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2011 08 02 Other Regular 601 Distributed By Chris Caldwell
Date: August 2, 2011 The following documents were distributed by Mr. Chris Caldwell and relates to Agenda Item Regular "601" at the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Regular Meeting on August 2, 2011. i CI7Y OF WIN7ER SPRINGS Parks & Recreation - All Divisions - Summary FISCAL YEAR 2011•2072 BUDGET Original Revised Account FY 08/09 FY 09N0 FY 10H1 FY 10/11 �Y` �:'J/12 '' Number Description of Exuenditure Actual Actual Budget Budget ;` $u dget r :' 51210 Regular Salaries $914,143 $826,337 $849,278 $847 848 =_ . .' $733,&tE} 1 51214 Overtime Salaries $22,118 $16,219 $19,322 $19 322 ' :$'(�,02n 52110 F.I.C.A. TaxesCity Portion $70,603 $63,850 $66,753 $66 753 ` $57,1331 52310 HealthlLife Insurance/Dis Ins $87,369 $79,324 $706,145 $106 145 : '; �1�R0,231' ! 52320 Workers' Comp. Insurance $26,029 $22,260 $18,945 $18 945 $�0.3D9 ` 52330 Pension E�cpense $712,538 $138,944 $150,985 $150 985 � :. ' $$9;262 . Total Payroll $1,232,798 $1,146,934 $1,211,428 $1,209 998 �;`�r1 A18,795 ' 53140 Pre-EmploymenVPhysicals $2,012 $1,117 $1,050 $1050 ",-; $1,15tl' 53160 Consulting Services $11,668 $19,460 $0 $0 $0 53786 Outside Services $111,398 $115,514 $127,500 $125 500 ; ,: $'�79,5QQ : 53210 Audit Services $0 $0 $2,500 $2 500 �`' ` $2;50tl 53411 Bank Charges $0 $1,564 $2,500 $2,500 " F F , $2,50Q 54010 Travel & Per Diem $1,082 $2,215 $1,900 $1,900 $2,2Q0 '. 54020 Automobile Allowance $4,200 $4,200 $4,200 $4 200 . $0' 54110 Telephone $5,688 $5,740 $6,500 $6,500 ` $6;500 54210 Postage $614 $1,152 $1,600 $1 600 $1,60Q 54310 Uti�ity Services $126,535 $136,307 $151,500 $149 500 ;' , $151,000 ' 54410 Equipment Rental $16,643 $8,251 $13,900 $13,650 " ', $10,650 ' 54502 Cash Over / ShoR ($7) $3 $0 $0 ; ;, " $0 . 54630 Repair & Maintenance - Equipment $50,918 $40,431 $42,900 $42 900 i $44,904 54650 Repair & Maintenance - Vehicles $4,156 $3,844 $6,000 $8 000 ,,, , $5,000 54660 Repair 8 Maintenance - Buiiding $39,330 $22,759 $25,400 $25,400 %° ' $24,904; 54682 Repair & Maintenance - Grounds $194,770 $145,333 $155,000 $154 500 ;,; $101,QQQ, 54687 Repair & Maintenance - Irrigation $3,987 $3,000 $3,000 $3 000 ' :` $13,QOQ-. 54720 Copy Machine Supplies $980 $246 $300 $300 ° "$30Q " 54730 Printing Expense $8,650 $3,497 $4,000 $4,058 $4,5Q0' 54800 Promotional Activities - Programs $8,053 $2,903 $3,250 $3,500 $3,000 54800 30107 Promotional - Veterans Memoriai $10,572 $0 $0 $0 y- ' S0 54800 70400 Promotional - Scottish Highland $13,200 $0 $0 $0 '' S0' 54800 90100 Promotional - July 4th $42,358 $21,514 $0 $0 $Q 54800 90200 Promotional - Tree Lightlng $9,532 $9,325 $0 $0 '' $0 ; 54800 90400 Promotlonal - Parade $1,910 $0 $0 $0 .; °'', $Q' 54800 90500 Promotional - Fall Event $6,778 $5,639 $0 $0 l $0 . 54800 90800 Promo - Mardf Gras $6,608 $0 $0 $0 ,° $0 ; �� 54850 Scholarship Expense $1,310 $15 $1,000 $1 000 ,--., $�.000 ; 54880 Summer Camp Program $31,636 $25,041 $70,000 $70,000 ^�' , $BB,500 ' 54890 League and Field Renlal Expense $56,495 $62,016 $68,000 $68 000 ,, $75,OQ0 54920 Legal Advertising $307 $35 $50 $50 ��' $7D0 ' 54950 Recording Fees $146 $180 $0 $0 $0 55110 Office Suppiies $3,825 $2,462 $3,150 $3,150 . $2,40D 55120 Computer / Fau / Printer Expense $2,385 $2,224 $3,250 $3 250 .. $3,500 55210 Fuel & Oil $16,450 $17,752 $18,400 $18,400 ;` $17,550 ' 55220 Tires & Filters $2,923 $1,682 $2,500 $2,500 $2,000 5523D Operating Supplies $13,121 $9,939 $12,300 $12,242 $6,4QD ,. 55240 Uniforms $3,159 $3,201 $3,200 $3,200 ' ' $3,20�; 55260 Janitorial Supplies $15,531 $16,058 $17,450 $17,450 ' $14,50Q' 55270 Small Tools & Equipment $20,228 $24,831 $22,100 $27,350 - 522,800 55278 Software $14,208 $243 $120 $120 . � 55285 PooUSplash Playground Chemicals $4,193 $4,663 $7,000 $7 000 , : $7,�= 55290 Protective Clothing 32,855 52,096 $2,800 $2 800 ' $Z,200` 55410 Subscriptions $111 $156 3200 $200 $1,SQ0= 55411 Dues 8 Registrations $2,692 $2,674 $4,485 $7 185 �;i . $5,�D0 ' 55430 Employee Development $2,821 $1,686 $2,000 $2,000 ' $3,700' 55440 CeA Exp - Coaches for Ptnrshps $1 500 30 $0 $0 $0 ' Total Operating $877,947 $730,968 $791,005 $794,455 ; $799;250 58125 Transfer to Olher Funds (#118) $0 $0 $35,000 $35,250 $35,000 58160 70�05 Trensfer to LOC Debt Svc Fund $60,000 $650,854 $0 $0 $0. TotalTransfers . $93,019 $650,854 $35,000 $35,250 •!. $35,df7Q'. 62000 Buildings $26,285 $0 $0 $0 $0 ; 64000 Equipment-General $9,152 $72,315 $32,500 $32,500 , ; $a-. 64200 Data Processing Equipment $5,986 $0 $1,250 $7,250 ., g . $0 65000 Construction in Progress $0 $55,790 $0 $0 ;. $f# o- Total Capitai $41,423 $128,105 $52,750 $52,750 ', $0� TOTAL PARKS & REC BUDGET $2,245,187 $2,656,861 $2,090,183 $2,092,453 ' $1,854.045 ' 106 I CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS Parks & Recreation - Administration - 7200 FISCAL YEAR 2011-2012 BUDGET � �� � � Original Revised Account FY 08I09 FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 10/11 �Y i'II��' Number Description of Exqenditure Actual Actual Budget Budget �� i3uf��� a�': �.,_ . 51210 Regular Salaries $132,048 $124,704 $123,881 $124,069 ' � $11'7,Q3� 51214 Overtime Salaries $703 $372 $1,434 $1,434 f�� $���5f} - 52110 F.I.C.A. Taxes-City Portion $10,061 $9,421 $9,660 $9,660 �" �9;1,6q ' 52310 Health/Life insurance/Dis Ins $8,197 $11,934 $14,168 $14,168 $1"78�7 52320 Workers' Comp. Insurance $340 $278 $245 $245 1 �-, �r295 , 52330 Pension Expense $20,711 $28,883 $28,412 $28,412 $22 547 . Total Payroll $172,060 $175,592 $177,800 $177,988 L �� $�6�,656= 53160 Consulting Services $340 $800 $0 $0 � _ �t3 , 53411 Bank Charges $0 $1,564 $2,500 $2,500 s � � �2 St�Q ' 54010 Travel & Per Diem $10 $713 $400 $400 N � ' ; $�00 54020 Automobile Allowance $4,200 $4,200 $4,200 $4,200 y � , $0 ' 54110 Telephone $1,373 $1,251 $1,800 $1,800 `$1 80Q: 54210 Postage $18 $30 $100 $100 �1Q0: 54410 Equipment Rental $2,391 $2,028 $3,850 $3,850 $�;85q '. 54630 Repair & Maintenance - Equipment $211 $0 $0 $0 ° ' $t) 54660 Repair & Maintenance - Building $1,815 $486 $1,400 $1,400 $1��400 54720 Copy Machine Supplies $685 $0 $0 $0 � F $f} ' 54730 Printing Expense $0 $0 $0 $0 $2Q0 ' 54800 Promotional Activities - Programs $347 $0 $0 $0 ° �$0 , 54920 Legal Advertising $307 $35 $50 $50 °, $1�Q 54950 Recording Fees $146 $180 $0 $0 � ' $� 55110 Office Supplies $1,171 $1,432 $1,800 $1,800 � 'l�800; 55120 Computer / Fax / Printer Expense $1,378 $1,678 $2,000 $2,000 `� �� ,t�OCi�� 55230 Operating Supplies $582 $120 $500 $500 ' �5�0�= 55260 Janitorial Supplies $246 $87 $250 $250 ` $0 55270 Small Toois & Equipment $622 $449 $500 $500 : ,� �5Q0 ' 55278 Software $0 $0 $60 $60 $2 QQ.O- 55290 Protective Clothing $148 $49 $100 $100 : ��qQ 55410 Subscriptions $86 $86 $100 $100 � �; � � �bd '� 55411 Dues & Registrations $621 $505 $515 $515 $ �2pQ, 55430 Employee Development $465 $480 $500 $500 ��� ��$�,�QO Total Operating $17,162 $16,173 $20,625 $20,625 �'� =$�4,4aQ, 58125 Transfer to Other Funds (#118) $0 $0 $35,000 $35,000 \'$��;0�0 Total Transfers $0 $0 $35,000 $35,000 „�$���000� 64200 Data Processing Equipment $1,166 $0 $1,250 $1,250 z' $q TotaiCapital $1,166 $0 $1,250 $1,250 $€}' ��: TOTAL BUDGET $190 388 $191,765 $234,675 $234,863 „ � $���4;10�.; 107 . CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS Parks & Recreation - Athletics - 7210 FISCAL YEAR 2011-2012 BUDGET Beginning with FY 2012, division 7211 - Athletic Leagues will be assimilated into 7210 - Athletics. � �� � Original Revised b ` ' � Account FY 08/09 FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 10/11 � k"Y 11,�13 ;,'. Number Description of Expenditure Actual Actual Budget Budget .,�2tt�y�� ,: t� ,�& '� o , � � 51210 Regular Salaries $150,648 $143,528 $164,205 $164,264 � �j�k,��2 ' 51214 Overtime Salaries $514 $181 $1,829 $1,829 � � 1,�� 52110 F.I.C.A. Taxes-City Portion $11,198 $10,627 $12,776 $12,776 �,� t3, d� 52310 Health/Life Insurance/Dis Ins $7,763 $7,654 $8,277 $8,277 �1!# �� ' 52320 Workers' Comp. Insurance $4,947 $4,572 $4,327 $4,327 � ,� �4,7�,� ; 52330 Pension Expense $14,089 $19,765 $20,717 $20,717 5�'f3,8� ', Total Payroll $189,159 $186,327 $212,131 $212,190 `$�23,t13 ; 53140 Pre-EmploymenUPhysicals $0 $113 $100 $100 � � ',$2Q4'� 54010 Travel & Per Diem $0 $255 $200 $200 ' ,! ��A4 ;: 54110 Telephone $971 $971 $1,200 $1,200 $1���q.'. 54880 Summer Camp Program $0 $0 $0 $0 ` $:3 54890 League and Field Rental Expense $0 $0 $0 $0 .� �a7 QDO 55110 Office Supplies $793 $143 $200 $200 � $E7 : 55230 Operating Supplies - for Ptnerships $1,070 $0 $0 $0 � � $Q " 55240 Uniforms $788 $1,119 $1,000 $1,000 $,1,00(� 55260 Janitorial Supplies $99 $0 $0 $0 ' $t�; 55270 Small Tools & Equipment $2,462 $649 $700 $700 ' ; $?C�b:: 55278 Soflware $13,934 $0 $60 $60 $�4�01 55290 Protective Clothing $250 $186 $200 $200 ', �20b 55410 Subscriptions $15 $0 $0 $0 ° $t3 55411 Dues & Registrations $440 $330 $500 $500 ` $'1,50D. ', 55430 Empioyee Development $810 $61 $300 $300 ,�, ., ; .;'r$6QQ:, Total Operating $21,632 $3,827 $4,460 $4,460 �i6�,3Qt1 , Total Transfers $0 $0 $0 $0 � ' � ��d' ,� 64200 Data Processing Equipment $2,489 $0 $0 $0 � ��t;,: Total Capitai $2,489 $0 $0 $0 $t};; TOTAL BUDGET $213,280 $190,154 $216,591 $216,650 , r : `$2$9443 Associated Revenues: 001-347201 League Fees prev #349100 � $46,000 Z In prior years, this cost center was in Division 7211 - Athietics 001-347205 Sport Camps prev #349500 Lea ue $6,200 001-347206 Fieid Rental (prev #347201) 9 $16,000 � Assoclated League Revenues: LeaguelFieid Expense: 70200 Softball $37,000 70200 Softball $33,000 70201 Football $9,000 70201 Football $8,000 $46,000 General $16,000 $57,000 2 Contractual Sport Camp Revenues: i9 - Flag Football $2,600 Hogan Basketbali $2,000 Misc. Sports Camps $1,600 $6,200 108 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS Parks & Recreation - Athletic Partnerships - 7212 FISCAL YEAR 2011-2012 BUDGET Original Revised x �� Account FY 08109 FY 09I10 FY 10H 1 PY 10/11 � FrY�'f9172 ���� Number Descriation of Exnenditure Actual Actual Budget Budget �yd9et =',�y-. ,= Total Payroll $0 $0 $o $0 $f�, ' 53140 Pre-EmpioymenUPhysicals $1,000 $0 $0 $0 , $Li ' 53210 Audit Services (recategorized from 55440) $0 $0 $2,500 $2,500 $25DQ,; 54210 Postage $596 $1,122 $1,500 $1,500 j 54410 Equipment Rental $422 $400 $500 $500 ��OQ ; 54730 PrintingExpense $1,768 $1,782 $2,000 $2,000 ��2qf11�" 54890 League and Field Rental Expense $15,138 $18,382 $23,000 $23,000 8 �ts aQp 55230 Operating Supplies $4,978 $3,822 $5,000 $5,000 ' $A 000 55270 Small Tools & Equipment $2,616 $1,430 $1,700 $1,700 ��'��"p0°' 55440 Cert Exp - Certs for Coaches $1 500 $0 $0 $0 ` 'a � $�: TotalOperating $28,020 $26,938 $36,200 $36,200 $30;OD0' Total Transfers $0 $o $0 $0 ;� $0' Total Capital $0 $0 $0 $0 $Q, TOTAL BUDGET $28,020 $26,938 $36,200 $36,200 $3D,OOQ Associated Revenue: 001-347204 Partnership League Fees prev #349400 � $59,107 $65,337 $66,500 $66,500 $66,500 ' Partnership League Fee revenues: CFK Soccer Ctub $33,000 WSBL $14,000 WS Babe Ruth $11,500 WS Grizziies $8,000 $66,500 110 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS Parks & Recreation - Concessions - 7220 FISCAL YEAR 2011-2012 BUDGET �� ,. r Originai Revised r Account FY 08/09 FY 09110 FY 10/11 FY 10/11 �1�'l�11� Number Description of Expenditure Actual Actual Budget Budget k�ui[get`: ' 52320 Workers' Comp. Insurance $24 $0 $0 $0 $Q ,: Total Payroll $24 $0 $0 $0 $fl,:- 54310 Utility Services $309 $0 $0 $0 $�,, TotalOperating $309 $0 $0 $0 � _ = $t};: Total Transfers $0 $0 $0 $0 - SQw. Total Capital $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL BUDGET $333 $0 $0 $0 $4'; Associated Revenue: 001-347210 Concession Revenue $558 $0 $0 $0 = ��, , $Q>: 111 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS Parks & Recreation - Parks & Grounds - 7230 FISCAL YEAR 20114012 BUDGET Beginning with FY 2012, division 7270 - Hound Ground and division 7280 - Splash Pads will be assimilated into 7230 - Parks 8 Grounds ,��� 4 �� : _,�'•�` °< Original Revised ' Account FY OS/09 FY 09/10 FY 10111 FY t OH 7 �Y 1�il�12'�. Number Description of Exoenditure Actual Actual Budget Budget EuilgeL: "" 51210 Regular Salaries $404,694 $328,619 $339,253 $341,276 `$245 396 51214 Overtime Salaries $18,938 $13,957 $12,311 $12,311 �3,'C13; 52110 F.I.C.A. Taxes-City Portion $31,794 $26,057 $26,941 $26,941 $j35�1 ;. 52310 Health/life Insurance/Dis Ins $53,594 $42,374 $64,664 $64,864 �" "$!}�L8�5 ' 52320 Workers' Comp. Insurance $14,035 $10,842 $9,128 $9,128 $ 859: 52330 Pension Expense $57,548 $81,400 $71,603 $71,603 �� l;$���13 : TotalPayroll $580,601 $483,249 $524,100 $526,123 ��$36.� 53140 Pre-EmploymenUPhysicals $697 $495 $450 $310 t ��45D , 53160 Consulting Services $11,328 $0 $0 $0 $0 ' 53186 Outsfde Services ' $86,967 $83,082 5100,000 $100,000 � $t58#I(30 � 54010 Travel & Per Diem $45 $290 $500 $500 I$.5ql3 54110 Telephone $1,786 $2,014 $1,800 $1,800 ,+ ;'.$1 8�0=' 54310 UtiliryServices $59,894 $69,678 $70,000 $70,000 ; $8�D(l0 54410 Equipment Rentai $9,811 $4,970 $8,000 $8,000 � $8 �00 54502 Cash Over / Short ($7) $3 $0 $0 �'� `$0 54630 Repair & Maintenance - Equipment $38,656 $35,273 $35,000 $35,000 �, .$35tIdQ, 54633 Maintenance Agreements/Contracts $0 $0 $0 $0 '��3: $3,�f1D 54650 Repair & Maintenance - Vehicies $4,156 $3,844 $6,000 $6,000 $5l1�0'. 54660 Repair & Maintenance - Building $7,615 $7,027 $10,000 $10,000 , , $9t�Q0 ' 54682 Repair & Maintenance - Grounds $192,282 $139,228 $150,000 $150,000 ' $1fN7,W0' 54687 Repair & Maintenance - Irrigalion $3,987 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 `513,0(IO ; 54720 Copy Machine Supplies $114 $0 $0 $0 $Q:+ 55110 Office Supplies $498 $0 $0 $0 °�: '$0 55210 Fuel & Oil $16,301 $17,639 $17,850 $17,850 " $17;QOd 55220 Tires 8 Filters $2,923 $1,682 $2,500 $2,500 t $3 OCJQ• 55230 Operating Supplies $3,443 $3,168 $3,000 $3,000 � , �,��,1t�C�; s 55240 Uniforms $2,177 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 . , 5i2��', 55260 Janitorial Supplies $11,338 $11,679 $12.000 $12,000 $if1,AE�0 ' 55270 Small Tools & Equipment $9,431 $11,136 $14,000 $14,000 $'!,1 2AQ.;'. 55285 PooUSpiash Playground Chemicals $0 $0 $0 $0 $�,000 ' 55290 Protective Cbthing $2,457 $1,861 $2,500 $2,500 Yi,80C1 55410 Subsaiptians $0 $0 $0 $0 570p 55411 Dues & Registrations $560 $410 $750 $750 ��� r��70.. 55430 Employee Development $464 $380 $500 $500 °: $$QO Total OpereHng $466,977 $398,799 $439,850 $439,710 �� $�G3$5Q . l�f �i 58125 70109 T/fer to Other (Troiwood Improv) $33 019 $0 $0 $0 '� .$�" Total Transfers $33,019 $0 $0 $0 � ' $CS c��% , � ; 63000 Improvements $0 $0 $10,000 $10,000 .�� ��" �. 64000 Equipment-General $7,457 $46,484 $20,000 $20,000 � °�L) ': 64200 Data Processing Equipment $1,165 $0 $0 $0 , �-ffit3 64400 Machinery $0 $0 $9000 $9,000 ��� $U' Total Capital $8,622 $48,484 $39,000 $39,000 r �T�, , - �� �� TOTALBUDGET $1089159 $928,532 $1,002,950 $1, 004,833 ,'$�257�1.'. � During fiscal year 2008•2009, due to substantial savings to the City, the decision was made to outsource the maintenance of the Neighborhood Parks. Additionally, in fiscal year 2010-20� 1, chemical services were outsourced. Associated Revenue: 70216 Misc Revenue (Hound Ground In prior years, this cost center was in Division 7270 - Hound 369101 Banners) Ground �� � � 'e In prior years, this cost center was in Division 7280 - Splash '"� L. 001-347515 Splash Playground Revenue Playground � $ZQ� ` 112 � CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS Parks & Recreation - Programs - 7240 FISCAL YEAR 2011-2012 BUDGET Original Revised Account FY 08/09 FY 09f10 FY 10H 1 FY 10N 1 FY�1�t1� Number Description of Expenditure Actual Actual Budget Budget '�q4tf "e�_ r � �'� ' � � ; � , , ��,,, s 51210 Regular Salaries $90,160 $92,469 $70,248 $70,248 ��,' $��6 U26 ' 51214 Overtime Salaries 5881 $340 $0 $0 . ' $i,490 ' 52110 F.I.C.A. Taxes-City Portion $6,964 $7,099 $5,411 $5,411 ' �4.437 52310 Health/Life InsurancelDis Ins $5,409 $5,371 $5,729 $5,729 $8;192' 52320 Workers' Comp. lnsurance $2,523 $2,531 $1,495 $1,495 r��r1,807 , 52330 Pension Expense $6 572 $9 457 $9 813 $9,813 .. $S,9JQ ' Total Payroll $112,509 $117,267 $92,696 $92,696 ,$I�a,7�6 53140 Pre-EmploymenUPhysicals $54 $78 $100 $100 ; $160=, 53160 Consulting Services $0 $16,790 $0 $0 ���,: �$Q ; 53186 Outside Services (Janitorial) $0 $0 $500 $500 $ 0 54010 Travel & Per Diem $806 $957 $300 $300 '��� $fi00 54110 Telephone $512 $535 $600 $600 $fiDR' 54310 Utility Services $12,650 $12,065 $13,900 $13,900 $13,400 54410 Equipment Rentai $0 $0 $250 $0 $0° 54630 Repair & Maintenance - Equipment $688 $352 $900 $900 $9U0 54660 Repair & Maintenance - Buiiding $16,425 $5,298 $4,500 $4,500 ' $5;000 ; 54682 Repair & Maintenance - Grounds $0 $0 $500 $0 , �.1,QOQ 54730 PrinUng Expense $6,518 $1,715 $2,000 $2,000 � $�,U00' 54800 Promotional Activities - Programs $7,706 $2,903 $3,250 $3,500 : I �$�;Q,QR,-; 54850 Scholarship Expense $1,310 $15 $1,000 $1,000 ! $2U£1Q , 54880 Summer Camp Program' $30,478 $25,041 $65,000 $65,000 `. $8� 9�1d.`+ 55110 Office Supplies $737 $649 $800 $800 $640,, 55120 Computer / Fax I Printer Expense $177 $0 $200 $200 $264'' 55210 Fuel& Oil $149 $143 $550 $550 , ' ' $550i 55230 Operating Supplies $83 $109 $300 $300 $300 55260 Janitorial Supplies $986 $946 $1,000 $1,000 " ' �1';QC1Q ` 55270 Small Tools & Equipment $1,103 $114 $800 $1,050 $5,000 ; 55278 Software $274 $0 $0 $0 $0' 55410 Subscriptions $10 $70 $100 $100 $'iQ0'. 55411 Dues & Registrations $425 $199 $200 $200 $400 55430 Employee Development $628 $424 $300 $300 .-^ $�'i�9,:, TotalOperating $81,719 $68,373 $97,050 $96,800 $#D2;850,', 58125 Transfer to Other Funds (#118) $0 $0 $0 $250 •, S0; Total Transfers $0 $0 $0 $250 $0' 62000 Buildings $26,285 $0 $0 $0 $Q, 64000 Equipment-General $1,695 $0 $0 $0 ` $0'' 64200 Data Processing Equipment $1 166 $0 $0 $0 , °, ..- $0 ; 7otal Capital $29,146 $0 $0 $0 $0 : =xn ., TOTAL BUDGET $223,374 $185,640 $189,746 $189,746 "� $17$,586 ' Associated Revenue: 001-347202 Summer Camp Program prev #349200 $58,543 $58,157 $65,000 $65,000 ' $f5,i�00 001-347203 Program Fees prev #349300 $4,008 $3,349 $1,500 $1,500 $1,SQ0 ; t Note: Each year, a portion of this line code is moved into the appropriate payroll accounts to account for the camp counselors' payroll. This is the reason for the seemingly large variance between the previous year actuals and the current and prospective year budgets. See the offsetting variance in the payroll accounts. 113 . CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS Parks & Recreation - Seniors - 7250 FISCAL YEAR 2011-2012 BUDGET Beginning with FY 2012, division 7251 - Sr. Ctr. Pool will be assimilated into 7250 - Seniors �� � �� �, ,.. Original Revised Account FY 08109 FY 09/10 FY 10111 FY 10/11 �Y't1/12 Number Descriqtion of Expenditure Actual Actual Budget Budget B.�d9et 51210 RegularSalaries $74,568 $71,296 $76,745 $76,745 �'� $1�0�6$`9' 51214 Overtime Salaries $0 $560 $0 $ �������f��� 52110 F.I.C.A. Taxes-City Portion $5,736 $5,529 $5,908 $5,908 $10,468 52310 Health/Life Insurance/Dis Ins $5,479 $5,421 $5,781 $5,781 = 52320 Workers'Comp.lnsurance $2,147 $1,960 $1,699 $1�699 �4,74�, 52330 PensionExpense $8,208 $11,543 $11,699 $11,699 '$�f1,656 TotalPayroll $96,138 $96,309 $101,832 $101,832 $'�9�4�3' �� '� E� . � � 53140 Pre-EmploymenUPhysicals $� $�$ $� $� ��� 53186 Outside Services (bus) $24,435 $21,872 $25,000 $25,000 � $23,004. 54010 Travel & Per Diem $0 $300 $300 � ,�, $30Q 54110 Telephone $480 $483 $600 $600 ` `': �1,40U 54310 Utility Services $41,664 $42,527 $50,000 $48,000 $55,60Q 54630 Repair & Maintenance - Equipment $1,799 $2,349 $3,000 $3,000 � $�,00(}r.; 54660 Repair & Maintenance - Building $10,142 $5,124 $5,000 $5,000 ° "$9,60Q 54682 Repair & Maintenance - Grounds $2,488 $0 $500 $500 $0 54720 Copy Machine Supplies $0 $246 $300 $300 �$30Q.;. 54730 Printing Expense $364 $0 $0 $0 $30Q 55110 Office Supplies $286 $93 $100 $100 $� 55120 Computer / Fax / Printer Expense $630 $346 $850 $850 �v� �r1;300. ,. 55230 Operating Supplies $184 $93 $400 $342 „ , $50(}�� 55240 Uniforms $0 $0 $0 $0 $Z0 55260 Janitorial Supplies $2,373 $2,830 $3,500 $3,500 �; , $3,,50t1 55270 Small Tools & Equipment $1,742 $1,256 $1,400 $3,400 $3,900 ' 55278 Software $0 $243 $0 $0 $fJ 55285 PooUSplash Playground Chemicals $0 $0 $0 $0 $<1,p�t1 55411 Dues & Registrations $276 $100 $250 $250 �- $1,90t3;� 55430 Employee Development $0 $36 $100 $100 � $1,000 ` Total Operating $86,863 $77,676 $91,300 $91,242 , , Total Transfers $0 $0 $0 $0 � `� ' "�Q'� �.,,', 62000 Buildings $0 $0 $0 $0 $� � 64000 Equipment-General $0 $7,989 $12,500 $12,500 $Q" Total Capitai $0 $7,989 $12,500 $12,500 �- ' �� k TOTAL BUDGET $183 001 $181 974 $205,632_ $205,574 e '�$3QG,2Q3 ' Associated Revenue: 347505 Senior Ctr Annual Registrations $15,040 $13,741 $10,000 $10,000 ��, 2$,1Q,D�Q In prior years, this cost center was in Division 7251 - Therapy Pool $35,OOf}° 347510 Senior Ctr Therapy Pool Memberships - 114 CITY OF WINTER SPRiNGS Parks & Recreation - Community Events - 7260 FISCAL YEAR 2011-2012 BUDGET In FY 2011, a transfer was budgeted in 7200 which establishes a Special Revenue Fund for Community Events #118 ,,:: x- Original Revised � . � Account FY 08/09 FY 09/10 FY 10111 FY 10i11 FY Number Description of Expenditure Actuai Actual Budqet Budget `Bu�gOt ' Totai Payroll $0 $0 $0 $0 ` $0 54800 30107 Promotional - Veterans Day $10,572 $0 $0 $0 �� � ' '� $tl-: 54800 70400 Promotional - Scottish Highland $13,200 $0 $0 $0 " � �0' 54800 90100 Promotional - July 4kh $42,358 $21,514 $0 $0 3�0,' 54800 90200 Promotional - Tree Lighting 2 $9,532 $9,325 $0 $0 , $Q' 54800 90400 Promotional - Parade $1,910 $0 $0 $0 $0 54800 90500 Promotional - Hometown Harvest $6,778 $5,639 $0 $0 . $0' 54800 90800 Promo - Mardi Gras $6 808 $0 $0 $0 $U' ' TotalOperating $91,158 $36,478 $0 $0 S4 TotalTransfers $0 $0 $0 $0 `$0`a Total Capital $0 $0 $0 $0 >"' ;. $(3 ' TOTAL BUDGET $91,158 $36,478 $0 $0 �0 Associated Potential Revenues: 001-347400 Booth Rentals (prev #362100) 90100 July 4th $0 $2,770 $0 $0 �$b,; "' 90200 Tree LightinglParade $0 $1,700 $0 $0 �'°° - �`$Q' 90500 Hometown Harvest $0 $2,225 $0 $0 $0 90600 Dancing Under Stars $0 $0 $0 $0 f $Q , 90700 Festival of the Arts $0 $328 $0 $0 $U Total Booth Rentals 30 57,023 50 SO SO 001-366000 Donations (prev #361200, 366200): 90100 July 4th $0 $12,425 $0 $0 ��, � $U , 90200 Tree Lighting/Parade $0 $2,095 $0 $0 �'� � . $t�.' 90500 Hometown Harvest $3,000 $2,375 $0 $0 - $Q ' 90700 FestivaloftheArts $8,514 $0 $0 $0 � �.$.R"� Total Donations 511,514 b16,895 30 SO �0 ': 116 : CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS Parks & Recreation - Hound Ground - 7270 FISCAL YEAR 2011-2012 BUDGET Beginning with FY 2012, division 7270 - Hound Ground will be assimilated into 7230 - Parks & Grounds Original Revised � Account FY 08/09 FY 09110 FY 10/11 FY 10/11 � 11J1� , Number Description of Expenditure Actual Actual Budget Budget �udge� k-�� ,^ � r � '� 51210 Regular Salaries $9,699 $6,649 $7,871 $7,871 $t}" 3 ;: 51214 Overtime Salaries $0 $0 $394 $394 ' $0 52110 F.I.C.A. Taxes-City Portion $739 $504 $632 $632 ,,�,�� , x �0, 52310 Health/Life Insurance/Dis Ins $1,601 $1,272 $1,687 $1,687 .: $0: 52320 Workers' Comp. Insurance $309 $208 $214 $214 $4' 52330 Pension Expense $1,455 $1,341 $1,859 $1,859 ' �- �` $t�',-. Total Payroll $13,803 $9,974 $12,657 $12,657 '�, �`� n °:$Q,. 53160 Consulting Services $0 $1,870 $0 $0 ? � ��:�`� � �$0�'�'� 53186 Outside Serv-Temp Serv $0 $10,560 $0 $0 ' _-° ' $0; 54310 Utility Services $0 $153 $600 $600 : , $Q' 54410 Equipment Rental $3,899 $853 $1,300 $1,300 $0 54682 Repair & Maintenance - Grounds $0 $6,105 $4,000 $4,000 "`$Q ' 55230 Operating Supplies $805 $1,140 $1,000 $1,000 �4 55260 Janitorial Supplies $400 $400 $500 $500 : $Q. 55270 Small Tools & Equipment $0 $8,139 $500 $500 ' �0',' TotalOperating $5,104 $29,220 $7,900 $7,900' $0; Total Transfers $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 64000 Equipment-General $0 $17,842 $0 $0 � ,, ', $�, ��. 65000 Construction in Progress $0 $55,790 $0 $0 $L� Total Capital $0 $73,632 $0 $0 $0 �� ,'�� �,� . ; �. � _ ,, . TOTAL BUDGET $18,907 $112,826 $20,557 $20,557 , ".$Q' 117