City
Commission which outlined the various Capital requests.
Information Services Department:
Ms. Joanne Dalka, Director, Information Services Department spoke of her Capital Expense request which
included an item noted as "Desktop computers per replacement".
Manager Smith mentioned. "I would like to remind the Commission that this is the third year that we have taken
this approach of examining Capital and taking it out of Reserves. I would to offer to you, that I think that's a
good exercise to go through to give us a second set of six (6) eyes on our Capital requests. Also, I would remind
the Commission that two (2) years ago, even though we budgeted to take six hundred and something thousand
dollars out of reserve for Capital, we actually took out zero (0). We anticipate that to be the same at Fiscal Year
[20']I1, which hasn't closed yet. Because we are — looking at this every day and continuing to reach toward the
goal line, I anticipate that even though this is budgeted from Reserves, it will not actually come out of Reserves."
Discussion ensued on Reserves and utilizing laptops and/or docking configuration, when possible.
Mayor Lacey stated, "Is there a Consensus on the Commission to give direction that fifty-eight hundred [dollars]
($5,800.00) to be used out of Reserves?" With no objections noted, Mayor Lacey stated, "I think lack of
comment means, `Yes'."
Manager Smith introduced the next item from the Community Development Department and said, "This is the
CRA (Community Redevelopment Area) funding of the Shepard Road Project that you all have already
Approved. It will just be going into the 2012 Budget. It's again coming out of CRA (Community Redevelopment
Area) funds."
Mayor Lacey inquired of the City Commission, "Does anybody object to taking money from the CRA
(Community Redevelopment Area)?" No objections were voiced.
Police Department. -
Chief Brunelle commented on vehicles and different Cost Centers.
Tape 2/Side A
Next, Chief Brunelle addressed a "Camera system" for investigative services.
A Capital request for an "ERT Trailer" was then discussed.
Commissioner Brown asked about the Police Department's "Bus". With further comments on this, Chief
Brunelle stated they are trying to get the bus sold, and explained they were pursuing a "Route that allows us to
create the most efficient command post and use some money from the bus, and also hopefully some of the money
to get a Trailer that we can pull out to scenes, that we think is going to be more efficient for the Police
Department and the City to use during other critical incidents like hurricanes."
Chief Brunelle then commented on the digital format "Portable radio" requests and the need to be compatible with
other jurisdictions and digital radios; along with the requests for the "Electronic door lock"; the "Cellbrite - Cell
Phone Mobile Forensics"; the "Pre -owned vehicle" request; the need for "Night Vision Goggles"; the "Bullet
proof vests" request; the need to "Replace high mileage patrol vehicle" request; the "Dispatch Center Upgrades"
request; and the request for "In -car cameras".
Commissioner Bonner stated, "Great job as always Chief, to you and your team."
Discussion followed on the COP's (Citizen on Patrol) program, and the Police Department's canines and any
expected replacements in the coming years.
Mayor Lacey commented on the Police Department requests and asked if the City Commission had anything to
strike? There were no negative comments or objections.
Parks and Recreation Department:
Mr. Caldwell began the discussion addressing their requests and commented on the "Desktop Computer" request.
Continuing, Mr. Caldwell displayed some photographs related to "Park bathroom improvements" which showed
the need for repairs and improvements; and also addressed a need for replacing "Senior Center Carpet".
Next, Mr. Caldwell noted that the last four (4) items he was requesting "Are actually items that were Approved
last year through this Commission and they are items that are associated with funding with Impact Fees."
Manager Smith added, "We thought it best to bring this back in front of you all just for transparency, to request
that we re -budget them with the same caveat that if Impact Fees materialize, then we would fund them, and if they
don't, we won't."
With comments on the expected gains, Mayor Lacey asked, "Is this a prioritized list as you have got it here and if
not, what would be your priority use of the funds as they became available?" Mr. Caldwell responded, "It is a
prioritized list, in that order; and we will be seeking Grants as well."
Commissioner Bonner asked about the proposed Amphitheater; to which Manager Smith noted, "There is a
different revenue source for the Amphitheater. It is in this Budget. It is funded. It is just not funded from
General Fund Reserves." Commissioner Bonner then stated, "We don't envision having to hit the Reserves at all
for the Amphitheater?" Manager Smith stated, "That is correct."
Commissioner Resnick asked Mr. Caldwell if the wall was included in the Tennis Courts request. Mr. Caldwell
responded by saying "No."
Further discussion.
Manager Smith remarked, "One of the things that we need to continue to — complete our analysis on the
`Trotwood Tennis Courts' is the eligibility of those for Impact Fee usage, relative again to the dual rational nexus
test. There may be a situation where we find that that is not an appropriate use of Impact Fees and would need to
come back to you all and request the utilization of General Fund Reserves."
Mayor Lacey commented on the Parks and Recreation Department requests of items to come from the General
Fund and asked the City Commission, "Is there any objection to including them in the Budget?" Commissioner
Brown stated, "No." There were no objections voiced. Mayor Lacey added, "I think we are on the same track for
the Impact Fee list as funds become available." No objections to this were noted.
The previously scheduled Workshop for Friday, July 22, 2011 was discussed next, and whether it was still
needed. Commissioner Brown stated, "No." Mayor Lacey asked the rest of the Commission if a Workshop was
needed for Friday, July 22, 2011, to which no Commissioner voiced a need to meet. Thus, the Workshop for
Friday, July 22, 2011 was cancelled.
Mr. Lockcuff said to the Mayor and City Commission, "Everybody on the leadership team was well involved with
all aspects of this Budget. It was a great process. However, there was one thing that I heard and I didn't agree
with and I think my peers would disagree with - the Manager recommended to be excluded from the two percent
(2%). I would request you deny the recommendation."
Commissioner Brown remarked, "Well said."
Mayor Lacey then asked the City Commission, "What is your will as to the two percent (2%) increase across the
board for all Employees?" Deputy Mayor Jean Hovey remarked, "I think it should be all Employees."
Commissioner Brown added, "I support that as well."
Continuing, Mayor Lacey said to Manager Smith, "Please prepare a Budget with a two percent (2%) raise for all
Employees." Manager Smith responded, "Yes."
Mayor Lacey then commented on the Budget process and mentioned, "It is all attributable to the management of
the City that we have had over the past two and a half (2Yz) years, to get us to this point." Commissioner Brown
added, "We have a great team." Mayor Lacey then said, "Thank you very much to Kevin (Smith) and the senior
team that is here, as well as everyone who works here. Everyone has contributed to making this possible for us."
Further brief comments.
Mayor Lacey adjourned the Workshop at 8:17 p.m.
... I]/DNj
NOTE: These Minutes were approved at the August 8 , 2011 City Commission Regular Meeting.