HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011 08 22 Consent 202 School Resource Officer AgreementInformational
Public Hearings
August 22, 2011
Regular Meeting
The Police Department requests the Commission to approve the renewal of the annual School
Resource Officer inter - agency agreement contract with the Seminole County School Board and
authorize the City Manager to prepare and execute any and all applicable documents on behalf of
the city.
The Police Department requests the consent of the Commission to approve the renewal of the
School Resource Officer (SRO) inter - agency contract with the Seminole County School Board
for Winter Springs High School and Indian Trails Middle School and authorize the City Manager
to prepare and execute any and all applicable documents in the agreement on behalf of the city.
Funding for these officers is to be shared between the city and the school board in a 50 -50
arrangement outlined below.
ITEM 202
Mgr. / Dept.
As in years past, the City and Seminole County School Board have an inter - agency agreement
that provides School Resource Officers to Winter Springs' schools to assist with security, class
instruction, and to act as the liaison between police administrators and the school staff. This
year, we are providing two full -time officers: one to Winter Springs High School and one to
Indian Trails Middle School. The School Board agrees to compensate the City for the two
assigned officers and will pay the city $62,309.92 in eight (8) equal installments of $7,788.74
commencing October 3, 2011 to be paid on the 3 day of each month through May 2012.
Federal and State law requires this agreement must be authorized by the Commission of the City
during one of its regularly scheduled meetings. We request the Commission to approve the
contract as submitted to us by the City Attorney, Mr. Garganese, for the provision of these
As part of providing these officers to the schools mentioned above, the School Board will pay
the city $62,309.92in eight (8) equal installments of $7,788.74 commencing October 3, 2011 to
be paid on the 3rd day of each month through May 2012.
City Commission — Regular Meeting
August 22, 2011
Consent Agenda Item #202
Page 2of 3
This Agenda Item Has Been Electronically Forwarded to the Mayor and City Commission, City
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Are Typed Verbatim On The Respective Meeting Agenda Which Has Also Been Electronically
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Always Willing To Discuss This Agenda Item Or ANY Agenda Item With Any Interested
The Police Department recommends the Commission approve the new inter - agency contract for
the two School Resource Officers and to authorize the City Manager to prepare and execute any
and all applicable documents.
A. Copy of the 2011 -2012 SRO Contract submitted to the Police Department as
reviewed by City Attorney Garganese's office.
THIS kGREEMENT. is made and entered into this day of September, 2011. by and
between the SCHOOL BOARD OF SEMINOLE COUN'tY, FLORIDA, whose address is
400 Fast Lake Niary Blvd., Sanford. Florida 32773 (hereinafter referred to as - School Board
and the CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA a municipal corporation. whose address is
1126 F. State Road 434, Winter Springs. Florida 32708 (hereinafter referred to as - Agency - ).
'\\ HEREAS. the parties desire to implement the provisions of section 1006.12. Florida Statutes.
School Resource Officer Prouram, by entering into an inter-agency agreement: and
\\ 11 the School Board has requested that the Auency provide law enforcement
personnel at Indian frails Middle and Winter Springs lliuh School lbr service as a School
Resource Officer: and
NVIIEREAS, the Agency has aureed to provide law enforcement personnel to perform the duties
and responsibilities of a School Resource Officer at Indian Trails Micklle School and Winter
Sprinus High School under the terms and conditions set forth herein.
NONNI, TEIEREFORE. in consideration of the mutual considerations. tinderstandinus and
covenants set forth herein. the parties agree as follows:
1. TER111: The term of this Agreement is one (1) School Board fiscal year
commencing July 1. 2011. and continuing until June 30, 2012. the date of siunature by the parties
nom ithstandinu. This agreement may be renewed for successive terms of like duration b\
mutual written agreement of the parties and upon such terms as they shall agree.
2. P1 RPOSE: The purpose of this Aureement is to roster better relations and
communications between the School Board and the Agency and between students and law
enforcement personnel: to deter crime on or about school premises by the presence of a law
enforcement ()nicer: to enforce local. state, and federal laws: and to have law enforcement
officers available for presentations to the students, faculty, and parents concerning law
enforcement and various law enforcement related subjects.
3. SERVICES: The Agency agrees to provide iwo (2) full time School Resource
Officers who will perform such duties set forth in EX[IIBIT A (School Resource Officer).
which is attached hereto and made a part hereof' liar all purposes by this reference and
attachment. Etch officer provided shall at a minimum he equipped with a patrol VehiCie,
personal \\ eapon. personal communications unit, and such other equipment as is standard for,
and deemed necessary bv. the Agency, The fluency shall have the sole discretion to assign any
of its qualified law enfOrcement officers to the position of School Resource Officer. In
furtherance of that discretion. the Auency shall have the sole discretion to hire. dischar2e. and
discipline any School Resource Officer provided under this Agreement.
4, CO.NIPENSATI()N: The School Board will pay to the Cit Wittier Sprinus
the sum of Sixty Two Thousand Three flundred Nine dollars and 92/100 (S62.309.92) in eight
t8) equal installment payments in the amount of ($7,788.74). 1 he installment payments shall
commence on October 3, 2011 and shall he paid on the 3rd day of each month thereafter through
5. COOPERATION: The parties to this agreement agree that their respective officers.
employees and agents will mutually cooperate with each other to insure that this Agreement is
fully performed to achieve the purpose sct forth herein and the goals set forth in section 1006.12.
Florida Statutes.
The Agency agrees to provide and pay for the salary and employment benefits of the School
Resource Officers provided under this Agreement. Said salary and benefits shall be in
accordance with the applicable salary schedule and employment practices of the Agenc\
including. but not limited to. sick leave, vacation leave. retirement compensation, disability.
worker's compensation, unemployment compensation. Iifc 111SLIMI1CC, and medical insurance.
7. LIABILITY FOR INJURY OR SICKNESS: 'fo the extent that a School Resource
Officer is injured or becomes sick while performing the duties °l 0 School Resource Officer. the
Agency shall be responsible for said injury or sickness in accordance with the AgenQ's
employment practices. The School Board shall not he liable for said injuries or sickness arising
out al performance of duties hereunder by the School Resource Officer.
IN I)E\INI FICATI ON : a.) The AGENCY shall indemnify and hold the
'1 1( )01. B0A1:D, its officers. emploees and agents. and hold harmless to the extent permitted
by Florida law as set forth in § 76828 Fla. Stat.. from any liability. loss, damage, judgment. lien,
expense and cost sustained or incurred in connection v, ith any claims. suits, actions or
proceedings made or brought against the SCHOOL BOA1:1) as 0 result of any wrongful or
negligent acts or omissions of the AGEN('Y, its officers. employees or agents. while acting
within the scope of the employee's office or employment or while in the performance of its
obligations under this Agreement arising under § 768.28, 1' In. Stat.
b.) Further. the Agency shall fully indemnify and hold the SCHOOL BOARD harmless
from anv Loss. damage., judgment. lien. expense and cost sustained or incurred arising
out or any claim, SUil. action. or proceeding made or brought against the SCI BOARD as a
result of any wrongful or negligent act or omission of the AGENCY. its officers, employees. or
agents. not subject to sovereign immunity or the partial Waiver thereof h\ § 768.28. Ela. Stat.
.including but not limited to claims arising under 42 U.C.A. § 1983.
c.) The 'agreements hereinabove set forth at 8.a. and 8.b.„ shall survive the termination of
this agreement and be fully binding upon the parties until such time as anv and all claims are
barred 1 anv ,ipplicable statute in limitation of actions.
ta) Mc School Resource Officer shall be deemed at all times to bc an employee of the
AJiencv and not an employee or agents of the School Board. The School Resource Officer shall
at all times be deemed to bc an employee of the agency and not of the School Board for purposes
al workers' compensation and tort liability pursuant to 768.28. Florida Statutes. At all times
when the School Resource ()flicer is in the performance of citifies hereunder. thc officer Shall
deemed to he actinL, within the course and scope of the officer's employment as an officer.
employee or agent of the Auency.
(h) It is understood and agreed b\ the parties that no School Resource Officer shall be
deemed an employee of the School Board and that no officer or employee of the School Board
shall be tin employee 0 r the Agency.
a, For the School Board:
Bob DeVecchio, Coordinator of Safety & Security Services
Seminole County Public Schools
400 Fast Lake Mary Blvd,
Sanford, Florida 32773
h. For the A42elley:
Kevin Brunelle, Chief of Police
Winter Springs Police Department
300 \orth Moss Road
Winter Spring. FL 32708
I I. NOTICES: 'Whenever any party desires or is required by law to Live . notice to the
other party, notice shall be sent by certified mail or hand delivered.
a, F`or the School Board:
Dr. Bill Vogel. Superintendent
Seminole County Public Schools
400 Last Like Mary Blvd.
Sanford, Florida 32773
h. For the Agency:
Kevin Brunelle. Chief of Police
Winter Springs Police Department
300 \orth Moss Road
Winter Springs, Florida 32708
In addition a copy ol all notices shall be mai ledldeliv ered to the desi Lnated contract
administrator. 2 change in either the agency head or the contract administrator shall he
notieed in wlilint2 to INC other party.
(a) The parties recognize that the School Resource Officer is a law enforcement officer and
not a school administrator or employee. In all matters relLuing to the performance of law
enforcement Functions such as criminal incident investiLations, the officer shall be subject to the
direction of the officer's agency's standard operating procedures and agency supervisor. in the
event the . shall require the officer to assist with emergencies Of Civil disturbances oft"
school premises, the officer shall be permitted to immediately respond by the school principal.
Any such emergency or exigent situations shall not affect any compensation required to be paid
to ihe ikgency by the School Board.
(b) All policy disputes shall be referred by the principal to his/her executive director and ir
the School Resource Officer supervisor for resolution.
I 3. TERMINATION: This aiiJeement may be terminated by any party at any time. upon not
less than thirty (30) days written notice delivered by Certified tail. Return Receipt Requested,
or in person to the other parties.
(a) It is understood and agreed that the entire agreement of the parties is contained herein and
that this agreement supersedes all oral agreements and negotiations between the parties reknit
to the subject matter hereof. as well as any previous agreements presentiv in effect between the
parties. felaIllh2 10 the subject matter hereof.
..Anv alterations, amendments., deletions. or waiVers of the provisions of this Agreement
shall be valid only when expressed in writing, approved bv the respective parries and duly
executed on behallof each part
[Sigmiture Page Follows]
ENecuted in Seminole County. Honda on the dates as shown:
Andrea Lorcno-Luaces, City Clerk
Approved as to form and legal sufficiency:
Anthony Ai Garuanese, City Attorney
As authorized by the City Commission on:
Dr. Bill Vogel, Superintendent
Approved as to form and legal sufficiency:
Ned Julian. choo1 Board Attorney
Charles Lacey, Niavor
Dede Schaffner, School Board Chairman
As authorized for exec aioi by thc School Board in its meeting of 2011,
Anything set forth herein to the COlitrafV. the school resource officer shall at all times
perform his/her duties in accorclance with the officer's agency's standard operating.
[he powers and duties of the school resource officer as a taw enforcement officer shall
continue throughout the school resource officer's assignment in that capacity,
3. The school resource officer shall be responsible to his/her agency in all matters relating to
employment. except that activities conducted by the school resource orlicer which are
part or the regular school instructional program shall be under the direction of the
Ihe school officer VIII be familiar with the operation of audio-visual equipment generall■
in use in the school.
1 he officer will report in and out \vhen the officer arrives at or leaves a carrq
0. When school is not in session, the officer shall perform such duties as are directed by his
agency. The principal or hisTher designee shall advise the officer's agency supervisor of
the school's calendar.
The officer will make contact reports or each student counseled. The contact reports
will be liled with the school's guidance department. No students will be contacted during
school hours and on the school campus about their suspected criminal activity without
notice to the school principal or his/her designee and except in accordance with the
officer's agency's standards operating procedures.
8. All student record information will be maintained in accordance with the provisions of
1002.22 F.S.
a. [he officer will integrate with the students between class breaks. during lunch periods,
before and alter school and at school activities at which the officer is in attendance in
the course of his employment duties:
0. lhe officer will serve as a referral resource for students. faculty and parents to
community agencies:
c. lhC officer will serve as a law enforcement resource person to the school
administration, the school security officers and the district chief or security:
1, [Lc oinccr wi 1 ussist thc school principal, school securitY officer and district chief of
securit■ in developing plans and strategies for the prevention and control of
dangerous situations at the :school:
e. Fhc officer will coordinate activities with the school guidance department fl an effort
to identify those students who exhibit indications of earl■ delinquent beim\ ior.
10. The officer shall pariicipate in such classroom teaching activities as are deemed
appropriate by the school principal.
THIS AGREEMENT, is made and entered into this day of September, 2011, by and
between the SCHOOL BOARD OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, whose address is
400 East Lake Mary Blvd., Sanford, Florida 32773 (hereinafter referred to as "School Board "),
and the CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA a municipal corporation, whose address is
1126 E. State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708 (hereinafter referred to as "Agency ").
WHEREAS, the arties desire to implement the provisions of section 1006.12, Florida Statutes,
p p
School Resource Officer Program, by entering into an inter - agency agreement; and
WHEREAS, the School Board has requested that the Agency provide law enforcement
personnel at Indian Trails Middle and Winter Springs High School for service as a School
Resource Officer; and
WHEREAS, the Agency has agreed to provide law enforcement personnel to perform the duties
and responsibilities of a School Resource Officer at Indian Trails Middle School and Winter
Springs High School under the terms and conditions set forth herein.
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual considerations, understandings and
covenants set forth herein, the parties agree as follows:
1. TERM: The term of this Agreement is one (1) School Board fiscal year
commencing July 1, 2011, and continuing until June 30, 2012, the date of signature by the parties
notwithstanding. This agreement may be renewed for successive terms of like duration by
mutual written agreement of the parties and upon such terms as they shall agree.
2. PURPOSE: The purpose of this Agreement is to foster better relations and
communications between the School Board and the Agency and between students and law
enforcement personnel; to deter crime on or about school premises by the presence of a law
enforcement officer; to enforce local, state, and federal laws; and to have law enforcement
officers available for presentations to the students, faculty, and parents concerning law
enforcement and various law enforcement related subjects.
3. SERVICES: The Agency agrees to provide two (2) full time School Resource
Officers who will perform such duties set forth in EXHIBIT A (School Resource Officer),
which is attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes by this reference and
attachment. Each officer provided shall at a minimum be equipped with a patrol vehicle,
personal weapon, personal communications unit, and such other equipment as is standard for,
and deemed necessary by, the Agency. The Agency shall have the sole discretion to assign any
of its qualified law enforcement officers to the position of School Resource Officer. In
furtherance of that discretion, the Agency shall have the sole discretion to hire, discharge, and
discipline any School Resource Officer provided under this Agreement.
4. COMPENSATION: The School Board will pay to the City of Winter Springs
the sum of Sixty Two Thousand Three Hundred Nine dollars and 92/100 ($62,309.92) in eight
(8) equal installment payments in the amount of ($7,788.74). The installment payments shall
commence on October 3, 2011 and shall be paid on the 3rd day of each month thereafter through
May, 2012.
5. COOPERATION: The parties to this agreement agree that their respective officers,
employees and agents will mutually cooperate with each other to insure that this Agreement is
fully performed to achieve the purpose set forth herein and the goals set forth in section 1006.12,
Florida Statutes.
The Agency agrees to provide and pay for the salary and employment benefits of the School
Resource Officers provided under this Agreement. Said salary and benefits shall be in
accordance with the applicable salary schedule and employment practices of the Agency
including, but not limited to, sick leave, vacation leave, retirement compensation, disability,
worker's compensation, unemployment compensation, life insurance, and medical insurance.
7. LIABILITY FOR INJURY OR SICKNESS: To the extent that a School Resource
Officer is injured or becomes sick while performing the duties of a School Resource Officer, the
Agency shall be responsible for said injury or sickness in accordance with the Agency's
employment practices. The School Board shall not be liable for said injuries or sickness arising
out of performance of duties hereunder by the School Resource Officer.
8. INDEMNIFICATION: a.) The AGENCY shall indemnify and hold the
SCHOOL BOARD, its officers, employees and agents, and hold harmless to the extent permitted
by Florida law as set forth in § 768.28 Fla. Stat., from any liability, loss, damage, judgment, lien,
expense and cost sustained or incurred in connection with any claims, suits, actions or
proceedings made or brought against the SCHOOL BOARD as a result of any wrongful or
negligent acts or omissions of the AGENCY, its officers, employees or agents, while acting
within the scope of the employee's office or employment or while in the performance of its
obligations under this Agreement arising under § 768.28, Fla. Stat.
b.) Further, the Agency shall fully indemnify and hold the SCHOOL BOARD harmless
from any liability, loss, damage, judgment, lien, expense and cost sustained or incurred arising
out of any claim, suit, action, or proceeding made or brought against the SCHOOL BOARD as a
result of any wrongful or negligent act or omission of the AGENCY, its officers, employees, or
agents, not subject to sovereign immunity or the partial waiver thereof by § 768.28, Fla. Stat.
,including but not limited to claims arising under 42 U.C.A. § 1983.
c.) The agreements hereinabove set forth at 8.a. and 8.b., shall survive the termination of
this agreement and be fully binding upon the parties until such time as any and all claims are
barred by any applicable statute in limitation of actions.
(a) The School Resource Officer shall be deemed at all times to be an employee of the
Agency and not an employee or agents of the School Board. The School Resource Officer shall
at all times be deemed to be an employee of the agency and not of the School Board for purposes
of workers' compensation and tort liability pursuant to 768.28, Florida Statutes. At all times
when the School Resource Officer is in the performance of duties hereunder, the officer shall be
deemed to be acting within the course and scope of the officer's employment as an officer,
employee or agent of the Agency.
(b) It is understood and agreed by the parties that no School Resource Officer shall be
deemed an employee of the School Board and that no officer or employee of the School Board
shall be an employee of the Agency.
a. For the School Board:
Bob DeVecchio, Coordinator of Safety & Security Services
Seminole County Public Schools
400 East Lake Mary Blvd.
Sanford, Florida 32773
b. For the Agency:
Kevin Brunelle, Chief of Police
Winter Springs Police Department
300 North Moss Road
Winter Springs, FL 32708
11. NOTICES: Whenever any party desires or is required by law to give any notice to the
other party, notice shall be sent by certified mail or hand delivered.
a. For the School Board:
Dr. Bill Vogel, Superintendent
Seminole County Public Schools
400 East Lake Mary Blvd.
Sanford, Florida 32773
b. For the Agency:
Kevin Brunelle, Chief of Police
Winter Springs Police Department
300 North Moss Road
Winter Springs, Florida 32708
In addition a copy of all notices shall be mailed /delivered to the designated contract
administrator. Any change in either the agency head or the contract administrator shall be
noticed in writing to the other party.
(a) The parties recognize that the School Resource Officer is a law enforcement officer and
not a school administrator or employee. In all matters relating to the performance of law
enforcement functions such as criminal incident investigations, the officer shall be subject to the
direction of the officer's agency's standard operating procedures and agency supervisor. In the
event the Agency shall require the officer to assist with emergencies or civil disturbances off
school premises, the officer shall be permitted to immediately respond by the school principal.
Any such emergency or exigent situations shall not affect any compensation required to be paid
to the Agency by the School Board.
(b) All policy disputes shall be referred by the principal to his/her executive director and to
the School Resource Officer supervisor for resolution.
13. TERMINATION: This agreement may be terminated by any party at any time, upon not
less than thirty (30) days written notice delivered by Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested,
or in person to the other parties.
(a) It is understood and agreed that the entire agreement of the parties is contained herein and
that this agreement supersedes all oral agreements and negotiations between the parties relating
to the subject matter hereof, as well as any previous agreements presently in effect between the
parties, relating to the subject matter hereof.
(b) Any alterations, amendments, deletions, or waivers of the provisions of this Agreement
shall be valid only when expressed in writing, approved by the respective parties and duly
executed on behalf of each party.
[Signature Page Follows]
Executed in Seminole County, Florida on the dates as shown:
, _
• oreno- Luaces, City Clerk Charl• s Lacey, May
DATE: August 22, 2011 DATE: August 22, 204,_,____
Approved as to form and legal sufficiency:
DATE: August 22, 2011
Anthony A. Garganese, City Attorney
As authorized by the City Commission on: August 22, 2011
BY: v
Dr. Bill Vogel, Superintendent Dede Schaffner, Sc ool Board Chairman
DATE: q`13`4 DATE: -/ 3
Approved as to form and legal sufficiency:
Ned Julian, chool : • . • . Attorney
As authorized for execution by the School Board in its meeting of 9 -1 , 2011.
1. Anything set forth herein to the contrary, the school resource officer shall at all times
perform his /her duties in accordance with the officer's agency's standard operating
2. The powers and duties of the school resource officer as a law enforcement officer shall
continue throughout the school resource officer's assignment in that capacity.
3. The school resource officer shall be responsible to his/her agency in all matters relating to
employment, except that activities conducted by the school resource officer which are
part of the regular school instructional program shall be under the direction of the
4. The school officer will be familiar with the operation of audio - visual equipment generally
in use in the school.
5. The officer will report in and out when the officer arrives at or leaves a campus.
6. When school is not in session, the officer shall perform such duties as are directed by his
agency. The principal or his/her designee shall advise the officer's agency supervisor of
the school's calendar.
7. The officer will make contact reports for each student counseled. The contact reports
will be filed with the school's guidance department. No students will be contacted during
school hours and on the school campus about their suspected criminal activity without
notice to the school principal or his/her designee and except in accordance with the
officer's agency's standards operating procedures.
8. All student record information will be maintained in accordance with the provisions of
1002.22 F.S.
9. a. The officer will integrate with the students between class breaks, during lunch periods,
before and after school and at school activities at which the officer is in attendance in
the course of his employment duties;
b. The officer will serve as a referral resource for students, faculty and parents to
community agencies;
c. The officer will serve as a law enforcement resource person to the school
administration, the school security officers and the district chief of security;
d. The officer will assist the school principal, school security officer and district chief of
security in developing plans and strategies for the prevention and control of
dangerous situations at the school;
e. The officer will coordinate activities with the school guidance department in an effort
to identify those students who exhibit indications of early delinquent behavior.
10. The officer shall participate in such classroom teaching activities as are deemed
appropriate by the school principal.
July 25, 2011
Shawn Boyle
1126 E. SR 434
Winter Springs, FL 32708
Educational Support Center
400 E. Lake Mary Boulevard
Sanford, Florida 32773-7127 Dear Mr. Boyle,
School Safety & Enclosed is the School Resource Agreement for the 2011-2012 school year.
Student Alternative
w. c;rNE �a�cr Please review and forward three (3) originals to the appropriate
v`r��'r°'" personnel for approval and signature. Once the Agreement has been
�none �ao�> :�ao-o i 6�
�aX �4o�i 3zo-osss signed, please return all originals to me so that I may subinit them to the
s�nooi s��Ur�cy School Board tor approval in August.
c��ra��,a��� After the School Board a roval has been obtained and si ned, I will
Phune: (407) 320-0442 pp g
ra� �ao�� 3zo-o49y return an original to you for the City's files. I appreciate your help in the
Safe and Drug Free
s�n���s process this year and if you have any questions regarding the Agreement,
i-isA i'A�E: please give me a call.
Prevention Specialist
Phone' (407) 320-05�2
F�ax: (407) 320-058� S1TlCePely,
Juurneys r�cadcmy
Pririci�al / � �
Phone: (407) 320-7850 l�e��
�Iternative Sites De�' EriTl 11t Executive Secretar
i�,��� Safety & Security Services
i�',°"z t4°'> 32°-03" Educational Support Center
Fax: (407) 320-058�
SeminoleCounty 4QQ E. Lake MaTy BOUIEV1Td
�°�`°��` u �`` °t � °° Sanford FL 32773-7127
e e��c��� ,
��n��,�� �ao��33o-b�so xa3s (407-320-0442)
Eugene Gregory
1'outh Academy
Phune�. �407j 708-7651 EnClOSUTeS �3�
John E. Polk
Educational Center �
Phone: (407) 320-0317 �
Seminole Elementary
Phone�. (407) 320-3950
Seminole Truancy �
Alternative for Youth
Center (S.'I�.A.Y.)
Phone (407) 665-24�2
'Teen Parent Services
Pllone: (407) 320-0263
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